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Bible Study Lessons eCourse

Bible Study Lessons eCourse Part #1 Index {8 lessons: 200 points}

Lesson #1 {25 points}
Can This World Depend On God's Word When !erythin" #as $ailed% Lesson Quiz
Lesson #2 {25 points}
#o& To Study The Bible%
Lesson Quiz (offline/online)
Lesson #3 {25 points}
#o& To 'e(ei!e )ns&ers To Prayer% Lesson Quiz
Lesson #4 {25 points}
#o& *any Gods )re In #ea!en% Lesson Quiz
Lesson #5 {25 points}
God's Greatest Gi+t $or This World Lesson Quiz
Lesson #6 {25 points}
,esus Is Co-in" )"ain Lesson Quiz
Lesson #7 {25 points}
Si"ns That #is Co-in" Is .ear Lesson Quiz
Lesson #8 {25 points}
) 'ebel /isits Planet arth Lesson Quiz
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
10 Can This World Depend On God's Word When !erythin" #as $ailed%
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Quiz
1o2ine 3online 4
The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Cli(5 here to
access the KJV online.
+(n t,e $nn$ls of ,u-$n ,isto%#. t,e /%o0t, of n$tions. t,e %ise $n" f$ll of e-pi%es. $ppe$% $s if
"epen"ent on t,e 0ill $n" p%o0ess of -$n1 t,e s,$pin/ of e2ents see-s. to $ /%e$t "e/%ee. to e
"ete%-ine" # ,is po0e%. $-ition. o% 3$p%i3e4 But in t,e 0o%" of &o" t,e 3u%t$in is "%$0n $si"e. $n"
0e e,ol". $o2e. e,in". $n" t,%ou/, $ll t,e pl$# $n" 3ounte%pl$# of ,u-$n inte%est $n" po0e% $n"
p$ssions. t,e $/en3ies of t,e 5ll6-e%3iful 7ne. silentl#. p$tientl# 0o%8in/ out t,e 3ounsels of 9is
o0n 0ill4: ;llen <,ite. Prophets and Kings. p$/e 4==4
(s t,e Bile pe%fe3t> *,e -ess$/es of t,e Bile $%e pe%fe3t4 *,e t%$nsl$tions of t,e Bile $%e not
pe%fe3t ut t,$t "oes not -$8e t,e Bile in e%%o%4
*,e Bile 3ont$ins -$n# $pp$%ent -ist$8es $n" in3onsisten3ies4 9o0e2e%. t,e Bile %e2e$ls ?ust t,e
!$2io% e2e%# ,u-$n ,e$%t nee"s4 9o0 3$n $n uninspi%e" oo8 3ont$in $ll t,e p%in3iples so pe%fe3tl#
$"$pte" to t,e 0$nts $n" "esi%e of $ f$llen 0o%l">
*,e follo0in/ $%e se2en %e$sons 0,# 0e elie2e t,e Bile is t%ue $n" is t,e onl# sou%3e of t%ut,:
10 Evidence of Internal Consistency. The Bible (onsists o+ di6erent 77 boo5s
&ritten by 89 di6erent authors o!er a period o+ about 1:;<< years on three
di6erent (ontinents0 Probably the -ost (ontro!ersial and !olatile sub=e(t in all
hu-an history is >Is there a God? Let?s (hoose another sub=e(t not nearly as
(ontro!ersial: +or exa-ple: +ood0 .o& sele(t 89 di6erent authors +ro- the @S to
(o-pile their thou"hts and ideas about +ood0 Do you thin5 i+ &e (o-piled all their
&ritin"s to"ether &e &ould be in har-ony% One author -ay say the best +ood is
ra& -eat: the other "reen lea+y !e"etables: the other +ruits0 I+ there isn?t
har-ony bet&een 89 (onte-porary authors &ho all (o-e
A0 +ro- the sa-e ba(5"round to a"ree on so-ethin" as si-ple as +ood doesn?t it
stri5e you as in(redible that 89 di6erent authors o!er a period spannin" o+ 1:;<<
years on 8 (ontinents +ro- a -yriad o+ (ultures +ro- !arious di6erent so(ialB
e(ono-i( ba(5"rounds (ould &rite on the -ost (ontro!ersial sub=e(t in history
and they (ould be in har-ony0
80 Evidence of History. )ll true and "enuine history (onCr-s and (orroborates the
Bible re(ord0
D0 Testimony of Archeology. @S .e&s stated that there has ne!er been a sin"le
e!iden(e o+ ar(heolo"y in history that has (ontradi(ted &hat the Bible said0
;0 Testimony of cience. )ll true s(ien(e a"rees &ith the Bible0 In +a(t -any o+
the "reat s(ientists o+ history ha!e been Bible belie!in" Christians 1.e&ton:
instein: Eepler: Coperni(us: Galileo: Sir $ran(is Ba(on: Gre"or *endel: Willia-
Tho-son Eel!in: to na-e a +e&40 There is no (ontradi(tion bet&een true s(ien(e
and the Bible0
70 Testimony of !elevancy. The Bible be"an 1;<< BC0 When people pi(5 up this
boo5 in sear(h o+ the truth they Cnd &hat they are loo5in" +or0 )ll their needs are
-et0 The Bible &as rele!ant in the ti-e o+ *oses: it &as rele!ant in the ti-e o+
,esus and it is =ust as rele!ant to today0 It is in(redible that a boo5 (ould spea5 so
eloFuently to a -odern "eneration0
90 The Testimony of a Changed "ife. )ny Christian that you -eet that has
surrendered their li+e to ,esus &ill tell you that their li+e has (han"ed &hen they
be"an to read the Bible0 The drun5ard -an &ill be(o-e sober -an: the thie+
be(o-es an honest -an0 The Bible has the po&er to (han"e the li+e and heart o+
G0 The testimony of #ro#hecy. Prophe(y is the predi(tion o+ +uture e!entsH a
+ore(ast0 To +ore(ast the +uture reliably you &ould ha!e to 5no& &hat &ill happen
be+ore it happens0 OneBthird o+ the Bible (ontains spe(iC( prophe(ies that ha!e
been +ulClled0 Who e!er inspired this boo5 5ne& not only the past and the
present but 5ne& the +uture as &ell0
Inspiration of the Scriptures
1. By what name or title did Jesus and the holy men of God refer to the sacred writings of the
Old Testament, the Bible of their day
+@esus s$it, unto t,e-. Ai" #e ne2e% %e$" in t,e scriptures. *,e stone 0,i3, t,e uil"e%s %e?e3te". t,e
s$-e is e3o-e t,e ,e$" of t,e 3o%ne%>: B$tt,e0 21:424 +<,e%efo%e $lso it is 3ont$ine" in t,e
scripture. Be,ol". ( l$# in !ion $ 3,ief 3o%ne% stone. ele3t. p%e3ious: $n" ,e t,$t elie2et, on ,i-
s,$ll not e 3onfoun"e"4 1 'ete% 2:64 +But ( 0ill s,e0 t,ee t,$t 0,i3, is note" in t,e scripture of
t%ut,: A$niel 10:214 +5n" @esus $ns0e%e" ,i-. s$#in/. (t is 0%itten. *,$t -$n s,$ll not li2e # %e$"
$lone. ut # e2e%# word of God4: Lu8e 4:44 +5n" ,e $ns0e%e" $n" s$i" unto t,e-. B# -ot,e% $n"
-# %et,%en $%e t,ese 0,i3, ,e$% t,e word of God. $n" "o it4: Lu8e 8:214 +5n" it 3$-e to p$ss t,e
s$-e ni/,t. t,$t t,e word of God 3$-e to C$t,$n. s$#in/: 1 D,%oni3les 17:34 +;2e%# word of God is
pu%e: ,e is $ s,iel" unto t,e- t,$t put t,ei% t%ust in ,i-4: '%o2e%s 30:54
!nswer" *,e# $ll %efe% to it $s +s3%iptu%es: o% +0o%" of &o":4
(n f$3t. t,e%e $%e 32 2e%ses in E@F t,$t %efe% to t,e s$3%e" 0%itin/s $s t,e G!3%iptu%esG $n" 47 2e%ses
$s t,e +0o%" of &o":4 (t is $lso inte%estin/ to note t,$t t,e 0o%" Bile "oes not o33u% in t,e Bile
itself4 (t is "e%i2e" f%o- t,e L$tin ili$. 0,i3, 3$-e f%o- t,e &%ee8 ilos. -e$nin/ Goo84G
#. $ow were the Scriptures gi%en
G5ll s3%iptu%e is /i2en by inspiration of God." 2 *i-ot,# 3:164
5ns0e%: B# Ai2ine p%o-ptin/ o% /ui"$n3e4
9ol# !3%iptu%e 3o-es to us in fou% steps f%o- &o" t,e H$t,e% 9i-self4 G*,e Ie2el$tion of @esus
D,%ist. 0,i3, God gave unto him4 5n" he J@esusK sent $n" si/nifie" it # ,is angel unto ,is se%2$nt
John: 0,o $%e %e3o%" of t,e 0o%" of &o" 4444 Blesse" is ,e t,$t %e$"et,. $n" t,e# t,$t ,e$%4G
Ie2el$tion 1:1634
&. By what agency did holy men of God spea' for $im
GHo% t,e p%op,e3# 3$-e not in ol" ti-e # t,e 0ill of -$n: ut ,ol# -en of &o" sp$8e $s t,e# 0e%e
-o2e" by the Holy Ghost." 2 'ete% 1:214
+*,e Spirit of the LOR sp$8e # -e. $n" ,is 0o%" 0$s in -# ton/ue4: 2 !$-uel 23:24
+!e$%3,in/ 0,$t. o% 0,$t -$nne% of ti-e t,e Spirit of !hrist 0,i3, 0$s in t,e- "i" si/nif#4 4 4: 1
'ete% 1:114
5ns0e%: B# t,e 9ol# !pi%it6 *,e !pi%it of &o" $n" D,%ist 9is onl#6e/otten !on4 +But #e $%e not in
t,e fles,. ut in t,e !pi%it. if so e t,$t t,e Spirit of God "0ell in #ou4 Co0 if $n# -$n ,$2e not t,e
Spirit of !hrist. ,e is none of ,is4: Io-$ns 8:=4 +5n" e3$use #e $%e sons. &o" ,$t, sent fo%t, t,e
Spirit of his Son into #ou% ,e$%ts. 3%#in/. 5$. H$t,e%4: &$l$ti$ns 4:64
(. )ho, therefore, did the spea'ing through these men
"God" 0,o $t sun"%# ti-es $n" in "i2e%s -$nne%s sp$8e in ti-e p$st unto t,e f$t,e%s # t,e p%op,ets4
9$t, in t,ese l$st "$#s spo8en unto us by his Son. 0,o- ,e ,$t, $ppointe" ,ei% of $ll t,in/s. #
0,o- $lso ,e -$"e t,e 0o%l"s14G 9e%e0s 1:1624
!nswer" *,e spi%it of @esus D,%ist4
G*,e Bile points to &o" $s its $ut,o%1 #et it 0$s 0%itten # ,u-$n ,$n"s1 $n" in t,e 2$%ie" st#le of
its "iffe%ent oo8s it p%esents t,e 3,$%$3te%isti3s of t,e se2e%$l 0%ite%s4 *,e t%ut,s %e2e$le" $%e $ll
L/i2en # inspi%$tion of &o"M (2 *i-ot,# 3:16)1 #et t,e# $%e e)p%esse" in t,e 0o%"s of -en4 *,e
(nfinite 7ne # 9is 9ol# !pi%it ,$s s,e" li/,t into t,e -in"s $n" ,e$%ts of 9is se%2$nts4 9e ,$s /i2en
"%e$-s $n" 2isions. s#-ols $n" fi/u%es1 $n" t,ose to 0,o- t,e t%ut, 0$s t,us %e2e$le" ,$2e
t,e-sel2es e-o"ie" t,e t,ou/,t in ,u-$n l$n/u$/e4G #he Great !ontroversy" v. $.
The Bible Imparts True *nowledge
+. ,or what reasons were the Scriptures written
GHo% 0,$tsoe2e% t,in/s 0e%e 0%itten $fo%eti-e 0e%e 0%itten for our learning" t,$t 0e t,%ou/,
p$tien3e $n" 3o-fo%t of t,e s3%iptu%es -i/,t ,$2e ,ope4G Io-$ns 15:44 +Co0 $ll t,ese t,in/s
,$ppene" unto t,e- fo% ens$-ples: $n" t,e# $%e 0%itten for our admonition. upon 0,o- t,e en"s of
t,e 0o%l" $%e 3o-e4: 1 Do%int,i$ns 10:114 Ho% +profitable for do%trine" for reproof" for %orre%tion" for
instru%tion in righteousness" *,$t t,e -$n of &o" -$# be perfe%t" throughly furnished unto all good
&or's.( 2 *i-ot,# 3: 16. 174
54 Ho% ou% le$%nin/
B4 Ho% ou% $"-onition
D4 Ho% "o3t%ine
A4 Ho% %ep%oof
;4 Ho% 3o%%e3tion
H4 Ho% inst%u3tion in %i/,teousness
&4 *o e pe%fe3t
94 *o e t,%ou/,l# fu%nis,e" unto $ll /oo" 0o%8s
-. )hat does God design that $is )ord shall be to us in this world of dar'ness, sin, and death
G*,# 0o%" is $ lamp unto -# feet. $n" $ light unto -# p$t,4G 's$l- 11=: 1054 +Ho% t,e
3o--$n"-ent is $ lamp1 $n" t,e l$0 is light1 $n" %ep%oofs of inst%u3tion $%e t,e 0$# of life: '% 6:234
!nswer" 9is <o%" s,$ll e to us $ l$-p to ou% feet $n" li/,t to ou% p$t,4
.. )hat three general di%isions did Jesus refer to in the writings of the Old Testament
G5n" ,e s$i" unto t,e-. *,ese $%e t,e 0o%"s 0,i3, ( sp$8e unto #ou. 0,ile ( 0$s #et 0it, #ou. t,$t
$ll t,in/s -ust e fulfille". 0,i3, 0e%e 0%itten in the la& of )oses" $n" in the prophets" $n" in the
psalms" 3on3e%nin/ -e4G Lu8e 24:444
54 *,e L$0 of Boses
B4 *,e '%op,ets
D4 *,e 's$l-s
G*,e l$0 of BosesG 0$s $ 3o--on @e0is, te%- fo% t,e fi%st fi2e oo8s of t,e 7l" *est$-ent4 (n Gt,e
p%op,etsG t,e# in3lu"e" (s$i$,. @e%e-i$,. ;ze8iel. $n" t,e t0el2e -ino% p%op,ets1 $lso @os,u$.
@u"/es. ( $n" 2 !$-uel. $n" ( $n" 2 Ein/s4 G*,e ps$l-sG in3lu"e" $ll t,e %e-$inin/ oo8s4
*,e 0%itin/s of t,e $postles $lso 0e%e %e3o/nize" $s p$%t of t,e !3%iptu%es4
2 'ete% 3:15616 s$#s: G;2en $s ou% elo2e" %ot,e% '$ul $lso $33o%"in/ to t,e 0is"o- /i2en unto ,i-
,$t, 0%itten unto #ou1 $s $lso in $ll ,is epistles. spe$8in/ in t,e- of t,ese t,in/s1 in 0,i3, $%e so-e
t,in/s ,$%" to e un"e%stoo". 0,i3, t,e# t,$t $%e unle$%ne" $n" unst$le 0%est. $s t,e# "o $lso t,e
ot,e% !3%iptu%es. unto t,ei% o0n "est%u3tion4G
'ete% ,e%e 3onsi"e%s t,e 5postle '$ulNs 0%itin/s $s p$%t of t,e !3%iptu%es. $n" "outless ,e felt t,e
s$-e $out t,e 0%itin/s of t,e ot,e% $postles4
/. 0pon what proof did Jesus base $is 1essiahship
G5n" e/innin/ $t )oses $n" $ll t,e prophets" ,e e)poun"e" unto t,e- in all the s%riptures t,e
t,in/s 3on3e%nin/ ,i-self4G Fe%se 274
!nswer" 7l" *est$-ent p%op,e3ies4
Bu3, of t,e e$ut# $n" "ept, of "i2ine t%ut, is lost to t,ose 0,o %e$" onl# t,e Ce0 *est$-ent4 @esus
%efe%%e" p$%ti3ul$%l# to t,e 7l" *est$-ent p%op,e3ies $s p%oof of 9is Bessi$,s,ip4 <,en D,%ist
spo8e of t,e !3%iptu%es. 9e -e$nt t,e 7l" *est$-ent. fo% t,e Ce0 *est$-ent ,$" not #et een
0%itten4 *,e %efe%en3es in t,e Ce0 *est$-ent to t,e 0o%". G!3%iptu%es.G %efe% to t,e 7l" *est$-ent4
Donsi"e% t,e follo0in/ s3%iptu%es fo% fu%t,e% stu"ies $out @esus: &enesis 3:151 22:181 26:41 4=:101
Cu-e%s 21:=1 Aeute%ono-# 18:151 's$l-s 16:=6101 22:16311 132:111 (s$i$, 7:141 =:61 40:106111
50:61 53:16121 @e%e-i$, 23:51 33:146151 ;ze8iel 34:231 37:251 A$niel =:241 Bi3$, 7:201 B$l$3,i 3:11
4:21 Lu8e 24:451 @o,n 1:454
*,e%e $%e -o%e t,$n 250 "i%e3t Ouot$tions f%o- t,e 7l" *est$-ent in t,e Ce0 *est$-ent4 7ne 0ill
fin" t,$t t,e%e is 3o-plete ,$%-on# et0een t,e 7l" $n" Ce0 *est$-ents4 *,e# $%e $ unit. st$n"in/
o% f$llin/ to/et,e%4 *,e 7l" is t,e foun"$tion fo% t,e Ce04
2. )hat is God called in the Scriptures
G9e is444 a God of truth4G Aeute%ono-# 32:44 +@esus s$it, unto ,i-. ( $- t,e 0$#. the truth. $n" t,e
life: no -$n 3o-et, unto t,e H$t,e%. ut # -e4: @o,n 14:6 +(n ,ope of ete%n$l life. 0,i3, &o". t,$t
3$nnot lie: *itus 1:24 +*,$t # t0o i--ut$le t,in/s. in 0,i3, it 0$s i-possile fo% &o" to lie:
9e%e0s 6:184
!nswer" &o" of *%ut,4
God?s Word to Be(o-e a Part o+ @s
13. )hat, therefore, must be the character of $is word
G!$n3tif# t,e- t,%ou/, t,# t%ut,: thy &ord is truth." @o,n 17:174
!nswer" 9is 0o%" is t%ut,4
11. To what e4tent has God magnified $is word
G*,ou ,$st -$/nifie" t,# 0o%" above all thy name." 's$l- 138:24
!nswer" 5o2e 9is n$-e4
5 -$nNs n$-e st$n"s fo% ,is 3,$%$3te%4 (t is t,e s$-e 0it, &o"4 <,en &o" pl$3es 9is 0o%" $o2e 9is
n$-e. 9is 3,$%$3te% e3o-es t,e foun"$tion of 9is 0o%" $n" t,e ple"/e t,$t 9is 0o%" 0ill e
fulfille"4 (9e%e0s 6: 13. 144)
1#. <,$t p%oof "o 0e ,$2e t,$t @esus e)p%esse" 9is 3on2i3tion $n" elief in !3%iptu%e>
GBut ,e $ns0e%e" $n" s$i" It is written. B$n s,$ll not li2e # %e$" $lone444 It is written $/$in. *,ou
s,$lt not te-pt t,e Lo%" t,# &o"444 it is written. *,ou s,$lt 0o%s,ip t,e Lo%" t,# &o". $n" ,i- onl#
s,$lt t,ou se%2e4G B$tt,e0 4:4. 7. 104
!nswer" (t is 9is ,$it to Ouote t,e s3%iptu%e $s t,e fin$l $ut,o%it# in $ll situ$tions 9e fin"s 9i-self4
The Sure )ord Of 5rophecy
1&. )hat has God included in the scripture to help us build confidence in its di%ine inspiration
+Be,ol". t,e fo%-e% t,in/s $%e 3o-e to p$ss. $n" ne0 t,in/s "o ( "e3l$%e: before they spring forth *
tell you of them4: (s$i$, 42:=4 GIe-e-e% t,e fo%-e% t,in/s of ol": fo% ( $- &o". $n" t,e%e is none
else1 ( $- &o". $n" t,e%e is none li8e -e. e%laring the end from the beginning. $n" from an%ient
times the things that are not yet done. s$#in/. B# 3ounsel s,$ll st$n". $n" ( 0ill "o $ll -# ple$su%e4:
(s$i$, 46:= ++o& * tell you before it %ome. t,$t. 0,en it is 3o-e to p$ss. #e -$# elie2e t,$t ( $- ,e4:
@o,n 13:1= +5n" no& * have told you before it %ome to pass. t,$t. 0,en it is 3o-e to p$ss. #e -i/,t
elie2e4G @o,n 14:2=4
!nswer" Bile p%op,e3ies4 Coti3e t,e follo0in/ e)$-ples of fulfille" Bile p%op,e3ies:
!. Tyre, $ flou%is,in/ -$%iti-e po%t of t,e $n3ient ',oeni3i$ns4 *,is l$%/e. %i3, 3it# 0$s 0i38e" in
t,e si/,t of &o" $n" 9e -$"e $ p%e"i3tion of "oo- upon t,e 3it#4 (n ;ze8iel 26:7614 &o" fo%etol"
si) t,in/s t,$t 0oul" ,$ppen to *#%e:
14 9e 0oul" %in/ Ceu3,$"nezz$%. 8in/ of B$#lon $/$inst *#%e4
24 B$n# people in *#%e 0oul" e 8ille"4
34 *,e %uins of t,e 3it# 0oul" e t,%o0n into t,e se$4
44 *,e 3it# $%e$ 0oul" e s3%$pe" f%ee of %ule. li8e t,e top of $ %o384
54 His,e%-en 0oul" use t,is site to sp%e$" fis,in/ nets4
64 (t 0oul" ne2e% e %euilt4
*,e ol" 3it# 0$s s3%$pe" f%ee of %ule li8e t,e top of $ %o38 $n" 5le)$n"e% -$%3,e" ,is $%-# to t,e
isl$n" $n" 3onOue%e" t,e ne0 *#%e4 *o"$# it is 3o--on to see fis,e%-en sp%e$" t,ei% nets 0,e%e t,e
ol" 3it# on3e stoo"4 *,%ee $tte-pts to %euil" t,e 3it# ,$2e $ll f$ile"4 ;ze8iel 26:14 st$tes. +L( 0ill
-$8e #ou li8e t,e top of $ %o381 #ou s,$ll e a pla%e for sp%e$"in/ nets. $n" you shall never be
rebuilt. fo% ( t,e Lo%" ,$2e spo8en.M s$#s t,e Lo%" &o"4: *,is %e-$%8$le p%e"i3tion 0$s fulfille" in
e2e%# "et$il4
B. 6G75T. !u%el# ;/#pt en?o#s $ /lo%ious p$st4 But 0,$t of to"$#> &o"Ns 0o%" %e3o%"s $ p%e"i3tion4
5n3ientl#. ;/#pt 0$s f$-ous fo% ,e% suppl# of '$p#%us. o% p$pe% to t,e 0o%l"4 *,e '$p#%us %ee"
/%e0 ountifull# $lon/ t,e %i2e% Cile. $n" ot,e% 0$te%0$#s4 9o0e2e%. &o" fo%etol" t,$t t,e p$pe%
%ee"s # t,e %oo8s $n" %i2e%s 0oul" 0it,e% $n" 2$nis, $0$#. $n" e no -o%e in t,e l$n" of ;/#pt4
5n" e2en t,is -inute "et$il ,$s een fulfille"4 +#he paper reeds by the broo's" by the mouth of the
broo's" and every thing so&n by the broo's" shall &ither" be driven a&ay" and be no more4: (s$i$,
8. B!B79O:. *,e /%e$test 3it# of t,e $n3ient 0o%l". is often spo8en of $s t,e /ol"en 3it# of $
/ol"en $/e4 @e%e-i$, p%op,esie" 3on3e%nin/ B$#lon:
+5n" t,e# s,$ll not t$8e of t,ee $ stone fo% $ 3o%ne%. no% $ stone fo% foun"$tions1 ut thou shalt be
desolate for ever. s$it, t,e L7IA4: @e% 51:264 +5n" B$#lon s,$ll e3o-e ,e$ps. $ "0ellin/pl$3e fo%
"%$/ons. $n $stonis,-ent. $n" $n ,issin/. 0it,out $n in,$it$nt4: @e% 51:37
But t,e p%op,e3# is still -o%e "efinite in t,e oo8 of (s$i$, 13:20.21: +*t shall never be inhabited"
neither shall it be d&elt in from generation to generation: neit,e% s,$ll t,e 5%$i$n pit3, tent t,e%e1
neit,e% s,$ll t,e s,ep,e%"s -$8e t,ei% fol" t,e%e4 But 0il" e$sts of t,e "ese%t s,$ll lie t,e%e1 $n"
t,ei% ,ouses s,$ll e full of "oleful 3%e$tu%es1 $n" o0ls s,$ll "0ell t,e%e. $n" s$t#%s s,$ll "$n3e
t,e%e4: (s$ 13:20. 214 *,e -i/,t# p$l$3es $n" ,$n/in/ /$%"ens of B$#lon $%e onl# $ -e-o%#. ut t,e
5%$ still li2es in ,is tents4
1(. !re re%elations of science and the e4periences of life in harmony with the testimony of
!nswer" Pes4 9e%e $%e $ fe0 f$3ts of t,e n$tu%$l 0o%l" t,$t ,$2e een 3onfi%-e" # s3ien3e:
!. +9e 444 ,$n/s t,e e$%t, upon not,in/4: @o 26:74
*,e suspension of t,e e$%t, in sp$3e 0$s "es3%ie" # Dope%ni3us in 15434
B. +9e loo8s to t,e en"s of t,e e$%t,: to -$8e t,e 0ei/,t fo% t,e 0in"s4: @o 28:24. 254
&$lileo. (156461642) 0$s t,e fi%st to $ffi%- t,$t $i% ,$" 0ei/,t4
8. +<,o ,$t, -e$su%e" t,e 0$te%s in t,e ,ollo0 of 9is ,$n". $n" -ete" out ,e$2en 0it, t,e sp$n.
$n" 3o-p%e,en"e" t,e "ust of t,e e$%t, in $ -e$su%e. $n" 0ei/,e" t,e -ount$ins in s3$les. $n" t,e
,ills in $ $l$n3e>: (s$i$, 40:124
7nl# in %e3ent #e$%s ,$s it een %e$lize" ,o0 i-po%t$nt $%e t,e p%opo%tions $n" $l$n3e of t,e l$n"
-$sses $n" o3e$ns on t,e e$%t,Ms su%f$3e4
;. +*,e# Jt,e ,e$2ens $n" t,e e$%t,K s,$ll pe%is,1 ut *,ou %e-$ins1 $n" t,e# $ll s,$ll 0$) ol" $s
3lot, $ /$%-ent4: 9e%e0s 1:114
Cot until t,e t0entiet, 3entu%# 0$s t,e p%o/%essi2e $/in/ $n" "isinte/%$tion of -$tte% #
%$"io$3ti2it# "is3o2e%e"4 C$tu%e is /oin/ "o0n4 +*,e "o0n0$%" ?ou%ne# is e$s#. 0,ile t,e up0$%" is
eit,e% ,$%" o% i-possile4:6!i% l$-es 94 @e$ns. *,e Qni2e%se 5%oun" Qs. p$/e 3064
6. +Ho% t,e life of $ll fles, is t,e loo" t,e%eof4: Le2iti3us 17:144
*,e 3i%3ul$tion $n" fun3tion of t,e loo" 0$s "is3o2e%e" # <illi$- 9$%2e# in 16154
+'%op,e3# $n" -i%$3le 3onfi%- t,e 0o%"1 s3ien3e $n" %e2el$tion $%e 3o60itnesses to t,e s$-e &o"1
$st%ono-# ,ints 9is ete%nit#. i--ensit#. infinit#. n$tu%$l p,ilosop,# tells of 9is o-nis3ien3e.
o-nipoten3e. o-nip%esen3e1 p,#siolo/# su//ests 9is 0is"o- $n" /oo"ness t,e e/innin/s of life. of
3ons3iousness. of intelli/en3e $n" of 3ons3ien3e. $%e -i%$3les 0,i3, 3$nnot e $33ounte" fo% 0it,out
5l-i/,t# po0e%. $n" ou/,t to -$8e ot, $t,eis- $n" p$nt,eist $li8e i-possile4 <,ile t,e ,e$%t of
-$n $n" t,e ,isto%# of -$n unite to 0itness to $ nee" $n" $ 3%$2in/ ne2e% fille" e)3ept # D,%ist
@esus4:65%t,u% *4 'ie%son. B$n# (nf$llile '%oofs. p$/e 1=4
1+. !re there health principles in the Bible that can be followed today
!nswer" Pes4 +*,$t t,# 0$# -$# e 8no0n upon e$%t,. t,# s$2in/ ,e$lt, $-on/ $ll n$tions44:
's$l-s 67:24 GBelo2e". ( 0is, $o2e $ll t,in/s t,$t t,ou -$#est p%ospe% $n" e in ,e$lt,. e2en $s t,#
soul p%ospe%et,4G 3 @o,n 24
!. H%ee"o- f%o- "ise$se $n" si38ness # 7B;A(;CD;: ;)o"us 15:264
B. ;$t neit,e% f$t no% loo": Le2iti3us 3:171 7:23. 261 17:10614
8. $ "iffe%en3e et0een t,e 3le$n $n" t,e un3le$n: Le24 11:2611
;. 5 0$%nin/ $/$inst e)3ess s0eets: '%o2e%s 25:16. 27
6. &LQ**7CP o% 72e%e$tin/ is ,$%-ful: '%o2e%s 23:21 ;33l4 10:17
,. 9P&(;C;6 <$s,in/ t,e o"# $n" 3lot,es to 3ont%ol /e%-s: Le2iti3us 15:2611
G. L5B7QI6 (-po%t$n3e of 0o%8: ;)o"us 20:=1 1 *i-ot,# 5:8
$. I;!*6 7u% o"ies nee" p%ope% %est: B$%8 6:31
I. B7I5L(*P6 Bo%$l li2in/ p%e2ents se)u$l "ise$ses su3, $s 5(A! epi"e-i3. $o%tion et3: 1
Do%int,i$ns 3:171 6:1=1 10:841 '%o2e%s 5:1612
J. 9u-$n o"# 0$ste s,oul" e u%ie": Aeute%ono-# 23:12.13
*. QQ5I5C*(C; to 3ont%ol 3ont$/ious "ise$se: Le2iti3us 13:461 Cu-e%s 5:164
9. !te%iliz$tion: Cu-e%s 31:22.23
1. 9$pp# ,e$%t6 *,e ,e$lt, enefits of $ positi2e $ttitu"e: '%o2e%s 17:221 1 *i-ot,# 6:6
:. *o lo2e $n" ,elp ot,e%s6 9$t%e" $n" itte%ness "est%o# ,e$lt,: B$tt,e0 25:346401 ;)o"us
O. 9$t%e" $n" itte%ness "est%o# ,e$lt,: Le2iti3us 1=:17.181 '%o2e%s 15:17
Creati!e Po&er o+ the Word
1-. Through what agency did God create the hea%ens
",y the &ord of the Lord 0e%e t,e ,e$2ens -$"e1 $n" $ll t,e ,ost of t,e- by the breath of his
mouth .444 Ho% he spa'e" $n" it 0$s "one1 he %ommanded" $n" it stoo" f$st4G 's$l- 33:66=4
!nswer" B# 9is <o%"4
1.. )hat change is wrought in one who is in 8hrist
G*,e%efo%e if $n# -$n e in D,%ist. he is a ne& %reature Jlite%$ll#. "a ne& %reation"-. ol" t,in/s $%e
p$sse" $0$#1 e,ol". all things are be%ome ne&." 2 Do%int,i$ns 5:174
!nswer" 9e is $ ne0 3%e$tu%e $n" $ll t,in/s e3o-e ne04
1/. $ow do the hea%ens witness to the Bible<s re%elation of God and of $is power
+*,e ,e$2ens "e3l$%e t,e glory of God1 $n" t,e fi%-$-ent s,o0s His handi&or'4: 's$l-s 1=:14
!nswer" ;2e%#t,in/ points 0it, o2e%0,el-in/ fo%3e to $ "efinite e2ent. o% se%ies of e2ents. of
3%e$tion $t so-e ti-e o% ti-es. not infinitel# %e-ote4 *,e uni2e%se 3$nnot ,$2e o%i/in$te" # 3,$n3e
out of its p%esent in/%e"ients. $n" neit,e% 3$n it ,$2e een $l0$#s t,e s$-e $s no04
12. )hat witness do all created things gi%e to their 1a'er and to the truth of the Bible record
+Ho% t,e in2isile t,in/s of 9i- f%o- t,e 3%e$tion of t,e 0o%l" $%e 3le$%l# seen. ein/ un"e%stoo" #
t,e t,in/s t,$t $%e -$"e. e2en 9is ete%n$l po0e% $n" &o",e$"4: Io-$ns 1:204
!nswer" 5ll ,u-$n "is3o2e%ies see- to e -$"e onl# fo% t,e pu%pose of 3onfi%-in/ -o%e $n" -o%e
st%on/l# t,e t%ut,s 3ont$ine" in t,e !$3%e" !3%iptu%es4
+!3ien3e is 3o-pelle" to $33ept t,e i"e$ of 3%e$ti2e po0e%4:6Lo%" Eel2in. Ouote" # Be%n$%"
9e#0oo". *,is (s 7u% H$it,. p$/e 364
+(n ou% stu"# of n$tu%$l o?e3ts 0e $%e $pp%o$3,in/ t,e t,ou/,ts of t,e D%e$to%. %e$"in/ 9is
3on3eptions. inte%p%etin/ $ s#ste- t,$t is 9is $n" not ou%s4:61.ouls @4 I4 5/$ssiz. Bet,o"s of !tu"# in
C$tu%$l 9isto%#. 1=t, e"4. p$/e 144
8leansed and *ept by $is )ord
#3. To a world alienated from God through disobedience to $is word, what assurance does the
Bible bring
+( $- not $s,$-e" of t,e /ospel of D,%ist: fo% it is t,e po0e% of &o" unto s$l2$tion to e2e%#one t,$t
elie2es4: Io-$ns 1:164
!nswer" &%$3e $n" 'o0e% to oe# &o"4
+*,e Bile fin"s us 0,e%e 0e $%e. $n". if pe%-itte". t$8es us 0,e%e 0e ou/,t to /o4444 <,$t t,e Bile
p%o-ises is f$ulous ut not f$le4:6I$#-on" (%2in/ Lin"Ouist. +*,e <o%" of &o".: *,eolo/#
*o"$#. 2ol4 3. Co4 2. p4 1584
+*,e -ultitu"es /o to t,e Bile. not fo% 8no0le"/e. ut fo% po0e%1 t,e# /o to %ene0 t,ei% sense of
spi%itu$l %e$lities. $n" to 3$t3, $/$in t,e 2ision splen"i"4 *,is oo8 p$sses e#on" $ 3l$ssi3 $n"
e3o-es to -en $ 0o%" of &o". e3$use it 2oi3es t,ose ulti-$te t%ut,s 0,i3, /i2e to life its -e$nin/4
*,ese $%e t,e t%ut,s upon 0,i3, ou% f$it, %ests. 0,i3, %in/ 3o-fo%t to ou% ,e$%ts. $n" 8eep u%nin/
t,e fi%es of ,ope4
#1. )hat transformation is made possible through the word<
+Bein/ o%n $/$in. not of 3o%%uptile see". ut of in3o%%uptile. # t,e 0o%" of &o". 0,i3, li2es $n"
$i"es fo%e2e%4: 1 'ete% 1:234
!nswer" *o e o%n $/$in
##. $ow does the word bless the transformed life
!4 (t /i2es un"e%st$n"in/4 +*,e ent%$n3e of *,# 0o%"s /i2es li/,t1 it /i2es un"e%st$n"in/ unto t,e
si-ple4: 's$l- 11=:1304
B. (t 8eeps f%o- sin4 +*,# 0o%" ,$2e 1 ,i" in -ine ,e$%t t,$t ( -i/,t not sin $/$inst *,ee4: Fe%se 114
8. (t /ui"es in t,e 0$# of life4 +*,# 0o%" is $ l$-p unto -# feet. $n" $ li/,t unto -# p$t,4: Fe%se
;. (t uil"s4 +Co0. %et,%en. ( 3o--en" #ou to &o". $n" to t,e 0o%" of 9is /%$3e. 0,i3, is $le to
uil" #ou up. $n" to /i2e #ou $n in,e%it$n3e $-on/ $ll t,e- 0,i3, $%e s$n3tifie"4: 53ts 20:324
6. (t /i2es ,ope4 +Ho% 0,$tsoe2e% t,in/s 0e%e 0%itten $fo%eti-e 0e%e 0%itten fo% ou% le$%nin/. t,$t 0e
t,%ou/, p$tien3e $n" 3o-fo%t of t,e !3%iptu%es -i/,t ,$2e ,ope4: Io-$ns 15:44
The Word Was Christ
#&. :umerous times in this lesson we ha%e mentioned the word of God= who is the word
+(n t,e e/innin/ 0$s t,e <o%". $n" t,e <o%" 0$s 0it, &o". $n" t,e <o%" 0$s &o"4 4 4 4 5n" t,e
<o%" 0$s -$"e fles,. $n" "0elt $-on/ us. ($n" 0e e,el" ,is /lo%#. t,e /lo%# $s of t,e onl#
e/otten of t,e H$t,e%.) full of /%$3e $n" t%ut,4: @o,n 1:1. 14
!nswer" *,e <o%" of &o" is not ?ust $ oo84 *,e 0o%" of &o" is $ ein/. n$-el# @esus D,%ist. $n"
t,e 0%itten <o%" %e2e$ls 9is 3,$%$3te%4
#(. Since it is dangerous to base our beliefs on one %erse of Scripture, what should we do
G<,o- s,$ll ,e te$3, 8no0le"/e> $n" 0,o- s,$ll ,e -$8e to un"e%st$n" "o3t%ine> t,e- t,$t $%e
0e$ne" f%o- t,e -il8. $n" "%$0n f%o- t,e %e$sts4 Ho% p%e3ept -ust e upon p%e3ept. p%e3ept upon
p%e3ept1 line upon line. line upon line1 ,e%e $ little. $n" t,e%e $ little4G (s$i$, 28:=610
G<,i3, t,in/s $lso 0e spe$8. not in t,e 0o%"s 0,i3, -$nNs 0is"o- te$3,et,. ut 0,i3, t,e 9ol#
&,ost te$3,et,1 3o-p$%in/ spi%itu$l t,in/s 0it, spi%itu$l4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 2:13
!nswer" <e s,oul" 3o-p$%e s3%iptu%e 0it, s3%iptu%e efo%e fo%-in/ ou% elief4
#+. $ow important is it to pray for the guidance of the the ,ather>s holy Spirit before we study
the Bible
GBut t,e Do-fo%te%. 0,i3, is t,e 9ol# &,ost. 0,o- t,e H$t,e% 0ill sen" in -# n$-e. ,e s,$ll te$3,
#ou $ll t,in/s. $n" %in/ $ll t,in/s to #ou% %e-e-%$n3e. 0,$tsoe2e% ( ,$2e s$i" unto #ou4G @o,n
G9o0eit 0,en ,e. t,e !pi%it of t%ut,. is 3o-e. ,e 0ill /ui"e #ou into $ll t%ut,: fo% ,e s,$ll not spe$8
of ,i-self1 ut 0,$tsoe2e% ,e s,$ll ,e$%. t,$t s,$ll ,e spe$8: $n" ,e 0ill s,e0 #ou t,in/s to 3o-e4G
@o,n 16:134 J1 Do%int,i$ns 2:10. 141 Io-$ns 8:14K
!nswer" +*,e offi3e of t,e 9ol# !pi%it is "istin3tl# spe3ifie" in t,e 0o%"s of D,%ist: G<,en 9e is
3o-e. 9e 0ill %ep%o2e t,e 0o%l" of sin. $n" of %i/,teousness. $n" of ?u"/-ent4G @o,n 16:84 (t is t,e
9ol# !pi%it t,$t 3on2i3ts of sin4 (f t,e sinne% %espon"s to t,e Oui38enin/ influen3e of t,e !pi%it. ,e
0ill e %ou/,t to %epent$n3e $n" $%ouse" to t,e i-po%t$n3e of oe#in/ t,e "i2ine %eOui%e-ents4
*o t,e %epent$nt sinne%. ,un/e%in/ $n" t,i%stin/ fo% %i/,teousness. t,e 9ol# !pi%it %e2e$ls t,e L$- of
&o" t,$t t$8et, $0$# t,e sin of t,e 0o%l"4 GG9e s,$ll %e3ei2e of Bine. $n" s,$ll s,o0 it unto #ou.G
D,%ist s$i"4 G9e s,$ll te$3, #ou $ll t,in/s. $n" %in/ $ll t,in/s to #ou% %e-e-%$n3e. 0,$tsoe2e% (
,$2e s$i" unto #ou4G @o,n 16:141 14:264G /%ts of the /postles" p$/e 524
#-. Is it safe to accept someone else>s con%iction as to what constitutes truth
G*,us s$it, t,e L7IA1 Du%se" e t,e -$n t,$t t%ustet, in -$n. $n" -$8et, fles, ,is $%-. $n" 0,ose
,e$%t "ep$%tet, f%o- t,e L7IA4G @e%e-i$, 17:5 (5lso %e$". 53ts 17:111 (s$i$, 30:1)4
!nswer" G&o" ,$s /i2en us 9is 0o%" t,$t 0e -$# e3o-e $3Ou$inte" 0it, its te$3,in/s $n" 8no0
fo% ou%sel2es 0,$t 9e %eOui%es of us444 (t is not enou/, to ,$2e /oo" intentions1 it is not enou/, to "o
0,$t $ -$n t,in8s is %i/,t o% 0,$t t,e -iniste% tells ,i- is %i/,t4 9is soulNs s$l2$tion is $t st$8e. $n"
,e s,oul" se$%3, t,e !3%iptu%es fo% ,i-self4 9o0e2e% st%on/ -$# e ,is 3on2i3tions. ,o0e2e%
3onfi"ent ,e -$# e t,$t t,e -iniste% 8no0s 0,$t is t%ue. t,is is not ,is foun"$tion4 9e ,$s $ 3,$%t
pointin/ out e2e%# 0$#-$%8 on t,e ,e$2en0$%" ?ou%ne#. $n" ,e ou/,t not /uess $t $n#t,in/4 (t is t,e
fi%st $n" ,i/,est "ut# of e2e%# %$tion$l ein/ to le$%n f%o- t,e !3%iptu%es 0,$t is t%ut,. $n" t,en to
0$l8 in t,e li/,t $n" en3ou%$/e ot,e%s to follo0 ,is e)$-ple4 <e s,oul" "$# # "$# stu"# t,e Bile
"ili/entl#. 0ei/,in/ e2e%# t,ou/,t $n" 3o-p$%in/ !3%iptu%e 0it, !3%iptu%e4 With divine help we are
to form our opinions for ourselves $s 0e $%e to $ns0e% fo% ou%sel2es efo%e &o"4G #he Great
!ontroversy" p$/e 5=84
!re you grateful to God that you can confidently rely on $is word for my life
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
10 Can This World Depend On God's Word When !erythin" #as $ailed%
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Lesson #1
10 'hat should (e do )efore (e study the *i)le + (,)
o Pray +or the "uidan(e o+ the #oly Spirit0
o $ast +or hours0
o )s5 +or per-ission +ro- our (hur(h pastor or priest0
A0 Is it safe to acce#t someone else-s conviction as to (hat constitutes
truth+ (,)
o Ies
o .o
o .ot sure
80 'ho is the (ord of .od+ (,)
o Lu(i+er
o )n"el Gabriel
o ,esus Christ
o )da-
D0 'hat is .od called in the cri#tures+ (,)
o God o+ hatred
o God o+ Truth
o ) lyin" God
;0 'hat is the character of .od/s (ord+ (,)
o Truth
o $alse
o *ystery
o Clean
70 .od/s 'ord shall )e to us in this (orld as a+ (0) ( 0 ans(ers )
o )n inner +eelin" in our belly0
o )n exposer o+ the thou"hts o+ others0
o ) la-p to our +eet0
o ) shado& to our +eet0
o ) li"ht to our path0
90 Ho( (ere the cri#tures given+ (,)
o By traditions and experien(es o+ holy -en0
o By Di!ine pro-ptin" or "uidan(e0
o By &isdo- o+ the priests0
G0 Holy men of .od s#o1e for Him )y (hich means+ (,)
o By -eans o+ drea-s0
o By readin" pal-s0
o By the #oly Spirit0
J0 'hat are the names that Jesus used in referance to the (ritings of the
2ld Testa-ent% 184 1 8 ans&ers 4
o The epistles
o The "ospels
o The la& o+ *oses
o The history
o The prophets
o The Psal-s
1<0In the *i)le3 Jesus refers to the sacred (ritings of the 2ld Testament as
(0) ( 0 ans(ers )
o Word o+ God
o *a"aKine
o S(ripture
o *ills and Boon
o Literature
110The (ritings of the a#ostles also (ere recogni4ed as #art of the
cri#tures. (,)
o .o
o Ies
1A0'hich ful5lled #ro#hecies con5rm the *i)le-s ins#iration+ (6) ( 6
ans(ers )
o Tyre shall ne!er be rebuilt0
o J311 happened in .e& Ior5 City0
o Papyrus &ould no lon"er be used in the land o+ "ypt0
o Lo!e +or truth &ill in(rease in the last days0
o )+ri(a &ould ha!e a A<Byear drou"ht0
o Babylon: on(e destroyed: &ould ne!er be inhabited a"ain0
180The *i)le mentions some scienti5c facts from the list )elo(3 tic1 the
correct ones. (7) ( 7 ans(ers )
o The earth is sFuared0
o The earth is suspended in spa(e0
o )ir has &ei"ht0
o *ountains are +ull o+ ro(5s0
o .ature is "oin" do&n0
o The (ir(ulation and +un(tion o+ the blood0
o The e!olution o+ the hu-an ra(e0
1D08or (hat #ur#ose (ere the cri#tures (ritten+ (9) ( 9 ans(ers )
o To be throu"hly +urnished unto all "ood &or5s0
o To be per+e(t0
o To re(ite it on the road0
o $or instru(tion in ri"hteousness0
o $or (orre(tion0
o $or reproo+0
o $or the ar"u-ent0
o $or do(trine0
o $or our ad-onition0
o $or re+eren(e0
o $or +ear o+ hell0
o $or our learnin"0
1;0I (ant to de#end on .od-s (ord as the only source of truth. (,)
o .ot no&
o .o
o Ies
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
A0 #o& To Study The Bible%
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Quiz
1o2ine 3online 4
The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Cli(5 here to
access the KJV online.
