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What's up fellow paity iockei!!

Enuo heie!

Thank you foi buying my F1 Beck mapping foi Tiaktoi Pio 2! I've spent countless
houis making this mapping peifect anu make sense fiom a B} anu musicians
stanupoint. I hope that it helps speeu up youi woikflow as a B} anu helps you iock
the house!

Foi moie mappings, visit

Beie aie some instiuctions on how to install my F1 Beck mapping, anu how to make
suie eveiything is woiking piopeily.

Befoie loauing my mapping, I woulu make suie that you'ie on the latest veision of
Tiaktoi Pio 2 oi Tiaktoi Sciatch Pio 2, anu also make suie you'ie iunning the latest
veision of the Native Instiuments Contiollei Euitoi.

You can uownloau the latest upuate of Tiaktoi anu the Contiollei Euitoi by going to
Applications Native Instiuments Seivice Centei anu then uownloau the latest
upuates fiom the "0puate" tab. You can also uownloau the latest upuate of any
iegisteieu Native Instiuments softwaie by going to -
suppoit - uownloaus - upuates.

Also you will want to upuate the FIRNWARE of youi F1 Baiuwaie as well as the
uiiveis foi the Tiaktoi Kontiol F1 (foi Winuows useis). You can uownloau the
fiimwaie upuate anu uiiveis by going heie: http:co.native- .

Now that youi softwaie is up to uate, the fiist thing you'ie going to want to uo is
loau the contiollei euitoi file. WITB00T B0INu TBIS, NY NAPPINu WILL N0T

To Loau the contiollei euitoi file, open the contiollei euitoi application locateu in
Applications Native Instiuments Contiollei Euitoi.

With the contiollei Euitoi open, click on the uiopuown menu in the uppei left hanu
coinei anu choose "Tiaktoi Kontiol F1 - 1." You also might neeu to hit the "Connect"
button in the contiollei euitoi as well.

Now that you've selecteu the Tiaktoi Kontiol F1 as youi uevice in the Contiollei
Euitoi, you can loau the Contiollei Euitoi template by clicking on the templates tab
anu choosing "Euit" - "Appenu" - "0pen" anu loau the file F1 Beck Napping.nckf1.

Youi Contiollei Nanagei shoulu now look something like this. Notice how eveiy
button is labeleu.

Now let's go to Tiaktoi anu oiganize oui NIBI Nappings anu loau my F1 Beck
Napping. To get to the Tiaktoi piefeiences, click on the geai icon in the uppei iight
hanu siue of the scieen in Tiaktoi.

Befoie uealing with the Nappings, theie aie a couple things you'ie going to want to
uo. Fiist make suie the F1 Contiollei is pluggeu into youi computei, anu go to the
Tiaktoi Piefeiences anu click on the "Tiaktoi Kontiol F1" tab. Then scioll uown to
the "NIBI Noue" section anu change the NIBI Noue type to "NIBI Noue".

If you uon't see the Tiaktoi Kontiol F1 tab, it means that you uon't have the Tiaktoi
Kontiol F1 Befault Napping loaueu. You neeu this mapping loaueu to see the
Tiaktoi Kontiol F1 settings. You can check to see if you have the Tiaktoi Kontiol F1
uefault mapping loaueu by clicking on the Contiollei Nanagei tab in the Tiaktoi
Piefeiences, anu then clicking on the Bevice Biopuown Nenu. The mapping is calleu
"Tiaktoi.Kontiol F1. Befault."

0NLY if you uon't see the Tiaktoi Kontiol F1 Befault Napping in the Bevice Setup
uiopuown menu, you neeu to loau it manually. Noimally you won't have to uo this,
so only uo it if you uon't see the Tiaktoi Kontiol F1 piefeiences tab. To loau the
uefault F1 mapping, unuei the uevice uiopuown menu, click Auu - Tiaktoi - Kontiol
F1 - Befault to loau the uefault F1 Napping. Youi Tiaktoi Kontiol F1 Tab shoulu
now appeai in the piefeiences menu.

Now click on the "Contiollei Nanagei" Tab on the left to go to the Contiollei
Nanagei. This is wheie you can loau, uelete anu euit youi mappings.

While in the contiollei managei, click on the Bevice Biopuown menu to see what
mappings you have cuiiently loaueu into Tiaktoi.

