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AHMED: Okay, thank you. Oh I thought you liked, uh, red wine?

SORAT: Yeah, not right now I. ..

AHMED: Oh okay.

SORAT: ... during the day *** today.

AHMED: (LAUGHS) What are you a baby you can't.

SORAT: So what, what changed his mind like *** like ***?

AHMED: Yeah, he's telling me the minimum 1200.

SORAT: Like tells me like $400 what's up ***?

AHMED: Try to probably make more money off of you.

SORAT: Well, well ...

AHMED: But he knows ... yeah I know .... (LAUGHS)

SORAT: Come on. He can't do that.

AHMED: He knows you ***. Well you know what he's got *** this is what I don't I

understand about. What. .. why does he do that? I mean why does he like

why doesn't he gives, gives a straight number man?

SORAT: I don't know.

AHMED: Cuz it's not a fuckin' big secret.

SORAT: I mean what can he ... for how many years ... three years?

AHMED: Yeah, he keeps taking checks from me ... marketing checks.

SORAT: Uh, still?

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AHMED: Yeah, you know, Ferragamo What is this? *** December 8th at *** do you

need any new shoes? Look at . . .look at.

SORAT: Those are your cousins. *** he says they're paying him like what 10

$15,000 a month.

AHMED: Yeah, he's been getting it. But you know the thing is the guy doesn't do

anything that's the problem. He just says KAREEM I. .. It's well worth it

I'll introduce you to JERRY BROWN. I'll introduce you to this,

that ... whatever.

SORAT: Is it worth it? ***talk to him?


SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: Urn, I don't need PAUL to do ... talk to JERRY BROWN. I've got my own

lobbying that I did.

SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: And remember I have the state senator's daughter who works with him

man. You know.

SORAT: *** is the lady right? It's a lady?

AHMED: *** yeah. Yeah, state senator's daughter. And we're gonna ... I'm gonna

*** and they're having, uh, this Sunday ...

SORAT: Uh-huh.

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AHMED: ... in *** like the, the democratic *** you know the thing.

SORAT: *** Sacramento?

AHMED: Yeah, yeah, in Sacramento so it's, urn, my office but I'm not gonna go.

But NORMA and them they're gonna stay at her house, the senator's

house, and then next day they're gonna be with JERRY BROWN taking

pictures and ... They called us ... BRUCE, to ... they wanted him to be the

AB for workers comp and we said no I don't want you to be the AB* . So

he called fuckin' MIKE ***DROBOT ...

UNKNOWN: Are you gonna order lunch, sir?

SORAT: Yeah, can I have .. .1 want a salad.

AHMED: Give him the organic spinach salad . . . you want that?

SORAT: Yeah. Yeah.

AHMED: They have really good . . . organic spinach ... the one that I always have.

SORAT: Yeah.

UNKNOWN: Uh-huh.

SORAT: What are you gonna have?

UNKNOWN: Large or small?

AHMED: No I'm gonna have dessert man. Ijust had big lunch look at this I spilled

shit on .. .1 took the office girls to the, the thing.

SORAT: Yeah.

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AHMED: Because I forgot that I had a meeting ...

UNKNOWN: A large or small salad?

SORAT: Vb, give me a large one.

UNKNOWN: Okay. I'll put that in then I'll get ***.

AHMED: And then you know what I gonna take, uh, uh, ... You shouldn't have ...

Okay, everything is so good man. Urn, just give me, urn, ... hmm .... ay ay

ay ay ... and that will be maybe, you know, coming artichoke ...

SORAT: ***

AHMED: ... but they're fried. I just. .. Oh and they have ...

SORAT: Actually it's not fried ... it's fried?


AHMED: No, no, no.

UNKNOWN: They're ***.

AHMED: The *** artichoke they're fried, the one they have . .. but it's really good

but no, uh, just give me some ice cream and berries, you know ...

UNKNOWN: Okay ...

AHMED: ***

UNKNOWN: ... vanilla, chocolate?

SORAT: Yeah, he doesn't ... he doesn't eat like, uh, uh, uh, fried really ***ice

cream ...

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AHMED: Oh yeah ... okay forget it.

SORAT: .. .ice cream. No you asking.

AHMED: No, no, no ... no, you know what. ...

UNKNOWN: *** just have berry.

SORAT: I won't even .. .I won't even ...

AHMED: Just give me just fruit. .. yeah, just give me fruit.

SORAT: Uh, give him some ice cream. That will make him chubby.

AHMED: No, you *** .. .

SORAT: ***
AHMED: ... *** man. Urn, I got to lose weight man. Hmm, you know that, that
Vietnamese food pho, that's where I took them. They have a pho place

like pho.

