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Why is this Toddle House significant to me? The answer is simple its!! Oh!

If you've
not had the privilege of letting this scrumptiously firm-but-creamy pie mesmerize your
mouth's taste buds yearning for nirvana you've missed out on one of the finer
e!periences "e!cepting of course your husband or bride children and grandchildren#
that you could possibly have had in this or any other lifetime$ Well maybe that's too
much hyperbole but you get my point%
&ver the years I've not been able to locate the 'real' recipe "maybe until yesterday
below#% I've had to settle with this one which I've fine tuned to ma(e as closely as
possible to my taste buds' recollections)
This recipe is for * pies "recommended#+ halve the ingredients for only one pie%
, * nine inch pie shells "ma(e your own if you must+ but -illsbury.s are great#
, * / cups sugar
, * tbsp% all purpose flour
, * tbsp% cornstarch
, / tsp% salt
, 0 cups whole mil(
, 1 egg yol(s
, 2 one-ounce s3uares of unsweetened chocolate
, * tbsp% real butter
, 4 tbsp% vanilla e!tract
, 4 tbsp% almond e!tract "this is my innovation probably * tbsp% vanilla is more 'pure'#
, * cups of whipping cream
What You Do
, 5a(e -ie 6hells) ba(e your pie shells in the oven per the supplier.s recommendations
"as said I li(e the -illsbury pie shells they are nice and fla(y#+ you want the pie shells
done by the time the ne!t steps are finished+ don.t overcoo( you want them to be light-
tan but not more brown than that
, 7ombine 4st Ingredients) sugar flour cornstarch salt in a medium saucepan
, 7ombine *nd Ingredients) in a separate bowl8pan beat the mil( 9 the egg yol(s
, 7ombine 9 Heat 4st 9 *nd Ingredients) mi! them together "using your wooden spoon#
in a sauce pan until fairly smooth+ stir constantly over medium heat until the mi!ture
becomes thic( and at full boil+ then continue stirring and boil for an additional minute+
remove from heat
, :dd chocolate s3uares butter vanilla and almond e!tracts) in the same pan with no
e!ternal heat add these ingredients stirring with your wooden spoon until the chocolate
and butter is melted and the mi!ture is smooth
, -our ;i!ture Into 7oo(ed -ie 6hells) this is a no-brainer+ you might want to use a
spatula to ma(e the top of the pies relatively flat but it.s no big deal+ cover the pies with
plastic-type-wrap to seal moisture and put them in the fridge+ they need to remain there
until they are cold8cool "if you don.t the whipped cream "ne!t step# will <melt= and you
don.t really want that to happen#
Next-To-Last Steps
, >isingenuously &ffer :nother -erson To ?ic( the -an) remnants of the mi! will still be
in the coo(ing pan+ if into being generous allow someone else to do this or if not lic( it yourself it will be their gain or your loss+ this has nothing to do with
the recipe
, Whip the Whipping 7ream) <real= chocolate ice bo! pies don.t use <canned= whipping
cream but do what you must+ to do the real deal whip the whipping cream adding
about a teaspoon or a bit more of sugar with8in your mi!er until the whipped cream is
<very firm= "not in any way <runny=#+ cover it with plastic or other wrap and stic( in the
fridge while the pies cool
, :fter the pies are cold remove them and the whipping cream you've made from the
fridge+ spread the whipping cream over the top of the pies with a spatula+ garnish the top
if you li(e with curls of raw chocolate "use your potato peeler#+ cover with plastic or
other wrap 9 stic( @em bac( in the fridge%
Important Last Step
, >iscourage your company from eating the pies+ tell them it is not what you had hoped
for with profound apologies+ later when they're gone eat the remainder or (eep it in a
safe place until you are ready to do so%
The above is my recipe% 5ut yesterday I found what may be the 'original' recipe I don't
(now% Arom www%Bournalnow%com comes this recipe for the Toddle House 7hocolate Ice
5o! -ie)
Toddle House Chocolate Pie "they left out 'ice bo!' Toddle House never did#
5y ;ichael Hastings
Cournal Aood Dditor
6uzanne H% 7hambers' re3uest for Toddle House 7hocolate -ie and ;rs% Harris' -ound
7a(e prompted a flood of responses from our readers% Cudging by the dozens of letters we
received these two are among the favorites printed in the Winston-6alem Cournal over
the years%
* / cups plus * tablespoons sugar
/ cup plus 2 tablespoons cornstarch
/ cup cocoa
E teaspoon salt
4 / pints mil(
* / egg yol(s
E teaspoon vanilla
5a(ed pastry crusts
Whipping cream
4% 6ift together sugar cornstarch cocoa and salt into bowl of mi!er% &n medium speed
add half the mil( and mi! thoroughly% :dd egg yol(s+ mi! thoroughly being careful that
mi!ture does not foam%
*% -lace remaining mil( in top of double boiler over boiling water% When mil( is scalding
hot add chocolate mi!ture% 6tir with wooden spoon and coo( until the consistency of
whipped cream is reached%
F% -ut in bowl of mi!er on medium% :llow to mi! "Bust until combined#% 7ool% :dd
vanilla and mi! for 0 minutes%
G% 7over with wa! paper and completely cool before placing in refrigerator% Hse 4 pound
and 1 ounces of filling in each pie shell% Top with whipped cream% This should ma(e * to
F pies or more%
I've not tried the above being 3uite content with what I've achieved but there it is for
those that want it$ I'll probably try it sometime%
Hash Brons
Aor those of you who might have been ta(en with Toddle House's hash browns every bit
as much as I am with its chocolate ice bo! pie here's another recipe I found for that
yesterday morning at www%roadfood%com)
Arom the Winston-6alem Cournal)
W6C ?iving Aood Iecipe 6wap:rchive
Hash 5rowns 'Toddle House'
5y ;ichael Hastings
Cournal Aood Dditor
The following recipe for hash browns re3uested by 7harles Dldridge of the Jephyr
community near Dl(in was sent in by 7heryl >in(ins of Kad(inville%
>in(ins got the recipe from her stepfather 5ill Cohnson who used to operate the Toddle
House restaurant in Winston-6alem% >in(ins said her stepfather told her that the secret is
to use preba(ed potatoes%
Toddle House Hash Brons
5a(ing potatoes
Legetable oil
6alt and pepper
4% 5a(e potatoes% When done and cool enough to handle peel and dice%
*% In a saute pan over medium heat put about * tablespoons vegetable oil or enough to
prevent potatoes from stic(ing%
F% When oil is hot measure 4 cup diced coo(ed potatoes add them to pan and sprin(le
with enough papri(a to give them a nice color%
G% Alip and fry potatoes until golden brown% 6erve hot with salt and pepper to taste%
&nce you've eaten of these sumptuous treats you may well forget about the &(c-Mew
&rleans-6eattle drama$
!r not"

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