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President | Graham Reed 16
President elect | Andrew Naeger 17
Immediate Past President | Katie Sowa 15
Class Delegate | Andrew Naeger 17
Treasurer | Hunter Owen 15. Francisco Nieves
Historian | Hieu Pham 17
Outreach Coordinator | Kelsey Edmonson 15,
Shivani Patel 16, & Clara Yoo 17
Legislative Liason | Kyle Hale 16 & Glennis
Katzmark 17
Events/Meetings Coordinator | Andrew Smith
15, Marisa McKee 16, & Mary Becker 17
Pre-Dental Coordinator | Iliana Saavered 15,
Paola Salazar 16, Chris Thorburn 16, & Alex
Edgerly 17
Publications Editor | Laura Nelson 16, Macey
Cartrite 16, & Michelle Boecker 17
Website Manager | Andre Nguyen 15 & Matthew
Franzen 17
Leadership Development Chair| Ryan Hyde 17
Social Chair| Steven Balandran 17

President | Kristopher Mendoza, Los
Angeles 15
Vice-presidents | Daryn Lu, Oklahoma 15;
Jason Watts, Nova Southeastern 15
District 9 Trustee | Christopher Thorburn

All views in this newsletter are those of the authors and
not necessarily of the American Student Dental Association
or The University of Texas School of Dentistry.
Recipient, Meskin Journalism Award
for Excellence in Dental Student
Publications. Presented by the
American Association of Dental
Editors, October 2013.

03/asda week 2014

04/ ASDA in the media

05 - 06/ update on

07 08 / lending a
helping hand

Welcome back to anothei euition of the Bouston Fill! The new semestei biings new anu exciting ASBA
events, news anu membeiship oppoitunities that I am happy to shaie with you.
In ASBA chaptei news, we aie exciteu to announce the foimation of six new committees - Pie-Bental,
Auvocacy, Community Seivice, uolu Ciown Awaiu, Leaueiship Bevelopment, anu uolf Touinament. 0vei the
summei, chaptei membeis weie given the oppoitunity to apply foi these committees anu we aie happy to
welcome the thiiteen new committee membeis who will woik closely with the executive committee to bettei oui
ASBA chaptei. We look foiwaiu to woiking togethei anu continuing to stiive foi excellence.
0ui ASBA chaptei wasteu no time getting back into the swing of things aftei the summei bieak. We
kickeu off the semestei by hosting an Auvocacy mock uebate. Kyle Bale anu ulennis Katzmaik took the
oppoitunity to uebate anu uiscuss two impoitant topics peitaining to all uental stuuents, stuuent uebt anu
miulevel pioviueis. The uebate was a huge success anu we aie looking foiwaiu to Auvocacy Acauemy next
semestei in piepaiation foi State Lobby Bay in Austin.
Last week, oui chaptei steppeu up to the plate when Coloiauo ASBA challengeu oui entiie chaptei to the
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. With the help of Bean valenza, Bi. Cooley, anu oui ASBA chaptei membeis, we all
paiticipateu in the challenge anu submitteu ouiselves to enuuiing an ice-colu bucket of watei being pouieu on oui
heaus. The chilly expeiience was no match to this hoiiific uisease anu we weie happy to uo oui pait to piomote
ALS awaieness. A monetaiy uonation has been maue to the ALS Founuation anu we continueu the challenge by
calling out the San Antonio anu Bayloi ASBA chapteis. You can check out oui chaptei ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
viueo on ASBA's national website, ASBAnet.oig, wheie we aie featuieu as the viueo of the month.
ASBA Week is Septembei 8
thiough 12
anu oui ASBA chaptei will host an event each uay of this week
to celebiate anu piomote oui local ASBA chaptei as well as the national ASBA oiganization. A complete list of
events anu uetails can be founu insiue this newslettei. I invite you all to attenu each anu eveiy event anu I look
foiwaiu to seeing you all theie!
This week is also veiy impoitant foi oui newest chaptei membeis. The class of 2u18 will be electing theii
ASBA class officeis to seive on oui chaptei officei team foi the next foui yeais. Bon't foiget to cast youi ballot!
voting enus Weunesuay, Septembei 1u
. uoou luck to all iunning foi ASBA class officeis!
I am looking foiwaiu to a successful semestei anu hope that you all enjoy ASBA week as well as the many
upcoming events that we have planneu this yeai!

