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16 June 2012 The Committee Speaks

Q = Question for the Committee

A = Answer

Q: Why does the Mayan Calendar end in 2012?
A: The Mayans didnt use a calendar; thats just a name its been given. It is better called a
timeline. It ends in the Christian year of 2012 because of coincidence. The Mayans recognized a
significant change was coming and this coincides with the number 2012.

Q: Is this change significant enough to end the timeline?
A: Yes, to begin a new one.

Q: Why is a new one necessary?
A: A new era is necessary and was planned for long ago. Humanity will start again; no longer
will a number line be used to measure days, using Christs birthday as breakpoint. A new focus
will be at hand; so a new number line can be matched to it. There will be revelations about
Christ, religion as developed and practiced in the wake of his lifetime on Earth and it will be all
seen in a new context. The habit of using the timeline as it has been worldwide will continue
however the significance and meanings will be different for calendars.

Q: There is much worry about bad things happening, fear of calamity. What can you tell us
about that?
A: Fear of death was always a part of humanity because you all chose not to see it, death as
the completion of the time riding in your physical bodies, as a joyous return home; you see the
events, emotions and build-up to a bodys death and it is easy to assume loss of the soul within.
In this lies a great lesson and for the souls on Earth it is; not the dearly departed, who are really
the dearly reunited.

Q: Other than deaths, what will happen to people?
A: Not much for safety, as rising awareness and understanding will reduce human acts
against one another that cause much harm, distress and injury. Deaths where they happen will
be returns; as entry into the higher dimensions commences and more of you expand your
understanding and awareness, death will not be seen as the tragic collapse of something, as is
often the case. Celebration upon completion, such as is done for a graduation, the practice in
Heaven as you return home, this will be seen on Earth also. The concepts of funerals and
cemeteries will change. A memorial park is a nice idea and does not requires gravesites; a wall
with names is much nicer. The placement of boxes with remains is not necessary.

Q: Some people will see this as sacrilege; as insulting to the memory of the deceased.
A: It might be the memory people hold, but the deceased see it differently and with great
humor and levity. The memory on Earth in the person who recalls the deceased is the
understanding that will expand. S/he who has left, will be seen as s/he who has risen and can be
right here and there with us and them, also.

Q: Why do we incarnate on Earth?
A: To learn what off Earth you cannot. How are your universities seen and thought of? As
great places to enrichment of understanding. You all live on the University of Earth. Your study
of many subjects, such as economics, are analogous and shall we say, intended to shed light upn
this aspect. The connections, links and association between such study and your existence is not
seen but will become better illuminated. In Heaven, as thoughts create reality and this reality
disappears as its purpose completes we have shown this through movies, one popular
television program and then series of movies that had a "holodeck" a place where a hologram
could be created to show this. The concept was channeled to movie makers to provide a look at
what is reality, however it is not limited to a small place aboard a vessel travelling in space. It is

Q: Have other things that supply a glimpse into our existence off Earth been given in
popular culture?
A: Yes, the examples are too numerous to mention. Flying cars, supermen, extraterrestrials
are all born from these ideas.

Q: How has humanity fared through this phase of its existence, this age of Pisces that ends
and cedes the stage to Aquarius?
A: We like the astrology, the names and groups of stars that form the constellations seen
from Earths surface. This two dimension appearance of Ursulu Major, Gemini, and Taurus and
Scorpio and all the others as represented by things you see, are a strong insight. As you know,
the celestial points, the stars, that form these shapes as you see them, are three dimensional
relative to positions relative (not redundant, re-read those words) yet accurately represent one
aspect of the many influences and interconnectedness of the universe. This age of Pisces is but
an Earth name and the phase that you all now complete will be reviewed for what was gained
and what remains to be learned.

We know specifics are of great interest to humanity; interpretation and consideration for what
can be discerned often frustrates as much as it informs and here we will be specific; precise in
the report on humanity.

Great knowledge of the physical aspects of your universe was gained however it was not used as
we would have hoped, in some cases. We mean nuclear energy, gunpowder, metallurgy of iron,
bronze and steel and other examples. This tendency has not gone away; attempts to introduce
technologies for benefit have been held close or attempted to be used as offensive weapons. This
great lesson for all of humanity will soon be understood. The use of communications has been
outstanding; the ability to spread knowledge has been expanded to great benefit of all
humankind. Violent conflict has been a disappointment yet was understood it was likely and
even necessary for the value of the lessons provided. This is not to say war was needed; not what
we are saying. We intend to say when war occurs, the events create experiences and lessons
most quickly provided in this way of war. The lessons understood in other ways and through
different experiences remain possible had no war taken place; the events happening in neither
the same combination nor manner as war includes them.