+(t is t,e fi%st $n" ,i/,est "ut# of e2e%# %$tion$l ein/ to le$%n f%o- t,e !3%iptu%es 0,$t is t%ut,. $n"
t,en to 0$l8 in t,e li/,t. $n" en3ou%$/e ot,e%s to follo0 ,is e)$-ple4 <e s,oul" "$# # "$# stu"# t,e
Bile "ili/entl#. 0ei/,in/ e2e%# t,ou/,t. $n" 3o-p$%in/ s3%iptu%e 0it, s3%iptu%e4 <it, "i2ine
,elp. 0e $%e to fo%- ou% opinions fo% ou%sel2es. $s.0e $%e to $ns0e% fo% ou%sel2es efo%e God.: 0#he
Great !ontroversy" 1223 ed" p$/e 4164
5llo0 no one to e %$ins fo% #ou. $llo0 no one to "o #ou% t,in8in/. #ou% in2esti/$tin/. $n" #ou%
p%$#in/4 *,is is t,e inst%u3tion 0e nee" to t$8e to ,e$%t to"$#4 B$n# of #ou $%e 3on2in3e" t,$t t,e
p%e3ious t%e$su%e of t,e 8in/"o- of &o" $n" of @esus D,%ist is in t,e Bile 0,i3, #ou ,ol" in #ou%
,$n"4 Pou 8no0 t,$t no e$%t,l# t%e$su%e is $tt$in$le 0it,out p$inst$8in/ effo%t4 <,# s,oul" #ou
e)pe3t to un"e%st$n" t,e t%e$su%es of t,e 0o%" of &o" 0it,out "ili/entl# se$%3,in/ t,e !3%iptu%es>
(t is ou% "ut# to %e$" t,e Bile "$il#4But 3$su$l %e$"in/ of t,e !3%iptu%es is not enou/,4 *,e
8no0le"/e of &o" is not to e /$ine" 0it,out -ent$l effo%t. 0it,out p%$#e% fo% 0is"o- in o%"e% t,$t
#ou -$# sep$%$te f%o- t,e pu%e /%$in of t%ut, t,e 3,$ff 0it, 0,i3, -en $n" !$t$n ,$2e
-is%ep%esente" t,e "o3t%ines of t%ut,4 !$t$n $n" ,is 3onfe"e%$3# of ,u-$n $/ents ,$2e en"e$2o%e" to
-i) t,e 3,$ff of e%%o% 0it, t,e 0,e$t of t%ut,4
*,e stu"# of t,e Bile "e-$n"s ou% -ost "ili/ent effo%t $n" pe%se2e%in/ t,ou/,t4 5s t,e -ine% "i/s
fo% t,e /ol"en t%e$su%e in t,e e$%t,. so e$%nestl#. pe%sistentl#. -ust 0e see8 fo% t,e t%e$su%e of &o"Ns
<e s,oul" "ili/entl# see8 fo% t,e ,i""en t%e$su%e. $n" see8 0is"o- f%o- ,e$2en in o%"e% to sep$%$te
,u-$n in2entions f%o- t,e "i2ine 3o--$n"s4 *,e 9ol# !pi%it 0ill $i" t,e see8e% of t%ut,4 *,e Lo%"
s$#s. G(f $n# -$n 0illet, to "o 9is 0ill. ,e s,$ll 8no0 of t,e te$3,in/4G @o,n 7:17
7ou 8an 0nderstand the Bible
1. ;oes God intend that we should understand the Scriptures
+*,e se3%et t,in/s elon/ unto t,e L7IA ou% &o": ut t,ose t,in/s 0,i3, $%e %e2e$le" elon/ unto
us $n" to ou% 3,il"%en fo% e2e%. t,$t 0e -$# "o $ll t,e 0o%"s of t,is l$04: Aeute%ono-# 2=:2=4 +5n"
,e s$i" unto t,e-. Qnto #ou it is /i2en to 8no0 t,e -#ste%# of t,e 8in/"o- of &o"4: B$%8 4:114
!nswer" Pes
#. )hy do some people find it difficult to understand the Bible
+Ho% t,e# t,$t $%e $fte% t,e fles, "o -in" t,e t,in/s of t,e fles,1 ut t,e# t,$t $%e $fte% t,e !pi%it t,e
t,in/s of t,e !pi%it4 Ho% to e 3$%n$ll# -in"e" is "e$t,1 ut to e spi%itu$ll# -in"e" is life $n" pe$3e4:
Io-$ns 8:54 +<,i3, t,in/s $lso 0e spe$8. not in t,e 0o%"s 0,i3, -$nNs 0is"o- te$3,et,. ut 0,i3,
t,e 9ol# &,ost te$3,et,1 3o-p$%in/ spi%itu$l t,in/s 0it, spi%itu$l4 But t,e n$tu%$l -$n %e3ei2et, not
t,e t,in/s of t,e !pi%it of &o": fo% t,e# $%e foolis,ness unto ,i-: neit,e% 3$n ,e 8no0 t,e-. e3$use
t,e# $%e spi%itu$ll# "is3e%ne"4: 1 Do%int,i$ns 2:13. 144 +*,is ( s$# t,e%efo%e. $n" testif# in t,e Lo%".
t,$t #e ,en3efo%t, 0$l8 not $s ot,e% &entiles 0$l8. in t,e 2$nit# of t,ei% -in". 9$2in/ t,e
un"e%st$n"in/ "$%8ene". ein/ $lien$te" f%o- t,e life of &o" t,%ou/, t,e i/no%$n3e t,$t is in t,e-.
e3$use of t,e lin"ness of t,ei% ,e$%t: <,o ein/ p$st feelin/ ,$2e /i2en t,e-sel2es o2e% unto
l$s3i2iousness. to 0o%8 $ll un3le$nness 0it, /%ee"iness4: ;p,esi$ns 4:1761=4
!nswer" *,e# $%e not 0it, t,e !pi%it of &o"
&. 8an the uncon%erted fully understand God<s word
+*,e%e 0$s $ -$n of t,e ',$%isees. n$-e" Ci3o"e-us. $ %ule% of t,e @e0s: *,e s$-e 3$-e to @esus
# ni/,t. $n" s$i" unto ,i-. I$i. 0e 8no0 t,$t t,ou $%t $ te$3,e% 3o-e f%o- &o": fo% no -$n 3$n
"o t,ese -i%$3les t,$t t,ou "oest. e)3ept &o" e 0it, ,i-4 @esus $ns0e%e" $n" s$i" unto ,i-. Fe%il#.
2e%il#. ( s$# unto t,ee. ;)3ept $ -$n e o%n $/$in. ,e 3$nnot see t,e 8in/"o- of &o"4 Ci3o"e-us
s$it, unto ,i-. 9o0 3$n $ -$n e o%n 0,en ,e is ol"> 3$n ,e ente% t,e se3on" ti-e into ,is -ot,e%Ns
0o-. $n" e o%n> @esus $ns0e%e". Fe%il#. 2e%il#. ( s$# unto t,ee. ;)3ept $ -$n e o%n of 0$te%
$n" of t,e !pi%it. ,e 3$nnot ente% into t,e 8in/"o- of &o"4 *,$t 0,i3, is o%n of t,e fles, is fles,1
$n" t,$t 0,i3, is o%n of t,e !pi%it is spi%it4 B$%2el not t,$t ( s$i" unto t,ee. Pe -ust e o%n $/$in4
*,e 0in" lo0et, 0,e%e it listet,. $n" t,ou ,e$%est t,e soun" t,e%eof. ut 3$nst not tell 0,en3e it
3o-et,. $n" 0,it,e% it /oet,: so is e2e%# one t,$t is o%n of t,e !pi%it4: @o,n 3:1684
!nswer" Co. it is not possile4 (t is foolis, t,in/s to ,i-4
(. !re some parts of the Bible more difficult to understand than others
+5n" $33ount t,$t t,e lon/suffe%in/ of ou% Lo%" is s$l2$tion1 e2en $s ou% elo2e" %ot,e% '$ul $lso
$33o%"in/ to t,e 0is"o- /i2en unto ,i- ,$t, 0%itten unto #ou1 5s $lso in $ll ,is epistles. spe$8in/ in
t,e- of t,ese t,in/s1 in 0,i3, $%e so-e t,in/s ,$%" to e un"e%stoo". 0,i3, t,e# t,$t $%e unle$%ne"
$n" unst$le 0%est. $s t,e# "o $lso t,e ot,e% s3%iptu%es. unto t,ei% o0n "est%u3tion4: 2 'ete% 3:15. 164
!nswer" Pes. 5postle 'ete% $tteste" to it4
+. Is there any relationship between obedience and the understanding of God>s word
+*e$3, -e. 7 L7IA. t,e 0$# of t,# st$tutes1 $n" ( s,$ll 8eep it unto t,e en"4 &i2e -e
un"e%st$n"in/. $n" ( s,$ll 8eep t,# l$01 #e$. ( s,$ll ose%2e it 0it, -# 0,ole ,e$%t4 B$8e -e to /o
in t,e p$t, of t,# 3o--$n"-ents1 fo% t,e%ein "o ( "eli/,t4 (n3line -# ,e$%t unto t,# testi-onies. $n"
not to 3o2etousness4 *u%n $0$# -ine e#es f%o- e,ol"in/ 2$nit#1 $n" Oui38en t,ou -e in t,# 0$#4
!t$lis, t,# 0o%" unto t,# se%2$nt. 0,o is "e2ote" to t,# fe$%4 *u%n $0$# -# %ep%o$3, 0,i3, ( fe$%:
fo% t,# ?u"/-ents $%e /oo"4 Be,ol". ( ,$2e lon/e" $fte% t,# p%e3epts: Oui38en -e in t,#
%i/,teousness4: 's$l- 11=:336404
!nswer" Pes. @esus s$i" t,$t +(f $n# -$n 0ill "o ,is 0ill. ,e s,$ll 8no0 of t,e "o3t%ine. 0,et,e% it e
of &o". o% 0,et,e% ( spe$8 of -#self4: @o,n 7:174
-. !s we see' to understand God>s word, who will help us
+*,en opene" ,e t,ei% un"e%st$n"in/. t,$t t,e# -i/,t un"e%st$n" t,e s3%iptu%es: Lu8e 24:454 +*,$t
t,e &o" of ou% Lo%" @esus D,%ist. t,e H$t,e% of /lo%#. -$# /i2e unto #ou t,e spi%it of 0is"o- $n"
%e2el$tion in t,e 8no0le"/e of ,i-: *,e e#es of #ou% un"e%st$n"in/ ein/ enli/,tene"1 t,$t #e -$#
8no0 0,$t is t,e ,ope of ,is 3$llin/. $n" 0,$t t,e %i3,es of t,e /lo%# of ,is in,e%it$n3e in t,e s$ints.
5n" 0,$t is t,e e)3ee"in/ /%e$tness of ,is po0e% to us60$%" 0,o elie2e. $33o%"in/ to t,e 0o%8in/
of ,is -i/,t# po0e%4: ;p,esi$ns 1:1761=4
!nswer" *,e H$t,e% 9i-self ,$2e p%o-ise" to ,elp us to un"e%st$n" 9is 0o%"s4 +Donsi"e% 0,$t (
s$#1 $n" t,e Lo%" /i2e t,ee un"e%st$n"in/ in $ll t,in/s4: 2 *i-ot,# 2:74
.. Through whom does this help come
+5n" ( 0ill p%$# t,e H$t,e%. $n" ,e s,$ll /i2e #ou $not,e% Do-fo%te%. t,$t ,e -$# $i"e 0it, #ou fo%
e2e%1 ;2en t,e !pi%it of t%ut,1 0,o- t,e 0o%l" 3$nnot %e3ei2e. e3$use it seet, ,i- not. neit,e%
8no0et, ,i-: ut #e 8no0 ,i-1 fo% ,e "0ellet, 0it, #ou. $n" s,$ll e in #ou4 4 4 4 But t,e Do-fo%te%.
0,i3, is t,e 9ol# &,ost. 0,o- t,e H$t,e% 0ill sen" in -# n$-e. ,e s,$ll te$3, #ou $ll t,in/s. $n"
%in/ $ll t,in/s to #ou% %e-e-%$n3e. 0,$tsoe2e% ( ,$2e s$i" unto #ou4: @o,n 14:16. 17. 264
+9o0eit 0,en ,e. t,e !pi%it of t%ut,. is 3o-e. ,e 0ill /ui"e #ou into $ll t%ut,: fo% ,e s,$ll not spe$8
of ,i-self1 ut 0,$tsoe2e% ,e s,$ll ,e$%. t,$t s,$ll ,e spe$8: $n" ,e 0ill s,e0 #ou t,in/s to 3o-e4:
@o,n 16:134
!nswer" *,%ou/, t,e !pi%it of &o"4
5 t%ue 8no0le"/e of t,e Bile 3$n e /$ine" onl# t,%ou/, t,e $i" of t,$t !pi%it # 0,o- t,e 0o%"
0$s /i2en4 5n" in o%"e% to /$in t,is 8no0le"/e 0e -ust li2e # it4 5ll t,$t &o"Ns 0o%" 3o--$n"s.
0e $%e to oe#4 5ll t,$t it p%o-ises. 0e -$# 3l$i-4 *,e life 0,i3, it en?oins is t,e life t,$t. t,%ou/,
its po0e%. 0e $%e to li2e4 7nl# $s t,e Bile is t,us ,el" 3$n it e stu"ie" effe3ti2el#4
5rinciples Of Bible Study
/. Of what %alue is Bible study
+!e$%3, t,e s3%iptu%es1 fo% in t,e- #e t,in8 #e ,$2e ete%n$l life: $n" t,e# $%e t,e# 0,i3, testif# of
-e4: @o,n 5:3=4 +5n" t,$t f%o- $ 3,il" t,ou ,$st 8no0n t,e ,ol# s3%iptu%es. 0,i3, $%e $le to -$8e
t,ee 0ise unto s$l2$tion t,%ou/, f$it, 0,i3, is in D,%ist @esus4 5ll s3%iptu%e is /i2en # inspi%$tion of
&o". $n" is p%ofit$le fo% "o3t%ine. fo% %ep%oof. fo% 3o%%e3tion. fo% inst%u3tion in %i/,teousness: *,$t
t,e -$n of &o" -$# e pe%fe3t. t,%ou/,l# fu%nis,e" unto $ll /oo" 0o%8s4: 2 *i-ot,# 3:156174
Pou 0ill ,$2e ete%n$l life4
2. $ow important was God>s word to Job
+Ceit,e% ,$2e ( /one $38 f%o- t,e 3o--$n"-ent of ,is lips1 ( ,$2e estee-e" t,e 0o%"s of ,is
-out, -o%e t,$n -# ne3ess$%# foo"4: @o 23:124
Bo%e ne3ess$%# t,$n foo"4
13. )hat noble e4ample of Bible study is recorded in the Bible
+*,ese 0e%e -o%e nole t,$n t,ose in *,ess$loni3$. in t,$t t,e# %e3ei2e" t,e 0o%" 0it, $ll %e$"iness
of -in". $n" se$%3,e" t,e s3%iptu%es "$il#. 0,et,e% t,ose t,in/s 0e%e so4: 53ts 17:114
*,e Be%e$ns e3$use t,e# se$%3,e" t,e s3%iptu%es "$il#4
11. )hat should be our purpose in the study of the Bible
+!tu"# to s,e0 t,#self $pp%o2e" unto &o". $ 0o%8-$n t,$t nee"et, not to e $s,$-e". %i/,tl#
"i2i"in/ t,e 0o%" of t%ut,4: 2 *i-ot,# 2:154
*,e stu"ent of t,e Bile s,oul" e t$u/,t to $pp%o$3, it in t,e spi%it of $ le$%ne%4 <e $%e to se$%3, its
p$/es. not fo% p%oof to sust$in ou% opinions. ut in o%"e% to 8no0 0,$t ou% ,e$2enl# H$t,e% s$#s4
5recept upon precept, line upon line
1#. $ow are we to arri%e at a correct interpretation of Bible truth
+Ho% p%e3ept -ust e upon p%e3ept. p%e3ept upon p%e3ept1 line upon line. line upon line1 ,e%e $ little.
$n" t,e%e $ little: (s$i$, 28:104 +Ho% # one !pi%it $%e 0e $ll $ptize" into one o"#. 0,et,e% 0e e
@e0s o% &entiles. 0,et,e% 0e e on" o% f%ee1 $n" ,$2e een $ll -$"e to "%in8 into one !pi%it4: 1
Do%int,i$ns 12:134
!nswer" *,e Bile e)pl$ins itself # 3o-p$%in/ 2e%se 0it, 2e%se4
1&. !s we read the Bible, what else should we do
+Be"it$te upon t,ese t,in/s1 /i2e t,#self 0,oll# to t,e-1 t,$t t,# p%ofitin/ -$# $ppe$% to $ll4: 1
*i-ot,# 4:154
!nswer" Be"it$te upon it4
(n "$il# stu"# t,e 2e%se6#62e%se -et,o" is often -ost ,elpful4 Let t,e stu"ent of t,e 0o%" t$8e one
2e%se. $n" 3on3ent%$te t,e -in" on $s3e%t$inin/ t,e t,ou/,t t,$t &o" ,$s put into t,$t 2e%se fo% ,i-.
$n" t,en "0ell upon t,e t,ou/,t until it e3o-es ,is o0n4 7ne p$ss$/e t,us stu"ie" until its
si/nifi3$n3e is 3le$% is of -o%e 2$lue t,$n t,e pe%us$l of -$n# 3,$pte%s 0it, no "efinite pu%pose in
2ie0 $n" no positi2e inst%u3tion /$ine"4
,aith and Godly )isdom
1(. !s we study God<s word, for what should we pray
+7pen t,ou -ine e#es. t,$t ( -$# e,ol" 0on"%ous t,in/s out of t,# l$04: 's$l-s 11=:184 +(f $n# of
#ou l$38 0is"o-. let ,i- $s8 of &o". t,$t /i2et, to $ll -en lie%$ll#. $n" up%$i"et, not1 $n" it s,$ll
e /i2en ,i-4 But let ,i- $s8 in f$it,. not,in/ 0$2e%in/4 Ho% ,e t,$t 0$2e%et, is li8e $ 0$2e of t,e
se$ "%i2en 0it, t,e 0in" $n" tosse"4: @$-es 1:5.64
!nswer" <e -ust p%$# fo% f$it,. &o"l# 0is"o- $n" p%ope% un"e%st$n"in/ of 9is 0o%"s4
:OT6" +Ce2e% s,oul" t,e Bile e stu"ie" 0it,out p%$#e%4 Befo%e openin/ its p$/es 0e s,oul" $s8
fo% t,e enli/,ten-ent of t,e 9ol# !pi%it. $n" it 0ill e /i2en4 4 4 4 @esus 0ill see us4 4 4 4 in t,e se3%et
pl$3es of p%$#e% if 0e 0ill see8 9i- fo% li/,t t,$t 0e -$# 8no0 0,$t is t%ut,4 5n/els f%o- t,e 0o%l"
of li/,t 0ill e 0it, t,ose 0,o in ,u-ilit# of ,e$%t see8 fo% "i2ine /ui"$n3e4: Steps to !hrist. p$/e
1+. Of what personal benefit is the study of the Bible to the 8hristian
+<,e%e0it,$l s,$ll $ #oun/ -$n 3le$nse ,is 0$#> # t$8in/ ,ee" t,e%eto $33o%"in/ to t,# 0o%"4 4 4 4
*,# 0o%" ,$2e ( ,i" in -ine ,e$%t. t,$t ( -i/,t not sin $/$inst t,ee4: 's$l-s 11=:=.1=4
!nswer" H$it, in &o"Ns 0o%". p%$#e%full# stu"ie" $n" p%$3ti3$ll# $pplie" 0ill e ou% s,iel" f%o-
!$t$nNs po0e%. $n" 0ill %in/ us off 3onOue%o%s t,%ou/, t,e loo" of D,%ist4
:OT6" +7nl# t,ose 0,o ,$2e een "ili/ent stu"ents of t,e !3%iptu%es. $n" 0,o ,$2e %e3ei2e" t,e
lo2e of t,e t%ut,. 0ill e s,iel"e" f%o- t,e po0e%ful "elusion t,$t t$8es t,e 0o%l" 3$pti2e4 B# t,e
Bile testi-on# t,ese 0ill "ete3t t,e "e3ei2e% in ,is "is/uise4 *o $ll. t,e testin/ ti-e 0ill 3o-e4 B#
t,e siftin/ of te-pt$tion. t,e /enuine D,%isti$n 0ill e %e2e$le"4 5%e t,e people of &o" no0 so fi%-l#
est$lis,e" upon ,is <o%" t,$t t,e# 0oul" not #iel" to t,e e2i"en3e of t,ei% senses>
<oul" t,e#. in su3, $ 3%isis. 3lin/ to t,e Bile. $n" t,e Bile onl#> !$t$n 0ill. if possile. p%e2ent
t,e- f%o- 7t$inin/ $ p%ep$%$tion to st$n" in t,$t "$#4 9e 0ill so $%%$n/e $ff$i%s $s to ,e"/e up t,ei%
0$#. ent$n/le t,e- 0it, e$%t,l# t%e$su%es. 3$use t,e- to 3$%%# $ ,e$2#. 0e$%iso-e u%"en. t,$t t,ei%
,e$%ts -$# e o2e%3,$%/e" 0it, t,e 3$%es of t,is life. $n" t,e "$# of t%i$l -$# 3o-e upon t,e- $s $
t,ief4: #he Great !ontroversy 1222 ed. p$/e 6254
Suggested Methods Of Bible Study
1. ?ead it re%erently. *,e ,ol# $n/els 0,o $%e e2e% efo%e t,e t,%one of &o" 3o2e% t,ei% f$3es $s
t,e# sin/ 9is p%$ise4 <e s,oul" s,ut out of ou% -in"s $ll 0o%l"l# t,ou/,ts 0,en 0e open t,e p$/es
of ou% 9e$2enl# H$t,e%Ns 0o%"4
#. ?ead it slowly. its t%ut,s ,$2e ti-e to t$8e %oot4 GBe still. $n" 8no0G ('s$l- 46:10). s$#s t,e
Bi/,t# 7ne4 Be Ouiet. un,u%%ie". t,$t #ou -$# ,e$% 9is 2oi3e4 7nl# so 3$n #ou 'no& #ou% Bile4
G*,e Bile in t,e ,$n" 0onNt "o1 t,e Bile in t,e ,e$" 0onNt "o1 ut t,e Bile in t,e ,e$%t -e$ns
ete%n$l life4G
&. ?ead it submissi%ely. Bile is &o"Ns -ess$/e to you. *,%ou/, its p$/es. 9e 0ill spe$8 to #ou%
,e$%t. le$"in/ #ou into $ll t%ut,4 Do-e to t,is %e$"in/ in $ su-issi2e. te$3,$le. oe"ient spi%it. $n"
#ou 0ill e t%ul# t$u/,t of 9i-4
(. ?ead it prayerfully. *$8e #ou% Bile to D,%ist. t,$t 9e -$# /i2e #ou un"e%st$n"in/4 *,in8 not so
-u3, of t,e nu-e% of 3,$pte%s $n" 2e%ses $s of #ou% nee". $n" t,e ,elp 0,i3, #ou% H$t,e% is 0$itin/
to sen" #ou t,%ou/, 9is 0o%"4 5n" %e-e-e% t,$t #ou% p%o/%ess in 3o-p%e,ension $t t,e Bile 0ill
e -e$su%e" # #ou% e$%nestness in p%$#e%4
+. ?ead it daily. ( $- so%%# fo% t,e -en 0,o "o not %e$" t,e Bile e2e%# "$#.G s$i" '%esi"ent <ilson4
"#oday"" is t,e 0o%" of inspi%$tion4 G*o"$# 444 ,e$%. 9is 2oi3eG6 $n" e2e%# "$#4 Ao not -iss one. o%
s$# to #ou%self. G*o-o%%o04G <,$t if. fo% #ou. tomorro& s,oul" not 3o-e>
-. ?ead it first. *,e Bile ou/,t to ,$2e t,e est ti-e in t,e "$#1 $n" fo% -ost. -en. t,e est ti-e in
t,e "$# is t,e e$%l# -o%nin/ ,ou%4G Co -$tte% 0,$t ot,e% oo8s p%ess t,ei% 3l$i-s upon #ou% ti-e $n"
t,ou/,t. "o not open one till #ou ,$2e spent so-e ti-e 0it, t,e Bile4
.. ?ead it last.Do-e to t,e Boo8 $t ni/,tf$ll4 *,e "$# -$# %in/ te-pt$tion $n" "efe$t. toil $n"
0e$%iness. /%ief $n" ,u-ili$tion4 <,$te2e% ,$s 3o-e. 0e still nee" t,$t 0,i3, @esus $lone 3$n
esto04 GDo-e unto Be. 444 $n" ( 0ill /i2eG (B$tt,e0 11:28). is 9is /%$3ious in2it$tion4 *,e%e is onl#
one 3on"ition6Do-e4 5n" ,o0 ette% 3$n 0e 3o-e to 9i- t,$n to sit "o0n fo% $ little sp$3e 0it, 9is
0o%". tellin/ 9i- ou% ,e$%tNs nee". $n" listenin/ to 9is -ess$/e to us>
Is it your desire to let Jesus teach you truth through $is )ord )ill you endea%or to study $is
)ord e%ery day in the way God has told us to study it
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
A0 #o& To Study The Bible%
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Lesson #2
,. 'hy (ere .od-s #eo#le in ancient times destroyed+ Hosea 7:; (,)
o Be(ause they &ent a+ter other 'holy' boo5s
o Be(ause they 5ne& &hat &as ri"ht but did not +ollo& it
o Be(ause they did not 5no& &hat is in the Bible
0. 'hat did Jesus says (as the )asic theme of the cri#tures+ John <:6=
o God's la&
o ternal li+e
o Lo!e
6. 'ho (rote >in (hich ?in the cri#tures@ are some things hard to )e
understoodA+ (,)
o Paul
o Peter
o *oses
7. 'hat condition does .od sets forth for understanding the *i)le+ ( , )
o Be hu-ble and tea(hable0
o Go to (hur(h pastor to (onCr- that &hat you understood in the Bible is (orre(t0
o Iou need to study #ebre& and Gree5 to really understand the Bible0
<. Boes .od really (ant us to understand the cri#tures+ (,)
o .o
o Ies
;. 8or (hat should (e #ray )efore (e study the *i)le+ (,)
o Patien(e and ability to tea(h0
o The #oly Spirit to "i!e true understand and God's &isdo-0
o The ability to do -ira(les0
C. 'e should study everything the *i)le says on a su)Dect to ma1e sure (e
are not misinter#reting a given #assage. (,)
o $alse
o True
9. 'hat did Jesus call those (ho do not )elieve all that the *i)le says+
"u1e 07:0< (,)
o $ools
o #ypo(rites
o InCdels
=. 'e must let the *i)le inter#ret itself )y com#aring cri#ture (ith
cri#ture. (,)
o True
o $alse
,E. 'hy (here the *ereans commended as )eing Fmore no)leA+ (,)
o They listened to and obeyed e!erythin" the )postle Paul had to say0
o They "a!e "enerously to support the e!an"elis- o+ the dis(iples0
o They sear(hed the S(riptures daily (o-parin" &hat they heard in (hur(h &ith the
,,. 'hat is to guide us into all truth+ (,)
o The Spirit o+ God
o Our Pastors
o Drea-s and !isions
,0. 'hat factor is indis#ensa)le in order for us to )elieve the *i)le+
( , )
o *ira(les
o $aith
o $eelin"s
,6. *y .od-s grace I (ill study the *i)le for myself daily to learn the
(ay of salvation. (,)
o .o
o Ies
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
80 #o& To 'e(ei!e )ns&ers To Prayer%
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Quiz
1o2ine 3online 4
The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Cli(5 here to
access the KJV online.
+(f -# people. 0,i3, $%e 3$lle" # -# n$-e. s,$ll ,u-le t,e-sel2es. $n" p%$#. $n" see8 -# f$3e.