uiaham Reeu, '16

09/ picture recap

10/ I Love ASDA because

11-12/ Anti-caries
therapy gains

13/ TMOM





If lecture and clinic are the heart of dental school then I believe the
clubs and organizations are the soul. It is never too late to get involved and
ASDA will help you to meet fellow classmates and socialize with professors
and dentists in the community. ASDA events have provided me with some of
my most memorable experiences in dental school!

Here is what is scheduled for ASDA Week:
September 8
ASDA Informational, Room 4310, 12 PM
September 9
Houston Food Bank, 6pm
September 11
Thirsty Thursday and Arm Wrestling
Tournament, Cooley Center, 5 PM
September 12
ADPAC Drive, Room 4310, 12 PM
We encourage everyone to get involved and visit all of the events.
Talk to an ASDA officer if you have any questions and enjoy the week!


was exciting to see how powerful the
dental drill actually was. For two hours
I was able to sit in the same chairs as
dental students and try my hardest to
drill and wax like the professionals. We
were able to take home our pre-
prepped horse tooth and #30 occlusal
prep. I will forever keep them as a
reminder of how captivated I felt that
day to be a part of Explore UTSD.

Words cannot explain how excited I felt
as I attended Explore UTSD. As a
predental student it means a lot to me
that ASDA officers, members and
dental students, and staff take time out
of their busy schedules to reach out to
students like me to make us that more
excited about pursing our future. As a
predental student, I sincerely
encourage other predentals to take
advantage of opportunities like the one I had. It will give you a feel for what dental school is like, and you will fall
more in love with your passion for dentistry. A great way to learn about upcoming events is to Like dental schools
and their ASDA chapters on Facebook. Here you can like the UTSD at Houston page and here is the UTSD ASDA
page. Another way to get connected is to become an ASDA member and take advantage of networking
opportunities, exclusive member benefits and publications written just for dental students and predental students.

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During the month of March, I started my spring break attending the first Explore UTSD at
the University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston, Texas. It was such an intriguing way
to start my spring break as a predental student. I first heard about the event through my
predental club at the University of Houston and quickly reserved a spot.

The day first started out with donuts and coffee where we were able to meet other predental students from
across Texas and current dental students. It was fascinating to be around others who had the same dream as
I did: to become a dentist. Dean John A. Valenza welcomed us and informed us of the vision of the school. I
was very delighted to know how welcomed we were. We then heard from Dr. Pierpont about dentistry and the
admissions process, and it was great to hear how the process plays out from his point of view.

We went on guided tours around the campus, and I was excited to start applying to follow my dream.
Throughout the day we heard from dental students about their obstacles in their undergrad days as well as
their experiences getting into dental school. Out of all the exciting events planned that day, my personal
favorite was being able to drill and wax for the first time. The only time I had ever held a drill was to clean it. It
Glennis Katzmark 17
ADPAC: The Most Ef f ect i ve Way t o I nf l uence Dent al Pol i cy

It is that very special time of year. The birds are singing, the leaves are changing, and in
Texas the temperature is in a fairly reasonable 80-90 degree range. We all know what that
means. Oh yes! The ADPAC drive is almost here! Whats that? You dont know what ADPAC is?
Well allow me to educate you!

What i s ADPAC?
ADPAC is an acronym for the American Dental Political Action Committee. It is essentially the
legislative arm of the ADA. In other words, this committee makes sure that dentists all across
the beautiful U.S. of A have some friends in Washington D.C. looking out for the interests of
dentists and ultimately the interest of the patients. For the sports fans out there, consider a
pitcher that is walking batters left and right. The coach has to make a call, and get a guy in
there who can perform. In this incredibly well thought out metaphor, ADPAC is the coach and
the pitchers are legislators. Dentists want legislators that can perform on their behalf.

