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Matthew Rodenberg

Gary Histand
January 6, 2014
Quantum Photovoltaics
Many humans use electricity in almost every part of their life. This electricity can be created
using many different methods. Unfortunately, the most popular methods arent renewable and also create
pollution. There are some renewable, environmentally friendly methods to create electricity, but
inefficiency and costliness hurts their popularity. One of these methods is solar cells. While they are very
expensive to buy and dont create enough electricity to make it worth the cost, there is an emerging
technology that could potentially make solar panels the energy choice for the future.
This new technology, is called quantum photovoltaics, also known as a quantum dot solar cell.
This technology is similar to the current solar cells we use today, but uses different materials. Solar cells
today use silicon to convert light energy to electricity, but the new technology uses things called quantum
dots to do the same process.
Converting light from the sun to electricity is much less complicated than it seems. When photons
of light hit the solar panel, the valence electrons become excited and jump around, leaving a hole where
the two electrons from bonded atoms were bonded. This hole creates a pull of electrons to fill it, creating
a cycle. Its a little more complicated than that, but thats the main idea.
What makes current solar cell technology different from quantum dot solar cells is that instead of
silicon as the active material, scientist create what could be considered synthetic atoms. The reason for
this is that with silicon atoms, the electrons become too excited and create thermal heat, which is released
too quickly before the electricity can be obtained. With quantum dots, the atoms are created so that the
electrons dont cool as fast, therefore raising its efficiency.
While there are many emerging technologies that create energy, quantum dot solar cells are what
the world should be leaning towards. One reason, is that this technology creates absolutely no waste
product. Unlike other new energy sources, there is zero waste.
Also, this technology requires very little maintenance. Once the solar panel is set up, it will last
for years to come without any hassle. All people need to do is keep them clean and let the sunlight reach
to the surface.
Last, is that these new solar panels are highly efficient. Quantum dot solar cells have a theoretical
efficiency of over 60%, compared to about 30% in todays solar cell technology.
The earth is in need of a self sustaining, clean energy. Quantum photovoltaics is exactly what we
need. Using sunlight to excite electrons in a material, these solar cells convert sunlight into electricity.
These solar cells are very efficient, easily maintained, and creates no waste, which makes this technology
the best option for the future.

Editors of Scientific American, ed. The Future of Energy: Earth, Wind, and Fire. New York:
Scientific American, 2013. Ebook
Shockley, William; Queisser, Hans J. (1961). "Detailed Balance Limit of Efficiency of p-n
Junction Solar Cells".Journal of Applied Physics 32: 510.
Toothman, Jessika. "HowStuffWorks "Learn How Everything Works!"" HowStuffWorks.
Howstuffworks Inc., n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2014.
Berezow, Alex. "Will Quantum Dots Revolutionize Solar Power." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 10
Aug. 2013. Web. 04 Jan. 2014

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