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Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483
Dynamic analysis of solid propellant grains subjected to
ignition pressurization loading
Shiang-Woei Chyuan*
Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, P.O.Box 90008-15-3 Lung-Tan, Tao-Yuan 325, Taiwan, ROC
Received 16 April 2002; accepted 20 November 2002
Traditionally, the transient analysis of solid propellant grains subjected to ignition pressurization loading
was not considered, and quasi-elasticstatic analysis was widely adopted for structural integrity because the
analytical task gets simplied. But it does not mean that the dynamic effect is not useful and could be
neglected arbitrarily, and this effect usually plays a very important role for some critical design. In order to
simulate the dynamic response for solid rocket motor, a transient nite element model, accompanied by
concepts of timetemperature shift principle, reduced integration and thermorheologically simple material
assumption, was used. For studying the dynamic response, diverse ignition pressurization loading cases
were used and investigated in the present paper. Results show that the dynamic effect is important for
structural integrity of solid propellant grains under ignition pressurization loading. Comparing the effective
stress of transient analysis and of quasi-elasticstatic analysis, one can see that there is an obvious
difference between them because of the dynamic effect. From the work of quasi-elasticstatic and transient
analyses, the dynamic analysis highlighted several areas of interest and a more accurate and reasonable
result could be obtained for the engineer.
r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Viscoelasticity is concerned with materials, which exhibit strain rate effects in response to
applied stresses. These effects are manifested by the phenomena of creep under constant stresses
and stress relaxation under constant strain. This time-dependent behavior may have a signicant
effect on the stress distribution developed in a rocket motor, such as solid propellant grains made
of viscoelastic materials subjected to prescribed loads. The stress or strain at a specic point in the
*Corresponding author. Fax: +886-347-13318.
E-mail address: (S.-W. Chyuan).
0022-460X/03/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
material may vary signicantly with time even though the applied forces are constant. In order to
be able to predict the change in stress and strain distribution with time, a viscoelastic stress
analysis method is needed and a powerful computational technique is indispensable. Recent
developments in numerical techniques and computer simulation methods have resulted in a very
prestigious progress in engineering analysis. With the increasing developments of digital computer
power, nite element method [1,2] is considered to be one of the most powerful CAE design tools
for engineers. Complex structural congurations can be modelled using nite elements and the
response at any desired point of the structure can easily be determined. In the recent part, the
nite element method has been evolving to be a widely accepted tool for the solution of pragmatic
engineering problems.
Solid rocket motor structural design currently is based on the concept of a mechanically weak
solid propellant grain cast into a stronger metallic or composite case. The outer case provides the
essential structural resistance against service and operational loads, and the inner propellant
grains low strength is used for transmission of loads from the grain surface to the outer case. In
general, solid rocket motors are subjected to diverse loading during shipment, storage and ring.
It is well known that under these loading conditions, cracks can develop in solid propellants
because of excessive loads. Therefore, in order to determine the integrity and the ultimate service
life of solid rocket motors, studies should be conducted to evaluate the signicance of the value
and distribution of stress and strain. In a missile system, the structural conguration of solid
rocket motor is one of the most complicated parts, and numerical techniques are necessary to
simulate the physical behavior and to evaluate the structural integrity of the different designs,
and, to minimize the cost of product development. During the last two decades, more and more
attention has been paid to the design, manufacturing, and evaluation of solid propellant grains in
order to meet service life and performance requirements [3]. Meanwhile, it is also recognized that
aging studies (for example: mechanical aging [4,5], chemical aging [6,7], etc.) are extremely
necessary to predict the service life of solid propellant grains and the thermal response under
thermal shock loads [8,9] plays an important role. Therefore, the reduction of thermal response is
one of the signicant considerations in the primary design of solid propellant grains and some
effective designs (for example: free ap design, P-groove design, stress reliever design, etc.) have
been adopted [10]. For the timetemperature-dependent behavior of linear viscoelastic and
incompressible polymer materials, concept of timetemperature shift principle, reduced
integration and thermorheologically simple material (TSM) assumption were widely used in the
linear visoelastic analysis [1113]. In addition, the method of non-linear visocoelastic analysis of
