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26 January 2014


Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin (1869-1916) was a Russian peasant, mystic, private adviser to the
Romanovs and an influence on Czar Nicholas. Rasputin did not belong to a religious order or sect and
was considered a strannik (pilgrim) wandering from cloister to cloister. He was obsessed with religion,
possessing an impressive knowledge and ability to explain the Bible in an uncomplicated way. It was
widely believed Rasputin cured bodily ailments. Rasputin was regarded as a starets (elder) by followers,
who considered him a psychic and faith healer, his critics using the same description in an ironic manner.
Rasputin never considered himself such. He spoke an almost incomprehensible Siberian dialect and never
preached or spoke publicly. The Czar's wife considered Rasputin a "Man of God " and clairvoyant; his
enemies saw a debauched religious charlatan, a lecher. His influence on the Czar's wife involved him in
events leading to the Bolshevik Revolution ten months after his death; Rasputin was murdered at the end
of December 1916 by conspirators in the Imperial family.

Q: Mr. Rasputin, your name always made me think of Rumpelstiltskin.
R: No connection; thank you.

Q: Why "thank you"?
R: A well known and regarded story. Who would not like this?

Q: Why were you so well versed in the Bible?
R: I helped write it.

Q: Who were you?!?
R: Ha ha ha, that I will not discuss, but will say at a last supper I did eat.

Q: So what was your purpose of the life as Rasputin?
R: To introduce a few concepts and ideas from my time many, many centuries before. My efforts
were not successful.

Q: You refer to the revolution?
R: Of course.

Q: There is a lot of talk the Bible is full of enhancements and even fabrications. Is any of that true?
R: Yes, there are bits of "improvements" made but not so material, not anymore.

Q: So how much of that book did you write?
R: As a mathematical percentage of the words, little. I'd like to think many key bits. It was quite a
job, hint, hint.

Q: Ha, ha back at you. were killed to cut your influence upon the Czar's wife. Were you
able to influence policy as history attributes?
R: Not as might be thought; I explained what I saw to the Czars wife and she decided. I confess she
took into account a good bit of what I explained.

Q: Was she that influential over her husband Czar Nicholas and was he weak as they say?
R: Outwardly he seemed that way to some; in reality they had a more collaborative relationship and
function than many would expect and very few saw, as it would not be popular for Emperor Nicholas to
be seen consulting a female, above all his wife! He left her in charge of affairs, as he left to oversee the
war, with good reason and belief.

Q: You were seen as an influence.
R: Yes, and her decisions were seen as controlled by me, by enemies of her rule. Have politics ever
been different? Lenin was attempted killed, Kennedy was killed and many others lesser known, for
similar reasons.

Q: Given your view of humanity, how do we eliminate assassinations and attempts on significant
R: Make the world larger, make the nation states smaller, more local. This might reduce influence
and shrink the nut pool, but crazy people will there always be, as there always have been. When a formula
to eliminate craziness is offered, I will be doing it!

Q: Had you escaped an attempt on your life, would the Bolshevik Revolution, Red October, would it
have happened?
R: Yes.

Q: What message from the Bible would you like to convey to humanity now, something relevant to
R: There are other messages, other books, other writings considered equally sacred. These say the
same things so please emphasize similarities and set aside the obsession with differences. This serves only
the seller of books. Humanity can have as many spiritual groupings, as are called religions, as it chooses
but these need not all create differing philosophies just to coalesce a group.

Q: What message do you have for humanity?
R: Eat more cheese. No, I am kiddingI liked cheese. Eat more goodness in all you do; when faced
with a choice to eat what is good and what is not, go for the good. I understand this sounds simplistically
stupid. Really? Look around you, all of you, every day and observe how many do NOT.

Q: Mr. Rasputin, thank you.
R: My beard and I enjoyed ourselves.
Brett 27/01/2014 8:43am
Rasputin is awesome! Thank you Patrick. No wonder the royal family liked him.

Allen 27/01/2014 11:43am
That was both interesting and amusing. I appreciated the humor coming through. I wonder why the lack of disclosure
about any other past lives.

Oddly enough, my only familiarity with the name and individual is through a beer named after him - Old Rasputin
Russion Imperial Stout. It is a tasty one. :0)

Patrick 27/01/2014 12:19pm
True evidence of a significant, meaningful life is to have a beer named after you.

For what again was Billy Budweiser famous?

Allen 27/01/2014 7:01pm
In Rasputin's situation, it is a very good beer and appropriate in its style (Russian Imperial Stout).

Patrick 27/01/2014 9:03pm
My interpretation of Rasputin's reluctance to detail prior lifetimes is concern for reaction. A composer of the
Bible, reincarnated as a controversial historical figure in Russia? I suspect Rasputin understands the

Ahmed 27/01/2014 1:48pm
Interesting man and a good interview, thank you.

Jake 27/01/2014 4:49pm
I remember listening to the Rasputin song from BoneyM as a child ! Amazing interview, I wish it lasted longer - thank
you Patrick.

Allen 27/01/2014 7:22pm
I wonder what he meantt by 'eat more goodness... choose to eat what is good'? Some things are good, but not
necessarily good for you. Is he saying to enjoy what you think is good, or to choose what might be "best" (healthier)
for your body?

Patrick 27/01/2014 9:05pm
Symbolic; take in the positive. Not only food and beer, but in all things good.

Cristina 28/01/2014 7:46am
I liked the interview and I too wanted to last longer :)

Robert 28/01/2014 9:09am
Thanks for this! I was "Jonesin'" for some more interviews!
His advice to "Eat more cheese" made me smile! I still expect some profound, earth - shattering statement when this
question is asked; but, I guess we humans take life too seriously. Reminds me of what Groucho said: "There should
be a star named "Relax" in the constellation
"Ex - Lax"! Good stuff, Patrick! Please keep 'em comin'!!!

Garrett 29/01/2014 3:00pm
I think the hint hint right after the phrase 'it was quite a job' means he may have been responsible for the book of Job
(with a sharp (cheesy?) o). That was the book where the devil and God horse traded regarding a successful human
named Job that if the devil took away all his blessings he would curse God's name and cease to believe. It was also
very much a book for those who want to always know more and the downsides and ultimate impossibility of that,
because Job wanted to know everything and I believe an angel told him that it's impossible because we can't totally
fathom God.

Hope that helps somebody

Garrett 29/01/2014 3:13pm
Uhhh i should have said read the wiki on the book since the above summary doesn't do it justice and may be
a tad misleading.

Sarah 29/01/2014 5:27pm
Thank you, good post.

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