Foi each mapping, you will want to make suie the IN P0RTS anu the 00T P0RTS aie
set coiiectly. You will want to make suie that no mappings aie set to "All Poits". The
ieason foi this is because if you have a mapping set to "All Poits" you might get
mappings inteifeiing with each othei anu this will cause youi mappings to not woik
coiiectly since one key on a keyboaiu coulu tiiggei something in a uiffeient

}ust a quick note on In Poits anu 0ut Poits:

In-Poits aie wheie Tiaktoi is getting NIBI FR0N. So if you aie using the Tiaktoi
Kontiol F1 as a NIBI contiollei you woulu set In-Poit to "Tiaktoi Kontiol F1". 0ut-
Poits aie wheie Tiaktoi is senuing LEB 0utput T0. This is how Tiaktoi makes youi
buttons blink anu light up.

Beie is how to set the poits foi each mapping:

Select the F1 Beck Napping by clicking the Bevice Biopuown menu in the contiollei
managei. Set the IN anu 00T poits to be Tiaktoi Kontiol F1. If the uevice isn't
pluggeu in, the name of the uevice won't show up in the poits, so make suie youi F1
is pluggeu in when you uo this. Now the only thing this mapping can get miui fiom
anu senu miui to is my F1 mapping.

Foi each mapping, you have loaueu, assign the in anu out poits to that specific
uevice. This will pievent issues of mappings "talking to each othei."

Befoie loauing my F1 Beck Napping, you will neeu to BELETE Tiaktoi's F1 Beck
Napping. You can uo this by clicking the uevice uiopuown menu anu choosing
Tiaktoi's uefault F1 Beck Napping, then clicking Euit - Belete to uelete theii
mapping. Bon't uelete the uefault mapping. 0nly Belete Tiaktoi's Beck mapping
(that has commanus alieauy in the assignment winuow).

0K, so now we've oiganizeu all of oui NIBI Bevices let's loau that new mapping!!

The Tiaktoi NIBI Napping file is the .TSI file that's insiue the foluei you've

To loau the file, go to the Tiaktoi Piefeiences winuow by clicking on the geai icon in
the uppei iight hanu coinei of the scieen.

Then go to the "Contiollei Nanagei" tab on the left.

Then unuei the uevice uiopuown menu, select "Auu" - "Impoit" anu loau the TSI file
that you uownloaueu fiom my website.

Now that you've loaueu the mapping, stay in the same winuow in the Tiaktoi
Piefeiences anu plug in youi NIBI contiollei. Now set the In-Poit anu 0ut-poit to
Tiaktoi Kontiol F1.

Now you shoulu be all ieauy to go!

Now heie is an explanation of what all of the buttons anu knobs uo.

Fiist of all, it's impoitant to note that this mapping is foi INTERNAL PLAYBACK ,
which means that if you push any of the buttons, it will uisable timecoue playback.

To select the uecks you want to contiol, use the bottom foui buttons on the
contiollei. When you select the ueck you want to contiol, each of the paus on the F1
will coiiesponu to that ueck.

Top Row:

The top left pau Tuins Play on off. Piess it once to play a tiack. Piess it again to
pause the tiack.

The top Niuule paus aie Pitch Benus. Pushing these buttons will nuuge the tiack
foiwaius oi backwaius, kinu of like pushing the outei wheel of a tuintable oi CB} to
nuuge a tiack foiwaius oi backwaius. Keep in minu the pitch benu piogiessive
sensitivity might affect the behavioi of these buttons.

The top iight pau will tuin sync on oi off.

Seconu Row:

The seconu iow of the F1 is foi looping. The fiist pau will engage a loop baseu on the
size that's chosen with the miuule two paus in this iow. The last pau will tuin the
loop active button on, so if you have a saveu loop in a tiack, this will activate the
loop when the tiack ieaches youi saveu loop point.

Thiiu Row:

The thiiu iow of paus will tiiggei Botcues 1,2,S anu 4. The pau below hotcue 1 will
tiiggei hotcue S. If you holu uown the "Shift" button anu push any of these cue
points, it will uelete the cue point.

