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Integration of IBM Forms with

IBM Case Manager

Overview & Demonstration
2011 IBM Corporation

IBM Forms Integrated with IBM Case Manager
Delivers an intelligent form experience that enhances and simplifies
the deliver of case!"ased sol#tions$
IBM Case
Offers advanced data capt#re capa"ilities within cases$$$

%ich #ser experience inside&o#tside the firewall

Intelligent data entr in step & case pages

C#stomi'a"le widget!"ased interface

(ccessi"ilit and glo"alisation compliance

)eamless management of case properties

)ec#rit rich form filling experience

Brings validated and secure information to the case.
Provides a flexible and intelligent UX for displaying
and updating case properties.
* Provides line-of business with a comprehensive set of
data capture tools to rapidly deliver case-based
* Empowers caseworers to extract more insight from
case properties! enabling them to mae better and
faster decisions on cases.
* "hortens development time with out-of-the box
solutions and seamless form integration.
2011 IBM Corporation

IBM Forms Value
Comprehensive range of signing methods
availa"le to protect transactions$
+m"edded constraints and c#stomi'ed
"#siness r#les eliminate data capt#re errors$
%ich ,- and r#les driven interaction
increases case management prod#ctivit$
.e"!"ased architect#re ma/es enterprise
integration & service extensions eas$
Ongoing O) & Browsers
s#pport /eeps o# competitive$
M#ltiling#al s#pport
extends sol#tion reach$
IBM Forms !est"in"class features
0rovides "est!in!class feat#res for case management sol#tions that
improve how doc#ments are capt#red and case data is collected$
Business challenges managing
case content
#echnical challenges lin$ing
to case data
Source% Forester&s Enterprise Content Management 'nline Sur(ey
2011 IBM Corporation

Integrating IBM Forms
%elease 1$0$0$2 of IBM 2orms expands s#pport "eond 2ile3et
B0M&CM to now incl#de IBM Case Manager 4$1$
IBM Forms Ser(er delivers e!forms to we" "rowsers and provides
a platform to integrate e!forms into case management applications$
)PI is a collection of speciali'ed f#nctions that wor/ with e!forms$
*e!form Ser(er processes -M6!"ased e!forms and
generates 78M6&9)$
ICM Integrator extends .e"form )erver capa"ilities to
interact directl with IBM Case Manager$
P+ Integrator extends .e"form )erver capa"ilities to interact
directl with 2ile3et B0M&CM$
IBM Forms Designer provides a complete .:)I.:; design
environment for creating e!forms$
IBM Forms Viewer is a rich client that allows #sers to interact with
e!forms online and offline$
) comprehensi(e set
of e"form capa!ilities
can !e integrated with
Case Manager ,,,
2011 IBM Corporation

IBM Forms Ser(er Integration
)eamlessl extends and a#tomates the management of case properties
within IBM Case Manager <ICM=$
* 2orms hosted within i.idgets> providing live interactions
with ICM transactions and events witho#t writing code$
* 2orms easil config#red to r#n within Case 2orm .idget
or modal dialogs?
5 On a step page as an attachment to a tas/$
5 On a case page instead of a case data widget$
5 On an page within a modal dialog <read onl=$
* 2orm fields are a#tomaticall mapped to case properties
at r#ntime> incl#ding?
5 )ing#lar and arra val#es
5 Choice lists
Metadata logic <tpe> re@#ired> max length etc=
* Completed forms are seamlessl saved within Content
+ngine> this incl#des data> attachments and signat#res$
Case 2orm
IBM Form
Case Manager .() 0rofile
File-et P+
)E . CE . PE
File-et P+
)E . CE . PE
*e! Browser
ICM Ser(er
IBM Forms
Ser(er " )PI
IBM Forms

Case Mgr Client

Case Mgr B#ilder

B#s$ )pace

.or/place -8
2011 IBM Corporation

Form /endering 'ptions
IBM 2orms extends "#siness reach " operating seamlessl in
front or "ehind the firewall$
IBM 2orms can "e rendered as 78M6 on an .e"
page or within the IBM 2orms Aiewer$
* IBM 2orms can "e rendered in the Case 2orm .idget
within ICM$
5 2orm can "e viewed and edited
Capt#red data persists
IBM 2orms can "e rendered in the %eview Dialog
within ICM$
)pecial read onl preview
* IBM 2orms can "e carried as a tas/ attachment within
2orm moves across wor/flow steps
5 Case 2orm .idget loo/s for the attachment and opens
the form a#tomaticall
5 2orm template and capt#red data persists
ICM )ol#tion
ICM Ser(er
File-et P+
)E . CE . PE
File-et P+
)E . CE . PE
*e! 0 Case Management Ser(ers
IBM Forms
.e" (pplication
IBM Form
*e! Ser(er