$n" tu%n f%o- t,ei% 0i38e" 0$#s1 t,en 0ill ( ,e$% f%o- ,e$2en. $n" 0ill fo%/i2e t,ei% sin. $n" 0ill
,e$l t,ei% l$n"4 Co0 -ine e#es s,$ll e open. $n" -ine e$%s $ttent unto t,e p%$#e% t,$t is -$"e in t,is
pl$3e4: 2 D,%oni3les 7:14. 154
7ne of t,e -ost $stoun"in/ f$3ts of t,e spi%itu$l life is t,$t &o" ,e$%s $n" $ns0e%s p%$#e%4 *,e Bile
$oun"s 0it, t,e testi-on# of t,ose 0,ose p%$#e%s ,$2e een si/n$ll# $ns0e%e". $n" e2e%# sin3e%e
D,%isti$n 3$n $"" ,is o0n pe%son$l e)pe%ien3es in 0,i3, &o" ,$s opene" t,e 0in"o0s of ,e$2en $n"
/%$nte" ,is petitions4
'%$#e% puts -$n in tou3, 0it, &o"4 (t fo%-s t,e 3onne3tin/ lin8 et0een ,u-$n 0e$8ness $n" &o"Ms
o-nipoten3e4 7ut of 0e$8ness -en $%e -$"e st%on/4 !ee 9e%e0s 11:344
The 5ri%ilege of 5rayer
1. )hat is prayer
9e s$i" unto t,e-4 <,en #e p%$#. s$#. 7u% H$t,e% 0,i3, $%t in ,e$2en4 Lu8e 11:24 Ho% 0e ,$2e not
$n ,i/, p%iest 0,i3, 3$nnot e tou3,e" 0it, t,e feelin/ of ou% infi%-ities1 ut 0$s in $ll points
te-pte" li8e $s 0e $%e. #et 0it,out sin4 Let us t,e%efo%e 3o-e ol"l# unto t,e t,%one of /%$3e. t,$t 0e
-$# ot$in -e%3#. $n" fin" /%$3e to ,elp in ti-e of nee". 9e%e0s 4:156164 5n" sin3e @esus is t,e
f%ien" of sinne%s. 9e in2ites t,e -ost sinful to 3o-e to &o" t,%ou/, 9i-4
!. The cry of a soul in need.
'%$#e% is t,e 3%# of $ soul in nee". ut it is -u3, -o%e t,$n t,$t4 9$2e -e%3# upon -e. 0 Lo%". fo% (
$- in t%oule: -ine e#e is 3onsu-e" 0it, /%ief. #e$. -# soul $n" -# ell#4 's$l- 31:=4 &o" is ou%
%efu/e $n" st%en/t,. $ 2e%# p%esent ,elp in t%oule4 's$l- 46:14
B. The opening of the heart to God.
Ie$l p%$#e% is t,e openin/ of t,e ,e$%t to &o" $s to $ f%ien"4 (t is not ?ust $s8in/ fo% t,in/s4 (t isnNt $ll
t$l8in/ on -$nNs p$%t o% on &o"Ns p$%t4 (t is so-e of e$3,. $n" -o%e4 (t -$# e 3o--union in utte%
silen3e $t ti-es6?ust $ s$3%e" sense of 9is ,ol#. p%esen3e4 Be still. $n" 8no0 t,$t ( $- &o" 4Psalm 46:
105. &o" $s8s us to 3$ll 9i- H$t,e%1 t,e%efo%e 0e -$# f%eel# 3o-e to 9i- 0it, ou% p%ole-s $n" ou%
+'%$#e% is t,e 8e# in t,e ,$n" of f$it, to unlo38 ,e$2enNs sto%e,ouse. 0,e%e $%e t%e$su%e" t,e
oun"less %esou%3es of 7-nipoten3e: Steps to !hrist p$/e =44
#. )hat prayer is not
!nswer" '%$#e% is not $n $3t of -e%it t,$t e$%ns &o"Ns f$2o%4 @esus s$i": 9e4 4 sen"et, %$in on t,e ?ust
$n" on t,e un?ust4+ B$tt,e0 5:454
(f p%$#e% 0oul" /et us $n#t,in/ 0e 0$nte". 0e p%o$l# 0oul" p%$# not so -u3, fo% ,oliness $s fo%
te-po%$l enefits 0,i3, 0oul" not e use" to ou% /oo" o% &o"Ns /lo%#4 B$n# $%e $l%e$"# li8e t,e
little o# 0,o f$ile" to s$# /%$3e $t t,e t$le one -o%nin/4 9is f$t,e% $s8e" 0,#4 *,e $ns0e% 3$-e.
<e "onNt nee" to p%$# fo% %e$" to"$#4 ( loo8e" in t,e %e$" o) $n" t,e%e is enou/, fo% t,%ee "$#s4
'%$#e% is not ostent$tion $n" s,o0 (B$tt,e0 6:168)4 (t is not $ set fo%- of 0o%"s fo% $ set o33$sion
%e3ite" to t,e $33o-p$ni-ent of spinnin/ p%$#e% 0,eels o% -o2in/ e$"s. t,ou/, -$n# 0,o p%$#
t,us $%e sin3e%e $n" t%ue4 '%$#e% is 3o--union 0it, &o". $n" -$# t$8e pl$3e 0,ene2e% $n"
0,e%e2e% t,e soul of -$n %e$3,es out sin3e%el# fo% ,is D%e$to%4
&. )hy do we pray
,our @uestions will help to find the answer"
!. Is it to gi%e God information
0 Lo%"4 *,ou ,$st se$%3,e" -e. $n" 8no0n -e4 *,ou 8no0est -# "o0nsittin/ $n" -ine up%isin/4
*,ou un"e%st$n"est -# t,ou/,t $f$% off4 *,ou 3o-p$ssest -# p$t, $n" -# l#in/ "o0n. $n" $%t
$3Ou$inte" 0it, $ll -# 0$#s4 Ho% t,e%e is not $ 0o%" in -# ton/ue. ut. lo. 0 Lo%". t,ou 8no0est it
$lto/et,e%4 's$l- 13=:1644
Aoes &o" nee" info%-$tion> CoR Pou% H$t,e% 8no0est 0,$t t,in/s #e ,$2e nee" of. efo%e #e $s8
9i- (B$tt,e0 6:8)4 !till 9e ne2e% 0e$%ies of ou% 3o-in/ to 9i- in sin3e%e p%$#e%4 Qnu%"en #ou%
,e$%t4 *$8e $ll t,e ti-e #ou nee"4 AonNt %us,4 *,in8 0,en #ou p%$#4 (f #ou 0e%e t$l8in/ to t,e
p%esi"ent of #ou% 3ount%#. #ou 0oul" e $le%t. 0oul"nNt #ou> Be $le%t $n" %e2e%ent 0,en #ou t$l8 to
&o". $n" #ou% p%$#e%s 0ill e ,e$%" in ,e$2en4
B. Is it to ma'e God willing
(f #e t,en. ein/ e2il. 8no0 ,o0 to /i2e /oo" /ifts unto #ou% 3,il"%en: ,o0 -u3, -o%e s,$ll #ou%
,e$2enl# H$t,e% /i2e t,e 9ol# !pi%it to t,e- t,$t $s8 9i-> Lu8e 11:134
'%$#e% is not o2e%3o-in/ &o"Ns %elu3t$n3e1 it is t$8in/ ,ol" of &o"Ns 0illin/ness: '%$#e% "oes not
-$8e 9i- 0illin/. fo% 9e is $l0$#s 0illin/ to ,elp us4
8. Is it to change God
( $- t,e Lo%". ( 3,$n/e not4 B$l$3,i 3:64
Ao 0e p%$# to 3,$n/e &o"> CoR <it, 9i- is no 2$%i$leness. neit,e% s,$"o0 of tu%nin/ (@$-es
1:17)4 &o"Ns p%o-ises $%e 3on"ition$l1 t,e%efo%e $ns0e%s 2$%#4 But &o" ne2e% 3,$n/es4 @esus D,%ist is
t,e s$-e #este%"$#. $n" to"$#. $n" fo% e2e% (9e%e0s 13:8)4 9is in2it$tion is. Do-e no0. $n" let us
%e$son to/et,e% ((s$i$, 1:18)4
;. Is it to change us
'%$#e% is t,e /%e$test unuse" fo%3e in t,e uni2e%se to 3,$n/e 0,$t -ost nee"s to e 3,$n/e"6 -en4
<e p%$# in o%"e% to en$le us to %e3ei2e 9i-4 '%$#e% "oes not %in/ &o" "o0n to us. ut %in/s us up
to 9i-4 Ie$" '$ulNs e)pe%ien3e in 53ts =: 106184
God<s )illingness to !nswer
(. $ow did Jesus illustrate the willingness of our $ea%enly ,ather to gi%e us what we need when
we as'
(f #e t,en. ein/ e2il. 8no0 ,o0 to /i2e /oo" /ifts unto #ou% 3,il"%en: ,o0 -u3, -o%e s,$ll #ou%
,e$2enl# H$t,e% /i2e t,e 9ol# !pi%it to t,e- t,$t $s8 9i-> Lu8e 11:134
!nswer" @esus loo8e" upon t,ose 0,o 0e%e $sse-le" to ,e$% 9is 0o%"s. $n" e$%nestl# "esi%e" t,$t
t,e /%e$t -ultitu"e -i/,t $pp%e3i$te t,e -e%3# $n" lo2in/68in"ness of &o"4 5s $n illust%$tion of t,ei%
nee". $n" of &o"Ms 0illin/ness to /i2e. 9e p%esents efo%e t,e- $ ,un/%# 3,il" $s8in/ ,is e$%t,l#
p$%ent fo% %e$"4SCo -$n 0it, $ f$t,e%Ms ,e$%t 0oul" tu%n f%o- ,is son 0,o is ,un/%# $n" is $s8in/
fo% %e$"4 <oul" t,e# t,in8 ,i- 3$p$le of t%iflin/ 0it, ,is 3,il". of t$nt$lizin/ ,i- # %$isin/ ,is
e)pe3t$tions onl# to "is$ppoint ,i-> <oul" ,e p%o-ise to /i2e ,i- /oo" $n" nou%is,in/ foo". $n"
t,en /i2e ,i- $ stone> 5n" s,oul" $n#one "is,ono% &o" # i-$/inin/ t,$t 9e 0oul" not %espon" to
t,e $ppe$ls of 9is 3,il"%en>
5ower of 5rayer
+. $ow did Jesus illustrate the limitless power that e%ery belie%ing disciple can recei%e in
answer to prayer
+@esus $ns0e%e" $n" s$i" unto t,e-. Fe%il# ( s$# unto #ou. (f #e ,$2e f$it,. $n" "out not. #e s,$ll
not onl# "o t,is 0,i3, is "one to t,e fi/ t%ee. ut $lso if #e s,$ll s$# unto t,is -ount$in. Be t,ou
%e-o2e". $n" e t,ou 3$st into t,e se$1 it s,$ll e "one4 5n" $ll t,in/s. 0,$tsoe2e% #e s,$ll $s8 in
p%$#e%. elie2in/. #e s,$ll %e3ei2e4: B$tt,e0 21:21. 224
:OT6" H%o- t,e se3%et pl$3e of p%$#e% 3$-e t,e po0e% t,$t s,oo8 t,e 0o%l" in t,e &%e$t
Iefo%-$tion4 #he Great !ontroversy. '$/e 2104
Cot,in/ is -o%e nee"e" in ou% 0o%8 t,$n t,e p%$3ti3$l %esults of 3o--union 0it, &o"4 <e s,oul"
s,o0 # ou% "$il# li2es t,$t 0e ,$2e pe$3e $n" %est in t,e !$2iou%4 9is pe$3e in t,e ,e$%t 0ill s,ine
fo%t, in t,e 3ounten$n3e4 (t 0ill /i2e to t,e 2oi3e $ pe%su$si2e po0e%4 Do--union 0it, &o" 0ill
ennole t,e 3,$%$3te% $n" t,e life4 Ben 0ill t$8e 8no0le"/e of us. $s of t,e fi%st "is3iples. t,$t 0e
,$2e een 0it, @esus4 *,is 0ill i-p$%t to t,e 0o%8e% $ po0e% t,$t not,in/ else 3$n /i2e4 7f t,is
po0e% ,e -ust not $llo0 ,i-self to e "ep%i2e"4 #he )inistry of Healing. '$/e 5124
-. )hat is our part in getting our prayers answered
!nswer" Befo%e #ou /o one step fu%t,e%. %e$" t,e sto%# of t,e ',$%isee $n" t,e puli3$n in t,e
*e-ple 4Lu'e 12.160135. *,is 0ill ,elp #ou to see t,$t sin3e%it# of pu%pose -e$ns -u3, 0it, &o"4
Co0 /o $n" note 3$%efull# t,ese ei/,t points:
!. ?ecogniAe your need of God.
( 0ill pou% 0$te% upon ,i- t,$t is t,i%st#4 (s$i$, 44:34
Blesse" $%e t,e# 0,i3, "o ,un/e% $n" t,i%st $fte% %i/,teousness: fo% t,e# s,$ll e fille"4 B$tt,e0 5:64
<e -ust %e3o/nize ou% nee"4 *,$tNs 0,$t t,e puli3$n "i" $n" 0,$t t,e ',$%isee "i" not "o4 5 H%en3,
nole-$n s$i". &o" 0oul" t,in8 t0i3e efo%e "$-nin/ $ pe%son of -# Ou$lit#4 !u3, 3on3eit s,o%t6
3i%3uits p%$#e%4
B. ?ecogniAe God as your indispensable helper.
( $- t,e 2ine. #e $%e t,e %$n3,es: 9e t,$t $i"et, in Be. $n" ( in ,i-. t,e s$-e %in/et, fo%t, -u3,
f%uit: fo% 0it,out Be #e 3$n "o not,in/4 @o,n 15:54
;2e%# /oo" /ift $n" e2e%# pe%fe3t /ift is f%o- $o2e. $n" 3o-et, "o0n f%o- t,e H$t,e% of li/,ts4
@$-es 1:174
5s $ -$n senten3e" to "e$t, # t,e ,i/,est 3ou%t loo8s to t,e /o2e%no% $s ,is onl# ,ope. so s,oul"
0e in $ll t,in/s loo8 to &o"4 (t is onl# $t t,e $lt$% of &o" t,$t 0e 3$n 8in"le ou% t$pe%s 0it, "i2ine
fi%e ((s$i$, 50: 10611)4
8. 5ray in faith.
lf $n# of #ou l$38 0is"o-. let ,i- $s8 of &o". t,$t /i2et, to $ll -en lie%$ll#. $n" up%$i"et, not1
$n" it s,$ll e /i2en ,i-4 But let ,i- $s8 in f$it,. not,in/ 0$2e%in/ @$-es 1:5664 !ee (2e%ses 768)4
*o p%$# 0it,out f$it, is li8e plu//in/ up $ 0$te% pipe $n" t,en openin/ up t,e f$u3et4 Cot,in/
,$ppens4 '%$#e% 0it,out f$it, is li8e $ 8e# 0it, no ,$n" to tu%n it in t,e lo384 5s8 in f$it, (9e%e0s
;. 8onfess and forsa'e all your sins.
9e t,$t 3o2e%et, ,is sins s,$ll not p%ospe%: ut 0,oso 3onfesset, $n" fo%s$8et, t,e- s,$ll ,$2e
-e%3#4 '%o2e%s 28:134
(f ( %e/$%" iniOuit# in -# ,e$%t. t,e Lo%" 0ill not ,e$% -e 's$l- 66:184 !ee ('%o2e%s 28:=)4
Donfess $n" fo%s$8e4 <e -ust not 0$it fo% feelin/4 <e -ust $3t4 Be spe3ifi3 0it, &o"4 (s%$el foun"
pe$3e onl# 0,en t,e# s$i". <e ,$2e $""e" unto $ll ou% sins t,is e2il4 to $s8 us $ 8in/ (1 !$-uel 12:
!in is t,e t%$ns/%ession of t,e l$0 (1 @o,n 3:4)4 <e -ust fo%s$8e sin. ( 0,i3, is l$0lessness4
7e"ien3e -ust e t,e %ule of ou% li2es4 (t is t,e f%uit of t%ue f$it,4 H$it, 0it,out 0o%8s is "e$"
(@$-es 2:20)4
6. 5ray according to God>s will.
9e 0ent $ little f$%t,e%. $n" fell on ,is f$3e. $n" p%$#e". s$#in/. 0 -# H$t,e%. if it e possile. let t,is
3up p$ss f%o- Be: ne2e%t,eless not $s ( 0ill. ut $s *,ou 0ilt B$tt,e0 26:3=4 !ee (2e%se 42)4
<e 8no0 not 0,$t 0e s,oul" p%$# fo% $s 0e ou/,t (Io-$ns 8:26)4
(f it 0$s fittin/ fo% @esus to p%$#. *,# 0ill e "one. ,o0 -u3, -o%e $pp%op%i$te fo% us4 Co 0ise
p$%ent 0ill /i2e $ 3,il" e2e%#t,in/ ,e $s8s fo%4 *,e $ns0e% so-eti-es is Co1 so-eti-es it is $
sustitute. $s $ %ue% $ll inste$" of s3isso%s4 5n" so-eti-es t,e $ns0e% -$# e. Cot no01 t,is is $
postpone-ent4 *,us 0e -ust t%ust &o"4
,. 5erse%ere with God.
Ie$" Lu8e 18:168 6t,e sto%# of t,e i-po%tun$te 0i"o04
!o -$n# ti-es 0e %us, t,%ou/, t,e 3i%3le of p%$#e% $n" s3$%3el# %e-e-e% 0,$t 0e p%$#e" fo%4 <e
$%e li8e $ o# 0,o 3$nNt stop to e$t ,is %e$8f$st on D,%ist-$s -o%nin/4 'e%se2e%$n3e in p%$#e% is not
so -u3, u%/in/ ou% 0ills upon &o" $s it is ein/ inst$nt in p%$#e%6 8eepin/ $n $ttitu"e of p%$#e%4 Pet
it "oes -e$n e$%nestness. $s in t,e 3$se of ;li?$,Ns p%$#in/ fo% %$in $n" sen"in/ ,is se%2$nt se2en
ti-es to t,e ,illtop to loo8 fo% si/ns of %$in4
G. 5ray in Jesus> name.
<,$tsoe2e% #e s,$ll $s8 in B# n$-e. t,$t 0ill ( "o. t,$t t,e H$t,e% -$# e /lo%ifie" in t,e !on4 @o,n
14: 134
*o p%$# in t,e n$-e of @esus is to p%$# in t,e -in" $n" spi%it of @esus 0,ile 0e elie2e 9is p%o-ises.
%el# upon 9is /%$3e. $n" 0o%8 9is 0o%8s4
$. 9isten as well as tal'.
( 0ill st$n" upon -# 0$t3,. $n" set -e upon t,e to0e%. $n" 0ill 0$t3, to see 0,$t 9e 0ill s$# unto
-e. $n" 0,$t ( s,$ll $ns0e% 0,en ( $- %ep%o2e"4 9$$88u8 2:14
!o-e p%e$3,e% ,$s s$i". *,e p%$#e% %oo- is not so -u3, t,e o%$to%# %oo- $s t,e ose%2$to%# %oo-4
<$itin/ fo% &o" to spe$8 in p%$#e% so-eti-es p%o2i"es t,e onl# $ns0e% 0e nee" to ou% petitions4
8onditions for !nswers
.. )hy are some prayers not answered
!nswer" (n o%"e% to ,$2e ou% p%$#e%s $ns0e%e". 0e s,oul" %e-o2e $ll t,e ost$3les t,$t lo38 t,e
p%$#e% 3,$nnel4 *,in8 of t,ese fou% t,in/s:
!. )e must forgi%e others.
(f #e fo%/i2e -en t,ei% t%esp$sses. #ou% ,e$2enl# H$t,e% 0ill $lso fo%/i2e #ou: ut if #e fo%/i2e not
-en t,ei% t%esp$sses. neit,e% 0ill #ou% H$t,e% fo%/i2e #ou% t%esp$sses B$tt,e0 6:14615 !ee (B$tt,e0
B. )e must pray for others.
*,e Lo%" tu%ne" t,e 3$pti2it# of @o. 0,en ,e p%$#e" fo% ,is f%ien"s @o 42:104 !ee (B$tt,e0 5:44)4
5 -$n 0,ose p%$#e% is $l0$#s. 0 Lo%" less -e. 3$n ne2e% e3o-e li8e &o" in 3,$%$3te%4 <e -ust
,$2e not onl# t,e in0$%" loo8. ut t,e outloo84 @o,n Eno) p%$#e". Lo%"4 /i2e -e !3otl$n" o% ( "ie4
9e p%$#e" fo% ,is ene-ies4
(f 0e "o not p%$# fo% t,ose 0,o "espitefull# use us. 0e s,$ll su%el# "espise t,e-4 !in3e%e p%$#e% fo%
t,e- is essenti$l fo% ou% o0n s$8es4
8. )e must confess our faults one to another.
Donfess #ou% f$ults one to $not,e%. $n" p%$# fo% one $not,e%. t,$t #e -$# e ,e$le" @$-es 5:164 !ee
4)atthe& 5:23624)4
<e -ust 3onfess f$ults to ot,e%s 0e ,$2e in?u%e"4 *,is is si-ple "e3en3#4 (f #ou %e$8 $ -$nNs le/. "o
#ou% est to fi) it4 (f #ou %e$8 ,is ,e$%t. #ou $%e t,e onl# ,u-$n ein/ 0,o 3$n ,elp p$t3, it up4 Ao
t,is no0 0it, 8in"ness $n" 0o%"s of sin3e%it#4
;. )e must restore anything ta'en by fraud or robbery.
(f t,e 0i38e" %esto%e t,e ple"/e. /i2e $/$in t,$t ,e ,$" %oe". 0$l8 in t,e st$tutes of life. 0it,out
3o--ittin/ iniOuit#1 ,e s,$ll su%el# li2e. ,e s,$ll not "ie ;ze8iel 33:154 !ee (t,e e)$-ple of
T$33,$eus. in Lu8e 1=:16=)4
/. In what manner does James say God will answer the prayer of faith
+(f $n# of #ou l$38 0is"o-. let ,i- $s8 of &o". t,$t /i2et, to $ll -en lie%$ll#. $n" up%$i"et, not1
$n" it s,$ll e /i2en ,i-4 But let ,i- $s8 in f$it,. not,in/ 0$2e%in/4 Ho% ,e t,$t 0$2e%et, is li8e $
0$2e of t,e se$ "%i2en 0it, t,e 0in" $n" tosse"4: @$-es 1:5. 64
C7*;: +*,e &o" 0,o- 0e se%2e is no %espe3te% of pe%sons4 9e 0,o /$2e to !olo-on t,e spi%it of
0ise "is3e%n-ent is 0illin/ to i-p$%t t,e s$-e lessin/ to 9is 3,il"%en to"$#4 (f $n# of #ou l$38
0is"o-. 9is 0o%" "e3l$%es. let ,i- $s8 of &o". t,$t /i2et, to $ll -en lie%$ll#. $n" up%$i"et, not1
$n" it s,$ll e /i2en ,i-4 @$-es 1:54 <,en $ u%"en e$%e% "esi%es 0is"o- -o%e t,$n ,e "esi%es
0e$lt,. po0e%. o% f$-e. ,e 0ill not e "is$ppointe"4 !u3, $ one 0ill le$%n f%o- t,e &%e$t *e$3,e% not
onl# 0,$t to "o. ut ,o0 to "o it in $ 0$# t,$t 0ill -eet 0it, t,e "i2ine $pp%o2$l4: Prophets and
Kings p$/e 314
2. )ith what power did Jacob pre%ail at the Broo' Jabbo'
+5n" @$3o 0$s left $lone1 $n" t,e%e 0%estle" $ -$n 0it, ,i- until t,e %e$8in/ of t,e "$#4 5n"
0,en ,e s$0 t,$t ,e p%e2$ile" not $/$inst ,i-. ,e tou3,e" t,e ,ollo0 of ,is t,i/,1 $n" t,e ,ollo0 of
@$3oNs t,i/, 0$s out of ?oint. $s ,e 0%estle" 0it, ,i-4 5n" ,e s$i". Let -e /o. fo% t,e "$# %e$8et,4
5n" ,e s$i". ( 0ill not let t,ee /o. e)3ept t,ou less -e4 5n" ,e s$i" unto ,i-. <,$t is t,# n$-e>
5n" ,e s$i". @$3o4 5n" ,e s$i". *,# n$-e s,$ll e 3$lle" no -o%e @$3o. ut (s%$el: fo% $s $ p%in3e
,$st t,ou po0e% 0it, &o" $n" 0it, -en. $n" ,$st p%e2$ile"4: &enesis 32:24U284
!nswer" <it, po0e% of f$it,4 (-po%tun$te p%$#e%4
:OT6" @$3o p%e2$ile" e3$use ,e 0$s pe%se2e%in/ $n" "ete%-ine"4 9is 2i3to%# is $n e2i"en3e of
t,e po0e% of i-po%tun$te p%$#e%4 5ll 0,o 0ill l$# ,ol" of &o"Ms p%o-ises. $s ,e "i". $n" e $s
e$%nest $n" pe%se2e%in/ $s ,e 0$s. 0ill su33ee" $s ,e su33ee"e"4 #he Great !ontroversy. '$/e 6214
(t 0$s t,%ou/, f$it, $n" p%$#e% t,$t @$3o. f%o- ein/ $ -$n of feeleness $n" sin. e3$-e $ p%in3e
0it, &o"4 (t is t,us t,$t #ou -$# e3o-e -en $n" 0o-en of ,i/, $n" ,ol# pu%pose. of nole life.
-en $n" 0o-en 0,o 0ill not fo% $n# 3onsi"e%$tion e s0$#e" f%o- t%ut,. %i/,t. $n" ?usti3e4 #he
)inistry of Healing. '$/e 5114
13. )hat does John say is necessary if we are going to e4perience the power of pre%ailing
+5n" 0,$tsoe2e% 0e $s8. 0e %e3ei2e of ,i-. e3$use 0e 8eep ,is 3o--$n"-ents. $n" "o t,ose
t,in/s t,$t $%e ple$sin/ in ,is si/,t4: +5n" t,is is t,e 3onfi"en3e t,$t 0e ,$2e in ,i-. t,$t. if 0e $s8
$n# t,in/ $33o%"in/ to ,is 0ill. ,e ,e$%et, us: 5n" if 0e 8no0 t,$t ,e ,e$% us. 0,$tsoe2e% 0e $s8. 0e
8no0 t,$t 0e ,$2e t,e petitions t,$t 0e "esi%e" of ,i-4: 1 @o,n 3:221 5:14. 154
:OT6" *,ose 0,o "e3i"e to "o not,in/ in $n# line t,$t 0ill "isple$se &o". 0ill 8no0. $fte%
p%esentin/ t,ei% 3$se efo%e 9i-. ?ust 0,$t 3ou%se to pu%sue4 5n" t,e# 0ill %e3ei2e not onl# 0is"o-.
ut st%en/t,4 'o0e% fo% oe"ien3e. fo% se%2i3e. 0ill e i-p$%te" to t,e-. $s D,%ist ,$s p%o-ise"4
<,$te2e% 0$s /i2en to D,%istVt,e L$ll t,in/sM to suppl# t,e nee" of f$llen -enV0$s /i2en to 9i-
$s t,e ,e$" $n" %ep%esent$ti2e of ,u-$nit#4 5n" L0,$tsoe2e% 0e $s8. 0e %e3ei2e of 9i-. e3$use 0e
8eep 9is 3o--$n"-ents. $n" "o t,ose t,in/s t,$t $%e ple$sin/ in 9is si/,t4M 1 @o,n 3:224 #he esire
of /ges. '$/e 6684
5raise in 5rayer
11. )hat does 5aul say will always be connected with true prayer
+Be 3$%eful fo% not,in/1 ut in e2e%# t,in/ # p%$#e% $n" suppli3$tion 0it, t,$n8s/i2in/ let #ou%
%eOuests e -$"e 8no0n unto &o"4: ',ilippi$ns 4:64
:OT6" 7u% "e2otion$l e)e%3ises s,oul" not 3onsist 0,oll# in $s8in/ $n" %e3ei2in/4 Let us not e
$l0$#s t,in8in/ of ou% 0$nts $n" ne2e% of t,e enefits 0e %e3ei2e4 <e "o not p%$# $n# too -u3,. ut
0e $%e too sp$%in/ of /i2in/ t,$n8s4 <e $%e t,e 3onst$nt %e3ipients of &o"Ms -e%3ies. $n" #et ,o0
little /%$titu"e 0e e)p%ess. ,o0 little 0e p%$ise 9i- fo% 0,$t 9e ,$s "one fo% us4 Steps to !hrist.
'$/e 102. 1034
*,e soul -$# $s3en" ne$%e% ,e$2en on t,e 0in/s of p%$ise4 &o" is 0o%s,ipe" 0it, son/ $n" -usi3 in
t,e 3ou%ts $o2e. $n" $s 0e e)p%ess ou% /%$titu"e 0e $%e $pp%o)i-$tin/ to t,e 0o%s,ip of t,e
,e$2enl# ,osts4 (i"4. '$/e 1044
1#. )hen 5aul and Silas mingled praise with their prayers, what happened
+5n" $t -i"ni/,t '$ul $n" !il$s p%$#e". $n" s$n/ p%$ises unto &o": $n" t,e p%isone%s ,e$%" t,e-4
5n" su""enl# t,e%e 0$s $ /%e$t e$%t,Ou$8e. so t,$t t,e foun"$tions of t,e p%ison 0e%e s,$8en: $n"
i--e"i$tel# $ll t,e "oo%s 0e%e opene". $n" e2e%# oneNs $n"s 0e%e loose"4: 53ts 16:25. 264
!nswer" (n t,e p%ison $t ',ilippi. 0,ile suffe%in/ f%o- t,e 3%uel st%ipes t,e# ,$" %e3ei2e". t,ei% feet
f$st in t,e sto38s. '$ul $n" !il$s p%$#e" $n" s$n/ p%$ise to &o"1 $n" $n/els 0e%e sent f%o- ,e$2en to
"eli2e% t,e-4 *,e e$%t, s,oo8 un"e% t,e t%e$" of t,ese ,e$2enl# -essen/e%s. $n" t,e p%ison "oo%s
fle0 open. settin/ t,e p%isone%s f%ee4
5ri%ate and 5ublic
1&. )hat counsel has Jesus gi%en to $is disciples in regard to their personal prayer life
+But t,ou. 0,en t,ou p%$#est. ente% into t,# 3loset. $n" 0,en t,ou ,$st s,ut t,# "oo%. p%$# to t,#
H$t,e% 0,i3, is in se3%et1 $n" t,# H$t,e% 0,i3, seet, in se3%et s,$ll %e0$%" t,ee openl#4: B$tt,e0
:OT6" 9$2e $ pl$3e fo% se3%et p%$#e%4 @esus ,$" sele3t pl$3es fo% 3o--union 0it, &o". $n" so
s,oul" 0e4 <e nee" often to %eti%e to so-e spot. ,o0e2e% ,u-le. 0,e%e 0e 3$n e $lone 0it,
&o"4S(n t,e se3%et pl$3e of p%$#e%. 0,e%e no e#e ut &o"Ms 3$n see. no e$% ut 9is 3$n ,e$%. 0e -$#
pou% out ou% -ost ,i""en "esi%es $n" lon/in/s to t,e H$t,e% of infinite pit#. $n" in t,e ,us, $n"
silen3e of t,e soul t,$t 2oi3e 0,i3, ne2e% f$ils to $ns0e% t,e 3%# of ,u-$n nee" 0ill spe$8 to ou%
1(. )hat other 'ind of prayer does Jesus endorse with the promise of $is presence
+5/$in ( s$# unto #ou. *,$t if t0o of #ou s,$ll $/%ee on e$%t, $s tou3,in/ $n# t,in/ t,$t t,e# s,$ll
$s8. it s,$ll e "one fo% t,e- of -# H$t,e% 0,i3, is in ,e$2en4 Ho% 0,e%e t0o o% t,%ee $%e /$t,e%e"
to/et,e% in -# n$-e. t,e%e $- ( in t,e -i"st of t,e-4: B$tt,e0 18:1=. 204
:OT6" <e s,oul" not 3o-e to/et,e% to %e-$in silent1 t,ose onl# $%e %e-e-e%e" of t,e Lo%" 0,o
$sse-le to spe$8 of 9is ,ono% $n" /lo%# $n" tell of 9is po0e%1 upon su3, t,e lessin/ of &o" 0ill
%est. $n" t,e# 0ill e %ef%es,e"4 (f $ll -o2e" $s t,e# s,oul". no p%e3ious ti-e 0oul" %un to 0$ste. $n"
no %ep%oofs 0oul" e nee"e" fo% lon/ p%$#e%s $n" e),o%t$tions1 $ll t,e ti-e 0oul" e o33upie" #
s,o%t. pointe" testi-onies $n" p%$#e%s4 5s8. elie2e. $n" %e3ei2e4 *,e%e is too -u3, -o38in/ t,e
Lo%". too -u3, p%$#in/ t,$t is no p%$#in/ $n" t,$t 0e$%ies $n/els $n" "isple$ses &o". too -$n# 2$in.
un-e$nin/ petitions4
5osture in 5rayer
1+. )hat e4ample has ;aniel and 5aul left us in regard to the physical attitude of prayer
+Co0 0,en A$niel 8ne0 t,$t t,e 0%itin/ 0$s si/ne". ,e 0ent into ,is ,ouse1 $n" ,is 0in"o0s ein/
open in ,is 3,$-e% to0$%" @e%us$le-. ,e 8neele" upon ,is 8nees t,%ee ti-es $ "$#. $n" p%$#e". $n"
/$2e t,$n8s efo%e ,is &o". $s ,e "i" $fo%eti-e4: +5n" 0,en ,e ,$" t,us spo8en. ,e 8neele" "o0n.
$n" p%$#e" 0it, t,e- $ll4: A$niel 6:101 53ts 20:364
5lease ta'e time to read B9u'e ##"(1= !cts 2"(3= ."+2, -3= #1"+= 6Ara 2"+, -= # 8hronicles. -"1C
1&= 6phesians &"1(.D
:OT6" Bot, in puli3 $n" p%i2$te 0o%s,ip it is ou% "ut# to o0 "o0n upon ou% 8nees efo%e &o"
0,en 0e offe% ou% petitions to 9i-4 *,is $3t s,o0s ou% "epen"en3e upon &o"4 4 4 (s it possile t,$t
0it, $ll t,e li/,t t,$t &o" ,$s /i2en to 9is people on t,e su?e3t of %e2e%en3e. t,$t -iniste%s.
p%in3ip$ls. $n" te$3,e%s in ou% s3,ools. # p%e3ept $n" e)$-ple te$3, #oun/ -en to st$n" e%e3t in
"e2otion $s "i" t,e ',$%isees> !,$ll 0e loo8 upon t,is $s si/nifi3$nt of t,ei% self6suffi3ien3# $n" self6
i-po%t$n3e> 5%e t,ese t%$its to e3o-e 3onspi3uous>
Dulti2$te t,e ,$it of t$l8in/ 0it, t,e !$2iou% 0,en #ou $%e $lone. 0,en #ou $%e 0$l8in/. $n" 0,en
#ou $%e us# 0it, #ou% "$il# l$o%4 Let t,e ,e$%t e 3ontinu$ll# uplifte" in silent petition fo% ,elp. fo%
li/,t. fo% st%en/t,. fo% 8no0le"/e4 #he )inistry of Healing. '$/e 510. 5114
1-. In what manner has God declared $e would ha%e us approach $im in prayer during public
+7 3o-e. let us 0o%s,ip $n" o0 "o0n: let us 8neel efo%e t,e L7IA ou% -$8e%4: 's$l- =5:64
:OT6" <e ,ope t,$t ou% %et,%en 0ill not -$nifest less %e2e%en3e $n" $0e $s t,e# $pp%o$3, t,e onl#
t%ue $n" li2in/ &o" t,$n t,e ,e$t,en -$nifest fo% t,ei% i"ol "eities. o% t,ese people 0ill e ou% ?u"/es
in t,e "$# of fin$l "e3ision4SBen $n" 0o-en. "o not "is,ono% &o" # #ou% i%%e2e%en3e $n"
po-posit#4 Ao not st$n" up in #ou% ',$%iseeis- $n" offe% #ou% p%$#e%s to &o"4S5n" 0,en #ou
$sse-le to 0o%s,ip &o". e su%e $n" o0 #ou% 8nees efo%e 9i-4 Let t,is $3t testif# t,$t t,e 0,ole
soul. o"#. $n" spi%it $%e in su?e3tion to t,e !pi%it of t%ut,4
5n" 0,en #ou $sse-le to 0o%s,ip &o". e su%e $n" o0 #ou% 8nees efo%e 9i-4 Let t,is $3t testif#
t,$t t,e 0,ole soul. o"#. $n" spi%it $%e in su?e3tion to t,e !pi%it of t%ut,4 <,o ,$2e se$%3,e" t,e
<o%" 3losel# fo% e)$-ples $n" "i%e3tion in t,is %espe3t> 4 4 4
B$n -ust 3o-e on en"e" 8nee. $s $ su?e3t of /%$3e. $ suppli$nt $t t,e footstool of -e%3#4 5n" $s
,e %e3ei2es "$il# -e%3ies $t t,e ,$n" of &o". ,e is e2e% to 3,e%is, /%$titu"e in ,is ,e$%t. $n" /i2e
e)p%ession to it in t,e 0o%"s of t,$n8s/i2in/ $n" p%$ise fo% t,ese un-e%ite" f$2o%s4
*,e p%$#e% offe%e" # !olo-on "u%in/ t,e "e"i3$tion of t,e te-ple. 0$s not -$"e 0,ile ,e stoo"
upon ,is feet4 *,e 8in/ 8nelt in t,e ,u-le position of $ petitione%4
9e%ein is $ lesson fo% &o"Ns people to"$#4 7u% spi%itu$l st%en/t, $n" ou% influen3e $%e not in3%e$se"
# 3onfo%-it# to $ 0o%l"l# $ttitu"e "u%in/ p%$#e%4 4 4 4 Let -$n 3o-e on en"e" 8nee. $s $ su?e3t of
/%$3e. $ suppli$nt $t t,e footstool of -e%3#4 *,us ,e is to testif# t,$t t,e 0,ole soul. o"#. $n" spi%it
$%e in su?e3tion to ,is D%e$to%4:
1.. )hy are we especially admonished to pray now
+5n" t,$t. 8no0in/ t,e ti-e. t,$t no0 it is ,i/, ti-e to $0$8e out of sleep: fo% no0 is ou% s$l2$tion
ne$%e% t,$n 0,en 0e elie2e"4 *,e ni/,t is f$% spent. t,e "$# is $t ,$n": let us t,e%efo%e 3$st off t,e
0o%8s of "$%8ness. $n" let us put on t,e $%-ou% of li/,t4: Io-$ns 13:11. 124
!nswer" <e $%e in t,e l$st "$#s. "e$% f%ien". $n" @esus is 3o-in/ soon4 !$i" 'ete%: *,e en" of $ll
t,in/s is $t ,$n"1 e #e t,e%efo%e soe%. $n" 0$t3, unto p%$#e%4 1 'ete% 4:74
(f 0e $%e to st$n" in t,e ti-e of t%oule t,$t is ?ust $,e$". 0e -ust /et t,e "$il# p%$#e% ,$it. $n" p%$#
$l0$#s4 Bo%nin/. noon. $n" ni/,t 0e s,oul" lift ou% souls to &o"4 @esus s$i": *$8e ,ee" to
#ou%sel2es. lest $t $n# ti-e #ou% ,e$%ts e o2e%3,$%/e" 0it, su%feitin/. $n" "%un8enness. $n" 3$%es of
t,is life. $n" so t,$t "$# 3o-e upon #ou un$0$%es 4 4 <$t3, #e t,e%efo%e $n" p%$# $l0$#s. t,$t #e.
