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Recruited by the Illuminati, Stan Deyo was taken secretly to Australia

in 1971 to design "flying saucer" roulsion systems with them! Deyo

re"eals years later why "they" kee the alien#$%& agenda from the
ublic! 'any ha"e in"estigated this huge consiracy from the outside
looking in ( )$*, only one has come forward from an insider+s
ersecti"e! Stan Deyo+s The Cosmic Conspiracy is his testimony to
you who would know the truth!!!!
Table of Contents
Section I - Preface.................................................................................................................................7
Prelude to Action........................................................................................................................................7
Section I - Chapter 1............................................................................................................................11
Sightings and Suspicions..........................................................................................................................11
THE AST!A"IA# I#CI$E#T.......................................................................................................11
THE TI%E S"IP.................................................................................................................................1&
THE I!A#IA# I#CI$E#T...............................................................................................................1'
THE E"ECT!I(IE$ CATT"E...........................................................................................................1'
AST!)#ATS SEE ()s................................................................................................................1*
THE !EC!!E#T C"ES...............................................................................................................1*
Section I - Chapter &............................................................................................................................1+
Electro-,ra-itic Propulsion.....................................................................................................................1+
THE TA".E!T SE!IES.....................................................................................................................1+
THE I#TE!A/IA "EA0....................................................................................................................11
THE ,!A/ITICS SITATI)#..........................................................................................................&2
AE!)#ATICS A#$ E"ECT!),!A/ITICS...............................................................................&1
C)%%E#TS .3 0E3H)E..............................................................................................................&&
)THE! ,!A/ITIC !ESEA!CH......................................................................................................&'
PI#E ,AP4 AST!A"IA...................................................................................................................&'
5H) 5AS %E#$E")/6.................................................................................................................&+
Section I - Chapter '............................................................................................................................&1
Constructs of !ealit7................................................................................................................................&1
THE %E".)!#E %EETI#,........................................................................................................&1
HE 5E#T 8THATTA5A38.................................................................................................................'2
TI%E A#$ SPACE.............................................................................................................................'1
THE 8,!A/ITATI)#A"8 E((ECT....................................................................................................'*
THE 8%A,#ETIC8 E((ECT..............................................................................................................'+
S)%E SEC!ET SCIE#CES..............................................................................................................'7
Section I - Chapter *............................................................................................................................*2
!adiant ,enius9 Tesla...............................................................................................................................*2
TES"A E"ECT!I(IES EA!TH.........................................................................................................*2
Section I - Chapter 5............................................................................................................................*5
Effecting 5eather 5arefare.....................................................................................................................*5
THE P)5E! ST!,,"E................................................................................................................*+
Section I - Chapter +............................................................................................................................*1
The 1:1& Alignments...............................................................................................................................*1
THE 5EATHE! ()!ECASTS..........................................................................................................*1
EA!TH;A0ES HA/E I#C!EASE$.............................................................................................52
P"A#ETS A#$ S#SP)TS.............................................................................................................51
$ISASTE! I# 1:1&6..........................................................................................................................5*
P!)<ECT =#)AH8S A!0=................................................................................................................55
Appendi> 1..........................................................................................................................................57
#e? 3or@ Herald TriAune Articles...........................................................................................................57
Appendi> &..........................................................................................................................................+1
Intera-ia Electro-,ra-itics Article...........................................................................................................+1
To?ards (light ?ithout Stress or Strain... or 5eight...............................................................................+:
Appendi> 5..........................................................................................................................................7'
Einstien8s !elati-it7 Error........................................................................................................................7'
THE $ISCIP"I#E $ETAI"S.............................................................................................................7'
ETHE! EBISTE#CE /E!I(IE$......................................................................................................7:
A#A"),3 )( $I"E%%A...............................................................................................................12
S)"A! TEA CP...............................................................................................................................12
=C= #)T C)#STA#T........................................................................................................................11
!E"ATI/ISTS $ISCA!$ E/I$E#CE.............................................................................................11
EI#STEI# A$%ITS E!!)!.............................................................................................................11
Appendi> +..........................................................................................................................................1'
Electro-$7namic Propulsion....................................................................................................................1'
P!ACTICA" I)# C!A(T.................................................................................................................:&
Table of Contents
SECTION I: %lights of Reasons
CHAPTER 1 ( Sightings and Susicions
CHAPTER 2 ( ,lectro(-ra"itic .roulsion
CHAPTER 3 ( /onstructs of Reality
CHAPTER 4 ( Radiant -enius0 *esla
CHAPTER 5 ( ,ffecting 1eather 1arfare
CHAPTER 6 ( *he 1923 Alignments
SECTION II: 'ysticism and 4umerology0 'ystery )abylon
CHAPTER 1 ( /enturies &f Darkness
CHAPTER 2 ( &rders of Illuminism
CHAPTER 3 ( Seal of Decetion
CHAPTER 4 ( 'odel %or +.eace+
CHAPTER 5 ( It+s All 5aening
CHAPTER 6 ( /ircles of Illuminati
SECTION III: 4ot &f ,arth0 Ichthus
CHAPTER 1 ( In the )eginning
CHAPTER 2 ( /onflicts )ear 1itness
CHAPTER 3 ( 5ow to Sur"i"e
CHAPTER 4 ( *aken to Safety
CHAPTER 5 ( 5orror 1ith -race
CHAPTER 6 ( $ntil Sin Dies
CHAPTER 7 ( Sread the 1ord
'Su!"!al #"t': Reading 6ist %or Section III
A$$en%"& No' 1 ( 4ew 7ork 5erald *ribune articles
A$$en%"& No' 2 ( Intera"ia ,lectro(-ra"itics article
A$$en%"& No' 3 ( *he -ra"itics Situation 8-ra"ity Rand 6td!9
A$$en%"& No' 4 ( /oies of the 'a:field(*eller letters
A$$en%"& No' 5 ( ,instein+s Relati"ity ,rror
A$$en%"& No' 6 ( ,lectrodynamic .roulsion
A$$en%"& No' 7 ( Regionali;ed and Adati"e 'odel of the -lobal 1orld System
In this edition we ha"e added a '&S* imortant analysis of the current and
historical $%& scene! 1e un"eil the original 'a<estic 13 grou and "ts foun%e
and we discuss the grou that took the ower away from them recently! ,"en if
you cannot obtain a coy of this imortant addition, hear our warning regarding
the whole alien landing issue!!!
Soon, two ma<or grouings of aliens are going to be identified and e:osed to the
ublic ( oenly! &ne will be the +bad+ guys or li;ards or whate"er! *he other will be
the +good+ guys and will robably be handsome by human standards! )&*5 of
these grouings will be art of a ma<or decetion to the eole of ,arth! *he wise
will know them by their actions but the wisest will be aware of their decetion
before they e"en arri"e!
*here will be a true 'essiah who will e"entually return to ,arth and defeat these
imosters according to the )ible! 1e remind the reader that the only sure way to
finish on the good side is to make your commitment to -&D through your
ersonal Doorway to -&D, through =esus of 4a;areth ( *5, 'essiah!
Also, we gi"e a "ery strong rebuttal 8with hotos9 to those arguments in fa"our of
an alleged "%ace on 'ars"! 1e gi"e a more lausible and ractical e:lanation for
the e"ent ( sans alien culture and technology! *he fact that so many eole are
entranced by the oular hyothesis that the face is a sign of ,* intelligence on
'ars ( e"en that it re(dates mankind is, in itself, a warning that the greatest
decetion of all time is already successfully under way here on .lanet ,arth!
*his edition also has an udate the secrets of the -reat Seal of America 8which
may be the seal of a latter day ")abylon" soken of in )iblical rohecies9! Don+t
miss this 'illennium ,dition>
(Stan and 5olly Deyo
%or 3? years I tried to get this book released in America to warn my friends and
fellow citi;ens about what was haening to them! %or years, I was only able to
get small mail(order houses to stock the book and to romote it! *he larger book(
sellers who suorted %riedman, 'oore, )erlit;, 5ynek, 5oagland 8et al9 were not
interested in my book which has been the e@ui"alent of a million(seller here in
Australia and has been a best(seller for three years running!!!! and on the shoe(
string budget of a self(ublisher!
It is a book that I was insired to write after a +near death+ e:erience I had back
in 19A9! I am fortunate to ha"e been able to go out of my body and to tra"el out
to a lace where we will all "enture some day after we die! It was a real blessing
to me in that I shall ne"er e"er ha"e to wonder if we really li"e on after we +die!+ I
ha"e seen it first hand!!! and it was not <ust a mental aberration of some kind! I
saw and heard things about my family and friends that I had no way of knowing (
including some future e"ents! After I re"i"ed, my life took a turn that would lea"e
anyone breathless>
I also discuss why America has become the tool of the modern(day "*ab+lon"
which will soon be almost destroyed by "Acts of -od" as well as directed acts of
terrorism! *his discussion includes a historical look at t,e -eat Seal of t,e
.n"te% States and its mystical meaning!
*his last edition of The Cosmic Conspiracy re"eals my disco"ery of a new method
of aircraft roulsion using ioni;ed lasma gases! It tells about my recruitment by
a "ery secret, American research and de"eloment organi;ation to finish my
research in Australia! The Cosmic Conspiracy discusses the +consiracy+ behind
the $S -o"ernment, the $nited 4ations, *he $nited States of ,uroe, the coming
Arab /onfederation and the /lub of Rome!
An e:lanation of the error in ,instein+s relati"istic "iew of the /reation with
mathematics, science and other, reutable sources in agreement is gi"en!
.hotostats of key documents which substantiate the assertions are in the
aendices of the book!
)ut most imortantly of all, there is a fresh look at our ancient history! I ha"e
been able to interret the 5ebrew language of the *orah and the rest of the
*anach to form a much more concise and belie"able "iew of the 4ew *estament (
esecially the rohetic ortions which seem to be haening e"en now,!!! right
If you are interested in knowing more about the real oerators of our world and
how you can deal with them to your own ad"antage, then you must read The
Cosmic Conspiracy! Although it was initially written as +life insurance+ to kee old
+intelligence friends+ from disosing of me, I also oured my most earnest
thoughts and directions into it as I thought I would soon die in site of my best
efforts! It was written for you now ( e"en though I wasn+t sure when +now+ would
be e:actly! I ha"e li"ed to see this day come uon our worldB so I am making one
last effort to hel those eole ( esecially those in America ( to deal with their
immediate and most certainly, disastrous future!
Section I - Preface
Prelude to Action
The Sun had Eust appeared o-er the horiFon4 as I sat do?n to m7 first cuppa <a-a for the da7. %7 e7es
caught the calendar on the ?all.. "October 23, 1978"... "another Monday..." The Aris@4 morning AreeFe
?as refreshing on m7 sleep-?rin@led s@in and Alood-shot e7es. ,radual signs of life ?ere manifesting
in the earl7 morning s@7G and small motions in the distance heralded the ?a@ing of our neighAours and
their cats and dogs.
,olden shafts of sunlight sliced their ?a7 through gentl7 s?a7ing lea-es outside the picture ?indo?s
o-erloo@ing our front gardens4... their proEections forming animated montages of light on the carpet and
the ?alls. There4 on the carpet A7 the ?indo?s4 la7 our three pets... Aas@ing in the ?armth of the Sun.
T?o Eet-Alac@ miniature dachshunds flan@ed our elegantl7 outstretched felineG... I rememAered ho?
unusuall7 light-coloured she appeared for a red .urmese... The Sun heightened the contrasts Aet?een
their prostrate forms of contentment.
The animated sounds and smells of eggs fr7ing4 Aread toasting4 and coffee Are?ing filtered into m7
peaceful re-erie... There ?as a Arief Area@ Aac@ into realit7 as "ouise4 m7 AuAAling Aetter-half4 re-filled
m7 coffee cup and told me Area@fast ?as due momentaril7. (or a %onda74... it ?as an incrediAl7 good
da7... so good to Ae ali-e... free... and Cring-ring... ring-ring...D
"ouise shouted from the @itchen4 "Don't answer that! e're not !" yet...# besides, ci$i%i&ed "eo"%e don't
ring this ear%y!"...
Secretl74 I had to agreeG Aut I @ne? that earl7 calls usuall7 meant something important ?as happening
on the east coast some?hereG... so I made trac@s for the phone in our attached office Eust in case I
needed to tape-record the details of the con-ersation... Cring-ring... ring-ring...D "''( going to answer it
in the o))ice..."4 I 7elled4 as I Aounded for the Aac@ room.
The multiple =Aeep-Aeep-Aeep-Aeep= of the ST$ line Alurted into m7 ear. "*ong distance"4 I thought to
m7self. I cleared m7 throat to gi-e m7 -oice that sound of reser-ed politeness most people e>pect on a
Ausiness phoneG and then4 ?ith a little Irish impishness I ans?ered4 "+ood (orning!... 't's ,erth - the
other side o) -arth!... ."a!se/".
"'s a Mr. 0tan Deyo there "%ease1" came the some?hat amused -oice on the other end.
"2o! gotti(, chie)"4 I replied.
"' beg yo!r "ardon1" he Hueried again.
"' said, yo!'$e got hi(. 't is (e yo! wish to s"ea3 to..."
"Oh,... sorry, !h... My na(e is 4rian CI couldn8t hear the last name as the line faded.D
"2o! don't 3now (e# b!t a (!t!a% )riend o) o!rs in Me%bo!rne s!ggested ' ring yo! o$er this (orning's
56O incident o)) 7ing 's%and near 8a"e Otway..."
As he continued4 I thought to m7self4.. "hy (e1 ''( (issing a "er)ect%y good brea3)ast o$er a
"er)ect%y ty"ica% ''-saw-a- co%o!red-%ight-in-the-s3y' "hone ca%%.."
"9a$e yo! heard the detai%s, yet1" he as@ed.
":o... ' ha$en't read the "a"er yet#... we were ;!st sitting down to brea3)ast when yo! rang..."
"Oh! 0orry, (ate... )orgot abo!t the ti(e di))erence!" he apologiFed.
"Don't worry abo!t it..."4 I said ?hile I thought ho? man7 times I had Aeen roused from a perfectl7
good sleep A7 similar eastern-states calls. "8an yo! gi$e (e a brie) r!ndown on it1"
"0!re. <he (edia o$er here are going wi%d o$er a "ossib%e 56O abd!ction case. 't see(s that %ast
0at!rday night, aro!nd 7=%> or so, a yo!ng "i%ot )ro( Me%bo!rne was grabbed - "%ane and a%% - right
o!tta the air o)) the so!th-eastern coast o) ?!stra%ia. +ro!nd contro% at 7ing 's%and had radio contact
)or abo!t si@ (in!tes whi%e the "i%ot described the da(n thing. 9e re"orted )o!r $ery bright %anding
%ights (o$ing at an incredib%e rate o$erhead at abo!t A,>>> )t. a%tit!de.."
"ouise came in ?ith a fro?n and a 8?ind-it-up8 gesture. "<his is i("ortant!"4 I ?hispered4 "''%% te%% yo!
why in a (in!te# go get the news"a"er o)) the %awn."
He continued4 "9e to%d gro!nd contro% it was )o!r '(eta%%ic' %ights on a %ong sha"e that see(ed to be
orbiting his "%ane. 't had a green g%owing %ight a%% o$er the o!tside. 9e said it was co(ing )or hi( and
that his engine was ro!gh id%ing and co!ghing. 9is %ast words were= '5n3nown aircra)t now ho$ering
on to" o) (e.' ? %o!d, (eta%%ic noise )o%%owed#... and then the channe% was si%ent. haddaya thin31 <he
o))icia% "osition said the "i%ot was )%ying !"side down and )%ew into the drin3."
"ow...," I half-?hispered4 as he ?aited for m7 response... "9a$e they )o!nd any oi% s%ic3s or
":othing "ositi$e, yet. <hey say the B??6 s"otted an oi% s%ic3 in the area on 0!nday# b!t that it was too
big to ha$e co(e )ro( a %ight aircra)t. 9e was )%ying a 8essna 182, y'3now."
"hat was the "i%ot's na(e1" I as@ed4 almost automaticall7.
"0o(ething %i3e Ca%entine or so(ething..."4 his -oice trailed off.. "oh, here it is,.. 6rederic3 Ca%entich...
age twenty... s"ent three years in the ?ir <raining 8or"s... then beca(e an instr!ctor "i%ot )or the(...
so!nds %i3e a %e$e%-headed b%o3e to (e..."
"*oo3, 4rian"4 I interrupted4 "it's too ear%y to (a3e any "ositi$e state(ent on the sit!ation# - b!t ' do
strong%y s!s"ect that this case is going to be a cata%yst )or renewed "!b%ic interest in the 56O
sit!ation. <e%% o!r (!t!a% )riend than3s )or (e# and ''%% 3ee" in to!ch... <han3s )or yo!r tro!b%e... 4ye
":o worries, (ate"4 he piped. "9ere's (y contact n!(ber in Me%bo!rne..." Che rattled off his telephone
numAer and e>tension as I Eotted Aoth onto the phone padD.
There ?as a sharp clic@ follo?ed A7 t?o more clic@s some?here along the line as I ?as hanging up. I
mused to m7self aAout the possiAilit7 of ?ire taps. %onda7 morning8s re-erie ?as shattered A7 that
!eading the paper o-er some?hat crisp eggs and Arittle toast accented the monda7 s7ndrome as I
e>plained the situation to 8"ulu8 C"ouiseD - ?ho Huic@l7 forgot her psuedo-griFFle. Suddenl74 as I ?as
finishing the () stor7 in the est ?!stra%ian4 a paragraph leapt out of the page at meI...
"9e .Ca%entich/ be%ie$es in 56Os and he to%d (e .his )ather/ he had seen c%assi)ied (ateria% at the 0a%e
B??6 base which con)ir(ed his be%ie)s..."
"*!%!! *isten to this!" I shoutedG Aut as I read her the paragraph4 I could see that she had not 7et
rememAered m7 o?n earlier disco-er7 of the e>istence of the !AA( film liArar7 of actual ()
sightings and testing o-er AustraliaG... so I e>plained it to her Aefore retiring to the stud7 to do Eust that9
stud7... Thoughts flashed through m7 mind ?ith electric speeds9 "?strona!ts see 56Os#... 'ranian
enco!nter h!shed-!"#... catt%e 3i%%ed by e%ectrica% 56O#... ?r(y (an ta3es )i$e-day tri" in 56O in on%y
)i)teen (in!tes..." %7 mind raced from one possiAilit7 to another. The pieces of an incrediAle
conspirac7 ?ere rapidl7 falling into place... (or the first time4 I @ne? ?h7 I had li-ed long enough to
see all these e-ents ta@e place... ",oor Ca%entich"4 I thought to m7self4 "he disco$ered their %itt%e ga(e,
too# and %oo3 what it cost hi(..."
%7 thoughts drifted Aac@ to m7 o?n training at the .S. Air (orce Academ7 si>teen 7ears Aefore. I
rememAered its rigid discipline and the Aeautiful4 sno?-co-ered landscapes that surrounded those of us
?ho had li-ed there 74222 feet up the slopes of the !oc@ies o-erloo@ing the ?orld Aelo?. It ?as there
that our fertile4 7oung minds had Aeen impregnated ?ith post-h7pnotic suggestions and crammed ?ith
suAliminal data Aan@s at speeds of up to &22 pages per second. 5hen the 11+ of us ?ho had Aeen
8programmed8 A7 mind-control e>perts ?ere prematurel7 released - ostensiAl7 for cheating on our final
e>ams - e-er7one had Aelie-ed it. In m7 case4 I had Aeen luc@7... Aecause4 for some reason4 one of m7
instructors had 8re-programmed8 m7 mind Eust Aefore I had left the Academ7. I ?as reasonaAl7 certain
that he had Aeen a man of good report... a Christian4 no?4 according to 8old friends8. It ?as partiall7 his
interference in m7 conditioning that had allo?ed me to e-entuall7 rememAer things that had Aeen
loc@ed-a?a7 in m7 suA-conscious mind - ?ithout @no?ing the proper @e7 seHuence.
It had Aeen Huite spoo@7 at first ?hen I started ha-ing those incrediAle dreams. Three 7ears had passed
since I left the Academ7G and I had not immediatel7 associated m7 ne?l7-found 8dream liArar78 of
science ?ith the pre-ious suAliminal training. 8/isions8 of ne? t7pes of circular-shaped aircraft and
spacecraft along ?ith their associated technolog7 had paraded through man7 of m7 earl7-morning
8dream times8.
As I sat and pondered the ?eight of the 7ears of disco-er7 and understanding that had led me to that
moment there in the stud74 I suddenl7 felt -er7 tired... -er7 old for m7 age of thirt7-three. A fe?
moments of self-pit7 passed until I rememAered some of the others ?ho had carried the Aurden of this
information. "Dr. Dess!" (!st ha$e 3nown"4 I thought4 "b!t they 3i%%ed hi( with that "athetic s!icide
hit... hat abo!t ,ro). McDona%d1... he (!st ha$e 3nown, too. asn't it strange abo!t hi(1.. a %eading
at(os"heric scientist... cha("ion o) the ci$i%ian 56O research e))ort... arch ene(y o) Dr. 9yne3...
s!dden%y, he disco$ers the 8'? in$o%$e(ent in the 56O co$er-!" and,... "resto, McDona%d s!icides
!nder (ost "ec!%iar circ!(stances". %7 mind felt li@e a suitcase-crammed so full it couldn8t Ae shut.
