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Homonym :
Different word that we pronounced the same but may or may not be spelled the same.
(semantics) (strict sense) A word that both sounds and is spelled the same as another word
but has a different meaning.
(loosely) A word that sounds or is spelled the same as another word but has a different
meaning, technically called a homophone (same sound) or a homograph (same spelling).
(taxonomy) A name for a taxon that is identical in spelling to another name that belongs to a
different taxon.
A word that has the same pronunciation as another. Homonyms differ from each other in
o Meaning
o Origin, and
o Usually spelling.
The List of Homonym:
1. A very short little insignificant English
Eh an interrogative utterance
2. Acts things done
Ax chopping tool
3. Ad short for advertisement
Add short for addition
4. Adds performs addition
Ads more than one advertisement
Adze axe like tool
5. Ade fruit beverage
Aid to assist
Aide an assistant
6. Aerie eagles nest
Airy breezy
7. Aero of aircraft
Arrow slender, pointed shaft
8. Affect to change
Effect result
9. Ail sick
Ale beer
10. Air stuff we breathe
Are 1/100
of a hectare
Eer contraction of ever
Ere eventually
Err to make a mistake
Heir on who will inherit

11. Aisle walkway

Ill contraction of I will
Isle island
12. All everything
Awl pointed scriber
13. Allowed permitted
Aloud spoken
14. An a single instance
Ann a womans name
15. Ant insect
Aunt parents sister
16. Ate past tense of eat
Eight the number base of octal
17. Aweful filled with awe
Awful really bad
Offal butchered entrails
18. Aye naval affirmative
Eye ocular organ
I oneself
19. Ball playful orb
Bawl to cry
20. Band a group
Banned forbidden
21. Bases what baseball players like to steal
Basis principal constituent of anything
Basses many four-stringed guitars
22. Chord three tones in harmony
Cord very light rope
Cored divested of its central part
23. Council group of leaders
Counsel advisor
24. Dew morning condensation
Do to perform
Due payable
25. Ordinance a decree
Ordnance artillery
- Different words with identical or very similar meanings. Words that are
synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is
called synonymy. The word comes from Ancient Greek syn () ("with")
and onoma () ("name").
- Synonym is a word with the same meaning or nearly the same meaning as
another word in the same language.
Synonyms can be any part of speech (e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs or
prepositions), as long as both members of the pair are the same part of
The List of Synonym:
1 About Approximately Adverb Kira-Kira
2 Abstract Summary Noun Ringkasan
3 To Answer To reply Verb Menjawab, Membalas
4 To Appear To Seem Verb Nampak
5 To glitter To sparkle Verb Berkelap-kelip
6 To assure To guarantee Verb Menjamin
7 Awful Terrible Adjective Buruk sekali
8 To behave To act Verb Berkelakuan
9 To begin To start Verb Memulai
10 Brave Courageous Adjective Berani
11 Last Final Adjective Terakhir
12 Concord Harmony Noun Keselarasan
13 Contrary Opposite Adjective Berlawanan
14 Correct Right Adjective Benar
15 To denote
To indicate, to
Verb Menunjukkan
16 To emphasize To stress Verb Menekankan
17 Extra Additional Adverb Tambahan
18 To fabricate To manufacture Verb Membuat
19 Select Choose Verb Memilih
20 Formerly Previously Adverb Sebelumnya
21 Fortunate Lucky Adjective Untung
22 Impolite Rude Adjective Tidak sopan
23 Lucid Clear Adjective Jelas
24 Joy Delight Noun Kesenangan
25 Overseas Abroad Adverb Luar Negeri
- A word that means the opposite to another word. They can be grouped into
3 types: Gradable, Complementary, and Relational Antonyms.
a. Gradable antonyms, the members of a pair differ in terms of degree.
The denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of other. For Example:
Rich x Poor ; High x Low ; Wide x Narrow.
b. Complementary Antonyms, the members of a pair in this type are
complementary to each other. Not only the assertion of one means the
denial of the other, the denial of one also means the assertion of the
other. For Example: Male/Female, Alive/Dead, Married/Single.
c. Relational Antonyms, they show the reversal a relationship between
two entities. For example: Husband/Wife, Teacher/Pupil,
Doctor/Patient, Buy/Sell, Above/Below.
The List of Antonym:
1 Easy Mudah Adjective Difficult Sulit
2 Husband Suami Noun Wife Istri
3 King Raja Noun Queen Ratu
4 Near Dekat Adjective Far Jauh
5 Fat Gemuk Adjective Skinny Kurus
6 Dull Tumpul Adjective Sharp Tajam
7 Poor Miskin Adjective Rich Kaya
8 Lock Mengunci Verb Unlock Membuka Kunci
9 Last
Adjective First Yang Pertama
10 Often Sering Adverb Seldom Jarang
11 Slow Lambat Adjective Fast Cepat
12 Humble Rendah Hati Adjective Arrogant Sombong
13 Accept Menerima Verb Refuse Menolak
14 Prompt Cepat Adjective Late Terlambat
15 Precious Berharga Adjective Worthless Tidak Berharga
16 Perish Binasa, Mati Verb Survive Hidup
17 Inward Dalam Adverb Outward Keluar
18 Nervous Gugup Adjective Calm Tenang
19 Ancient Kuno Adjective Modern Modern
20 Arrival Kedatangan Noun Departure Keberangkatan
21 Miniature Kecil Adjective Gigantic Sangat Besar
22 Artificial Buatan Noun Natural Alamiah
23 Dark Gelap Adjective Light Terang
24 Despair Putus Asa Verb Hope Berharap
25 Friend Teman Noun Enemy Musuh
A word or phrase that has multiple meanings.
A word with many meanings.
A word with multiple related senses.
The List of Polysemy:
1 aggregation coming together
result of coming together;
those who come together
2 assembly coming together