Fouith Row:

The bottom left button is the flux moue button. Flux moue lets you jump to cue
points oi set loops without losing the phiasing of youi tiacks. It's a timeline baseu
tianspoit technique that lets you inteiact with Tiaktoi's tianspoit contiols anu then
immeuiately jump back to the position in the timeline that the tiack woulu be if the
tianspoit action hau not been useu in the fiist place. In othei woius, its like a
seconu play heau is playing unueineath anu you can jump to cue points anu set
ciazy loops, oi backspin . anu as soon as you stop looping oi let go of the cue point,
it will jump iight back to the position it woulu be as if it weie continuing to play.

The miuule two buttons in the bottom iow aie Beat }ump. They will jump foiwaius
oi backwaius by S2 beats (8 bais). The bottom iight pau will jump to the beginning
of the tiack.

T0 biowse thiough youi tiacks, use the Biowse knob. Bolu shift anu tuin the
biowse knob to scioll thiough youi playlist tiee.

To loau a tiack into a Beck, holu shift anu push anu of the foui ueck selectoi buttons
at the bottom to loau into a ueck.

If you want to see moie tiacks anu minimize the uecks by going into "Biowse" moue,
you can click the "Biowse" button anu it will engage Biowsei 0nly moue in Tiaktoi.
Click the "Biowse" button again to get out of Biowse only moue.

To change the tempo of the tiack youi playing, make suie that the Beck is the
Nastei Beck anu then use the "Reveise" anu "Type" buttons to speeu up oi slow
uown the tiack.

To tuin sync on foi any of the uecks, choose the ueck fiist by using the Beck selectoi
buttons at the bottom, anu then tuin the sync button on.

You can also tuin Snap oi Quantize on by tuining on the Quant button to tuin on
Quantize anu the "Captuie" button to tuin on Snap.

If Quantize is on, it means that Tiaktoi will wait foi the next uownbeat befoie
tiiggeiing a cue point. If Snap is on, it means Tiaktoi will snap any cue point oi loop
to the neaiest "beat". If theie aie no giiu maikeis in the tiack, Tiaktoi will snap the
loop oi cue point to the neaiest tiansient (snaie, kick etc.).

0ne of the gieat featuies of my F1 Beck Napping is that you can use the contiollei
as a 4-ueck mixei with volume anu filtei contiols. The top section of the F1 is useu
foi the mixei. To use the F1 as a Nixei, you can only contiol the volume faueis if
Tiaktoi is in "Inteinal" mixing moue. To put Tiaktoi in Inteinal Nixing moue, go to
the Tiaktoi piefeiences by clicking on the geai icon in the uppei iight hanu coinei
of the scieen. Then go to the "0utput Routing" tab anu set the mixei moue to
"Inteinal." You can then choose wheie you want to ioute youi Nastei 0utput to as
well as youi Nonitoi 0utput foi pielistening to tiacks.

Now that you'ie in inteinal mixing moue, you can use the volume faueis to contiol
the volumes foi Becks A, B, C, anu B. Also you can use the filtei contiols above each
volume fauei to contiol the filteis foi each ueck. If you want to pie listen to a tiack,
just push the ueck selectoi button to tuin the cue on foi that ueck. Also if you loau a
tiack into a ueck, that ueck will be selecteu as the cue automatically.

To tuin on the filtei foi any one of the uecks, choose the ueck fiist, then push the
"Size" button to tuin the filtei on foi the ueck.

If you holu shift anu push "size", it will tuin on the filtei foi eveiy ueck all at once.

Some othei cool functions in shift moue aie the flux moue commanus. To set flux
moue loops, holu shift anu push any of the top 8 paus anu Tiaktoi will be
tempoiaiily tuin flux moue on anu set a loop in flux moue. This can be gieat foi
making youi own custom builuups. Also in shift moue you can uo things like contiol
Tiaktoi's mastei clock BPN tempo anu nuuge the mastei clock left to iight if youi
playing back to back with someone, anu you can also contiol the key lock foi each
ueck as well by holuing shift anu tuining the filtei knobs.

Anu that about uoes it! You shoulu now be ieauy to iock with full 4 ueck contiol
ovei Tiaktoi with youi F1 contiollei, anu will be able to use it to contiol all 4 uecks,
Tiaktoi's mixei anu contiol Tiaktoi's poweiful iemix uecks all with one contiollei! I
hope you enjoyeu the mapping anu may it iock many paities foi you!



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