"9yne3... yes... what abo!t hi(1" I mused4 "...wasn't it odd how he o) a%% "eo"%e re"%aced ,ro).
McDona%d in the ci$i%ian 56O research society1..." I rememAered m7 encounter ?ith H7ne@ o-er in
%elAourne4 "...%et's see, when was it1 ... '731... 2!", had to be... ' wonder i) he sti%% )ronts )or the 8'?
A Aird fle? past the stud7 ?indo? and4 Ariefl74 I ?ished I could fl7 again... "<hose were the days.." %7
fa-ourite instructor pilot CI could ne-er forget his nameD had Aeen Captain %iracle... I had reall7 lo-ed
those hours in the s@7 - soaring and sailing in that tin7 sil-er spec@ of a T-'' Eet... It had seemed li@e
Aeing in another ?orld. p there4 the scene had al?a7s Aeen cr7stalline - especiall7 aAo-e cloud le-el.
%7 gaFe fell upon the telephone scratch padG and m7 thoughts returned to the conspirac7.
I rememAered ho? ?ord had passed do?n the (.I ran@s to me and m7 il@ ?ho had acted as patriotic
informers on -arious international companies8 unconstitutional acti-ities in %iddle-East-related affairs.
"<here's an inte%%igence war going on between 9oo$er and the 8'?. 2o! g!ys had better (a3e trac3s
and wait ti%% yo!'re ca%%ed bac3..." I had then Aeen sent to Australia to 8@eep a lo? profile8 until Hoo-er
recalled us. %7 last instructions had Aeen 9 "stay "!t#... b!t i) 9oo$er, hi(se%), is either re"%aced by the
"resident or dies s!dden%y, yo! wi%% be on yo!r own )ro( that ti(e )orward !nti% the '$ictors' )ind yo!."
The rest had Aecome histor7.
I graAAed a pad of paper and a pen. I Aegan to ?rite... %7 8life insurance8 Aegan to emerge in the ?ords
that flo?ed onto the pad. The hours passed s?iftl7 as m7 notes formed into three categories... (irstl74 I
@ne? that the real origin of man7 of the so-called ()s had to Ae e>plained along ?ith a lot of other
suppressed4 super technolog7. Secondl74 I @ne? that the suppressi-e organiFation4 itself4 ?ould ha-e to
Ae defined. Thirdl74 ?ith all the dar@ness of the pre-ious t?o topics a little 8light8 ?ould ha-e to Ae
shed. I leaned Aac@ in m7 chair and too@ a deep AreathG... said a Arief pra7erG... and ?rote the three
?ords ?hich ?ould Aegin a most incrediAle and4 as 7et4 unfinished ad-enture for Aoth m7 ?ife4 "ouise4
and m7self9 The Cosmic Conspiracy.
This Aoo@ ?hich 7ou no? hold is the first fruit of that incrediAle ad-enture. It is ?ritten in three le-els
of understanding or codification. 0aAAalistic gematria and s7mAolism ha-e Aeen used to -eil certain
messages from some ?hile enlightening others. I am sure the reasons for this ?ill Aecome most
oA-ious as the ?orld e-ents of the ne>t eighteen months unfold. "et us Aegin ?ith a 8precise
Interested4 I loo@ed upon that sculptured place...
Challenged to )ind the one piece (issing9
Hailed the topmost third - that ca"stone grace.
This I @ne?9 it was not %ost.
Har@9 soon returns the ord4...and )rder.
ntil that hour4 this is m7 chair9
Ser-ice to some degree li@e 9 8o((ander :oah.
signed9 Stan $e7o
on the &1th of the 11th4 1:71.
Section I - Chapter 1
Sightings and Suspicions
It is no? this author8s intention to ?aste the reader8s time in a deluge of reported () sightings and
contact cases. Although reference ?ill Ae made to some fi-e such incidents4 it is felt that the maEorit7 of
this discussion ?ould Aest Ae spent proAing the real e-idence... in an anal7tical manner. This author has
Aeen as@ed man7 times4 "Do yo! be%ie$e in )%ying sa!cers or 56Os1" He has al?a7s ans?ered4 ":o... '
don't believe in the(. ' be%ie$e they e@ist - b!t they aren't (y +od..."
3et4 some things are certain9 Electric 8fl7ing saucers8 are a real phenomenon and the7 are intelligentl7
controlled...G some are man-made...G some are not...G some are modern and some are ancient. %an7
go-ernment agencies ha-e co-ered-up maEor findings concerning the () situation ?hile man7 allied
agencies ha-e ne-er @no?n an7thing has actuall7 happened...G some multinational corporations ha-e
e-en participated in -arious stages of research and de-elopment of the ad-anced4 technological4
processes ?hich ha-e ultimatel7 produced electricall7-propelled4 circular?inged aircraft4 suAmarines4
and spacecraft. Contacts ?ith e>tra-terrestrial Aeings ha-e Aeen reported A7 some of the most crediAle
sources on the planet... These things are documented in the follo?ing pages.
21 October 19784... The incident occurred on a flight Aet?een %elAourne4 Australia and a small island
to the south of %elAourne. An e>perienced instructor pilot for the Air Training Corps ?as alone on a
routine4 night flight to 0ing Island. His aircraft4 a Cessna 11&4 ?as fl7ing at an altitude of aAout *4222
feet. The pilot4 (rederic@ /alentich4 ?as onl7 fl7ing to the island to pic@-up a load of loAsters for some
of the officers of the A.T.C. His flight plan ga-e his estimated arri-al time at 0ing Island as 79&1 pm.
/alentich had planned to ma@e the round trip that same night and Ae Aac@ in %elAourne A7 12922 pm...
He ne-er made it to 0ing Island or4 much ?orse4 Aac@ to %elAourne.
The official transcript of the last -oice contact held Aet?een the missing pilot and %elAourne8s flight
ser-ice unit ?as released t?ent7-four hours later A7 the Australian $epartment of Transport. It is self-
e>planator79 792+ pm. - The pilot as@s %elAourne flight control if there ?as an7 @no?n traffic in his
area Aelo? the 54222 foot altitude...
#el$ourne control responds9 ":o 3nown tra))ic."
%alentich9 "0ee(s to be a %arge aircra)t be%ow A,>>> )eet."
#el$ourne control9 "hat ty"e o) aircra)t1"
%alentich9 "' can't con)ir(. 't has )o!r bright %ights. ?""ear to be %anding %ights. ?ircra)t has ;!st
"assed o$er (e abo!t 1,>>> )eet abo$e."
#el$ourne control9 "'s %arge aircra)t con)ir(ed1"
%alentich9 "?))ir(ati$e. ?t the s"eed it's tra$e%%ing, are there any B??6 aircra)t in the $icinity1"
#el$ourne control9 ":egati$e."
7.>8 "(. %alentich9 "Me%bo!rne, it's a""roaching )ro( east towards (e. 't see(s to be "%aying so(e
3ind o) ga(e. 6%ying at s"eed ' cannot esti(ate."
#el$ourne control9 "hat is yo!r a%tit!de1"
%alentich9 "E,A>> )eet."
#el$ourne control9 "8an yo! con)ir( yo! can't identi)y aircra)t1"
%alentich9 "?))ir(ati$e."
7.>9 "(. %alentich9 "'t's not an aircra)t. 't's..." Capparentl74 the transmission ?as Aro@en here... Aut
onl7 long enough to miss the magic ?ords...D
#el$ourne control9 "8an yo! describe aircra)t1"
%alentich9 "'t is )%ying "ast. 't is a %ong sha"e. 8annot identi)y (ore than that. 8o(ing )or (e right
now. 't see(s to be stationary. ''( orbiting and the thing is orbiting on to" o) (e a%so. 't has a green
%ight and sort o) (eta%%ic %ight on the o!tside... 't ;!st $anished."
#el$ourne control9 "8on)ir( it has $anished."
%alentich9 "?))ir(ati$e. Do yo! 3now what sort o) aircra)t ''$e got1 's it (i%itary1"
#el$ourne control9 ":o. :o (i%itary tra))ic in the area."
7.12 "(. %alentich9 "-ngine is ro!gh-id%ing and is co!ghing."
#el$ourne control9 "hat are yo!r intentions1"
%alentich9 ",roceeding to 7ing 's%and. 5n3nown aircra)t now ho$ering on to" o) (e."
%elAourne control ac@no?ledged /alentich8s last message Aefore the7 heard a %ong (eta%%ic noise on
his radio )reF!ency. Then it ?as silent. /alentich nor his aircraft has as 7et Aeen found. SuAseHuent
inter-ie?s ?ith the pilot8s father4 ,uido /alentich4 ha-e re-ealed that his son had told him4 "...he had
seen c%assi)ied (ateria% at the 0a%e B??6 base which con)ir(ed his be%ie)s Cin the e>istence of ()sD".
The author8s comments on the classified !AA( - () files ?ill Ae made in the follo?ing chapter.
1A ?"ri%, 1977...4 A Chilean Arm7 corporal4 Armando /aldes4 ?as leading a routine Aorder patrol
northeast of Santiago on the .oli-ian frontier ?hen he and his men sa? an intensel7 Aright light aAout
a Huarter of a mile a?a7. It appeared to mo-e too rapidl7 for an7 normal sourceG so Corporal /aldes
told his men to ?ait for him ?hile he ?ent to in-estigate the fl7ing light.
A fe? minutes passed and his men Aecame a Ait an>ious for his safet7G so the7 searched for him and
found he had apparentl7 -anished from the area. Suddenl74 the Aright light reappeared nearA74 and then
it4 too4 -anished. (ifteen minutes passed as the soldiers searched for their missing leader. Then4 Eust as
suddenl7 as the fl7ing light had -anished4 Corporal /aldes re-appeared in the midst of his men. His
haggard and surprised face had suddenl7 sprouted se-eral da7s8 gro?th of Aeard on the chin.
His ?atch registered the correct time -?hich ?as fifteen minutes after the light had left - Aut its date
?as ?rongG as it sho?ed fi-e da7s had passedI He collapsed after recogniFing his men ?ith4
"M!chachos!" A fe? minutes later4 he rememAered nothing of his ordeal. (urther comments ?ere not
offered A7 the militar7 authorities at Arica on the Peru-ian frontier ?here the Corporal ?as later
transferred. Ho? can a man li-e fi-e da7s in fifteen minutes6.....
18 0e"te(ber, 197G...4 A () ?as spotted some?here o-er Iran. T?o interceptor Eets armed ?ith
missiles ?ere scramAled to Aring it do?n. .oth Eets found the target and fired. #either direct hit had
an7 discernaAle effect upon the (). .rief moments later4... an e>plosion ?as heard. The details of its
cause and its relationship to the deaths of the t?o pilots and the destruction of their planes are not
a-ailaAle to the general puAlic. The official .S. Air (orce polic7 on the incident ?as stated A7 Captain
0enneth A. %inihan of .S. Air (orce Intelligence on &7 %a74 1:779 "? co"y o) an inte%%igence re"ort
concerning the incident was )o!nd within this 9eadF!arters# howe$er, the ?ir 6orce does not ha$e
disc%os!re a!thority )or this re"ort." He ?ent on to sa7 that an7 further dialogue on the incident ?ould
ha-e to Ae held ?ith the "efence Intelligence Agency. The main clue here is that the issue comes
under the "efence "epartment... $efence from ?hat6 It is interesting to note that Col. .enedict ".
(reund - Commander of the .S. Arm7 !esearch and $e-elopment ,roup in Europe - had pre-iousl7
stated on 11 %arch4 1:754 that the .S. Air (orce had Aeen doing an amAitious research effort into
"anti-gra$ity "ro"!%sion" under the code name Pro&ect 'lue$olt. He added that he thought the Air
(orce ?as no longer conducting such research and that the Ad(anced Research Pro&ects Agency
might possiAl7 Ae supporting such research for the U)S) "ept) of "efence. Col. (reund felt it e-en
more proAaAle that such research ?as the "res"onsibi%ity o) either -BD?, :?0?, or :06."
8 March, 197A...4 .7 this date4 follo?ing a period of onl7 a fe? months the states of %innesota4 #orth
$a@ota4 South $a@ota4 #eAras@a4 0ansas4 )@lahoma and Te>as4 along ?ith -arious regions of Canada
reported the deaths of o-er &22 cattle due to some -er7 AiFarre causes.
Some of the cattle had Aeen surgicall7 mutilated ?ith such precision that no Alood had spilled in the
processG others had Aeen @illed A7 ha-ing all their Alood drained out of them... ?ithout a trace of ?here
it ?ent.
The areas around these macaAre @illings ?ere not4 ho?e-er4 ?ithout some other signs of aAnormalities.
Tree Aranches ?ere found sheared-off in some spots ?hile other areas had traces of aAnormal radiation.
Still other areas sported strange-loo@ing spots that appeared to ha-e Aeen caused A7 intense heat of
some sort. The @e7 clues in these e-ents ?ere the Aloodless corpses and the =strange Aurn mar@s on the
In 1:254 the famous $r. #i@ola Tesla C?hose ?or@ ?ill Ae discussed in Chapter *D puAlished a paper on
the effects of lo?-freHuenc74 high--oltage4 electrical discharges on human Aeings... The follo?ing is an
e>cerpt from his discourse9
"My ar( is now tra$ersed by a "ower)!% e%ectric c!rrent, $ibrating at abo!t the rate o) 1,>>>,>>> ti(es
a second... ?%% aro!nd (e the e%ectrostatic )orce (a3es itse%) )e%t, and the air (o%ec!%es and "artic%es o)
d!st )%ying abo!t are acted !"on and are ha((ering $io%ent%y against (y body. 0o great is this
agitation o) the "artic%es, that when the %ights are t!rned o!t yo! (ay see strea(s o) )eeb%e %ight a""ear
on so(e "arts o) (y body. hen s!ch a strea(er brea3s o!t on any "art o) the body, it "rod!ces a
sensation %i3e the "ric3ing o) a need%e. ere the "otentia%s s!))icient%y high and the )reF!ency o) the
$ibration rather %ow, the s3in wo!%d "robab%y be r!"t!red !nder the tre(endo!s strain, and the b%ood
wo!%d r!sh o!t with great )orce in the )or( o) )ine s"ray or ;et so thin as to be in$isib%e..."
6ebr!ary, 197G...4 Astronauts ,eneral <ames %c$i-itt and Colonel ,ordon Cooper released statements
to () in-estigator4 "ee Speigel4 for his record entitled4 56Os= <he 8redibi%ity 6actor. %c$i-itt ga-e
a detailed account of ho? he had photographed a ?hite4 c7lindrical () ?ith a ?hite pole stic@ing out
of it ?hile he ?as orAiting Earth in his ,emini I/ capsule during <une of 1:+5. He maintained that he
had ta@en photographs of the oAEect ?ith t?o coc@pit cameras. 5hen he had landed4 the7 had chec@ed
?ith #orth American Air $efence Command to see if an7 =Aogies= had Aeen co-trac@ed ?ith his
capsule. #one had... %c$i-itt later re-ie?ed e-er7 photograph he had ta@en during the mission...
finding no trace of his (). 5ho doctored the film6
Col. Cooper8s e>periences ?ith ()s occurred some 7ears Aefore he Eoined #ASA. Cooper ?as
stationed ?ith a fighter group in ,erman7. According to him4 the7 ?itnessed numerous () sightings
?ith incrediAle performance characteristics o-er a three-da7 period. The oAEects ?ere roundish and
-er7 =metallic-loo@ing=... 5hat is it that metal =loo@s li@e=6 Is it dull6 Is it shin76 $oes it glimmer in
the light6 Cooper ?ent on to sa7 that these de-ices ?hich fle? in ?eird patterns Foomed so high
o-erhead that none of their fighters could get reall7 close to them. The7 made instant stops and sudden
:2-degree turns.
7 D!ne, 19G7...4 The follo?ing is an e>tract from the late Professor <ames E. %c$onald8s statement to
the )uter Space Affairs ,roup of the nited #ations concerning the international scientific aspects of
the proAlem of ()s9
"...' a%so e("hasi&e that there are inn!(erab%e )acets o) the 56O "heno(ena which ' can on%y
describe as !tter%y bewi%dering and ine@"%icab%e in ter(s o) "resent-day scienti)ic and techno%ogica%
3now%edge. ' wo!%d a%so re(ar3 that i) these ob;ects are not o) e@traterrestria% origin, then a%ternati$e
hy"otheses that wi%% de(and consideration wi%% be e$en (ore bi&arre, and "erha"s o) e$en greater
scienti)ic interest to a%% (an3ind."
"...? wide range o) e%ectro(agnetic dist!rbances acco("anying c%ose "assage or ho$ering o) the
56Os is now on record thro!gho!t the wor%d - des"ite this record not yet being ad(itted into what one
wo!%d ordinari%y ca%% the 'scienti)ic record'. Disturbance of internal-combustion engines coincident
with close passage of disc-like or cylindrical unconventional objects is on record in at %east se$era%
h!ndred instances... O)ten the dist!rbances are acco("anied by broad-s"ectr!( e%ectro(agnetic noise
"ic3ed-!" on radio de$ices. 'n (any instances co("asses, both on shi"s and in aircra)t, ha$e been
dist!rbed. Magneto(eters and e$en watches ha$e been a))ected. ?%% these re"orts, )ar too n!(ero!s to
cite in detai%, "oint to so(e 3ind o) e%ectro(agnetic noise or e%ectro(agnetic side-e))ects..."
%an7 close contact reports ha-e also reported lingering headaches. Some of them reported humming or
AuFFing sounds. A fe? reported seeing the discs rotate countercloc@?ise in the northern hemisphereG
heat-distortion ?a-es ha-e surrounded other ()s ?hile still others ha-e left scorch mar@s Aehind
them. #earl7 all ha-e reported e>tremel7 Aright lightsG and some of those appeared as =metallic lights=.
(or reasons ?hich ?ill Aecome more oA-ious as this discussion progresses4 it is suggested that the
e-idence gi-en points to a craft ?ith the follo?ing characteristics9
1. It is po?ered A7 an electric process
&. The po?er generation or energ7 storage process gi-es-off scorching heat
'. The electric process in-ol-es resonating magnetic fields
*. The electric process generates a field that spirals around its -ertical a>is - gi-ing rotation to the
disc as it interacts ?ith the Earth8s magnetic fields
5. The resonating magnetic fields also produce e>ternal inducti-e heating and current flo?s in
nearA7 oAEects
+. The field effect of the electric process does not harm the occupants - ?ho mostl7 appear
7. The electric process is of such high -oltages that the air is ioniFed around the craft gi-ing a
Aright metallic lustre to it
1. The electric process can also Ae used to inEect pain4 suAliminal suggestion4 and conscious
communication to li-ing creatures
:. The electric process enaAles the craft and the cre? to e>ecute high--elocit7 manou-res ?ithout
the normal structural fatigue
12..ecause of the strength of the recorded magnetic effects4 the audiAilit7 of the field resonance4
and the ioniFation of the air onl7 one conclusion can Ae dra?n9 the electric process is a high-
-oltage4 high-current4 resonating field of lo? freHuenc7
A detailed discussion of a de-ice e>hiAiting most of the preceding characteristics forms Appendi>
#o.+... ?hich ma7 Ae considered too technical A7 some to Ae incorporated in the main te>tG ho?e-er4 it
and $r. #i@ola Testa8s ?or@ hold the @e7 to full7 understanding the processes ?hich generate the aAo-e
factors. This ma7 Ae the reason that Testa8s papers ?ere confiscated A7 the .S. ,o-ernment at his
death in 1:*'. The onl7 other detailed puAlic source of his ?or@ is located Aehind the Iron Curtain in
.elgrad4 3ugosla-ia... Aut that is not as limiting a situation as it ma7 soundG... for other sources ha-e
also continued Tesla8s ?or@ and ha-e actuall7 puAlished their ?or@ on his electric-propulsion process in
8free8 countries.
Section I - Chapter ,
Electro--ra(itic Propulsion
Date%ine= 2> :o$e(ber, 19AA...G %r. Ansel E. TalAert4 militar7 and a-iation editor for the #e? 3or@
Herald TriAune Aegan a series of three articles co-ering the then current4 ?orld-?ide research efforts to
conHuer the secret of gra-it7 as a means of oAtaining energ7 to propel -arious descriptions of Aoth
aircraft and spacecraft... The follo?ing e>cerpts are from the unaAridged original ?hich forms
Appendi> 1.
"8O:H5-0< O6 +B?C'<2 ?'M O6 <O, 08'-:<'0<0 ': 5.0."
"<he initia% ste"s o) an a%(ost incredib%e "rogra( to so%$e the secret o) gra$ity and !ni$ersa%
gra$itation are being ta3en today in (any o) ?(erica's to" scienti)ic %aboratories and research
"...the c!rrent e))orts to !nderstand gra$ity and !ni$ersa% gra$itation both at the s!bato(ic %e$e% and at
the %e$e% o) the 5ni$erse ha$e the "ositi$e bac3ing today o) (any o) ?(erica's o!tstanding "hysicists."