How does t hi s wor k?
How does ADPAC make friends you may ask? Well, quite simply they elect congressional
candidates who understand the dentistry is important to overall health. They may then supply
funds to their campaign, or opportunities that will increase the likelihood of getting them into
office. ADPAC obtains these funds from donations. These donations come from dentists, and
(clearing of the throat sound) dental students. From the previous baseball metaphor this
would make you, the donor, the owner of the team.
Continued on page 6
Are you interested in dental advocacy? Visit ASDAs Engage
page to take action!

Why shoul d you donat e?
Typically, when one graduates from a dental institution they may find themselves practicing
dentistry. The legislative process is slow; meaning that decisions made on The Hill today may
affect you in 20 years. In fact, one could argue that they are affecting you today (Oh, hello
student debt!). Therefore, it is critical that you begin the good fight today. If you are anything
like me, dentistry has seeped into every aspect of your life. Not a single day goes by that I
dont do something related to school. I work too hard to let the political environment change
the profession that I sweat, stress, and bleed for (I cut myself with the Hollenback once). I
am not wai t i ng to be a part of dentistry; I am a part of dentistry.

With a mere $5 you are considered a member of ADPAC. If you are feeling like you want to
make more of an impact $50 will get Capital Club membership. You will receive a lapel pin
indicating your level of donation, which I would highly recommend wearing to dental
conferences (Oh, Hello Star of the South). You might be surprised at who ends up shaking
your hand.

This method of advocacy is the most effective way to protect dentist interest. Why? Because
getting a person in office who cares about our issues will increase the probability of bettering
dental care not just today, not just tomorrow, but for the ENTIRETY OF THEIR TERM IN
OFFICE!!! Talk about return on investment. If you are interested in learning more please
attend the ADPAC Drive on September 12, 2014 or contribute directly at

The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship (ASF)
was created to allow graduate-level students to
carry on the legacy of Dr. Albert Schweitzer by
addressing the unmet health needs of
vulnerable and marginal populations. ASF is a
community-based service program aimed at
improving community health and developing
leaders in service who are educated,
experienced, and committed to addressing
unmet health needs. Students that are chosen
as fellows are given the opportunity to create a
self-driven service project over the course of a
year. To date, nearly 2,500 Schweitzer Fellows
have delivered nearly 500,000 hours of service
to those in need.
The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship has
allowed us to combine our passions of dentistry
and public health by focusing on a population
that is underserved and stigmatized in the world
of dental care. For our project, we have chosen
to focus on the xerostomia faced by the
HIV/AIDS community of Houston at the Bering
Omega Community Services Dental Clinic.
Xerostomia, or dry mouth, is a
condition often associated with HIV/AIDS as a result
of the many medications taken to battle the
disease, radiation therapy, or the disease itself.
Patients who have xerostomia experience
dental decay at a much higher rate than
those with normal salivary flow. Xerostomia
also causes discomfort and reduces a
persons quality of life by compromising their
speech, chewing, tasting, and by causing bad
breath. Because of these complications,
xerostomia has shown to also have social
and psychological side effects.
The goal of our project is to improve
the lives of our clients by reducing the
discomfort of xerostomia and by empowering
them to take charge of their oral health. Our
project plan includes personalized sessions
with each client, providing them with free
products, and conducting focus group
sessions and health fairs.
Each client is seen twice for a thirty
minute session with us at the clinic. During
the first session, we discuss the causes and
symptoms of xerostomia and assess the
participants initial symptoms through a
series of survey questions. During this initial
evaluation, we also get a glimpse of how
much the patient knows about their oral
health and learn about past dental
experiences that
Continued on page 8







