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Processing Costs
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Processing Costs
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Overvie() Costing and the Payroll Process
Overview: Costing and the Payroll Process
'nce costin% in$ormation has been entere&( all that remains is to process payroll $or employees
an& to accumulate costs accor&in% to the results pro&uce&.
This sli&e summari)es the operation o$ 'racle *ayroll +ith the major acti,ities o$ pre- an&
post-payroll run processin%.
. ata /nput
- The typical payroll processin% mo&el inclu&es &ata entry o$ time capture( salary
mana%ement( an& a&justments usin% ata /nput.
. *ayroll Calculations
- 0 payroll process runs an& pro&uces the %ross-to-net results.
. *repayments an& isbursement
- The normal payroll cycle %oes throu%h prepayments an& &isbursement o$ pay. The
costin% process ta1es the results o$ payroll processin% an& costs them accor&in% to
the costin% co&es you ha,e entere&.
The costin% in$ormation is then a,ailable $or trans$er to 23.
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0n important point here is that the results o$ payroll processin% are trans$erre& to 23. /$ you &o
not ha,e 'racle *ayroll you must rely on your payroll system to calculate results an& trans$er
actual costs to 23.
Note: Stan&ar& an& 0&,ance& 4ene$its ha,e an a&&itional process $or costin% 4ene$its. Setup
an& a&ministration o$ this is co,ere& in &etail in the 4ene$its mo&ules. This mana%es the
calculation o$ employer costs associate& +ith bene$its.
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+ypical Costing ,ss-es.
Instructor Note
!se this sli&e as a prompt $or &iscussion( an& as1 the stu&ents to i&enti$y costin% issues +hich
they ha,e alrea&y encountere& or +oul& e"pect to encounter. 0lternati,ely( continue &irectly to
the ne"t sli&e +hich su%%ests some o$ the common issues.
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+ypical Costing ,ss-es
Instructor Note
!se this sli&e to outline typical costin% issues.
ypical Costing Issues
To complete your costin% processes accurately( you may nee& to &o each o$ the $ollo+in%5
. /ncorporate outstan&in% costs in those instances +here your accountin% perio& en&s
be$ore the current payroll perio& so that you ha,e a perio& o$ unprocesse& costs $rom the
pre,ious perio&.
. Chec1 that costs ha,e been allocate& correctly so that you can i&enti$y an& $i" any
&iscrepancies be$ore you run the Costin% process.
. !se suble&%ers so that you can obtain better au&it in$ormation on ho+ costs are
&istribute& +ithin your or%ani)ation.
. 6a1e late chan%es to reprocess any costs that ha,e been assi%ne& to the +ron% costin%
. !p&ate your journal entries automatically rather than relyin% on a manual up&ate.
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Costing /ol-tions
Instructor Note
!se this sli&e to outline the 'racle *ayroll solutions $or each o$ the issues mentione& on the
pre,ious sli&e.
Costing Solutions
'racle *ayroll o$$ers the $ollo+in% solutions to common costin% issues5
. 7un *artial *erio& 0ccruals
. *re,ie+ Cost 0llocations
. Trans$er to S30 8Suble&%er 0ccountin%9
. 7un the 7etroCostin% process
. 7un the Costin% o$ *ayments process
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Costing Processes in Oracle Payroll
Costing Processes in Oracle Payroll
Three processes are associate& +ith costin%.
. :irst( you nee& to run the Costin% process to accumulate the payroll results to the cost
co&es you ha,e entere& at the ,arious le,els. The process places the results into payroll
cost tables. /$ you are usin% 23( this in$ormation is a,ailable to you to trans$er to your
o+n 23 system.
Note: /$ you ha,e not installe& 'racle 23( you nee& to +rite your o+n process to e"tract
costin% in$ormation $rom the payroll cost tables an& post it to your o+n system.
. /$ your accountin% perio& closes be$ore the en& o$ your current payroll perio&( an& you
ha,e outstan&in% costs that ha,e accrue& since the en& o$ your last complete payroll
perio&( run the *artial *erio& 0ccrual Calculation process. The *artial *erio& 0ccrual
Calculation process estimates the costs to trans$er into the 2eneral 3e&%er.