"<hese inc%!de Dr. Edward Teller o) the 5ni$ersity o) 8a%i)ornia, who recei$ed "ri(e credit )or
de$e%o"ing the hydrogen bo(b# Dr. J. Robert ppenheimer, director o) the 'nstit!te )or ?d$anced
0t!dy at ,rinceton# Dr. !reeman J. Dyson, theoretica% "hysicist at the 'nstit!te, and Dr. John ".
#heeler, "ro)essor o) "hysics at ,rinceton 5ni$ersity, who (ade i("ortant contrib!tions to ?(erica's
)irst n!c%ear )ission "ro;ect."
Date%ine= 21 :o$e(ber, 19AA...G %r. TalAert8s second article ga-e e-en more startling commentar7. The
follo?ing e>cerpts are also from the unaAridged -ersion in Appendi> 19
"0,--D0 O6 <9O50?:D0 O6 M'*-0 ?: 9O5B '<9O5< ? DO*< 9-*D *'7-*2"
"0cientists today regard the -arth as a giant (agnet. Many in ?(erica's aircra)t and e%ectronics
ind!stries are e@cited o$er the "ossibi%ity o) !sing its (agnetic and gra$itationa% )ie%ds as a (edi!( o)
s!""ort )or ama$ing %flying vehicles% which will not depend on the air for lift."
"&pace ships capable of accelerating in a few seconds to speeds many thousands of miles an hour
and making sudden changes of course at these speeds without subjecting their passengers to the so-
called %' forces% caused by gravity%s pull also are envisioned. <hese conce"ts are "art o) a new
"rogra( to so%$e the secret o) gra$ity and !ni$ersa% gra$itation a%ready in "rogress in (any to"
scienti)ic %aboratories and %ong-estab%ished ind!stria% )ir(s o) the nation."
"#illiam (. )ear, in$entor and chair(an o) the board o) )ear* +nc., one o) the nation's %argest
e%ectronics )ir(s s"ecia%i&ing in a$iation, )or (onths has been going o$er new de$e%o"(ents and
theories re%ating to gra$ity with his chie) scientists and engineers."
"...,e is convinced that it will be possible to create artificial electro-gravitational fields %whose
polarity can be controlled to cancel out gravity.% "
"...'?%% the .(ass/ (ateria%s and h!(an beings within these )ie%ds wi%% be "art o) the(. <hey wi%% be
ad;!stab%e so as to increase or decrease the weight o) any ob;ect in its s!rro!ndings. <hey won't be
a))ected by the earth's gra$ity or that o) any ce%estia% body.' "
"...%This means that if any person was in an anti-gravitational airplane or space ship that carried
along its own gravitational field - no matter how fast you accelerated or changed course - your body
wouldn%t any more feel it than it now feels the speed of the earth.% "
"...Eugene -. 'luhareff* president of 'luhareff ,elicopter and "irplane .orp. of -anhattan
/each* .alif.* has made several theoretical design studies of round or saucershaped %vehicles% )or
tra$e% into o!ter s"ace..."
It might also Ae of some interest to the reader that this author ?itnessed the late 5illiam P. "ear ma@ing
another nation?ide statement on a da7time4 American tele-ision program in aAout 1:+:-72. This later
statement ?as made in response to a Huestion from the emcee ?ho ?ho ?anted to @no? ?hat %r. "ear
en-isioned the ne>t t?ent7 7ears producing in ne? technolog7. %r. "ear told him that a person ?ould
Ae aAle to4 sa74 ?al@ into a #e? 3or@ =tra-el= Aooth - some?hat similar to a telephone Ao> in shapeG -
deposit his fareG push a AuttonG and ?al@ out the other side of the Aooth in San (rancisco - ha-ing Aeen
=teleported= across America in secondsI The studio audience automaticall7 laughed at %r. "ear - much
to their uninformed discredit. %r. "ear Eust gaped at their performance in utter amaFement. Ho?
painfull7 sad and lonel7 he must ha-e felt at that moment ?hen he realiFed the great gulf that separated
the -ie?ing audience from the realities he had alread7 ?itnessed in the laAorator7... He ?as a @ind and
sincere manG and this author4 for one4 feels a great loss at %r. "ear8s recent death...
Date%ine= 22 :o$e(ber, 19AA...G The follo?ing statements are from Ansel TalAert8s final article in the
series ?hich is full7 reproduced Cin the puAlic interestD as Appendi> - 19
"...' C%r. ,ro-er "oening - formerl7 special scientific ad-isor to the .S. Air (orce on aircraft design
and constructionD )ir(%y be%ie$e that be)ore %ong (an wi%% acF!ire the abi%ity to b!i%d an
e%ectro(agnetic, contra-gra$ity (echanis( that wor3s..."
"+eorge 0. <ri(b%e, a bri%%iant yo!ng scientist who is head o) the new ad$anced design di$ision o)
-artin "ircraft in /altimore and a (e(ber o) the s!b-co((ittee on high-s"eed aerodyna(ics o) the
:ationa% ?d$isory 8o((ittee )or ?erona!tics, be%ie$es that it co!%d be done re%ati$e%y F!ic3%y i)
s!))icient reso!rces and (o(ent!( were "!t behind the "rogra(."
"'' thin3 we co!%d do the ;ob in abo!t the ti(e that it act!a%%y reF!ired to b!i%d the )irst ato( bo(b i)
eno!gh trained scienti)ic brain-"ower si(!%taneo!s%y began thin3ing abo!t and wor3ing towards a
so%!tion', he said."
"D!d%ey 8%ar3e, "resident o) 8%ar3e -%ectronics *aboratories o) ,a%( 0"rings, 8a%i). "- who years ago
wor3ed !nder Or. 8har%es 0tein(et&, +enera% -%ectric 8o("any's e%ectrica% and (athe(atica% 'wi&ard'
o) the 193>'s - is s!re that this s!ccess)!% harnessing o) gra$itation wi%% ta3e "%ace sooner than so(e o)
these 'i$y tower' scientists be%ie$e."
"...Mr. 8%ar3e notes that the )orce o) gra$ity is "ower)!% eno!gh to generate (any tho!sand ti(es (ore
e%ectricity than now is generated at :iagara 6a%%s and e$ery other water-"ower centre in the wor%d - i)
it can be harnessed. This impending event* he maintains* will make possible the manufacture of anti-
gravity %power packages% which can be bought for a few hundred dollars. These would provide all
the heat and power needed by one family for an indefinite period."
THE +0TER"1+" EA.
Can an7one seriousl7 Aelie-e that all these men ?ere deluded dreamers ?ith no concrete facts to Auild
upon at that time6... )ne science fiction stor7 ?hich pre-dated the aAo-e articles put another -ie?point
for?ard. 5ritten A7 !a7mond (. <ones for ?sto!nding 0cience 6iction magaFine4 the stor74 entitled
:oise *e$e% descriAed ho? American scientific and militar7 leaders gathered the nation8s Aest Arains
together - demanding that the7 de-elop 8antigra-it78 similar to that Csupposedl7D pre-iousl7 de-eloped
A7 an un@no?n in-entor ?ho had recentl7 destro7ed Aoth his in-ention and himself in the process of
demonstrating his process to the authorities. The ?hole stor7 aAout the un@no?n in-entor had Aeen a
ruse to remo-e the =it-can8t-Ae-done= s7ndrome from the minds of the assemAled scientists. .7
con-incing them someone else had alread7 done it4 the7 succeded in getting the gathering to de-elop a
crude - Aut functioning - anti-gra-it7 disc. 5ere the <rib!ne articles such a plo76... If the7 ?ere4 the
ruse continued into 1:5+ ?hen 'ntera$ia magaFine puAlished the article4 "<owards 6%ight itho!t
0tress or 0train... or eight" in /olume BI4 #o. 54 p.'7' and '7* A7 the American author4 Intel4 in
5ashington4 $.C. The article Csee Appendi> &D ?hich ?as datelined4 "ashington, D.8. - March 23,
19AG" Aegan A7 stating9
"-%ectro-gra$itics research, see3ing the so!rce o) gra$ity and its contro%, has reached a stage where
profound implications for the entire human race begin to emerge."
"...?nd towards the %ong-ter( "rogress o) (an3ind and (an's ci$i%i&ation, a who%e new conce"t o)
e%ectro-"hysics is being %e$ered-o!t into the %ight o) h!(an 3now%edge."
"<here are gra$ity research "ro;ects in e$ery (a;or co!ntry o) the wor%d. ? )ew are o$er 3> years o%d...
Most are (!ch newer... 0o(e are "!re%y theoretica%... 0o(e "ro;ects are (ost%y e("irica%, st!dying
gra$itic isoto"es, e%ectrica% "heno(ena and the statistics o) (ass." Csee Appendi> ' entitled4 <he
+ra$ities 0it!ation - puAlished A7 ,ra-it7 !and in "ondon in 1:5+ - for more detail on the empirical
"0o(e o) the co("anies in$o%$ed in this "hase inc%!de )ear +nc.* 'huhareff ,elicopter and "irplane
.orp.* The 'lenn ). -artin .o.* &perry-Rand .orp.* /ell "ircraft* .larke Electronics )aboratories*
the 2.&. 'eneral Electric .ompany."
The article ?ent on to sa7 that -arious empirical tests on metals li@e steel4 Aarium4 aluminium4 and etc.
had so far pro-en that metals could Ae gi-en reduced ?eight at the same mass.
In fact4 it appeared that the =energiFing process= could produce negati-e ?eight-to-mass ratiosI The
stead7-state4 ?eight reductions had alread7 reduced some materials to 72 per cent of their original
The ?or@ of $r. To?nsend T. .ro?n on his electro-gra-itic discs ?as Cat that dateD the result of thirt7
7ears research according to the author. He had succeeded in Auilding electricall7-propelled disc airfoils
?hich he had patented in the .S. The follo?ing e>tract from this 'ntera$ia article illustrates the
amount of success that the go-ernments in-ol-ed ?ere ?illing to discuss4 openl79
"? %oca%i&ed gra$itic )ie%d !sed as a "ondera(oti$e )orce has been created in the %aboratory. Disc
air)oi%s two )eet in dia(eter and incor"orating a $ariation o) the si("%e two-"%ate e%ectrica% condenser
charged with )i)ty 3i%o$o%ts and a tota% contin!o!s energy in"!t o) )i)ty watts ha$e achie$ed a s"eed o)
se$enteen )eet "er second .a %itt%e o$er e%e$en (i%es "er ho!r/ in a circ!%ar air co!rse twenty )eet in
dia(eter. More %ate%y these discs ha$e been increased in dia(eter to three )eet and r!n in a )i)ty )oot
dia(eter air co!rse !nder a charge o) a h!ndred and )i)ty 3i%o$o%ts with res!%ts so i("ressi$e as to be
high%y c%assi)ied. Cariations o) this wor3 done !nder a $ac!!( ha$e "rod!ced (!ch greater e))iciencies
that can on%y be described as start%ing. #ork is now under way developing a flame jet generator to
supply power up to fifteen million volts."
#o? then4 it is necessar7 to flash-Aac@ to April of 1:55 ?hen the magaFine4 0cienti)ic ?(erican printed
an article dealing ?ith Aoth the histor7 of and current de-elopments ?ithin the field of electro-statics.
)n page 112 of that discussion a most enlightening dissertation on the effects of -acuums and high
-oltages on mechanical forces ?ithin atoms ?as presented. It discussed the research of Professor <ohn
,. Trump Cof %.I.T.8s electrical engineering departmentD on electro-static po?er generation techniHues9
",ro)essor <r!(" i%%!strates how the "ower-generating ca"acity o) e%ectro-static (achines (ay be
ste""ed !" by as3ing yo! to consider two (eta%%ic "%ates, 1>> sF!are inches in area, )acing each other
and se"arated by an ins!%ator. ') a $o%tage a(o!nting to an e%ectric )ie%d o) 3>> $o%ts "er centi(eter is
a""%ied between the(, the "%ates wi%% be attracted to each other with a )orce o) one 2>>>th o) a "o!nd.
'ncrease the )ie%d to 3>,>>> $o%ts "er centi(eter and the attraction beco(es ha%) a "o!nd." Cthis meant
that 1222 times the force ?as generated ?ith onl7 122 times the -oltageID... ":ow i((erse the "%ates
in a high $ac!!( - a good ins!%ator, tho!gh one di))ic!%t to (aintain - and increase the )ie%d to three
(i%%ion $o%ts "er centi(eter. <he )orce o) attraction ;!("s to A,7>> "o!nds!..." Cthis meant that 114*22
times the pre-ious force ?as generated ?ith - again - onl7 122 times the -oltageII...D !eturning4 no?4 to
the 'ntera$ia article9
"0!ch a )orce raised e@"onentia%%y to %e$e%s ca"ab%e o) "!shing (an-carrying $ehic%es thro!gh the air -
or o!ters"ace .a $ac!!( o) $ery good ins!%ation "ro"erties/ - at !%trahigh s"eeds is now the ob;ect o)
concerted e))ort in se$era% co!ntries. Once achie$ed it wi%% e%i(inate (ost o) the str!ct!ra% di))ic!%ties
now enco!ntered in the constr!ction o) highs"eed aircra)t. +mportantly* the gravitic field that provides
the basic propulsive force simultaneously reacts on all matter within that field%s influence. The force
is not a physical one acting initially at a specific point to the vehicle that needs then to be translated
to all other parts. +t is an electro-gravitic field acting on all parts simultaneously."
As much as the idea of simultaneit7 appeals4 it is more correctl7 stated that sudden changes in the
field8s direction rapidl7 transmit the ne? inertial moment to all parts of the craft so that the elastic
reAound of its atomic lattice is not distressed to the point of structural fatigue.
I:ote= ?"o%ogies to the reader who has )o!nd so(e o) the "receding too co("%e@. <here was no other
ob$io!s way to doc!(ent the )acts to the necessary degree )or con$incing the "die-hard" s3e"tic. ') this
cha"ter beco(es too in$o%$ed )or the reader, do not hesitate to s3i" it, as its (ain "!r"ose is to
doc!(ent the conc%!sion that "e%ectric )%ying sa!cers" are at %east being (an!)act!red on -arth - i)
nowhere e%se.J
According to the Intera-ia article4 using the electric field s7stem to propel a disc - or saucershaped craft
?ould enaAle the craft to accelerate to speeds of thousands of miles per hourG stop suddenl7G or change
direction almost instantl7. Such manou-res could easil7 Ae achie-ed A7 altering the intensit74 polarit7
and direction of the field8s charge. (urthermore4 the article detailed some of the other implications of
man8s conHuest of gra-it79
"'n road cars, trains, and boats the headaches o) trans(ission o) "ower )ro( the engine to whee%s or
"ro"e%%ers wo!%d si("%y cease to e@ist. 8onstr!ction o) bridges and big b!i%dings wo!%d be great%y
si("%i)ied by te("orary ind!ced weight%essness, etc., Other )acets o) wor3 now !nder way indicate the
"ossibi%ity o) c%ose contro%s o$er the growth o) "%ant %i)e# new thera"e!tic techniF!es# "er(anent )!e%-
%ess heating !nits )or ho(es and ind!stria% estab%ish(ents# new so!rces o) ind!stria% "ower# new
(an!)act!ring techniF!es# a who%e new )ie%d o) che(istry"... and "co((!nications "ossibi%ities..."
?hich "con)o!nd the i(agination. <here are a""arent%y in the ether an entire%y new !ns!s"ected )a(i%y
o) e%ectrica% wa$es si(i%ar to e%ectro-(agnetic radio wa$es in basic conce"t. -%ectro-gra$itic wa$es
ha$e been created and trans(itted thro!gh concentric %ayers o) the (ost e))icient 3inds o) e%ectro-
(agnetic and e%ectrostatic shie%ding witho!t a""arent %oss o) "ower in any way."
'n Dece(ber o) 19AG4 +ra$ity Band *td. - located in "ondon - puAlished a discussion entitled <he
+ra$itics 0it!ation. The first page read4 "<he(e o) the science Cof gra-itiesD )or 19AG-197>=
0erendi"ity." It also Huoted Professor Einstein8s -ie? on gra-itics9
"'t (ay not be an !nattainab%e ho"e that so(e day a c%earer 3now%edge o) the "rocesses o) gra$itation
(ay be reached# and the e@tre(e genera%ity and detach(ent o) the re%ati$ity theory (ay be illuminated
by the "artic!%ar st!dy o) a "recise (echanis(."
The ,ra-itics Situation is the one piece of documentation that the reader ?ill not Ae aAle to acHuire
?ithout great endurance or incrediAle luc@. It puts the finger on so man7 ner-e centres of the Aod7 of
those scientists ?ho sired =anti-gra-it7= that there can Ae no douAt to the enlightened reader9 #an/ind
has de(eloped 0anti-gra(ity0. As a result4 this document has Aeen totall7 reproduced in the puAlic
interest as Appendi> '.
To full7 appreciate the implications of the document4 one should read the entire thingG ho?e-er4 certain
@e7 phrases from its fort7-three pages of technical discussion ha-e Aeen selected to gi-e a Arief picture
of its purpose. The7 follo? Aelo?9
page '9 "<his "oint has been a""reciated in the 5nited 0tates and a "rogra( in hand (ay now ens!re
that development of large si$ed disks will be continued. This is backed by the 2.&. government, b!t it
is so(ething that wi%% be "!rs!ed on a s(a%% sca%e. <his acce"tance )o%%ows 4rown's origina%
s!ggestion e(bodied in ,ro;ect interha$en. interha$en reco((ended that a (a;or e))ort be
concentrated on e%ectrogra$itics= based on the "rinci"%e o) his dis3s."
page *9 " were re-written aro!nd a new re"ort which is a""arent%y based on newer tho!ghts
.than interha$en/ and with so(e %ater "atents not yet "!b%ished - which )or( the basis o) c!rrent 5.0.
"o%icy. 't is a (atter o) so(e contro$ersy whether this research co!%d be acce%erated by (ore (oney
b!t the i("ression in +ra$ity Band is that the base o) ind!stry is "erha"s (ore than adeF!ate%y wide.
?%ready co("anies are s"ecia%i&ing in e$o%!tion o) "artic!%ar co("onents o) an e%ectrogra$itics dis3.
<his i("%ies that the science is in the sa(e state as the '84M - na(e%y that no new brea3thro!ghs are
needed, on%y intensi$e de$e%o"(ent engineering."
page * Ccon8tD9 "...<he "ower o) the de$ice to !nder(ine the e%ectrostatic )orces ho%ding the ato(
together is a destr!cti$e by-"rod!ct o) (i%itary signi)icance. 'n !n"!b%ished wor3 +ra$ity Band has
indicated the "ossib%e e))ect o) s!ch a de$ice )or de(o%ition."
page 79 "') a rea% s"in or rotation is a""%ied to a "%anar geoid the gra$itationa% eF!i"otentia%s can be
(ade %ess con$e@, "%ane or conca$e. <hese ha$e the e))ect o) ad;!sting the intensity o) the gra$itationa%
)ie%d at wi%%= which is a reF!ire(ent )or the gra$ity absorber."
page 1'9 "?gain the "rinci"%e itse%) wi%% )!nction eF!a%%y in a $ac!!( - <ownsend 4rown's sa!cers
co!%d (o$e in a $ac!!( readi%y eno!gh - b!t the s!""orting "arts (!st a%so wor3 in a $ac!!(. 'n
"ractice they tend to gi$e tro!b%e, ;!st as gas t!rbine bits and "ieces start gi$ing tro!b%e in "ro"ortion
to the a%tit!de gained in )%ight."
The document also has a glossar7 of ne? terms on pages 174 11 and 1: and a 8gold mine8 of additional
reference papers listed on pages &2 and &1 ?hich are follo?ed A7 a summar7 of $r. To?nsend T.
.ro?n8s original patent application for his 8electric fl7ing saucer8 Aeginning on page &&.
Professor (. %oFer contriAuted a Arilliant discussion on the e>istence of negati-e mass particles and
their utiliFation in the construction of neutral-gra-it7 Aodies. It Aegins on page '2 of the document
CAppendi> 'D.
Also of special interest to a fe? ?ill Ae the Arief discussion A7 $r. $eser and $r. Arno?itt ?hich
Aegins on page ': of the same document. It is entitled4 "? *in3 4etween +ra$itation and :!c%ear
-nergy". It uses Einstein8s usual structures found in ,eneral !elati-it7 as a Auilding stone for a so-
called =creation tensor= to con-ert gra-itational energ7 to nuclear energ7. Their field eHuations are
difficult and are not in a readil7 ?or@aAle state - still4 the7 do represent an interesting aspect for some...
This incrediAle document ?as compiled in 1:5+I Can there Ae an7 douAt that such information has
Aeen superceded A7 e-en more incrediAle de-elopments in the last t?ent7-t?o 7ears6... #oI
The date ?as '2 $ecemAer4 1:57. The article ?as puAlished in ,rod!ct -ngineering4 /olume &14 #o.