result of coming together;
those who come together
3 Bank keep secure place where things are kept secure
4 Bed something sleepers lie upon what a stream lies on
5 Book a bound collection of pages text distributed as a book
6 capitalist person who owns a business
supporter of capitalism;
person who owns a business
7 congregation coming together
result of coming together;
those who come together
8 Court seek favor
assembly of those seeking favor;
the president of the court ("judge")
9 delegation granting authority to another
those to whom authority has been
10 Head part of the body above neck person in charge of an organization
11 Hospital activity or place for lodging guests place for treating the ill
12 Hunt
seeking something,
those engaged in a search and taking especially game animals,
to kill or capture
13 March moving together on foot those who move together on foot
14 Milk activity of extracting milk result of extraction
15 militia military or defense activity
those engaged in or subject to being
required to engage in defense
16 ministry serving the needs of others
those engaged in serving the needs
of others
17 mole a small burrowing mammal
someone who burrows for
information hoping to go
18 movement motion, change in position
result of motion or change; those
who move or change
19 nurse serving the needs of others
someone engaged in serving the
needs of others
20 police make orderly (lawful) law enforcers
21 service doing for others those who serve (especially military)
22 Viking raiding
those who raid (especially of
Scandinavian origin)
23 wedding joining a couple in matrimony
those engaged in joining a couple in
matrimony; time or place of doing so
24 wood a piece of a tree a geographical area with many trees
25 Crawl to move slowly on hands and knees
to move slowly in traffic;
to be covered with moving things;
to swim the crawl
A word with a particular meaning that is included in the meaning of a
more general word.
A word that represents different categories covered by a superordinate:
Superordinate: Animal, Hyponym: Cat, horse, etc. Superordinate is a
general term that includes various different words representing narrower
categories, called Hyponyms: SUPERORDINATE EXAMPLE: Superordinate:
Animal, Hyponym: Cat, horse, etc.
The List of Hyponym:
1. Superordinate: transportation ; Hyponym: car, motorcycle, pedicab, train, bus,
cycle, truck, ferry, speed boat, helicopter, airplane.
2. Superordinate: day ; Hyponym: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday.
3. Superordinate: month ; Hyponym: January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December.
4. Superordinate: color ; Hyponym: white, black, pink, green, red, grey, orange,
violet, yellow, blue.
5. Superordinate: religion ; Hyponym: Moslem, Christian, Catholic, Hinduism,
6. Superordinate: sport ; Hyponym: football, baseball, basketball, aerobic,
badminton, fencing, diving, chess, fighting, golf, marathon, grand prix.
7. Superordinate: fruit ; Hyponym: banana, orange, grape, mango, jackfruit, durian,
watermelon, strawberry, cherry, honeydew melon, pineapple, pear, kiwi,
pomegranate, star fruit.
8. Superordinate: job ; Hyponym: teacher, doctor, soldier, lawyer, farmer,
fisherman, gardener, civil servant, guide, policeman, driver, translator.
9. Superordinate: animal ; Hyponym: bear, crab, dolphin, bee, butterfly, goose,
eagle, leopard, frog, elephant, crocodile, penguin, shark, rabbit, pigeon, monkey.
10. Superordinate: human body ; Hyponym: face, hair, nose, lips, neck, throat, arm,
back, head, finger, stomach, knee, eye, cheek, forehead, eyeball, ear, tongue,
tooth, chin, brain, heart, muscle, leg, foot, lung.
11. Superordinate: family ; Hyponym: parent, child, mother, father, son, brother,
daughter, sister, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, husband, wife.
12. Superordinate: goods ; Hyponym: bottle, book, ring, doll, lamp, laptop, bag,
paper, pen, cupboard.
13. Superordinate: country ; Hyponym: Indonesia, United State, North Korea, Japan,
Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Spain, England, Turkey, Portugal, Australia.
14. Superordinate: language ; Hyponym: Indonesian, Malay, Arabic, Russian,
Japanese, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Mandarin, English, Spanish.
15. Superordinate: adjective ; Hyponym: diligent, lazy, easy, difficult, hard, low,
high, tall, short, clever, smart, stupid, angry, calm, wise, poor, rich, bad, good.
16. Superordinate: weather ; Hyponym: summer, winter, autumn, spring, dry season,
rainy season.
17. Superordinate: subject ; Hyponym: English, chemistry, physic, biology, economy,
mathematic, art, information and technology.
18. Superordinate: flower ; Hyponim: rose, lily, jasmine, orchid.
19. Superordinate: universe ; Hyponym: space, comet, star, earth, moon,
20. Superordinate: music ; Hyponym: pop, jazz, rock, blues, pop rock.
21. Superordinate: art ; Hyponym: painting, dancing, music art, singing, fine arts,
performing arts (Theatre) .
22. Superordinate: search engine ; Hyponym: Google, Yahoo!, Alltheweb, MSN,
AskJeeves, Altavista, Lycos.
23. Superordinate: social networking site ; Hyponym: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace,
Friendster, Hi5, Linked In, FUPEI, Bebo.
24. Superordinate: disaster ; Hyponym: flood, earthquake, tsunami, landslide,
tornado, volcanic eruptions.
25. Superordinate: cake ; Hyponym: sponge cake, pastry, tart cake, donuts,
pancake, sweet martabak, nastar,
Nining syafitri
09 231 069
Class B

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