these patients have had. At the end of the session,
we give them free dry mouth treatment products and
explain how they will help combat their symptoms. To
date, we have received generous donations of dry
mouth products from companies including Colgate,
Biotene, Spry, MighTeaFlow, and OraCoat. At the
second session, we re-evaluate the symptoms after
using the products and get an idea of the types of
products that each client prefers.
Beyond our direct service with the patients
of Bering Omega, we meet monthly with the 11 other
2014-2015 Houston-Galveston fellows and attend
networking events with current and previous fellows
from around the country. In the fall, we have been
invited to attend the Albert Schweitzer Leadership
Conference in Boston. The fellowship allows us to
network and collaborate with other people who share
the similar motivation of helping others and make a
difference in the world.
From the start of our project, the Bering
Omega dental staff has been tremendously helpful in
recruiting their patients for our sessions. The work of
Bering Community Service was established in 1986 to
address the staggering challenges posed by a
completely new and frightening epidemic. Soon after,
several agencies were created to provide
compassionate care to people living with
HIV/AIDS virus and to their loved ones. Today,
the core programs consist of an oral health
program, housing assistance program, day
treatment program and Omega House, our
residential hospice. The goal of this foundation
is to bridge the gaps in care for low income
individuals by providing care to as many
HIV/AIDS affected people as possible.
Guided by our mentors, Dr. Catherine
Flaitz and Dr. Mark Nichols, we have been
introduced to the discipline of oral medicine.
This approach to dentistry is concerned with the
oral health care of medically complex patients,
including the diagnosis and management of
medical conditions that affect the oral and
maxillofacial region. Our mentors have also
taught us to be compassionate health care
providers by showing us that different
populations will require different approaches to
maintain their oral health.
Our project so far has been a wonderful
experience for both the patients and ourselves.
Several of our participants have even asked to
return after their second session. We are thrilled
with the involvement and are pleased to see that
there is an improvement of symptoms that these
patients are experiencing.

For more information on the Albert
Schweitzer Fellowship- Houston Galveston
Chapter cont act j enni f er. cook@bcm. edu
or vi si t
ht t p: //www. schwei t zerf el l owshi p. org/.

Wel come
Cl ass of 2018
I gni t e DDS
UTSD at t he
Texas Boar d of
Dent al Exami ner s
ASDA Annual 1

Year Wel come


It has taught me the importance
of organized dentistry and has
allowed me to begin networking
and exposed me to different
aspects of dentistry
-Mary Becker 17
I love my career, love the
people in my career, and love
working with people in my
-Nicole Fishbeck 16

It has helped prepare me
to be a dentist! ASDA has
made me think outside the
box and understand more
about the profession
It has taught me what organized
dentistry is and the importance to
our profession. It encourages its
members to get actively involved in
leadership, development, networking
and advocating the rights and ethics
of our career.
-Adrien Lewis 16
I like networking
and having a good
time at the events
- Anonymous
Synopsi s: There is a long history with the use of
silver compounds in dentistry. Silver compounds such
as silver diammine fluoride and silver nitrate have
powerful antibacterial effects and have been effective at
caries arrest and caries prevention. These properties,
combined with low cost, offers an opportunity for
research which could have a lasting impact.

As early as the 1840s, silver compounds were widely
used in both medicine and dentistry for their
antimicrobial properties. Important historical figures of
dentistry like G.V. Black, P. Howe and others routinely
used silver compounds in their practices. The use of
silver compounds in dentistry began to fall out of favor
in the 1930s with the discovery of penicillin and the
development of antibiotics.

Since then, the use of silver has been revisited for its
antimicrobial properties because of its low human
toxicity and antibiotic effect against a wide range of
In the 1960s, the development of Silver Diammine
Fluoride (SDF) combined both fluoride and silver ions
as an anticaries agent which has gained international
acceptance. Japan has accepted SDF as a therapeutic
agent since the 1970s. In Brazil, the use of SDF has
been encouraged for children with moderate to high
tooth decay activity.