&+ on page 1&. It ?as entitled4 3Electrogravitics4 &cience or Daydream53 The article ga-e e-en more
clues to the then-current state of the art of electrogra-itics9
"? )ew wee3s )ro( now, at a s"ecia% session o) the +nstitute of the "eronautical &ciences .:ew 2or3
8ity, Dan. 27-31/, a gro!" o) dedicated (en wi%% disc!ss what so(e "eo"%e %abe% "!re science-)iction,
b!t others be%ie$e is an attainab%e goa%. <he s!b;ect= e%ectrogra$itics - the science o) contro%%ing
"...David /. #itty noted in his award-winning essay )or the +ra$ity Besearch 6o!ndation,
gravitational screening is crucial in all theories of gravitation."
"...E.-. 'luhareff* (res. of 'luhareff ,elicopters* suggests much progress might come if gravity
were considered as %push% rather than %pull% - with all matter being pushed toward the centre of the
earth by a sort of %electronic rain% from outer space."
"0!ch recent%y-disco$ered ato(ic )rag(ents as hy"erons and 7-"artic%es .Dec. 2, ".1G/ a""ear to
interact with n!c%ear (atter in ways not e@"%ained by "resent theories. 0cientists are now s!ggesting
that these interactions (ay e@"%ain - or be e@"%ained by - gra$ity. 't is e$en "ossib%e that gra$itationa%
energy (ay "ro$e to be trans)or(ab%e into "artic%es o) this ty"e."
",erha"s 4ritish aerona!tica% engineer ?. C. 8%ea$er .see '-%ectro-+ra$itics= hat it is - Or Might be'
by ?.C. 8%ea$er, 6.B.?e.s., 6e%%ow 4.'.0., "!b%ished in the /ritish +nterplanetary &ociety Journal )or
?"r-D!ne o) 19A7 in Co%. 1G, :o.2, "ages 8E-9E/ is right in insisting that i) any antigra$ity de$ice is to
be de$e%o"ed the )irst thing needed is a new "rinci"%e in )!nda(enta% "hysics not ;!st a new in$ention
or a""%ication o) 3nown "rinci"%es... :e$erthe%ess, the "ir !orce is encouraging research in
electrogravitics* and many companies and individuals are working on the problem. 't co!%d be that
one o) the( wi%% con)o!nd the e@"erts."
C+##E!TS '1 .E1H+E
In his Aoo@ of 1:574 entitled4 <he 6%ying 0a!cer 8ons"iracy4 $onald 0e7hoe also mentioned some
rather indicting ne?s on pages &22-&219
"On 2nd 6ebr!ary, whi%e $isiting 4ogota, 8o%!(bia, i%%ia( ,. *ear (an!)act!rer o) aircra)t and
e%ectronic eF!i"(ent, to%d a news con)erence that the )%ying sa!cers are rea%."
"hen *ear's story was )%ashed to the 5nited 0tates by the ?,, it was a hard b%ow )or the 56O censors.
4!t this was on%y the beginning. ithin twenty-)o!r ho!rs *ear a("%i)ied his )irst state(ent= '' )ee% the
)%ying sa!cers are rea%', he said, 'beca!se o) )o!r "oints.' !irst, he said, there ha$e been n!(ero!s
(ani)estations o$er %ong "eriods o) ti(e. &econd, (any obser$ations ha$e been (ade si(!%taneo!s%y
by re%iab%e obser$ers. Third, there are great "ossibi%ities %in3ed with the theory o) gra$itationa% )ie%ds.
!ourth* there are now serious efforts in progress to prove the e6istence of antigravitational forces
and to convert atomic energy directly to electricity."
"<his new ?, story dismayed the (entagon* for it could easily disclose our topsecret research to
duplicate the 2!s propulsion. <here had a%ready been one hint des"ite ,entagon "reca!tions.
D!ring a (eeting o) a$iation %eaders in :ew 2or3, on the 2Ath o) Dan!ary, +.0. <ri(b%e, $ice-"resident
o) ad$anced design )or the +%enn *. Martin ?ircra)t 8o("any, had (ade an a(a&ing disc%os!re...
%2nlimited power* freedom from gravitational attraction* and infinitely short travel time are now
becoming feasible%, he to%d the "ress. <hen he added that e$ent!a%%y a%% co((ercia% air trans"ortation
wo!%d be in $ehic%es o"erating on these )antastic "rinci"%es."
Can one reall7 Aelie-e that such @een interest and such ?ide-spread research o-er t?ent7-fi-e 7ears
ago ?as all for nothing6 Can one reall7 Aelie-e that - e-en if the concepts of =electrogra-itics= ?ere
pro-en false - no papers ha-e Aeen printed ?hich discussed the errors6... #o...
The situation is clearl7 this9 There are t?o sources of =()s= or =(l7ing Saucers=. )ne is manmade
from the mid-fiftiesDG and the other has Aeen ?ith man@ind since the ancient da7s of the )ld Testament
and the Epic of ,ilgamesh. )ne ?onders ?h7 neither source has identified itself to man@ind. In
addition4 one ?onders if the =elder source= did not infiltrate and ta@e control of man@ind8s fledging
fl7ing saucer research and de-elopment programs of the last t?o decades... 3es4 one ?onders...
The !ussians ha-e ne-er Aeen one to Ae left out. The7 ha-e resorted to man7 t7pes of suAterfuge to
oAtain the secrets of anti-gra-it7 propulsion s7stems. To this end4 the7 enticed one of the ?est8s most
Arilliant ph7sicists4 a former =memAer of the fathers of the h7drogen-AomA group=4 to defect to !ussia
in 1:52. As it turns out4 he ?as a 0,. emplo7ee... His name9 $r. .runo Pontecor-o.
Since at least 1:+14 it has Aeen @no?n A7 the CIA that Pontecor-o had successfull7 demonstrated a
gra-itic aircraft C?hich had no 8engine8D for the !ussians. It has also Aeen passed to this author A7
former intelligence personnel that the chief of all !ussian anti-gra-it7 research is $r. Andrei Sa@haro-.
His American counterpart has Aeen identified to this author A7 American intelligence agents as $r.
Ed?ard Teller ?ho has ?or@ed in close association ?ith more than fift7 .S. anti-gra-it7 research
programs since the earl7 1:52s... Cmore on him laterD.
In the )ctoAer 1:+1 issue of ,ractica% Mechanics an article ?as puAlished A7 I.A. /an As4 entitled
"?nti-+ra$ity <he 0cience o) -%ectro-+ra$itics" ?hich oAser-ed9
"?n anti-gra$ity (achine is not i("ossib%e and (any co!ntries inc%!ding B!ssia are at "resent
in$estigating this new a""roach to a$iation. 8anada has its ',ro;ect Magnet' which is the "rod!ction o)
an anti-gra$ity (achine !sing the e%ectro-gra$itic "rinci"%e. Many ?(erican aircra)t (an!)act!rers
are s"ending (i%%ions o) do%%ars on the !se o) gra$ity as a""%ied to their ind!stry. ? n!(ber o)
!ni$ersities are a%so going into the "rob%e(, which, incidenta%%y, is not a new one. ?n act!a% )%ying
(ode% !sing this "rinci"%e was (ade in -ng%and be)ore the war."
Three 7ears passed Huic@l74 and 7et another startling announcement ?as made A7 a %aEor Ale>ander P.
de Se-ers@7 in the )ctoAer 1:+* issue of <he ,o"!%ar Mechanics magaFine4 pages '*-'7 and 1&1-1&&
disclosed in detail Cincluding photos and illustrationsD a ne?s item entitled4 "Ma;or de 0e$ers3y's 'on-
,ro"e%%ed ?ircra)t". %aEor de Se-ers@7 ?as a former 55II consultant to the .S. Chiefs of Staff in the
formulation of Aasic4 .S. air-strateg7 concepts. The article stated4 "9e a%so contrib!ted to the designs
o) the "-3A and "-E3 which %ed to the de$e%o"(ent o) the "-E7 <h!nderbo%t, one o) ?(erica's (ost
e))ecti$e warti(e )ighter "%anes."
He had de-eloped a ?or@ing4 light-?eight model aircraft that =fle? ?ith electrons= for his emplo7er9
Electron-atom4 Inc.4 of "ong Island Cit7 in #e? 3or@. His aircarft ?hich ?as a t?o-ounce4 saucer-
shaped model reHuired :2 ?atts of po?er C'24222 -olts at ' milliampsD to fl7. The po?er-to-?eight
ratio ?as .:+hp per pound as compared to the .2+5 hp per pound of the Piper CuA aircraft. Ho?e-er4
Eust raising the -oltage le-el to '42224222 -olts ?ould ha-e produced a po?er-to-?eight ratio of Aetter
than .22221:& hp per pound if the pre-iousl7 mentioned $r. Trump8s figures ?ere e-en 52 per cent
achie-edI E-en assuming that the fuel-consumption rate ?ould increase A7 122 times4 the craft ?ould
tra-el Aet?een 52 and 122 times further than the Piper CuAI... .ut4 one must rememAer... "56Os or
)%ying sa!cers, as the (asses ca%% the(, si("%y do not e@ist# and, )!rther(ore, no go$ern(ent o) the
wor%d co!%d he res"onsib%e )or s!ch de$ices..." .....)h reall76...
#estled in a shallo? little -alle7 at the southern foot of the %c$onnell !anges aAout t?el-e miles A7
air from the dead centre of Australia is one of the modern ?onders of the ?orld. The apparent4 surface
entrances to this super-technological retreat are are located in the -icinit7 of &' degrees *1 minutes
south A7 1'' degrees *' minutes east. It is one of the top three of se-eral -er7-secret4 .S.
,o-ernment-financed 8Aases8 in Australia.
:ote= 't is not this a!thor's intention to start another h!e and cry )or the re(o$a% o) these secret
)aci%ities#... it is si("%y to i%%!strate how ad$anced (odern techno%ogy (ay ha$e beco(e. Once a
"erson !nderstands how $ery ad$anced these secret disco$eries (ay ha$e beco(e, he is )orced to
rea%i&e how )!ti%e it wo!%d be to try to arg!e with those who "ossess s!ch 3now%edge - s!ch "ower -
witho!t at %east an eF!i$a%ent s!""ort "ower... .s!ch is a$ai%ab%e,... b!t this wi%% be disc!ssed in 0ection
The Pine ,ap facilit7 as it is informerl7 @no?n4 is officiall7 called the Joint Defence &pace Research
!acilityG... ho?e-er4 Australians refer to it as ",ine +a"". The Pine ,ap facilit7 has had se-eral
functions. Its original function ?as to e>ecute research and de-elopment of space defence technolog7.
The primar7 responsiAilit7 for the facilit7 has Aeen controlled A7 the .S. $efence Ad-anced !esearch
ProEects Agenc7 C$A!PAD located in the .S. at 1*22 5ilson .l-d.4 Arlington4 /irginia &&&2:4 in the
Architect .uilding.
$uring the earl7 stages of the estaAlishing of Pine ,ap4 the $irector of $A!PA ?as Stephen <.
"u@asi@. 0e7 memAers of his staff ?ere9 aD 0ent 0resa - special assistant for ndersea 5arfare
Technolog74 and director of tactical technolog74 AD "a?rence ,. !oAerts - director of information
processing techniHues4 cD Eric H. 5illis - director of nuclear monitoring research4 dD $a-id E. %ann -
director of strategic technolog74 and eD "t. Col. Austin 5. 0iAler - director of the human resources
research di-ision.
Pine ,ap has ?hat is Aelie-ed to Ae the deepest and straightest 8?ater Aore8 in Australia drilled Aeneath
it. The Aore is at least &14222 feet deep C5.' milesD.
This Aore could also Ae used as an underground antenna for -er7 lo? freHuenc7 electricit7 Aroadcasts.
As Pine ,ap is supposed to Ae in-ol-ed in Aoth upper atmospheric and suA-surface research4 it is Huite
feasiAle - if for no other reason - that the 8Aore antenna8 could Ae used to tune a gigantic 8standing ?a-e8
field around the entire planetI Such a s7stem might easil7 Ae tuned to freHuencies from4 sa74... :4222
c7cles per second to 1*4''+ c7cles per second - enough to set up a resonating4 electric field to an
altitude of &52 miles aAo-e the earthI Ho?e-er4 this possiAilit7 ?ill Ae e>plored in a Ait more detail in
Chapter * of this section.
It is also rumoured that Pine ,ap has a -er7 large nuclear facilit7 used to po?er its enormous
8transcei-er8. )ther rumored proEects include high--oltage4 high-energ7 plasma accelerators... possiAl7
for use in ne? methods of po?er generation4 a 8death ra78 or plasma cannon4 and e-en specialised
po?er Aroadcasts to fuel 8electric suAmarines8 as far a?a7 as the Indian )cean... It is almost certain that
the earlier -ersion of Pine ,ap8s -er7-lo?-freHuenc7 transcei-er ?hich is located at the #orth 5est
Cape near E>mouth .a7 in Australia ?as and still is used to transmit -er7 po?erful undersea electric
currents to .S. suAmarines ?hich trail long antennae Aehind them. It is also @no?n that electricit7
transmitted in this ?a7 can Ae 8strong8 enough to recharge onAoard 8high--oltage Aatteries8 @no?n as
8plasma-d7namic storage cells8.
The :ation Be$iew - a national Australian ne?spaper - had some interesting things to sa7 aAout Pine
,ap in their %a7 17-&' issue of 1:7*9
"<he ,ine +a" research )aci%ity near ?%ice 0"rings has (anaged to 3ee" secret, !nti% now, one o) the
(ost !nbe%ie$ab%e research "ro;ects in the wor%d."
3The 2nited &tates has been carrying out continuous research into electromagnetic propulsion
7E-( for short8 at (ine 'ap since it was established in 9:;;.3
"...:i@on Cformer .S. PresidentD %ast year anno!nced 197A as a target date )or the co("%etion o) the
"ro;ect. ?t that ti(e it was to re%ie$e the "etro% crisis."
3+ understand that last minute flaws in the design and operation of the E-( vehicles have probably
put the completion dale back by four years.3 Cauthor8s note9... that means a 1:71-1:7: puAlic release
"...0ec!rity as"ects o) the -M, "ro;ect ha$e inc%!ded hy"notic and "ost hy"notic 3eys i("%anted in
"ersonne% "rior to their acce"tance into the "ro;ect. 't is %i3e%y, howe$er, that this techniF!e has been
re"%aced now that it is 3nown that a side e))ect o) *0D and other ha%%!cinogenics is to re(o$e "artia%
hy"nosis e))ects."
This author ?rote the :ation Be$iew see@ing additional information from the author of the pre-ious
article9 5illiam H. %artin. A repl7 ?as sent A7 his secretar7 ?hich sought more information than it
ga-e. Apparentl74 85illiam H. %artin8 is a no( de "%!(e. #o further dialogue ?as attempted.
According to se-eral e7e-?itnesses4 ?hite dis@s aAout '2 feet in diameter ?ith '5.0. ?ir 6orce'
mar@ings ha-e Aeen ferried into Australia inside large4 militar7 air transports... 3hich ha(e landed at
one or the other of the t3o airports ser(icing Pine -ap. )ther e7e-?itness reports ha-e seen these
same air transports unloading incrediAle amounts of modern furniture4 food4 and other pro-isions ?hich
one ?ould ordinaril7 e>pect to see in a -er7 plush hotel. Could it Ae that nearA7 to the ob$io!s Pine
,ap facilit7 in an underground4 man-made cit7 of multiple le-els is... the real 8Pine ,ap facilit78...6
Could it Ae that Pine ,ap is also a so-called 8Aolt hole8 to Ae used to shelter @e7 .S. personnel in the
e-ent of a natural ?eather catastrophe or a full-scale nuclear attac@ codenamed !oah4s Ar/6... )ne
does ?onder...
Should an7one douAt the degree of orAital sur-eillance that is possiAle toda7G a 1:7' press release
aAout one of Pine ,ap8s other functions should con-ince him. The release said that Pine ,ap and its
sister station in ,uam supported photographic satellites as part of ?hat if @no?n as O"eration 4ig 4ird.
Each 8Aird8 ?eighed ele-en tonsG ?as fift7-feet long A7 ten-feet ?ideG could scan the entire surface of
the earth e-er7 &* hoursG and could -ar7 its altitude from 122 to &22 miles for 8close-loo@8 photographs
of 8interesting areas8. 5hene-er ground control instructed the 8Aird8 to ta@e a 8close loo@8 or 8high-
resolution8 photograph of some strategic area4 a huge Per@in-Elmer camera ?ould Ae used A7 the 8Aird8
to ta@e a lo?-altitude photograph of the oAEecti-e. The resulting pictures ?ould Ae so sharp that oAEects
of onl7 t?el-e inches across ?ere identifiaAle. The 8Airds8 as ?ell as the earl7-?arning satellites of
,rogra((e GE7 use infra-red sensors and films. It is almost certain that the !ussians ha-e eHui-alent
s7stems in operation... Cis 8Aig Arother8 at home tonight6D
A similar station to Pine ,ap is located in Trans-aal4 South AfricaG Aut it is difficult to oAtain much
information aAout it. %ost of the emplo7ees there are disguised as .S. consular emplo7ees. T?el-e
hundred consular staff is a Ait e>cessi-e4 ho?e-er... hat was it ca%%ed1... was it 7r!gersdor" or
'7oedes"oort'1... It is4 apparentl74 also lin@ed to another /"( station at the South Pole... 8)peration
$eep (reeFe86... Is it not a strange coincidence that the t?o 8grids8 mentioned A7 Capt. .ruce Cathie
ha-e 8poles8 located at the South Pole4 too6...
Some of the maEor .S. contractors and suppliers for the Pine ,ap facilit7 ha-e Aeen Collins !adio4
"ing-Tempco-/ought C".T./.D - Aoth of $allas4 Te>asG %c%ahon Construction4 and I...%... It is also
rumoured that there are 8super I.% computer s7stems8 on a floating platform -8do?n the ?ell8.
A /"( po?er transcei-er4 and 8electric fl7ing machines8 are not so hard to Aelie-e... !ememAer4 ".T./.
is an aero-space compan7 formed as a conglomerate of electronics and aircraft manufacturing
suAsidiaries. I.% has4 also4 long-ago de-eloped mammoth computers ?ith super-cooled4 cr7stalline4
main-memor7 units. These computers can recogniFe Aoth -oice and -isual patterns. Their main-
memor7 siFes are said to Ae in e>cess of &422242224222 A7tes CcharactersDI Is it not possiAle that there
ha-e Aeen so(e secrets ?hich the 8in-isiAle go-ernment8 of planet earth has @ept from its s!b;ects6...
!ememAer4 there ?ere o-er 1224222 people ?or@ing on the Manhattan ,ro;ect to produce the first A-
AomA. $id that secret escape in time to help the enem76..
If Pine ,ap is an electric po?er Aroadcasting facilit74 then the disappearance of /alentich ma7 Ae
related. Suppose that Captain .ruce Cathie8s h7pothesis of 8po?er grids8 circumna-igating the earth is
correct...G Aut that the locations ?hich he pic@ed for his 8grid poles8 ?ere onl7 part of se-eral other
grids4 themsel-es. If Pine ,ap ?ere then chosen as a 8grid pole84 one ?ould Ae aAle to ma@e a -er7
interesting oAser-ation. A compass centered on Pine ,ap and e>tended to Perth ?ill - ?hen scriAed
aAout the Pine ,ap centre - form a circle around Australia ?hich intersects the follo?ing areas9 Perth4
the /"( transcei-er at E>mouth4 .risAane4 CanAerra4 S7dne74 %elAourne Calong the %ornington
Peninsula4... and an area &ust off Cape +t3ay $et3een the Cape and .ing Island5
5as the reason /alentich said the () ?as pla7ing a game and ma@ing passes Aecause he had
inad-ertentl7 Aeen caught in the craft8s field li@e an iron filing is attracted A7 a magnet s?ung past6
Such an e-ent ?ould ha-e gi-en /alentich the impression the () ?as mo-ing - ?hen in realit7
/alentich8s aircraft itself had Aeen suc@ed into the field so rapidl7 Cthrough an undetectaAle uniform
accelerationD that his plane had passed under the () and had oscillated from side to side in smaller
and smaller arcs until it finall7 stuc@ onto the underside of the (). The final metallic noise could
ha-e Aeen either the actual contact of the t?o craft Aefore /alentich dropped the mi@e or the radio
sHueal produced ?hen the high-densit74 electromagnetic field of the () inducti-el7 Aurned-out his
radio ?hich ?as transmitting at the time. )ne must also consider the possiAilit7 that /alentich had seen
too much of the top-secret !AA(-() records at Sale A(.G and had Aecome a potential securit7
proAlem to 8those in the @no?8. He could ha-e Aeen graAAed on purpose. The suggestion is rough to sa7
so soon after he has disappearedG Aut it is a distinct possiAilit7.
Incidentall74 $ar?in and Adelaide fall on a circle around Pine ,ap ?ith a radius of some 122-odd miles
?hile the pre-iousl7 mentioned areas fell on a circle of some 1&22-odd miles. The $epartment of
Transport Cformerl7 called the $epartment of Ci-il A-iationD lists Pine ,ap as 8!&''8 on the na-igation
maps for the area. 8!&''8 is listed as a restricted air space reser-ed for space research... Ci.e. do not fl7
o-er the area as sho?n on the mapD. The 8!&''8 space is a circle around Pine ,ap ?ith a radiius of fi-e
nautical miles.
