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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)

[Vol-1, Issue-3, Aug- !1"#

ISS$% 3"&-'"&(
Comparison of Various Types of Algorithm for Target Coverage
Problem in Wireless Sensor Network
Rafat Saud Pasha, Ankit Saxena , Jitender Kumar Jindal
AbstractNow a days wireless sensors network is most
commonly used in all the organization for using the
internet and data transfer. A wireless sensors network is
collection of nodes network. Every person wants to
transfer a data of very high speed .There are various type
of algorithms available for providing a fast speed for
data transfer.
Today internet become a wide area and necessity of
communication in which person transfer a small or huge
amount of data from one place to another place for which
they want fast speed of data transfer.
In this paper we firstly cover the concept of target
coverage and define the problem for this after that we
compare the algorithm and technique to solve this
problem. e also give basic concept regarding the
strategy to cover a specific set of targets in wireless
sensor network.
KeywordsTarget coverage problem, Routing
Algorithms, strategy of target coverage, wireless sensor
This paper gives the basic information regarding the
wireless sensor networks as well as the target coverage
problem and the algorithm techniue used to solve that
problem! This paper also compares the various t"pes of
algorithm and techniue to solve target coverage problem!
#ow da"s we have seen tremendous advancement in
wireless sensor networks due to reduction in development
costs and improvisation in hardware manufacturing!
Previousl" in some decades have been marked with rapid
use of wireless sensor networks in various fields! The
wireless sensor networks are now used, other than in
militar" surveillance, in habitat monitoring, seismic
activit" surveillance and are now even used in indoor
applications! These wireless sensors have provided us the
tool to monitor an area of interest remotel"! The wireless
sensor network faces various issues one of which includes
coverage of the given area under limited energ"! This
problem of maximi$ing the network lifetime while
following the coverage and energ" parameters or
constraints is known as the Target %overage Problem in
&ireless Sensor #etworks As the sensor nodes are batter"
driven so the" have limited energ" too and hence the
main challenge becomes maximi$ing the coverage area
and also ensuring a prolonged network lifetime The
following fig is is providing the basic la"out of the
wireless sensor network!
II WI!%&%SS S%NS"! N%TW"!'S
The &ireless sensor network consists of large number of
distributed nodes which are used for monitoring or
surveillance of ph"sical area'()! The information gathered
is rela"ed back to a base station! &ireless sensor network
has man" applications and depending upon the t"pe of its
use, the ualit" of different service! *or one application,
the ualit" of service depends upon how information is
transferred from one node to another while for others the
dela" in transmission has to be minimi$ed! The ualit" of
service parameter is that the target points in the area
under surveillance are to be maximi$ed while taking in
account the limited energ" suppl" of the sensor! +asicall",
it is ensured that ever" sensor monitors at least one target
and that the" operate in covers! ,ach cover is scheduled
to work in turns while other sensors remain in the sleep
mode! Thus when a particular cover runs out of energ",
other cover is activated which monitors the area and
hence the network lifetime is maximi$ed!
The network lifetime is the amount of time each target is
covered b" at least one sensor, obtain data and transmit
them back to the base station! The main concern or the
bottleneck is the limited amount of batter" available since
there are various situations in which the sensors are
deplo"ed in hostile situation where it is ver" difficult to
replace the batter"! The main ob-ective is to maximi$e the
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
[Vol-1, Issue-3, Aug- !1"#
ISS$% 3"&-'"&(
number of targets monitored before the sensors consume
their energ"! Second factor can be assigned to cost which
might not be as great constraint as that of energ"! +ut as
the sensing range increase the number of targets
monitored will also increase
#ow da"s, wireless sensor network are emerging as a
promising and interesting area for communication!
&ireless #etwork consists of a large number of
heterogeneous .homogeneous nodes /usuall" called as
nodes0 which communicates through wireless medium
and works cooperativel" to monitor the environment! The
total number of nodes in a network can var" from
hundreds to thousands! 1enerall" the nodes senses data
from environment and send these data cooperativel" to
the sink.gatewa" node!
III TA!(%T C"V%!A(% P!")&%*
Assume that n sensors s(,s2,3!snare deplo"ed in territor"
to monitor m targets t(,t2,3!tm '2)'4) A target is said to be
covered b" a sensor if it lies within the sensing region of
the sensor! The sensor network lifetime can be extended
b" finding the maximum number of dis-oint sensor covers
or set covers!
5et us set an upper bound p for the number of set6covers
The 7S% problem is formulated as follows!
set of n sensor nodes % 9 :s(,s2,3!sn;
a set of m targets T 9 :t(,t2,3!!tm;
the relation between sensor and targets, that is, for each
sensor which is the set of targets it covers, this is
represented as each element present in % depicted as a
subset of the finite set T!
5et us define
%k 9 :i< sensor si covers target rk;
xi-, boolean variable, for i 9 (!!n and
- 9 (3p> ?i- 9 ( if si sensor is in the set cover S-,
otherwise ?i-9 @!
t- @ A A (, for - 9 (!!p, represents the time
allocated for the set cover S-
The optimi$ation problem can be written as8
Baximi$e8 t( C t2 C 3!! C tp
sub-ect to8
Dn Target %overage Problem, the fixed number of targets
are continuousl" observed b" a number of sensor nodes
with the aim of maximi$ing the lifetime of the network!
Possibl", each target is monitored b" at least one sensor
node as shown in figure!
There are a specific number of targets which are to be
covered b" a set of sensor nodes! After getting deplo"ed,
the sensor nodes start the task of monitoring the said
targets! Since sensor nodes are provided with onl" some
limited resources and canEt withstand extreme
environmental conditions, the" are deplo"ed in large
number much more than actual reuirements! &hile
covering the targets, several issues like maximisation of
network lifetime, minimum participation of sensor nodes,
minimum consumption of energ", etc must be taken into
consideration in order to achieve much efficient target
IV #IS+"INT S%T C"V%!S P!")&%*
1iven a collection of S subsets of finite set T, *ind the
maximum numbers of dis-oint target covers for T'F)!
,ver" cover %i is a subst of S, %i and %i S, uch that
ever" element of T belongs to at least one member of %i ,
and for an" twoo covers %- , %i %- 9 !
5et T be the set of the targets, t(,t2,3!, tm, sensor si can be
represented b" a subset, denoted as Si , of T where t- Si
if and onl" if t- lies within the sensing region of sensors si!
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
[Vol-1, Issue-3, Aug- !1"#
ISS$% 3"&-'"&(
+ipartite 1raph 1 based on &S# 5ink between si and ti
means ti lies within the sensing region of si!
Dn *igure s(, s2, sF, s4 and sG as five sensors, and t(,t2,tF
and t4 as four targets are depicted
Dn this S(9:t(;, S29:t(,t2;,SF9/t2,tF,t4;,S49:tF;, and
SG9:t4;!Two dis-oint covers are %(9:S(,S2; and
%omputing maximum dis-oint set cover is #P6%omplete
problem! Dn which the aims is to find the near optimal
solution to the problem! The maximum dis-oint set cover
approach ensures that all the targets in the given area are
monitored all the time and each cover gets to monitor
those targets! The covers are active for a discrete time
uantum after which the next cover becomes active and
the previous one goes into sleep mode! Alternating
between sleep mode and active mode ensure that the
energ" of the sensors is used -udiciousl" and thus the
network lifetime is maximi$ed!
V (!%%#, A&("!IT-* )AS%#
The 1reed" Heuristics discussed here takes three
parameters 6the set of covers, 6the number of targets, and
6the number of sensors and returns i the number of
dis-oint cover sets %(,%2,3!%i formed!
Greedy-M! "euristic #!, T, $
!" set lifetime of each sensor to !
#" $EN$%&$ ' (
)" i ' *
+" while each target is covered by at least one sensor in
$EN$%&$ do
," - a new set cover (i will be formed -
." i ' i / !
0" (i '
1" TA&2ET$ ' T
3" while TA&2ET$ ' do
!*" - more targets have to be covered -
!!" find a critical target tcrit TA&2ET$
!#" select a sensor su $EN$%&$ with greatest
contribution4 that covers tcrit
!)" (i ' (i su
!+" for all targets tk TA&2ET$ do
!," if tk is covered by su then
!." TA&2ET$ ' TA&2ET$ 5 rk
!0" end if
!1" end for
!3" end while
#*" for all sensors s6 (i do
#!" $EN$%&$ ' $EN$%&$ 7 s6
##" end if
#)" end for
#+ " end while
#," return i7number of set covers and the set covers (!4
(#4 ...4 (i
Sationar" network spanning an area of G@@m b" G@@m
with a fixed number of targets and sensors randoml"
deplo"ed around the targets is simulated! The main
ob-ective is to stud" increase in number of cover sets as
sensing radius and number of sensors increase! Bore the
no of cover sets found, more is network lifetime!
Simulation /. A01usting the Sensing !a0ius
Dn the first simulation, I@ sensors and (@ targets are
deplo"ed and the sensing radius of each sensor is
increased from (@@ to F@@ b" (@ for observing
performance of given algorithms!