solid propellant grains was developed [14]. From the above statements concerning solid propellant
grains, one can see that it is a very difcult and laborious task to predict the physical response
during the design phase. Therefore, the use of computer simulation technique to analyze the
structural behavior of solid rocket motor in the preliminary design stage is very important and
necessary. Because the transient analysis of solid propellant grains subjected to ignition
pressurization loading was not considered for simplifying the analytical task in the previous
papers [314], the dynamic effect could not be simulated and modelled accurately. But it does not
mean that the dynamic effect is not important and could be negligible arbitrarily, and this effect
usually plays a very important role for some critical design. In order to study the dynamic
response, diverse ignition pressurization loading cases were used and investigated in the present
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 466
In engineering analysis, theoretical model was the rst choice for researchers and scientists
because of totally correct and unique solution. But in the pragmatic design problem, theoretical
model was scarcely utilized to predict physical response because of the very complex geometrical
design and loading transfer path. In addition, an analytical solution to a viscoelastic problem has
only been possible for certain simple congurations and for material properties, which are
represented by relatively simple viscoelastic models. For the more complex solid rocket motors,
numerical or approximate methods have to be used. Therefore powerful numerical method was
introduced to analyst to face the difculty. Among different numerical approaches, nite element
method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM), and, the increasing developments of digital
computer power have moved from being research tools for select groups to become powerful
design tools for engineers. For boundary element method [15], the easy data preparation due to
one dimension reduction makes it attractive for special practical use. For problems with
singularities (for example: seepage ow problems, crack, etc.), it is well known that BEM
accompanying dual integral formulation [16] became a very effective analytical model. However,
the main drawback of BEM is that it is not easy to apply in the eld of complicated design. In the
structural analysis of complex geometrical solid propellant grains, BEM is difcult to apply.
Therefore, FEM has become the most widely used numerical technique for analysis of missile
system because the extremely complex structural congurations (e.g., cylinder head structure [17])
can be modelled using nite elements and the response at any desired point of the structure can
easily be determined [18].
2. Finite element modelling
2.1. Fundamentals of nite elements and methods of eigenvalue extraction
Transient response analysis is the most general method for computing forced dynamic response.
The purpose of a transient response analysis is to compute the behavior of a structure subjected to
time-varying excitation. The transient excitation is explicitly dened in the time domain, and all
the forces applied to the structure are known at each instant in time. The four basic components
of a dynamic system are mass, energy dissipation (damper), resistance (spring), and applied load.
As the structure moves in response to an applied load, forces that are a functions of both the
applied load and the motion in the individual components are induced. The equilibrium equation
representing the dynamic motion of the system is known as the equation of motion. This
equation, which denes the equilibrium condition of the system at each point in time, is
represented in matrix form [1,2]
M @

C @ut=@t

K ut f g Pt f g ; 1
where {u (t)} is displacement vector, @ut=@t

is the velocity vector, @

is the
accelerator vector, {P(t)} is the external load vector, [M] is the mass matrix, [K] is the stiffness
matrix and [C] is the damping matrix. Depending on the structure and the nature of the loading,
two different numerical methods can be used for a transient response analysis: direct transient
response analysis and modal transient response analysis. The direct method performs a numerical
integration on the complete coupled equations of motion. The modal method utilizes the mode
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 467
shapes of the structure to reduce and uncouple the equations of motion (when modal or no
damping is used); the solution is then obtained through the summation of the individual modal
responses. The choice of the approach is problem dependent. Although the direct method may be
Fig. 3. The master curve of the allowable stress for the HTPB propellant (reference temperature: +251C).
Fig. 2. The time-shift factor for the HTPB propellant (reference temperature: +251C).
Fig. 1. The master curve of the relaxation modulus for the HTPB propellant (reference temperature: +251C).
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 468
the most efcient because it solves the equations without rst computing the modes for small
models with a few time steps, larger models may be solved more efciently in modal transient
response because the numerical solution is a solution of a smaller system of uncoupled equations.
Fig. 5. The nite element model of solid rocket motor.
Fig. 4. The master curve of the allowable strain for the HTPB propellant (reference temperature: +251C).