SORAT: Yeah, but the problem is there is some much salt in it.

AHMED: Sodium, yeah, yeah, I know.

SORAT: That's, that's ... that's really good but it's like ...

AHMED: It's like 3,000 gram of sodium ...

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: ... in the bowl, right.

SORAT: Yeah.

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AHMED: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

SORAT: They cannot do that.

AHMED: So it kinda fuckin' spilled over me but the girls made me do it so I just

drank that and I'm stuffed.

SORAT: *** uh, ...

AHMED: Okay, so what ... alright, so ...

SORAT: Yeah, *** you know ...

AHMED: Forget about them.

SORAT: No listen are you gonna do it with him?

AHMED: No, that's what I wanna ask you.


AHMED: What should I do? I don't know everybody ...

SORAT: H-, ...

AHMED: .. .keeps telling me is there's money in it.

SORAT: How many ...

AHMED: Is there?

SORAT: ... how many do you have?

AHMED: I have 70 doctors man that I can put on this thing but I don't know.

SORAT: ***
AHMED: How much *** what the code is.

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SORAT: No how much he told you, you gonna pay him?

AHMED: No, he said he just gonna billing *** for me.

SORAT: Like *** pay 50, 50 right?

AHMED: No, just 15 percent that's it.

SORAT: So he doesn't. .. he doesn't make anything?

AHMED: No, 15 percent...

SORAT: ***

AHMED: ... ofmy doctors.

SORAT: So he's ...

AHMED: And I got to pay the lab. I'm gonna buy the receivable from them.

SORAT: Okay *** ...

AHMED: But is that legal? Can we do that?

SORAT: I don't know.

AHMED: I know we can buy from pharmacies but can we buy from labs? I don't

know I haven't looked into it yet.

SORAT: *** it could be, yeah.

AHMED: Right, we could buy it just, you know.

SORAT: So *** probably for lab **you know. *.

AHMED: Well that's I, I don't even know how bill man. I don't know anything.

SORAT: So how much he charge you ... 15 percent?

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AHMED: Yeah, he wants 15 percent.

SORAT: ***

AHMED: But he said ... he ...

SORAT: And this company ... his company?

AHMED: He's company, yeah.

SORAT: Oh good.


AHMED: He says yeah ... He says plus he says he'll go to the lock box like if I set

up a lock box .. .

SORAT: Uh, ...

AHMED: ... at bank or something.

SORAT: Like what he ***? (LAUGH)

AHMED: Well you know *** ... so he go ... I'm like okay.

SORAT: Hmm. That's ***.

AHMED: And then he said MIKE JUNIOR ... he tells the news that MIKE JUNIOR

is getting into compounds.

SORAT: ***

AHMED: Yeah. He says he wants to do it now big time.

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: So ...

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SORAT: *** I know he's, uh, *** ... JERRY BROWN is up there ...

AHMED: Yeah, yeah.

SORAT: ... *** everything.

AHMED: Not only that I told, urn, BRUCE to call, uh, SENIOR. He did and told

him to put his attorney's up there because they had asked me, so I said no

I don't want BRUCE to leave I need him in the office. I said you put. .. so

he's gonna put MIKE, uh, *** what's his name?

SORAT: MIKE, uh, ...

AHMED: Urn, . ..

SORAT: ***

AHMED: Yeah.

SORAT: ***

AHMED: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're gonna put him up there.

SORAT: To, to what. . .do, do what?

AHMED: *** in the . .. in Sacramento the AB * Worker's Comp** or some shit I

don't know.

SORAT: Was gonna be ... you wanna work for the *** . ..


AHMED: Yeah, ***.

SORAT: ***?

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AHMED: Yeah. They offered BRUCE ... because this ELIZABETH *** who works

with .. .I just took to lunch.

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: She's mad, and this senator she's there for 30 years. They respect her, they

call her the grandma.

SORAT: MIKE, uh, MIKE *** you said?




SORAT: Yeah, yeah I know.

AHMED: She is well respected man. Very short like a short lady, you know, but

she's pretty and she's been in the profession as committee chairper-,

chairmen ... I mean chairperson.

SORAT: SO W-, ...

AHMED: Very connected.

SORAT: Why he let MIKE DROBOT put his guy there ***?

AHMED : That's what I'm asking, give me a name I'll put that guy up cuz if. . .1 told

PAUL RANDALL yesterday, he's a piece of crap, you tell MIKE ifhe

messes with my compound I will fuckin' ...


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AHMED: You know what he says, he says no MIKE Junior on the contrary ... he says

now that you offered this to us so, uh, he calls taking, uh, SENIOR there

to go see JERRY and they're gonna vote MIKE that guy in. I'm the one

who gave it to him because I didn't know any better. You know the guy

who we should put up?

