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What vegetable is more synonymous with the coming of summer than freshly picked
corn on the cob? Although corn is now available in markets year-round, it is the locally
grown varieties that you can purchase during the summer months that not only tastes the
best but are usually the least expensive.
Corn grows in "ears," each of which is covered in rows of kernels that are then protected by the
silk-like threads called "corn silk" and encased in a husk. Corn is known scientifically as Zea
mays. This moniker reflects its traditional name, maize, by which it was known to the Native
Americans as well as many other cultures throughout the world.

This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Corn provides for each of the nutrients
of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System.
Additional information about the amount of these nutrients provided by Corn can be found in the
Food Rating System Chart. A link that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Corn,
featuring information over 80 nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating System Chart.
Health Benefits
How to Select and Store
How to Enjoy
Individual Concerns
Nutritional Profile
Health Benefits
Hot, fresh corn-on-the-cob is an almost essential part of any summertime party. Fortunately, it is
also worthy part of any healthful menu. Our food ranking system qualified corn as a good source
of many nutrients including thiamin (vitamin B1), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), folate, dietary
fiber, vitamin C, phosphorus and manganese.
Corn for Cardiovascular Health
Corn's contribution to heart health lies not just in its fiber, but in the significant amounts of folate
that corn supplies.
Folate, which you may know about as a B-vitamin needed to prevent birth defects, also helps to
lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is an intermediate product in an important
metabolic process called the methylation cycle. Homocysteine can directly damage blood
vessels, so elevated blood levels of this dangerous molecule are an independent risk factor for
heart attack, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease, and are found in between 20-40% of patients
with heart disease. It has been estimated that consumption of 100% of the daily value (DV) of
folate would, by itself, reduce the number of heart attacks suffered by Americans each year by
10%. Folate-rich diets are also associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. A cup of corn
supplies 19.0% of the DV for folate
Supports Lung Health
Consuming foods rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, an orange-red carotenoid found in highest amounts
in corn, pumpkin, papaya, red bell peppers, tangerines, oranges and peaches, may significantly
lower one's risk of developing lung cancer. A study published in Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers and Prevention reviewed dietary and lifestyle data collected from over 63,000 adults
in Shanghai, China, who were followed for 8 years. Those eating the most crytpoxanthin-rich
foods showed a 27% reduction in lung cancer risk. When current smokers were evaluated, those
who were also in the group consuming the most cryptoxanthin-rich foods were found to have a
37% lower risk of lung cancer compared to smokers who ate the least of these health-protective
Maintain Your Memory with Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
Corn is a good source of thiamin, providing about one-quarter (24.0%) of the daily value for this
nutrient in a single cup. Thiamin is an integral participant in enzymatic reactions central to
energy production and is also critical for brain cell/cognitive function. This is because thiamin is
needed for the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter essential for memory, whose lack
has been found to be a significant contributing factor in age-related impairment in mental
function (senility) and Alzheimer's disease. In fact, Alzheimer's disease is clinically
characterized by a decrease in acetylcholine levels. Don't forget to make corn a staple in your
healthy diet.
Support for Energy Production, Even Under Stress
In addition to its thiamin, corn is a good source of pantothenic acid. This B vitamin is necessary
for carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. Pantothenic acid is an especially valuable B-
vitamin when you're under stress since it supports the function of the adrenal glands. A cup of
corn supplies 14.4% of the daily value for pantothenic acid.
Health-Promoting Activity Equal to or Even Higher than that of
Vegetables and Fruits
Research reported at the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) International
Conference on Food, Nutrition and Cancer, by Rui Hai Liu, M.D., Ph.D., and his colleagues at
Cornell University shows that whole grains, such as corn, contain many powerful phytonutrients
whose activity has gone unrecognized because research methods have overlooked them.
Despite the fact that for years researchers have been measuring the antioxidant power of a wide
array of phytonutrients, they have typically measured only the "free" forms of these substances,
which dissolve quickly and are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. They have not
looked at the "bound" forms, which are attached to the walls of plant cells and must be released
by intestinal bacteria during digestion before they can be absorbed.
Phenolics, powerful antioxidants that work in multiple ways to prevent disease, are one major
class of phytonutrients that have been widely studied. Included in this broad category are such
compounds as quercetin, curcumin, ellagic acid, catechins, and many others that appear
frequently in the health news.