6H+ 6AS #E!"E+%7
<he Mende%o$ 8ons"iracy A7 %artin Caidin ?as puAlished in 1:7&. %artin Caidin has si> other titles
on the shel-es ?hich are selling Huite ?ell. The onl7 one of his se-en Aoo@s ?hich has either Aeen
?ithdra?n from sale or made e>tremel7 difficult to oAtain is <he Mende%o$ 8ons"iracy. The reason
?ould Ae most oA-ious to an7one ?ho has had the good fortune to read the Aoo@. It is thinl7 disguised
fact in the form of science fiction aAout a plot to ta@e o-er the ?orld. The conspirac7 is headed A7 a $r.
/adim %endelo- Ca ph7sicist ?hose Aiographical s@etch closel7 fits either $r. Ed?ard Teller or the
!ussian $r. Andrei Sa@haro-... 8Sa@haro-8... 8%endelo-8.. hm-m-m...D. The conspirators are disco-ered
A7 a .S. ne?sman ?ho ?rites for a Aig paper ...CrememAer Ansel E. TalAert6D. The ne?sman - named
.rad7 - ?rites a series of articles on 8antigra-it784 ()s4 and 8electro-gra-itics8. He is fired A7 the
ne?spaper after the third article... CTalAert4 too4 ?rote onl7 three articles - e-en though his first articles
?ere originall7 listed as 8the first and second in a series8ID. The incrediAle fact is that 8()s8 of the Aoo@
?ere Auilt on a principle that is an e>isting technolog7 - right no?. The names of the @e7 characters and
the large aircraft corporations in the Aoo@ ?ere changed e-er so cle-erl7 to conceal the real names of
the conspirators - ?hom Caidin4 himself4 had oA-iousl7 alread7 identified. 5h7 did %artin Caidin
?rite the Aoo@6 5h7 has it Aeen made so scarce ?hen the demand for it is so intense6
The points of this chapter are Aeacons illuminating the path for those ?ho pursue the truth and4 hence4
?isdom. The7 ?ill lead to an understanding of the second greatest m7ster7 in human affairs... Pursue
their lead4 and the related details ent?ined in the remaining faAric of this Aoo@ ?ill not onl7 leap from
the pages ?ith incrediAle agilit74 Aut ?ill also lead 8he - ?ho see@s8 to an understanding of that ?hich is
surel7 the greatest m7ster7 in all human endea-our.
Section I - Chapter 8
Constructs of Reality
The letters from $r. <ames !. %a>field arri-ed in %elAourne on the fifteenth of %a7 1:7&. The7 had
Aeen dictated si> da7s earlier in $r. %a>field8s radiation research clinic in $allas4 Te>as. )ne of the
letters instructed the recipient - to ha-e a -isit ?ith Sir <ohn 5illiams. Apparentl74 $r. %a>field had
pre-iousl7 contacted Sir <ohn aAout this author8s coming to Australia... Csee copies of this letter and the
other as Appendi>-*D. The same letter also stated that the Chief Superintendent of the Aeronautical
!esearch "aA. at %elAourne ?ould Ae contacted A7 Aoth Sir <ohn and $r. %a>field on this author8s
Aehalf Cso that he might see@ emplo7ment there to continue his research into 8anti-gra-it78D. $r.
%a>field8s letter ?ent on to sa7 that he and $r. Ed?ard Teller ?ere planning to come to Australia in
)ctoAer and hoped the7 might 8get together8 ?ith this author at that time.
The second letter ?as a cop7 of the one ?hich $r. %a>field had sent to the A.!.". Superintendent. It
had told the superintendent that4 although this author ?as then ?or@ing as a computer s7stems anal7st
for a ?ell-@no?n tractor firm in %elAourne that he C%a>fieldD hoped the A.!.". could find a position
for him - as this author had $een 3or/ing in a field that he 9#a:field; and "r) Teller had $een
%interested in%. This author @ne? ?hat that 8field8 ?as...9 8anti-gra-it78.
In his last meeting ?ith $r. %a>field in America in 1:714 this author ?as told aAout -arious other
research proEects in America ?hich had Aeen or ?ere under the ?atchful e7e of $r. Ed?ard Teller. It
?as an incrediAle momentI It ?as li@e meeting the real Santa Claus... finding out that the m7sterious
8the78 reall7 did ha-e names and faces... and super technolog7. $r. %a>field told the author ho? he and
8Ed Teller8 had 8sponsored other 7oung minds8 Cli@e this author8sD in the pursuits of the secrets of
gra-itational energ7... It ?as mind-Aoggling. He ?ent on to sa7 that there had Aeen o-er fift7
8antigra-it78 research proEects in the .S. since 1:*1I... CSome of the results of these proEects and their
accompan7ing contract numAers from the issuing authorities ?ill Ae discussed in the ne>t chapterD.
This author then prepared t?o preliminar7 papers on electro-gra-itic propulsion for the A.!.". as per
$r. %a>field8s instructions. After a fe? ?ee@s had passed4 $r. Tom 0eeAle - the director of the
mechanical engineering di-ision of the A.!.". - called this author into the facilit7 for a critiHue of his
preliminar7 papers. $r. 0eeAle ?ith t?o of his research staff attended the closed-door meeting. A short
time ?as spent discussing the papers and some of the some?hat emAarrassing mista@es this author had
made ?hen preparing the material. After this4 $r. 0eeAle as@ed ?h7 this author had not sta7ed in
America to finish his research.
This author then related the long stor7 of his (.I in-ol-ement4 his training at the .S. Air (orce
Academ74 and his suAseHuent and some?hat peripheral in-ol-ement in the .S. 8anti-gra-it78 research
program. $r. 0eeAle loo@ed as though he ?anted to sa7 something ?hich he felt he could not Aecause
of certain 8restrictions8. His furro?ed Aro? framed his Aush7 e7eAro?s as he finall7 said4 "*oo3, we
3now yo!r theory wor3s#... yo!r design is not the best )or a )!%%y-o"erationa% (ode%#... b!t it wi%%
wor3... hat has "!&&%ed !s the (ost is how yo! )o!nd o!t abo!t it... abo!t the "ro;ect..."
He ?ent on to sa74 something li@e "e 3new that the 2an3s - no o))ence (eant - and the 8anadians did
so(e (ind contro% or t!ning e@"eri(ents in the ear%y si@ties# b!t we tho!ght they had abandoned it
beca!se so (any o) the test b%o3es had gone (enta% or s!icided !nder the s!b%i(ina% e))ects o) the
conditioning - 2et, here yo! are as %i$ing "roo) that they did s!cceed."
This author interEected sa7ing4 "2es, that co!%d be F!ite tr!e# howe$er, i) it is then yo! ha$e a""arent%y
(ade the ass!("tion that ' a( not one o) those who crac3ed !" !nder the strain... ha$en't yo!1"
"2es," he said as he smiled4 "e ha$e (ade that ass!("tion here. 6!rther(ore, ', "ersona%%y, )ee% that
yo!r (ind is one o) those that they t!ned to ta" into - now, don't %a!gh - other "eo"%e's s!b-conscio!s
"2o!'re ;o3ing!" this author interEected. "*oo3, don't "atroni&e (e# i) yo! do thin3 ''( n!ts, ;!st say so,
and %et's be done with it!"
This must ha-e con-inced $r. 0eeAle and his staff to chance tr7ing to tell this author some things
?hich might ordinaril7 Ae too ris@7 for them to ha-e said at that moment. The room ?as apparentl7
Augged A7 ASI) CAustralian Securit7 and Intelligence )rganiFationD - or so the7 ?ere tr7ing to tell this
author ?ith their silent gestures to?ard the Aoo@ shelf Aehind them follo?ed ?ith Huestions as to
?hether or not ASI) had4 as 7et4 contacted this author. In fact4 one of the chaps in the meeting
suggested that4 Aecause of the -er7 Huiet manner used A7 this author to enter Australia4 ASI) might not
ha-e @no?n ?hat information this author had stored a?a7 in his tid7 little suA-conscious data Aan@.
$r. 0eeAle leaned for?ard and said4 "There are e6tensive motion-picture libraries of these flying
saucers taken right here in "ustralia. The R""! have control of these libraries. ''$e seen the(.
+ood st!)) yo! yan3s ha$e "!t together on that "ro;ect!" As he finished spea@ing4 this author as@ed him
if he could also see these filmed records.
$r. 0eeAle and his colleagues all said4 "Oh no, yo! co!%dn't "ossib%y... they reF!ire a c%earance that
yo! as a yan3 cannot obtain." 3et4 as the7 ?ere all sa7ing these ?ords4 ?ith their hands the7 ?ere
franticall7 pointing to the Aoo@ shelf and in some cases miming the ?ord4 8ma7Ae8 ?ith their lip
mo-ements. Their message came through...9 hoe$er was b!gging their roo( was not o) the sa(e
"hi%oso"hy as those "eo"%e "resent# howe$er, one or (ore o) those "resent wo!%d (a3e a %ater atte("t
to show this a!thor those )i%( records.
$r. 0eeAle tr7ed to sa7 something more4... "2o! see, there's so(ething %i3e a gro!" o) !s who ...ah..."
This author interEected4 "4y gro!", do yo! (ean a c%!b or a )or(a% organi&ation1"
":o"4 he said4 "...scientists, engineers aro!nd the wor%d... we )ee%... we%%.. '..." and his -oice trailed off
lea-ing the sentence unfinished as he allo?ed one of his staff to add further comments on the earlier
suAEect of 8mind training8 Aefore he4 himself4 Eoined into the same discussion. "...0o yo! see"4 $r.
0eeAle resumed4 "yo!r (ind can theoretica%%y ea$esdro" on the co%%ecti$e 3now%edge o) a%% those
"eo"%e in the wor%d who st!dy or "ractice any o) the s!b;ects yo!r (ind (ight e$er wish to,
conscio!s%y, address as a (eans to so%$ing any "rob%e( reF!iring conce"t!a% 3now%edge which yo!
ha$en't "re$io!s%y gained by any other scho%astic or "ractica% (eans..."
The -er7 thought made this author8s mind race ?ith the possiAilities - the -er7 proAaAilities - that ?hat
he had Eust heard ?as trueI...9 "4!t then"4 he thought4 "who wo!%d be%ie$e (e, i) ' to%d the( ' ha$e
a%ready e@"erienced this schoo%-o)-the-(ind e))ect1... ho indeed...1" )ne ?onders ?hat /alentich
reall7 got to see on the !AA( Aase at SaleG... ?as it the actual () films6...
%onths passed after the %elAourne meeting and this author ?as not ta@en into the emplo7 of the
A.!.".. In fact4 Aoth papers pre-iousl7 suAmitted to the A.!.". had e-en Aeen 8classified8 and remo-ed
from the recei-ing authorit7 at the A.!.".. Strange e-ents Aegan to manifest. Someone Aro@e into the
author8s home in Aroad da7lightG... and touched nothing. 5hen the local police ?ere called-in and
sho?n the forced entr74 their ans?er ?as4 "0orry, (ate, this is a "o%itica% sit!ation and we can't do
anything abo!t it..."
5ee@s passed and $r. Alan H7ne@ came to to?n. The author ?as summoned to see him A7 an
intermediar7. The meeting too@ place in an attorne78s penthouse in %elAourne. $r. H7ne@ Huestioned
this author on his @no?ledge of the () situation. Copies of the pre-iousl7-mentioned A.!.".
documents ?ere gi-en to $r. H7ne@. After a length7 discussion $r. H7nes smiled and reached in his
poc@et producing a hidden poc@et tape recorder - ?hich he then turned off. He as@ed if this author had
e-er discussed the ()-co-erup situation ?ith the American comedian4 $ic@ ,regor7. The ans?er ?as
":o,... b!t why do yo! as31" H7ne@ then said that $ic@ ,regor7 had made the same claims and had
named the same responsiAle parties to H7ne@4 himself. Eust Aefore H7ne@ had left the .S. for
%elAourne. H7ne@ ad-ised this author to 8@eep in touch8 at a particular address and telephone numAer in
the .S.
It ?as not until months later ?hen a phone call from a 8reliaAle source8 in Auc@land. #e? Jealand
informed the author that Aoth H7ne@ and an attorne7 in %elAourne ?ere CIA operati-es that the
situation Aecame a Ait clearer. Apparentl74 the author had caused Huite a stir in certain local and
international intelligence organiFations A7 releasing his Aasic theories aAout suppressed 8fl7ing saucer8
technolog7 to the ci-ilian populace of %elAourne and Auc@land. It Aecame more and more oA-ious
?ith suAseHuent 8unofficial8 -isits A7 A.S.I.). operati-es and emplo7ees from the Australian $efence
Standards "aA.4 that this author ?as under the 8e7epiece8.
As the pursuit of those ?ho ?anted the author either dead or -er7 tightl7 muFFled ?armed-up4 this
author managed to 8disappear8 into the Australian scene. Although the elusi-e methods used A7 the
author ?ere not uniHue4 it ma7 Ae that he ?ill need to use the same techniHues again in the near future.
As a result4 it must suffice to sa7 that the author 8?ent Aush8 for around a 7ear8s time... finall7 surfacing
in the most remote cit7 on Earth9 Perth - finding it the most delightful hiding place he could ha-e
chosen... had there Aeen a choice..
The lo?-profile ?as4 ho?e-er4 soon destro7ed A7 the normal processes of meeting ne? people . It
Aecame all too oA-ious that the psuedon7m the author had adopted ?as no longer a 8co-er8 of an7
magnitude. It ?as Aecause of this realiFation4 that the author finall7 agreed to ma@e a state?ide radio
Aroadcast on the national Australian net?or@9 the A.C. He felt that one of t?o things ?ould result from
doing the sho?9 1D He ?ould either ha-e4 suAseHuentl74 a -er7 short duration in lifespan4 or &D The
information he could suddenl7 release all at once might Eust ma@e him too noticed thereA7 insuring his
e>tended longe-it7. There ?as nothing to loseG so ?hen #eil 5atson of the A.C as@ed him to do the
sho? - li-e4 this author surfaced ?ith a 8Aang8. The s?itchAoards Eammed for three hours o-er the
Aroadcast ?hich onl7 lasted an hour and a half. %an7 people made cassette recordings of the program
from their radios. Hundreds of copies seemed to appear o-ernight in the state. The interest ?as so high4
that the A.C authoriFed t?o more sho?s ?ith onl7 a fe? 8restrictions8 as to ?hat suAEects could Ae
discussed on the air. The gamAle had paid off.
A 7ear passed ?ith the puAlic interest climAing steadil7 Aecause of the 8underground8 tapes ?hich
seemed to tra-erse not onl7 Australia Aut also man7 other nations. Then4 Channel : - the local fa-ourite
in tele-ision - as@ed the author to do a thirt7-minute spot as a 8surprise trailer8 to their forthcoming4
() special production A7 director4 ,u7 .as@in. The production ?as entitled4 56Os ?re 9ere. The
author ?as Huite ?illing to do the sho? - realiFing the more co-erage - the longer the life...
Again4 the puAlic response ?as o-er?helming. As a result4 t?o more Channel : tele-ision specials
?ere produced in ?hich the author ?as allo?ed to sa7 almost e-er7thing he desired. Calthough some
items had to Ae deleted or omitted ?ith his permission for the legal protection of Channel :D. The
resulting ratings of the sho?s ?ere a sign that the 8plot heard around the ?orld8 ma7 not Ae as
impossiAle an oAEecti-e as pre-iousl7 thought.
In the months that ha-e follo?ed the Channel : () documentaries4 the author has also Aeen further
assisted in his efforts to 8spread the ?ord8 A7 .risAane8s !adio Station *IP. SuAEects such as .iAlical
prophec74 suppressed 8fl7ing saucer technolog784 the conspirac7 to o-erthro? the estaAlished
go-ernments of the ?orld4 and a host of other suAEects ?hich are to Ae found in this Aoo@ ?ere first
Aroadcast there at *IP A7 Alan %c,er-in and ,reg Hunting in an effort to educate their listeners not
onl7 to the man7 proAlems facing toda78s societ74 Aut also to the solution ?hich this author has
personall7 accepted for those same proAlems.
Conser-ati-e estimates no? indicate that *4222 original cassette recordings of a -ariet7 of this author8s
radio Aroadcasts4 pri-ate lectures4 and the recent series of puAlic lectures gi-en in .risAane are
currentl7 circulating in Australia. The second and third generation copies of these recordings raise the
figure to an estimated 74222 tapes. Considering that each tape has Aeen heard A7 at least ten persons
and the a-erage famil7 siFe is four people4 it is Huite reasonaAle to sa7 that one in e-er7 fift7 families in
Australia has alread7 heard aAout at least a fe? of the topics this author has discussed from those -er7
tapes. Although the puAlic interest has Aeen gratif7ing4 it has also Aecome so o-er?helming4 that the
author has had to ?rite this Aoo@ to a-oid needless repetition of the same facts and deductions.
Although there are 7et man7 details of this author8s personal ad-entures remaining to Ae told4 the7 must
no? ?ait for some other time... and some other spaceG for much more important oAser-ations no? need
to Ae related to the reader...
)ne of the hottest deAates in ph7sics toda7 is o-er the true nature of space9 Is it a 8luminiferous ether8
Csee Appendi> 5D or is it some aAstract4 ten-dimensional4 !eimannian construction li@e $r. AlAert
Einstein proposed in his <heory o) +enera% Be%ati$ity6 If it does4 indeed4 reHuire a superdimensioned
construction to e>plain the ph7sical la?s of the uni-erse4 one must ?onder ?h7 this construction could
not Ae replaced A7 one using real and oAser-aAle dimensions li@e ?idth4 length4 and depth... If4 on the
other hand4 space is a 8luminiferous ether8 or some tenuous 8fluid84 then one ?onders ?h7 the functions
of the ph7sical la?s of the uni-erse cannot Ae oAser-edG and4 hence4 translated into a mathematical
construct of realit7... of three real dimensions ?ith time e>pressed as a ratio of relati-e distances and
Strange as it ma7 seem4 space has alread7 Aeen properl7 descriAed right here on Earth as far Aac@ as
1:5*I Space is a 8fine structure8... a 8tenuous medium4 fluid or field8. All gra-itational4 electromagnetic4
and electrostatic phenomena occur as results of -arious interactions of energ7 8?a-es8 in this 8fluid
space8. In pages 17&-17*4 17+4 171 and 112 of Scientific American in 1:5*4 a Arilliant discussion gi-ing
three-dimensional e>planations of man7 nuclear phenomena CAased largel7 on pre-ious discussions
?ritten A7 $ouglass Croc@?ellD ?as conducted A7 AlAert ,. Ingalls. Croc@?ell8s e>planations offer the
onl7 real solution to the apparent parado> ?hich certain nuclear e-ents present to the researcher9 A
particle sometimes Aeha-es li@e a ?a-e. The discussion stated9
"'t see(s reasonab%e, as a )irst tho!ght to acce"t each "artic%e-)ie%d re%ationshi" as an inse"arab%e
so(ething, which is "ercei$ed so(eti(es in one )ashion and so(eti(es in another. e (ight a%so thin3
o) the particle portion of the effect as that which is e6perienced radial to the course or potential
course. #e know that some relationship of this sort e6ists, whether or not it is e@act%y as stated.
Cariation o) one e))ect is acco("anied by a reci"roca% $ariation in the other e))ect. 'n other words, the
(ore the "artic%e )ie%d (ani)ests itse%) as a "artic%e, the %ess it (ani)ests itse%) as a )ie%d, and $ice
"... e a%so 3now that charged "artic%es in (otion e@hibit a 'sense' or F!a%ity o) right - or %e)t-
handedness which characteri&es their charges... 6ro( this we can in)er a 3ind o) tangential motion in
space around the course of a particle - a motion which differs between particles of unlike charge."
The discussion ?ent on to sa74 "...'t is i("ortant to re(e(ber that the )ie%d does not rotate as a !nit.
<he areas o) the )ie%d $ary on%y in the dia(eter and the "hase o) trans%ation. ?s the )ie%d is e@"%ored
)ro( the centre o!tward, the "hase o) rotation %ags "rogressi$e%y. ,ence* its structure can be
considered as a series of concentric phase shells* each <;= degrees out of step with adjoining
3The field and particle are one* and at all points the action is similar. The diameter of translation is
greatest when the particle is at relative rest. "n increase of particle-field velocity is accompanied by
an increased rate of rotation but a smaller radius of rotation.3
The summar7 statements of the discussion Arought out a -er7 interesting point aAout <ames Cler@
%a>?ell - the Einstein of the nineteenth centur79
"' s!b(it a %ine )ro( the great Da(es 8%er3 Ma@we%%'s "re)ace to his theory o) e%ectro(agnetic
radiation= ''n se$era% "arts o) this treatise, an atte("t has been (ade to e@"%ain e%ectro(agnetic
"heno(ena by (eans o) a (echanica% action...' "
A -er7 common phenomenon illustrates Croc@?ell8s model 8particle-field8 concept. If one Alo?s a ?ea@
8smo@e ring84 it mo-es slo?l7 a?a7 in a rapidl7-?idening ring. If4 ho?e-er4 one Alo?s a strong 8smo@e
ring84 it mo-es a?a7 rapidl7 - maintaining a -er7 small diameter. If a person nearA7 ?ere struc@ A7 the
latter smo@e ring4 the impulse or particle effect ?ould Ae more oA-ious than the tangential e>pansion
pressure on the ring. )n the other hand4 if that some person ?ere struc@ A7 the first smo@e ring of less
translational energ74 it ?ould not Ae felt as a direct impact so much as an e>panding cra?l o-er the
indi-idual8s person. Although it ?ould pro-e a Ait difficult in practice4 one could4 theoreticall74 shoot
t?o smo@e rings at each other so that their encounter ?ould produce either mutual annihilation or
mutual enhancement dependent upon the rotation -ector applied to each ring as it left the issuing
orifice. The annihilation ?ould produce a -isual effect li@e a 8Aarred-spiral gala>78 ?hile the
enhancement ?ould produce a -isual effect li@e the 8SomArero gala>78. The reader ?ho is @eenl7
interested in the mechanics of gra-it7 and electromagnetism must pursue the preceding lines of thought
to properl7 understand the 8missing lin@8 ?hich unites the ph7sical la?s of the microcosm ?ith those of
the macrocosm.