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 469
This result is certainly true if the natural frequencies and mode shape were computed during a
previous stage of the analysis. In this paper, the modal method was chosen to implement the
dynamic analysis work of solid propellant grains.
Fig. 6. Diagram of ignition pressurization loading case 1.
Fig. 7. Diagram of ignition pressurization loading case 2.
Fig. 8. Diagram of ignition pressurization loading case 3.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 470
For modal transient response analysis, a good method for eigenvalue extraction is
very important. Since there are a variety of real eigensolution methods, analyst must decide
which is best for application. Because the Lanczos method [2] overcomes the limitations
and combines the best features of the other approximate solution techniques (e.g., Inverse
power method), and this method supports sparse matrix methods that substantially increase
its speed and reduce disk requirements, the Lanczos method is the recommended choice
for medium to large models like the nite element model of solid propellant grains used in this
2.2. Constitutive model and material properties of solid propellant grains
All modern solid propellant grains utilize an elastomeric binder, which is lled with a quite high
level of solid particles. The application of a load causes different mechanisms to take place in the
binder, the ller or the interface between them such as the breakage of polymer chains, breakage
and reformation of weak bonds, deformation and geometrical rearrangement of ller particles,
interfacial debonding, also called dewetting, the formation of microvoids at or near the interface
STRESS - MAX PRIN MIN:-9.64E-01 MAX:-4.83E-01
Fig. 9. The maximum principal stress distribution of HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case
quasi-elasticstatic analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 471
of the particles and surrounding matrix. Under these inuences solid propellant grains exhibit
very complex behavior including features associated with time and rate effects, temperature and
superimposed pressure dependence, large deformations and large strains, stress softening during
cyclic loading, and transition from incompressible to compressible behavior. Therefore, the
attempt to represent all aspects of solid propellant grain behavior would result in a very
complicated constitutive model and would require a wide range of tests to characterize the
propellant grains. Thus, a number of previous investigations have been concerned with certain
features only. In the present paper, a proper constitutive model [19,20] of solid propellant grains
for engineering analysis is used.
Et t @et=@t

dt; 2
where s(t) is stress relaxation function, and E(t) is relaxation modulus. The dependence of the
viscoelastic properities on the temperature is introduced in a form of an assumption that the solid
propellant grain is a rheologically simple material. This assumption permits an introduction of the
STRESS - MIN PRIN MIN:-1.13E+00 MAX:-8.42E-01
Fig. 10. The minimum principal stress distribution of HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case
quasi-elasticstatic analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 472
reduced time x, which is dened as follows [21]:
; 3
where a
is the timetemperature shift function. One of the most common functions relating the
shift factor a
and temperature has been proposed by Williams et al. [21] as follows:
t=x k
= k
; 4
where k
and k
are material constants and T
is the reference temperature. This form is referred
to as the WLF equation. This equation has been used to describe the temperature effect on the
relaxation behavior of many polymers with fairly satisfactory results. The consequence of the
existence of the reduced time is that a viscoelastic property at some arbitrary temperature T can
now be related to the same function at a reference temperature T
ET; t ET
; x: 5
The effective propellant modulus, E
, to be used in the stress and strain analysis, shall be
obtained from the master relaxation modulus curve at a temperature-reduced time corresponding
to the time required to reach equilibrium, t*, divided by the shift factor, a
, for the surrounding
STRESS -VON MISES MIN: 3.10E-02 MAX:5.27E-01
Fig. 11. The effective stress distribution of HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading casequasi-elastic
static analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 473
temperature; that is,
Et =a
: 6
For the hydroxy terminated polybutadiene binder (HTPB) propellant used in this analysis, the
relaxation modulus versus the temperature-reduced time is shown by Fig. 1, and the time-shift
factor for the HTPB propellant is shown by Fig. 2. The curves in Figs. 1 and 2 are plotted
according to the experimental data in the environment under different temperatures. Propellant
failure properties shall be used on master curves of maximum nominal stress, s
, and strain at
maximum nominal stress, e
, versus temperature-reduced time, t/a
. The tests used to generate
these master curves shall be conducted in accordance with the JANNAF Tentative Standard
Uniaxial Test Procedure and at the same temperatures for which relaxation modulus tests were
conducted in Ref. [22]. The timetemperature shift factors, a
, obtained from the relaxation
modulus tests shall be utilized in constructing the master uniaxial faiure curves. The failure
criterion for the solid propellant grains depends on its allowable stress and allowable strain, and
the strength of the HTPB propellant used in the present paper is obtained from the master
allowable stress and allowable strain curve in Figs. 3 and 4.
