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Policy Statement & Objective

Thi !olicy enco"#a$e it em!loyee to ta%e b#ea% &#om 'o#%( a thi
!#ovi)e &o# a healthy an) e*cient ta+, -he#eve# !oible( leave
ho"l) be ta%en at the m"t"al convenience o& the Com!any an) the
em!loyee, The leave !olicy et o"t the va#io" ty!e o& leave that an
em!loyee i eli$ible &o# an) o"tline the $"i)eline &o# ta%in$ leave,
All planned leave will be taken at a mutually agreed time and will take into
account workload requirements and an employees individual needs.
Probationary employees are eligible for ca"al leave only.
Leave year is from 1
June to 31
ay .
!ligible leave "sick leave and casual leave# is credited to t$e employees on
t$e 1
of January every year.
%$en leave is taken wit$out prior sanction "under certain unavoidable
circumstances#& t$e absence s$ould be noti'ed to t$e respective superiors on
t$e same day eit$er t$roug$ p$one(email.
A leave form s$ould be completed& signed by t$e employees superior for
sanctioning. )$is advance notice allows t$e appropriate
superiors(supervisor"s# time to resc$edule work& pro*ects& meetings& etc.& as
A sta+ on leave s$ould not take up any service or employment elsew$ere
wit$out obtaining prior sanction of t$e competent aut$ority.
As it is necessary to get prior approval for leave& so it is also for e,tension of
leave. )$e employee $as to apply to $is($er department $ead for e,tension of
leave in advance and get it sanctioned to avail t$em. -n case an employee
1 1 P a g e . o n ' d e n t i a l /e r s i o n 0 1
overstays t$e unsanctioned leave availed will be treated as absence from
)$e following kinds of leave s$all be admissible to t$e members of t$e sta+ of
t$is .ompany.
234 Ca"al leave 2CL45 6 )ay,
274 Sic% leave 2SL45 6 )ay,
284 P#ivile$e leave5 39 )ay,
2:4 ;ate#nity leave5 <9 )ay,
DE0INITION5 -t is a type of paid leave& w$ic$ is granted w$en an employee $as
to attend to personal matters or unforeseen contingencies.
All permanent sta+ as well as employees on probation is eligible for t$is
.asual leave is calculated for a period of one year "January to 1ecember#.
2 days of casual Leave in a calendar year.
.L up to a ma,imum of 3 days in a row can be taken4 but it is up to t$e
anagements discretion to sanction more t$an 3 days of .L at a stretc$.
5alf day of .L can be taken as needed.
%ill be taken wit$ prior permission& e,cept in emergency.
Accumulation(carry forward(encas$ment of t$is leave is not permissible.
3 1 P a g e . o n ' d e n t i a l /e r s i o n 0 1
3 1 P a g e . o n ' d e n t i a l /e r s i o n 0 1
DE0INITION5 -t is a type of paid leave& w$ic$ is granted w$en an employee is
unable to perform $is($er duties on account of sickness or in*ury.
All permanent sta+.
6ick leave is calculated for a period of one year "January to 1ecember#.
2 days of sick Leave in a calendar year.
6L can be taken at a stretc$.
6ick leave is availed only for medical($ealt$ reasons.
!mployee wit$ at least 13 mont$s of continuous service is entitled to sick
-f a person is sick& t$e absence s$ould be noti'ed to t$e respective superior
on t$e same day eit$er t$roug$ p$one(email.
ore t$an 3 days of sick Leave will require a medical certi'cate from a
quali'ed registered medical practitioner.
Accumulation(carry forward(encas$ment of t$is leave is not permissible.

7 1 P a g e . o n ' d e n t i a l /e r s i o n 0 1
DE0INITION5 )$is $as been designed to give you vacation periods for rest and
rela,ation and to provide time o+ for your personal needs.
All permanent employees are eligible for t$is leave.
Privilege leave is calculated for a period of one year "January to 1ecember#.
At t$e end of t$e employee8s 'rst year as a full0time employee& an employee
is entitled to 19 days of PL.
inimum of 3 days and a ma,imum of : days in a row can be taken4
!mployee wit$ at least 13 mont$s of continuous service is entitled to
privilege leave.
6$ould be taken wit$ prior permission&
All vacation related requests under PL are sub*ect to t$e sanctioning
aut$oritys approval.
!mployees s$ould directly communicate t$e dates of long leave "in case of
vacation# to co0workers to ensure no delay or $alt of assigned task.
Accumulation(carry forward(encas$ment of t$is leave is not permissible.
)$is can be granted twice during t$e employees period of service wit$ t$e
aternity leave can be taken at a stretc$ for ;9 days in case of pregnancy.
: 1 P a g e . o n ' d e n t i a l /e r s i o n 0 1
aternity leave can be taken at a stretc$ for 39 days in case of
)$e sta+ member may utili<e $er ot$er leave balance in order to e,tend t$e
duration of leave& if required.
%omen employees wit$ at least 13 mont$s of continuous service are entitled
to maternity leave.
Applications for maternity leave "in case of pregnancy# s$ould include
personal details& a medical certi'cate detailing t$e e,pected date of
con'nement or birt$& proposed commencement date and duration of leave.
=o credit(encas$ment of t$is leave is permissible.-n t$e conte,t of abortion&
t$is leave is admissible irrespective of number of surviving c$ildren.
Application for leave s$ould be supported by a certi'cate from a registered
medical practitioner.
-f an employee is required to work on any important assignment on a
=ational(>estival(1eclared(weekly o+ days& $e(s$e is eligible for
compensatory o+ on any ot$er working day.
?@cial approval is required from t$e department $ead(management to work
on suc$ =ational(>estival(1eclared(weekly o+ days.
=o compensatory o+s will be entertained w$en worked on t$ese days
wit$out proper approval.
)$e compensatory o+ $as to be availed wit$in a period of one mont$ from
t$e date worked.
.ompensatory o+ w$en not availed wit$in t$e stipulated time period will
?nly two days of compensatory o+s can be combined and availed at a
A 1 P a g e . o n ' d e n t i a l /e r s i o n 0 1
)$ese leaves are granted only if t$e person come on work during t$e
Permission of 1 $our can be availed twice in a mont$ w$ic$ s$ould be noti'ed to
t$e leave sanctioning aut$ority.
2 1 P a g e . o n ' d e n t i a l /e r s i o n 0 1

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