Sovereign nations and cooperation between these groupings have mostly served good purposes
but have also created a separation not always beneficial; you are not all so different from one
another as your colors of skin, clothes, landscapes, foods and habits seem to be. These are
costumes of permanent illusion. Most interesting is a trend over much of humanity to embrace
progress by discarding the previous level. Your human experience and society are no more
unique than in the real home of what you refer to as Heaven. All of what each of you do in your
successive lives builds the knowledge and experience; what was foolish, erroneous or brilliant
and positive contributes, all of it adds in and makes more complete your soul, and the inclusion
and acceptance of all this experience is what makes enlightenment of the soul valuable. The
tendency through much of the current time on Earth has been not to encompass but discard; the
prior iteration is remembered yet criticized, recalled yet denounced. The new idea about food,
medical treatment, education or transportation improves upon what is called an error, a
mistake, misunderstanding or a misstep when the evolution or development gains better
application or use, the characteristic now made more efficient, effective or safe is called better,
the previous now deemed a problem. Even such things as methods of execution fall into this
category; the gallows led to the guillotine which led to the firing squad to the electric chair which
led to chemical injection but never leads to a view that the entire process could be set aside as a
whole and could this execution, this intention ending of life not be done, ever? This is one small
example of where the coming age will improve what was less than ideal progress under this age;
the steps themselves and the process defined by the series of steps, will be examined, considered
and revised. The entirety of a process will be considered.

The series of experiences will be felt; shame, regret and disappointment will be embraced along
with success, achievement and attainment all together. Being fired from your job is much more
valuable than being promoted. Your career will embrace all these things; shame from the
richness of experience will not be shunned to favor only whats deemed successful by..whom?
Who defines your success but you? Have you survived several job losses yet you have moved
forward and moved up? You are much admired, you who trip and rise, more so than s/he who
avoids the strength and gift of recovery, who glides seemingly ever upwards and misses the
chance to learn what you have achieved through your battles and victories over adversity.

Q: That was interesting, Esteemed Committee, an interesting look at humanitys
A: A look that will be common and regular; confess to yourself and then be proud of your
recoveries, for these reconstructions of what you saw as a loss are gains in value of the meaning
of your soul that have no limit, so beneficial they are to you. You who will have survived this
time on Earth, any time on Earth, who will be and even as you work on your mission, are so
admired for meeting the challenge of this environment and making things better than any being
hoped or expected during the planning of this process.

Q: Will soda go away?
A: Yes, for the most part. Many people will not want it very much.

Q: What foods will we have?
A: Foods we have now; less packaging and reformulation and many less created things,
certainly. Much of whats consumed will look like its ingredients again.

Q: Can you give me an example?
A: We just discussed soft drinks, carbonated sweetened beverages, so that is an example. Tea
leaves come from a tree, are fermented in some cases, others not, and then crumbled and hot
water run through to extract the flavor. Its easy to see these ingredients. What do the bright
orange carbonated drinks ingredients look like? What is milk and how does it become butter?
Compare this to margarine; what do the ingredients of margarine resemble? In this way foods
will return to looking more like the things from which they are prepared.

Q: Whats going to happen to the economy?
A: Understand whats meant by economy; it means being able to earn money then use it to
get other things. This will not change; all humanity will still do this however the systems will be
so radically changed as to look like what is now considered automatic only in small, select ways.

Q: What will happen to debts and peoples livelihoods if they cant have money?
A: Money is but a voucher; given for service provided to be used to obtain a service.
Humanity has manipulated it and will require a revision to the focus of understanding of what it
means to have it or not have it.

Q: What will happen to savings?
A: This means what will happen to the purchasing abilty of what has been saved to provide
for future purchases? Quite a lot; in many cases the purchasing power will be lost because the
things contemplated will no longer be available; how much does it cost to buy Mars rocks? They
are not on Earth; there is no cost concept for them. Many things now produced will not be made
and will not be necessary. The loss of the manufacture of things not needed will cause perceived
loss of wealth however human focus will just shift to other things. Barter will rise in its place.

Q: The money supply has expanded enormously around the world; what will happen to it?
A: Money is just lubrication; the idea from central banks has been to expand liquidity to
prevent shortages of money from causing slowdown. This has happened; the same central banks
believe they can effectively extinguish currency when excess liquidity threatens inflation. This is
true also; in the USA there is huge borrowing and debt between different parts of the
government that can be eliminated with a keystroke without apparent effect on bank balances.
This technique has been used however whats not being considered in these moves is the change
to how Earth will operate; crude oil fuels for one will cause a series of things to change, none of
which can be remedied with electronic book entries.

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