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ACM Word Template for SIG Site

1st Author
1st author's afliation
1st line of address
2nd line of address
Telephone number, incl. country code
1st author's E-mail address
2nd Author
2nd author's afliation
1st line of address
2nd line of address
Telephone number, incl. country code
2nd E-mail
3rd Author
3rd author's afliation
1st line of address
2nd line of address
Telephone number, incl. country code
3rd E-mail
In this paper, we describe the formatting guidelines for ACM SIG
Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.3.3 Programming Languages!" #anguage Constructs and
$eatures % abstract data types, polymorphism, control
structures. &his is 'ust an e(ample, please use the correct
categor) and sub'ect descriptors for )our submission. The ACM
Computing Classification Scheme:
General Terms
*our general terms must be an) of the following +, designated
terms" Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Documentation,
Performance, Design, -conomics, .eliabilit), -(perimentation,
Securit), /uman $actors, Standardi0ation, #anguages, &heor),
#egal Aspects, 1erification.
2e)words are )our own designated 3e)words.
! "#TR$D%CT"$#
&he proceedings are the records of the conference. ACM hopes to
gi4e these conference b)5products a single, high56ualit)
appearance. &o do this, we as3 that authors follow some simple
guidelines. In essence, we as3 )ou to ma3e )our paper loo3
e(actl) li3e this document. &he easiest wa) to do this is simpl) to
down5load a template from 7!, and replace the content with )our
own material.
&! PAG' S"('
All material on each page should fit within a rectangle of +8 9
73.: cm ;<= 9 >.7:=?, centered on the page, beginning +.> cm
;@.<:=? from the top of the page and ending with 7.:A cm ;+=?
from the bottom. &he right and left margins should be +.> cm
&he te(t should be in two 8.A: cm ;3.33=? columns with a .83 cm
;.33=? gutter.
)! T*P'S'T T'+T
)! #ormal or Body Te,t
Conference10, Month +%7, 7@+@, Cit), State, Countr).
Cop)right 7@+@ ACM +5:8++35@@@5@B@@B@@+@ %C+:.@@.
Please use a >5point &imes .oman font, or other .oman font with
serifs, as close as possible in appearance to &imes .oman in
which these guidelines ha4e been set. &he goal is to ha4e a >5
point te(t, as )ou see here. Please use sans5serif or non5
proportional fonts onl) for special purposes, such as
distinguishing source code te(t. If &imes .oman is not a4ailable,
tr) the font named Computer Modern .oman. Dn a Macintosh,
use the font named &imes. .ight margins should be 'ustified, not
-! ."G%R'S/CAPT"$#S
Place &ablesB$iguresBImages in te(t as close to the reference as
possible ;see $igure +?. It ma) e(tend across both columns to a
ma(imum width of +<.<8 cm ;<%?.
Captions should be &imes Eew .oman >5point bold. &he)
should be numbered ;e.g., %&able +% or %$igure 7%?, please
note that the word for &able and $igure are spelled out. $igure%s
captions should be centered beneath the image or picture, and
&able captions should be centered abo4e the table bod).
0! S'CT"$#S
&he heading of a section should be in &imes Eew .oman +75
point bold in all5capitals flush left with an additional ,5points of
white space abo4e the section head. Sections and subse6uent
sub5 sections should be numbered and flush left. $or a section
head and a subsection head together ;such as Section 3 and
subsection 3.+?, use no additional space abo4e the subsection
0! Subsections
&he heading of subsections should be in &imes Eew .oman +75
point bold with onl) the initial letters capitali0ed. ;Eote" $or
subsections and subsubsections, a word li3e the or a is not
capitali0ed unless it is the first word of the header.?
5.1.1 Subsubsections
&he heading for subsubsections should be in &imes Eew .oman
++5point italic with initial letters capitali0ed and ,5points of
white space abo4e the subsubsection head. Subsubsections
&he heading for subsubsections should be in &imes Eew .oman
++5point italic with initial letters capitali0ed. Subsubsections
&he heading for subsubsections should be in &imes Eew .oman
++5point italic with initial letters capitali0ed.
1! ACK#$2L'DG3'#TS
Dur than3s to ACM SIGC/I for allowing us to modif) templates
the) had de4eloped.
4! R'.'R'#C'S
+! Fowman, M., Debra), S. 2., and Peterson, #. #. +>>3.
.easoning about naming s)stems. ACM Trans. Program.
Lang. yst. +:, : ;Eo4. +>>3?, <>:587:. DDIG
7! Ding, H. and Marchionini, G. +>><. A tudy on !ideo
"ro#sing trategies. &echnical .eport. Ini4ersit) of
Mar)land at College Par3.
3! $rJhlich, F. and Plate, K. 7@@@. &he cubic mouse" a new
de4ice for three5dimensional input. In Proceedings of the
$%C&$ Conference on &uman 'actors in Computing
ystems ;&he /ague, &he Eetherlands, April @+ 5 @,, 7@@@?.
C/I L@@. ACM, Eew *or3, E*, :7,5:3+. DDIG
A! &a4el, P. 7@@<. Modeling and imulation (esign. A2 Peters
#td., Eatic3, MA.
:! Sannella, M. K. +>>A. Constraint atisfaction and
(ebugging for $nteracti)e *ser $nterfaces. Doctoral &hesis.
IMI Drder Eumber" IMI Drder Eo. GAM>:5@>3>8.,
Ini4ersit) of Hashington.
,! $orman, G. 7@@3. An e(tensi4e empirical stud) of feature
selection metrics for te(t classification. +. Mach. Learn.
,es. 3 ;Mar. 7@@3?, +78>5+3@:.
<! Frown, #. D., /ua, /., and Gao, C. 7@@3. A widget
framewor3 for augmented interaction in SCAP-. In
Proceedings of the 1-th Annual ACM ymposium on *ser
$nterface oft#are and Technology ;1ancou4er, Canada,
Eo4ember @7 5 @:, 7@@3?. IIS& L@3. ACM, Eew *or3, E*,
+5+@. DDIG http"BBdoi.acm.orgB+@.++A:B>,A,>,.>,A,><.
8! *u, *. &. and #au, M. $. 7@@,. A comparison of MCBDC,
MIMCI& and se4eral other co4erage criteria for logical
decisions. +. yst. oft#. <>, : ;Ma). 7@@,?, :<<5:>@. DDIG
>! Spector, A. N. +>8>. Achie4ing application re6uirements. In
(istributed ystems, S. Mullender, -d. ACM Press $rontier
Series. ACM, Eew *or3, E*, +>533. DDIG
Permission to ma3e digital or hard copies of all or part of this wor3 for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee pro4ided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial ad4antage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. &o cop) otherwise, or
republish, to post on ser4ers or to redistribute to lists, re6uires prior specific
permission andBor a fee.
.igure ! "nsert caption to place caption below 5igure!
Columns on Last Page Should Be Made As Close As
Possible to Equal Length

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