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Tape It Up: Kinesio Taping Techniques for Oral Motor Issues

Treva Blackman, CCC-SLP& Edith McCollom, CCC-SLP

(See more at:

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Tape It Up: Kinesio Taping Techniques for Oral Motor Issues
Copyright Treva Blackman, SLP & Edith McCollom, SLP 2014 1
1ape lL up:
klneslo Laplng 1echnlques for
Cral MoLor lssues
March 29, 2014
1reva 8lackman and LdlLh McCollom

Part 1

WhaL ls klneslo Laplng?

klneslo Laplng meLhod ls a Lherapeuuc modallLy LhaL glves
supporL Lo Lhe muscle wlLhouL resLrlcung range of mouon or
blood ow. lL reduces overuse of Lhe muscles and enhances
clrculauon. lncreases muscle and sensory funcuon. 1he
elasuclLy of Lhe Lape ls slmllar Lo Lhe skln.

8and-Ald? Coban? ALhleuc Lape? Ace wrap? ScoLch Lape?

Pow does Lhls apply Lo speech Lherapy?
uld you ever wlsh you had Lhree hands durlng a
Lherapy sesslon?
1aplng can used ln place of manual sLreLchlng wlLh cllenLs who
are averslve Lo lnLra/exLra oral sLreLches unul Lhelr Lolerance

A Lhlrd hand durlng Lherapy Lo faclllLaLe a funcuonal posluon for
nurslng, feedlng, eaung, and speaklng. Pow? lor Lxample:
llp closure, oral resung posLure or [aw supporL.

Lmpowers Lhe cllenL wlLh Lhe success durlng funcuonal Lasks
whlch ln Lurn lncreases carry over and neuromuscular re-

rovldes sensory lnpuL, lncreases awareness and

Careglvers can be easlly Lralned. uocumenL reLurn
demonsLrauon. Pome Lxerclse rogram. pro

1hls does noL Lake Lhe place of skllled Lherapy, lL ls
anoLher modallLy Lo lnLegraLe lnLo your currenL
lnLervenuon reperLolre.

8ag of 1rlcks = Modallues

Cral moLor exerclses
nMLS- vlLal Sum, LS Lecuve Swallow
unS:--oops, now l have daLed myself

Addlng Loday: klneslo Laplng

Modallues" also requlre physlclans orders: 1herapeuuc
muscle Laplng Lo lncrease ( funcuon sLaLemenL).

Who founded Lhls new
(Lo speechles) modallLy?

ur. kenzo kase, u.C, !apanese ChlropracLor
1970's whlle ln Lhe pracuclng ln unlLed SLaLes, ur. kase
began researchlng and examlnlng new LreaLmenL
meLhods for Lhe body Lo heal lLself.
1980, ur. kase publlshed hls rsL book on klneslo
1993, began Lo be used ln sporLs and medlclne ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes.
WhaL do Lhe aLhleLes have Laped
on Lhelr body?

klneslo 1ape!

now physlcal and occupauonal LheraplsLs, sporLs medlclne,
aLhleuc Lralners, and physlclans all use klneslo Laplng as a
regular modallLy ln Lhelr Loolbox all around Lhe globe.

Lven Lhe cosmeuc/beauLy lndusLry has beaL us (Speechles) ln
uullzlng Lhls modallLy.
WhaL? !"

Muscle: sLreLch before applylng Lhe Lape

rlnclples depend on Lhe goal of Laplng.
1. SupporL
2. 8ehablllLauve
8eneLs of klneslo Laplng
AsslsL ln supporung muscles and Lo prevenL
muscle over-conLracuon.

1he sLreLch applled Lo Lhe muscle, creaLes space
under Lhe skln and creaLes Lhe deslred eecL on
Lhe muscles.

Manlpulauon of Lhe muscles aecLs change ln
deeper layers of fascla.