When Dr. Liu and his colleagues measured the relative amounts of phenolics, and whether they
were present in bound or free form, in common fruits and vegetables like apples, red grapes,
broccoli and spinach, they found that phenolics in the "free" form averaged 76% of the total
number of phenolics in these foods. In whole grains, however, "free" phenolics accounted for
less than 1% of the total, while the remaining 99% were in "bound" form.
In his presentation, Dr. Liu explained that because researchers have examined whole grains with
the same process used to measure antioxidants in vegetables and fruits-looking for their content
of "free" phenolics"-the amount and activity of antioxidants in whole grains has been vastly
Despite the differences in fruits', vegetables' and whole grains' content of "free" and "bound"
phenolics, the total antioxidant activity in all three types of whole foods is similar, according to
Dr. Liu's research. His team measured the antioxidant activity of various foods, assigning each a
rating based on a formula (micromoles of vitamin C equivalent per gram). Broccoli and spinach
measured 80 and 81, respectively; apple and banana measured 98 and 65; and of the whole
grains tested, corn measured 181, whole wheat 77, oats 75, and brown rice 56.
Dr. Liu's findings may help explain why studies have shown that populations eating diets high in
fiber-rich whole grains consistently have lower risk for colon cancer, yet short-term clinical
trials that have focused on fiber alone in lowering colon cancer risk, often to the point of giving
subjects isolated fiber supplements, yield inconsistent results. The explanation is most likely that
these studies have not taken into account the interactive effects of all the nutrients in whole
grains-not just their fiber, but also their many phytonutrients. As far as whole grains are
concerned, Dr. Liu believes that the key to their powerful cancer-fighting potential is precisely
their wholeness. A grain of whole wheat consists of three parts-its endosperm (starch), bran and
germ. When wheat-or any whole grain-is refined, its bran and germ are removed. Although these
two parts make up only 15-17% of the grain's weight, they contain 83% of its phenolics. Dr. Liu
says his recent findings on the antioxidant content of whole grains reinforce the message that a
variety of foods should be eaten good health. "Different plant foods have different
phytochemicals," he said. "These substances go to different organs, tissues and cells, where they
perform different functions. What your body needs to ward off disease is this synergistic effect -
this teamwork - that is produced by eating a wide variety of plant foods, including whole grains."
Corn is an icon of American culture. Not only does it represent Native American traditions and
serve as a symbol of both summertime BBQ fun and a night out at the movies, but corn, in the
form of corn syrup, is also an added ingredient in many other foods that we consume in our daily
Although we often associate corn with the color yellow, it actually comes in host of different
varieties featuring an array of different colors, such as red, pink, black, and blue. Corn grows in
"ears," each of which is covered in rows of kernels that are then protected by the silk-like threads
called "corn silk" and encased in a husk.
Corn is known scientifically as Zea mays. This moniker reflect its traditional name, maize, by
which it is known throughout many areas of the world.
An important food plant that is native to America, corn is thought to have originated in either
Mexico or Central America. It has been a staple food in native civilizations since primitive times
with some of the earliest traces of meal made from corn dating back about 7,000 years.
Corn has played and still continues to play a vital role in Native American cultures. It has been
greatly honored for its ability to provide not only sustenance as food but shelter, fuel, decoration
and more. Because of the vital role that corn played in the livelihood of many native cultures, it
has been one of the important icons represented in the mythological traditions of the Mayan,
Aztec and Incan civilizations.
Traditional dishes made with corn often included a small amount of lime-not the fruit, but
calcium oxide, the mineral complex that can be made by burning limestone. Limestone is a
sedimentary rock that is composed of calcium carbonate and occurs naturally across the United
States. This lime added to a cornmeal was generally obtained from the fire ash because a small
amount of lime is produced simply from the burning of wood into ash. The reason for this
process was simple: people seemed healthier when the pot ash was added. Now we know why.
The niacin (vitamin B3) in corn is not readily available for absorption into the body, and lime
helps free this B vitamin, making it available for absorption.