Fig. 12. Diagram of maximum principal stress for HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case 1
transient analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 474
2.3. Finite element modelling of solid rocket motor and reduced integration
Because of the complexity of geometrical design and load path of solid rocket motor system, it
is not easy to model the complicated stiffness distribution of this structure just using a simple
analytical model. Therefore a 3-D solid model was chosen for this structure in order to predict the
stress and strain response in detail. The mesh density on some critical areas is much higher than
other sub-critical parts in order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom. Due to the symmetry
of the geometry and loading, a model of a ve-degree segment with axisymmetric boundary
conditions on the cut faces was utilized for simplicity without loss of accuracy. Some appropriate
nite element meshes (Fig. 5) with 1408 eight-node solid elements (CHEXA) and 2956 grid nodes
were built for the stress and strain analysis, respectively, to acquire their corresponding
convergent results. As the Poisson ratio n approaches to 0.5, a material becomes incompressible.
For convenience, it is tempting to approximate incompressibility by using n=0.49. But, near
n=0.5, stresses strongly dependent on n-stresses may double as n goes from 0.48 to 0.50. Also,
structural equations become ill-conditioned as n approaches 0.5 and numerical trouble becomes
more likely, the mesh locks nally (volumetric locking or shear locking). In the present paper,
reduced integration [1] was adopted to simulate the nearly incompressible property of the solid
propellant grains.
Fig. 13. Diagram of minimum principal stress for HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case 1
transient analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 475
3. Ignition pressure loading and simulation cases of solid rocket motor
Generally, ignition pressurization in a solid rocket motor induces a compressive hydrostatic
pressure through the grain, and there are two parts: abrupt fall and moderate decrease cases. The
real pressurization prole is dependent on diverse design of solid rocket motor. In this paper,
several simplied examples of ignition pressurization loading (see Figs. 68) were used for quasi-
elasticstatic and transient analysis.
4. Finite element analysis
4.1. Quasi-elastic-static analysis
Under diverse ignition pressurization loading cases (see Figs. 68), the effective propellant
modulus (E
)) could be obtained from Fig. 1, and the shift factor (Log
) could be
obtained from Fig. 2. Because the dynamic effect is not considered in quasi-elasticstatic analysis,
Fig. 14. Diagram of effective stress for HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case 1transient
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 476
the stress and strain responses are all the same under the above diverse ignition pressurization
loading cases shown by Figs. 68. From the quasi-elasticstatic nite element simulation, the
maximum principal stress (s
) of HTPB propellant is 0.483 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 9), the
minimum principal stress (s
) of HTPB propellant is 1.13 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 10), the effective
stress (s
) of propellant is 0.527 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 11) and the critical area is located at the inner
bore free surface of solid propellant grains.
4.2. Transient analysis
4.2.1. Ignition pressurization loading case 1
Under the ignition pressurization loading case 1 (see Fig. 6), the maximum principal stress of
HTPB propellant is 0.3328739 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 12), the minimum principal stress of HTPB
propellant is -1.089191 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 13), the effective stress of propellant is 0.2966045 kgf/
(see Fig. 14), and the critical area is also located at the inner bore free surface of solid
propellant grains. Comparing the effective stress of transient analysis (see Fig. 14) and quasi-
elasticstatic analysis (see Fig. 11), one can see that there is an obvious difference between them
Fig. 15. Diagram of maximum principal stress for HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case 2
transient analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 477
because of the dynamic effect. In addition, there is some oscillation when the ignition
pressurization loading fell abruptly and the effective stress responses obtained from the quasi-
elasticstatic analysis are higher than those from transient analysis simulation.