SORAT: That's, that's what's his name ... your biggest client they took it away from



SORAT: What's his name, uh, the guy, uh, RANDY.

AHMED: No, I don't want RANDY. Oh shit screw him I don't need him. I

dealt. . .let me tell you this guy is a crook. Him ... 1. .. uh, LIZA .. .

SORAT: Because he took ... because he, uh, working with DROBOT, no.

AHMED: Listen, I'm the one who let him go ... RANDY, I don't want his paper.

SORAT: Why is it his junk, right?

AHMED: *** that's why, otherwise DROBOT or NOLAN they cannot come and
get. . . I don 't want anyone to take my account ***. Because you know I
don't cheat man we, we ... black and white contract, you know, I do it

honestly but I don't want his paper. And the guy owes me a lot of

money .. . RANDY ... five six hundred thousand dollars.


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AHMED: Because ROBERT ... bullshit paper he gave me. Either I wanna fuckin'

PR2 reports or whatever. .. ifhe doesn't mention it in the report I want my

money back I don't wanna go buy his paper. I'm not obligated to buy shit.

Unless I get documentation so I can collect my money, I'm gonna return it

like he has to document the compound *** .. .


SORAT: How could ... how could you let him go away ...

AHMED: Because ...

SORAT: ***

AHMED: ... *** man I know.

SORAT: ***

AHMED: He's getting 30,40,000 between ***whatever . But it's okay I will sue his


SORAT: Because when he goes away MIKE gonna take over? He's gonna *** all

your doctors?

AHMED: *** PAUL told me this yesterday. He said MIKE JUNIOR's gonna go

after all your doctors. (LAUGHS) Like you son of a bitch I'm putting your

*** I, I put in it Sacramento. I'm the one did all the work. You are

gonna ... okay, I say you know what. ..

SORAT: Uh .. .

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AHMED: ... you tell JUNIOR good luck. Tell him go ahead. He's got two million

dollars a month to spend go for it. That's how much it cost to stay in

business ... two million dollars a month *** over it.

SORAT: Why, why you do that? Don't work for. .. don't, don't give the doctor three

months that's six million dollars.

AHMED: I know.


SORAT: ***

AHMED: But like *** Apple and Apple keeps going up every day.

SORAT: I know but ***.

AHMED: I had ten thousand call options*** I made 180 million in Apple in app.

SORAT: No way.

AHMED: Yeah I paid 92 million in taxes, how do you like that so. But Apple just

keeps going up ... all the time, you know.

SORAT: Apple, uh, .. .

AHMED: You should buy Apple too, man. Any pull back ... in 2015 it could be

$1,000 stock because the sales and ***the apps .. .


SORAT: Apple, Apple ...

AHMED: ... billions of apps, yeah.

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AHMED: Everybody.

SORAT: Look what they've done.

AHMED: Yeah.

SORAT: Everybody's gone.

AHMED: See so that's ... Netflix is gonna be a giant.

SORAT: So MIKE DROBOT JUNIOR coming back to compound?

AHMED: Big *** ... big time going after my doctor. *** PAUL told me, he said
KAREEM you've ...

SORAT: Is he good.

AHMED: " .always been good to me I'm gonna tell you the truth.

SORAT: It's gonna go ... it's gonna work with him?

AHMED: Of course you know how he ... he doesn't care *** work.
SORAT: ***
AHMED: Yeah, he is ... still is. He got *** ... what's his name is gone, urn, urn, the
guy what's his name, ART GARRET.

SORAT: Your cousin.

AHMED: Yeah.


SORAT: I don't...
\ \ '. I Y.
AHMED: Yeah, right now, yeah.

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SORAT: *** but PAUL had told me no ...

AHMED: Yeah.

SORAT: ... that's, that's, that's .. . that's the reason, not because ofme.

AHMED: Uh-huh.

SORAT: A lot of people tell him I'll get ***.

AHMED: Probably, that's what everybody tells me too that PAUL did it, okay.

SORAT: But . . .

AHMED: PAUL's still doing ... he's giving me a guy in Tustin Hospital, MIKE


SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: PAUL works with him.


AHMED: I don't know ... in Tustin Hospital.

SORAT: MIKE BARRI's, uh, doctor. .. a chiropractor.

AHMED: Oh, okay then I don't know, and he was thinking ...

SORAT: Oh, no, no you wanna ***?

AHMED: Yeah, ***.

SORAT: The owners.

AHMED: Oh they got new owners there?

SORAT: ***

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AHMED: Who are the owner. . .1 don't know.

SORAT: *** fire JIM, JIM, uh, YOUNG.

