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Guess Paper 2013
Class X
Subject Computer Application
This paper is divided into two sections Section A and Section B. Section A is
compulsory.Attempt all questions from it. Answer any FOUR questions from Section B.
The intended marks for each question is given in braces []
SC!"O# A $%0
Attempt ALL questions
)uestion 1*
a) Give the difference between call by value parameter and call by reference [2]
b) Mention the difference between static & non-static functions. [2]
c) What is an literal [2]
d) What is composite datatype [2]
e) !i)What are ob"ects #ow they are created in a class [2]
!ii)What are e$ception %ist some of the most common types of e$ception
that mi&ht occur in 'ava [2]
)uestion 2*
a) What is the result produced by 2 ( )*+, - )**.)) /how the steps. [2]
b) Write the output for0 [2]
i) Math.ceil!-)1.*)
ii) Math.floor!-)2.1)
c) Write an e$pression in 'ava for sin $ -2ab 34b [2]
c) 5ifferentiate between 678!9) and compliment !:) operator. [2]
d) 5ifferentiate between pure and impure function. [2]
e) 5ifferentiate between initiali;ation and dynamic initiali;ation [2]
)uestion 3*
a) <$plain temporary instance of a class. [2]
b) =dentify the output for the followin& code snippet with lo&ic0 [,]
for!int =>2?=@)1?=--)
c) Consier the followin&0 [,]
int [][]twod > A A-,DED*DFBDA,DGD-GDHBB?
Iind the value of 0
i) twod.len&th
ii) twod[)].len&th
iii) twod[*][,]
iv) Math.pow!twod[*][*]D twod[)][)])
d) Given /trin& a > JKJ D b > JaJ D c > LmalayalamJ? What is the output [2]
!i) /ystem.out.println !a.compareMo!b))?
/ystem.out.println !a.eNuals!b))?
!ii) /ystem.out.println !c.inde$7f!OaPD2))?
/ystem.out.println !c.inde$7f!OaPD,))?
)uestion %*
a) =f a > -,D b > -GD c>*D find the output for0 [E]
i) --a ( b-- - c-- - --b + !--c) +,
ii) c-- - b-- - a-> 2 - --c -a
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iii) Qredict the output for0 [2]
i) /ystem.out.println!Lei&ht > L - , - 1)?
ii) /ystem.out.println!Lsi$ > L - !2-E))?
b) What is the advanta&e of user defined pacSa&e [2]
c) Write the difference of 0 [2]
i) O-P and O--P ii) $-- and --$
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Answer any FOUR questions in this section. Each program should be written in
such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of the problem. This should be
achieved by using mnemonics and comments in the program. ive the variable
list used in the program.
Flowcharts and algorithms not required.
)uestion -*
Write a pro&ram to input a sentence from user and print every alternative characters !leavin& spaceD
vowel and numbers) of it !startin& from first character).
e.&? /ample =nput 0 5=/K8= QTU%=C /C#77%D #K%5=K ( 22
/ample output0 5/8%C/#%=-
!Vote0 all alternate characters are underlinedD output contains all of them e$cept spaceD vowel and
numbers). [)1]
)uestion ,.
5efine a class for <lectricity Uoard that initiali;es the data members usin& constructors. 5ata members0
monthD name of the consumerD consumer numberD previous meter readin&D present meter readin&
and net bill.
i) Calculate the number of units consumed in the month.
ii) Calculate the char&e based on the number of units consumed
No of units Charge
first )** units H* paisa per unit
ne$t )2* units 8s. ).E1 for every additional unit
otherwise 8s. 2.21 for every additional unit
iii) Calculate net bill - a meter rent of 8s. )** is char&ed from each consumer. K ta$ of )2W is
char&ed on the sum of the rent and the bill amount. Mhe total amount is calculated by addin&
ta$ to the sum of the amount and the rent. =f the consumer is worSin& in the boardD he will &et
a concession of ,.1 W on the total amount.
iv) 5isplay the details of the consumer.
)uestion /*
Write a pro&ram to &enerate first 2* terms of the Iibonocci series in an array and then print out those
which are prime . Tse a function that checSs
whether a number is prime number or not
output 2 1 etc
)uestion 0*
=nput a number from the user within ,* and print its roman eNuivalent. [)1]
e.&? /ample =nput 0 )2
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/ample output0 $ii
)uestion 1*
Write a pro&ram to input 2* numbers from the user at a row and display pair of numbers those are
consecutive. Mhe pro&ram must not use the concept of array.
e.&? /ample =nput 0 ,D 1D 2D FD )HD 1*D 1)D FFD X.
/ample output0 Consecutive numbers are (
1 Knd 2
2 Knd F
1* Knd 1) etc.
UDISHA COMPUTERS- C-1001,RAJAJIPURAM,LUCKNOW(ra!i"a#a$%&i'00()*a&++,-+,i.
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