-$# e $33ounte" 0o%t,# to es3$pe $ll t,ese t,in/s t,$t s,$ll 3o-e to p$ss. $n" to st$n" efo%e t,e
!on of -$n4 Lu8e 21:34. 364
+7u% ,e$2enl# H$t,e% 0$its to esto0 upon us t,e fullness of 9is lessin/4 (t is ou% p%i2ile/e to "%in8
l$%/el# $t t,e fount$in of oun"less lo2e4 <,$t $ 0on"e% it is t,$t 0e p%$# so littleR &o" is %e$"# $n"
0illin/ to ,e$% t,e sin3e%e p%$#e% of t,e ,u-lest of 9is 3,il"%en. $n" #et t,e%e is -u3, -$nifest
%elu3t$n3e on ou% p$%t to -$8e 8no0n ou% 0$nts to &o"4 <,$t 3$n t,e $n/els of ,e$2en t,in8 of poo%
,elpless ,u-$n ein/s. 0,o $%e su?e3t to te-pt$tion. 0,en &o"Ns ,e$%t of infinite lo2e #e$%ns
to0$%" t,e-. %e$"# to /i2e t,e- -o%e t,$n t,e# 3$n $s8 o% t,in8. $n" #et t,e# p%$# so little $n" ,$2e
so little f$it,> *,e $n/els lo2e to o0 efo%e &o"1 t,e# lo2e to e ne$% 9i-4 *,e# %e/$%" 3o--union
0it, &o" $s t,ei% ,i/,est ?o#1 $n" #et t,e 3,il"%en of e$%t,. 0,o nee" so -u3, t,e ,elp t,$t &o" onl#
3$n /i2e. see- s$tisfie" to 0$l8 0it,out t,e li/,t of 9is !pi%it. t,e 3o-p$nions,ip of 9is p%esen3e4:
Steps to !hrist p$/e =44
)ill you commit yourself to become better ac@uainted with 8hrist Jesus by setting apart some
time e%ery morning to tal' with $im in personal, pri%ate prayer
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
80 #o& To 'e(ei!e )ns&ers To Prayer%
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Lesson #3
10 'hat is as essential as our daily food+ (,)
o Daily sho&er
o Drin5in" one "lass o+ -il5 daily
o Goin" to (hur(h
o Daily prayer
A0 *y .od-s grace I (ill study the *i)le for myself daily to learn the (ay of
salvation. (,)
o Listenin" to other &ise -en
o 'eadin" other reli"ious boo5s
o )s5in" in +aith
o Gi!in" penan(e
80 'hat (ill al(ays )e connected (ith true #rayer+ (,)
o Cryin"
o Dan(in" and sin"in"
o )s5in" and re(ei!in"
o Than5s"i!in"
D0 Tic1 the correct facts a)out #rayer+ (6) ( 6 ans(ers )
o The (ry o+ a soul in need
o In(antation
o *u-bo ,u-bo
o The openin" o+ the heart to God
o It is =ust as5in" +or thin"s
o The 5ey in the hand o+ +aith to unlo(5 hea!en's storehouse
;0 Tic1 the correct reasons (hy (e need to #ray: (;) ( ; ans(ers )
o To ha!e God noti(e us
o To pray +or "ra(e to resist te-ptation
o To ta5e the pla(e o+ obedien(e
o Prayer does not brin" God do&n to us: but brin"s us up to #i-
o @nburden our heart
o To "i!e God in+or-ation
o To -a5e God &illin"
o To as5 +or our needs
o To enable us to re(ei!e #i-
o To (han"e us into #is Li5eness
70 Ho( should (e end our #rayers+ (,)
o In the na-e o+ ,esus: a-en 1be(ause our $ather &ill al&ays honor a prayer si"ned
by #is only be"otten Son4
o Selah
o )-en
90 According to *i)le eGam#les3 (hich #osition should (e ta1e (hile
#raying (in #rivate or #u)lic (orshi#)+ (,)
o #ands and +a(e -ust be li+ted up to the hea!ens
o The position is o+ not i-portan(e: the only thin" that -atters is the heart
o Standin" posture
o Lyin" do&n Latly
o Bo&in" do&n upon our 5nees
G0 Bo (e need to have a s#ecial #lace for our #rivate #rayers+
o Ies
o .o
J0 'hat must (e do to eG#erience the #o(er of #revailing #rayer+ (0) ( 0
ans(ers )
o $ast on &ater and bread
o Pray the Lord's Prayer
o Eeep #is Co--and-ents
o )ttend ni"ht !i"ils on(e a &ee5
o )s5 a((ordin" to #is &ill
o )s5 pastors to pray +or us
o 'e(ite the prayers o+ the saints
1<0'hat are the conditions in getting our #rayers ans(ered+ (9) ( 9
ans(ers )
o Parta5in" o+ (o--union
o 'e(o"niKe our need +or God
o )ttend (hur(h ser!i(es e!ery Sabbath
o Con+ess and +orsa5e all our sins
o Pray a((ordin" to God's &ill
o 'e(o"niKe God as our indispensable helper
o Donate lar"e o6erin"s
o #elp the poor around us
o Pray in +aith
o Perse!ere &ith God
o $ast +or +orty days
o Pray in ,esus' na-e
o Listen to God's still s-all !oi(e as &ell as tal5 to #i-
110ome #rayers cannot )e ans(ered )ecause (9) ( 9 ans(ers )
o They are too insi"niC(ant +or God to ans&er
o Prayers +or healin" (annot be ans&ered i+ &e (ontinue to !iolate God's la&s o+
o God sees that &e do not deser!e to ha!e the prayer ans&ered
o They are too diM(ult +or God to ans&er
o Our hearts are not ri"ht &ith God
o God's ti-in" is per+e(t: and #e sees &e are not yet ready to re(ei!e an ans&er to
our prayers
o God &as too busy to hear us
o They &ill be +or our har-
o We re+used to +or"i!e others
o We do not restore anythin" ta5en by +raud or robbery
o We ha!e not been prayin" +or others
o We do not (onse(rate oursel!es by +astin"
o We do not (on+ess our +aults one to another
1A0Hrayer is not (6) ( 6 ans(ers )
o The best -ethod to unburden the heart
o Co--union &ith God
o Ostentation and sho&
o Pourin" one?s heart to God as to a +riend
o ) set +or- o+ &ords
o )n a(t o+ -erit that earns God's +a!our
180'ill you ma1e a commitment to #ray to .od 5rst thing in the morning
and last thing )efore you go to )ed+
o .o
o Ies
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
D0 #o& *any Gods )re In #ea!en%
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Quiz 1o2ine 3online 4
The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Cli(5 here to
access the KJV online.
<,$t set t,e 3,il"%en of &o" $p$%t f%o- su%%oun"in/ p$/$n n$tions 0$s t,ei% elief in onl# one &o"4
*,e ,e$t,en 3ount%ies elie2e" in -$n# /o"s4
+*,e @e0s ,el" t,$t t,e%e 0$s onl# one &o". $n" t,e D,%isti$n f$it, 3o-es out of t,$t t,in8in/4
9o0e2e%. $s t,e @e0is, elie2e%s 0ent out to t,e &entiles 0it, t,e /ospel -ess$/e t,e# ,$" to "e$l
0it, t,e -onot,eis- Jone &o"K of t,e @e0is,6D,%isti$n elief 2e%ses Jsi3K t,e pol#t,eis- J-$n#
&o"sK of t,e &entiles4 *,e p%ole- $%ose 0,en t%#in/ to e)pl$in 0,o D,%ist $n" t,e 9ol# !pi%it $%e4
*,e *%init# "o3t%ine 0$s t,e %esult of t%#in/ to sol2e t,is p%ole-4: &$%# !t%on/. / !lose Loo' at
#he #rinity. p4 84)
+*,e l$n/u$/e of t,e Bile s,oul" e e)pl$ine" a%%ording to its obvious meaning4: *,e &%e$t
Dont%o2e%s#. p$/e 5=84
1. $ow many gods does the Bible teach e4ist
G*,ou s,$lt ,$2e no ot,e% /o"s efo%e -e4G ;)o"us 20:34
G9e$%. 7 (s%$el: *,e L7IA ou% &o" is one L7IA4G Aeute%ono-# 6:44
G,$t, not one &o" 3%e$te" us>G B$l$3,i 2:104
G5n" t,is is life ete%n$l t,$t t,e# -i/,t 8no0 t,ee. t,e onl# t%ue &o". $n" @esus D,%ist 0,o- #ou
,$2e sent4G @o,n 17:34
Gt,e%e is none ot,e% &o" ut one4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 8:44
GBut to us t,e%e is ut one &o"4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 8:64
G7ne &o" $n" H$t,e% of $ll4G ;p,esi$ns 4:64
GHo% t,e%e is one &o"4G 1 *i-ot,# 2:54
G*,ou elie2est t,$t t,e%e is one &o"1 t,ou "oest 0ell: t,e "e2ils $lso elie2e. $n" t%e-le4G @$-es
#. )hat is the common title gi%en in the Bible to the One God
G9$2e 0e not $ll one f$t,e%>G B$l$3,i 2:104
GBut to us t,e%e is ut one &o". t,e H$t,e%4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 8:64
G&%$3e e to #ou $n" pe$3e f%o- &o" t,e H$t,e%4G &$l$ti$ns 1:31 2 Do%int,i$ns 1:21 Io-$ns 1:74
G533o%"in/ to t,e 0ill of &o" $n" ou% H$t,e%4G &$l$ti$ns 1:44
G7ne &o" $n" H$t,e% of $ll. 0,o is $o2e $ll. $n" t,%ou/, $ll. $n" in #ou $ll4G ;p,esi$ns 4:64
G&%$3e e unto #ou. $n" pe$3e. f%o- &o" ou% H$t,e%4G1 Do%int,i$ns 1:31 ;p,esi$ns 1: 21 ',ilippi$ns
1:21 Dolossi$ns 1:21 1 *,ess$loni$ns 1:11 2 *,ess$loni$ns 1:24
&. Is the one God, our ,ather, the father of Jesus 8hrist as well
GBlesse" e t,e &o" $n" H$t,e% of ou% Lo%" @esus D,%ist. 0,o ,$t, lesse" us 0it, $ll spi%itu$l
lessin/s in ,e$2enl# pl$3es in D,%ist4G ;p,esi$ns 1:34
G( $s3en" unto -# H$t,e%. $n" #ou% H$t,e%4G @o,n 20:174
G7ne &o" $n" H$t,e% of $ll4G ;p,esi$ns 4:64
8onclusion: *,e Bile te$3,es t,$t t,e%e is ut one &o". 0,o is t,e H$t,e% of $ll4
(. )ho is 8hrist
G5n" 0e elie2e $n" $%e su%e t,$t t,ou $%t t,$t D,%ist. t,e !on of t,e li2in/ &o"4G @o,n 6:6=4
+. Is Ethe Son of li%ing God< a mere title gi%en to 8hrist or is $e in reality the %ery son of the
GHo% unto us $ 3,il" is o%n. unto us $ son is /i2en4G (s$i$, =:64
G<,o ,$t, $s3en"e" up into ,e$2en. o% "es3en"e"> 0,o ,$t, /$t,e%e" t,e 0in" in ,is fists> 0,o ,$t,
oun" t,e 0$te%s in $ /$%-ent> 0,o ,$t, est$lis,e" $ll t,e en"s of t,e e$%t,> 0,$t is ,is n$-e. $n"
0,$t is ,is sonNs n$-e. if t,ou 3$nst tell>G '%o2e%s 30:44
-. If 8hrist is a Ereal< son of God, has the Bible confirmed a beginning to $is e4istence
GBut t,ou. Bet,le,e- ;p,%$t$,. t,ou/, t,ou e little $-on/ t,e t,ous$n"s of @u"$,. #et out of t,ee
s,$ll ,e 3o-e fo%t, unto -e t,$t is to e %ule% in (s%$el1 0,ose /oin/s fo%t, ,$2e een f%o- of ol".
f%o- e2e%l$stin/4G Bi3$, 5:24
+5n" t,e !on of &o" "e3l$%es 3on3e%nin/ 9i-self: N*,e Lo%" possesse" Be in t,e e/innin/ of 9is
0$#. efo%e 9is 0o%8s of ol"4 ( 0$s set up f%o- e2e%l$stin/4 4 4<,en 9e $ppointe" t,e foun"$tions of
t,e e$%t,: t,en ( 0$s # 9i-. $s one %ou/,t up 0it, 9i-: $n" ( 0$s "$il# 9is "eli/,t. %e?oi3in/
$l0$#s efo%e 9i-4N '%o2e%s 8:226304G Patriar%hs and Prophets. p4 34
.. ;oes the :ew Testament confirm the Old Testament regarding the true and literal sonship of
G5n" t,e <o%" 0$s -$"e fles,. $n" "0elt $-on/ us. ($n" 0e e,el" ,is /lo%#. t,e /lo%# $s of t,e
onl# e/otten of t,e H$t,e%. full of /%$3e $n" t%ut,4G @o,n 1:144
GCo -$n ,$t, seen &o" $t $n# ti-e1 t,e onl# e/otten !on. 0,i3, is in t,e oso- of t,e H$t,e%. ,e
,$t, "e3l$%e" ,i-4G @o,n 1:184
GHo% &o" so lo2e" t,e 0o%l". t,$t ,e /$2e ,is onl# e/otten !on. t,$t 0,osoe2e% elie2et, in ,i-
s,oul" not pe%is,. ut ,$2e e2e%l$stin/ life4G @o,n 3:164
G9e t,$t elie2et, on ,i- is not 3on"e-ne": ut ,e t,$t elie2et, not is 3on"e-ne" $l%e$"#. e3$use
,e ,$t, not elie2e" in t,e n$-e of t,e onl# e/otten !on of &o"4G @o,n 3:184
G(n t,is 0$s -$nifeste" t,e lo2e of &o" to0$%" us. e3$use t,$t &o" sent ,is onl# e/otten !on into
t,e 0o%l". t,$t 0e -i/,t li2e t,%ou/, ,i-4G 1 @o,n 4:=4
8onclusion: *,e 7ne &o" $t one point f%o- e2e%l$stin/ e/$t D,%ist. 9is onl# e/otten son4 5n" if
0,$t &o" /$2e 0$s not 9is %e$l $n" onl# e/otten. t,en 5%$,$-Ms test 0oul" not ,$2e een $
-e$nin/ful t#pe4
The OnlyBBe"otten Son
/. )hat did the one God, the ,ather of all, pass unto $is only begotten
GHo% $s t,e H$t,e% ,$t, life in ,i-self1 so ,$t, ,e /i2en to t,e !on to ,$2e life in ,i-self4G @o,n 5:264
G*,e %i/,tness of ,is /lo%#. $n" t,e e)p%ess i-$/e of ,is pe%son4G 9e%e0s 1:34
2. )hat does it mean that God passed $is glory to $is only begotten Son
G5n" ,e s$i". ( esee3, t,ee. s,o0 -e t,# /lo%#4 5n" ,e s$i". ( 0ill -$8e $ll -# /oo"ness p$ss4G
;)o"us 33:18. 1=4
G(t ple$se" t,e H$t,e% t,$t in ,i- s,oul" $ll fullness "0ell4G Dolossi$ns 1:1=4
13. ;id the one God pass on $is name to $is only begotten Son
GHo% unto 0,i3, of t,e $n/els s$i" ,e &o" $t $n# ti-e. *,ou $%t -# !on. t,is "$# ,$2e ( e/otten
t,ee> 5n" $/$in. ( 0ill e to ,i- $ H$t,e%. $n" ,e s,$ll e to -e $ !on> But unto t,e !on ,e s$it,.
*,# t,%one. 7 &o". is fo% e2e% $n" e2e%4G 9e%e0s 1:5. 84
11. )hat else was passed by the ,ather unto $is only begotten
GBut #e $%e not in t,e fles,. ut in t,e !pi%it. if so e t,$t t,e !pi%it of &o" "0ell in #ou4 Co0 if $n#
-$n ,$2e not t,e !pi%it of D,%ist. ,e is none of ,is4G Io-$ns 8:=4
8onclusion" &o" p$sse" unto 9is onl# e/otten !on. un3on"ition$l Llife in 9i-selfM4 5s t,e $#
e3o-es in"epen"ent of t,e -ot,e% on3e ,e is o%n. D,%ist e3$-e self6e)istent on3e 9e 0$s
e/otten of t,e H$t,e%4 !elf6e)isten3e 0$s in,e%ent in 9is i%t,4 (n $""ition to self6e)isten3e. t,e !on
%e3ei2e" f%o- 9is H$t,e% 9is 2e%# 3,$%$3te% J/oo"nessK. $n" t,us 9is e)p%ess i-$/e4 *,e%e 0$s
not,in/ t,$t t,e H$t,e% ,$" 0,i3, 0$s not p$sse" unto t,e 9is onl# e/otten !on4 ;2en t,e 2e%#
!pi%it of &o". t,e 9ol# !pi%it. is s,$%e" # 9is !on4 D,%ist n$tu%$ll# in,e%ite" t,e n$-e of 9is H$t,e%
&o"4 D,%ist 0$s not. ,o0e2e%. 3o6e)istent 0it, 9is H$t,e%. ein/ t,e !on4
'elationship Bet&een $ather )nd Son
1#. )hat did 8hrist say about $is relationship to $is ,ather
G(f #e lo2e" -e. #e 0oul" %e?oi3e. e3$use ( s$i". ( /o unto t,e H$t,e%: fo% -# H$t,e% is /%e$te% t,$n
(4G @o,n 14:284
G*,e !on 3$n "o not,in/ of ,i-self. ut 0,$t ,e seet, t,e H$t,e% "o4G @o,n 5:1=4
G( 3$n of -ine o0n self "o not,in/Se3$use ( see8 not -ine o0n 0ill. ut t,e 0ill of t,e H$t,e%
0,i3, ,$t, sent -e4G @o,n 5:304
1&. $ow did 8hrist regard $is ,ather
G5n" t,is is life ete%n$l. t,$t t,e# -i/,t 8no0 t,ee t,e onl# t%ue &o"4G @o,n 17:34
G*ou3, -e not1 fo% ( $- not #et $s3en"e" to -# H$t,e%: ut /o to -# %et,%en. $n" s$# unto t,e-. (
$s3en" unto -# H$t,e%. $n" #ou% H$t,e%1 $n" to -# &o". $n" #ou% &o"4G @o,n 20:174
G ( $n" -# H$t,e% $%e one4G @o,n 10:304
L<,o. ein/ in t,e fo%- of &o". t,ou/,t it not %oe%# to e eOu$l 0it, &o"4G ',ilippi$ns 2:64
1(. In what manner was 8hrist one with the ,ather
+D,%ist. t,e <o%". t,e onl# e/otten of &o". 0$s one 0it, t,e ete%n$l H$t,e%66one in n$tu%e. in
3,$%$3te%. in pu%pose66t,e onl# ein/ t,$t 3oul" ente% into $ll t,e 3ounsels $n" pu%poses of &o"4:
Patriar%hs and Prophets" p$/e 344
8onclusion: D,%ist 0$s one 0it, t,e H$t,e% in n$tu%e. 3,$%$3te%. $n" pu%pose4 But "i" not %e/$%"
9i-self $s $n eOu$l to 9is H$t,e%4 &o" in2este" in D,%ist e2e%# $ut,o%it# $n" -$"e 9i- eOu$l4
Submission of Son to ,ather
1+. $ow does the Bible demonstrate the submission of Son to $is ,ather, the one God
G5n" #e $%e D,%istNs1 $n" D,%ist is &o"Ns4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 3:234
GBut ( 0oul" ,$2e #ou 8no0. t,$t t,e ,e$" of e2e%# -$n is D,%ist1 $n" t,e ,e$" of t,e 0o-$n JisK t,e
-$n1 $n" t,e ,e$" of D,%ist is &o"4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 11:24
G*,$t t,e &o" of ou% Lo%" @esus D,%ist. t,e H$t,e% of /lo%#. -$# /i2e unto #ou t,e spi%it of 0is"o-
$n" %e2el$tion in t,e 8no0le"/e of ,i-4G ;p,esi$ns 1:174
G7ne Lo%". one f$it,. one $ptis-. 7ne &o" $n" H$t,e% of $ll. 0,o is $o2e $ll. $n" t,%ou/, $ll. $n"
in #ou $ll4G ;p,esi$ns 4:5. 64
GHo% ,e ,$t, put $ll t,in/s un"e% ,is feet4 But 0,en ,e s$it, $ll t,in/s $%e put un"e% J,i-. it isK
-$nifest t,$t ,e is e)3epte". 0,i3, "i" put $ll t,in/s un"e% ,i-4 5n" 0,en $ll t,in/s s,$ll e
su"ue" unto ,i-. t,en s,$ll t,e !on $lso ,i-self e su?e3t unto ,i- t,$t put $ll t,in/s un"e% ,i-.
t,$t &o" -$# e $ll in $ll4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 15:27. 284
8onclusion" *,e one &o". t,e H$t,e%. ,$s -$"e 9is son 9is eOu$l in n$tu%e. 3,$%$3te%. $n" pu%pose1
9is full $n" onl# 3o6p$%tne%4 *,is %e$lit# "oes not ne/$te. ,o0e2e%. t,e su-ission of t,e !on to 9is
H$t,e%. 0,o is t,e one &o". 0,o %ules o2e% $ll in3lu"in/ t,e !on4
1-. ;oes the Biblical fact of 8hrist<s submission to $is ,ather affect our worship of the Son
G*,$t $ll -en s,oul" ,onou% t,e !on. e2en $s t,e# ,onou% t,e H$t,e%4 9e t,$t ,onou%et, not t,e !on
,onou%et, not t,e H$t,e% 0,i3, ,$t, sent ,i-4G @o,n 5:234
8onclusion" 7u% 0o%s,ip of t,e !on is not $ffe3te" one iot$ # 9is su-ission to 9is H$t,e%4 <e
0illin/l# $n" ,$ppil# 0o%s,ip D,%ist fo% in 9i- "0ells t,e full "eit# of 9is H$t,e%. t,e one &o"4 <e
$lso 0o%s,ip t,e !on fo% 9e is ou% !$2iou%. Ie"ee-e%. $n" 5"2o3$te efo%e 9is $n" ou% H$t,e%4
L$stl#. 0e 0o%s,ip 9i- e3$use 9e is t,e onl# e/otten !on of t,e one &o"4
#oly Spirit
1.. )ho is the $oly Spirit
GBut #e $%e not in t,e fles,. ut in t,e !pi%it. if so e t,$t t,e !pi%it of &o" "0ell in #ou4 Co0 if $n#
-$n ,$2e not t,e !pi%it of D,%ist. ,e is none of ,is4G Io-$ns 8:=4
G5n" e3$use #e $%e sons. &o" ,$t, sent fo%t, t,e !pi%it of ,is !on into #ou% ,e$%ts. 3%#in/. 5$.
H$t,e%4G &$l$ti$ns 4:64
G5n" ( 0ill p%$# t,e H$t,e%. $n" ,e s,$ll /i2e #ou $not,e% Do-fo%te%. t,$t ,e -$# $i"e 0it, #ou fo%
e2e%1 ;2en t,e !pi%it of t%ut,1 0,o- t,e 0o%l" 3$nnot %e3ei2e. e3$use it seet, ,i- not. neit,e%
8no0et, ,i-: ut #e 8no0 ,i-1 fo% ,e "0ellet, 0it, #ou. $n" s,$ll e in #ou4 ( 0ill not le$2e #ou
3o-fo%tless: ( 0ill 3o-e to #ou4G @o,n 14:166184
8onclusion: *,e 9ol# !pi%it is none ot,e% t,$n t,e 2e%# !pi%it of D,%ist 0,i3, p%o3ee"e" f%o- t,e
H$t,e%. t,e one &o". Gof 0,o- J$%eK $ll t,in/s4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 8:64
Ta5in" It $urther
*,e%e $%e se2e%$l 3onfli3tin/ eliefs $out t,e &o",e$"4 *,is ste-s f%o- t,e f$3t t,$t t,ese eliefs
0e%e o%n f%o- 2$%ious t%$"itions $n" 3usto-s4 *,is stu"# 3lin/s to 0,$t t,e pl$in $n" e$utiful
t%ut,s of t,e Bile %e2e$l4
)hat is the Trinity
10 One "od -ade up o+ three persons0
A0 Three "ods -ade up o+ one person0
80 One "od a(tin" as $ather: other ti-es as Son: and other ti-es as #oly Ghost0
4. Three seperate gods all of who are called one God in the BIble because they are in
agreement in everything.
5ll of t,ese eliefs $%e so-eti-es %efe%%e" to $s t,e *%init#. o% t,e *%iune &o"4 *,ese i"e$s ,$2e een
$%oun" fo% ,un"%e"s of #e$%s. #et t,e# $%e not t%ueR
1. ;oes the Bible teach that God consists of three beings or is a Trinity
Co. t,e Bile te$3,es 3ont%$%# to t,is i"e$4 *,e Bile spe$8s of &o" $n" of 9is !on @esus. $n" of
&o"Ms !pi%it. 0,i3, is &o"Ns in2isile ,ol# p%esen3e4
#. )ho is God
+But to us t,e%e is ut one &o". t,e H$t,e%. of 0,o- $%e $ll t,in/s. $n" 0e in ,i-1 $n" one Lo%"
@esus D,%ist. # 0,o- $%e $ll t,in/s. $n" 0e # ,i-4: 1 Do%int,i$ns 8:64
+*,e ,e$" of D,%ist is &o": 1 Do%int,i$ns 11:34
+5n" t,is is life ete%n$l. t,$t t,e# -i/,t 8no0 t,ee t,e onl# t%ue &o". $n" @esus D,%ist. 0,o- t,ou
,$st sent4: @o,n 17:34 +7ne &o" $n" H$t,e% of $ll. 0,o is $o2e $ll. $n" t,%ou/, $ll. $n" in #ou $ll4:
;p,esi$ns 4:64
!nswer" Pes4 &o" is t,e H$t,e%4 (t is 9e 0,o is t,e /%e$test Bein/ in t,e uni2e%se4 (!ee B$%8 12:2=6
:OT6" *,is is $n e)t%e-el# i-po%t$nt Ouestion e3$use @esus D,%ist. t,e !on of &o". tol" us t,$t
t,ose 0,o 0o%s,ip &o" s,oul" 0o%s,ip 9i- in !pi%it $n" in t%ut, (@o,n 4:24)4 (f 0e "o not 0o%s,ip
&o" in t%ut, 3$n 0e e s$2e"> *,e !3%iptu%e s$#s t,$t t,ose 0,o elie2e $ lie 0ill e "$-ne"4 (2
*,ess$loni$ns 2:106124)
7 t,$t e2e%#one 0oul" %e$lize t,e /%e$t lo2e. t,e self6s$3%ifi3e. t,e ene2olen3e. $n" t,e 8in"ness of
ou% ,e$2enl# H$t,e%. in /i2in/ ,is !on to "ie fo% us t,$t 0e -i/,t. if 0e elie2e $n" "o ,is
3o--$n"-ents. ,$2e $ s0eet pe$3e. t,e H$t,e%Ns ?o#. t,e H$t,e%Ns lo2e. $n" unite 0it, ,i-. ,e$%t.
soul. -in". $n" st%en/t,. to -$int$in %i/,teousness $n" to "%$0 in e2en lines 0it, D,%ist4 (t is not t,e
s$3%ifi3e of D,%ist onl#1 it is t,e H$t,e%Ns s$3%ifi3e $lso4 *,e H$t,e%. in union $n" lo2in/ s#-p$t,#.
0it, ,is !on. su?e3te" ,i-self to suffe% 0it, ,is !on4 9e sp$%e" not ,is onl# e/otten !on ut f%eel#
"eli2e%e" ,i- up fo% us $ll4 *,is /ift of D,%ist is t,e 3%o0nin/ t%ut, of &o"Ns lo2e. $n" t,is
H$t,e%,oo". t,%ou/, $ll ti-e $n" t,%ou/, ete%nit#4 9e%e is t,e lo2e of &o" in ,is H$t,e%,oo"4 Let us
"%in8 in t,is lo2e. t,$t 0e -$# 8no0 # e)pe%ien3e 0,$t $ %e$l. ten"e%. ?o#ful. e)pe%ien3e t,e%e is in $
%e$liz$tion of t,e H$t,e%,oo" of &o"4
&. )ho is Jesus 8hrist
+<,osoe2e% s,$ll 3onfess t,$t @esus is t,e !on of &o". &o" "0ellet, in ,i-. $n" ,e in &o"4: 1 @o,n
+5n" 0e elie2e $n" $%e su%e t,$t t,ou $%t t,$t D,%ist. t,e !on of t,e li2in/ &o"4: @o,n 6: 6=4
+Ho% unto us $ 3,il" is o%n. unto us $ son is /i2en4: (s$i$, =:64
+<,o ,$t, $s3en"e" up into ,e$2en. o% "es3en"e"> 0,o ,$t, /$t,e%e" t,e 0in" in ,is fists> 0,o ,$t,
oun" t,e 0$te%s in $ /$%-ent> 0,o ,$t, est$lis,e" $ll t,e en"s of t,e e$%t,> 0,$t JisK ,is n$-e.
$n" 0,$t is ,is sonNs n$-e. if t,ou 3$nst tell>: '%o2e%s 30:44
!nswer" @esus D,%ist is t,e !on of &o"4
:OT6" +*,e !o2e%ei/n of t,e uni2e%se 0$s not $lone in 9is 0o%8 of enefi3en3e4 9e ,$" $n
$sso3i$te66$ 3o60o%8e% 0,o 3oul" $pp%e3i$te 9is pu%poses. $n" 3oul" s,$%e 9is ?o# in /i2in/
,$ppiness to 3%e$te" ein/s4 N(n t,e e/innin/ 0$s t,e <o%". $n" t,e <o%" 0$s 0it, &o". $n" t,e
<o%" 0$s &o"4 *,e s$-e 0$s in t,e e/innin/ 0it, &o"4N @o,n 1:1. 24 D,%ist. t,e <o%". t,e onl#
e/otten of
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
D0 #o& *any Gods )re In #ea!en%
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Lesson #4
1. Is the Trinity a *i)lical )elief+ ( , )
o .o
o Ies
#. Is there a3 F.od the 8ather3 .od the on I .od the Holy #iritF in the
*i)le+ (,)
o Ies
o .o
o .ot sure
&. Ho( many divine )eings are in heaven+ (,)
o Three
o T&o
o One
(. Is the Holy #irit a )eing+ (,)
o .o
o Ies
+. 'ho is the Holy #irit+ ( 0 ) ( 0 ans(ers )
o It is the Spirit o+ God the $ather0
o #e is the third bein" o+ the Godhead0
o ,esus li!in" in your heart0
-. Ho( many mediators+ (,)
o Three
o One
o T&o
.. 'ho is our mediator+ (,)
o ,esus Christ
o #oly Spirit
o )n"el Gabriel
/. Ho( many intercessors+ (,)
o T&o
o One
o Three
2. 'ho is our intercessor+ (,)
o #oly Spirit
o ,esus Christ
o *i(hael
13. Is Jesus the son of the 8ather3 or the Holy #irit+ (,)
o The Son o+ God the $ather0
o The Son o+ the #oly Spirit0
11. Ho( do (e 1no( that Jesus loves us+ (6) ( 6 ans(ers )
o #e +or"a!e us o+ all our +uture sins0
o We +eel #is lo!e0
o #e bore our punish-ent that &e -ay "ain #is re&ard0
o #e "i!es us all that &e as5 +or0
o #e &as &illin" to be eternally seperated +ro- the $ather0
o #e &as &illin" to "i!e #is li+e +or you e!en i+ you &ere the only hu-an on earth0
1#. Ho( do (e 1no( that the 8ather loves us+ (6) ( 6 ans(ers )
o #e endured the a"ony o+ &at(hin" #is Son's (ru(iCxion to adopt us as #is
o #e be(a-e Christ to sa!e us0
o #e "a!e his only be"otten Son to sa!e us0
o #e "a!e #ea!en's -ost pre(ious Gi+t to sa!e us0
o #e died +or us0
1&. I )elieve there is one .od3 the 8ather3 of (hom are all things3 and one
"ord Jesus Christ3 )y (hom are all things3 and they share the same
s#irit3 the holy #irit of .od. (,)
o .o
o )-en
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
;0 God's Greatest Gi+t $or This World
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Quiz
1o2ine 3online 4
The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Cli(5 here to
access the KJV online.
)t Christ's in(arnation: sin had be(o-e a s(ien(e0 'ebellion had stru(5 its roots deep
into the heart o+ -an0 It &as de-onstrated be+ore the uni!erse that: apart +ro- God:
hu-anity (ould not be upli+ted0 ) ne& ele-ent o+ li+e and po&er -ust be i-parted by
#i- &ho -ade the &orld0
G<it, intense inte%est t,e unf$llen 0o%l"s ,$" 0$t3,e" to see @e,o2$, $%ise. $n" s0eep $0$# t,e
in,$it$nts of t,e e$%t,4 5n" if &o" s,oul" "o t,is. !$t$n 0$s %e$"# to 3$%%# out ,is pl$n fo% se3u%in/
to ,i-self t,e $lle/i$n3e of ,e$2enl# ein/s4 9e ,$" "e3l$%e" t,$t t,e p%in3iples of &o"Ns /o2e%n-ent
-$8e fo%/i2eness i-possile4 9$" t,e 0o%l" een "est%o#e". ,e 0oul" ,$2e 3l$i-e" t,$t ,is
$33us$tions 0e%e p%o2e" t%ue4 9e 0$s %e$"# to 3$st l$-e upon &o". $n" to sp%e$" ,is %eellion to
t,e 0o%l"s $o2e4 But inste$" of "est%o#in/ t,e 0o%l". &o" sent 9is !on to s$2e it4 *,ou/,
3o%%uption $n" "efi$n3e -i/,t e seen in e2e%# p$%t of t,e $lien p%o2in3e. $ 0$# fo% its %e3o2e%# 0$s
p%o2i"e"4 5t t,e 2e%# 3%isis. 0,en !$t$n see-e" $out to t%iu-p,. t,e !on of &o" 3$-e 0it, t,e
e-$ss$/e of "i2ine /%$3e4 *,%ou/, e2e%# $/e. t,%ou/, e2e%# ,ou%. t,e lo2e of &o" ,$" een
e)e%3ise" to0$%" t,e f$llen %$3e4 Cot0it,st$n"in/ t,e pe%2e%sit# of -en. t,e si/n$ls of -e%3# ,$"
een 3ontinu$ll# e),iite"4 5n" 0,en t,e fullness of t,e ti-e ,$" 3o-e. t,e Aeit# 0$s /lo%ifie" #
pou%in/ upon t,e 0o%l" $ floo" of ,e$lin/ /%$3e t,$t 0$s ne2e% to e ost%u3te" o% 0it,"%$0n till t,e
pl$n of s$l2$tion s,oul" e fulfille"4G #he esire of /ges" p$/e 374
God>s 6ternal Gift
1. $ow does God feel toward man'ind separated from $im through sin
+( ,$2e lo2e" t,ee 0it, $n e2e%l$stin/ lo2e: t,e%efo%e 0it, lo2in/68in"ness ,$2e ( "%$0n t,ee4:
@e%e-i$, 31:34
!nswer" +<e $%e to %e/$%" @esus $s ,$2in/ lo2e" us pe%son$ll# $n" in"i2i"u$ll#4 Let us 3onsi"e% ,o0
-u3, p$ins &o" ,$s t$8en to -$8e us feel t,$t 9e 3$%es fo% us pe%son$ll#4 (t is so in 9is p%o2i"en3e.