AHMED: JIM YOUNG yeah, because JIM YOUNG was a fuckin' crook.

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: Right?

SORAT: Yeah, they fired him.

AHMED: They fired his ass?

SORAT: The whole crews ... all, all of them.

AHMED: So listen BATMAN, we need to go buy a hospital man, that's where the

money is .

SORAT: *** not the right deal right now.


SORAT: *** so are they gonna ... are they gonna pass the law for the implant or no?

AHMED: Yeah, that' s gonna through.

SORAT: That's gonna go?

AHMED: Yeah, because I am not in it so I'm not *opposing it**.

SORAT: I know because, because like ...

AHMED: You know on December 3rd are .. .is coming, yeah.

SORAT: You sure?

AHMED: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I'm not jumping into it ...

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SORAT: ***
AHMED: ... *** I am crazy letting this *** run.
SORAT: MIKE told me ...

AHMED: Yeah.
\?-~. ~
SORAT: ... 80 percent they took care of it. .. it won't pass.

AHMED: It'll pass.

SORAT: I don't know.

AHMED: They need the California Medical Association, they need *** they need
*** to go against it for not. .. not to pass.
SORAT: ***
\~ .' ~cQ
AHMED: But those lobbyists if you call them, you know they're ... the lobby ...

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: ... *** in Sacramento ...

AHMED: ... there's no one to ***.
UNKNOWN: ... a large spinach salad.

AHMED: Yes right here.

UNKNOWN: The side of berries is ...

AHMED: Yeah, I'll take that.

UNKNOWN: Okay. Do you want fresh pepper on that, sir?

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SORAT: Uh, no *** ... thank you.

UNKNOWN: Okay. I'll be right back give you a little more water.

AHMED: Okay, please. Oh that's your. So you know BATMAN the thing is how do

we,um, ...

SORAT: Some ... somebody got to *** somebody has to get your. ..

AHMED: Can you bring me some honey?


AHMED: Thanks.

SORAT: All this ... all this you have to do ...

AHMED: What?

SORAT: .. .1 know you did it cuz you're not dumb ... you're not dumb, dumb, dumb,


AHMED: And that's why 1***.

SORAT: *** somebody told me ... some way you have to get your doctor not to

walk away from you that easy. You have to *** always ... you

always ... you have to have something in your hand.

AHMED: Oh yeah on them.

SORAT: Yeah if they go ...

AHMED: I could do that.

SORAT: I don't know you should done it by now.

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AHMED: Yeah, I have that. .. 1 have that. But here's the thing.

SORAT: ***

AHMED: There's so many doctors around ... who cares let him have that. The ones

that...1 have *my core** ...

SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: ... there's no way there gonna trust JUNIOR. There's no fuckin' way I

don't care how much he offers them. And if offers them too much that's

inducement man he can get in trouble for that. Uh-huh.

SORAT: *** what offer them? I don't think so.

AHMED: Well yeah because it's too much and he ... and he can't. ..

SORAT: They got put it because of the *** hospital bag, right?

AHMED: Uh-huh.

SORAT: They got put in the package?

AHMED: Yeah. Yeah. That's what it is and that package is not. .. just not gonna cut


SORAT: So the package he has like for CATANZARITE and those guys ...

AHMED: Uh-huh.

SORAT: ... they pay them like $34,000 a month ...

AHMED: Yeah.

SORAT: ... everything in-, ... everything' s included.

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AHMED: Problem with *** and JEFF is .. .1 tell him. I said JEFF listen ...

SORAT: You worked with him?

AHMED: No. I wanted to but once I find out JUNIOR's working with him and

JUNIOR told me at PAUL RANDALL's house, you know the one in

Laguna on that Christmas party.

SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: He told me KAREEM, I don't have much accounts. I used to have

CATANZARITE *** can Ijust keep that account.. .he asked me that. He

said KAREEM can you just stay away from this account? I go okay, he

said man I get a lot of money, it's like clockwork we work, we work it *go

home no problem. So I was in the middle of signing the deaL . . they have

an office in Riverside ...

SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: ... okay. So JEFF wanted me to start with that and do it. So ... cuz I had ***

in my unit I. .. you know what I honored it. I stayed away I said no man I

can't afford it, I can't do it, da da da. He was gonna give me like 2,000

jars a month to *** I said no I don't I want it.

SORAT: Is that 2,000 jars?

AHMED: Well between Riverside and that, yeah.

SORAT: *** because then that ...

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AHMED: This is last year.

SORAT: Is bigger than JOHN LARSEN?

AHMED: No, JOHN LARSEN still has a lot.

SORAT: Like *** he does about 1,500 a month, right?