If one -ie?s 8space8 as an infinite e>istence - a continuum - comprised of endless le-els of suAnuclear
particle-fields forming atoms forming planetar7 s7stems ?hich form gala>ies that4 in turn4 form
galactic cells and4 etc. ad infinitum4 then one can easil7 -isualiFe that the 8ether8 of man8s particular
le-el of e>istence is a 8fluid8 comprised of ultra-small 8particle-fields8 ?hich4 in turn4 are made-up of
relati-el7 eHuall7 small 8particle-fields8. 8Time84 as such4 in a continuum of such magnitude is eHuall7
8Time8 is not an aAsolute dimension in realit7. The onl7 aAsolute is energ7. The distriAution of energ7
?ithin the -arious le-els of the hierarch7 of e>istence creates the phenomenon called4 8time8. As the
distriAution of energ7 is not uniform4 8time8 itself4 is not uniform in the uni-erse. 5hen a person sa7s it
too@ him fi-e seconds to ?al@ across a room4 he is reall7 sa7ing a cloc@ pendulum mo-ed or changed
its energ7-distriAution le-el fi-e times as compared to his o?n4 single change of energ7-distriAution
made A7 his ?al@ across the room. Time is a ratio of changes in energ7-densit7. 8Time8 on an atom
passes much faster than 8time8 at the Earth le-el does. If a person8s Aod7 ?ere to Ae 8pumped8 ?ith
resonant energ74 it ?ould ma@e him age se-eral da7s in onl7 a fe? relati-e minutes to someone
?atching him. If4 ho?e-er4 the person ?ere to Ae 8drained8 ?ith resonant energ74 it ?ould lo?er his
energ7-densit7 causing him to age onl7 a fe? minutes in se-eral relati-e da7s of the oAser-er8s time.
Ho? incrediAle it ?ould Ae... Suppose a group of scientists had to sol-e a -er7 time-dependent proAlem
in a hurr7. If the7 ?ere to ta@e their pencils and paper ?ith themsel-es into a 8field8 ?hich harmonicall7
8pumped8 their energ7-densities to a higher le-el4 8time8 ?ould e>tend for them. The7 ?ould ha-e
se-eral relati-e da7s to sol-e their proAlem ?hile onl7 a fe? relati-e minutes of time had passed to the
?orld outside their 8field8... fascinating... isn8t it6I If the American Aase at Pine ,ap could Ae used to
8pump8 resonant4 lo?freHuenc7 energ7 into certain circles of the countr74 the effects could Ae mind-
Aoggling. 5h74 in Eust a fe? da7s of time relati-e to the rest of the ?orld4 certain parts of Australia
could pass se-eral 7ears of time relati-e to its occupants.
Has the reader e-er had those da7s that seem to 8fl7 A786... )n the other hand4 if the same facilit7 could
Ae used to 8drain8 energ7 from those same circles of influence4 the da7s ?ould seem to8drag A78 to those
so influenced... If an electric air- or space-craft Aased on the same principle of resonance ?ere to Ae
suddenl7 accelerated into a ne? -ector at speeds ?hich ?ould normall7 Area@ its molecular lattice
apart4 a 8relati-e8 or 8apparent8 '5g acceleration could Ae easil7 amortiFed o-er a relati-e 8time-dilation8
of 19'5 inside the field of the craft... gi-ing the craft and its cre? the relati-e acceleration of onl7 1g...I
If the reader has Aeen aAle to grasp the preceding dissertation on time and space4 he no? @no?s ?h7
8()s8 ha-e such incrediAle performance characteristics. The7 are onl7 relati-el7 incrediAle...
The reader is as@ed to e>amine figures C'-aD4 C'-AD4 and C'-cD. All three figures represent the same
8s7stem8 in different energ7 states. The s7stem consists of a rectangular fish-tan@ - sealed on all sides.
The pump CcD pumps ?ater into the tan@ through hole CaD and e>tracts the ?ater from hole CAD. A small
trolle7 car CdD ?ith one4 upright end resides on the trac@ CfD. Assuming that no air AuAAles appear in the
circulation patterns4 ?hen the pump is acti-ated4 the trolle7 car ?ill mo-e a?a7 from the ?ater inlet CaD
to?ard the end CeD ?ith no (isi$le means of acceleration to an oAser-er outside the tan@. The trolle7 car
?ill come to rest flat against the end as sho?n in figure C'-AD.
#o?4 let the same process Ae repeated ?ith se-eral holes ha-ing Aeen drilled through the trolle7 car8s
upright as sho?n in figure C'-cD. The trolle7 car ?ill not come to rest flat against the end CeD. Instead4 it
?ill stand Aac@ from the end a certain distance. To the oAser-er4 the trolle7 car ?ould ha-e oscillated
to?ard the end CeD -er7 Ariefl7 Aefore coming to rest in the position sho?n. The reason is plain9 The
?ater from the inlet struc@ the upright dri-ing it to?ard CeDG ho?e-er4 some of the ?ater passed through
the holes in the upright stri@ing CeD and reAounding Aac@ into the upright as it approached CeD creating
an 8energ7-cushion8 Aet?een the end and the upright. So4 as long as the oAser-er could not see or feel
the energ7 8?a-es8 mo-ing the trolle7 car he could onl7 deduce some 8force8 ?as at ?or@ ?hich had
either 8pushed8 or 8pulled8 the trolle7 car to the end.
If the oAser-er could then someho? place his hand into the tan@ ?hile the s7stem ?as operating4
?ithout destro7ing the pressure seal4 he could ta@e the upright in his fingers and mo-e it to?ard the end
CeD. pon releasing the trolle7 car4 he ?ould see it mo-e a?a7 from the end CeD returning to its former
position - ho?e-er4 this time the oAser-er ?ould ha-e 8felt8 the force that tugged at the trolle7 car. 3et4
that 8force8 ?as actuall7 the resultant of one force acting upon its o?n partial reflection from the end
If the oAser-er could then mo-e the trolle7 car to?ard the end of the ?ater inlet CaD4 he ?ould find that
the 8tugging8 force had apparentl7 re-ersed direction as it ?ould then Ae pulling toward the end CeD. He
?ould then realiFe that releasing the trolle7 car ?ould allo? it to 'gra$itate' to the point along the trac@
CfD ?here the force of the incoming ?ater ?as Aeing Aalanced A7 the force of the reflected ?ater.
In realit74 all mass on the surface or outer shell of the Earth is matter ?hose nuclear densit7 Cli@e the
holes in the uprightD has caused it to 8gra-itate8 to that distance or radius ?hich is the resultant of an
energ7-input--ase passing through its nuclear holes4 meeting itself in the centre of Earth4 and reflecting
Aac@ to?ard itself.
The centre of the Earth is li@e the end CeD ?hile that spot ?here the trolle7 cat 8gra-itates - to8 is li@e the
surface of Earth.
Certain conclusions follo? from these oAser-ations. (irstl74 8gra-it78 is the resultant of a Aidirectional
pair of forces. Secondl74 8gra-it78 has higher oscillation freHuencies the closer the oAser-er approaches
to the centre of the input-energ7 ?a-e reflection point. Thirdl74 a mass ?hose nuclear 8hole-spacing8
gi-es it a greater 8particle-field8 densit7 than another ?ith more 8holes8 per unit area ?ill not reside at the
same radius from the 8centre8 as the other ?ill. It ?ill4 in fact4 reside closer to the centre. This effect can
Ae detected on the Earth8s surface4 A7 a stud7 of the4 so-called4 8specific gra-itational nature8 of the
elements - ?hich ?ill sho? that 8gra-it78 and 8specific gra-it78 are the same phenomenon.
It is Huite simple. E-en though acceleration due to gra-it7 is Aasicall7 a constant on Earth4 ?hen a mass
ta@es on a 8gra-itational8 radius from the centre of the Earth it is related to the ratio of its atomic
8particle-field8 areas di-ided into the atomic spacing areas Cor 8holes8D. Therefore4 those masses of the
higher ratios of 8particle-field8 densities to atomic 8holes8 reside closer to the centreG and are referred to
as more dense oAEects. That mass ?hose ratio approaches infinit7 con-erts to pure4 radiant energ7 from
the centre of the s7stem.
The 8gra-itational8 effect is4 in realit74 the resultant of more than Eust t?o opposing forces. As an7 oAEect
must ha-e spin around its o?n a>is to ha-e the effect4 it follo?s that the 8gra-itational8 effect is the
resultant of the spinKanti-spin moments and the con-ergentKdi-ergent moments... This is the reason that
8gra-itational8 fields -ar7 A7 the fourth po?er of their angular -elocit7 in free space. Such a theor7 of
8gra-it78 also predicts that 8gra-itational8 shells e>ist in an7 8gra-itational8 field. These shells ?ould gi-e
the illusion that 8gra-it78 re-ersed its direction as one approached the centre of the generating field. In
this theor74 if one ?ere to drill a hole to the centre of the Earth4 and ?ere to drop a stone do?n that
hole4 one could e>pect the stone to fall onl7 a portion of the distance to the centre Aefore re-ersing
direction and 8falling8 Aac@ up the hole until it found its shell of Aalanced forces. !ecent tests ha-e e-en
-isuall7 sho?n the Sun has at least one such inner shell ?hich can Ae 8seen8 through the sunspots. This
inner shell spins so fast4 that for the first time it appears that the h7perAolic eHuation ?hich "aplace
once formulated for orAital radius -ersus relati-e -elocit7 is totall7 acceptaAleI
8%agnetism8 is the same t7pe of phenomenon as 8gra-it78. All things in normal states can Ae 8magnetised8
to some degree. 8,ra-it784 also4 normall7 affects all things in its field. 8,ra-it78 has freHuenc7 and so
does 8magnetism8. 8,ra-it78 has 8shells8 of Aalanced forces and so does 8magnetism8. 5here is the
difference6 It is Huite simple. If a mass Cli@e the EarthD spins around its o?n a>is4 the resulting
reductions of pressure in the 8fluid of space8 Csee Appendi> 5D produce 8gra-it78. As the suA-particles of
this mass Cli@e electronsD orAit a chain of atoms in spiralling courses - thus reducing the pressure at
right angles to the particle path in the 8fluid of space8 - an interloc@ing series of -ectors gi-e the illusion
of 8magnetism8. The motion of Earth around the Sun could Ae called a 8magnetic8 moment ?hile its
motion around its o?n a>is is a 8gra-itic8 moment.
The freHuenc7 of a nuclear magnetic field is -er7 high ?hen compared to the freHuenc7 of the gra-itic
field that contains the Earth. 8,ra-it78 is a source of po?er and so is 8magnetism8. .oth are results of
Aalanced-Aut d7namic forces. .7 introducing shielding or a method of di-erting the energ7 densit7 of
one 8shell8 to a lo?er state 8shell8 one can dra? energ7 from Aoth fields. There is more - much more to
sa7 - Aut it might pro-e too technical for this Aoo@.
In a forthcoming puAlication4 the author ?ill thoroughl7 e>plain 8gra-it78 and 8magnetism8 as functions
of inertial ?a-es in the 8ether8 or 8the fine structure8 of 8space8. The m7ster7 of the so called 8#orth8 and
8South8 poles of magnets ?ill Ae -isuall7 e>plained as ?ill Ae the 8right-hand8 t?ist of magnetic fields. A
method of utiliFing 8gra-it78 as a means of transport ?ill also Ae detailed A7 a discussion of the use of
resonating4 lo?-freHuenc74 high--oltage electric fields. .ut4 these things must ?ait for the present
In 1:71 $r. )leg <efimen@o - a scientist at 5est /irginia ni-ersit7 announced the ?orld8s first
practical motor to Ae po?ered A7 the Earth8s electric field. He claimed his motor could Ae used to a-ert
the po?er shortage in the 5estern ?orld. He ?as correctG ho?e-er4 the details of his process ?ere
Huic@l7 silenced. It is @no?n that his process used an electrostatic motor to generate motion - and4
hence4 po?er. His first generator apparentl7 used a Aalloon-lofted ?ire to 8short-out8 the differential
-oltages Aet?een earth8s surface and 1522ft aAo-e the surface.
His unit produced aAout one-tenth of a horsepo?er of continuous energ7 ?ith onl7 the earth8s electric
field as a po?er source. The onl7 solid lea@s this author could find ?hich illustrated $r. <efimen@o8s
techniHue ?ere printed in the 0cienti)ic ?(erican magaFine. nfortunatel74 the magaFine ?ould not
gi-e this author permission to reprint the articles or the dra?ings of $r. <efimen@o8s generatorG so the
reader must follo?-up these leads himself9 0cienti)ic ?(erican4 )ctoAer 1:7*4 p.1&+-1'1G and %arch
1:7&4 p.57... C$o itD.
The reader should also secure a cop7 of the follo?ing document from either the 5right Air
$e-elopment Centre at 5right-Patterson Air (orce .ase in )hio or the ni-ersit7 of #orth Carolina
Ph7sics $epartment at Chapel Hill4 #orth Carolina9 8on)erence on the Bo%e o) +ra$itation in ,hysics4
5A$C Technical !eport 57-&1+ C%arch 1:57D or ASTIA document #o. A$111112. This report gi-es
1+7 pages of summar7 on the proceedings of a conference attended A7 the ?orld8s ** leading ph7sicists
?ho came from "ondon4 Copenhagen4 (rance4 Tur@e74 Stoc@holm4 <apan4 S?itFerland4 and America.
In 1:7&4 a 3ugosla--Aorn ph7sicist4 %r. .ogdan %aglich4 announced a ne? po?er source for the home.
%r. %aghch made his announcement ?hile on lea-e from !utgers ni-ersit7 ?here he ?as a professor.
His ne? po?er source ?as detailed in a paper to the American Ph7sical Societ7. The po?er source ?as
aAout the siFe of a domestic air-conditioning unit. It used colliding Aeams of deuterons Cthe nuclei of
hea-7 h7drogenD enclosed in a magnetic field as the po?er source. It could 8Areed8 its o?n fuel ?hile it
generated electricit7 - directl7 - ?ith no steam turAines or an7 other sort of the usual intermediar7
de-ices... 5hat e-er Aecame of %r. %aglich8s process6
A ?ealth of information on classified research proEects is a-ailaAle to the reader for a fee of around
L122 from the Smithsonian Science Information E>change located in 5ashington $.C. C&22'+D at
!oom '22 of 17'2 % Street4 #.5. All the reader need do4 is Eoin the organiFation Cfor a -er7 small feeD
and then as@ for a =#otice of !esearch !eport= on ?hate-er suAEect he ?ishes. This author as@ed for4
-%ectro-+ra$itic ,ro"!%sion 0yste(s 6or ?ircra)t and 0"acecra)t since 1:75. A Aoo@ of thirt7 proEect
summaries ?as sent in response. Some of the highlights follo?9
aD (ulsed Electromagnetic 'as "cceleration - supported A7 an unspecified unit ?ithin #.A.S.A. at
5ashington $.C.G annual funds in e>cess of L1+24222G research Aeing performed A7 the School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences at Princeton ni-ersit74 .o> *'24 Princeton4 #e? <erse7 215*2G...
<he research is st!dying "%as(a "ro"!%sion de$ices )or s"ace )%ight as we%% as )or "%as(a dyna(ic
AD (roperties and /ehaviour of E6plosion !ields and (lasma !lows - supported A7 the .S. $ept. of
$efence for the Air (orce under contract numAer $(2&*:'2 and (**+&2-75-C-22&1G funding of
L'247'2 for fiscal 7ear 1:77G de-elopment A7 Air /ehicle Corporation of San $iego4 Calif.G ...the
research is de$e%o"ing an ad$anced "%as(adyna(ic e%ectric "ro"!%sion engine with $ery high rate
energy con$ersion de$ices. <hese techniF!es are to be !sed )or sate%%ite s!r$ei%%ance and c%ose air
cD -agnetic !ield "nnihilation of +mpulsive (lasma .urrent &heets - supported A7 the .S. $ept. of
$efence for the Air (orce under contract numAer $(2&:&22 and (**+&2-71-C-22'1G de-elopment A7
Thomson .aron 5oolridge Inc. of 1 Space Par@ at !edondo .each4 Calif. :2&71G funding of L+24521
for fiscal 7ear 1:7+G...the "ro;ect is "!rs!ing the con$ersion o) (agnetic energy to "%as(a 3inetic
energy thro!gh the annihi%ation o) anti-"ara%%e% (agnetic )ie%ds. 6!rther(ore, it is "!rs!ing the
de$e%o"(ent o) %arge, tota%-i("!%se, acce%eration de$ices !sing "!%sed "%as(a thr!sters )or orbit
acF!isition and station3ee"ing.
dD -echanisms of -agnetoplasmadynamic "rc Jet "cceleration (rocesses - supported A7 .S. $ept.
of $efence for the Air (orce under contract numAer $(2'71+2 and (**+&2-7*-C-2217G annual funds
of L154*75 in fiscal 7ear 1:77G de-elopment A7 Techion Inc. of #e?port .each4 CalifG ....with the (ain
"!r"ose o) !sing the at(os"heric en$iron(ent as an arc ;et "ro"e%%ant so!rce )or a (agneto-"%as(a-
dyna(ic, arc-o"erated s"ace thr!ster,... which wo!%d be code-na(ed 0-BD .)or s"ace e%ectric ra(;et/.
eD E6perimental Research on !luid Dynamic Energy .onversion and Transfer (rocesses - supported
A7 the .S. $ept. of $efence for the Air (orce under contract numAer $(1'+522 and (''+15-7'-
C-*25'G ?ith fiscal 7ear funds of L'1'42:1 in 1:77G de-elopment A7 ni-ersal Energ7 S7stems4 Inc. of
%ed?a74 )hio4 *5'*1 under the e7e of the supporting agenc78s (light $7namics "aAorator7 at 5right-
Patterson A(. also in )hioG ..."!r"ose= to design new aeros"ace "ro"!%sion syste(s and
e%ectro(agnetic wea"ons.
fD 0ew ,ori$ons in (ropulsion - supported A7 #.A.S.A.8s )ffice of Space Science <et Propulsion "aA
at the California Institute of Technolog7 in Pasadena4 Calif. :112:G funds undisclosedG this "ro;ect was
designed to e@"%ore se$era% new areas o) "ro"!%sion= 1/ the "rod!ction and storage o) anti(atter a%ong
with the !se o) (atterKanti(atter (!t!a% annihi%ations as a "ro"!%si$e so!rce. 2/ the st!dy o) new
(ethods o) obtaining energy )ro( the interaction between an e%ectrica%%y-cond!cting )%!id in t!rb!%ent
(otion aboard a s"acecra)t and the )%!ct!ating (agnetic )ie%d o) a nearby "%anet, 3/ the !ti%i&ation o)
$ario!s "%ane%ary at(os"heres as "ro"!%sion syste(s, E/ the design o) a "ractica% "rocess )or
con$erting high energy-density so!rces into thr!st, and A/ the !se o) %asers as "ro"!%sion syste(s.
There is more... much more. 5h7 is it that the .S. ,o-ernment stated that the7 had no 8death-ra78
during the 1:77 contro-ers76 )ne must ?onder since it is common @no?ledge in Australia that as earl7
as 1:7' the .S. had destro7ed an Australian drone aircraft o-er fi-e miles a?a7 ?ith a ship-Aoard
plasma cannon C=S@7-Cannon=D ?hich could onl7 Ae photographed ?ith special cameras operating at
o-er fift7 thousand frames a secondI
Consider the statement of $r. Stanton T. (riedman - a ?ell-@no?n nuclear ph7sicist - ?ho said that he
had personall7 assisted on -arious de-elopmental stages of ion-thruster engines for =small companies=
li@e 5estinghouse4 ,eneral Electric4 and ,eneral %otors. In fact4 he stated that 5estinghouse had
alread7 test-fired an 1122 mega?att ion-thrust engine sometime Aefore 1:72. The proof is
e-er7?here... e-er7?here...G Aut4 ?h7 hasn8t the reader Aeen told6... This Huestion must Ae ans?ered.
