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Canadian Immigration refused?

Do Not Panic & Talk to Immigration Lawyers

Canada always remain the first priority among the foreigners, because of its beauty and standard of
living. But it will be devastating for People to know their application to immigrate to Canada has been
refused. However there are various options available for you. You can get professional advice also.
Numerous immigration lawyer Edmonton experts provide professional solutions to your problems.
Immigration to Canada is being a dream of so many foreigners to achieve their personal goals and to
realie their ambitions. But refusal of their application can shatter their dreams. !any Edmonton
immigration lawyers offer customied solutions to every client.
ou Can !"aila#le "arious $ptions
"here is no need to panic as various options are available for you which are
You are eligible to make an appeal to #ederal Court of Canada about your application removal
within a specific period of time.
You can appeal to the Immigration $d%udication &ivision 'I$&( in a certain time period after
refusal of application.
In Case Processing Centre yo can re)uest for restoration after the application for immigration to
Canada has been refused.
C%oose for t%e &ig%t $ption
*ptions to appeal your case depends on various factors. You can re+apply or can solve it through
government channels. "here is need to get immediate evaluation of your case before your appealing
time gets eliminated.
Choosing right option firstly, depends on the nature of the case. ,hether it was for skilled
worker application or Canadian visa refusal or for Canadian -ponsorship $pplication.
-econdly it depends on whether Canadian immigration was filed and processed within Canada
or at Canadian consulate or embassy outside of Canada.
Possi#le &easons for our application &emo"al
,hen the application does not meet the various re)uirements and standards and criteria of
immigration regulations and !anuals. "hen your application can get refused.
In many cases Canadian immigration officers commit mistakes while making their decisions.
-ometimes the immigration officers act very strictly while making the interpretations of the
!any times they call the applicant for personal interview when they have doubt in applicant.s
application form.
!nswer of t%e 'ollowing (uestions &egarding application refusal
$re you eligible for making appeal against the refusal of your application/
How many days do you have to appeal after notifying the refusal of application/
Canadian immigration should you file your appeal. Is it I$& or #ederal Court of Canada.
,hat is the procedure of filing or processing the Immigration appeal.
#or how long the procedure will go on/
It is an essential step to act very )uickly after notifying the refusal of immigration application. In order
to secure your rights it is necessary to follow strict appeal deadlines. !ust take professional ad"ice
from immigration lawye r for )uick assess of your case.
)!rmstrong Immigration* provides e0perts who offer best legal solutions to the clients facing any
problem regarding immigration to Canada. *ur skilled lawyers offer customied solutions to every
Contact !rmstrong Immigration for immigration ser"ice+
!rmstrong Immigration
,-. /all 0 1234 556 7treet
Edmonton8 !.
T9: 6C;
P%on No+ <13=>42=2493
'ax+ <13=>46=;326

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