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Chemsitry Syllabus

AS level
1. Atomic structure
Atoms and Isotopes
Mass Spectrometer
Electrons in atoms
2. Chemical Quantities
Chemical amounts in moles
Avagadro constant
Molar masses
Finding Formulae
Calcualtions !rom euations
"olumes o! gases
Acid#base titrations
$. Structure and bonding
States o! matter
%iant or molecular structure
Structure and bonding in metals
Structure and bonding in compounds o! metals &ith non#metals
Covalent bonding
Inter#molecualr !orces
Structure based on covalent bonding in bet&een types o! bonding.
'. Energetics
Enthalpy changes
Standard enthalpy changes
(ess)s la& cycles
Enthalpy changes and covalent bonding
*. +edo, reactions
Electron trans!er
-,idation numbers
.. /eriodicity
/eriodic table
/eriodicity o! physical properties
0. 1he S# bloc2 elements
Acids and al2alis
%roup 1
%roup 2
1hermal stability
3. 1he halogens
(alogen elements
(alogen compounds
-,o#anions o! chlorine
5. E,traction o! metals
E,traction o! iron !rom its o,ide using carbon
E,traction o! Aluminium by Eelctrolysis
E,traction o! 1itanium by reduction o! its chloride
16. +eaction rates
Factors a7ecting rates o! reaction
Coliision theory
8inetic stability
11. Chmical Euilibrium
+eversible reaction
9ynamic euilibrium
Factors a7ecting the position o! euilibrium
Chemical euilibrium
12. -rganic molecules
-rganic molecules
-rganic names
1$. (ydrocarbons
Free#radical substitution reaction
Electrophilic Addition reaction
Addition polymeri:ation
1'. (alogenoal2anes
Structure and names
+eaction o! mechanism
1*. Alchohols
Structure and names
Manu!acture and uses
1.. Fuels and chemicals !rom oil.
-il and re<ning
Fuels !rom oil
Chemicals !rom oil
10. =aste !rom organic chemicals
=aste !rom burning !uels.
+ecycling or dumping solid &aste.
A2 level
13. +eaction 2inetics
Investigation reaction rates
+ate euations
9etermining reaction order
E7ect o! temperature on rates
+ates and reaction mechanism
15. Euilibrium >a&
Euilibrium constants
(eterogenous euilibria
E7ects o! changing conditions on euilibria.
26. Acid#base euilibria
4rosted#lo&ry theory
=ea2 acids and bases
4u7er solutions
21. +edo, Euilibria
Electrochemical cells
Electrode potentials
Electrochemical series
Cells and batteries
22. 1hermo chemistry o! ionic compounds
4orn#haber cycle
Energy changes during dissolving
2$. Energetic s and direction o! change
Spontaneous changes
Free energy
Alternative tests o! !easibility
1hermodynamic stability
2'. /eriodic patterns and trends
/eriodicity o! the chemicals
/eriodicity o! elements
/eriodicity in the properties o! o,ides
/eriodicity in the properties o! chlorides
%roup '
2*. 1ransition metal chemistry
Elements o! the 9#bloc2
"ariable o,idation states
Comple, ions
Coloured ions
2.. Stereo#isomerism
Structural isomerism
%eometrical isomerism
-ptical isomerism
20. Arenes
Aromatic hydrocarbons
Eelctrophilic addition reactions
Identi!ying carbonyl compounds
23. Carbonyl compounds
Aldehydes ? 2etones
@ucleophilic addition reactions
Identi!ying carbonyl compounds
25. Carbo,ylic acids ? related compounds
Carbo,ylic acids
AcylationA Addiiton#elimination reactions
$6. -rganic nitrogen compounds
Al2yl amines
Aromatic amines
4ase strength o! amines
Amino# acid and proteins
$1. /olymers
Addition polymers
/olymer properties and uses
$2. -rganic synthesis
-rganic routes
/ractical techniues
1ests !or !unctional groups
$$. Instrumental analysis
Mass spectrometer
In!ra#red spectra
;" and visible spectra
@uclear magnetic resonance

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