8eneLs of klneslo Laplng
SubcuLaneous blood ow lncreases lmprovlng

uecreases lnammauon and pressure on

See references
1ape Cuallues

Cuallues LhaL allow Lhe Lape Lo be worn 24 hours a day

1. Allows smooLh muscle range of mouon because Lhe
Lape has slmllar elasuclLy as Lhe skln and muscle.
2. 100 couon whlch allow lL Lo breaLhe wlLh your skln.
3. 1he Lhln deslgn ls llghL and comforLable
4. Mlld adheslve wlLh alr clrculaung waves LhaL ls heaL
acuvaLed, allows Lape Lo sLay on durlng exerclse and
showerlng (noL droollng).
SLreLch of Lhe Lape: 4 pleces of Lape

1ape wlLh paper backlng.
1ape peeled away and placed back down on backlng
ls approxlmaLely 10 less.
1ape placed aL maxlmum sLreLch
1ape ls applled wlLh approxlmaLely 13-20 of Lhe
sLreLch. (1hls ls used wlLh Crlgln Lo lnseruon sllghL sLreLch.)
rlnclples for Laplng:
know your goal.

Supporuve or 8ehablllLauve

SupporL Laplng for weak muscles. (laclllLaung)

8ehab Laplng for over used or conLracLed muscles.
SupporL / laclllLaLe
Apply Lape Lo muscle from
Origin lnseruon

SumulaLes underused, weak
1ape pulls Loward Lhe
Crlgln conLracung Lhe
8ehab / 8elax
Apply Lape Lo muscle from
lnseruon origin

8elax ughL, conLracLed, or
overused muscles
1ape pulls Loward Lhe
lnseruon relaxlng Lhe
muscle promoung
shorLenlng of Lhe muscle
.( '/%0% - (+1#+2$-#$% '" '/% $"3"0(4

1he physlcal producL ls baslcally Lhe same
beLween Lhe colored Lapes. 8elge ls Lhe mosL
popular color for edema Laplng. lnk, black and
blue are Lhe mosL popular colors for sporLs and
physloLherapy Laplng. 1he dlerenL colors ln
klneslo re-cuL packeLs are deslgned so you can
easlly ldenufy where each Lape sLrlp should be
,/% ('0%'$/ 05#( 3%#1'/6+(% "7 '/% '-&%
8"6 '" 9%-(50% '-&% #%%:%:;
Measure Lhe Lape before cumng on Lhe face
of Lhe person lL wlll be applled on Lhen
subLracL Lhe amounL needed for Lhe sLreLch.
1ape Appllcauons

See references
lacemenL 1
<$="# >%(+0%:
lncrease lablal proLruslon,
roundlng, and closure.
Crblcularls orls and
recrulLmenL of
surroundlng muscles

lacemenL 1
@3-$%9%#' >%($0+&="#
CuL 2-3 lnch narrow sLrlp Lo ouLllne
upper llp above Lhe vermllllon
1ear Lape backlng ln Lhe mlddle.
Anchor Lape aL cenLer whlle llps are
Apply wlLh paper o Lenslon.
ress from cenLer Lo llp corners-one
aL a ume
lacemenL 2
<$="# >%(+0%:
lncrease lablal proLruslon,
roundlng, and closure.
Crblcularls orls and
recrulLmenL of surroundlng

lacemenL 2
@3-$%9%#' >%($0+&="#
CuL 2-3 lnch narrow sLrlp Lo
ouLllne lower llp below Lhe
vermllllon border.
1ear Lape backlng ln Lhe mlddle.
Anchor Lape aL cenLer whlle llps
are exLended
Apply wlLh paper o Lenslon.
ress from cenLer Lo llp corners-
one aL a ume
lacemenL 3
<$="# >%(+0%:
lncrease lablal proLruslon,
roundlng, and closure. lncrease
sensory awareness, decreased oral
leakage, lmproved lablal funcuon
Crblcularls orls and recrulLmenL of
surroundlng muscles

lacemenL 3
@3-$%9%#' >%($0+&="#
AL llp corners, Lape should
Louch or sllghLly overlap
Lo supporL enure
orblcularls orls and
perhaps engage Lhe
lacemenL 4
<$="# >%(+0%:
uecrease droollng ( @->-09.!
09B.C-: See 8eferences)
Applled ln mornlng and removed
every nlghL for 4 weeks. osluve
resulLs for droollng managemenL.
SupporL and proprlocepuon of
Lhe mylohyold and dlgasLrlc belly
of Lhe suprahyolds.

lacemenL 4
@3-$%9%#' >%($0+&="#
Cn sub mandlbular
Lrlangle below Lhe
mandlble. lnslde [aw
llne on Longue base.
CuL sLrlp 1-1 1/2 lnch
long, Lhen cuL ln
Thank you
Cuesuons ?


