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1) Pull-Up Bar (If you do not have a pull-up bar, you can purchase these for around, $20.00 at most major retailers).

2) Milk Carton - Filled with water.

3) Chair - Ensure it is stable with strong legs.

4) Jump-Rope - Land on your toes every single time.

5) Heavy book - One that you can hold above your head.

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Important notes before you begin your work-outs:
Perform each work-out properly, take your time, stay focused, use PROPER form, or you are
going to either strain something or see little to no progress.
Dark Red: Monday Wednesday, Friday.
Dark Blue: Tuesdays and Thursdays will be your Core (center|mid-section) work-outs.
* Stretch as much as necessary, until you feel loose & warm do so for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Post Workout: Be sure to get a protein shake in your system, not something that must be chewed. Protein
shakes are extremely important because your body can go into a catabolic state. Make sure this is taken within 20
minutes of your work-outs end. You do not have to buy bags or canisters; you can take 8-16 oz. of milk (preferably
chocolate). If you are lactose intolerant, grab various fruits and mix them with some good old-fashioned H2O.

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Workout Routines | Instructions and Directions
*There is to be NO REST, go immediately from one workout to the next.

Upper and Lower Body
Repeat this work-out once on the same day immediately after you finish the first cycle.
1) Pushups *Go to failure; do as much as you possibly can in the time allotted. - (1:00 Minute)
2) Body-Squats - (1:00 Minute)
3) Pull-ups - (1:00 minute)
4) Jump-rope (4:00 Minutes)
5) Push-ups (for the upper shoulders). (1:00 Minute)
6) Lunges - 1:00 Minute
7) Bicep curls *With a milk carton fill-all the way up with water. - (1:00 Minute)
8) Jump-rope - (3:00 minutes)
9) Dips - *Place palms behind you on a chair (stable object) and lower yourself. (1:00 Minute)

Abdominals | Core | Mid-Section
Repeat this work-out once on the same day immediately after you finish the first cycle.
10) Planks (1:00 Minute)
11) Sit-ups - (2:00 Minutes)
12) Crunches *switch these up based upon your given examples on page 7 - (2:00 Minutes)
13) Fingers to Toes - Grab a heavy book that you have; lay on your back, keep arms straight above your head on the ground (books in
hand), touch the book to your toes by raising both the book and your legs up simultaneously. (1 minute)
14) Bicycles - (1 minute)
15) Leg raises Palms flat on the ground, reach-out as if you are trying to reach past your kneecaps; lift legs straight up in the air. (1
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Push-Ups (Touch your chest to the ground each time).

Body Squats *Use either type of form (hands behind or hands out front with arms straight).

Pull-ups - *You can either face your palms outward or inward - each method ignites muscle growth, however keep in mind that
you'll be working different areas on the latissimus dorsi, shoulders, biceps, etc.

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Jump-Rope - (Land on your toes).

Upper-Chest | Push-Ups - (If you do not have a good chair, find some stairs to utilize).

Lunges - Keep chest up, eyes straight, make both of your knees halt at 90 degrees. Neither one of your knee caps should surpass
your toe line.

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Dips - Utilize a chair - (Again, as I mentioned with the upper-chest push-ups, if you do not have a chair, use the stairs).

Planks - *Get into the push-up position, keep your back straight, bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on them.
Make sure that your elbows are directly underneath your shoulders. Your body needs to be in a completely straight line from the bottom of your
feet to the top of your head.

Sit-Ups - (Make sure your elbows touch your kneecaps).

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Crunches - (Switch these up weekly).

Fingers to Toes - *Remember you are to be holding a book during this workout.

Bicycles - *Touch your opposite elbow to your opposite knee, side to side.

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Leg Raises - (Keep your legs straight, DON'T bend your knees).

*Note: Images provide by: Google Image Search- by simply typing in the workout name with the word," example" to follow afterwards.

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