$n" so $lso in 9is /ospel4 9e 0oul" f$in -$8e us sin/le ou%sel2es f%o- t,e -$ss $n" feel t,$t 9is
lo2in/ e#e $n" ,e$%t $%e upon us in"i2i"u$ll#4: D,$%ies &4 Hinne#. !e%-ons on &ospel *,e-es. p$/es
307. 3084
#. )hat e%idence is there for us to see that God really lo%e us
GHo% &o" so lo2e" t,e 0o%l". t,$t ,e /$2e ,is onl# e/otten !on. t,$t 0,osoe2e% elie2et, in ,i-
s,oul" not pe%is,. ut ,$2e e2e%l$stin/ life4G @o,n 3:164
G(n t,is 0$s -$nifeste" t,e lo2e of &o" to0$%" us. e3$use t,$t &o" sent ,is onl# e/otten !on into
t,e 0o%l". t,$t 0e -i/,t li2e t,%ou/, ,i-4 9e%ein is lo2e. not t,$t 0e lo2e" &o". ut t,$t ,e lo2e"
us. $n" sent ,is !on to e t,e p%opiti$tion fo% ou% sins4G 1 @o,n 4:=. 104
!nswer" Be3$use 9e lo2e" us so -u3, t,$t 9e 0$s 0illin/ to see 9is onl# e/otten !on suffe% $n"
"ie %$t,e% t,$n e sep$%$te" f%o- #ou $n" -e fo% ete%nit#4 <e 0ill not e $le to un"e%st$n" it. ut 9e
"i" it66?ust fo% #ouR
&. )as Jesus 8hrist the Son of God
&o" testifie"4 G*,is is B# elo2e" !on. in 0,o- ( $- 0ell ple$se"4G B$tt,e0 3:17
+@esus 4 4 $s8e" 9is "is3iples. G<,o- "o -en s$# t,$t ( t,e !on of -$n $-> 5n" t,e# s$i". !o-e s$#
t,$t *,ou $%t @o,n t,e B$ptist: so-e. ;li$s1 $n" ot,e%s. @e%e-i$s. o% one of t,e p%op,ets4 9e s$it, unto
t,e-. But 0,o- s$# #e t,$t ( $-> 5n" !i-on 'ete% $ns0e%e" $n" s$i". Thou art t,e D,%ist. the Son
of the li%ing God4G B$tt,e0 16:136164
!nswer" Pes4
*,e testi-on# of t,e p%op,ets1 @esusN po0e% to ,e$l t,e si38 $n" %$ise t,e "e$"1 9is pee%less te$3,in/1
9is o0n %esu%%e3tion1 *,e testi-on# of 9is f%ien"s1 *,e $"-ission of 9is ene-ies1 li2es t%$nsfo%-e"
# 9is po0e%. $ll testif# t,$t @esus is t,e !on of &o"4
,esusNThe Son O+ God
(. )hat was the relationship of Jesus to God the ,ather
G@esus D,%ist. is t,e !on of &o"4G B$%8 1:14
+. ;id 8hrist e4ist before $e was born in Bethlehem
GCo0. 7 H$t,e%. /lo%if# t,ou Be 0it, *,ine o0n self 0it, t,e /lo%# 0,i3, ( ,$" 0it, *,ee efo%e t,e
0o%l" 0$s4G @o,n 17:54
GBut t,ou. Bet,le,e- ;p,%$t$,. t,ou/, t,ou e little $-on/ t,e t,ous$n"s of @u"$,. #et out of t,ee
s,$ll 9e 3o-e fo%t, unto Be t,$t is to e %ule% of in (s%$el1 <,ose /oin/s fo%t, ,$2e een f%o- of
ol". f%o- e2e%l$stin/4G Bi3$, 5:24
!nswer" Pes4 Befo%e $n#t,in/ e)iste". @esus 3$-e fo%t, f%o- &o". $s ,is onl# e/otten !onR
-. In what respect was the birth of Jesus supernatural
G*,e%efo%e t,e Lo%" 9i-self s,$ll /i2e #ou $ si/n1 Be,ol". $ 2i%/in s,$ll 3on3ei2e. $n" e$% $ son.
$n" s,$ll 3$ll 9is n$-e (--$nuel4G (s$i$, 7:14
GCo0 t,e i%t, of @esus D,%ist 0$s on t,is 0ise: <,en $s 9is -ot,e% B$%# 0$s espouse" to @osep,.
efo%e t,e# 3$-e to/et,e%. s,e 0$s foun" 0it, 3,il" of t,e 9ol# &,ost4 4 Co0 $ll t,is 0$s "one. t,$t
it -i/,t e fulfille" 0,i3, 0$s spo8en of t,e Lo%" # t,e p%op,et. s$#in/ Be,ol". $ Fi%/in s,$ll e
0it, 3,il". $n" s,$ll %in/ fo%t, $ son4G B$tt,e0 1:18. 226234
!nswer" Pou see. t,e !3%iptu%es te$3, t,$t @esus 0$s 3on3ei2e" # t,e 9ol# !pi%it. $n" o%n in t,e
fles,. of $ 2i%/in4 *,is is 8no0n $s t,e in3$%n$tion4 D,%ist 0$s not $ ne0 ein/. ut 9e $ppe$%e" in
,u-$n fo%-4 G*,e <o%" 0$s -$"e fles,4G @o,n 1:144 G<,o ein/ in t,e fo%- of &o" t,ou/,t it not
%oe%# to e eOu$l 0it, &o"1 ut -$"e 9i-self of no %eput$tion. $n" too8 upon 9i- t,e fo%- of $
se%2$nt. $n" 0$s -$"e in t,e li8eness of -en4G ',ilippi$ns 2:6674 G*,e# s,$ll 3$ll 9is n$-e
;--$nuel4 4 4 &o" 0it, us4G B$tt,e0 1:234
Our Sa!iour
.. )hat was 8hrist>s purpose in coming into the world
+5n" s,e s,$ll %in/ fo%t, $ son. $n" t,ou s,$lt 3$ll ,is n$-e @;!Q!: fo% ,e s,$ll s$2e ,is people
f%o- t,ei% sins4: B$tt,e0 1:214 G*o 3$ll 444 sinne%s to %epent$n3e4G B$tt,e0 =: 134
/. ;id Jesus lea%e us an e4ample to follow in $is struggle with temptation
GD,%ist $lso suffe%e" fo% us. le$2in/ us $n e)$-ple. t,$t #e s,oul" follo0 9is steps: 0,o "i" no sin.
neit,e% 0$s /uile foun" in 9is -out,4G 1 'ete% 2:216224
+( ,$2e 8ept B# H$t,e%Ns 3o--$n"-ents4G @o,n 15:104
GJ@esusK 0$s in $ll points te-pte" li8e $s 0e $%e. #et 0it,out sin4 G 9e%e0s 4:154
G*,ou/, ,e 0e%e $ !on. #et le$%ne" ,e oe"ien3e # t,e t,in/s 0,i3, ,e suffe%e"4G 9e%e0s 5:84
G<,$t t,e l$0 3oul" not "o. in t,$t it 0$s 0e$8 t,%ou/, t,e fles,. &o" sen"in/ 9is o0n !on in t,e
li8eness of sinful fles,. $n" fo% sin. 3on"e-ne" sin in t,e fles,: t,$t t,e %i/,teousness of t,e l$0
-i/,t e fulfille" in us. 0,o 0$l8 not $fte% t,e fles,. ut $fte% t,e !pi%it4G Io-$ns 8:364
!o t,e !on of &o" o2e%3$-e in t,e fles,. "e-onst%$tin/ t,$t &o"Ns l$0 3$n e 8ept. $n" 9e is %e$"#
to "0ell in us # 9is !pi%it $n" fulfill 9is 0ill in us4 5s 0e #iel" to t,e !pi%it. 0e %e3ei2e po0e% to
oe# &o"4
!nswer" Pes. t,e !3%iptu%es "e3l$%e t,$t @esus o2e%3$-e te-pt$tion $n" li2e" $ sinless life. $n"
e3$use t,e !on of &o" li2e" $ sinless life in t,e fles,. 9e $33o-plis,e" fi2e t,in/s:
54 9e "e-onst%$te" t,$t. # t,e in"0ellin/ po0e% of &o". t,e l$0 of &o" 3oul" e 8ept # 3on2e%te"
B4 9is %i/,teous life in t,e fles, is no0 $2$il$le to 3o2e% -$nNs p$st sins1
D4 9e is $le to s#-p$t,ize 0it, -$n in ,is st%u//le $/$inst sin1
A4 9e ,$s su33essfull# %e2e$le" &o" to -$n1
;4 9e is in $ position to i-p$%t o2e%3o-in/ po0e% to $ll 0,o $%e te-pte"4
5ower To Sa%e
2. $ow fully can 8hrist sa%e men from sin
G<,e%efo%e ,e is $le $lso to s$2e t,e- to t,e utte%-ost t,$t 3o-e unto &o" # ,i-. seein/ ,e e2e%
li2et, to -$8e inte%3ession fo% t,e-4G 9e%e0s 7:254 G( 3$n "o $ll t,in/s t,%ou/, D,%ist 0,i3,
st%en/t,enet, -e4G ',ilippi$ns 4:134
!nswer" 9e is in $ position to i-p$%t o2e%3o-in/ po0e% to $ll 0,o $%e te-pte" to sinnin/4
13. )hat does the Bible say will ta'e away sin
G*,e loo" of @esus D,%ist ,is !on 3le$nset, us f%o- $ll sin4G 1 @o,n 1:74
!nswer" *,e !3%iptu%e $lso $ffi%-s t,$t +it is not possile t,$t t,e loo" of ulls $n" of /o$ts s,oul"
t$8e $0$# sins4: 9e%e0s 10:44
11. )as it necessary for 8hrist to die in $is own behalf
Co. 'il$te. $fte% 3$%efull# e)$-inin/ 9i-. "e3l$%e". G( ,$2e foun" no 3$use of "e$t, in ,i-4G Lu8e
23:224 9e ,$" no sin. $n" t,e%efo%e 0$s un"e% no 3on"e-n$tion4
Deep Sy-pathy $or @s
1#. ,or what reason, then, did $e die
GBut 0e see @esus. 0,o 0$s -$"e $ little lo0e% t,$n t,e $n/els fo% t,e suffe%in/ of "e$t,. 3%o0ne"
0it, /lo%# $n" ,onou%1 t,$t ,e # t,e /%$3e of &o" s,oul" t$ste "e$t, fo% e2e%# -$n4G 9e%e0s 2:=4
!nswer" (t 0$s fo% sinful. f$llen ,u-$nit# t,$t 9e "ie"4
1&. )hat sentence had been pronounced upon the human family
G<,e%efo%e. $s # one -$n sin ente%e" into t,e 0o%l". $n" "e$t, # sin1 $n" so "e$t, p$sse" upon $ll
-en. fo% t,$t $ll ,$2e sinne"4G Io-$ns 5:124
GCo0 0e 8no0 t,$t 0,$t t,in/s soe2e% t,e l$0 s$it,. it s$it, to t,e- 0,o $%e un"e% t,e l$0: t,$t
e2e%# -out, -$# e stoppe". $n" $ll t,e 0o%l" -$# e3o-e /uilt# efo%e &o"4G Io-$ns 3:1=4
1(. $ow could the death of 8hrist help to free man from his sins
G*,e Lo%" ,$t, l$i" on ,i- t,e iniOuit# of us $ll4G (s$i$, 53:64
GHo% ,e ,$t, -$"e ,i- to e sin fo% us. 0,o 8ne0 no sin1 t,$t 0e -i/,t e -$"e t,e %i/,teousness of
&o" in ,i-4G 2 Do%int,i$ns 5:214
!nswer" 9e too8 t,e sinne%Ns pl$3e $n" $ssu-e" t,e /uilt $s if it 0e%e 9is o0n4
1+. )hen Jesus died, therefore, for whose sins did $e die
GBut ,e 0$s 0oun"e" fo% ou% t%$ns/%essions. ,e 0$s %uise" fo% ou% iniOuities: t,e 3,$stise-ent of
ou% pe$3e 0$s upon ,i-1 $n" 0it, ,is st%ipes 0e $%e ,e$le"4G (s$i$, 53:54
GHo% ( "eli2e%e" unto #ou fi%st of $ll t,$t 0,i3, ( $lso %e3ei2e". ,o0 t,$t D,%ist "ie" fo% our sins
$33o%"in/ to t,e s3%iptu%es4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 15:34
1-. )hat did the death of Jesus achie%e for us
G&o" 3o--en"et, 9is lo2e to0$%" us. in t,$t. 0,ile 0e 0e%e #et sinne%s. D,%ist "ie" fo% us4G
Io-$ns 5:84
G9e too8 t,e 3up. $n" /$2e t,$n8s. $n" /$2e it to t,e-. s$#in/. A%in8 #e $ll of (t1 fo% t,is is B# loo"
of t,e ne0 test$-ent. 0,i3, is s,e" fo% -$n# fo% t,e %e-ission Jfo%/i2enessK of sins4G B$tt,e0
!nswer" <,en $ sinne% $33epts D,%ist $s ,is !$2iou%. &o" 3ounts t,e "e$t, of D,%ist $s punis,-ent
fo% ,is sins4 *,e sinne% is fo%/i2en $n" /oes f%ee4 9e is G%e"ee-e"G f%o- "e$t, t,%ou/, t,e s$3%ifi3e
of D,%ist4 Pou see. sin3e t,e ,ol# l$0 of &o" is $s s$3%e" $s &o" 9i-self. onl# one eOu$l 0it, &o"
3oul" -$8e $tone-ent fo% its t%$ns/%ession4 *,$t so-eone 0$s @esus. 0on"e%ful @esus4 *,e ,u-$n
-in" -$# ne2e% full# f$t,o- t,e s3ien3e. p,ilosop,#. o% t,eolo/# of t,e $tone-ent. ut 0e 3$n
$33ept it1 $n" $ll 0,o 0ill $33ept t,e s$3%ifi3e of D$l2$%# 0ill ,$2e t,e ?o# of $ 3,$n/e" ,e$%t4
GD,%ist 0$s t%e$te" $s 0e "ese%2e. t,$t 0e -i/,t e t%e$te" $s 9e "ese%2es4 4 9e suffe%e" t,e "e$t,
0,i3, 0$s ou%s. t,$t 0e -i/,t %e3ei2e t,e life 0,i3, 0$s 9is4 N<it, 9is st%ipes 0e $%e ,e$le"4N B#
9is life $n" 9is "e$t,. D,%ist ,$s $3,ie2e" e2en -o%e t,$n %e3o2e%# f%o- t,e %uin 0%ou/,t t,%ou/,
sin4 (t 0$s !$t$nNs pu%pose to %in/ $out $n ete%n$l sep$%$tion et0een &o" $n" -$n1 ut in D,%ist
0e e3o-e -o%e 3losel# unite" to &o" t,$n if 0e ,$" ne2e% f$llen4 (n t$8in/ ou% n$tu%e. t,e !$2iou%
,$s oun" 9i-self to ,u-$nit# # $ tie t,$t is ne2e% to e %o8en4 *,%ou/, t,e ete%n$l $/es 9e is
lin8e" 0it, us4G #he esire of /ges p$/e 254
Our 1ediator !nd $igh 5riest
1.. Is the resurrection of Jesus important to us
G( $- t,e fi%st $n" t,e l$st: ( $- 9e t,$t li2et,. $n" 0$s "e$"1 $n". e,ol". ( $- $li2e fo% e2e%-o%e.
5-en1 $n" ,$2e t,e 8e#s of ,ell $n" of "e$t,4G Ie2el$tion 1:176184
G(f. 0,en 0e 0e%e ene-ies. 0e 0e%e %e3on3ile" to &o" # t,e "e$t, of 9is !on. -u3, -o%e. ein/
%e3on3ile". 0e s,$ll e s$2e" # 9is life4G Io-$ns 5:10 (!ee 1 @o,n 5:12)4
'$ul /oes so f$% $s to s$#: G(f D,%ist e not %$ise". #ou% f$it, is 2$in1 #e $%e #et in #ou% sins4 *,en
t,e# $lso 0,i3, $%e f$llen $sleep in D,%ist $%e pe%is,e"4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 15:176184
!nswer" *,e !3%iptu%es te$3, t,$t @esus %ose $ 2i3to% o2e% "e$t,. to s$2e us # 9is life $n" to $ssu%e
us of ou% %esu%%e3tion f%o- t,e /%$2e4 Bo%eo2e%. t,e %esu%%e3tion of @esus f%o- t,e "e$" is $ "o3t%ine
t,$t "istin/uis,es D,%isti$nit# f%o- $ll ot,e% 0o%l" %eli/ions4 Bu"",$. Donfu3ius. Bo,$--e". $n"
t,e foun"e%s of ot,e% %eli/ious -o2e-ents $%e "e$"4 @esus $lone points to $n e-pt# to- $s e2i"en3e
of "i2ine po0e% $n" of 3onOuest o2e% "e$t,4 Co f$3t 3onne3te" 0it, t,e life of D,%ist is so fi%-l#
suppo%te" $s t,e f$3t of t,e %esu%%e3tion4 *,e %esu%%e3te" D,%ist is $ li2in/ D,%ist4 (t is onl# t,e po0e%
of t,e li2in/ D,%ist. t,e po0e% of t,e %esu%%e3tion t,$t 3$n 3,$n/e t,e life of -$n $n" s$2e ,i-4 '$ul
sou/,t to 8no0 t,e po0e% of 9is %esu%%e3tion $s $ "$il# e)pe%ien3e. t,$t ,e -i/,t $t l$st e %$ise" in
t,e %esu%%e3tion of t,e "e$" (',ilippi$ns 3:10611)4 *,e %esu%%e3tion of D,%ist is t,us $ s$-ple $n"
ple"/e of ou%s4 GD,%ist t,e fi%st f%uits1 $fte%0$%" t,e# t,$t $%e D,%istNs $t 9is 3o-in/4G 1 Do%int,i$ns
1/. )here is Jesus now and what is $e doing
G<,ile t,e# e,el". 9e 0$s t$8en up1 $n" $ 3lou" %e3ei2e" 9i- out of t,ei% si/,t4 5n" 0,ile t,e#
loo8e" ste"f$stl# to0$%" ,e$2en $s 9e 0ent up. e,ol". t0o -en stoo" # t,e- in 0,ite $pp$%el1
0,i3, $lso s$i". Pe -en of &$lilee. 0,# st$n" #e /$zin/ up into ,e$2en> t,is s$-e @esus. 0,i3, is
t$8en up f%o- #ou into ,e$2en. s,$ll so 3o-e in li8e -$nne% $s #e ,$2e seen 9i- /o into ,e$2en4G
53ts 1:=6114
+5n" it 3$-e to p$ss. 0,ile ,e lesse" t,e-. ,e 0$s p$%te" f%o- t,e-. $n" 3$%%ie" up into ,e$2en4
5n" t,e# 0o%s,ippe" ,i-. $n" %etu%ne" to @e%us$le- 0it, /%e$t ?o#4: Lu8e 24:516524
!nswer" 533o%"in/ to t,e Bile. @esus $s3en"e" to ,e$2en $n" is no0 -e"i$tin/ in ou% e,$lf4 Ho%t#
"$#s $fte% t,e %esu%%e3tion @esus $s3en"e" to ,e$2en $n" 9is "is3iples 0e%e left e,in"4
!. D,%ist $s3en"e" to ,e$2en. to e3o-e ou% -e"i$to% $n" ,i/, p%iest4 G*,e%e is one &o". $n" one
-e"i$to% et0een &o" $n" -en. t,e -$n D,%ist @esusG 1 *i-ot,# 2:54 !ee 9e%e0s 8:11 7:254
B. <e nee" $ %ep%esent$ti2e in ,e$2en 0,o un"e%st$n"s ou% p%ole-s4 @esus "oes4 GHo% 0e ,$2e not
$n ,i/, p%iest 0,i3, 3$nnot e tou3,e" 0it, t,e feelin/ of ou% infi%-ities4G 9e%e0s 4:154
8. 9e 0$s G-$"e li8e unto 9is %et,%en. t,$t 9e -i/,t e $ -e%3iful4 4 ,i/, p%iest4G 9e%e0s 2:174
<e -$# 3o-e in %e2e%ent ol"ness to t,e t,%one of -e%3#. /%$3e. $n" po0e% 9e%e0s 4:164
12. )ill Jesus come again
G(n -# H$t,e%Ns ,ouse $%e -$n# -$nsions: if it 0e%e not so. ( 0oul" ,$2e tol" #ou4 ( /o to p%ep$%e $
pl$3e fo% #ou4 5n" if ( /o $n" p%ep$%e $ pl$3e fo% #ou. ( 0ill 3o-e $/$in. $n" %e3ei2e #ou unto
B#self1 t,$t 0,e%e ( $-. t,e%e #e -$# e $lso4G @o,n 14:2634
+*,e "is3iples 0e%e still loo8in/ e$%nestl# to0$%" ,e$2en 0,en. Ge,ol". t0o -en stoo" # t,e- in
0,ite $pp$%el1 0,i3, $lso s$i". Pe -en of &$lilee. 0,# st$n" #e /$zin/ up into ,e$2en> t,is s$-e
@esus. 0,i3, is t$8en up f%o- #ou into ,e$2en. s,$ll so 3o-e in li8e -$nne% $s #e ,$2e seen 9i- /o
into ,e$2en4G 53ts 1:10. 114
G!o D,%ist 0$s on3e offe%e" to e$% t,e sins of -$n#1 $n" unto t,e- t,$t loo8 fo% 9i- s,$ll 9e
$ppe$% t,e se3on" ti-e 0it,out sin unto s$l2$tion4G 9e%e0s =:284 (!ee Ie2el$tion 1=:11616)4
!nswer" Pes. t,e !3%iptu%es testif# t,$t @esus 0ill 3o-e $/$in4 Let us e %e$"# to -eet 9i-4 *,e
se3on" 3o-in/ of D,%ist is t,e 3li-$) of t,e /ospel4 (t is t,e ti-e of %e0$%"4 <it,out it t,e 3%oss
loses its -e$nin/4 *,e 3%oss is t,e see" so0in/ of &o"Ns lo2e. t,e se3on" 3o-in/ is t,e ,$%2est ti-e4
(t is t,e ,o-e3o-in/ of &o"Ns people4
+*,e p%o-ise of D,%istNs se3on" 3o-in/ 0$s e2e% to e 8ept f%es, in t,e -in"s of 9is "is3iples4 *,e
s$-e @esus 0,o- t,e# ,$" seen $s3en"in/ into ,e$2en. 0oul" 3o-e $/$in. to t$8e to 9i-self t,ose
0,o ,e%e elo0 /i2e t,e-sel2es to 9is se%2i3e4 *,e s$-e 2oi3e t,$t ,$" s$i" to t,e-. GLo. ( $- 0it,
#ou $l0$#. e2en unto t,e en".G 0oul" i" t,e- 0el3o-e to 9is p%esen3e in t,e ,e$2enl# 8in/"o-4:
#he /%ts of the /postles. p$/e 334
The lo%ing in%itation of Jesus to you is, F1y son, BdaughterD gi%e me thine heartG H5ro%erbs
#&"#-I. )ill you gi%e $im your heart today
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
;0 God's Greatest Gi+t $or This World
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Lesson #5
,. .od-s greatest gift is (,)
o Garden o+ den
o Christ
o #ea!en
0. Ho( did .od demonstrate His love for this (orld+ (,)
o By "i!in" the Ten (o--and-ents0
o By "i!in" ,esus: #is only be"otten Son0
o By blessin" #is (hur(h &ith the po&er to heal and spea5 in ton"ues0
o In "i!in" the Bible0
6. 'ho is Christ+ (0) ( 0 ans(ers )
o One o+ the prophets0
o Word o+ God0
o )n(ient o+ Days0
o Son o+ God0
o One o+ the an"els0
7. 'hat is Christ said to )e+ (,)
o Carpenter
o )n(ient o+ Days
o *ediator
o )d!ersary
<. Ho( did Heter regard Christ+ (,)
o One o+ the prophets0
o Word o+ God0
o )n(ient o+ Days0
o Son o+ God0
o ,ohn the Baptist0
;. 'hat did Jesus say regarding His origin+ (,)
o #e did not ha!e a be"innin"0
o #e &as be"otten0
o #e &as born in Bethlehe-0
o #e &as (reated0
C. 'hat (as accom#lished )y the death of Jesus+ (,)
o Lo!e +or e!eryone0
o Christian +ollo&ers0
o $reedo- o+ &orship0
o $or"i!eness o+ our sins0
9. 'ho did Jesus sacri5ce His life for + (,)
o Christians
o !eryone
o The ,e&s
o The &i(5ed
o The ri"hteous
=. 'here is Jesus no( and (hat is He doing+ (,)
o In the (hur(hes &at(hin" the +aith+uls0
o In hea!en and -ediatin" in our behal+0
o In ,erusale- prea(hin" and healin"0
o In /ati(an and prayin" +or us0
o In hea!en and loo5in" do&n on us0
,E. 'hat (ill ta1e a(ay sin+ (,)
o Good &or5s0
o Blood o+ ,esus Christ0
o Blood o+ Bulls and "oats0
o Prayer and +astin"0
o Water and Blood0
,,. Ho( many of our tem#tations did Christ have to meet+ (,)
o )ll
o .one
o #e did not ha!e our nature0
o So-e
o *ost
,0. Is Jesus coming )ac1+ (,)
o *ay be
o .o
o Ies
,6. Can (e gain victory over sin in this life through Christ+ (,)
o .o: &e &ill 5eep sinnin" until Christ (o-es0
o Ies: Christ's "ra(e is suM(ient0
,7. 'hat do (e need to do to maintain our love for Christ+ (7) ( 7
ans(ers )
o *a5e yearly pil"ri-a"es to ,erusale- to !isit #is to-b0
o Share the truth &ith others0
o Tal5 to #i- by prayer throu"hout the day0
o Obey #is !oi(e &hen he spea5s to us throu"h #is &ord or the (on!i(tions o+ the
#oly Spirit0
o n(oura"e others to attend (hur(h0
o Study the Bible daily0
,<. Bo you )elieve that you can overcome all inherited and acJuired
)ad ha)its and sins in your life through the grace of .od+ (,)
o Ies: #is stren"th is -ade per+e(t in -y &ea5ness0
o Ies: I (an do it0
o .o: I don't belie!e that is possible0
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
70 ,esus Is Co-in" )"ain
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Quiz
1o2ine 3online 4
The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Cli(5 here to
access the KJV online.
*,e se3on" 3o-in/ of D,%ist is t,e /%e$t ,ope of t,e 3,u%3,. t,e /%$n" 3li-$) of t,e /ospel $n" pl$n
of s$l2$tion4 '$t%i$%3,s. in t,e 7l" *est$-ent. loo8e" fo%0$%" to it 4@u"e 141 @o 1=:25627)1 $n" it ,$s
$lso een t,e lesse" ,ope of t,e 3,u%3, in t,e Ce0 *est$-ent (*itus 2: 131 53ts 3:1=621)4
G!o D,%ist 0$s on3e offe%e" to e$% t,e sins of -$n#1 $n" unto t,e- t,$t loo8 fo% ,i- s,$ll ,e $ppe$%
t,e se3on" ti-e 0it,out sin unto s$l2$tion4G 9e%e0s =:284
<,en @esus "ie" on &ol/ot,$. t,$t $3t -$"e possile t,e %e"e-ption of -$n f%o- sin $n" f%o- sinNs
influen3e $n" %esults4 9e "i" not $t t,$t ti-e $3tu$ll# 3o-plete 9is %e"e-pti2e 0o%84 5fte% 9is
%esu%%e3tion 9e $s3en"e" up to ,e$2en. le$2in/ 9is follo0e%s e,in" in $ sin63u%se" 0o%l"4 Bost of
t,e s$ints of p$st $/es 0e%e still sleepin/ in t,ei% /%$2es4
9e ,$" $nnoun3e" to 9is "is3iples. G( /o to -# H$t,e%.G $n" to !i-on 'ete%. G<,it,e% ( /o. t,ou
3$nst not follo0 -e no01 ut t,ou s,$lt follo0 -e $fte%0$%"s4G @o,n 13:364 LetMs t$8e $ fe0 -inutes
to stu"# t,e se3on" 3o-in/ of @esus D,%ist4
The 5romise
1. )ho was the first prophet to spea' of the Second 8oming of 8hrist
+5n" ;no3, $lso. t,e se2ent, f%o- 5"$-. p%op,esie" of t,ese. s$#in/. Be,ol". t,e Lo%" 3o-et, 0it,
ten t,ous$n"s of ,is s$ints4: @u"e 144
!nswer" ;no3, 0$s t,e fi%st p%op,et $-on/ -$n8in"4 9e fo%etol" # p%op,e3# t,e !e3on" Do-in/
of D,%ist to ou% 0o%l". $n" ,is 0o%8 $t t,$t ti-e4 9is life 0$s $ spe3i-en of D,%isti$n 3onsisten3#4
9ol# lips $lone s,oul" spe$8 fo%t, t,e 0o%"s of &o" in "enun3i$tion $n" ?u"/-ents4 9is p%op,e3# is
not foun" in t,e 0%itin/s of t,e 7l" *est$-ent4 <e -$# ne2e% fin" $n# oo8s 0,i3, %el$te to t,e
0o%8s of ;no3,. ut @u"e. $ p%op,et of &o". -entions t,e 0o%8 of ;no3,4
#. $ow did Job show his understanding of the closing e%ents of this earth<s history
!nswer" +Ho% ( 8no0 t,$t -# %e"ee-e% li2et,. $n" t,$t ,e s,$ll st$n" $t t,e l$tte% "$# upon t,e e$%t,:
5n" t,ou/, $fte% -# s8in 0o%-s "est%o# t,is o"#. #et in -# fles, s,$ll ( see &o": <,o- ( s,$ll see
fo% -#self. $n" -ine e#es s,$ll e,ol". $n" not $not,e%1 t,ou/, -# %eins e 3onsu-e" 0it,in -e4:
@o 1=:25U274
*,e "o3t%ine of t,e !e3on" 5"2ent is t,e 2e%# 8e#note of t,e !$3%e" !3%iptu%es4 *,e 3o-in/ of t,e
Lo%" ,$s een in $ll $/es t,e ,ope of 9is t%ue follo0e%s4
&. Before Jesus ascended to hea%en, what definite promise did $e ma'e to $is disciples
G(f ( /o $n" p%ep$%e $ pl$3e fo% #ou. ( 0ill 3o-e $/$in4G @o,n 14:34
!nswer" @esus p%o-ise" t,e- t,$t 9e 0oul" 3o-e $/$in4 G9e%e$fte% s,$ll #e see t,e !on of -$n
sittin/ on t,e %i/,t ,$n" of po0e%. $n" 3o-in/ in t,e 3lou"s of ,e$2en4G B$tt,e0 26:644 *,is
p%o-ise. -$"e un"e% t,e o$t,. $n" 3$n e "epen"e" upon 6 9e 0ill 3o-e $/$in4
(. )hat assurance was gi%en to the disciples as they watched their ascending 9ord disappear
into hea%en
G*,is s$-e @esus. 0,i3, is t$8en up f%o- #ou into ,e$2en. s,$ll so 3o-e in li8e -$nne% $s #e ,$2e
seen ,i- /o into ,e$2en4G 53ts 1:114 !ee 2e%ses = $n" 104
!nswer" *,e "is3iples 0e%e $ssu%e" t,$t @esus 0ill %etu%n to t,is e$%t, in t,e s$-e -$nne% t,$t 9e
left $t 9is $s3ension66in $ 2isile. lite%$l. o"il#. pe%son$l -$nne%4 9e 0ill 3o-e in t,e 3lou"s
lite%$ll#. $s $ pe%son$l ein/ 0it, $ o"# of fles, $n" ones (Lu8e 24:36643. 50. 51). $n" 9is 3o-in/
0ill e 2isile4 *,is %ules out $ +spi%itu$l seein/: $t 3on2e%sion o% $t "e$t,4
+(t 0$s t,e 3o-p$ssion$te !$2iou%. 0,o. $nti3ip$tin/ t,e loneliness $n" so%%o0 of ,is follo0e%s.
3o--issione" $n/els to 3o-fo%t t,e- 0it, t,e $ssu%$n3e t,$t ,e 0oul" 3o-e $/$in in pe%son. e2en
$s ,e 0ent into ,e$2en4: #he Great !ontroversy" 1888 ;"ition. p$/e 33=4
+. )ill $is coming be secret
GBe,ol". ,e 3o-et, 0it, 3lou"s1 $n" . $n" t,e# $lso 0,i3, pie%3e" ,i-: $n" $ll 8in"%e"s of t,e e$%t,
s,$ll 0$il e3$use of ,i-4 ;2en so. 5-en4G Ie2el$tion 1:74
GHo% $s t,e li/,tnin/ 3o-et, out of t,e e$st. $n" s,inet, e2en unto t,e 0est1 so s,$ll $lso t,e 3o-in/
of t,e !on of -$n e4G B$tt,e0 24:274
G*,en s,$ll $ll t,e t%ies of t,e e$%t, -ou%n. $n" t,e# s,$ll see t,e !on of -$n 3o-in/ in t,e 3lou"s
of ,e$2en 0it, po0e% $n" /%e$t /lo%#G B$tt,e0 24:304
G<,e%efo%e if t,e# s,$ll s$# unto #ou. Be,ol". 9e is in t,e "ese%t1 /o not fo%t,: e,ol". 9e is in t,e
se3%et 3,$-e%s1 elie2e it not4G B$tt,e0 24:264
!nswer" Co4 *,e Bile pl$inl# te$3,es t,$t 0,en @esus 3o-es $/$in. e2e%# one of ou% senses 0ill e
o-$%"e" 0it, e2i"en3eR H%o- ti-e to ti-e su//estions ,$2e een -$"e t,$t @esus 0ill $ppe$% in
t,is o% t,$t %e-ote pl$3e. $n" te-ples ,$2e een uilt fo% 9is %e3eption4 5ll su3, ,opes $%e 2$in4 *,e
%efe%en3e to t,e +se3%et 3,$-e%: un"oute"l# ,$s %efe%en3e to t,e se3%e3# of t,e spi%itu$list se$n3e4
But !$t$n. not D,%ist. 0ill e foun" t,e%e4
*,e se3%et %$ptu%e so 3o--onl# elie2e" $n" t$u/,t to"$# is not in t,e Bile4 (t is $ ,u-$n
in2ention4 Co% is t,e se3on" 3o-in/ $ spi%itu$l 3o-in/ into t,e ,e$%t $t 3on2e%sion4 (t "oes not t$8e
pl$3e $t $ -$nNs "e$t,. no% is it fi/u%$ti2e66to e -$nifeste" # ette% 0o%l" 3on"itions4 *,ese
t,eo%ies $%e $ll of ,u-$n o%i/in4 *,e se3on" 3o-in/ 0ill e $ lite%$l. 0o%l"0i"e. 2isile. pe%son$l
$ppe$%$n3e of D,%ist in t,e 3lou"s to %in/ t,is 0o%l" to $n en" $n" to %e0$%" o% punis, $ll4
-. )hat glory will attend the person of Jesus when $e comes
GHo% 0,osoe2e% s,$ll e $s,$-e" of -e $n" of -# 0o%"s. of ,i- s,$ll t,e !on of -$n e $s,$-e".
0,en ,e s,$ll 3o-e in ,is o0n /lo%#. $n" in ,is H$t,e%Ns. $n" of t,e ,ol# $n/els4G Lu8e =:264
!nswer" 9is /lo%#. 9is H$t,e%Ms /lo%# $n" t,$t of t,e ,ol# $n/el4
*,e effe3t of t,is /lo%# upon t,e in,$it$nts of e$%t, 0e 3$n onl# f$intl# i-$/ine4 (f. $t t,e ti-e of
D,%istNs %esu%%e3tion. t,e $ppe$%$n3e of one $n/el p%ost%$te" t,e Io-$n /u$%"s $s "e$" -en
(B$tt,e0 28:264). it is no 0on"e% t,$t -$n# 0ill t%# to ,i"e f%o- t,e /lo%# of D,%ist. p%$#in/ fo% t,e
%o38s $n" -ount$ins to f$ll on t,e- (Ie2el$tion 6:14617) 0,en 9e $ppe$%s in 9is /lo%#. t,e /lo%# of
9is H$t,e% $n" of $ll t,e ,ol# $n/els4
$is 8oming )ill :ot Be In Secret
.. )ill e%eryone be e4pecting Jesus when $e comes
G*,e "$# of t,e Lo%" so 3o-et, $s $ t,ief in t,e ni/,t4G 1 *,ess$loni$ns 5:24
G*,e%efo%e e #e $lso %e$"#: fo% in su3, $n ,ou% $s #e t,in8 not t,e !on of -$n 3o-et,4G B$tt,e0
!nswer" Co. in t,e 3le$%est l$n/u$/e. @esus D,%ist t$u/,t t,$t $lt,ou/, 9is 3o-in/ 0oul" e open.