Recent studies have shed some light on to the
effectiveness of silver and fluoride as a viable treatment
and prophylaxis for caries.
In 2012, a task group of the World Dental Federation
(Federation Dentaire Internationale or FDI) analyzed
multiple research studies involving SDF. The FDI task
gioup concluueu that as little as "twice-
yeaily application of S8% SBF may be able to
arrest the carious process and suggested that SDF
can be used for both caries prevention and operative

In a recent study entitled, Effectiveness of silver
diamine fluoride and sodium fluoride varnish in
arresting dentin caries in Chinese pre-school children,
the finding was that just one annual application of
SDF was more effective at arresting carious lesions
than quarterly applications of sodium fluoride.

In another study, the conclusion was that one
treatment of 38% SDF was effective at arresting
lesions for up to two years.

Little black scar as a result of silver nitrate
application to cavitated lesion

Appearance of tooth after addition of tooth
colored filling

Pending FDA approval, SDF is not readily available
in the United States. However, many researchers
and practitioners in the US are using a
combination of silver nitrate and fluoride varnish to
produce a similar effect.
The use of silver nitrate by doctors as an
antimicrobial is nothing new. Beginning in the
1880s, babies were treated with eye drops of a 1-
2% solution of silver nitrate upon delivery to
prevent blindness from gonorrhea exposure in the
birth canal. Until recently, this was the standard
treatment in most hospitals. Most hospitals today use
antibiotic eye drops like erythromycin as a substitute
because they are less irritating.

The logic in cariology is that fluoride has a strong
remineralizing effect as well as weak antimicrobial
effects. Silver nitrate is a good source of silver ions
which have a strong antimicrobial effect. The
combination of silver nitrate with the fluoride varnish
helps keep the silver ions in place at the site of active
It is important to keep silver nitrate isolated to the site
of active caries because it is a caustic solution. In high
concentrations or repeated use, it can be used for
removal of warts and granulated tissue. Additionally,
silver fluoride can cause staining.
In one study published in December 2013,
researchers intentionally caused the black surfaces
caused by silver fluoride to appear on carious lesions
to determine whether it could be used in place of the
dental explorer. Because of the potential of dental
explorers to cause iatrogenic damage on non-
cavitated lesions, the researchers wanted to find an
alternative, non-invasive, visual assessment of
lesion status. The study concluded that the black
surface can provide a useful visual indicator of lesion

A major proponent for silver nitrate and fluoride
varnish combination therapy is Dr. Steve Duffin. In a
Youtube video, Duffin explains that he began working
in an underserved community with many of his
patients at high caries risk. Being unable to control
rampant caries with conventional methods, Duffin
began to treat his patients with applications of silver
nitrate and fluoride varnish and reports a near 100%
success rate in arresting and preventing any new
carious lesions.

Dr. Moffett Burgess supports Duffins claims. Burgess
asserts that the silver nitrate and fluoride varnish not
only stops the caries process but also stimulates
underlying secondary dentin formation. Burgess
explains that restorations were easier because, as the
tooth recovered from the carious assault, more solid
tooth structure due to reparative dentin was available
to place the restoration.

Although silver nitrate is used by many practitioners
and is available from dental suppliers, relying on
expert opinion is not enough. More research is
needed before a high quality systematic review is
available and for this
combination therapy to
become the standard of
Current (but limited)
research supports that
silver compounds have low human toxicity and low
bacterial resistance with long lasting therapeutic
action. Additionally, silver nitrate and fluoride
varnish are inexpensive and have a low barrier to
entry thus making it an ideal treatment for rural
settings and empowering dental auxiliaries.
As the body of research continues to grow and this
anticaries therapy gains widespread acceptance,
we can expect this treatment to have a lasting
impact on the populations we serve.
For more information, please visit