. /$ you are usin% 'racle 23( there is a $urther process( +hich is the Trans$er to 23
process. This ma1es use o$ the 23 mappin% that +e &iscusse& earlier to i&enti$y +hich
journal entries ha,e to be ma&e $or in&i,i&ual se%ments.
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- 7un the Trans$er to 23 process to create the journal entries to the 23 inter$ace
tables( rea&y $or postin% to 23. There is a separate process $rom 23 to import those
- The cost in$ormation sent to 23 inclu&es the / o$ the payroll action. You can use
this to ;uery the payroll cost tables to e"amine the actual costs associate& +ith the
journal entries. This in$ormation enables you to ensure that you are capturin% costs
'nline help topics5
7un the Costin% process
7un the *artial *erio& 0ccrual Calculation process
7un the Trans$er to 23 process
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0ie( Costing $es-lts
!iew Costing Results
'nce you ha,e complete& the costin% processin%( you can run the Cost 4rea1&o+n report to
see the &istribution o$ payroll calculation results( to%ether +ith the correspon&in% 2eneral
3e&%er an& labor cost &etails. You can run t+o ,ersions o$ this report5
. The Cost 4rea1&o+n 7eport $or Costin% 7un( +hich sho+s summari)e& costin% totals $or
a speci$ie& costin% process.
. The Cost 4rea1&o+n 7eport $or ate 7an%e( +hich sho+s summari)e& costin% totals $or
a particular consoli&ation set( payroll set( or payroll o,er a speci$ie& inter,al.
See 7un the Cost 4rea1&o+n 7eport in the online help.
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Partial Period Accr-als
Instructor Note
<e ha,e alrea&y re$erre& to the *artial *erio&s 0ccrual process in the Costin% *rocesses in
'racle *ayroll sli&e. /t +as recommen&e& as a prere;uisite $or the Trans$er to 23 process to
ensure that all outstan&in% costs ha& been capture&. /n this sli&e( +e supply a little more &etail
about the se;uence $or applyin% partial perio& accruals.
Partial Period "ccruals
/$ your accountin% perio& closes be$ore the en& o$ your current payroll perio&( you can ma1e an
estimate o$ your outstan&in% costs $or the payroll perio& an& then correct it +hen your actual
costs become a,ailable. The se;uence is as $ollo+s5
=. 'n the last &ay o$ the accountin% perio&( run the *artial *erio& 0ccruals process( an& the
Trans$er to 23 process. 0t this sta%e( you are usin% the *artial *erio&s 0ccrual process to
estimate +hat your costs are li1ely to be $or the rest o$ the payroll perio&. You trans$er
these costs to 2eneral 3e&%er.
>. 7un the Trans$er to 2eneral 3e&%er process a%ain at the en& o$ the payroll perio& to
ne%ate your estimate& costs an& replace them +ith your actual costs $or the perio&.
See 7unnin% the *artial *erio& 0ccrual Calculation *rocess in the online help.
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Previe(ing Cost Allocations
Previewing Cost "llocations
<hen you are ma1in% a series o$ cost allocations( either &urin% implementation or +hen
enterin% ne+ assi%nments( you can pre,ie+ the cost allocations. !se the *re,ie+ Cost
0llocation pa%e to assess the o,erall e$$ect o$ your chan%es be$ore you run the Costin% process.
The pre,ie+ enables you to5
. See ho+ separate costin% entries at &i$$erent le,els combine to %i,e a consoli&ate&
costin% allocation.
. See a %raphical &isplay o$ the costin% allocations $or each Cost 0llocation ?ey :le"$iel&
. Ensure your cost combinations are ,ali&( accor&in% to the ,ali&ation rules you ha,e
&e$ine&. The ,ali&ation chec1 co,ers all sin%le se%ment an& cross se%ment ,ali&ation.
. Correct potential errors at an early sta%e. This +ill help you complete the Costin% process
;uic1ly an& e$$iciently +hen you &o run it.