4.2.2. Ignition pressurization loading case 2
Under the ignition pressurization loading case 2 (see Fig. 7), the maximum principal stress of
HTPB propellant is 0.3329476 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 15), the minimum principal stress of HTPB
propellant is 1.092028 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 16), the effective stress of propellant is 0.2996516 kgf/
(see Fig. 17), and the critical area is also located at the inner bore free surface of solid
propellant grains. Comparing the effective stress of transient analysis (see Fig. 17) and quasi-
elasticstatic analysis (see Fig. 11), one can see that there is also a conspicuous disparity between
them because of dynamic effect.
4.2.3. Ignition pressurization loading case 3
Under the ignition pressurization loading case 3 (see Fig. 8), the maximum principal stress of
HTPB propellant is 0.3329776 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 18), the minimum principal stress of HTPB
Fig. 16. Diagram of minimum principal stress for HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case 2
transient analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 478
propellant is 1.091144 kgf/mm
(see Fig. 19), the effective stress of propellant is 0.2971872 kgf/
(see Fig. 20), and the critical area is also located at the inner bore free surface of solid
propellant grains. Comparing the effective stress of transient analysis (see Fig. 20) and quasi-
elasticstatic analysis (see Fig. 11), one can see that there is also an apparent discrepancy between
them because of the dynamic effect.
5. Results and Discussions
1. Results show that the dynamic effect is important for structural integrity of solid propellant
grains under ignition pressurization loading. Comparing the effective stress from transient
analysis and quasi-elasticstatic analysis, one can see that there is an obvious difference
between them because of the dynamic effect. From the work of quasi-elasticstatic and
transient analyses, the dynamic analysis highlighted several areas of interest and a more
accurate and reasonable result could be obtained for the engineer.
2. Numerical results presented in this article show that there is some oscillation when the ignition
pressurization loading fell abruptly. In addition, the effective stress responses obtained from
Fig. 17. Diagram of effective stress for HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case 2transient
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 479
the quasi-elasticstatic analysis are higher than those from transient analysis simulation.
Because tensile stress might produce surface cracks, production of grain defects could be
predicted by our dynamic analysis.
3. For solid propellant grains system, a more drastic assumption, which sometimes may be
convenient and sufciently accurate, is to treat the analysis as though the material was
incompressible. Since materials clearly are never completely incompressible, this incompressible
material assumption is articial and less accurate than linear compressibility. The behavior of a
material may be taken as that of an incompressible material if the effect of compressibility is
unimportant in the application considered. Whether or not the effect of compressibility is
negligible may be difcult to establish, however. It should not be expected that an
incompressible model will describe real material behavior as accurately as a compressible
model. In addition, Poissons ratio value plays a very import role in structural integrity of solid
rocket motor. Therefore, how to get an exact n value becomes a crucial task. Although material
test is the best method to get this, a good method [23] for calculating the viscoelastic Poissons
ratio is also useful for engineering analysis.
4. Because the conguration of solid rocket motor is too complex to predict the critical area and
failure mode in the design phase using a simple analytical model, the nite element simulation
becomes the best method to obtain the stress distribution under diverse loading cases. Without
Fig. 18. Diagram of maximum principal stress for HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case 3
transient analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 480
the numerical analysis, designers need much more time to get a feasible design type
accompanied by many experimental data. Therefore, the nite element analysis can reduce
project span time and save the total project cost.
6. Conclusions
An elaborate and extensive structural analysis of solid propellant grains considering the
dynamic effect under ignition pressure loading case was carried out using a commercial analysis
FEA software package [24,25] with a CAE pre-post processor [26]. A 3-D solid model was
adopted to obtain detailed analysis results. In order to simulate the dynamic response, a transient
nite element model accompanied by concepts of timetemperature shift principle, reduced
integration and thermorheologically simple material assumption was used. Results show that the
dynamic effect is important for structural integrity of solid propellant grains under ignition
pressurization loading. From the work of quasi-elasticstatic and transient analyses, the dynamic
analysis highlighted several areas of interest and a more accurate and reasonable result could be
obtained for the engineer. Recommendation resulting from this work has been forwarded to the
Fig. 19. Diagram of minimum principal stress for HTPB propellant under ignition pressurization loading case 3
transient analysis.
S.-W. Chyuan / Journal of Sound and Vibration 268 (2003) 465483 481
designer successfully, for incorporation of modications, and to other proper areas for design
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