$nnoun3e". pe%son$l. lite%$l. 2isile. $n" t,$t /oo" $n" $" $li8e 0oul" see 9i- 3o-e4 9e 0$s to
3o-e $s $ Gt,ief in t,e ni/,tG onl# in t,e sense t,$t t,e 0i38e" 0oul" e t$8en # su%p%ise4
/. )ill e%eryone be ta'en by surprise
GBut #e. %et,%en. $%e not in "$%8ness. t,$t t,$t "$# s,oul" o2e%t$8e #ou $s $ t,ief4 Pe $%e $ll t,e
3,il"%en of li/,t. $n" t,e 3,il"%en of t,e "$#: 0e $%e not of t,e ni/,t. no% of "$%8ness4 *,e%efo%e let us
not sleep. $s "o ot,e%s1 ut let us 0$t3, $n" e soe%4G 1 *,ess$loni$ns 5: 4664
!nswer" Co. onl# t,ose 0,o 3lose" t,ei% e#es to t,e si/ns of t,e ti-es 0oul" e t$8in/ # su%p%ise4
+*,e @e0s -isinte%p%ete" $n" -is$pplie" t,e 0o%" of &o". $n" t,e# 8ne0 not t,e ti-e of t,ei%
2isit$tion4 4 4 !o to"$# t,e 8in/"o- of t,is 0o%l" $so%s -enNs t,ou/,ts. $n" t,e# t$8e no note of t,e
%$pi"l# fulfillin/ p%op,e3ies $n" t,e to8ens of t,e s0ift63o-in/ 8in/"o- of &o"4: #he esire of
/ges" p$/e 2354
+*,e 0$t3,-en upon t,e 0$lls of Tion s,oul" e t,e fi%st to 3$t3, t,e ti"in/s of t,e !$2iou%Ns $"2ent.
t,e fi%st to lift t,ei% 2oi3es to p%o3l$i- ,i- ne$%. t,e fi%st to 0$%n t,e people to p%ep$%e fo% ,is
3o-in/4 But t,e# 0e%e $t e$se. "%e$-in/ of pe$3e $n" s$fet#. 0,ile t,e people 0e%e $sleep in t,ei%
sins4: #he Great !ontroversy" 1884 ;"ition. p$/e 2004
2. )ill 8hrist>s followers be e4pecting $im when $e comes
GQnto t,e- t,$t loo8 fo% ,i- s,$ll ,e $ppe$% t,e se3on" ti-e 0it,out sin unto s$l2$tion4G 9e%e0s
G5n" it s,$ll e s$i" in t,$t "$#. Lo. t,is is ou% &o"1 0e ,$2e 0$ite" fo% ,i-. $n" ,e 0ill s$2e us: t,is
is t,e Lo%"1 0e ,$2e 0$ite" fo% ,i-. 0e 0ill e /l$" $n" %e?oi3e in ,is s$l2$tion4G (s$i$, 25:=4
!nswer" Pes. t,e# 0ill e 0$itin/ $n" 0$t3,in/4 *,ose 0,o lo2e 9is $ppe$%in/ 0ill e %e$"# $n"
<e $%e pil/%i-s $n" st%$n/e%s 0,o $%e 0$itin/. ,opin/. $n" p%$#in/ fo% t,$t lesse" ,ope. t,e
/lo%ious $ppe$%in/ of ou% Lo%" $n" !$2iou%. @esus D,%ist4 (f 0e elie2e t,is $n" %in/ it into ou%
p%$3ti3$l life. 0,$t 2i/o%ous $3tion 0oul" t,is f$it, $n" ,ope inspi%e1 0,$t fe%2ent lo2e one fo%
$not,e%1 0,$t 3$%eful ,ol# li2in/ fo% t,e /lo%# of &o"1 $n" in ou% %espe3t fo% t,e %e3o-pense of t,e
%e0$%". 0,$t "istin3t lines of "e-$%3$tion 0oul" e e2i"en3e" et0een us $n" t,e 0o%l"4
13. )hat blessing is promised to those who are ready and watching for $im
GBlesse" $%e t,ose se%2$nts. 0,o- t,e lo%" 0,en ,e 3o-et, s,$ll fin" 0$t3,in/: 2e%il# ( s$# unto
#ou. t,$t ,e s,$ll /i%" ,i-self. $n" -$8e t,e- to sit "o0n to -e$t. $n" 0ill 3o-e fo%t, $n" se%2e
t,e-4G Lu8e 12:374
11. )hat will happen to the righteous people when Jesus comes the second time
GHo% t,e Lo%" ,i-self s,$ll "es3en" f%o- ,e$2en 0it, $ s,out. 0it, t,e 2oi3e of t,e $%3,$n/el. $n"
0it, t,e t%u-p of &o": $n" t,e "e$" in D,%ist s,$ll %ise fi%st: *,en 0e 0,i3, $%e $li2e $n" %e-$in
s,$ll e 3$u/,t up to/et,e% 0it, t,e- in t,e 3lou"s. to -eet t,e Lo%" in t,e $i%: $n" so s,$ll 0e e2e%
e 0it, t,e Lo%"4G ( *,ess$loni$ns 4: 164
G<e s,$ll $ll e 3,$n/e". 444 $n" t,e "e$" s,$ll e %$ise" in3o%%uptile4 Ho% 444 t,is -o%t$l -ust put on
i--o%t$lit#4G 1 Do%int,i$ns 15:516534
G<e loo8 fo% 444 t,e Lo%" @esus D,%ist: <,o s,$ll 3,$n/e ou% 2ile o"#. t,$t it -$# e f$s,ione" li8e
unto ,is /lo%ious o"#4G ',ilippi$ns 3:20. 214
!nswer" *,e %i/,teous "e$" 0ill e %$ise" f%o- t,ei% /%$2es. /i2en pe%fe3t. i--o%t$l o"ies li8e t,$t
of D,%ist. $n" 3$u/,t up into t,e 3lou"s to -eet t,e Lo%"4 *,en t,e %i/,teous li2in/ 0ill $lso e /i2en
o"ies li8e D,%ist $n" 0ill e 3$u/,t up to -eet t,e Lo%" in t,e $i%4 5n" @esus 0ill t$8e t,e %i/,teous
to ,e$2en 0it, 9i-4 Cote t,$t @esus "oes not tou3, t,e e$%t, $t 9is se3on" 3o-in/4 *,e s$ints -eet
9i- Gin t,e $i%4G !o &o"Ns people 0ill i/no%e $n# %epo%t t,$t D,%ist is in ,e%e o% t,e%e et34 H$lse
3,%ists 0ill $ppe$% $n" "o -i%$3les on t,e e$%t, (B$tt,e0 24:23627). ut @esus 0ill %e-$in in t,e
3lou"s $o2e t,e e$%t, $t 9is se3on" 3o-in/4
1#. )hat will happen to the wic'ed at 8hrist>s coming
G5n" to #ou 0,o $%e t%oule" %est 0it, us. 0,en t,e Lo%" @esus s,$ll e %e2e$le" f%o- ,e$2en 0it,
,is -i/,t# $n/els. (n fl$-in/ fi%e t$8in/ 2en/e$n3e on t,e- t,$t 8no0 not &o". $n" t,$t oe# not t,e
/ospel of ou% Lo%" @esus D,%ist: <,o s,$ll e punis,e" 0it, e2e%l$stin/ "est%u3tion f%o- t,e
p%esen3e of t,e Lo%". $n" f%o- t,e /lo%# of ,is po0e%4G 2 *,ess$loni$ns 1:76=4
+<it, t,e %e$t, of ,is lips s,$ll ,e sl$# t,e 0i38e"4G (s$i$, 11:44
G5n" t,e sl$in of t,e Lo%" s,$ll e $t t,$t "$# f%o- one en" of t,e e$%t, e2en unto t,e ot,e% en" of
t,e e$%t,: t,e# s,$ll not e l$-ente". neit,e% /$t,e%e". no% u%ie"1 t,e# s,$ll e "un/ upon t,e
/%oun"4G @e%e-i$, 25:334
!nswer" *,e 0i38e" 0ill e sl$in # @esus4
G<,en t,e "i2ine '%esen3e 0$s -$nifeste" upon !in$i. t,e /lo%# of t,e Lo%" 0$s li8e "e2ou%in/ fi%e
in t,e si/,t of $ll (s%$el4 But 0,en D,%ist s,$ll 3o-e in /lo%# 0it, 9is ,ol# $n/els t,e 0,ole e$%t,
s,$ll e $l$ze 0it, t,e te%%ile li/,t of 9is p%esen3e4 N7u% &o" s,$ll 3o-e. $n" s,$ll not 8eep
silen3e: $ fi%e s,$ll "e2ou% efo%e 9i-. $n" it s,$ll e 2e%# te-pestuous %oun" $out 9i-4 9e s,$ll
3$ll to t,e ,e$2ens f%o- $o2e. $n" to t,e e$%t,. t,$t 9e -$# ?u"/e 9is people4N 's$l- 50:3. 44 5 fie%#
st%e$- s,$ll issue $n" 3o-e fo%t, f%o- efo%e 9i-. 0,i3, s,$ll 3$use t,e ele-ents to -elt 0it,
fe%2ent ,e$t. t,e e$%t, $lso. $n" t,e 0o%8s t,$t $%e t,e%ein s,$ll e u%ne" up4 N*,e Lo%" @esus s,$ll e
%e2e$le" f%o- ,e$2en 0it, 9is -i/,t# $n/els. in fl$-in/ fi%e t$8in/ 2en/e$n3e on t,e- t,$t 8no0
not &o". $n" t,$t oe# not t,e /ospel4G 2 *,ess$loni$ns 1:7. 84NG'$t%i$%3,s $n" '%op,ets. p$/e 33=4
1&. In %iew of all this, what are we all e4horted to do
G5n" t$8e ,ee" to #ou%sel2es. lest $t $n# ti-e #ou% ,e$%ts e o2e%3,$%/e" 0it, su%feitin/. $n"
"%un8enness. $n" 3$%es of t,is life. $n" so t,$t "$# 3o-e upon #ou un$0$%es4 Ho% $s $ sn$%e s,$ll it
3o-e on $ll t,e- t,$t "0ell on t,e f$3e of t,e 0,ole e$%t,4 <$t3, #e t,e%efo%e. $n" p%$# $l0$#s. t,$t
#e -$# e $33ounte" 0o%t,# to es3$pe $ll t,ese t,in/s t,$t s,$ll 3o-e to p$ss. $n" to st$n" efo%e t,e
!on of -$n4G Lu8e 21: 346364
The Ti-e O+ ,esus? Co-in"
1(. $as the e4act time of 8hrist<s coming been re%ealed
+But of t,$t "$# $n" ,ou% 8no0et, no -$n. no. not t,e $n/els of ,e$2en. ut B# H$t,e% onl#4: B$tt4
!nswer" Co. t,e Bile "oes not tell us e)$3tl# 0,en @esus 0ill 3o-e $/$in. ut it "oes tell us -$n#
of t,e e2ents t,$t 0ill t%$nspi%e ?ust efo%e D,%ist %etu%ns4 9e%e $%e $ fe0:
<$%s $n" %u-ou%s of 0$%s4 (B$tt,e0 24:6)
H$-ines. "ise$ses $n" e$%t,Ou$8es in -$n# "iffe%ent pl$3es4 (B$tt,e0 24:7)
&o"Ms people 0ill e pe%se3ute". 8ille". $n" ,$te" # every n$tion in t,e 0o%l"4 (B$tt,e0
*,e -$%8 of t,e e$st 3%isis 0ill e full# en/$/e" to pe%se3ute &o"Ms people4 (Ie2el$tion
5 s#ste- 0ill e set up 0,e%e onl# t,ose 0,o %e3ei2e t,e -$%8 of t,e e$st 0ill e $llo0e" to
u# $n" sell4 (Ie2el$tion 13:17)
B$n# f$lse p%op,ets $n" p%e$3,e%s 0ill e in t,e 0o%l" "oin/ /%e$t si/ns $n" 0on"e%s $n"
0ill "e3ei2e -$n# people4 (B$tt,e0 24:11. 24)
!in 0ill e 2e%# $un"$nt t,%ou/,out t,e 0o%l". $n" lo2e 0ill /%o0 3ol"4 (B$tt,e0 24:12)
*,e /oo" ne0s $out &o"Ms lo2e 0ill e p%e$3,e" in $ll t,e 0o%l"4 (B$tt,e0 24:14)
H$lse D,%ists 0ill $ppe$% t,%ou/,out t,e 0o%l" 0it, /%e$t si/ns $n" 0on"e%s4 *,e se3on"
3o-in/ of D,%ist 0ill e so su33essfull# i-pe%son$te" t,$t -$n# people 0ill e "e3ei2e" into
t,in8in/ t,$t D,%ist ,$s %etu%ne". e2en t,ou/, it is !$t$n ,i-self o% one of 9is $/ents4
(B$tt,e0 24:23626)
D,%ist 0ill 3o-e in t,e 3lou"s of ,e$2en 0it, /%e$t po0e% $n" /lo%#4 (B$tt,e0 24:30)
5ll t,e people 0,o ,$2e openl# %e?e3te" D,%ist. o% 0,o ,$2e een "e3ei2e" # !$t$n. 0ill 3%#
fo% t,e %o38s $n" -ount$ins to f$ll on t,e- to ,i"e t,e- f%o- t,e p%esen3e of D,%ist4
(Ie2el$tion 6:15. 16)
<,en D,%ist 3o-es. &o"Ms f$it,ful people 0ill s$#. +Lo. t,is is ou% &o"1 0e ,$2e 0$ite" fo%
,i-. $n" ,e 0ill s$2e us4: ((s$i$, 25:=)
B7!* (B'7I*5C* !(&C:
*,e Bile "oes %e2e$l t,$t 0e $%e li2in/ $t t,e ti-e of t,e l$st ,u-$n pope. Bene"i3t WF(. t,e ne)t
pope 0ill e $ "e-on i-pe%son$tin/ @o,n '$ul ((. t,is "e-oni3 i-pe%son$tion 0ill 3$t$pult t,e fin$l
e2ents ?ust efo%e t,e se3on" 3o-in/ of D,%ist4 *,is un"e%st$n"in/ is t$8en f%o- t,e p%op,e3# in
Ie2el$tion 3,$pte% 174
Jesus will soon come in glory for all to see. )ill you gi%e $im the crown, throne, and scepter of
your life today
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
70 ,esus Is Co-in" )"ain
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Lesson #6
,. *efore Jesus returned to heaven3 (hat did He #romise+ John ,7:,K6 (0) (
0 ans(ers )
o That &e &ill see "reater -ira(les a+ter #is resurre(tion than be+ore
o #e &ill re(ei!e us to #i-sel+ &hen #e (a-e a"ain: not be+ore #e (o-es
o That &e &ill be (au"ht up to -eet #i- in hea!en
o #e &ill prepare +or us -ansions to li!e in
0. 'hat (or1 of Dudgment (ill Jesus do at His coming+ Latt. 0<:6,K67 (,)
o #e &ill de(ide &ho are the sa!ed and &ill then send the- out to &itness to the
&orld as #e did in #is Crst (o-in"
o #e &ill seperate the ri"hteous +ro- the &i(5ed and exe(ute =ud"-ent upon the
inhabitants o+ the earth
o What histori(al e!ent did ,esus use to illustrate this seperation% *att0 ADO87BD1
o )braha- lea!in" his (ountry: ho-e and relati!esH as )braha- did this Christians
&ill need to do the sa-e
o .oah's ar5 in the LoodH as the &i(5ed &ere ta5en a&ay in death by the Lood: and
others &ere le+t ali!e in the ar5: so &ill it be at ,esus' se(ond (o-in"
6. Lillions (ill )e deceived regarding the manner and time of Christ-s
return )ecause (,)
o God does not &ant all to be sa!ed0
o They did not ha!e enou"h opportunities to learn the truth
o They did not study their Bibles to learn the truth0
7. 'ill Christ-s coming )e secret and silent3 as a thief in the night+ 0 Heter
6:,EK,0 (,)
o .o: it &ill be a surprise as &hen a thie+ brea5s in: but it &ill not be se(ret or silent
o Ies: it &ill be =ust as #e +ore&arned in *atthe&: (hapter AD: that is &hy the Lord
as5s us to be &aitin" and &at(hin"
<. 'ill Christ-s coming )e silent+ , Thess. 7:,<K,9M John <:093 0=M , Cor.
,<:<,K<< (,)
o )s Christ's Crst (o-in" &as Fuiet: #is se(ond (o-in" &ill be in the sa-e -anner
o It &ill be the loudest "lobal e!ent e!er to happen in the earth's history
;. Chec1 the statements )elo( that tell the truth a)out Christ-s second
coming: (7) ( 7 ans(ers )
o #e &ill (o-e se(retly0
o The se(ond (o-in" is the experien(e o+ (on!ersion0
o #e &ill (o-e in the (louds0
o Christ (o-es +or us at the hour o+ our death0
o The &i(5ed &ill not see #i-0
o )ll the an"els &ill be &ith #i-0
o #is +eet &ill not a(tually tou(h the earth0
o It is possible to 5no& the day and hour o+ #is (o-in"0
o !eryone &ill see #i-0
C. 'hen Jesus returns to this earth (,)
o Only the ri"hteous &ill see #i-0
o !ery eye &ill see #i-0
o People &ill not 5no& it until it is announ(ed on T/0
9. At Jesus- second coming3 (hat (ill ha##en to the righteous (ho are still
living+ , Thess. 7:,<K,9M John <:093 0=M , Cor. ,<:<,K<< (,)
o They &ill be (au"ht up to"ether &ith the resurre(ted saints to -eet the Lord in
the (louds
o They &ill "o to ,esus as #e lands on the earth so that they =oin #i- as #e returns
to hea!en
=. At Jesus- second coming3 (hat (ill ha##en to the righteous (ho have
#reviously died+ , Thess. 7:,<K,9M John <:093 0=M , Cor. ,<:<,K<< (,)
o They &ill (o-e do&n &ith ,esus's in #is se(ond (o-in" to (all the li!in" ri"hteous
to =oin the- in the (louds
o )t the shout o+ Christ: they &ill be resurre(ted and &ill =oin the li!in" ri"hteous to
-eet #i- in the (louds
,E. 'hat (ill ha##en to the righteous at Christ-s second coming+ (0)
( 0 ans(ers )
o 'i"hteous dead &ill be raised: "i!en i--ortality: (au"ht up into the (louds: and
ta5en to hea!en0
o 'i"hteous li!in" &ill be "i!en i--ortality: be (au"ht up into the (louds: and
ta5en to hea!en0
o 'i"hteous &ill stay here and (on!ert the &i(5ed0
o 'i"hteous &ill be se(retly snat(hed a&ay0
,,. 'ill everyone (ho claims to )e saved3 )e ta1en to heaven (hen
Jesus comes+ Latt. C:0,K06 (,)
o .o: only those &ho do the &ill o+ the #ea!enly $ather and depart +ro- iniFuity
o .o only those &ho belie!e in ,esus: +or exa-ple: those &ho ha!e the po&er to
(ast our de!ils and do supernatural -ira(les
o Ies: ,esus died +or us all
,0. 'hat (ill ha##en to the (ic1ed at Jesus-s second coming+ 0 Thess.
,:CK=M 0:9 (,)
o So-e o+ the- &ill repent and our lo!in" Lord &ill "i!e the- another (han(e
o They all shall be destroyed by the bri"htness o+ #is (o-in"
o They &ill burn in hell Cre
,6. The (ic1ed (ho are living (hen Jesus returns (ill )e (,)
o Pla(ed in hell: &here they burn +ore!er0
o Slain by the bri"htness o+ #is se(ond (o-in"0
o Spared and "i!en another (han(e0
o )t the !oi(e o+ God o+ annou(in" the Se(ond Co-in" o+ #is only be"otton sonO
o The &hole &orld &ill be ready and &aitin"0
o There &ill be a de!astatin": &orld&ide earthFua5e0
o The &i(5ed &ill be (on!erted0
,7. 'hat (ill ha##en to the countries and 1ingdoms of this (orld
(hen Jesus comes+ Ban. 0:77 (,)
o They &ill be destroyed
o The +aith+ul in ea(h (ountry &ill be le+t to +or- a ne& (ountry &hi(h &ill be part o+
God's 5in"do-
,<. 'hile (e cannot 1no( the day and hour3 can (e 1no( (hen Jesus-
coming is near+ , Thess. <:,K;M Latt. 07:60K66 (,)
o Ies: PnearP bein" in the broad sense that it -ay be +ro- ten to one hundred
years a&ay
o Ies: the Lord has re!ealed in #is &ord si"ns and prophe(ies to sho& the nearness
o+ #is (o-in"
,;. Ho( do (e 1no( that Jesus is coming )ac1 to earth very soon+ (,)
o Be(ause the next and last pope &ill be ,ohn Paul II resurre(ted0
o Benedi(t Q/I is the last hu-an pope: the next and last pope &ill be a de-on
i-personatin" ,ohn Paul II0
o Be(ause that is &hat ,esus said thousands o+ years a"o0
,C. 2n the )asis of )i)lical signs3 Christ-s coming is most li1ely to
occur (,)
o Only a +e& years a&ay0
o The Bible says &e (annot tell &hen ,esus &ill (o-eO #e (ould (o-e to-orro& or
-any years +ro- no&0
o .ot be+ore the 1<<<Byear -illeniu- on earth0
,9. At His second coming (,)
o Christ &ill arri!e pri!ately and !isit (ertain (ities o+ the earth0
o Christ &ill appear in the desert0
o Christ &ill re-ain in the (louds and (all the ri"hteous up to -eet #i- in the air0
,=. I can )e ready for Christ-s return if (,)
o ,esus li!es &ithin -e0
o I "o to (hur(h re"ularly and &in others +or ,esus0
o I do &hat -y -inister su""ests0
0E. I (ant Jesus to live in my heart that I may )e found ready at His
coming. (,)
o .o
o Ies
0,. 'hat should (e do to )e ready for that day+ Titus 0:,,K,7 (,)
o Belie!e in ,esus as our personal Sa!iour
o We should see5 to share this truth &ith as -any people as possible
o We should li!e sober: "odly: ri"hteous li!es
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
90 Si"ns That #is Co-in" Is .ear
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Quiz
1o2ine 3online 4
The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Cli(5 here to
access the KJV online.
Introduction" 5fte% @esus ,$" $ssu%e" 9is "is3iples t,$t 9e 0oul" 3o-e $/$in. t,e# 3$-e to 9i-
0it, t,e e$%nest inOui%# : G*ell us. 0,en s,$ll t,ese t,in/s e> $n" 0,$t s,$ll e t,e si/n of t,#
3o-in/. $n" of t,e en" of t,e 0o%l">G B$tt,e0 24: 34
@esusN $ns0e% to t,is Ouestion 0$s positi2e $n" 3le$%4 5s %e3o%"e" # Lu8e. 9e "e3l$%e". G*,e%e s,$ll
e si/ns4G (Lu8e 21:25)4 *,is 0$s $n en3ou%$/in/ $ssu%$n3e4 D,%istNs people 0oul" not e left in
"$%8ness 3on3e%nin/ t,is 3%o0nin/ e2ent in t,e 0o%8 of %e"e-ption4 (n t,is lesson. 0e 0ill stu"# onl#
t,ose t,in/s t,$t $%e $ p%i-$%# $ppli3$tion to t,e se3on" 3o-in/ of D,%ist4
Signs in the 6arth
1. $ow may we 'now when we ha%e reached the %ery last days of earth>s history ;oes the
Bible clearly describe the world and its people in the last generation
!nswer" Pes. in"ee" it "oes4 Loo8 $t t,e follo0in/ spe3ifi3 si/ns of t,e l$st "$#s4 Pou 0ill e
$-$ze"4 5n" t,ese $%e ?ust $ fe0 of -$n#. -$n# positi2e si/ns t,$t s,o0 0e $%e in t,e 3losin/ "$#s
of e$%t,Ns ,isto%#4
10 De(eption throu"h +alse Christ and +alse prophets 1*atthe& ADODB;: 11B184
A0 Wars and ru-ours o+ &ars0 1*atthe& ADO74
80 $a-ines: diseases and earthFua5es in -any di6erent pla(es0 1*atthe& ADO94
D0 God?s people &ill be perse(uted: 5illed: and hated by every nation in the &orld0
1*atthe& ADOJ4
;0 The -ar5 o+ the beast (risis &ill be +ully en"a"ed to perse(ute God?s people0
1'e!elation 8O1;B1G4
70 ) syste- &ill be set up &here only those &ho re(ei!e the -ar5 o+ the beast &ill
be allo&ed to buy and sell0 1'e!elation 18O194
90 *any +alse prophets and prea(hers &ill be in the &orld doin" "reat si"ns and
&onders and &ill de(ei!e -any people0 1*atthe& ADO11: AD4
G0 Sin &ill be !ery abundant throu"hout the &orld: and lo!e &ill "ro& (old0 1*atthe&
J0 The "ood ne&s about God?s lo!e &ill be prea(hed in all the &orld0 1*atthe&
1<0$alse Christs &ill appear throu"hout the &orld &ith "reat si"ns and &onders0 The
se(ond (o-in" o+ Christ &ill be so su((ess+ully i-personated that -any people
&ill be de(ei!ed into thin5in" that Christ has returned: e!en thou"h it is Satan
hi-sel+ or one o+ #is a"ents0 1*atthe& ADOA8BA74
#. )hat important @uestion did the disciples as'ed Jesus as $e sat upon the 1ount of Oli%es
+*ell us. 0,en s,$ll t,ese t,in/s e> $n" 0,$t s,$ll e t,e si/n of *,# 3o-in/ $n" of t,e en" of t,e
0o%l">G B$tt,e0 24:34
&. )hat was 8hrist< first response and warning
+@esus $ns0e%e" $n" s$i" unto t,e-. *$8e ,ee" t,$t no -$n "e3ei2e #ou4 Ho% -$n# s,$ll 3o-e in -#
n$-e. s$#in/. ( $- D,%ist1 $n" s,$ll "e3ei2e -$n#4: B$tt,e0 24:4654 +Ho% f$lse D,%ists4 4 4 s,$ll %ise.
$n" s,$ll s,e0 si/ns $n" 0on"e%s. to se"u3e. if it 0e%e possile. e2en t,e ele3t4 But t$8e #e ,ee":
B$%8 13:22.234
!nswer" @esus 0$%ns us in t,ese 2e%ses not to e "e3ei2e" 0,en -$n# 3o-e $n" 3l$i- to e D,%ist4
*o"$# t,e%e $%e se2e%$l people 0,o -$8e t,is 3l$i-4 !$t$n ,i-self 0ill 3ounte%feit t,e Lo%"Ms %etu%n
0it, su3, %illi$n3e $n" /lo%# t,$t ne$%l# $ll t,e people of e$%t, 0ill e "e3ei2e" $n" 0ill o0 "o0n
$n" 0o%s,ip ,i-4
(. )hat conditions points to our 9ord<s return in the physical world
G5n" t,e%e s,$ll e f$-ines. $n" pestilen3es. $n" e$%t,Ou$8es. in "i2e%s pl$3es4G B$tt,e0 24:7
!nswer" H$-ine $n" pestilen3es often $33o-p$n# o% follo0 /%e$t 0$%s4 5fte% 0o%l" <$% (. f$-ine in
D,in$ nu-e%e" fifteen -illion st$%2in/ $n" t,%ee -illion "e$"4 Iussi$Ns f$-ine. $33o%"in/ to t,e
e)plo%e%. C$nsen. 0$s t,e G-ost $pp$llin/ in t,e %e3o%"e" ,isto%# of -$n4G *,e 0o%l"Ns influenz$
epi"e-i3 too8 18.000.000 li2es4 <o%l" <$% (( ,$" its o0n /%i- sto%# of ,un/e% $n" "ise$se4
;$%t,Ou$8es $%e $not,e% si/n of D,%istNs %etu%n4 !3ientists esti-$te t,$t $s -$n# $s one -illion Ou$8es
$ #e$% -$# e t$8in/ pl$3e in t,e 0o%l". onl# $out 8.000 of 0,i3, $%e se2e%e enou/, to e %e3o%"e"4
7f t,e -o%e "is$st%ous ones of 3o-p$%$ti2el# %e3ent ti-es. 0e -i/,t list t,e follo0in/: 1=2066D,in$.
180.000 8ille"1 1=236@$p$n. 143.000 li2es lost1 1=3=6Dent%$l *u%8e#. 23.000 "e$"1 1=506*iet. (n"i$.
$n" Bu%-$. 5.000 3$su$lties4
:OT6" +5t t,is ti-e i--ense fo%ests 0e%e u%ie"4 *,ese ,$2e sin3e een 3,$n/e" to 3o$l. fo%-in/
t,e e)tensi2e 3o$l e"s t,$t no0 e)ist. $n" $lso #iel"in/ l$%/e Ou$ntities of oil4 *,e 3o$l $n" oil
f%eOuentl# i/nite $n" u%n ene$t, t,e su%f$3e of t,e e$%t,4 *,us %o38s $%e ,e$te". li-estone is
u%ne". $n" i%on o%e -elte"4 *,e $3tion of t,e 0$te% upon t,e li-e $""s fu%# to t,e intense ,e$t. $n"
3$uses e$%t,Ou$8es. 2ol3$noes. $n" fie%# issues4 5s t,e fi%e $n" 0$te% 3o-e in 3ont$3t 0it, le"/es of
%o38 $n" o%e. t,e%e $%e ,e$2# e)plosions un"e%/%oun". 0,i3, soun" li8e -uffle" t,un"e%4 *,e $i% is
,ot $n" suffo3$tin/4 Fol3$ni3 e%uptions follo01 $n" t,ese often f$ilin/ to /i2e suffi3ient 2ent to t,e
,e$te" ele-ents. t,e e$%t, itself is 3on2ulse". t,e /%oun" ,e$2es $n" s0ells li8e t,e 0$2es of t,e se$.
/%e$t fissu%es $ppe$%. $n" so-eti-es 3ities. 2ill$/es. $n" u%nin/ -ount$ins $%e s0$llo0e" up4 These
wonderful manifestations will be more and more fre@uent and terrible Just before the second
coming of 8hrist and the end of the world, as signs of its spee"# "est%u3tion4: Patriar%hs and
Prophets. p$/e 1084
+. )ill there be deceptions through false prophets and teachers before the coming of 8hrist
+5n" -$n# f$lse p%op,ets s,$ll %ise. $n" s,$ll "e3ei2e -$n#4: B$tt,e0 24:114 +Ho% f$lse D,%ists $n"
f$lse p%op,ets s,$ll %ise. $n" s,$ll s,e0 si/ns $n" 0on"e%s. to se"u3e. if it 0e%e possile. e2en t,e
ele3t4 But t$8e #e ,ee": e,ol". ( ,$2e fo%etol" #ou $ll t,in/s4: B$%8 13:22.234
!nswer" *o"$#. t,e%e $%e -o%e t,$n t0ent#6fou% pe%sons 0,o 3l$i- to e p%op,ets4 7ne of t,e
Bili3$l tests of $ t%ue p%op,et of &o" is t,$t t,e p%op,et -ust e 100X $33u%$te4 5 t%ue p%op,et of
&o" is not pe%-itte" e2en one f$lse p%op,e3#. fo% if t,e -ess$/e of t,e p%op,et 3$-e f%o- &o". ,o0
3oul" it e in e%%o%> Cee"less to s$#. of t,e p%op,ets of t,e 0o%l" to"$# not one ,$s $ pe%fe3t %e3o%"1
t,e# $ll -$8e e%%o%s. $n" $%e. t,e%efo%e. not p%op,ets of &o"4 *,ese f$lse p%op,ets $%e $ si/n of t,e
en"1 t,e# "o. in"ee". "e3ei2e -$n#4 <; 95F; 5 L;!!7C 7C +B(BL; 'I7'9;*!4:4 'L;5!;
5F5(L P7QI!;LH 7H *9; 7''7I*QC(*P *7 !*QAP (*4
Signs in the ?eligious )orld
-. )hat is the strongest and most crucial sign in the religious world that points to the nearness
of 8hrist second coming
!nswer" 533o%"in/ to t,e Bile p%op,e3# of t,e l$st "$#s foun" in t,e oo8 of Ie2el$tion 3,$pte%
17. 0e ,$2e t,e $stoun"in/ p%o2e t,$t 0e $%e li2in/ in t,e ti-e of t,e se2ent, 8in/. the last human
pope4 &o" ,$s info%-e" us. in 9is 0%itten <o%". t,$t t,e ei/,t, 8in/ 0ill t%$nsfo%- t,e Io-$n
D$t,oli3 D,u%3, # %in/in/ ,e% out of ,e% 0il"e%ness e)pe%ien3e $n" $38 to ,e% fo%-e%
pe%se3utin/6e$st st$tus4 *,e ei/,t, 8in/. $ "e2il i-pe%son$tin/ @o,n '$ul ((. 0ill us,e% pe%se3ution
fo% &o"Ns people 0,o oe# 9is !$$t, "$#4 *,e ti-e of t,e ei/,t, 8in//e$st 0ill 0itness ,it,e%to
unseen f$lse -i%$3les $n" si/ns. 0,i3, 0ill e)$lt t,e p$p$3# in t,e e#es of $ll 0,o $%e not 0%itten in
t,e Boo8 of Life: +*,e e$st t,$t t,ou s$0est 0$s. $n" is not1 $n" s,$ll $s3en" out of t,e otto-less
pit. $n" /o into pe%"ition: $n" t,e# t,$t "0ell on t,e e$%t, s,$ll 0on"e%. 0,ose n$-es 0e%e not
0%itten in t,e oo8 of life f%o- t,e foun"$tion of t,e 0o%l". 0,en t,e# e,ol" t,e e$st t,$t 0$s. $n"
is not. $n" #et is4: Ie2el$tion 17:84
'le$se 3li38 ,e%e fo% $n in6"ept, stu"# of t,e 2e%# i-po%t$nt p%op,e3# of Ie2el$tion 174
Signs in the 5olitical )orld
.. )hat three great signs did 8hrist say would appear in the political world
!. ,ear and perple4ity.
G*,e%e s,$ll e si/ns in t,e sun. $n" in t,e -oon. $n" in t,e st$%s1 $n" upon t,e e$%t, "ist%ess of
n$tions. 0it, pe%ple)it#1 t,e se$ $n" t,e 0$2es %o$%in/1 -enNs ,e$%ts f$ilin/ t,e- fo% fe$%4 $n" fo%
loo8in/ $fte% t,ose t,in/s 0,i3, $%e 3o-in/ on t,e e$%t,: fo% t,e po0e%s of ,e$2en s,$ll e s,$8en4
5n" t,en s,$ll t,e# see t,e !on of -$n 3o-in/ in $ 3lou" 0it, po0e% $n" /%e$t /lo%#4G Lu8e 21:256
B. Spirit of war.
GPe s,$ll ,e$% of 0$%s $n" %u-ou%s of 0$%s: see t,$t #e e not t%oule": fo% $ll t,ese t,in/s -ust
3o-e to p$ss. ut t,e en" is not #et4 Ho% n$tion s,$ll %ise $/$inst n$tion. $n" 8in/"o- $/$inst
8in/"o-G B$tt,e0 24:6674 (Ie2el$tion 11:181 @oel 3:=614)4
:OT6" D,%ist tells us t,$t t,e%e 0ill e 0$%s $n" %u-o%s of 0$%s4 Ho% t,e p$st se2e%$l "e3$"es t,e
0o%l" ,$s ,$" $l-ost 3ontinu$l 0$% $n" te%%o%is-4 *ensions $-on/ n$tions $n" $-on/ %$3es "%i2en
# po0e%ful !$t$ni3 fo%3es 3ontinue to -ount $s t,e 0o%l" -o2es f$%t,e% $n" f$%t,e% f%o- t,e
pe$3eful i"e$l -ost people "esi%e4
8. Great efforts for peace.
G*,e "$# of t,e Lo%" so 3o-et, $s $ t,ief in t,e ni/,t4 Ho% 0,en t,e# s,$ll s$#. 'e$3e $n" s$fet#1 t,en
su""en "est%u3tion 3o-et, upon t,e-4G 1 *,ess$loni$ns 5:2634 G*,e# ,$2e ,e$le" $lso B# people
sli/,tl# s$#in/. 'e$3e. pe$3e1 0,en t,e%e is no pe$3e4G @e%e-i$, 6:144
:OT6" *,e $33u%$3# of Bile p%op,e3# is ,e%e "e-onst%$te" # p%e"i3tin/ t,$t. in t,e 2e%# -i"st of
unp%e3e"ente" p%ep$%$tion fo% 0$%. t,e%e 0oul" e 0i"esp%e$" t$l8 of pe$3e4 *,e ,isto%i$n. 9$zen.