Section I - Chapter <
Radiant -enius= Tesla
)n the stro@e of midnight Aet?een the :th and 12th of <ul7 in the 7ear 115+ in the small 3ugosla-ian
to?n of SmilEan4 one of the most distinguished in-entors of modern times ?as Aorn. His name9 $r.
#i@ola Tesla...
$r. Tesla ?as unHuestionaAl7 a prolific genius in se-eral aspects. .7 111* he had acHuired a detailed
@no?ledge of some t?el-e languages ?hile attending -arious European uni-ersities. His mental aAilit7
?as also Huite e>ceptional in another ?a7 Aecause his mind could 8conEure-up8 -isual images to
represent ?ords spo@en to him. His photographic memor7 coupled ?ith his mental 8animation facilit78
ga-e him incrediAle ad-antages in proAlem-sol-ing.
.et?een 111& and 11114 he patented man7 de-ices ?hich emplo7ed the use of rotating magnetic fields
and ?hich produced a method of transmitting electricit7 ?ith alternating currents. To those ?ho do not
realiFe ?hat this means4 all the ?orld8s modern electrical generation and transmission eHuipment is
designed around the original ideas and patents of this man4 $r. #i@ola Testa - ?ho once lo-ed the
American ideal so much that he Aecame a naturaliFed .S. citiFen in 111:. If the reader is li@e most
people4 his first Huestion ?ould Ae4 "ho1..". It is a pit74 Aut his name and the credit ?hich Aelong to
him ha-e Aoth Aeen suppressed in the =interests of national securit7=.
$r. Testa in-ented a uniHue process for generating e>tremel7 high -oltages Aet?een 111: and 11:&.
The t7pe of de-ice ?hich he designed to generate these -oltages still Aears his name9 The Testa Coil.
$uring these same 7ears4 he also patented se-eral t7pes of isochronous oscillators. Then4 Aet?een 11:1
and 11:'4 he patented the Testa ?ireless Cradio telegraphD s7stem and de-eloped 8cool process8 electron
tuAes. .et?een 11:+ and 11:14 he puAlished a still -alid theor7 of radioacti-it7 and radiated energ7.
$uring those same 7ears4 he de-eloped high-potential -acuum tuAes.. Cthe forerunner of all the
flourescent lights the ?orld uses toda7D. In 11:: he presented a radio-controlled4 electricall7-po?ered
suAmarine to the .S. #a-7... The7 failed to see an7 practical use for it and dismissed the ideaI
Ho?e-er4 one of his most incrediAle achie-ements ?as also accomplished in 11::9 and it ?as not
reEected A7 the %organs4 the !oc@efellers4 and the 5estinghouses of the ?orld. In 11::4 he puAlished
photographs and papers Cto a limited readershipD detailing his disco(ery of terrestrial resonance and
the la3 of propagation of conduction currents through the glo$e) His paper also ga(e details of
his high-potential2 3ireless electrical $roadcasting station 3hich $roadcasted usea$le po3er - not
radio communications - $y transmitting energy in the form of 4standing 3ares4 or 4stationery
3a(es4 in the Earth4s crust and upper ionosphere55))
$uring the summer of 11::4 $r. Tesla managed to construct and suAseHuentl7 test one of the most
incrediAle de-ices man@ind has 7et to see. $r. Tesla had con-inced Colonel <ohn <acoA Astor Cof
5aldorf Astoria fameD to gamAle L'24222 on this 8summer test8. The dr7 goods compan7 named
Simpson and Cra?ford contriAuted another L124222 to the proEect ?hile %r. "eonard E. Curtis ?ho
o?ned the Colorado Springs Electric Compan7 contriAuted Aoth land and the use of one of his
Colorado Springs po?er-generation plants.
Tesla had chosen the !oc@7 %ountains for their freHuent suppl7 of highl7-charged thunderstorms. It
?as Testa8s idea to tap into these charged clouds from the ground using a tuned circuit. He had alread7
determined that the lightning flashes from these storms seemed to discharge along a specific 8stationer7
?a-e8 pattern that Che had theoriFedD encircled the entire gloAe of Earth. He Auilt a gigantic Testa coil
?hich used the Earth8s surface as one 8plate8 of a spherical capacitor to the former. He lin@ed them ?ith
a dielectric medium9 the atmosphere. To o-ercome the proAlem of distance Aet?een the Earth and the
ionosphere C?hich ranges from &5 miles up to &52 miles upD4 Tesla had aimed one end of the secondar7
coil of his gigantic Tesla coil at the ionosphere - the idea Aeing that the charge-cro?ding effect at the
Aall-capped tip of the &22ft pole aAo-e the secondar7 ?ould raise the effecti-e -oltage Aet?een the
earth and the ionosphere. This ?ould ha-e had the same effect as Aringing them closer.
His de-ice consisted of three main points9 1D a secondar7 of se-ent7-fi-e turns ha-ing one end
grounded into the Earth ?ith a large copper plate and the other end attached to a &22ft tall shaft topped
?ith a three-foot diameter AallG &D a hea-7 gauge primar7 coil of se-ent7-fi-e feet in diameter ?hich
surrounded the secondar7 and ?as inducti-el7 lin@ed A7 an air gapG and 'D an electro-mechanical
circuit to pro-ide the high freHuenc7 Ccirca 1520CD po?er source to dri-e the primar7.
The interested reader is encouraged to oAtain a cop7 of Testa8s .S. patents numAered9 a; !o) ><?2>,1
of 1@ #ay 1?AA )ro( the origina% s"eci)ications )i%ed 2 0e"te(ber 1897 !nder seria% :o. GA>,3E3# $;
!o) >B@2?@8 of @ !o(em$er 1?A1 )ro( the origina% a""%ication o) 2E D!ne 1899 !nder seria% :o.
G2,31A# c; !o) >B@2?@< of @ !o(em$er 1?A1 )ro( the origina% s"eci)ications )i%ed 1 ?!g!st 1899
!nder seria% :o. G2,31G# d; !o) >B@2?@> of @ !o(em$er 1?A1 )ro( the origina% s"eci)ications )i%ed 1
?!g!st 1899 !nder seria% :o. 72A,7E9# e; !o) >B@2A1, of ,, +cto$er 1?A1 )ro( the origina%
s"eci)ications )i%ed 21 March 19>># f; !o) @>B21CB of ,, Septem$er 1B?> )ro( the origina%
s"eci)ications )i%ed 2> D!ne 189G !nder seria% :o. A9G,2G2# g; !o) @CC2>CA of ,8 *e$ruary 1B?C )ro(
the origina% s"eci)ications )i%ed 3 0e"te(ber 189G !nder seria% :o. G>E,723# h; !o) @B82?@8 of B Dune
1B?C )ro( the origina% a""%ication )i%ed 19 October 189G !nder seria% :o. G>9,292# and i; !o) @?8218B
of , !o(em$er 1B?C )ro( the origina% a""%ication )i%ed 2> March 1897 !nder seria% :o. G28,EA3.
Cnote9 the reader ma7 Ae aAle to oAtain all the preceding e>tracts in addition to aAout 1222 other pages
of Tesla8s ?or@s and ?ritings from 9ea%th Besearch .!n!s!a% boo3s de"art(ent/, ,.O. 4o@ 7>,
Mo3e%!(ne 9i%%, 8a%i)ornia 9A2EAD.
Tesla8s Colorado e>periment ?as done at a spot -er7 close to ?here this author8s alma mater4 the .S.
Air (orce Academ74 no? stands. This author has spent man7 fascinated hours perched there some 7222
feet up the slope of 8El $iaAlo %ountain8 Cthe de-il mountainD ?atching those magnificent
thunderstorms of the summer season in the 8!oc@ies8. It is4 perhaps4 for this reason that $r. Tesla8s
?ords of 1:2* concerning his highl7 successful Colorado test of ' <ul74 11:: struc@ such concord in
this author8s o?n thoughts... Cfrom the "-%ectrica% or%d and -ngineer" of 5 %a7 1:2*D9 "...' )irst
obtained the )irst decisi$e e@"eri(enta% e$idence o) a tr!th )or the o$erwhe%(ing ad$ance(ent o)
h!(anity. ? dense (ass o) strong%y charged c%o!ds hart gathered in the est Co-er Pi@e8s Pea@D and
toward e$ening a $io%ent stor( bro3e %oose which, a)ter s"ending its )!ry in the (o!ntains, was dri$en
away with great $e%ocity o$er the "%ains. 9ea$y and %ong "ersistent arcs Clightning flashesD )or(ed
a%(ost in reg!%ar ti(e inter$a%s... no do!bt whate$er, we were obser$ing stationary wa$es.
0!bseF!ent%y si(i%ar obser$ations were a%so (ade by (y assistant, Mr. 6rit& *owenstein... C?ho later
sa?D the tr!e nat!re o) the wonder)!% "heno(enon... <he tre(endo!s signi)icance o) this )act in the
trans(ission o) energy by (y syste( had a%ready beco(e F!ite c%ear to (e..."
3..."s the source of the disturbances C?hich ?as the electrical thunderstormD moved away discharges
came successively on their nodes and loops. +mpossible as it seemed* this planet despite its vast
e6tent - behaved like a conductor of limited dimensions...3
Testa had disco-ered a process ?hich could transmit almost unlimited amounts of electrical energ7 to
an7 place on Earth ?ith negligiAle losses. He had managed to estimate the resonant freHuenc7 of the
Earth-to-ionospheric ca-it7 at 1520C. It ?as a good guessG Aut one ?hich has later pro-ed not as
efficient as possiAle Aecause the ca-it7 resonance changes from moment to moment - depending on
solar ?ind densities and sunspot acti-it7.
The nited States has a -er7 lo?-freHuenc7 transmitter located at the South Pole. It is similar to Tesla8s
process - e>cept that it can Ae tuned to a freHuenc7 in the range of 7HF. E-en-numAered super
harmonics of this freHuenc7 such as 1*4''+HF Ct?o to the ele-enth po?er times 7HFD ha-e Aeen used
A7 Aoth the .S. #a-78s /"( transmitter at Australia8s #orth?est Cape and the American $efence
Ad-anced !esearch ProEect Agenc78s /"( facilit7 at Pine ,ap in the dead centre of Australia.
It ma7 Ae significant that the L12422242224222 #orth American Air $efence Command C#)!A$D is
Auried one mile underneath Che7enne %ountain Calso in the !oc@7 %ountains of ColoradoD. If one
-ie?s the planet as a round Aall of =electrical fluid= as did Tesla4 one can see ho? a resonant circuit
using the earth as a conductor ?ould generate -er7 high -oltages at the antipodes of such a transmitter.
If #)!A$ has a /"( !esonance transmitter4 then the antipode of its Aroadcast ?ould Ae near a -er7
small island group in the Southern portion of the Indian )cean. Could it Ae that the still highl7-
classified4 electricall7-propelled .S. suAmarines 8recharge8 their d7namic-plasma Aatteries there6
(urthermore4 one ?onders e-en more aAout the antipodes of the Pine ,ap and #orth-?est Cape
transmitters. The Pine ,ap transmitter sits -er7 near the Tropic of Capricorn and its antipode is -er7
near the Tropic of Cancer on the centre of the Atlantic )cean8s great di-iding ridge. The #orth?est
Cape transmitter Eust slightl7 north of the Tropic of Capricorn is4 ho?e-er4 of e>treme interest Aecause
its antipode is directly in the middle of the 'ermuda Triangle ?here man7 strange electrical
phenomena ha-e Aeen oAser-ed in recent 7ears... Is not this significant6...
)ne must also ?onder ?hat purpose the gigantic !ussian /"( transcei-er at !iga on the coast of the
.altic Sea ser-es... (or o-er three 7ears no?4 ham radio operators all o-er the ?orld ha-e Aeen plagued
A7 a some?hat elusi-e ten to fifteen c7cle =AuFF= that suddenl7 appears across a Aand?idth of o-er
'24222 freHuencies. The signal seems to last an7?here from ten seconds to4 sometimes4 three minutes.
Efforts to triangulate its source ha-e al?a7s pointed to !iga... The signal is a !ussian product. It seems
to do nothing Aut Eam random freHuencies at random timeG... Aut4 is it simpl7 a random Eamming
de-ice6 It is @no?n that the signal tra-els along the same 8ca-it78 ?a-eguide that $r. Tesla8s s7stem
usedG... the signal also Aeha-es some?hat li@e a 8Aeat8 signal Aet?een t?o -er7 lo? freHuenc7 signalsG...
7et the most amaFing 8fingerprint8 of this elusi-e signal is its e>cessi-e Aand?idths.
The signal must Ae a t7pe of /"(4 high--oltage Aroadcast. The 8Aeat8 characteristic is formed as it
interacts ?ith one or more e>isting 8resonant-Aroadcast fields8 around the gloAe. The ?ideAand static is
caused A7 spurious electro-magnetic radiation from 8cross-field8 shorts and from lea@age to Earth in the
main signal. At least one other source of the 8other resonant fields8 can Ae attriAuted to the nited
States4 ?hose transmitters adorn the Earth in at least four places... as pre-iousl7 mentioned. It is Huite
feasiAle that the t?o 8super-po?ers8 are ha-ing a Aroadcast po?er 8?ar8. This ma7 seem a Ait far-fetched
to the readerG Aut ?hen he is apprised of the other possiAle applications of such a po?erful4 resonant4
electro-d7namic field4 he ?ill perhaps Eoin the author in his suspicions.
5hen a li-ing organism is suAEected to -er7 dense andKor -er7 rapidl7 changing electromagnetic fields4
-arious ph7siological responses can result - dependent upon a -ariet7 of factors. In some cases4 genetic
malformations ma7 occurG ?hile in others4 immediate tissue damage ma7 result in the form of 8Aurns8G...
and 7et in still others4 the effects ma7 Ae purel7 neurological causing prolonged ps7chotic s7mptoms
li@e paranoia4 depression4 and hallucination. Perhaps the most 8fascinating8 possiAilit7 is the use of such
fields to 8model8 human Aeha-iour ?ithin the confines of the field. There ?ould4 of course4 Ae distance
limitationsG Aut it is theoreticall7 possiAle to induce suAliminal suggestion4 sleeplessness4 and letharg7
through -er7 lo? freHuenc7 fields of some 12 to 15HF...C?hich lie in the range of the maEor resonant
freHuenc7 of the earth-to-ionospheric-ca-it7 at 1*.'HFD.
As $r. Tesla once oAser-ed 4...the -arth is %i3e a gigantic, s"inning ba%% o) the e%ectric )%!id Cor etherD o)
s"ace... His oAser-ation ?ould impl7 that an electro-magnetic 8thump8 on one part of that 8Aall of
electric fluid8 ?ould send 8splash rings8 spiralling around the planet onl7 to meet at the antipode of the
initial 8thump8. There4 Huite contrar7 to one8s first thought4 these 8splash rings8 ?ould not simpl7 reflect
from meeting themsel-es at the antipodes simpl7 to e-entuall7 return to the source pointG... not so4...
not so4... for the7 ?ould indeed meet at the antipodesG Aut the -ector sums of their meetings ?ould not
Ae 8head-on8 - as the densit7 of the transmitting medium is not compressiAle. Instead of colliding4 the
?a-e fronts ?ould actuall7 produce a return ?a-efront ?hich ?ould then spiral Aac@ to the source li@e
a spinning 8smo@e ring8 Cor torroidD of energ7. This redirected ?a-e front ?ould onl7 partiall7 interact
?ith the ne>t oncoming ?a-e from the source. This ?ould Ae due to the fact that Aoth ?a-efronts
?ould Ae separated A7 an angle some?here Aet?een :2 and 112 degrees - depending upon the relati-e
motion of the planet8s conducti-e surface in contrast to the planet8s spinning magnetic field.
That angle Aet?een the send and return ?a-es could also Ae controlled at the source A7 enhancing or
retarding the ?a-e pulses8 spin moment. If one ?ere to then oAser-e the path of the energ7 pulses4 one
?ould percei-e an immense2 glo$al grid system 3hich 3ould $e $roadcasting po3er around the
entire 3orld. The grid illusion ?ould Ae caused A7 the energ7-densit7 spirals from the initial ?a-e
Aeing o-erlapped A7 the energ7-densit7 spirals of the return ?a-e. T?o such transcei-ers could e>plain
the t?in 8grid net?or@s8 ?hich Capt. .ruce Cathie discussed in his Aoo@4 9ar(onic G9A. If such is the
case4 ho?e-er4 Capt. Cathie8s grid-cell siFes appear to Ae in error - Aut onl7 A7 a fe? milesG Aecause4 if
the Aroadcast freHuenc7 ?ere 1*4'&7HF4 then the cell siFe ?ould Ae a diamond-shaped 1' miles A7 1'
miles at an altitude of 151 miles and 1&.5 miles A7 1&.5 miles at sea le-el.
To tap the energ7 of such a Aroadcast reHuires the construction of a tunaAle Tesla coil ?hich either
operates at 1*.'0HF or some e-en super harmonic of it. )f course4 the higher the harmonic the coil is
tuned to4 the lo?er ?ill Ae the po?er recei-ed in an in-erse proportion to the increased freHuenc7. The
Testa coil8s 8primar78 ?ould Ae the high--oltage4 inner coil4 in this instance4 as the -oltage ?ill need to
Ae stepped-do?n. The total length of the ?ire used in the primar7 should eHual either the full or one
Huarter ?a-elength of the resonant harmonic chosen. The secondar7 should ha-e the eHui-alent in
ampere-turns. Placing a resisti-e load Cli@e a filament light gloAeD across the secondar7 C?hich should
Ae -erticall7 mo-aAle to allo? tuning of the inducti-e coupling of the coilsD should indicate to the
oAser-er ?hen the s7stem is recei-ing A7 its glo?. The main proAlem ?ill Ae guessing the incoming
-oltage le-el. $epending on the field densit74 it could Ae as high at 522 %ega-olts... ?hich could
produce proAlems... Ho?e-er4 if the harmonic chosen is high enough4 the effecti-e -oltage ?ill drop
consideraAl7. (or no?4 this phase of the reader8s education must finish until a late puAlication.
The genius ?ho ?on the #oAel PriFe in 1:1&G... patented o-er :22 ne? processes in the field of energ7
con-ersionG recei-ed fourteen doctorates from uni-ersities all o-er the ?orldG resonated the entire Earth
in 11:: ?ith o-er 12242224222 -oltsG Aroadcast electricit7 o-er t?ent7-fi-e miles C?ithout ?iresD to
light 124222 ?atts of filament gloAesG de-ised the s7stem of alternating current po?er generation and
transmission ?hich lights the ?orld toda7G designed a 8force field8 to shield America from air attac@ in
55IIG suggested a process for a charged-particle 8death-ra78 C?hich is no? a realit7DG discussed
electrical ?eather control in practical terms in 1:25G and de-ised a procedure ?hich ?ould turn the
upper ionosphere into a single flourescent light source to permanentl7 light the Earth... that rare genius
of a man4 $r. #i@ola Testa4 ?ho had crammed se-eral lifetimes of research into one 4 ?as to finall7
e>pire - a lonel7 and apparentl7 forgotten figure - on the 7th of <anuar7 in 1:*'. )nl7 time ?ill re-eal
?hether he ?as reall7 8forgotten8 or ?hether his ?or@ ?as so ad-anced that it has reHuired t?o
generations of secrec7 to 8safel78 administer its findings........
Section I - Chapter @
Effecting 6eather 6arefare
%an7 of $r. Tesla8s incrediAle contriAutions to the ?orld of ph7sics 7et remain to Ae re-ealed to the
puAlic... for 8securit7 reasons8. If he had onl7 @no?n ?hat horriAle misuse ?ould Ae applied to some of
his most promising ideas4 one ?onders if he ?ould ha-e e-en -oiced them. It is certain that some of his
ideas are Aeing used A7 !ussia and the nited States ali@e in producing controlled ?eather phenomena
as instruments of ?ar.
In 1:7+ during the month of )ctoAer4 a ne? @ind of radioKradar-Eamming signal manifested. The signal
?as triangulated to !igaG and4 properl74 Alamed on the !ussians - ?ho apologiFed profusel7 for a fe?
lo?-freHuenc7 tests. Those 8lo? freHuencies8 ?ere in the range of 1*'HFI...Csound familiar6D. AAout
this same time4 according to a report filed in <une of 1:71 A7 Ed?ard CampAell of the )ondon
Evening 0ews, "the B!ssians had a nation-wide h!nt going on )or anybody who had e$er 3nown or
(et <es%a."
According to the same source4 "-ar%y in 1977 (eteoro%ogists re"orted an e@traordinary 'b%oc3ing
e))ect' e@tending down the west coast o) ?(erica and a si(i%ar 'iron c!rtain' on the east coast, and
a%ong the B!sso-,o%ish border !" to 6in%and. <hese 'b%oc3s' sto""ed the nor(a% circ!%ation o) the
"0cienti)ic brows wrin3%ed in a%ar( when it was disco$ered that each o) these doorsto"s on wor%d
weather see(ed to be associated with $ery %arge 'standing wa$es' o) e%ectro(agnetic energy...
(eanwhi%e... wor%d weather went 'haywire'. 0now )e%% in Mia(i. 6%oods swe"t -!ro"e"... and the
American nuclear-suAmarine monitoring s7stem ?ent on the Alin@ after t?o of the American
oAser-ation satellites ?ere destro7ed A7 "e%ectron bea( techno%ogy".