Case Case .() 0rofile

2orms )erver (0I

+nterprise )ervices

2orms )erver (0I

IBM Form
2011 IBM Corporation

Case Forms *idget
(n extensive range of feat#res are availa"le when IBM 2orms r#ns
within Case 2orms .idget$
* Aiew intelligent> high!fidelit forms
0recision lao#t
5 Interactional & validation r#les
5 78M6 dialogs & images
* C#stomi'ed data capt#re
5 2ields> ta"les> dropdowns> radio "#ttons> etc$
5 2ile attachments
5 M#ltiple signing methods
* Interact with case properties
5 Aiew properties
5 +dit properties
,pdate change lists
* Interact with other case widgets #sing events
* Interact with external services within the form
* Interact with the form #sing 9ava)cript
2011 IBM Corporation

Illustration% IBM Forms rendered within ICM
(#tomatic or man#al
tas/ generation
Case properties can "e
inBected into form template
Item validation r#les
applied to case properties
+vent closes form &
capt#res data
2orm saved & retrieved
)elected form displaed in modal dialog
2orm template displaed in
case form widget
Dnamic & g#ided
#ser experience
2011 IBM Corporation

Simple Form Integration
It is eas to create new forms> modif existing forms> and seamlessl
integrate them within a case management sol#tion$
* Drag & drop a#thoring tools ma/e it eas to
create smart loo/ing forms$
* 2orm design wi'ards wal/ o# thro#gh the
process of wiring we" services with forms$
* .ith B#st a few clic/s IBM 2orms can "e
deploed within IBM Case Manager$
Config#ration tools simplif the Bo" of mapping
form data with case properties$
* .idget management tools ma/e it eas to #se
and save form doc#ments within a case$
* .e"!"ased tools ma/e wiring #p of widgets in
sol#tion pages eas$
IBM Form template
IBM Case Manager
2011 IBM Corporation

1ow the products wor$ together ,,,,
Creating 0 Deploying IBM Forms
* Intelligent> smart loo/ing form templates are
created #sing the IBM 2orms Designer$
* 2orm data elements are assigned a case
propert name <p#"lic=$ 8he p#"lic data name of
a template field in the form m#st match the name
of the associated case propert$
2orm templates are saved as -2DD files$
* 2orm templates are deploed to 2ile3et Content
Manger <CM= #sing .or/place -8 or other "ac/!
end tools$
* IBM 2orms can reside within a target or design
o"Bect store$
2011 IBM Corporation

1ow the products wor$ together ,,,,
Integrating IBM Forms into a Solution
* ( case management sol#tion is created and
deploed #sing IBM Case Manger B#ilder$
* 2orm can "e part of a case$
5 Case 2orm .idget settings are
config#red to open the desired form #sing
the IBM Case Manager Client$
* 2orm can "e part of a step within a wor/flow$
5 2orms are registered with attachments
#sing IBM Case Manager Client or "
following a ro#nd trip process that
involves the 2ile3et 0rocess Designer$
2011 IBM Corporation

Simple Product Install
IBM Case Manager is installed first then IBM 2orms )erver is installed$
* IBM 2orms is installed separatel$
IBM 2orms installer places integration code
and (0I files into Case Manager directories$
* IBM 2orms config#ration tas/s are f#ll
integrated into the Case Manager
(dministration Client <CM(C=$
* IBM 2orms )erver can "e installed in IBM
.() or portal environments$
2011 IBM Corporation

IBM Forms Capa!ilities Summary
.ith IBM Case Manager 4$1> IBM 2orms provides f#nctional parit
for all #se cases s#pported " 0C e2orms pl#s more$

* IBM 2orms provide "est!in!class data capt#re and rendering capa"ilities> which incl#des?
5 M#lti!step wi'ards
5 2orm parts
5 Dnamic choice lists
+m"edded 78M6
5 ;lo"ali'ed formats> and adapta"le ,I "ased "ased on "rowser lang#age setting
5 2#ll accessi"le
Mo"ile ta"let s#pport on (ndroid and i0ad devices
* IBM 2orms contain vis#ali'ation and validation controls that can "e "#ilt into a form or
called externall$
* IBM 2orms maps data "ased on case propert name and allows data to persist$
* IBM 2orms reside within o"Bect stores as persistent doc#ments$
IBM 2orms can "e viewed and edited in the Case 2orm .idget$
* IBM 2orms can "e added to tas/ attachments$
2011 IBM Corporation

*rap 2p
IBM 2orms 1$0$0$2 integration with IBM Case Manager 4$1 provides
the a"ilit to @#ic/l and acc#ratel enter data into case files$
IBM Forms%
Can r#n inside or o#tside the firewall> capt#ring
data at the so#rce and instantl la#nch cases$
Can replace the standard case data view>
providing a smarter and richer #ser interface for
data entr$
Can appear as a tas/ step attachment
c#stomi'ing data entr$
Can persist the form as a doc#ment within a
case sol#tion$
Can appl "#siness r#les and deliver a sec#rit
rich form filling experience$
Can dnamicall interact with ICM transactions
and events " #sing o#t!of!the!"ox

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