AHMED: Yeah ... no, him, AHMED ... they're still the bigger .. . ones.

SORAT: How could you survive with JOHN, JOHN, uh, .. .what's his name?


SORAT: JOHN the guy just sold LARSON because 80 percent of his cases are just


AHMED: Applicant*** I don't work with him. I give it up. Only .. .well, only ***,

urn, ...

SORAT: Come on.

AHMED: No, no, I gave it up man, the only, uh, guy who maybe goes there is like a


SORAT: Because all of this is a ***.

AHMED: *** applicant I know, I know .. .I know junk. Mm, but since then

ANGUIZOLA has some, you know, good paper elsewhere so you know

good with the bad I mean where you gonna go ***.

SORAT: Maybe.Oh.

AHMED: That's the only problem.

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SORAT: What's his name *** uh, *** the guy from, uh, insurance company.


SORAT: Yeah, ***.

AHMED: Or for his HEALTH CARE thing?

SORAT: Yeah, what's his name?

AHMED: Urn, it's on the email. He sends out an email the, urn, ...

SORAT: You hire him as his lawyer was it the guy ***?

AHMED: Yeah. Yeah.

SORAT: What's his name?

AHMED: I know it. .. forget his name. I know who you're talking about it was in his

email he sent, uh, hold on.

SORAT: *** other ones.

AHMED: No, no, I know who you're talking about man.

SORAT: HERB something.

AHMED: Yeah, ***. Not *** ... um, WEINBERG ... (PAUSE @0:32:08 to 0:32:18)

Oh wow I can sue the pants out ofTRlNET *** there fuckin' good to

commit a fraud.


AHMED: They never gave us EP Alliance agree, that stewardess without informing

us. KAREEM do you want sue the pants off them. (LAUGHS)

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SORAT: ... 60 percent.

AHMED: Okay.

SORAT: Or if you want *** or 10 percent.

AHMED: 10 percent, 20 percent, whatever, I have a lot of volume.

SORAT: And, and buy from me 30 percent.

AHMED: Okay.

SORAT: I'm not gonna give you everything because you mix it, you know?

AHMED: That's for little bit, yeah mix it yeah, that's good.

SORAT: Okay. *** I want *** price *** tell me the exactly ***
AHMED: I'll show you the contract, I'll show you the contract that MICHAEL gave

me, I'll show it to you.

SORAT: Oh you'll show it to me?

AHMED: He gave me that, he send me *** in an email, I'll show it to you.

SORAT: *** okay.
AHMED: Yeah, yeah, here, maybe I think he sent it to me on my email, I might still

have it.

SORAT: How, how, how much you said, how much he give you 30, 30 grammers


AHMED: I'll get the exact price, he's gonna come on Wednesday, that's we're

gonna discuss man, the pricing, he's coming so *** okay here, let me

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show you, he sent me this, I hope I have his email here *** the fuck am I

supposed to read all this, there's like 350 emails man. Okay MIKE, urn ...

SORAT: How much you pay what's her names daughter, more than the other guys?

AHMED: *** they charged me a lot of fucking money.

SORAT: No, no I'm talking about the other *** congresswoman, it's same the price

as everybody or ***?

AHMED: Who? Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, the way you have to do it, I'll tell you. See

look, there's a law, you cannot give more than 3,900 dollars, okay?

SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: Per like election.

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: But then if you have like 10 companies ...

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: ... each company can give 3,900.

SORAT: Is it a new law *** do it before?

AHMED: No that's a law, I mean, that's a law. They'll tell you, they're, okay, you

cannot give directly to *** they have like a, like a finance department, like

you know *** people collect.

SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: So you call them and they'll send you an email. So you make 'em show

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that you send them, have them send you an email so got a record.

SORAT: ***
AHMED: *** they're saying that *** and they come to my office, they come, they
see all these 100 employees, whatever, and I tell 'em look, I'm creating

jobs, you better make sure this SB, you know, uh, AB2779 doesn't go

anywhere. So she calls, we beat the shit out of, you see what I did to the

bill? I did it man. And then BRUCE is published on WORK. COMPo


SORAT: Who, who, who, no who ***

AHMED: I'm the one who shut it down.

SORAT: How you go there ***

AHMED: I didn't go there, I hired like a lobbyist.

SORAT: Where, where, where, in, uh, where?

AHMED: In Sacramento.

SORAT: Which, which bill?

AHMED: The AB2779 man, it was gonna shut down compounds. Motherfucker, are

you sleeping?

SORAT: I think ***

AHMED: Okay now I have to change your name *** SORA T.

SORAT: No, it's"not, it's not shutdown, what are you talking about?

