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Modu! " I# Fou$d%&'o$
1. What is a computer network? Identify the set of constraints and requirements that influence
network design.
2. What is a switched network? Explain the circuitswitched and packetswitched networks with
help of diagram.
!. "haracteri#e the networks according to their si#e.
$. What are the three general classes of failures that network designers ha%e to address? Explain.
&. Explain the layered network architecture.
'. What is a protocol and protocol graph?
(. What happens during the Encapsulation process? Explain.
). Explain the *+I and Internet architecture.
,. -escri.e the clientser%er architecture and the complete communication process.
1/. Enumerate and explain the protocol implementation issues.
11. -ifferentiate .etween .andwidth and throughput of a communication link.
12. -iscuss the .andwidth and latency performance metrics of a link0channel. 1ow will you relate
these two metrics?
1!. -efine roundtriptime and 2itter.
1$. "alculate the total time required to transfer a 1.& 34 file in the following cases, assuming a 566
of )/ ms, a packet si#e of 1 74 data, and an initial 28566 of 9handshaking: .efore data is sent.
a. 6he .andwidth is 1/, and data packets can .e sent continuously.
.. 6he .andwidth is 1/, .ut after we finish sending each data packet we must wait
one 566 .efore sending the text.
c. 6he link allows infinitely fast transmit, .ut limits .andwidth such that only 2/ packets
can .e sent per 566.
1&. "onsider a pointtopoint link 2 km in length. ;t what .andwidth would propagation delay <at a
speed of 281/
m0sec= equal transmit delay for 1//.yte packets? What a.out &12.yte packets?
1'. 1ow 9wide: is a .it on a 1>.ps link? 1ow long is a .it in copper wire, where the speed of
propagation is 2.!81/
Modu! " II %$d III# D'(!)& L'$* N!&+o(*,
1(. What is a ?etwork adapter and what are its functional components? >i%e examples of a few
network adapter models a%aila.le in the market.
1). 1ow the memory .andwidth limits the network performance? -iscuss with the help of an
1,. @ist the common types of ca.les and fi.ers a%aila.le for local links.
2/. Enumerate the common .andwidths a%aila.le from %arious carriers.
21. @ist and explain the common ser%ices a%aila.le like A*6+, I+-?, x-+@, ";6B etc to connect
your home to an existing network.
22. What is the Encoding process and explain the different encoding strategies.
2!. What are .yteoriented and .itoriented protocols?
2$. 1ow the error detection and correction is done when errors are introduced into frames?
2&. 1ow relia.ility is ensured while transmission of frames? With the help of a timeline diagram
explain the four different scenarios for the stopandwait ;5C.
2'. "onsider a scenario in which the link has a delay x .andwidth product of ) 74 and frames are of 1
74 si#e. We would like the sender to .e ready to transmit the ,
frame at pretty much the same
moment that the ;"7 for the first frame arri%es. Aropose a suita.le algorithm to handle this
2(. Explain the Ethernet IEEE )/2.! standard.
2). Explain the IEEE )/2.& standard.
2,. Explain the D--I.
!/. Explain the 5esilient Aacket ring IEEE )/2.1( satandard.
!1. "ompare the following technologies on the issues like link length, .andwidth, use, and wired
technology analogyE 4luetooth, WiDi, Wi3ax, !> "ellular.
!2. Explain the )/2.11 frame format.
!!. +how the $40&4 encoding, and the resulting ?5FI signal, for the following .it sequenceE 11/1
111/ 1/1/ 11/1 1/11 111/ 111/ 1111
!$. "onsider an ;5C protocol that uses only ?;7s, .ut no ;"7s. -escri.e what timeouts would
need to .e scheduled. Explain why an ;"7.ased protocol is usually preferred to a ?;7.ased
!&. What is the Ethernet capture effect?
Modu! " IV %$d V# I$&!($!&+o(*'$-
!'. What are the %arious addressing schemes that an IA ser%ice model pro%ides? Explain.
!(. Enumerate the different categories of connecting de%ices .ased on the layer in which they operate
in a network.
!). Write note on .ridges, switches, and routers.
!,. Why address translation is required and how it is accomplished using the ;5A?
$/. What do you mean .y static host configuration and dynamic host configuration? "ompare them.
$1. What is the role of Internet control 3essage Arotocol? Explain in detail.
$2. What are Birtual pri%ate networks and what necessitates them?
$!. Explain the routing process in distance%ector routing.
$$. -iscuss the different ma2or classes of intradomain routing protocols.
$&. With the help of an example scenario calculate the link costs to compare the %arious routing
$'. What is +u.netting and when do we need it. Explain with the help of an example scenario.
$(. What is Interdomain routing? Explain 4>A and E>A.
$). "ompare IA%$ and IA%'.
$,. What is the 3ulticasting and when do you need this? Explain considering an example scenario.
;lso explain how to accomplish this.
&/. What is 3A@+ and how it is associated more with IAGs datagram .ased architecture?
&1. 1ow do routers determine that an incoming IA packet is to .e multicast?
Modu! " VI# E$d-&o-E$d P(o&o)o,
&2. Explain the 6"A and H-A process. ;lso show the 6"A and H-A header format.
&!. -ifferentiate .etween flow control and congestion control.
&$. What is the significance of 66@ and 3+@ of a packet on the network?
&&. Explain the ?agleGs algorithm and its significance.
&'. What are the shortcomings of 7arn0Aartridge algorithm that are shorted in Iaco.son07arels
&(. Explain the complete 5A" mechanism.
Modu! " VII# Co$-!,&'o$ Co$&(o %$d R!,ou()! Ao)%&'o$
&). What is the resource allocation pro.lem in the networking context?
&,. Explain the different ways to characteri#e the resource allocation mechanisms?
'/. 1ow will you e%aluate a resource allocation mechanism? Explain the points.
'1. -escri.e the Cueuing algorithm used for packet transmission.
'2. 1ow congestion control is achie%ed in 6"A?
'!. What mechanisms are adopted for congestion a%oidance?
'$. Enumerate %arious protocols and mechanisms used to pro%ide Co+ to different applications.
'&. What are the two .road categories of approaches to Co+ support?

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