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Tape It Up: Kinesio Taping Techniques for Oral Motor Issues
Copyright Treva Blackman, SLP & Edith McCollom, SLP 2014 2

Kinesiotape Cutting Configurations

X cut Y cut I cut

What do the different colors mean?

The physical product is basically the same between the colored tapes. Beige is the most popular color for edema taping. Pink, black and blue
are the most popular colors for sports and physiotherapy taping. The different colors in Kinesio Pre-cut packets are designed so you can easily
identify where each tape strip should be applied.

The stretch runs lengthwise of the tape

How to measure tape needed:

Measure the tape before cutting on the face of the person it will be applied on then subtract the amount needed for the stretch.
Tape It Up: Kinesio Taping Techniques for Oral Motor Issues
Copyright Treva Blackman, SLP & Edith McCollom, SLP 2014 3

Placements for Kinesiotape
Placement Action Desired Muscles Placement Description Placement

Increase labial protrusion
rounding, and closure.

Engage obicularis oris
Cut 2-3 inch narrow strip to outline upper lip.
Tear tape backing in the middle. Anchor tape at
center while lips are extended & apply with paper
off tension. Press from center to lip corners-one
at a time.


Increase labial protrusion
rounding, and closure.

Engage obicularis oris
Cut 2-3 inch narrow strip to outline lower lip.
Tear tape backing in the middle. Anchor tape at
center while lips are extended & apply with paper
off tension. Press from center to lip corners-one
at a time.


Increase labial protrusion
rounding, closure,
Possible recruiting of the

Engage obicularis oris and
possible recruitment of the
At lip corners, tape should touch or slightly
overlap to support entire orbicularis oris and
perhaps engage the buccinators.


Decrease drooling

Article: Esther de Ru.

Applied in morning & removed
every nite for 4 wks. Positive
results for drooling management.

Support and
proprioception of the
mylohyoid and digastric belly
of suprahyoids
On sub mandibular triangle. Inside jaw line on
tongue base.
Cut strip 1-1 inch long, then cut in half so
stretch is horizontal. Anchor in middle on sub
mandibular triangle. Paper off tension to both

Tape It Up: Kinesio Taping Techniques for Oral Motor Issues
Copyright Treva Blackman, SLP & Edith McCollom, SLP 2014 4

Print prior to Meeting:

References Oral Facing Taping for Feeding
and Speech. Results that Stick!
Kase K, Hashimoto T, and Okane T (1996). Kinesio Taping Perfect Manual. Albuquerque, New Mexico:
Universal Printing and publishing, Inc.
Kase K. (1994) Illustrated Kinesio Taping. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Universal Printing and publishing,
Kase, K, Wallis J, Kase T, (2003). Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio taping Method.
Kase, Advance Healing, Winter 2007, page 22 for products
Martin, P. (2003). 18th Annual Kinesio Taping International Symposium Review.Tokyo, Japan: Kinesio
Taping Association. A Look at Kinesio Taping | PediaStaff
Pediatric SLP, OT and PT Blog, OT4Kids
Esther de Ru-BPT PPT OMT(2003). Drooling-New treatment method to help reduce excessive drooling
Yasukawa, A. (2006). Pilot Study: Investigating the Effects of Kinesio Taping in an Acute Pediatric
Rehabilitation Setting. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 60, 1.

Tape It Up: Kinesio Taping Techniques for Oral Motor Issues
Copyright Treva Blackman, SLP & Edith McCollom, SLP 2014 5

Brands of Kinesiotape $15 a roll $13 a roll $18 a roll $15 a roll $8 a roll $11.23 for pediatric gentle - Monkey

?ou Lube: 1here are many vldeos on klnesloLaplng.

Tape It Up: Kinesio Taping Techniques for Oral Motor Issues
Copyright Treva Blackman, SLP & Edith McCollom, SLP 2014 6

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