When Christopher Columbus and other explorers came to the New World, they found corn
growing throughout the Americas, from Chile to Canada. It was consumed both as a vegetable
and as a grain in the form of cornmeal seasoned and eaten as an accompaniment to vegetables,
fish or meat. The corn that was prized was not just limited to the yellow and white kernel
varieties that we know, but many other more popular varieties that featured kernels of red, blue,
pink and black and were not only solidly colored, but spotted or striped.
Corn was brought back to Europe by Spanish and Portuguese explorers who later introduced it
throughout the world. However, many of the European explorers coming over to North America
ignored Native American traditions-including the pot ash tradition-and later fell victim to the
vitmamin B3 deficiency disease called pellagra. Today, the largest commercial producers of
corn include the United States, China, Brazil, Mexico and the Russian Federation.
How to Select and Store
Since heat rapidly converts the sugar in corn to starch, it is very important to choose corn that is
displayed in a cool place. If shopping for corn in the supermarket, make sure it is refrigerated. If
purchasing corn at a farmer's market or roadside stand, make sure that if the corn is not
refrigerated, it has at least been kept in the shade, out of direct sunlight.
Look for corn whose husks are fresh and green and not dried out. They should envelope the ear
and not fit too loosely around it. To examine the kernels, pull back part of the husk. The kernels
should be plump and tightly arranged in rows. You can test for the juiciness of the corn by
taking your fingernail and pressing on a kernel. Corn that is fresh will exude a white milky
To enjoy corn's maximum flavor, purchase it on the day you are going to cook it since corn has a
tendency to lose its flavor relatively rapidly. Store corn in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Do
not remove its husk since this will protect its flavor. To enjoy its optimal sweetness, corn should
be eaten as soon as possible.
Fresh corn freezes well if placed in heavy-duty freezer bags. To prepare whole ears for freezing,
blanch them first for seven to eleven minutes depending upon their size (larger ears take a longer
time to blanch than smaller ones). If you just want to freeze the kernels, first blanch the ears for
about five minutes and then cut the kernels off the cob at about three-quarters of their depths.
Whole corn on the cob will keep for up to one year, while the kernels can be frozen for two to
three months.
If you're watching your weight or your blood sugar levels, choose blue corn chips and tortillas.
Corn comes in a rainbow of colors, including violet, blue, and black. Darker varieties contain
greater quantities of antioxidant pigments called anthocyanins. Blue corn tortillas contain about
20% more protein and 8% less starch giving them a lower glycemic index than the more
common version made with white corn; plus blue corn tortillas have a softer texture and sweeter
flavor than those made with white corn, reports Dr. Luis Bello-Perez in the Journal of the
Science of Food and Agriculture. Hernndez-Uribe JP, Agama-Acevedo E, et al. J Sci Food
Agric Epub 2007 July.
How to Enjoy
For some of our favorite recipes, click Recipes.
Tips for Preparing Corn:
Corn can be cooked either with or without its husk in a variety of different ways. If using the wet
heat methods of boiling or steaming, make sure not to add salt or overcook as the corn will tend
to become hard and lose its flavor. Or, they can be broiled in the husk. If broiling, first soak the
corn in the husk ahead.
When purchasing corn tortillas, purchase those that include lime (the mineral complex calcium
oxide, not the fruit juice) in their ingredient list. The addition of lime to the corn meal helps
make the niacin (vitamin B3) in the tortilla more available for absorption.
A Few Quick Serving Ideas:
Eat corn on the cob either just as is or seasoned with a little organic butter, olive oil or flaxseed
oil, salt and pepper, nutritional yeast or any other herbs or spices you enjoy.
Healthy saut cooked corn with green chilis and onions. Served hot, this makes a wonderful side
Enjoy a cold salad with an ancient Incan influence by combining cooked corn kernels, quinoa,
tomatoes, green peppers and red kidney beans.
Use polenta (a type of cornmeal) as a pizza crust for a healthy pizza.
Add corn kernels and diced tomatoes to guacamole to give it extra zing.
Adding corn to soup, whether it chili or chowder, enhances the soup's hardiness, let alone its
nutritional profile.
