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Effective Study and Thinking Skills

High School/Elementary Department- EECP
Special Class- Grade 7, 8, 9 and 4th Year
By Mr. Cedric M. Rayla

Chapter I

Upon completing this chapter, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the importance of communication today;
2. Discuss what meaningful communication process is;
3. Identify the various elements and types of communication; and
4. Demonstrate listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.


We are now in the 21
century. The role of communication as a central part force in our lives is reaffirmed in
every area of human activity. The desire to communicate ideas and feelings remains important to people and
their concerns, fears, desires, questions, and answers are still the subject matter of their communication. With
a wider array of communication methods available, people around the world are linked together more closely.
Given the tremendous technological advances that have occurred over the past century, it seems that
improved competence in communication will play a pivotal role in determining the positive direction of future
decisions. In sum, we can all use communication to improve our daily lives and interactions. From our small
private events, the large public fabric of social progress can develop. (Fernando, 2005)


The word communication comes from the Latin word communis , meaning commonness. It is a process
wherein knowledge, ideas, information, attitudes, feelings and the like are transmitted.

Communication is a two- way process by which information is exchanged between or among individuals
through a common system of symbols, signs and behavior.


Being a two- way process, communication occurs in an orderly and systematic sequence wherein human
beings are able to see and hear what transpires in their environment.

As a process, communication is dynamic, adaptive and continuous. Being a survival mechanism,
communication helps us develop to be unique persons, relating and cooperating with others. It satisfies our
physical, ego, social and practical needs. It is indeed essential in life.


1. Physical Needs. Personal communication is essential for our well-being. Sufficiency or absence of
communication has a bearing on ones state of physical health. For one, stress is heightened or
dissipated depending on communication or lack of it and the nature of its content.
2. Ego Needs. Communication is the only way to learn who we are. If we are to be deprived of the
chance to communicate with others, we would have no sense of identity. It is through communication
that one gets the chance of affirmation of self- concept and sharing of views about a variety of things,
among others.
3. Social Needs. We relate socially with others through communication. Three types of social needs we
strive to fulfill are identified by William Schuts, a psychologists, by means of communication.

a. Inclusion. Inclusion is the need to belong to a personal relationship. Inclusion needs may
be satisfied from formal relationship ( having a job or career, belonging to religious
organizations, marriage) and informal relationship (friends who go together, friendly
b. Desire for Control. The desire for control is each ones desire to have an influence on
others and to feel a sense of denomination or power over the world. An example is the
coach of a basketball pioneering his boys to championship)
c. Affection. The need for affection is the desire for others to care for us and a desire to care
for others.

Abraham Maslow identified five categories of practical needs.
1. Physical- food, water, air, rest and reproduction
2. Safety- protection of ones well- being
3. Social- inclusion or feeling to belongingness, desire for control, and affection
4. Self- esteem- the belief in ones self as a worthy and valuable individual
5. Self- actualization- the desire to become the best person or the desire to develop ones potential to
the maximum


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