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AHMED: *** they, I shut it down for this year in the sleeping pile, go, AB2779,

look it up, go to the website, look it up, look what I did to it, we, what we

did to it, we beat shit out of it. Labor was behind it and we, and the labor

committee in the first hour. ..

SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: .. .labor beat the crap out of SOLORIO's *** his attorney, his guy,

SOLORIO is the Anaheim, right here, assembly member, he is the one

who introduced it, JOSE SOLORIO, okay? He's forty some years old.

SORAT: *** maybe he gets money from insurance companies.

AHMED : He, he does, *** insurance companies, they wanted to say you have to get

a pre-op on compound. I'm like fuck that. I told them, I said listen, you

cannot impede access to every injured worker in the state of California.

You can put a fee schedule, we'll work with you. I got C***, I got

California Medical Association, I got all ofthem *** I'm like, F-U. And

they're like okay (LAUGHS).

SORAT: So should I go *** only, should I do applicant too?

AHMED: The *** you have to wait fucking years man *** you get money now.

SORAT: *** are doing it right now.

AHMED: I'm doing it because I already have a cycle now, I'm a behemoth man, I

do 8, 10 million a month, they can't fuck with me, I do too much.

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SORAT: Why you told me ***

AHMED: I buy a lot of, I told you I buy, I *** you don't listen. You think I'm

bullshitting but I am not.

SORAT: Can I have some money?

AHMED: No I'm broke.

SORAT: *** let me see your shoes.

AHMED: No *** Walmart.

SORAT: Come on. Yeah Walmart, this is, uh, Gucci fucker.

AHMED: No, yeah Ferragamo, Gucci, *** I got nice Versace.

SORAT: How much you pay that?

AHMED: You should see the Versace shoes Ijust got the other day, oh ...

SORAT: What, uh, uh, dollar, dollar fifty?

AHMED: The black ones, the black ones. Yeah a dollar fifty. Hey BATMAN,***

SORAT: *** Versace ***

AHMED: *** you should see the more I give to the ... Versace has good shoes, I

wonder if they know me, go MARTHA and the, the, the guy, what's his

name, urn, LONNY and then yeah, they all know me in South Coast for 19

years, CAROLINE knows me for 19 years *** knows me for 20 years,

you remember?

SORAT: I remember, I, I remember, I, I remember *** 10, 15, we went to, uh,

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Cartier, *** buy Cartier stuff, you didn't buy me anything fucker *** you
never, you never get me anything.

AHMED: Shit, yeah remember, no I got you, remember we helped on the BMW, the

red BMW.

SORAT: Well you didn't, you didn't help on the ...

AHMED: You *** 3,000 dollars man, you said give me 3,000 I gave you on, on
Bristol and Sunflower, I remember there was a bank there.

SORAT: *** you're supposed, you're supposed to give me like 15,000 dollars not
3,000 dollars ***
AHMED: Okay but I had to keep the 12. (LAUGHS) BATMAN, has it occurred to

you that I love you? Believe it or not, out of all, everybody in state of

California ...

SORAT: *** listen *** gave you, *** listen, listen, listen *** 30,000 dollars, how
much food ***
AHMED: Yeah I bought a lot of food.

SORAT: How much spent *** bill?

AHMED: Probably 30 dollars.

SORAT: See, 99.1 percent, you owe me man.

AHMED: I know, I know, I, I know I do. I just always mess with you, you know?

Listen, you're the only guy I laugh so much and mess with and *** people

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can't understand that.

SORAT: I'm not *** driver anymore, okay?

AHMED: Oh no, I used to just do that to mess with you, just for fun. Okay listen,

think about, other people would say oh SIROUS is this, SIROUS is that,

he ***. I used to fun, like oh yeah, he's like my driver, go ask him, just to,
like for fun so you would get a kick out of it, I mean, come ...

SORAT: I, I love, I loved it.

AHMED: I know! ***

SORAT: *** driver *** shoes *** my shoes ***
AHMED: I know, I know, it's supposed to be ajoke and you took it fucking

seriously man. And you know me, I always joke with you BATMAN ***
come on.

SORAT: *** sometimes some guys come tell me ***

AHMED: No, tell them go fuck themselves.

SORAT: *** my clients kept telling me, how long *** drove, uh, uh, KAREEM
*** like two years, three years.
AHMED: Oh my god, no man.

SORAT: *** yes I did.

AHMED: They're stupid. You put me in front of them, I will tell them I learned

everything I know from you. In ...

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SORAT: Okay thanks.

AHMED: No I will, in front of them ***

SORAT: ***
AHMED: I know.

SORAT: Listen, I keep, I keep like almost 70 percent of those right away.

AHMED: Yeah because you know how they are BATMAN, they're not fucking

sincere man, they're not sincere.