Individual Concerns
Allergic Reactions to Corn
Although allergic reactions can occur to virtually any food, research studies on food allergy
consistently report more problems with some foods than with others. It turns out that corn is one
of the foods most commonly associated with allergic reactions. Other foods commonly
associated with allergic reactions include: spinach, wheat, soy, shrimp, oranges, eggs, chicken,
strawberries, tomato, peanuts, pork, cow's milk and beef. These foods do not need to be eaten in
their pure, isolated form in order to trigger an adverse reaction. For example, individuals who are
allergic to corn may also need to avoid all products that contain corn syrup or other products
derived from corn.
Some of the most common symptoms for food allergies include eczema, hives, skin rash,
headache, runny nose, itchy eyes, wheezing, gastrointestinal disturbances, depression,
hyperactivity and insomnia. Individuals who suspect food allergy to be an underlying factor in
their health problems may want to avoid commonly allergenic foods.
Nutritional Profile
Corn is a good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B5, folate, dietary fiber, vitamin C, phosphorus
and manganese.
For an in-depth nutritional profile click here: Corn.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile
In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an in-depth nutritional profile for
Corn is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including
carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino
acids and more.
Introduction to Food Rating System Chart
In order to better help you identify foods that feature a high concentration of nutrients for the
calories they contain, we created a Food Rating System. This system allows us to highlight the
foods that are especially rich in particular nutrients. The following chart shows the nutrients for
which this food is either an excellent, very good, or good source (below the chart you will find a
table that explains these qualifications). If a nutrient is not listed in the chart, it does not
necessarily mean that the food doesn't contain it. It simply means that the nutrient is not
provided in a sufficient amount or concentration to meet our rating criteria. (To view this food's
in-depth nutritional profile that includes values for dozens of nutrients - not just the ones rated as
excellent, very good, or good - please use the link below the chart.) To read this chart accurately,
you'll need to glance up in the top left corner where you will find the name of the food and the
serving size we used to calculate the food's nutrient composition. This serving size will tell you
how much of the food you need to eat to obtain the amount of nutrients found in the chart. Now,
returning to the chart itself, you can look next to the nutrient name in order to find the nutrient
amount it offers, the percent Daily Value (DV%) that this amount represents, the nutrient density
that we calculated for this food and nutrient, and the rating we established in our rating system.
For most of our nutrient ratings, we adopted the government standards for food labeling that are
found in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's "Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling."
Read more background information and details of our rating system.
Corn, yellow, cooked
1.00 cup
164.00 grams
177.12 calories
Nutrient Amount
Foods Rating
vitamin B1 (thiamin) 0.36 mg 24.0 2.4 good
folate 76.10 mcg 19.0 1.9 good
dietary fiber 4.60 g 18.4 1.9 good
vitamin C 10.16 mg 16.9 1.7 good
16.9 1.7 good
manganese 0.32 mg 16.0 1.6 good
vitamin B5 (pantothenic
1.44 mg 14.4 1.5 good
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating Rule
excellent DV>=75% OR Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10%
very good DV>=50% OR Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5%
good DV>=25% OR Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5%
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Corn
Bazzano LA, He J, Odgen LG et al. Dietary intake of folate and risk of
stroke in US men and women:NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study.
Stroke 2002 May;33(5):1183-9 2002.
Ensminger AH, Ensminger, ME, Kondale JE, Robson JRK. Foods & Nutriton
Encyclopedia. Pegus Press, Clovis, California 1983.
Ensminger AH, Esminger M. K. J. e. al. Food for Health: A Nutrition
Encyclopedia. Clovis, California: Pegus Press; 1986 1986. PMID:15210.
Fortin, Francois, Editorial Director. The Visual Foods Encyclopedia.
Macmillan, New York 1996.
Hernndez-Uribe JP, Agama-Acevedo E, et al. Chemical composition and
and in vitro starch digestibility of pigmented corn tortilla. J Sci Food Agric
Epub 2007 July. 2007.
Liu RH. New finding may be key to ending confusion over link between
fiber, colon cancer. American Institute for Cancer Research Press Release,
November 3, 2004. 2004.
Wood, Rebecca. The Whole Foods Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Prentice-
Hall Press; 1988 1988. PMID:15220.
Yuan JM, Stram DO, Arakawa K, Lee HP, Yu MC. Dietary cryptoxanthin and
reduced risk of lung cancer: the Singapore Chinese Health Study. Cancer
Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2003 Sep;12(9):890-8. 2003.

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