,$s 3onfi%-e" t,is # s$#in/. G*,e 3onte-po%$%# 0o%l". to $ "e/%ee $lto/et,e% unp%e3e"ente" in
,isto%#. ,$s een "o-in$te" # t,e t,ou/,t of 0$%. # e)t%$o%"in$%# p%ep$%$tions fo% 0$%. $n" #
ze$lous $n" 3on3e%te" effo%ts fo% pe$3e4G
Signs in the Social )orld
/. )hat conditions will pre%ail in the social world in the last days
G*,is 8no0 $lso. t,$t in t,e l$st "$#s pe%ilous ti-es s,$ll 3o-e4 Ho% -en s,$ll e lo2e%s of t,ei% o0n
sel2es. 3o2etous. o$ste%s. p%ou". l$sp,e-e%s. "isoe"ient to p$%ents. unt,$n8ful4 un,ol#. 0it,out
n$tu%$l $ffe3tion. t%u3e%e$8e%s. f$lse $33use%s. in3ontinent. fie%3e. "espise%s of t,ose t,$t $%e /oo".
t%$ito%s. ,e$"#. ,i/,-in"e". lo2e%s of ple$su%es -o%e t,$n lo2e%s of &o"1 ,$2in/ $ fo%- of /o"liness.
ut "en#in/ t,e po0e% t,e%eof: f%o- su3, tu%n $0$#4G 2 *i-ot,# 3:1654
!nswer" <,$t $n $-$zin/l# $33u%$te p%op,e3#R 7ne 0oul" e ,$%"6p%esse" to "es3%ie -o%e
$33u%$tel# t,e /ene%$l 3on"ition of t,e people of t,e 0o%l" to"$#4
!. lo%ers of their own sel%es"
<e see ,e%e t,$t -en $%e lo2e%s of t,e-sel2es onl#. ,$2in/ 2e%# little %e/$%" fo% t,e 0ell6ein/ of
ot,e%s4 (n f$3t. so3iet# to"$# ,$s "e/ene%$te" to t,e point 0,e%e. $s ,$s ,$ppene" -$n# ti-es. $
0o-$n 3$n e $tt$38e" on $ us# st%eet in %o$" "$#li/,t. $n" no one 3o-es to ,e% $i"4
*,e $%/u-ent is so-eti-es ,e$%" t,$t people ,$2e $l0$#s een t,is 0$#4 *,ose 0,o 3l$i- t,is $%e.
in %e$lit#. i/no%$nt of ,isto%#. fo% $s ti-e p%o/%esses. t,e st$tu%e $n" 3,$%$3te% of t,e ,u-$n ein/
3ontinue to e3o-e -o%e $se4 9$2e #ou noti3e" t,e s,ift in fo3us in t,ese l$st "e3$"es> <,e%e
fo%-e%l# $ -$n 0$s $"-i%e" $s ,e s$3%ifi3e" fo% f$-il#1 3ount%#1 &o"4 But no0 $ -$n o$sts of
LAoin/ 9is 70n *,in/:. $n" people "o not Ouestion it4 5$n"onin/ ot,e%s so one 3$n LLi2e 9is 70n
LifeM is t,e L(CM t,in/R
5n" 0,$t $out $ll t,e e-p,$sis on L!elf &%$tifi3$tion Y !elf ;stee-> L*%e$t #ou%self: Pou "ese%2e
itRM +'$-pe% #ou%selfR: <,e%e in t,e not too "ist$nt p$st. people li2e" 0o%8e" $n" 3o6ope%$te" fo% t,e
s$8e of t,ei% e)ten"e" f$-ilies1 t,ese "$#s see e2en teens 0$ntin/ t,ei% +70n 5p$%t-ents: so t,e#
3$n L"o $s t,e# ple$se4M
B. 8OK6TO0S"
'eople to"$# $%e 3o2etous. $s t,e te)t in"i3$tes4 'eople no0 0$nt $n" 0$nt $n" 0$nt. e2en 0,en
t,e# 3$nNt $ffo%" to ,$2e4 ;2en 0,$t t,e# ,$2e no %i/,t to ,$2eR *,ei% t,ou/,ts $%e 3ontinu$ll# of
t,e-sel2es $n" ,o0 to /et $,e$" in t,e 0o%l". ,o0 to /et -o%e -one#. ,o0 to /et $ ette% 3$% o% $
l$%/e% ,ouse4 'eople to"$# use $n# -e$ns. no -$tte% ,o0 i--o%$l. to $33o-plis, t,ei% pu%poses4
*,e# use ot,e%s to t,ei% o0n $"2$nt$/e in t,ei% -$" f%enz# to /et to t,e top o% to fin" ple$su%e $n" to
,$2e fun4 Ce2e% efo%e in ,isto%# ,$2e people een -o%e 3$u/,t up 0it, Lt,in/sM $n" t,e l$test
/$"/et%#4 Ce2e% efo%e ,$s 3%e"it een so $2$il$le ut still t,e 3%# is Bo%eR Bo%eR Bo%eR
8. BO!ST6?S"
*,e ne)t 3,$%$3te%isti3 of -en in t,e l$st "$#s -entione" in t,is te)t is t,$t t,e# $%e o$ste%s4
Ai3tion$%#: to p%$ise #ou%self. o% spe$8 $%%o/$ntl# $out t,in/s #ou possess o% ,$2e $3,ie2e"4 <e
3$n see t,is t,%ou/,out so3iet#. $s people $%e 2e%# $n)ious fo% ot,e%s to 8no0 of t,e /%e$t t,in/s t,e#
,$2e "one1 ut &o" tells us in '%o2e%s 27:2 to +Let $not,e% -$n p%$ise t,ee. $n" not t,ine o0n
-out,1 $ st%$n/e%. $n" not t,ine o0n lips4:
;. 5?O0;"
5%e people p%ou" to"$#> *,e# st%ut $%oun". feelin/ supe%io% to t,ose 0,o ,$2e less4 *,e# $%e p%ou"
of t,ei% ne0 3$%s. t,ei% fine ,o-es. $n" espe3i$ll# t,ei% e"u3$tions. fo% to"$# in ou% ,u-$nisti3
so3iet# +e"u3$tion: ,$s een -$"e $ /o"4 Pou -$# %e3$ll t,$t it 0$s p%i"e t,$t le" to t,e f$ll of
Lu3ife% out of ,e$2en4 '%i"e $n" !elf6e)$lt$tion -$"e $ "e-on out of t,e %i/,test $n/elR *,e Bile
te$3,es t,$t t,e p%ou" $n" $%%o/$nt 0ill not e in ,e$2en4 *,in8 $out it. if &o" $llo0e" $n#one in
,e$2en t,$t fit t,e "es3%iptions of t,is te)t. 9e 0oul" ,$2e to $polo/ize to Lu3ife% $n" in2ite ,i-
$38 into ,e$2en4 'eople $%e so p%i"eful. e2en t,ose t,$t 3l$i- to e +s$2e":R
6. Blasphemers"
Bl$sp,e-e%s $%e -entione" ne)t. $n" to"$# it see-s $s if -$n# $%e un$le to /et t,%ou/, e2en one
senten3e 0it,out t$8in/ t,e n$-e of t,e Lo%" in 2$in4 *,ei% spee3, ,$s een /i2en o2e% to utte%
$$n"on $s t,ei% foul p,%$ses -o38 t,e 2e%# p%in3iples of t%ut, $n" "e3en3#4 *,e Bile st$tes t,$t $
l$sp,e-e% is $ pe%son t,$t 3l$i- t,e-sel2es to e &o" o% to $ssu-e 9is $ut,o%it#4 *,e%e $%e /%oups
t,$t 3l$i- t,$t -$n. o2e% $ p%o3ess of ti-e. 3$n e /o"4 *,in8 $out t,$tR &o" ,$s pl$3e" ,is
si/n$tu%e on $ll of 3%e$tion4 9e ,$s 3%e$te" so-et,in/ f%o- not,in/4 Co -$n o% "e2il 3$n "o t,isR
5 Bl$sp,e-e% is $lso one 0,o "enies &o" o% insults 9i-4 (n ou% $/e 0e $%e seein/ su3, 9e$2en6
"$%in/ %u"eness to &o" $s e2en 3%i-in$ls of t,e p$st 0oul" ,$2e fe$%e" to spe$8 o% "o4 5n" -ost
people l$u/, $t itR
,. disobedient to parents"
5%e 3,il"%en "isoe"ient to p$%ents to"$#. $s t,e p%op,e3# in"i3$tes> (n t,e /o2e%n-ent s3,ools.
t,e%e is $ "istin3t effo%t -$"e to $lien$te t,e #out, f%o- t,ei% p$%ents $n" to lo0e% t,e st$n"$%"s of
-o%$lit#4 D,il"%en to"$# $%e t$u/,t t,$t t,ei% p$%ents $%e of t,e ol"6f$s,ione" /ene%$tion $n" $%e f$%
e,in" t,e lie%$lit# $n" 8no0le"/e of -o"e%n ti-es4 5s $ %esult. t,e #out, see- to ,$2e -$n# 0$#s
to s,o0 t,ei% %eellion $n" 3onte-pt fo% t,ei% p$%ents $n" fo% t,e t%$"ition$l 2$lues of t,e p$st4 (n t,e
p$st people still 2e%# -u3, %espe3te" t,ei% p$%ents4 *o"$# 0e see e2en s-$ll 3,il"%en s3%e$-in/ +(
9$te PouR: $t t,ei% p$%ent 0,en t,e# ,$2e een "enie" so-e s-$ll in"ul/en3e4 D,il"%en 0ill tell
p$%ents 0,$t t,e# $%e /oin/ to "o. li8e it o% notR *,e# ,$2e e3o-e -$nipul$ti2e of t,e p$%ents fo%
t,ei% o0n selfis, "esi%es4 +5s fo% -# people. 3,il"%en $%e t,ei% opp%esso%sS: (s$i$, 3:12
G. unthan'ful"
5%e people unt,$n8ful to"$# $s t,is p%op,e3# in"i3$tes> (n"ee". t,e# $%e4 *,e Bile tells us in
Aeute%ono-# 8:18. +But t,ou s,$lt %e-e-e% t,e Lo%" t,# &o": fo% it is ,e t,$t /i2et, t,ee po0e% to
/et 0e$lt,4: 9o0 -$n# %e-e-e% to t,$n8 &o" fo% t,e -$n# lessin/s $n" $"2$nt$/es 9e ,$s /i2en
t,e-> Bost people to"$# $%e tot$ll# unt,$n8ful $n" un,ol#. 0it,out e2e% $ t,ou/,t of &o" e)3ept to
l$sp,e-e 9is n$-e4
'$%ents ,$2e t$u/,t t,ei% 3,il"%en to e)pe3t /ifts ?ust e3$use of 0,$t "$# it is 6 $n" t,e $ttitu"e is
t,$t t,is is t,ei% %i/,tR *,e# $lso ,$2e no sense of t,e "et t,e# o0e to t,ei% D%e$to% $n" Ie"ee-e%R
$. 0nholy"
*,e Bile st$tes t,$t 0e $%e to e ,ol# e3$use &o" is 9ol#4 *,e 3,$%$3te% of &o" is t,$t 9e 3$nnot
tole%$te !(C4 Pet 0e $s $ people of &o" tole%$te sin in ou% o"# on $ 3ontinu$l $sis4 <e e)pl$in it
$0$# # s$#in/. +!u%el# &o"444444444: (Befo%e 0e finis, t,e st$te-ent4444 t,$t is l$sp,e-#)4 <e 3$nnot
e/in to i-$/ine 0,$t &o" 0oul" $llo0 in ou% o"#4 <e 3$nnot e/in to i-$/ine ,o0 &o" t,in8sR
<e -ust t$8e ,ee" to 9is <o%"R
+Ho% $s t,e ,e$2ens $%e ,i/,e% t,$n t,e e$%t,. so $%e -# 0$#s ,i/,e% t,$n #ou% 0$#s. $n" -#
t,ou/,ts t,$n #ou% t,ou/,ts4: (s$i$, 55:=4
I. without natural affection"
Fe%se 3 -entions t,$t in t,e l$st "$#s -en 0ill e 0it,out n$tu%$l $ffe3tion4 Ai3tion$%#: 0it,out
feelin/s of /%$titu"e4 'eople $%e not t,$n8ful4 *,e# elie2e t,$t t,e 0o%l" o0es t,e- $ li2in/ 0,et,e%
t,e# e$%n it o% not4 '$%ents ,$2e t$u/,t t,ei% 3,il"%en to e)pe3t /ifts ?ust e3$use of 0,$t "$# it is 6
$n" t,e $ttitu"e is t,$t t,is is t,ei% %i/,tR
*,is %efe%s not onl# to t,e $lien$tion of 3,il"%en f%o- p$%ents ut $lso to t,e ,o-ose)u$lit#
$oun"in/ in ou% 0o%l"1 t,ose 0,o p%$3ti3e t,is sin e2en "e-$n" %espe3t$ilit#4 *,is sin is ?ust one
-o%e of t,e -$n# si/ns t,$t t,e en" of t,e e$%t, is 2e%# ne$%4
J. Trucebrea'ers"
*%u3e%e$8e%s $%e -entione" ne)t4 B%e$8in/ $/%ee-ents $n" p%o-ises 0,ene2e% it is 3on2enient to
"o so4 (n ou% p%esent 0o%l". t,e politi3i$ns of 2$%ious n$tions sit $%oun" 3onfe%en3e t$les 0o%8in/
out $/%ee-ents. 2e%# fe0 of 0,i3, $%e ,ono%e"4
*. ,alse !ccusers"
*o 3,$%/e so-eo"# f$lsel# 0,o is not /uilt# of 3%i-e o% 0,$t 0e $33use t,e- of4
9. I:8O:TI:6:T"
+(n3ontinent: -e$ns 0it,out self 3ont%ol4 (n t,ese l$st "$#s. t,e people of e$%t, $%e in"ee" 0it,out
self 3ont%ol1 t,e# ,$2e t,%o0n off $ll %est%$ints $n" 3$te% to e2e%# $ppetite $n" "esi%e4 '%i-$%il#
l$38in/ %est%$int in se)u$l -$tte%s4 Cot onl# is t,is %$-p$nt in t,e 0o%l" to"$# ut e2en $-on/st
p%ofessin/ D,%isti$ns $n" -ostl# people i/no%e it
1. ,ierce"
!,o0in/ $//%ession o% $n/e%4 Bo%e $n" -o%e people $%e i-p$tient $n" Oui38 to 0%$t, t,$n e2e%
efo%e4 'eople 0ill lo0 #ou $0$# fo% 3uttin/ t,e- off in t%$ffi34 *,$t -en $%e fie%3e is e2i"ent f%o-
t,e 3%uelt# $n" %ut$lit# so p%e2$lent in t,e 0o%l" to"$#4
:. ;espisers of those that are good"
<e $t <o%l" L$st D,$n3e. %e-e-e% 0,en /oo" $n" 0ell "oin/ 0$s $"-i%e" $n" p%o-ote" on
-o2ies $n" in oo8s4 *o"$# t,e 3,$%$3te% s,o0n $s L/oo"M in $ sto%# is usu$ll# %i"i3ule" o% pl$#e"
"o0n 0,ile t,e 0i38e" $%e ,el" up $s ein/ L%e$listi3M4
B$n# $ #oun/ pe%son "oes 0i38e"l# -e%el# so ,is f%ien"s 0onMt 3$ll ,i- $ siss# o% $ L/oo"#6/oo"#M4
*i-e $fte% ti-e on *F $n" e2en 3$%toons 0e see t,e stu"ious $n" ,$%"60o%8in/ set out $s L/ee8sM o%
-isfits $n" t,e se)u$ll# pu%e $%e -o38e" $s Lnot 0it, itM o% Lp%u"esM4 ;2en t,ose 0,o 0$nt to up,ol"
%i/,t 0ill usu$ll# s$#. +0ell e2e%#one ,$s t,ei% o0n opinions4 *,is is 0,$t is %i/,t fo% -eR: I$%el# "o
0e ,e$%: +*,is is <I7C&R: $n" $l-ost ne2e%: +*,is is !(CR:
O. Traitors"
*,ose 0,o et%$# t,e t%ust of ot,e%s. $n" e,$2e in $ "islo#$l o% t%e$3,e%ous -$nne%4
5. $6!;7"
+9e$"#: -e$ns stuo%n $n" ,e$"st%on/4 +(f it feels /oo"6 Ao itR:
L. $IG$1I:;6;"
+9i/,-in"e": -e$ns 3on3eite"4 *o infl$te ones6self 0it, self63on3eit. to e lifte" up 0it, p%i"e4 *o
t,in8 oneself ,i/,l# i-po%t$nt4 *,ese 3,$%$3te%isti3s of -en $%e 0i"esp%e$" t,%ou/,out t,e 0o%l"
?. 9o%ers of pleasure more than lo%ers of God"
*,e%e ,$s not een $n# ot,e% ti-e in t,ese p$st t0o t,ous$n" #e$%s. sin3e t,is oo8 of *i-ot,# ,$s
een 0%itten. t,$t people lo2e t,ei% ple$su%es $n" ente%t$in-ent -o%e t,$n t,e# "o to"$#4 De%t$inl#
t,e# lo2e ple$su%e -o%e t,$n t,e# lo2e &o"R ;2en t,ei% L0o%s,ipM of &o" 3ente%s on in"ul/en3e.
3,u%3, suppe%s. $n" ente%t$in-ent4
(n t,ese l$st "$#s it see-s $s if people 0o%8 2e%# ,$%" $t ,$2in/ ple$su%e4 5ll 0ee8 t,e# t,in8 $out
$n" pl$n 0,$t t,e# 0ill "o on t,e 0ee8en" to ,$2e fun4 *,e# spen" 2$st su-s of -one# on t,ei%
selfis, ple$su%es. /oin/ "eepl# into "et4 *,e# i/no%e &o" $n" 9is usiness. 0,i3, is # f$% -o%e
i-po%t$nt t,$n t,e in$nities people e3o-e in2ol2e" in4 But &o" s$i" t,is 0oul" ,$ppen in t,e l$st
S. $a%ing a form of godliness but denying the power thereof"
7f $ll t,is $-$zin/ p%op,e3#. t,is ite- is pe%,$ps t,e /%e$test si/n of ou% ti-esR Ce2e% ,$s %eli/ion
een so 0i"el# $33epte" $-on/ t,e 0o%l"l# -in"e" U $n" ne2e% efo%e ,$s so -u3, 0o%l"liness een
$33epte" $n" 0el3o-e" into t,e 3,u%3,R (n t,e p$st. L/ettin/ %eli/ionM 0$s $sso3i$te" 0it, %epentin/
$n" tu%nin/ f%o- $t le$st t,e /%osse% sins4 Co0 it -e$ns so3i$lizin/ $n" in"ul/en3e. ente%t$in-ent
$n" $n#t,in/ /oes4
But if #ou st$%t to t$l8 of t,e '7<;I of t,e Lo%" to f%ee t,e life f%o- !(CR 'eople tu%n $0$#4 (f #ou
,$2e $ p%ole- Pou 0ill e $"2ise" to /o to 3ounselo%s. self6,elp se-in$%s. t,e%$p# /%oups4 *,e
'7<;I of &o" is pus,e" $si"e $n" 9u-$nis- st$n"s in its pl$3e4 *,e fi%st Ouestion is not L<,$t is
*%ut,>M ut L<,$t o%/$niz$tion o% /%oup "o #ou elon/ to>M
*,e 7l" *est$-ent 0$%ne" of ou% "$# $lso4 +*,e%e is $ /ene%$tion t,$t 3u%set, t,ei% f$t,e%. $n" "ot,
not less t,ei% -ot,e%4 *,e%e is $ /ene%$tion t,$t $%e pu%e in t,ei% o0n e#es. $n" #et is not 0$s,e"
f%o- t,ei% filt,iness4 *,e%e is $ /ene%$tion. 7 ,o0 loft# $%e t,ei% e#esR $n" t,ei% e#eli"s $%e lifte" up4
*,e%e is $ /ene%$tion. 0,ose teet, $%e $s s0o%"s. $n" t,ei% ?$0 teet, $s 8ni2es. to "e2ou% t,e poo%
f%o- off t,e e$%t,. $n" t,e nee"# f%o- $-on/ -enG4 '%o2e%s 30:116144
2. )hat are we ad%ised to do when we see these things
GH%o- su3, tu%n $0$#4G 2*i-ot,# 3:54 +*,$t 0,i3, #e ,$2e $l%e$"# ,ol" f$st till ( 3o-e4: Ie2el$tion
13. )hat are we to turn to
G( 3ounsel t,ee to u# of -e /ol" t%ie" in t,e fi%e. t,$t t,ou -$#est e %i3,1 $n" 0,ite %$i-ent. t,$t
t,ou -$#est e 3lot,e". $n" t,$t t,e s,$-e of t,# n$8e"ness "o not $ppe$%1 $n" $noint t,ine e#es
0it, e#es$l2e. t,$t t,ou -$#est see4 5s -$n# $s ( lo2e. ( %eu8e $n" 3,$sten: e ze$lous t,e%efo%e.
$n" %epent4 Be,ol". ( st$n" $t t,e "oo%. $n" 8no38: if $n# -$n ,e$% -# 2oi3e. $n" open t,e "oo%. (
0ill 3o-e in to ,i-. $n" 0ill sup 0it, ,i-. $n" ,e 0it, -e4G Ie2el$tion 3:18620
Signs in the 6conomic )orld
11. )hat conditions point to 8hrist<s return in the economic world
G&o to no0. #e %i3, -en. 0eep $n" ,o0l fo% #ou% -ise%ies t,$t s,$ll 3o-e upon #ou4 Pou% %i3,es $%e
3o%%upte". $n" #ou% /$%-ents $%e -ot,6e$ten4 Pou% /ol" $n" sil2e% is 3$n8e%e"1 $n" t,e %ust of t,e-
s,$ll e $ 0itness $/$inst #ou. $n" s,$ll e$t #ou% fles, $s it 0e%e fi%e4 Pe ,$2e ,e$pe" t%e$su%e
to/et,e% fo% t,e l$st "$#s4 Be,ol". t,e ,i%e of t,e l$ou%e%s. 0,o ,$2e %e$pe" "o0n #ou% fiel". 0,i3,
is of #ou 8ept $38 # f%$u". 3%iet,: $n" t,e 3%ies of t,e- 0,i3, ,$2e %e$pe" $%e ente%e" into t,e e$%s
of t,e Lo%" s$$ot,4 Pe ,$2e li2e" in ple$su%e on e$%t,. $n" een 0$nton1 #e ,$2e nou%is,e" #ou%
,e$%ts. $s in $ "$# of sl$u/,te%4 Pe ,$2e 3on"e-ne" $n" 8ille" t,e ?ust1 $n" ,e "ot, not %esist #ou4:
@$-es 5: 1664
!nswer" 5s Gt,e 3o-in/ of t,e Lo%" "%$0et, ni/,.G t,e $/e lon/ 3onfli3t et0een e-plo#e% $n"
e-plo#ee is "estine" to $ssu-e l$%/e% p%opo%tions4 Co0 it is no lon/e% one in"i2i"u$l $%/$inin/
0it, $not,e%4 (nste$" /%e$t 3o%po%$tions ne/oti$te 0it, t,e o%/$nize" fo%3es of l$o%. %ep%esentin/
-illions of 0o%8e%s4 !in3e t,e "ispute et0een -$n$/e-ent $n" l$o% 0ill not en" until @esus 3o-es.
t,e D,%isti$n is u%/e" to e p$tient until t,$t ti-eG
+Be p$tient t,e%efo%e. %et,%en. unto t,e 3o-in/ of t,e Lo%"4 Be,ol" t,e ,us$n"-$n 0$itet, fo% t,e
p%e3ious f%uit of t,e e$%t,. $n" ,$t, lon/ p$tien3e fo% it. until ,e %e3ei2e t,e e$%l# $n" t,e l$tte% %$in4
Be #e $lso p$tient1 st$lis, #ou% ,e$%ts: fo% t,e 3o-in/ of t,e Lo%" "%$0et, ni/,4G @$-es 5:7684
Increase of *nowledge
1#. )hat two great changes were to appear in Fthe time of the endG
GBut t,ou. 0 A$niel. s,ut up t,e 0o%"s. $n" se$l t,e oo8. e2en to t,e ti-e of t,e en"4 B$n# s,$ll %un
to $n" f%o. $n" 8no0le"/e s,$ll e in3%e$se"4G A$niel 12:44
!nswer" *,e p$st 150 #e$%s st$n" $p$%t f%o- $ll p%e2ious ,isto%# # %e$son of t,e su""en in3%e$se of
8no0le"/e in s3ien3e. /ene%$l le$%nin/. $n" in2ention4 *,e p$t%i$%3,. 5%$,$-. 0,o li2e" fou%
t,ous$n" #e$%s $/o. 0oul" ,$%"l# e -o%e st$%tle" # t,e t%e-en"ous 3,$n/es t,$n 0oul" &eo%/e
<$s,in/ton. 0,o "ie" ?ust efo%e t,e nineteent, 3entu%# e/$n4
*,e /%e$t in3%e$se of 8no0le"/e 3on3e%nin/ &o"Ns <o%" ,$s een $s e)t%$o%"in$%# $s $"2$n3es in t,e
0o%l" of s3ien3e4 <,e%e$s t,e Bile 0$s $2$il$le onl# to $ 3o-p$%$ti2el# fe0 t0o 3entu%ies $/o.
to"$# it is ein/ 3i%3ul$te" on $ 0o%l"0i"e s3$le. # ,un"%e"s of -illions of 3opies4 *,is ,$s l$%/el#
een $33o-plis,e" sin3e t,e /%e$t Bile so3ieties 0e%e o%/$nize" $fte% 17=84 *%ul# 0e $%e li2in/ in
Gt,e ti-e of t,e en"4G
A$nielNs p%e"i3tion t,$t G-$n# s,$ll %un to $n" f%oG ,$s li8e0ise %e3ei2e" -ost st%i8in/ fulfill-ent4
B$n# 3o--ent$to%s elie2e t,$t t,is e)p%ession %efe%s p%i-$%il# to t,e in3%e$se" $3ti2it# in se$%3,in/
t,e Bile $n" its p%op,e3ies t,$t ,$s een e2i"ent "u%in/ t,e p$st 3entu%#4 5lt,ou/, 0e %e3o/nize t,is
$s its fi%st $ppli3$tion. e#on" $ "out it $lso fo%e3$sts t,e t%e-en"ous in3%e$se of t%$2el on $ /lo$l
s3$le t,$t ,$s 3,$%$3te%ize" t,e p$st fift# #e$%s4 *,e %estless popul$tions of t,e 0o%l" $%e on t,e -o2e
# foot. $uto-oile. %$il. s,ip. $n" $i%pl$ne4 Co lon/e% "o t,e /%e$t o3e$ns isol$te 3ontinents $n"
n$tions1 fo% $i% t%$2el ,$s s,%un8 "ist$n3es until st$tes-en t%$ns$3t usiness to"$# in fo%ei/n 3$pit$ls
$3%oss t,e se$s. $n" to-o%%o0 t,e# 3$n e $38 in t,ei% o0n offi3es4
Other Signs in the ?eligious )orld
1&. )hat other four outstanding signs are in the religious world
!. Scoffers.
GEno0 t,is fi%st. t,$t t,e%e s,$ll 3o-e in t,e l$st "$#s s3offe%s. 0$l8in/ $fte% t,ei% o0n lusts. s$#in/4
<,e%e is t,e p%o-ise of 9is 3o-in/> fo% sin3e t,e f$t,e%s fell $sleep. $ll t,in/s 3ontinue $s t,e# 0e%e
f%o- t,e e/innin/ of 3%e$tion4G 2 'ete% 3:3644
B. The gospel shall be preached in all the world.
G*,is /ospel of t,e 8in/"o- s,$ll e p%e$3,e" in $ll t,e 0o%l" fo% $ 0itness unto $ll n$tions1 $n" t,en
s,$ll t,e en" 3o-e4G B$tt,e0 24:144
!nswer" *,e -ess$/e of D,%istNs s$3%ifi3e on t,e 3%oss $n" 9is soon se3on" 3o-in/ is ein/
soun"e" in $out ei/,t ,un"%e" l$n/u$/e $n" "i$le3t $%e$s of t,e 0o%l"4 Bission$%ies ,$2e %o$-e"
t,is enti%e /loe p%e$3,in/ t,e &ospel of D,%istMs 8in/"o-4 *,e &ospel. in f$3t. is ein/ p%e$3,e"
e2en in pl$3es 0,e%e one 0oul" not e)pe3t it to e4 Ie3entl# $ %epo%t 0$s 3$%%ie" out of Ie" D,in$
# one of t,e people 0,o -$n$/e" to es3$pe4 *,is %epo%t tol" of $ -iniste% 0,o ,$" t0o Biles4
<,en t,e poli3e 3$-e to 3onfis3$te $ll t,e Biles in t,e $%e$. t,e -iniste% 8ept one $t t,e %is8 of ,is
life4 (f ,e is 3$u/,t ,e 0ill suffe% $ -ost %ut$l "e$t,. fo% t,e 3o--unists. in o%"e% to te%%o%ize t,e
people into oe"ien3e. -$8e e)$-ples of t,ose 0,o "isoe#4 *,is -iniste% ,$s $ l$%/e 3on/%e/$tion
0,i3, -eets se3%etl# to 3op# p$/es f%o- ,is ol". 0o%n out Bile so t,$t t,e# -$# ,$2e t,e p%i2ile/e
of %e$"in/ $ fe0 p%e3ious p$/es of !3%iptu%e4 *,is &ospel of t,e 8in/"o- ,$s in"ee" een p%e$3,e"
in $ll t,e 0o%l"4 *,e en" is 2e%# ne$%4
8. 9ac' of lo%e.
GBe3$use iniOuit# s,$ll $oun". t,e lo2e of -$n# s,$ll 0$) 3ol"4G B$tt,e0 24:124
!nswer" B$n#. seein/ ,#po3%is# e2en in so-e 3,u%3, -e-e%s $n" $l-ost uni2e%s$l 3o%%uption
else0,e%e in t,e 0o%l". lose 3ou%$/e $n" lo2e /%o0s 3ol"4
;. 9ac' of faith.
G<,en t,e !on of B$n 3o-et,. s,$ll 9e fin" f$it, on t,e e$%t,>G Lu8e 18:84
!nswer" *,e p$%$le of Lu8e 18: 168 in"i3$tes t,$t t,e p%$#e% of f$it, 0ill e $l-ost none)istent
G0,en t,e !on of -$n 3o-et,4G *,is is un"e%st$n"$le. fo% -o"e%nisti3 te$3,in/ ,$s un"e%-ine"
elief in &o" $s $ %e$l ein/4
Signs in the Sun, 1oon and Stars
1(. )hat three unusual sights in the hea%ens were foretold as signs of the end
G(--e"i$tel# $fte% t,e t%iul$tion of t,ose "$#s s,$ll t,e sun e "$%8ene"4 $n" t,e -oon s,$ll not
/i2e ,e% li/,t. $n" t,e st$%s s,$ll f$ll f%o- ,e$2en4 $n" t,e po0e%s of t,e ,e$2ens s,$ll e s,$8en: $n"
t,en s,$ll $ppe$% t,e si/n of t,e !on of -$n in ,e$2en: $n" t,en s,$ll $ll t,e t%ies of t,e e$%t, -o%n4
$n" t,e# s,$ll see t,e !on of -$n 3o-in/ in t,e 3lou"s of ,e$2en 0it, po0e% $n" /%e$t /lo%#G
B$tt,e0 24:2=6304 4Joel 3: 151 Revelation 6: 1213)4
!nswer" *,e /%e$t pe%io" of t%iul$tion -entione" in 3onne3tion 0it, t,ese unusu$l si/,ts in t,e
,e$2ens is 8no0n in ,isto%# $s t,e A$%8 5/es4 5s #ou 0ill le$%n. &o" ,$" %e2e$le". t,%ou/, A$niel.
t,e p%op,et (A$niel 7:25). t,$t t,is ti-e of p$p$l sup%e-$3# 0oul" 3o--en3e in 5A4 538 $n" l$st
until 5A4 17=8 'uli3 pe%se3ution 3e$se". ,o0e2e%. $out 25 #e$%s efo%e t,e full 1.260 #e$%s ,$"
el$pse". "ue to t,e 3o-ine" influen3e of t,e '%otest$nt Iefo%-$tion $n" t,e oppo%tunities fo%
%eli/ious f%ee"o- in 5-e%i3$4
Co0 note t,e $33u%$3# of D,%istNs p%e"i3tion in B$%8 13:24. 0,e%e 9e s$#s. G(n t,ose "$#s. $fte% t,$t
t%iul$tion. t,e sun s,$ll e "$%8ene". $n" t,e -oon s,$ll not /i2e ,e% li/,t4G *,e fi%st of t,ese si/ns
$ppe$%e" $fte% pe%se3ution en"e". Gin t,ose "$#s.G o% s,o%tl# efo%e 17=84 &o"Ns <o%" ne2e% f$ils:
,en3e on B$# 1=. 1780. t,e sun 0$s "$%8ene"4 ;$%l# in t,e "$# t,e i%"s "is$ppe$%e". "o-esti3 fo0l
0ent to %oost. $n" /%$zin/ 3$ttle in t,e p$stu%e 0en"e" t,ei% 0$# to0$%" t,e $%n#$%"4 *,$t s$-e
ni/,t t,e -oon 0$s "$%8ene" $n" /$2e t,e $ppe$%$n3e of loo" 4Revelation 6: 12)4
G*,e st$%s s,$ll f$ll f%o- ,e$2en.G *,ese. of ne3essit#. 0oul" e s,ootin/ st$%s4 5s p%e"i3te". t,e
/%e$test -eteo%i3 s,o0e% e2e% %e3o%"e" see-e" to set t,e 2e%# ,e$2ens $l$ze on t,e ni/,t of
Co2e-e% 13. 18334 *,e -in"s of -en 0e%e -$"e soe% $t t,e ti-e. $n" 3onte-po%$%# 0%itin/s
in"i3$te t,$t -$n# fe$%e" t,e fin$l A$# of @u"/-ent ,$" 3o-e4
$is 8oming Is Too 8lose
1+. $ow near is 8hrist<s coming when we see all these signs
GCo0 le$%n $ p$%$le of t,e fi/ t%ee4 <,en ,is %$n3, is #et ten"e%. $n" puttet, fo%t, le$2es. #e 8no0
t,$t su--e% is ni/,: so li8e0ise #e. 0,en #e s,$ll sees $ll t,ese t,in/s. 8no0 t,$t it is ne$%. e2en $t
t,e "oo%s4 Fe%il# ( s$# unto #ou. *,is /ene%$tion s,$ll not p$ss. till $ll t,ese t,in/s e fulfille"4G
B$tt,e0 24:326344
!nswer" *,e Bile is 2e%# spe3ifi3 $n" pl$in on t,is point4 *,e si/ns ,$2e $l-ost $ll een fulfille"4
<e 3$nnot 8no0 t,e e)$3t "$# $n" ,ou% of D,%istNs %etu%n (B$tt,e0 24:36). ut 0e 3$n e 3onfi"ent
t,$t 0e $%e t,e people 0,o 0ill li2e to see @esus %etu%n4 &o" ,$s p%o-ise" to finis, t,in/s 2e%#
Oui38l# no0 $n" 3ut t,e 0o%8 s,o%t (Io-$ns =:28)4 D,%ist is 3o-in/ $38 to t,is e$%t, fo% 9is people
2e%# soon4 5%e #ou %e$"#>
1-. )hat attitude of life should we maintain in these days of e4pectation
G7f t,$t "$# $n" ,ou% 8no0et, no -$n. no not t,e $n/els of ,e$2en. ut B# H$t,e% onl#4 5s t,e "$#s
of Coe 0e%e. so s,$ll $lso t,e 3o-in/ of t,e !on of -$n e4 Ho% $s in t,e "$#s t,$t 0e%e efo%e t,e
floo" t,e# 0e%e e$tin/ $n" "%in8in/N -$%%#in/ $n" /i2in/ in -$%%i$/e. until t,e "$# t,$t Coe ente%e"
into t,e $%8. $n" 8ne0 not until t,e floo" 3$-e. $n" too8 t,e- $ll $0$#1 so $lso t,e 3o-in/ of t,e
!on of -$n e 4 4 <$t3, t,e%efo%e: fo% #e 8no0 not 0,$t ,ou% #ou% Lo%" "ot, 3o-e4G B$tt,e0 24:366
!nswer" *,e people of Co$,Ns "$# ,$" %e3ei2e" $"eOu$te 0$%nin/ of t,e 3o-in/ Hloo". ut t,e#
0e%e $ffli3te" 0it, t,e s$-e sins t,$t eset -o"e%n -$n 6 unelief. p%eo33up$tion 0it, ple$su%e
see8in/. $n" p%o3%$stin$tion4
*o t,e people of 9is "$# @esus s$i". G3 fools, and slow of heart to belie%e all that the prophets
ha%e spo'enM 4Lu'e 24:25)4
(n 9is /%e$t lo2e. &o" ,$s /i2en us -$n# si/ns t,$t s,o0 D,%istNs 3o-in/ to e ne$%4 *,ese si/ns
,$2e een /i2en t,$t 0e $n" ou% "e$% ones -$# e %e$"# 0,en 9e 3o-es4 5%e #ou not /%$teful fo% t,e
e2i"en3es $ll $out us t,$t in"i3$te t,$t soon 0e s,$ll see @esus f$3e to f$3e> *,e 0o%l" $%oun" us
-$# e in pe%ple)it# $n" st%ife. ut 0e 3$n %e?oi3e t,$t soon $ll t,is 0ill p$ss $0$# $n" $n ete%nit#
0it, D,%ist 0ill st%et3, out efo%e us4 *,e%e is no "out $out it4 (f 0e follo0 t,e $"2i3e of @esus to
G0$t3, t,e%efo%e.G 0e 0ill e %e$"#4
;ear )98 member" $a%e you made the necessary preparation $a%e you as'ed the 9ord
Jesus to be ?uler of your life
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
90 Si"ns That #is Co-in" Is .ear
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Lesson #7
,. Has .od revealed in *i)le #ro#hecy (hen the nearness of Christ-s
return (ill )e+ (,)
o Ies
o .o
0. Lar1 all statements that are true signs of the last days of earth: (C) ( C
ans(ers )
o The &orld &ill "et better and better0
o Stri+e bet&een (apital and labor0
o $e&er earthFua5es: stor-s: et(0
o $allin" a&ay +ro- Bible truth0
o Lo&er di!or(e rate0
o CraKe +or pleasure0
o *oral de"enera(y0
o ) "reat drop in the (ri-e rate0
o Great +a-ines0
o In(rease o+ 5no&led"e0
o @nrest and uphea!al0
6. Can (e loo1 for conditions to get )etter or (orse+ (,)
o $or better
o $or &orse
7. 'hat #articular social conditions did A#ostle Haul #oint out as
characteristic of >the last daysA+ (,)
o Lo!ers o+ truth -ore than lo!ers o+ pleasure0
o !er learnin": and able to (o-e to the 5no&led"e o+ the truth0
o Lo!ers o+ pleasures -ore than lo!ers o+ God0
<. Tic1 the facts a)out religious condition in the last days that A#ostle
Haul and the )oo1 of !evelation #ointed out+ (7) ( 7 ans(ers )
o The "ospel shall be prea(hed in all the &orld0
o La(5 o+ lo!e &ill in(rease0
o $ruit o+ the spirit &ill -ani+est in the (hur(hes0
o Chur(h"oers &ill in(rease0
o La(5 o+ +aith &ill in(rease0
o Wor5ers +or God &ill be plenty0
o The last hu-an pope0
;. 'hen did >the time of the endA )egin+ (,)
o 188;
o 1A7<
o 19JG
C. In relation (ith the tri)ulation3 (hen did the signs in the sun3 moon3
and stars ha##en+ (,)
o )+ter
o Be+ore
o In the -iddle o+ tribulation
o )((ordin" to ,esus: ho& &ill +alse Christs and +alse prophets de(ei!e the &orld in
the last days% 114
o $alse Christ &ill only sho& up in ,erusale-0
o $alse Christs and +alse prophets &ill arise all around the &orld and do "reat
-ira(les and &onders0
o They &ill (on!ert all the &orld to Christianity0
9. 'ho did A#ostle Heter say >shall come in the last daysA+ (,)
o /ir"in *ary
o S(o6ers
o )nti(hrist
=. 'hich signs in the heavens are signs of Christ-s return+ (0) ( 0 ans(ers )
o #aley's (o-et0
o The dar5 day o+ 19G<0
o The +allin" stars o+ .o!e-ber 1G880
o The -oon +allin" to the earth0
,E. 'hich of the follo(ing are correct statements+ (0) ( 0 ans(ers )
o Christ is sure to (o-e in A<110
o .o -an (an tell the nearness o+ Christ's (o-in"0
o )s lea!es appear in the C" tree in sprin" indi(atin" that su--er is near: so the
si"ns o+ the ti-es (onCr- Christ's soon (o-in"0
o We are not to &at(h +or the si"ns o+ #is (o-in"
o .o -an (an 5no& the day and the hour o+ Christ's (o-in"0
,,. Ho( do (e 1no( that Jesus is coming )ac1 to earth very soon+ (,)
o 'e!elation 19 re!eals Pope Benedi(t Q/I is the last hu-an pope0 .ext pope &ill
be a de-on i-personatin" ,ohn Paul II0 #e &ill (atapult us into the last e!ents
be+ore the se(ond (o-in"0
o Be(ause so -any people belie!e that ,esus is (o-in" soon-: e!en people +ro-
di6erent reli"ions0
o *any (on(ede that the earth (annot last any lon"er: hu-ans are depletin" all
resour(es and hu-anity &ill not be able to exist any lon"er0
,0. 'hy did Jesus li1en >the coming of the on of manA to Noah-s
days+ (0) ( 0 ans(ers )
o The &orld &ill be destroyed by a Lood0
o Be(ause the (ondition o+ sin &arranted total destru(tion on the earth0
o Be(ause the Lood too5 the &i(5ed by surprise inspite o+ the ob!ious si"ns
pre(edin" it0
o The ani-als &ill be sa!ed be+ore se(ond (o-in" as they &ere in the ar50
,6. 'hat Juestion did Jesus as1 a)out faith >(hen the on of Lan
comethA+ (,)
o Shall #e Cnd +aith on the earth%
o Will the &orld be in(reased &ith +aith%
o Will +aith be seen in the (hur(h%
,7. I )elieve in the *i)le signs that Jesus is coming in Dust a fe( years
and I (ant to #re#are for His coming. (,)
o .o
o )-en
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
G0 ) 'ebel /isits Planet arth
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Quiz
1o2ine 3online 4
The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Cli(5 here to
access the KJV online.