SORAT: *** I don't do, I don't *** anymore.


SORAT: I have my *** coming up ...

AHMED: Yeah.

SORAT: I have to diet, I do it with, uh, with IV *** diet. ..

AHMED: Okay, right.

SORAT: ... we do *** we do, uh, occupational...

AHMED: Right, right, right.

SORAT: ... and we do maybe I do like 10, 15 percent, uh, uh, what do you call it,

uh, uh, liens.

AHMED: Right, right.

SORAT: But, but I got, I got, I get recommendation from a insurance company ...

AHMED: Yeah.

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SORAT: ... just show me doctors, who should I use to work with?

AHMED: Yeah.

SORAT: You know why?

AHMED: *** why?

SORAT: Because when they, they *** the doctor to me, then I go back to them, so I

got your doctor here, can you send me clients? ***

AHMED: That's right, that, that's right, that's right, yeah see. Baby, only you can

pull that out ***

SORAT: I got, I got, I got Foster Farms, I got GALLO Winery, I got all those guys.

AHMED: But those are huge, those are huge. That's what you want because that's a

defense, it's authorized work, you won't have to fucking deal with

*asshole applicants.

SORAT: I know, but, but *** but *** jealous, you do 10 million dollars a month, I

do nothing.

AHMED: No but you already have it, you already got it man, you fucking enough

people collecting for you.

SORAT: No I have like nothing ***

AHMED: The guy in Chino Hills has how many millions of yours? He's always in

courts fighting for you.

SORAT: No *** how much, I got almost, uh, 1.3, I *** all of it, he never gave me,

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that was a fight, they took all my, my, uh, uh, accounts and billed them


AHMED: What the fuck, how could he do that?

SORAT: Don't tell him that.

AHMED: No I'm not gonna tell him that, then I won't deal with him.

SORAT: But please, because *** but he's gonna pay me.
AHMED: Okay good, make sure he does BATMAN *** I'm not dealing with him.
SORAT: *** no he's gonna pay me because, because ...
AHMED: Because the only reason I'm letting him come to the office now is because

he told me all these good things about you and that everything's ...

SORAT: I, I put, I, I put *** almost *** I sold like a property in La Habra, I sold, I
put almost 3.7 million of cash money in my pocket. ***
AHMED: Holy shit.

SORAT: *** I'm not even half of it, I swear. ..


SORAT: *** how much I bill, I'm not you.

AHMED: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

SORAT: I'll bill like 95 dollars, 100, 100, 100, ***

AHMED: Yeah, yeah, little yeah. But *** the thing, doesn't matter what I bill, they
only pay me the same shit man, that's the problem, that's why we fight

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them all the time.


AHMED: 40 bucks, 120 bucks, 119 bucks, *** some of them will give me like
whatever I bill, like *** percent ***. No matter what I bill they, they pay,
100 percent. So that's why I have to bill like usual and customary like a

little higher, what the fee schedule is, right? But we settle for 10 cents on

the dollar, 20 cents on the dollar all the fucking time. I need to get ***
Wall Street *** IPO.
SORAT: *** That, that's what, uh, *** IPO, *** IPO, what are you talking about?
AHMED: I need one year and three more, three years of *** financials man.

SORAT: ***
AHMED: *** by December this year I'll have two years.
SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: Then okay, first year I did 50 million, one year, right?

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: This year I'm gonna do 120 million. 2011, I'll do 200 million. Then in

three years I've done half a billion, they're gonna give me like a 30 to 70

dollar stock on Wall Street.

SORAT: But it isn't worth half a billion.

AHMED: Well it will be, 200 million, 120 million ***

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SORAT: No I'm talk what the, your AR is not that much.

AHMED: No but they don't, Wall Street doesn't care, that's where you miss the

point, nobody understands it, they look for values, they don't give a shit

even if you don't make a penny BATMAN, that's the point, nobody gets

this, they're stupid. I'm telling you they care about revenue, they don't

care what you make, what comes in, ten cents, they don't give a shit. If

you have revenue, that's what they want, sexy, 50 million, 100 million,

200 million a year, oh fuck, they want shares ofthat thing like there's no

tomorrow. They don't care if*** if shit doesn't come in. If there's

revenue, that's what they go by.

SORAT: *** why don't, why *** teach me before?

AHMED: I told you this, how many times I've told you this? I want to go public, I

want to build a hospital. You, BATMAN, you never listen because you're

always making these fucking gazillions so you don't give a shit, you're

girls whatever.

SORAT: No because, *** because, because the problem was I, I thought maybe ***

it's not possible.