#o! of %overs with Sensing Range
Simulation 2. Controlling the number of Sensors
Dn the second simulation, the sensing radius is fixed at
22@ and sensors are randoml" deplo"ed from I@ to (4@
increasing b" G to cover (@ targets!
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
[Vol-1, Issue-3, Aug- !1"#
ISS$% 3"&-'"&(
1reed" Algorithm based heuristic, 'F) approach finds
the cover sets to maximi$e the network lifetime of a &S#
in pol"nomial time, its performance is ver" sensitive to
how close an initial candidate is to an optimal solution!
Thus, the approach can lead to a local maximum solution
due to its heuristic search! Dn the next Simulation, a
1enetic Algorithm based approach to solve B7S%
problem is discussed to find the optimal solution b"
evolutionar" global search! Dn this work, the 1reed"
Algorithm based approach is used as a baseline for
Dn this paper we define the target coverage problem and
the algorithm or techniue used to solve the problem!in
this we define the genetic algorithm concept and greed"
'() J! Jick, +! Bukher-ee, 7! 1hoshal K&ireless sensor
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'2) B! %ardei, B" T! Thai, J! 5i, &! &u K,nerg"6,fficient
Target %overage in &ireless Sensor #etworksL,
D#*N%NBE@G, D,,, press, 2@@G
'F) R! 5! Haupt, S! ,! Haupt, KPractical genetic AlgorithmL,
2nd edn!, &ile" Press
'4) %hinmo" +haradwa- , 7r! Santosh Kumar Swain , Amlan
J"oti +aruah KAn approach for solving target coverage
problem in wireless sensor networkL, DJ%S,T, =ol! 4 #o!
@4 Apr 2@(F
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