B$38 in t,e %e-ote p$st. efo%e t,e 3%e$tion of t,e e$%t,. t,e%e 0$s in ,e$2en one n$-e" GLu3ife%.G
0,o 0$s 8no0n # ,is fello0s $s Gt,e son of t,e -o%nin/4G 9e o33upie" t,e e)$lte" position of
le$"e% of t,e $n/eli3 3,oi% $n" stoo" ne)t to t,e !on of &o" in 3o--$n" of t,e ,e$2enl# ,ost4
!t%$n/e% t,$n fi3tion is t,e Bile %e3o%" of ,o0 t,is e)$lte" $n/el institute" $ %eellion $/$inst &o".
le" $ ,ost of t,e $n/els to follo0 ,i-. $n" 0$s $t l$st e)pelle" f%o- ,e$2en4 Lu3ife%. t%$nsfo%-e" into
Gt,e "e2il4G
G*o -$n# -in"s t,e o%i/in of sin $n" t,e %e$son fo% its e)isten3e $%e $ sou%3e of /%e$t pe%ple)it#4
*,e# see t,e 0o%8 of e2il. 0it, its te%%ile %esults of 0oe $n" "esol$tion. $n" t,e# Ouestion ,o0 $ll
t,is 3$n e)ist un"e% t,e so2e%ei/nt# of 7ne 0,o is infinite in 0is"o-. in po0e%. $n" in lo2e4 9e%e is $
-#ste%# of 0,i3, t,e# fin" no e)pl$n$tion4 5n" in t,ei% un3e%t$int# $n" "out t,e# $%e lin"e" to
t%ut,s pl$inl# %e2e$le" in &o"Ns 0o%" $n" essenti$l to s$l2$tion4 *,e%e $%e t,ose 0,o. in t,ei%
inOui%ies 3on3e%nin/ t,e e)isten3e of sin. en"e$2o% to se$%3, into t,$t 0,i3, &o" ,$s ne2e% %e2e$le"1
,en3e t,e# fin" no solution of t,ei% "iffi3ulties1 $n" su3, $s $%e $3tu$te" # $ "isposition to "out $n"
3$2il seize upon t,is $s $n e)3use fo% %e?e3tin/ t,e 0o%"s of 9ol# <%it4 7t,e%s. ,o0e2e%. f$il of $
s$tisf$3to%# un"e%st$n"in/ of t,e /%e$t p%ole- of e2il. f%o- t,e f$3t t,$t t%$"ition $n"
-isinte%p%et$tion ,$2e os3u%e" t,e te$3,in/ of t,e Bile 3on3e%nin/ t,e 3,$%$3te% of &o". t,e n$tu%e
of 9is /o2e%n-ent. $n" t,e p%in3iples of 9is "e$lin/ 0it, sin4
G(t is i-possile to e)pl$in t,e o%i/in of sin so $s to /i2e $ %e$son fo% its e)isten3e4 Pet enou/, -$#
e un"e%stoo" 3on3e%nin/ ot, t,e o%i/in $n" t,e fin$l "isposition of sin to -$8e full# -$nifest t,e
?usti3e $n" ene2olen3e of &o" in $ll 9is "e$lin/s 0it, e2il4 Cot,in/ is -o%e pl$inl# t$u/,t in
!3%iptu%e t,$n t,$t &o" 0$s in no 0ise %esponsile fo% t,e ent%$n3e of sin1 t,$t t,e%e 0$s no $%it%$%#
0it,"%$0$l of "i2ine /%$3e. no "efi3ien3# in t,e "i2ine /o2e%n-ent. t,$t /$2e o33$sion fo% t,e
up%isin/ of %eellion4 !in is $n int%u"e%. fo% 0,ose p%esen3e no %e$son 3$n e /i2en4 (t is -#ste%ious.
un$33ount$le1 to e)3use it is to "efen" it4 Doul" e)3use fo% it e foun". o% 3$use e s,o0n fo% its
e)isten3e. it 0oul" 3e$se to e sin4 7u% onl# "efinition of sin is t,$t /i2en in t,e 0o%" of &o"1 it is
Nt,e t%$ns/%ession of t,e l$01N it is t,e out0o%8in/ of $ p%in3iple $t 0$% 0it, t,e /%e$t l$0 of lo2e
0,i3, is t,e foun"$tion of t,e "i2ine /o2e%n-ent4G #he Great !ontroversy" p$/e 4=2.
9ucifer the ;e%il
1. ;oes the de%il really e4ist
GBe soe%. e 2i/il$nt1 e3$use your adversary the devil. $s $ %o$%in/ lion. 0$l8et, $out. see8in/
0,o- ,e -$# "e2ou%4G 1 'ete% 5:84
!nswer: Pes. t,e Bile s$#s ,e is ou% ene-#4 5ll 0,o see8 to follo0 @esus 0ill e %ou/,t into
3onfli3t 0it, t,is %elentless foe4
#. )as Satan always a de%il
!nswer" Co. ,e o%i/in$ll# 0$s one of &o"Ns ,i/,est $n/els in ,e$2en4 &o" ,$" 3%e$te" ,i- to e t,e
G$nointe" 3,e%uG to st$n" # &o"Ns t,%one $n" 3o2e% it 0it, ,is outst%et3,e" 0in/s4 9e 0$s 2e%#
e$utiful. full of 0is"o-. $n" $ s8illful -usi3i$n4 9e 0$s pe%fe3t in $ll ,is 0$#s4 !ee ;ze8iel 28:126
151 26:134
.ot Created ) De!il
&. )hat changed this beautiful 9ucifer into a de%il
!nswer" Lu3ife% e3$-e p%ou" e3$use of ,is e$ut# (;z84 28:15617) $n" ?e$lous of &o"1 ,e 0$s
"ete%-ine" to t$8e 9is pl$3e $s Iule% of t,e uni2e%se ((s$i$, 14:12614)4
(. !nd why did 9ucifer sin
!nswer" *,e sin of Lu3ife% is une)pl$in$le4 *o e)3use sin is to "efen" it4 Lu3ife% ,$" e2e%#t,in/
t,$t &o" 3oul" /i2e e)3ept &o"Ns "i2init#4 &o"Ns !on @esus in,e%ite" 9is H$t,e%Ns "i2init#4 Lu3ife%
0$s ?e$lous of @esus4 *,is is ,o0 t,e /%e$t 3ont%o2e%s# et0een D,%ist $n" !$t$n e/$n4 !$t$nNs
po0e% to "e3ei2e is so /%e$t t,$t inspite of ein/ in t,e p%esen3e of &o". -$n# $n/els elie2e"
!$t$nNs $33us$tions $/$inst &o" $n" follo0e" !$t$n inste$"4 *,e# "i" not 8eep t,ei% fi%st est$te (@u"e
6)4 *,e# t%$ns/%esse" (9e%e0s 2:2)4 *,e# 0e%e 3$st out to t,is 0o%l" 0it, ,i- (Ie2el$tion 12:=)4
5n" so 0ill sin -$8e us $ll out3$sts. unless 0e 3onfess $n" fo%s$8e it $n" ,u-l# $38no0le"/e t,e
so2e%ei/nt# of &o"4
+. !fter 9ucifer>s rebellion, what happened to him
G5n" t,e /%e$t "%$/on 0$s 3$st out. t,$t ol" se%pent. 3$lle" t,e Ae2il. $n" !$t$n. 0,i3, "e3ei2et, t,e
0,ole 0o%l": he &as %ast out into the earth. and his angels &ere %ast out &ith him4G Ie2el$tion 12:=4
G5n" ,e s$i" unto t,e-. ( e,el" Satan as lightning fall from heaven4G Lu8e 10:184
G9o0 $%t thou fallen f%o- ,e$2en. 0 Lu3ife%. son of t,e -o%nin/R 9o0 $%t thou %ut do&n to t,e
/%oun". 0,i3, "i"st 0e$8en t,e n$tionsRG (s$i$, 14:124
!nswer" Lu3ife% 0on t,e suppo%t of one6t,i%" of t,e $n/els (Ie24 12:3. 4) $n" 3$use" $n insu%%e3tion
in ,e$2en4 &o" ,$" no 3,oi3e ut to oust Lu3ife% $n" ,is $n/els4 *,is 0$s t,e /%e$test $ttle. # f$%.
e2e% fou/,t4 Lu3ife%Ns $i- 0$s to usu%p &o"Ns t,%one. e2en if it -i/,t e2entu$ll# le$" to -u%"e% (@o,n
8:44)4 5fte% ,is e)pulsion f%o- ,e$2en. Lu3ife% 0$s 3$lle" !$t$n ($"2e%s$%#) $n" "e2il (sl$n"e%e%).
$n" ,is $n/els 0e%e 3$lle" "e-ons4
The Te-pter /isits den
-. !fter his fall, what place did Satan %isit
G*,ou ,$st een in 7den the garden of God4G ;ze8iel 28:134
!nswer" 9e $ppe$%e" in ;"en. 0,e%e &o" ,$" pl$3e" 5"$- $n" ;2e4
.. In what form did Satan approach 6%e in 6den
!nswer" 9e use" t,e serpent as a medium $n" spo8e to ;2e t,%ou/, it4 !ee &enesis 3:14
+(n o%"e% to $33o-plis, ,is 0o%8 unpe%3ei2e". !$t$n 3,ose to e-plo# $s ,is -e"iu- t,e se%pent66$
"is/uise 0ell $"$pte" fo% ,is pu%pose of "e3eption4 *,e se%pent 0$s t,en one of t,e 0isest $n" -ost
e$utiful 3%e$tu%es on t,e e$%t,4 (t ,$" 0in/s ((s$i$, 14:2=1 30:6). $n" 0,ile fl#in/ t,%ou/, t,e $i%
p%esente" $n $ppe$%$n3e of "$zzlin/ %i/,tness. ,$2in/ t,e 3olo% $n" %illi$n3# of u%nis,e" /ol"4
Iestin/ in t,e %i3,6l$"en %$n3,es of t,e fo%i""en t%ee $n" %e/$lin/ itself 0it, t,e "eli3ious f%uit. it
0$s $n o?e3t to $%%est t,e $ttention $n" "eli/,t t,e e#e of t,e e,ol"e%4 *,us in t,e /$%"en of pe$3e
lu%8e" t,e "est%o#e%. 0$t3,in/ fo% ,is p%e#4: Patriar%hs and Prophets" p$/e 534
/. In gi%ing man liberty to eat from the garden of 6den, what single reser%ation did God ma'e
G5n" t,e Lo%" &o" 3o--$n"e" t,e -$n. s$#in/. 7f e2e%# t%ee of t,e /$%"en t,ou -$#est f%eel# e$t:
but of the tree of the 'no&ledge of good and evil" thou shalt not eat of it: fo% in t,e "$# t,$t t,ou
e$test t,e%eof t,ou s,$lt su%el# "ie4G &enesis 2:16. 174
!nswer" *,is 0$s to e t,e test of -$nNs lo#$lt# to ,is D%e$to%4 &o" out of lo2e /$2e 5"$- $n" ;2e
t,e 3,oi3e. 0,et,e% t,e# 0$nte" to oe# 9i- o% not4 (f 9e "i" not /i2e t,e- t,is 3,oi3e t,e# 0oul"
,$2e een fo%3e" to oe# 9i-. t,us t,ei% oe"ien3e 0oul" e $s t,$t of sl$2es o% %oots $n" not $n
oe"ien3e of 3,oi3e e3$use t,e# lo2e &o"4 Ae$t, 0$s to e t,e %esult in 3$se of "isoe"ien3e4 !ee
&enesis 3:1634
:OT6" +7u% fi%st p$%ents. t,ou/, 3%e$te" inno3ent $n" ,ol#. 0e%e not pl$3e" e#on" t,e possiilit#
of 0%on/"oin/4 &o" -$"e t,e- f%ee -o%$l $/ents. 3$p$le of $pp%e3i$tin/ t,e 0is"o- $n"
ene2olen3e of 9is 3,$%$3te% $n" t,e ?usti3e of 9is %eOui%e-ents. $n" 0it, full lie%t# to #iel" o% to
0it,,ol" oe"ien3e4 *,e# 0e%e to en?o# 3o--union 0it, &o" $n" 0it, ,ol# $n/els1 ut efo%e t,e#
3oul" e %en"e%e" ete%n$ll# se3u%e. t,ei% lo#$lt# -ust e teste"4 5t t,e 2e%# e/innin/ of -$nNs
e)isten3e $ 3,e38 0$s pl$3e" upon t,e "esi%e fo% self6in"ul/en3e. t,e f$t$l p$ssion t,$t l$# $t t,e
foun"$tion of !$t$nNs f$ll4 *,e t%ee of 8no0le"/e. 0,i3, stoo" ne$% t,e t%ee of life in t,e -i"st of t,e
/$%"en. 0$s to e $ test of t,e oe"ien3e. f$it,. $n" lo2e of ou% p$%ents4 <,ile pe%-itte" to e$t f%eel#
of e2e%# ot,e% t%ee. t,e# 0e%e fo%i""en to t$ste of t,is. on p$in of "e$t,4 *,e# 0e%e $lso to e
e)pose" to t,e te-pt$tions of !$t$n1 ut if t,e# en"u%e" t,e t%i$l. t,e# 0oul" fin$ll# e pl$3e"
e#on" ,is po0e%. to en?o# pe%petu$l f$2o% 0it, &o"4: Patriar%h and Prophets" p$/e 484
Doubtin" God's Word
2. $ow did Satan challenge God>s )ord
G5n" t,e se%pent s$i" unto t,e 0o-$n. 8e shall not surely die: fo% &o" "ot, 8no0 t,$t in t,e "$# #e
e$t t,e%eof. t,en #ou% e#es s,$ll e opene". $n" #e s,$ll e $s /o"s. 8no0in/ /oo" $n" e2il4G &enesis
3:4. 54
!nswer" B# 3$stin/ "out on &o"Ms 0o%"4 !$t$nNs lies 0e%e: (1) #ou 0onNt "ie. $n" (2) e$tin/ t,e
f%uit 0ill -$8e #ou 0ise4 !$t$n. 0,o in2ente" l#in/ (@o,n 8:44). -i)e" t%ut, 0it, lies to "e3ei2e ;2e4
5 little it of e%%o% -i)e" 0it, $ lot of t%ut, ,$s $l0$#s een !$t$nNs effe3ti2e -et,o" of "e3eption4 (t
0$s t%ut, t,e# 0oul" G8no0 e2ilG $fte% sinnin/4 (n lo2e. &o" ,$" 0it,,el" f%o- t,e- t,e 8no0le"/e
of ,e$%t$3,e. /%ief. suffe%in/. p$in. $n" "e$t,4 !$t$n. $s ,e "oes to"$#. -$"e t,e 8no0le"/e of e2il
$ppe$% $tt%$3ti2e4 !$t$n tol" lies to -is%ep%esent &o"Ns 3,$%$3te% e3$use ,e 8ne0 t,$t no one 0oul"
e2e% tu%n $0$# f%o- su3, $ lo2in/ &o" unless ,e -isun"e%st$n"s 9is 3,$%$3te%4
:OT6" +&o" 3oul" e-plo# onl# su3, -e$ns $s 0e%e 3onsistent 0it, t%ut, $n" %i/,teousness4 !$t$n
3oul" use 0,$t &o" 3oul" not66fl$tte%# $n" "e3eit4 9e ,$" sou/,t to f$lsif# t,e 0o%" of &o" $n" ,$"
-is%ep%esente" 9is pl$n of /o2e%n-ent. 3l$i-in/ t,$t &o" 0$s not ?ust in i-posin/ l$0s upon t,e
$n/els1 t,$t in %eOui%in/ su-ission $n" oe"ien3e f%o- 9is 3%e$tu%es. 9e 0$s see8in/ -e%el# t,e
e)$lt$tion of 9i-self4 (t 0$s t,e%efo%e ne3ess$%# to "e-onst%$te efo%e t,e in,$it$nts of ,e$2en. $n"
of $ll t,e 0o%l"s. t,$t &o"Ns /o2e%n-ent is ?ust. 9is l$0 pe%fe3t4 !$t$n ,$" -$"e it $ppe$% t,$t ,e
,i-self 0$s see8in/ to p%o-ote t,e /oo" of t,e uni2e%se4 *,e t%ue 3,$%$3te% of t,e usu%pe% $n" ,is
%e$l o?e3t -ust e un"e%stoo" # $ll4 9e -ust ,$2e ti-e to -$nifest ,i-self # ,is 0i38e" 0o%8s4:
Patriar%h and Prophets" p$/e 424
13. !fter yielding to the %oice of the tempter and disobeying God, how did !dam and 6%e feel
G5n" t,e e#es of t,e- ot, 0e%e opene". $n" t,e# 8ne0 t,$t they &ere na'ed1 $n" they se&ed fig
leaves together" and made themselves aprons4 5n" t,e# ,e$%" t,e 2oi3e of t,e Lo%" &o" 0$l8in/ in
t,e /$%"en in t,e 3ool of t,e "$#: $n" 5"$- $n" ,is 0ife ,i" t,e-sel2es f%o- t,e p%esen3e of t,e
Lo%" &o" $-on/st t,e t%ees of t,e /$%"en4 5n" t,e Lo%" &o" 3$lle" unto 5"$-. $n" s$i" unto ,i-.
<,e%e $%t t,ou> 5n" ,e s$i". ( ,e$%" t,# 2oi3e in t,e /$%"en. and * &as afraid" be%ause * &as na'ed1
$n" ( ,i" -#self4G &enesis 3:76104
!nswer" *,e# 0e%e fille" 0it, $ sense of s,$-e $n" te%%o%4
11. !s a result of man>s sin, what curse did God pronounce upon him and upon the earth
G5n" unto 5"$- ,e s$i". Be3$use t,ou ,$st ,e$%8ene" unto t,e 2oi3e of t,# 0ife. $n" ,$st e$ten of
t,e t%ee. of 0,i3, ( 3o--$n"e" t,ee. s$#in/. *,ou s,$lt not e$t of it: %ursed is the ground for thy
sa'e1 in so%%o0 s,$lt t,ou e$t of it $ll t,e "$#s of t,# life1 thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth
to thee1 $n" t,ou s,$lt e$t t,e ,e% of t,e fiel"1 in t,e s0e$t of t,# f$3e s,$lt t,ou e$t %e$". till t,ou
%etu%n unto t,e /%oun"1 fo% out of it 0$st t,ou t$8en: fo% "ust t,ou $%t. $n" unto "ust s,$lt t,ou
%etu%n4G &enesis 3: 1761=4
!nswer" &o" 3u%se" t,e /%oun" fo% ,is s$8e4
8onse@uence of Sin
1#. )hat has the whole human family suffered as a result of !dam<s sin
+<,e%efo%e. $s # one -$n sin entered into the &orld. $n" death by sin1 $n" so death passed upon all
men. fo% t,$t $ll ,$2e sinne"4: Io-$ns 5:124
!nswer" Ae$t,4
:OT6" (--o%t$lit#. p%o-ise" to -$n on 3on"ition of oe"ien3e. ,$s een fo%feite" # t%$ns/%ession4
5"$- 3oul" not t%$ns-it to ,is poste%it# t,$t 0,i3, ,e "i" not possess1 $n" t,e%e 3oul" ,$2e een no
,ope fo% t,e f$llen %$3e ,$" not &o". # t,e s$3%ifi3e of 9is !on. %ou/,t i--o%t$lit# 0it,in t,ei%
%e$3,4 <,ile G"e$t, p$sse" upon $ll -en. fo% t,$t $ll ,$2e sinne".G D,%ist G,$t, %ou/,t life $n"
i--o%t$lit# to li/,t t,%ou/, t,e /ospel4G Io-$ns 5:121 2 *i-ot,# 1:104 5n" onl# t,%ou/, D,%ist 3$n
i--o%t$lit# e ot$ine"4 G9e t,$t elie2et, on t,e !on ,$t, e2e%l$stin/ life: $n" ,e t,$t elie2et, not
t,e !on s,$ll not see life4G @o,n 3:364
1&. )here is Satan>s head@uarters now and what position does he occupy
G5n" t,e Lo%" s$i" unto !$t$n. <,en3e 3o-est t,ou> *,en !$t$n $ns0e%e" t,e Lo%". $n" s$i". 9rom
going to and fro in the earth. $n" f%o- 0$l8in/ up $n" "o0n in it4G @o 1:74 !ee @o 2:24
G:oe to the inhabiters of the earth" and of the sea; for the devil is %ome do&n unto you. ,$2in/ /%e$t
0%$t,. e3$use ,e 8no0et, t,$t ,e ,$t, ut $ s,o%t ti-e4G Ie2el$tion 12:124
G7f 0,o- $ -$n is o2e%3o-e. of t,e s$-e is ,e %ou/,t in on"$/e4G 2 'ete% 2:1=4
!nswer" Dont%$%# to popul$% opinion. !$t$nNs ,e$"Ou$%te%s is t,e e$%t,4 &o" /$2e 5"$- $n" ;2e
"o-inion o2e% t,e e$%t, (&enesis 1:26)4 <,en t,e# sinne". t,e# lost it to !$t$n (Io-$ns 6:16). 0,o
t,en e3$-e %ule%. o% p%in3e of t,e e$%t, (@o,n 12:31)4 !$t$n itte%l# ,$tes ,u-$ns. 0,o 0e%e 3%e$te"
in &o"Ns i-$/e4
1(4 )hat methods does Satan use to cause humans to perish
*,e%e $%e se2en p%in3ip$l $2enues of $pp%o$3, # 0,i3, t,e ene-# 0o%8s:
!. Through deception. (n t,e &$%"en of ;"en ,e too8 t,e fo%- of $ se%pent $n" "e3ei2e" ;2e
(&enesis 3:1)4
G5"$- 0$s not "e3ei2e". ut t,e 0o-$n ein/ "e3ei2e" 0$s in t,e t%$ns/%ession4G 1 *i-ot,# 2:144
Ae3eption is t,e "e2ilNs -$in -et,o"6fi%st. l$st. $n" $l0$#s4 9e 0ill "e3ei2e e2e%# pe%son 0,o "oes
not lo2e &o" $n" t,e t%ut, sup%e-el# (2 *,ess$loni$ns 2:1612)4 *o e "e3ei2e" -e$ns to t,in8 #ou
$%e %i/,t 0,en #ou $%e 0%on/4 <e s,oul" not l$-e t,e "e2il fo% ou% o0n "oin/s. ,o0e2e%4 <e -$#
"e3ei2e ou%sel2es (1 Do%int,i$ns 3:181 1 @o,n 1:8)4
B. Through people who profess to be God>s ser%ants.G!$t$n ,i-self is t%$nsfo%-e" into $n $n/el
of li/,t4G 2 Do%4 11:144 9e 0o%8s t,%ou/, sinful -en. so-e of 0,o- p%ofess to e &o"Ns se%2$nts4
G!u3, $%e f$lse $postles. "e3eitful 0o%8e%s. t%$nsfo%-in/ t,e-sel2es into t,e $postles of D,%ist4 5n"
no -$%2el1 fo% !$t$n ,i-self is t%$nsfo%-e" into $n $n/el of li/,t4 *,e%efo%e it is no /%e$t t,in/ if ,is
-iniste%s $lso e t%$nsfo%-e" $s t,e -iniste%s of %i/,teousness4G 2 Do%4 11:136154
8. Through organiAations. G<e 0%estle not $/$inst fles, $n" loo". ut $/$inst p%in3ip$lities.
$/$inst po0e%s. $/$inst t,e %ule%s of t,e "$%8ness of t,is 0o%l". $/$inst spi%itu$l <i38e"ness in ,i/,
pl$3es4G ;p,esi$ns 6:124
;. Through miracles. G*,e# $%e t,e spi%its of "e2ils. 0o%8in/ -i%$3les. 0,i3, /o fo%t, unto t,e
8in/s of t,e e$%t, $n" of t,e 0,ole 0o%l". to /$t,e% t,e- to t,e $ttle of t,$t /%e$t "$# of &o"
5l-i/,t#4G Ie2el$tion 16:14 (2 *,ess$loni$ns 2:86=)4
:OT6" !$t$n 0$nte" to 3ont%ol 'ete% (Lu8e 22:31633)4 9e "i" 3$ptu%e @u"$s (Lu8e 22:33)4 9e /ot
into 5n$ni$sN ,e$%t $n" le" ,i- to lie to t,e 9ol# &,ost (53ts 5: 165)4 @esus 0$%ne". G*$8e ,ee" t,$t
no -$n "e3ei2e #ouG (B$tt,e0 24:4)4 *,ese $%e t,e 2e%# "$#s 0,en 0e $%e to e0$%e. lest $n# -$n
o% $n# -i%$3le le$" us to "iselie2e o% "isoe# &o" (B$tt,e0 24:241 2 *i-ot,# 3:13)4
'$ul 0$%ne" of t,e /%e$t f$llin/ $0$# of $ll t,e 3,u%3,es $n" "eno-in$tions. fin$ll# to e ,e$"e" #
t,e G-$n of sin4G *,is -$n 0oul" 3l$i- t,$t ,e 0$s $not,e% &o"4 !$t$n "i" not li8e &o"Ns l$0s. $n"
,e 0is,e" to e)$lt ,is o0n t,%one $o2e &o"4 7n e$%t, ,e ,$s "e3ei2e" -illions 0it, $ %eli/ious
s#ste- # e)$ltin/ -$n $s $ /o". le$"in/ ,i- to t$-pe% 0it, t,e *en Do--$n"-ents. $n" t%#in/ to
3,$n/e t,e-1 t,us ,e see8s to p%o2e ,is 3l$i- to /o"s,ip4 <e -ust not 3ontinue to e "e3ei2e" #
!$t$n. # -$n. # o%/$niz$tions. o% # ou%sel2es4
6. Through accusations. GCo0 is 3o-e s$l2$tion. $n" st%en/t,. $n" t,e 8in/"o- of ou% &o". $n"
t,e po0e% of ,is D,%ist: fo% t,e $33use% of ou% %et,%en is 3$st "o0n. 0,i3, $33use" t,e- efo%e ou%
&o" "$# $n" ni/,t4G Ie2el$tion 12:104
!$t$n $33use" &o" to ;2e (&enesis 3:465)4 9e $33use" @o to &o" (@o 1:86111 2:465)4 9e $33use".
o% %esiste". @os,u$ t,e ,i/, p%iest (Te3,$%i$, 3:162)4 5n" ,e 0ill $33use. 3on"e-n. $n" t%oule #ou
0it, -$n# e2il 3on"e-n$tions4
9e 0ill 3o-e to #ou $n" tell #ou t,$t #ou $%e un0o%t,# to e s$2e". t,$t #ou ,$2e f$ile" too -$n#
ti-es. o% t,$t #ou $%e too /%e$t $ sinne%4 9e 0ill ,ol" up #ou% p$st sins to "is3ou%$/e #ou4
,. Through afflictions. G!o 0ent !$t$n fo%t, f%o- t,e p%esen3e of t,e Lo%". $n" s-ote @o 0it, so%e
oils f%o- t,e sole of ,is foot unto ,is 3%o0n4G @o 2:74
9e oun" $ 0o-$n fo% ei/,teen #e$%s4 G*,is 0o-$n. ein/ $ "$u/,te% of 5%$,$-4 4!$t$n ,$t,
oun". lo. t,ese ei/,teen #e$%s4G Lu8e 13:164 9e uffete" '$ulNs fles, (2 Do%int,i$ns 12:7610)4 !$t$n
$ffli3ts -$n# people. ot, s$ints $n" sinne%s4
G. Through persecution. <,en t,e "e2il 3$nnot %in/ people to elie2e t,%ou/, "e3eption. ,e 0ill
see8 to "%i2e t,e- into pe%se3ution4 9e is $ -e$n $n" u/l# -$ste%. $n" sti%s up e2il $/$inst &o"Ns
people4 9e pe%se3utes t,e t%ue $n" f$it,fuls t,$t $%e 0o%s,ippin/ in t,ei% ,o-es4 Ie$" Ie2el$tion 124
9e -$8es 0$% on 3o--$n"-ent 8eepe%s (Ie2el$tion 12:17)4
G9e 0$s $ -u%"e%e% f%o- t,e e/innin/4G @o,n 8:444
(n t,ese l$st "$#s ,e 0ill -$8e 0$% upon t,e t%ue 3,u%3,. 0,i3, 8eep t,e 3o--$n"-ents of &o"
(Ie2el$tion 12:17)4 G9e 0$s $ -u%"e%e% f%o- t,e e/innin/4G 9e sou/,t to "est%o# -$nNs lo2e fo%.
$n" oe"ien3e to. ,is D%e$to%1 $n" ,e ,$s. t,%ou/, t,e $/es. in3ite" f$lse %eli/ion to pe%se3ute t,e
s$ints of &o" e2en unto "e$t,4 D,%ist "ie" t,$t 9e -i/,t G"est%o# ,i- t,$t ,$" t,e po0e% of "e$t,.
t,$t is. t,e "e2ilG (9e%e0s 2:14)4
Ie-e-e%. &o" -$"e Lu3ife%. not !$t$n4 *,e 3,$n/e f%o- t,e %i/,teous Lu3ife% to t,e sinful !$t$n
0$s -$"e # !$t$n ,i-self4 &o" 3oul" -$8e 9is 3%e$tu%es in eit,e% of t0o 0$#s 0it, t,e po0e% of
3,oi3e o% 0it,out it4 9e 3%e$te" t,e- 0it, t,e po0e% of 3,oi3e4 (t is t,e onl# intelli/ent. s$tisf#in/
0$#4 9is ein/s t,us se%2e 9i- e3$use t,e# lo2e 9i- $n" 3,oose to oe#4
5s lon/ $s &o" /$2e t,e po0e% of 3,oi3e. e2il -i/,t e 3,osen. 0,i3, is t,e opposite of &o"Ns 0$#4
7f $ll &o"Ns 3%e$tu%es. Lu3ife% ,$" t,e le$st e)3use to sin e3$use ,e 0$s ,i/,est4 But ,e "elie%$tel#
3,ose ?e$lous#4
Bile !tu"# Lessons (p$%t #1)
G0 ) 'ebel /isits Planet arth
&o to '$%t #1 Lessons (n"e) &o *o Lesson #8
,. Is there a devil+ (,)
o .ot reallyH it's =ust a sy-bol +or e!il
o Ies
0. 'hat (as his original name )efore he )ecomes devil+ (,)
o Lu(i+er
o Gabriel
o *i(hael
6. 'hat changed this )eautiful )eing into a devil+ (,)
o ) disa"ree-ent
o God's la&
o Pride and =ealousy
7. After "ucifer-s re)ellion3 (hat ha##ened to him+ (<) ( < ans(ers )
o OneBthird o+ the an"els +ell &ith hi-0
o ,esus sa& hi- bein" (ast out0
o #e &as the Crst sinner0
o #is na-e be(a-e Satan0
o #e hid inside a pala(e0
o #e repented and stayed in hea!en0
o #e &as (ast out o+ hea!en0
<. Chec1 (hich statment is true a)out .od the 8ather. (,)
o It is hard to 5no& the $ather +ro- the Bible
o God's lo!e is un(onditional
o God hates the sinner but lo!es #is only be"otten Son that is &hy Christ died on
our behal+0
o The $ather lo!es us only be(ause #is Son lo!es us0
;. 'hy didn-t .od 1ill "ucifer (hen he sinned+ (7) ( 7 ans(ers )
o Ti-e &as needed to !indi(ate God's plan0
o Ti-e &as needed to de-onstrate Lu(i+er's plan0
o The "ood an"els &ould not let #i-0
o Lu(i+er &as too stron" +or God0
o So-e -i"ht be a+raid o+ God0
o )n"els -i"ht -isunderstand0
C. 'hat #lace did atan visit after he (as thro(n out of heaven+ (,)
o Garden o+ den
o /ati(an City
o #ell
9. 'hich of these statements are true a)out the (ay that atan
a##roached Eve in Eden+ (6) ( 6 ans(ers )
o #e (aused her to sin by arousin" her (uriosity0
o *ixed truth &ith lies0
o #e Crst appeared to )da-0
o #e (hose to e-ploy the -ediu- o+ a serpent0
o #e dis"uised as an"el o+ li"ht0
=. Chec1 the true statement a)out atan-s 5nal #unishment+ (7) ( 7
ans(ers )
o Satan &ill (on+ess God's =usti(e0
o The Cre &ill destroy sin and sinners0
o Satan and his an"els &ill ad-it they &ere &ron"0
o The Cre &ill be in hea!en0
o #is an"els &ill es(ape
o #e &ill be turned to ashes in the Cre0
o What has (o-e to the &hole hu-an +a-ily as a result o+ )da-?s sin% 114
o @nity
o Death
o ternal li+e
,E. Ho( has Adam/s sin aOected the earth and its vegetation+ (0) ( 0
ans(ers )
o The earth turned to "reen0
o Thorns and &eeds (a-e into existen(e0
o The "round be(a-e -ore +ruit+ul0
o The "round be(a-e (ursed0
,,. 'hat facts )elo( are true a)out sin+ (7) ( 7 ans(ers )
o We &ill still (ontinue to sin &hen ,esus is in our heart0
o Satan in!ented the sin o+ lyin"0
o Sin is easy to o!er(o-e0
o Sin separates us +ro- God0
o Sin is brea5in" God's la&0
o ,esus has -ade sin's destru(tion (ertain0
,0. 'here is atan-s headJuarters no(+ (,)
o #ea!en
o @S)
o arth
,6. Chec1 the items that are true a)out the (ay atan (or1s. (C) ( C
ans(ers )
o #e &or5s by perse(ution0
o #e &or5s by a2i(tion0
o #e (annot do -ira(les0
o #e &or5s by a((usation0
o #e de(ei!es by -ira(les0
o #e &or5s throu"h so-e or"aniKations0
o #e trans+or-s hi-sel+ into an an"el o+ li"ht0
o #e (annot enter (hur(hes0
o #e lo!es to help people0
o #e &or5s by de(eption0
,7. Ho( can (e overcome atan+ (6) ( 6 ans(ers )
o By sub-ission to God and resistin" the de!il0
o By the &ord o+ our testi-ony0
o By the "ood &or5s &e ha!e done +or Christ0
o By our o&n &isdo-0
o By the blood o+ Christ0
o By "oin" to the (hur(h0
,<. *y (hom (ill sin )e 5nally (i#ed out from the universe+ (,)
o ,esus
o Satan
o )da-
,;. I reali4e the only (ay I can esca#e atan-s dece#tions is )y
#rayerfully studying the (ord of .od and o)eying in faith all the light
taught in it. (,)
o .o
o Ies

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