AHMED: It is, okay, well Amazon, you know how many fucking years they didn't

make a dime? Look where the god damn stock is. Look at fucking Netflix,

*** Priceline, 300, man, I, that's what I do, stocks. I take the money from

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there, I put ... how can you do 100 million a year business with no debt, no

credit cards, no nobody, just me and Tayyaba? So I take money from my

Apples *** whatever the options I make, I put it right here and buy a shit
load of receivable, that's what I do. So ...

SORAT: Can you give me some money?

AHMED: Heck yeah.

SORAT: ***
AHMED: Ten bucks, no, or Mexican peso.

SORAT: *** I can't. ..

AHMED: Yeah, you have enough man, you ...

SORAT: Come on ***

AHMED: Where's your 90 million in receivables, where's your 90 million


SORAT: Wait, wait, wait *** no 100, uh, 150 million.

AHMED: See, I know you.

SORAT: No, no, no 195 million.

AHMED: Yeah I know you do because your name was in the ...

SORAT: I'm more than you.

AHMED: I know you have more than me, you're king, I'm just a little prince.

SORAT: Yeah, I have, I'm the king. Yeah you're nothing.

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AHMED: But one more year I'll catch up.

SORAT: *** catch up.

AHMED: Next year I'll catch up, next year I'll catch up, I need one more year to.

SORAT: *** I *** I *** 2, almost 200 million, you, you passed it.
AHMED: I know. No I haven't passed it yet but you were passed it. But BATMAN

listen, when we ...

SORAT: ***
AHMED: Listen, but when we get this big, That's where DOl *** all these people ...
SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: ***
SORAT: You know how much I do right now?

AHMED: How much, I don't know?

SORAT: *** I do like 4,5,4 million, not like you.

AHMED: Okay, okay, but no, but still, you already have a head start.

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: Okay so they're biggest people that they hate the most in California ...

SORAT: Uh-huh.

AHMED: ... they're two people, guess who they are.

SORAT: One of them is me.

AHMED: One of them is me.

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SORAT: That's gOOd. " LJ ~

AHMED: So okay, that's two of us, right?

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: But you think, you think I give a shit? No because you and I, what do we

do? We create liquidity in the system, we buy the paper and we help the
poor *** people stay alive, right? And then we bill and collect, what's the

SORAT: Yeah ***

AHMED: You see?

SORAT: *** but I need to take care of 1.7.

AHMED: Okay, I'll, let me talk to HALEEM, you know the guy, Indian in Palos


SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: He's got a fucking huge mansion, he's diamond merchant, you know?

SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: I'll let you know.

SORAT: But we, we talk at my house ***

AHMED: Yeah, yeah.

SORAT: ... because I don't trust any place.

AHMED: No I don't either.

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SORAT: ***
AHMED: I'll let you know how it's gonna be done.

SORAT: Okay.

AHMED: *** done.

SORAT: You pay?


SORAT: You pay?

AHMED: I already paid, done, come on.

SORAT: So *** 29,700 ***

AHMED: Yeah *** you can, you can keep on shrinking *** man.
SORAT: Yeah.

AHMED: *** I love you ***. Thank you. *** BATMAN ***

SORAT: I sorry about that.

KARISSA: Oh no it's fine.

AHMED: It's all his fault.

SORAT: I'm sorry ***

AHMED : Yeah, yeah *** blame it on me. BATMAN ...
SORAT: So when you gonna come?

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AHMED: Uh, let's do it, uh, couple weeks? ***
SORAT: *** weekend.
AHMED: On the weekend *** Saturday, Sunday, yeah?
SORAT: ***
AHMED: *** I wanna come ***
SORAT: ***
AHMED: We could do it on a Sunday if you want, or Saturday, whatever works for

you, you know? 'Cause I don't want to be ***

SORAT: Oh no, just come, just come out there.

AHMED: Yeah it'll be good man, we could sit down, you know, and just *** cup of

tea and just, you know, chill and just have a good talk, you know? Alright

bro, I love you, just remember what I told you at the end.

SORAT: Alright.

AHMED: We're loved, we're the two people loved so just, you know, watch it,


SORAT: I like you're, uh, 7,000 dollars, uh, what is it?

AHMED: *** swap meet man, *** swap meet.

KARIS SA: Bye, nice meeting you.

AHMED: ***
SORAT: The whole thing, my whole thing worth about 15 dollars.

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AHMED: Yeah right.

SORAT: Not even is, uh, what is that? One of his, uh, halfofhis shoes.

AHMED: Right, now this guy ***

(PAUSES 01:15:31-01:22:25)

MIKULICK: This is Detective VLADISLAV MIKULICH, it is approximately 16:26

hours, I have taken the recorder from our cooperating witness and I will be

turning it off and transporting it back to the office for check in to









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