7e$er to Guided Demonstration Previewing Cost Allocations [LAB3095Y]
7e$er to Practice Allocating Costs [LAB355Y]
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/-&ledger Acco-nting) +er1inology
Instructor Note
irect the stu&ents to the %eneral principle that the term le&%er no+ replaces the term set o$
boo1s. Then ampli$y the &etails. Emphasise that the S30 $unctionality is a,ailable in 7=> only
an& is not a,ailable in 7elease ==i
Subledger "ccounting: erminology
. Suble&%er 0ccountin% 8S309 replaces these ol&er terms +ith their S30 e;ui,alents5
. Set o$ boo1s( or S'4 is no+ le&%er.
. :unctional currency( base currency( set o$ boo1s currency is no+ le&%er currency.
. Secon&ary set o$ boo1s is no+ secon&ary le&%er.
. 7eportin% boo1( 67C boo1( reportin% set o$ boo1s is no+ reportin% currency.
. 7eportin% currency( 67C currency is also no+ reportin% currency.
Note that the S30 $unctionality is a,ailable in 7elease => only( an& that neither this
terminolo%y nor the S30 set o$ $eatures is a,ailable in @76S 7elease ==i.
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/-&ledger Acco-nting
Subledger "ccounting
To trans$er costs to Suble&%er accounts( you run the Trans$er to S30 process rather than the
Trans$er to 23 process.
:or $urther &etails( see Suble&%er 0ccountin% 8S309 in the online help
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+he $etroCosting Process
Instructor Note
This process is important in *ublic Sector an& 2o,ernment or%ani)ations. /t is a ,ery po+er$ul
capability. *oint the stu&ents to the in$ormation in the @elp topic.
"dditional Costing Processes
!se 7etroCostin% to up&ate costin% in$ormation $ollo+in% corrections or late chan%es to costin%
co&esA or to pro,i&e replacement costin% recor&s +hen the Costin% process &i& not run to
. iscrepancies can occur i$ you chan%e the &e$inition o$ the Cost 0llocation ?ey :le"$iel&
se%ments at any le,el( or i$ you chan%e the ,alues o$ coste& lin1s( or chan%e& a costin%
type $rom Coste& to Not Coste& or ,ice ,ersa.
. The 7etroCostin% process uses current costin% in$ormation to recalculate all costin%
recor&s( an& i&enti$y &iscrepancies +ith the costin% recor&s in the payroll cost tables. The
7etroCostin% process then posts t+o entries to the payroll cost tables B one $or the
re,ersal( an& one $or the ne+ item.
. 'nce you ha,e applie& the 7etroCostin% process( simply trans$er costs to 23 as you
+oul& $or non-retroacti,e costs.
See 7etroCostin%( an& 7un the 7etroCostin% process in the online help.
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Costing o! Pay1ents) Overvie(
Costing #our Payments
The Costin% o$ *ayments process enables you to complete reconciliation journal entries
automatically $or your payments. 4y &e$ault( the process costs both cleare& an& un-cleare&
payments. You can o,erri&e the &e$ault an& speci$y that you +ant to clear either un-cleare&
payments only( or cleare& payments only.
See 7unnin% the Costin% o$ *ayments process in the online help.
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Costing o! Pay1ents) +(o Approaches
Costing #our Payments: wo "pproaches
You can o,erri&e the &e$aults on the Costin% o$ *ayments process to enable you to choose
+hich o$ these approaches to ta1e to the costin% o$ payments.
See 7unnin% the Costin% o$ *ayments process in the online help.
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Costing o! Pay1ents) 0ie(ing $es-lts
Costing #our Payments: !iewing Results
<hen you ha,e run the Costin% o$ *ayments process you can ,ie+ the results $rom either the
*ayroll *rocess 7esults +in&o+( or the 0ssi%nment *rocess 7esults +in&o+. The results then
&isplay as $ollo+s5
. The Costin% 4rea1&o+n +in&o+ sho+s the o,erall number o$ coste& payments $or a
payroll( an& +hether their status is complete or pen&in%.
. The Costin% +in&o+ sho+s the in&i,i&ual coste& ,alues $or a payment metho&.
See 7unnin% the Costin% o$ *ayments process in the online help.
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