1. Chu CH, Lo ECM, Lin HC. Effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride and sodium fluoride
varnish in arresting dentin caries in Chinese pre-school children. J Dent Res.
2002;81(11):76770. [PubMed] (
2. Llodra JC, Rodriguez A, Ferrer B, Menardia V, Ramos T, Morato M. Efficacy of silver
diamine fluoride for caries reduction in primary teeth and first permanent molars of
schoolchildren: 36-month clinical trial. J Dent Res. 2005 Aug;84(8):721-4. PMID:
16040729 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3. Yee R, Holmgren C, Mulder J, Lama D, Walker D, van Palenstein Helderman W.
Efficacy of silver diamine fluoride for Arresting Caries Treatment. J Dent Res. 2009
Jul;88(7):644-7. doi: 10.1177/0022034509338671. PMID: 19641152 [PubMed -
indexed for MEDLINE]
4. Peng, J. J., M. G. Botelho, and J. P. Matinlinna. "Silver Compounds Used in Dentistry
for Caries Management: A Review." National Center for Biotechnology Information.
U.S. National Library of Medicine, 3 Apr. 2012. Web. 01 July 2014.
5. Minimal intervention dentistry for managing dental caries - a review: report of a FDI
task group. Frencken JE, Peters MC, Manton DJ, Leal SC, Gordan VV, Eden E. Int
Dent J. 2012 Oct;62(5):223-43. doi: 10.1111/idj.12007. Review. PMID: 23106836
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6. The Editors of Encyclopdia Britannica. "Silver Nitrate (chemical Compound)."
Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 08 June 2014.
7. "Tollens' Reagent." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 May 2014. Web. 08 June
2014. <>.
8. Dekker, Rebecca, PhD, RN, APRN. "Is Erythromycin Eye Ointment Always Necessary
for Newborns? - Evidence Based Birth." Evidence Based Birth. N.p., 11 Nov. 2012.
Web. 08 June 2014. <
9. "NNOHA 2013 - Silver Nitrate Presentation Dr. Steve Duffin and Dr. Moffett
Burgess." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 24 June 2014.
10. Bawden, J. W. "Fluoride Varnish: A Useful New Tool for Public Health Dentistry."
National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Fall
1998. Web. 27 June 2014. <>.
11. "Off-label Use." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2014. Web. 27 June
2014. <>.
12. Craig, G. G., K. R. Powell, and C. A. Price. "Clinical Evaluation of a Modified Silver
Fluoride Application Technique Designed to Facilitate Lesion Assessment in
Outreach Programs." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National
Library of Medicine, 28 Dec. 2013. Web. 28 June 2014.
13. Rehm, Diane, and Louis Sullivan. "The Diane Rehm Show." Why Millions Of Americans
Don't Get The Dental Care They Need. NPR, 16 June 2014. Web. 17 Aug. 2014.

The UT School of Dentistry
7500 Cambridge St.
Houston, TX 77054
Li ke us on Facebook
A group of students
from UTSD attended The
Texas Mission of Mercy
(TMOM) clinic this past
summer in Georgetown.
TMOM is a mobile dental
clinic that travels around
the state providing free
dental care to uninsured Texans and its focus is relieving those in pain.
TMOM wouldnt exist if it werent for volunteers and dentists that
donate their time to give back to the community. We were volunteers there
to assist other dentists while performing treatments such as fillings and
extractions. Also, third and fourth year students that are already seeing
patients in the UTSD clinic were able perform procedures on patients to
maximize the amount of people that were seen that day. Most patients had
been waiting for over ten hours to be seen, which meant that they lined up
in the middle of the night and slept outside.
As a third year student, it was very rewarding to me that I was
able to take my knowledge and clinical skills that I had learned in school
and use them to help those in need. We had an overseeing dentist and an
oral surgeon at all times that were there to help us at any step along the
way. Not to mention we learned a lot from each dentist over the two days,
everything from clinical advice all the way to owning your own practice.
These dentists were great educators and they were willing to give us tips
and tricks from the 20 plus years of experience they had in dentistry. The
weekend was a great success and any dental student would benefit from
volunteering at a TMOM event.




TMOM: Students providing
free dental care

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