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228of/. Caupenteu and Joi.vkr.
String hoards to staircases to receive the ceilings of stairs (calltd strings). 1-inch
deal, framed
or framed, rebated, and beaded, l^-inch deal, framed string board
or sunk and bealed. 1^-inch deal, framed string board, sunk, beaded, and
moulded; and mitred to risers. 1^-inch deal, wreathed outside, string glued
upright, rebated, and beaded; and sunk; and moulded. The string may be
glued up in thicknesses; and also plain or moulded circular cuttings or ramps.
1-inch (or l^-inch
inch; or 2-inch) deal, plain wall string; and these may
be moulded.
The principal staircase to have Ij-inch pitch pine (or other) treads, with rounded
nosing and hollow moulding under same, and inch risers, glued and blocked to fir
the ends of the steps to be housed into 1 J-inch wall strings, and 2-inch
outer string boards, sunk and staff beaded, and finished at the top with a boldly
moulded capping, framed at the bottom and corners into 6 inch square newels,
with moulded finials, bases, and pendents, as drawing. Boldly moulded oak
handrail, 4 inches wide and 6 inches deep, with ]|-inch square oak balusters, f-top
The landings to be formed by joists resting upon boldly moulded stopped beams, as
shown on sections.
Handrails to staircases.l|-inch (or
or 2 inch) deal, plain wreathed.
These maybe moulded; as deal moulded 2|-inch handrail
or 2i-inch handrail,
ramped (or circular where required) ; or 2s-inch handrail, wreathed and twisted.
Spanish (or Honduras) mahogany (or wainscot) moulded handrail. To be de-
scribed with all necessary ramps, circular and twist, or with scroll and twist to the
curtail step. Mention if grooved for balusters, circular, or sunk for iron cores,
mitred and turned caps.
Balusters and neweh.Deal square framed newels
or chamfered. Single and
double turnings to newels to be mentioned, as also pendent drops, when used.
Deal square bar balusters
or dovetailed. Turned balusters, according to drawing,
or selecttd from manufacturers' patterns. Planceer rounded on both edges; or
moulded. Fix all necessary iron balusters and stays.
Sash frames are of great variety'. Deal cased frame for l.^-inch sashes, oak (or
deal) sunk sill with brass (or other) pulleys for single hanging. Ditto, for double
hanging. Ditto, ditto, M'irh circular head. Ditto, circular on plan (and with
circular head). Deal cased frames for 2-inch sashes, oak (or deal) sunk sills with
brass pulleys for single hanging. Ditto, for double banging (and circular on head
and plan, or either). Deal cased frames for 2-inch sashes, oak (or deal) sunk sills
witli wainscot (or deal) pulley pieces and beads, brass axle pulleys prepared to
hang double
and if circular on head and plan (or cither). Dcil cased frames for
2-inch sashes, oak sunk sills, mahogany pulley pieces and beads with brass axle
pulleys, prepared to hang double. Ditto, for 2^-ineh sashes; and if circular on
head and plan (or either).
Venetian frames. Deal cased frames for 1^-incli sashes, oak sunk sills, prepared to
hang single (or double). And if circular on plan and head (or either). The
above serves for 2-inch and 27^-inch sashes
and if Mainscot or mahogany.
Casement frames for French casements.Fir solid wrought frames for l|-inch (or
2-inch) casements, oak sunk sills (plain or circular on the plan, as the case may
be). Ditto, with wainscot or mahcgany stiles and beads, to correspond with the
sashes. Ditto, for
inch sashes.
Fanlight frames over doors.

H-inch deal frames, square framed. Ditto, semi-

circular head. 2-inch deal, square framed. Ditto, semicircular head. If
elliptical, so describe them.
Sashes.lA-inch deal ovolo (witli circular head or circular on plan). 2- inch deal
ovolo (ditto). 2-inch deal astragal and hollow (ditto). 2H-inch deal astragal and
lioUow (ditto). These may be moulded according to drawing. The above may be
of wainscot, Honduras or Spanish mahogany
abo to be hung single or double,
with patent lines and iron {ov lead) weights, and sash-fastenings (patent to be
named) complete.
French casements.

2-inch deal ovolo casements. They may have marginal lights,

or be circular on plan, or both
or if with astragal and hollow. The same of
2-|-inch, with the same modifications. The above may be of wainscot, Honduras
or Spanish mahogany. The hanging is commonly with 4-inch iron, or brass, butt
the species of fastening at a price from five to twenty shillings. When
F^spagnolette fastenings are used, they must be particularly specified.
Shop-fronts vary so much that their thicknesses will only be noticed. They range
fr jm
2.^ inches ; the forms of their horizontal sections must be stated, or to
be executed according to the draM ings. IMetal bars are now largely used.

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