In $ecemAer of 1:7*4 Ho?ard .enedict of the Associated Press in 5ashington filed an earlier report on
the suAEect of ?eather ?arfare entitled9 The #eather - "s a &ecret #eapon5
.enedict8s article said that although Aoth the .S. and !ussian official spo@esmen had denied such
?eather ?eapons e>isted at that moment4 research ?as "!nder way". 5hat else could the7 ha-e said6...
"e'$e got s!"er weather wea"ons now1" )ne could imagine the result in the masses... E-en the
smallest ?eather anomal7 ?ould ha-e suAseHuentl7 raised cries of4 "ar! 't's ar!..."
The official position is one of 8pre-empti-e ?eapons production8 o-er the !ussians8 proAaAle
de-elopment of the same ?eapons. )ne ?onders ?hat sort of ?eapons the7 ?ere discussing6
.enedict8s article states9
"...c!rrent ,entagon research - at a cost o) A1.A2 (i%%ion ann!a%%y is %i(ited to rain (a3ing, rain
s!""ression, and hai% and )og dis"ersa%..."
"*ast October, the 0o$iet 5nion introd!ced a reso%!tion in the 5nited :ations as3ing the +ene$a
disar(a(ent con)erence to o!t%aw weather research )or (i%itary "!r"oses."
"<he 0o$iet a(bassador, Mr. Dacob Ma%i3, said scientists had conc%!ded that a )!t!re weather wea"ons
arsena% (ight e$en inc%!de the abi%ity to create 'aco!stic )ie%ds on the sea and ocean s!r)ace to co(bat
indi$id!a% shi"s or who%e )%oti%%as' ."
His article ?ent on to sa7 that A7 cloud-seeding areas a thousand miles up-?ind from a particular
countr74 one could cause se-ere droughts for 7ears after?ard to the target countr7... Ho? incrediAleI
)ne can imagine the comments after such a disaster... "+ee, the weather's s!re been bad %ate%y... what
a "ity... t!t... t!t."
His report also mentioned the possiAle alteration of the oFone la7er Cfound at aAout &5 to '2 miles
altitudeD A7 chemical and ph7sical means to allo? e>cessi-e ultra-iolet radiation to AomAard certain
areas of the planet. Perhaps one of the most interesting possiAilities that his article mentioned ?as
suggested A7 $r. ,ordon %c$onald of $artmouth College- an internationall7 @no?n geoph7sicist and
3... the release of thermal energy in the "rctic or "ntarctic* perhaps through nuclear e6plosions
along the base of an ice sheet* could initiate outward sliding of the ice sheet...%the immediate effect...
would be to create massive tsunamis 7tidal waves8 that could completely wreck coastal regions%.3
(urthermore4 according to the same source4 3,e C$r. %c$onaldD outlined a concept in which
enhanced electrical oscillations in the earth%s atmosphere might be used to impair human brains...
,e said research indicates that weak oscillating electrical fields can influence the brain causing
small but measurable reduction in a person%s performance... )ightning research has shown that it
might be possible to control lightning to create such low fre>uency oscillations in the ionosphere??3
Se-eral points must surel7 leap out of the page to the 8initiate8 reader9 1D the use of /"(4 high-oltage
fields in the ionosphere4 &D the heating of a polar cap4 and 'D selecti-e lightning production... The first
point needs no additional e>planationG as it has Aeen pre-iousl7 discussed in $r. Testa8s chapter. The
second point ma7 not ha-e Aeen Huite as oA-ious. It Aears e>pansion...
5hen a /"( field li@e Testa8s is tuned to a freHuenc7 that creates a complete c7cle at the antipode to
the sending to?er4 the thermo-d7namics of the energ7-e>change are uniform at Aoth polesG ho?e-er4
?hen a freHuenc7 is used ?hich completes a full c7cle at the sending pole4 it causes e>cessi-e cooling
at the sending to?er - and e:cessi(e heating at the antipodes5... Could this Ae used to melt a polar ice
cap - thus flooding either !ussia or the Canadian coastlines6 Is this ?h7 Aoth America and !ussia ha-e
estaAlished /"( stations at the South pole6... )ne must ?onder...
The third point is lin@ed to the first pointG ho?e-er4 a A7-product of the production of those /"(4 high-
-oltage4 resonating fields is that one can direct lightning stri/es to specific targets on the other side
of the Earth5... Cone is reminded of the prophec7 in !e-elation 1'91' ?hich spea@s of a future super-
po?er ?hich ?ill ha-e the technolog7 to "bring down )ire )ro( hea$en in the sight o) (en"D
If such technolog7 is as ad-anced as all the e-idence indicates4 then the nited State and !ussia4 ?ould
Ae in an intense po?er struggle for control of those adEacentl7 - or diametricall7 - situated areas of the
planet ?hich could Ae used as /"(-Aroadcasting to?er locations to effect ?eather ?arfare. "oo@ at the
follo?ing situations9
1. America has @no?n /"( stations located at the South Pole near %c%urdo Sound4 South Africa
in Trans-aal4 and in central and north-?estern Australia. Three of them are nuclear po?ered.
The antipodes of them are4 respecti-el74 in the regions of the central .arents Sea aAo-e the
S?edish-(innish Aorder Cand !igaD...4 on the Tropic of Cancer mid?a7 Aet?een Ha?aii and
CaAo San "ucas...4 in the middle of the .ermuda Triangle4... and on the Tropic of Cancer o-er
the %id-Atlantic !idge. If America has other /"( ?eapons strategicall7 deplo7ed against
!ussia4 the7 ?ould Ae in areas li@e the South Sand?ich Islands4 Cape Horn4 the South-East
Tasmanian Cape4 the South Tasman !idge4 and the southern portion of #e? Jealand8s South
&. !ussia has a @no?n /"( station at !iga and a suspected one at the South Pole location of
/osto@. The antipodes of these are4 respecti-el74 in the South Pacific Sea near the ice pac@s at
the southern tip of the AlAatross Cordillera C51.S A7 157.5D and the .affin .a7 .asin ice pac@s.
Either location could produce coastal flooding or tidal ?a-e phenomena under certain
conditions. Edgar Ca7ce once predicted that the ,reat "a@es ?ould Aecome a part of the
Atlantic Sea and the Hudson .a7 at some future date... 5as he correct6...
If the .S. ?ants to protect itself from a direct /"( attac@ o-er America proper4 it must surel7 Ae
defending the suA-oceanic localit7 around the mid-Indian !idge Aounded A7 &'.S to 55.S A7 55.E to
1&2.E in the Southern Indian )cean. Con-ersel74 the !ussians8 recent occupation of the .ellingshausen
Sea region at the South Pole Aet?een the 5eddell Sea and tip of .7rd "and must indicate a li@e-?ise
defensi-e posture for potential /"( ?arfare.
It cannot fail to impress the reader that the draft treat7 presented to the August4 1:754 ,ene-a
Conference on international disarmament A7 delegates from Aoth the .S.A. and the .S.S.!. contained
the Aan of nineteen man-made ?eather catastrophes. Specifically2 they included= the triggering of
a(alanches and landslidesE a3a/ening (olcanoesE causing earthFua/es and tidal 3a(esE
harnessing lightning $oltsE guiding hurricanes or cyclones to strategic targets CAustralians must
?onder ?hether or not the unusual Aeha-iour of C7clone Trac7 at $ar?in ?as someho? lin@ed ?ith a
Aattle of the Titans...DG melting ice caps to flood near$y coastal statesE changing directions of ri(ersE
generating fog2 hail and rainE and deli$erately destroying portions of the Earth4s oGone shield.
5hat is the real purpose of President Carter8s4 "O"eration :oah's ?r3"6... The ne>t chapter ma7 Ae aAle
to assist the reader in forming a fresh opinion.
Section I - Chapter >
The 1?B, Alignments
"+reat g%owing ga%a@ies o) %ight hang as i) (otion%ess in a ti(e%ess contin!!(... 'n one o) those
ga%actic s"ira%-$ortices o) %ight, a s(a%% and a%(ost insigni)icant dwar)-star o) s"ectra% c%ass +1 s"ins
F!ite ra"id%y in its see(ing%y s%ower orbit aro!nd the centre o) what is 3nown as the Mi%3y ay +a%a@y
- co("rised o) so(e 1>>,>>>,>>>,>>> other orbita% star-syste(s o) $arying si&es and co%o!rs. <hat
s(a%% star is, itse%), orbited by nine s(a%% "%anetary bodies which are constant%y bathed in a stor( o)
'so%ar "artic%es' e(itted by that star - re)erred to by the inhabitants o) its third "%anet as, %The &un%.
?%(ost E,7>>,>>> tons o) (atter are radiated by the 0!n each second in the )or( o) charged "artic%es
and e%ectro(agnetic radiation."
"<he inhabitants o) the third "%anet ca%% their abode, %Earth%. ?t the "resent ti(e, their scientists are in
a great state o) con)!sion o$er the strange and, ob$io!s%y, !n"redicted beha$io!r o) the 0!n. <heir
'%ong-acce"ted' (athe(atica% (ode%s o) the 0!n had )orecast a re%ati$e%y %ong %i)e )or it be)ore it was to
enter the 'Bed +iant' stage... s!""osed%y, so(e 1,>>>,>>>,>>> earth-years hence. Becent abnor(a%ities
in the 0!n's s"in-rate, s!r)ace osci%%ation rates, and s!ns"ot acti$ities ha$e worried the( a great dea%.
,erha"s they wi%% !nderstand in ti(e... "erha"s..."
According to an article ?ritten A7 ,ar7 Hughes Cin (eAruar7 of 1:71D ?hich ?as reprinted in the
?!stra%ian 0!nday <i(es ne?spaper4 the ?orld is facing a 8mini ice age8. His article entitled4 "Mini 'ce
?ge on the ay" stated9
"<he )ree&ing weather which bro!ght so!th-west -ng%and to a cr!nching ha%t this wee3 and b!ried the
co!ntryside !nder (o!ntaino!s snow dri)ts is here to stay... 6or e@"erts say it is "art o) the sa(e
weather "attern that "ara%ysed 0cot%and and :ew 2or3 in Dan!ary and ca!sed )rea3 heat wa$es in
?!stra%ia and other so!thern he(is"here co!ntries."
Else?here in his article4 Hughes Huoted the ?ell-@no?n astro-ph7sicist4 $r. <ohn ,riAAin4 from the
science polic7 research unit at Susse> ni-ersit7. According to $r. ,riAAin the cause of the cooling in
the northern hemisphere is the Sun4 itself. The increased numAer of sunspots Cmagnetic holes in the
Sun8s Aurning chromosphereD has apparentl7 Arought aAout the Aeginning of a ne? ice age on Earth4...
according to $r. ,riAAin. It ?as also $r. ,riAAin ?ho pointed out that indi-idual sunspot occurrences
are not as -ital in the ?eather changes as are the cumulati-e effects of a constant increase in sunspot
acti-it7. In a puAlic release issued in <anuar7 of the same 7ear4 an American geologist4 %adeleine
.ris@in4 e>pressed the same gloom7 prediction9 "?n ice age is co(ing!"
)n the &+th of <ul7 in 1:774 The 5est Australian ne?spaper printed9 "8%i(ate in Danger - -@"erts". It
"ashington, Mon= ? "ane% o) ?(erican scientists and engineers has warned that contin!ed !se o) oi%,
gas, and coa% wi%% ca!se a carbon dio@ide b!i%d-!" that co!%d change the c%i(ate and "erha"s ca!se
oceans to )%ood coasta% cities."
..."Boger Be$e%%e o) the 5ni$ersity o) 8a%i)ornia at 0an Diego, to%d a news brie)ing that the "otentia%
c%i(atic changes (ight (ean increased snows in "o%ar regions and destr!ction o) the west ?ntarctic
ice "ac3,... Crecall last chapter8s discussion6D.. res!%ting in arise in the sea %e$e% o) )i$e (etres in 3>>
"...i) "resent trends contin!e, g%oba% te("erat!res wi%% "robab%y increase G8 by the 22nd cent!ry...
0!ch an increase wo!%d )ar e@ceed the te("erat!res o) the "ast se$era% tho!sand years..."
)n the 12th of %a7 in 1:7+4 <he est ?!stra%ian also printed9 "4ig 8%i(ate 8hanges ,ose <hreat." It
"ashington, 0!n= Ma;or wor%d c%i(ate changes are !nder way which wi%% ca!se econo(ic and
"o%itica% !"hea$a%s 'a%(ost beyond co("rehension', according to an interna% re"ort o) the 8entra%
'nte%%igence ?gency .the 8.'.?./."
" 'The new climatic era brings a threat of famine and starvation to many areas of the world,' the
.8.'.?./ re"ort says...' CfurthermoreD... <he change o) c%i(ate is coo%ing so(e signi)icant agric!%t!ra%
areas and ca!sing dro!ght in others. '), )or e@a("%e, there is a northern he(is"here dro" o) one degree
ce%si!s it wo!%d (ean that 'ndia wi%% ha$e a (a;or dro!ght e$ery )o!r years and can on%y s!""ort
three-F!arters o) its "resent "o"!%ation... <he wor%d reser$e wo!%d ha$e to s!""%y 3> to A> (i%%ion
tonnes o) grain each year to "re$ent the death o) 1A>,>>>,>>> 'ndians"4 the report said. CThe reader is
as@ed to rememAer the figure of 15242224222 Indian deaths A7 famine in the ne>t section of this Aoo@
?hich discusses another side of this situationD.
The ne?s article continued4... "<he re"ort, which was concerned with "ossib%e "o%itica% and econo(ic
threats that the 5nited 0tates co!%d e@"ect )ro( s!ch drastic e$ents, said that star$ation and )a(ine
wo!%d %ead to socia% !nrest and g%oba% (igrations o) "o"!%ations."
)n the &1st of <anuar74 1:774 the magaFine4 ,aci)ic 8o("!ter ee3%y puAlished an interesting article9
"? !niF!e and co("%e@ (ode%%ing "ro;ect which was !sed to ana%yse the e))ects on -arth's at(os"here
a)ter the &un was removed, has created high interest wor%dwide. <he "ro;ect was !nderta3en by 4arrie
9!nt, "rinci"a% research scientist with the ?!stra%ian :!(erica% and Meteoro%ogy Besearch 8entre..."
His stud7 ?hich utiliFed the "8.0.'.B.O.'s 8yber 7G in 8anberra and the de"art(ent o) (eteoro%ogy's
d!a% 3G>KGAs in Me%bo!rne"4 oAtained the "s!r"rising conc%!sion that acti$ity on the -arth wo!%d
re(ain )or %onger than the te@t-boo3 conc%!sions o) abo!t 1> days..." if the Sun ?ere to suddenl7 8go-
out8. His model sho?ed the Earth in some life-li@e state e-en after 52 da7s of total dar@ness. His ne>t
proEect ?as to Ae one to anal7se the "e))ects o) s"eeding and s%owing the rotation o) the -arth by a
)actor o) )i$e..." )ne must as@ the oA-ious4... 3#hy has there been such high-level interest in his
project - unless there was already some doubt in somebody%s mind as to the duration of the &un%s
steady-state energy levels53...
The 5est Australian Dai%y :ews of SeptemAer 1*4 1:7+ puAlished an article entitled4 "hat On -arth
's 9a""ening1"...4 a report ?ritten A7 Angus %cPherson in "ondon. It started9
",%anet -arth, it see(s, is on the ra("age. <he earthF!a3e barrage in the 6ar -ast "robab%y has done
(ore da(age and 3i%%ed (ore "eo"%e in 8hina than a n!c%ear attac3. On the other side o) the ,aci)ic
with one (a;or $o%cano er!"ting and another ready to go, it see(s as 'i) the who%e 8aribbean is abo!t
to b%ow-!"'..."
"Day a)ter re(orse%ess day o) s!nshine has b!rnt -ng%and as brown as the ?ri&ona desert - and this is
on%y a "art o) a wor%d-wide weather aberration that has bro!ght dro!ght, shri$e%%ed cro"s and h!ngry
%i$estoc3 to estern -!ro"e, the ?(erican Mid-est, 'ndia, and ?!stra%ia."
=...This 7ear of drought and disaster4 1:7+4 has come ?hen the spots on the Sun are at a minimum... 8I
for one4 find it -er7 hard to see that as a coincidence48 sa7s )r. <ohn ,riAAin4 one of .ritain8s most
a-ant-garde astroph7sicists.=
" 'Becords ' ha$e st!died do see( to show that b!rsts o) earthF!a3e acti$ity on -arth co(e when the
s!ns"ots - which )%!ct!ate ro!gh%y e$ery 11 years - are either at their (a@i(!( or their (ini(!(.' "
..."'n ;!st the "ast two years, a)ter an e@ha!sti$e st!dy, scientists at ?(erica's %eading at(os"heric
research centre at 4o!%der, 8o%orado, con)ir(ed that they .s!ns"ots/ did a%ter the weather."
"...4!t what astrono(er 8ar% 0agan has ca%%ed the '8os(ic 8onnection' is we%% estab%ished - and the
e))ects o) the 0!n's ne@t rash o) s"ots, d!e in abo!t 198>, wi%% he watched with )er$or."
In 1:754 Ha?aii suffered t?o earthHua@es and a ne? eruption of the -olcano4 0ilauea. )ne of the
Hua@es ?hich ?as 7.& on the !ichter scale ?as the Aiggest earthHua@e to hit Ha?aii in o-er 75 7ears.
In <anuar7 of 1:7+4 Iceland ?as struc@ A7 a Hua@e measuring +.5 on the !ichter scale. Also in <anuar74
more than &2 earthHua@es ?ere reported in the Pacific region near the !ussian 0amchat@a Peninsula.
The e-ent ?as the ?orst in &5 7ears.
In )ctoAer of 1:7+4 earthHua@es and tremors hit Scotland and ,uatemala. The death toll in ,uatemala
?as o-er &&4222 ?hile the inEured numAered o-er 7*4222. It left 14'224222 people ?ithout homes.
In %a74 the ?est coast of #e? Jealand8s South Island suffered a Hua@e at 7 on the scaleG ?hile one of
onl7 +.5 cloAAered #orth-eastern Ital7. FAe@ in the SS! suffered one at 7.&G and the Chinese-.urma
Aorder suffered one at +.:.
In <une4 Papua #e? ,uinea recei-ed one at 7.&G ?hile Irian <a7a ?as hit at 7.1 on the scale. .ali
recei-ed one at 7.
In <ul74 China recei-ed hers4 ?hich ?as4 as pre-iousl7 mentioned4 an aAsolute horror at 1.& on the
!ichter scaleI
.7 $ecemAer of 1:7+4 California residents ?ere preparing for another Aig earthHua@e to hit them in
April of 1:77. 5hat the7 finall7 recei-ed ?as a *24222 sHuare @ilometre =Aulge=.
It is almost certain that California ?ill ha-e the ?orst earthHua@e in its histor7 Aefore the turn of the
centur7... It is Eust as amaFing to find that Californians are still li-ing right on top of the fault line li@e
there ?as no tomorro?. The7 e-en ha-e a land de-elopment scheme nic@named4 "<he 6a!%t%ine
America has officiall7 Aegun to prepare itself for earthHua@e disasters in the nine most proAaAle
regions. )f the nine regions4 California is the onl7 one ?hich has spent an7 large amounts preparing
the Auildings and other edifices for the e-entualit7 of a horrendous earthHua@e. It is a matter of puAlic
record that Carter8s )ffice of Science and Technolog7 has dra?n-up plans for the ?idespread
reinforcement of American s@7scrapers in the most prone areas. IncrediAle effort has Aeen thro?n into
earl7 earthHua@e detection and pre-ention studies.
.et?een the 7ears 11:7 and 1:*+4 the a-erage numAer of oAser-ed earthHua@es o-er !ichter + ?as '
per decade. .et?een 1:*+ and 1:5+4 the a-erage Eumped to 7. to the follo?ing decade4 it Eumped to 17
earthHua@es o-er !ichter +. Then4 in 1:+74 the yearly earthHua@e figure for !ichter + or Aetter ?as 17I
In 1:+14 it ?as 1:G in 1:+:4 it ?as &1G in 1:724 it ?as &*G and in 1:714 it ?as '*... Ho3e(er2 during
the decade of 1?>C to 1?C> there 3ere 1BA earthFua/es o(er Richter C on the scale5 !ote that in
the recorded history of man2 an estimated C<2AAA2AAA people ha(e $een /illed either $y
earthFua/es or indirectly $y their attendant fires2 floods2 landslides2 and disease)
Sunspots are actuall7 holes ripped into the surface of the Sun A7 magnetic storms deep inside the Sun8s
multi-shelled core. /arious factors can influence the propagation of these 8m7sterious8 Alemishes. 5hen
a star is 7oung4 its outer shell of h7drogen is usuall7 Huite thic@. As a result4 it -er7 seldom has such
deep -ortices of magnetic turAulence that -isiAle Alac@ spots are made to appear. There are4 ho?e-er4
times e-en in the 7oung and staAle state that a star8s surface ma7 Ae so disturAed as to sho? -isiAle
signs of magnetic turAulence.
If a large enough e>ternal Aod7 interacts or collides ?ith the outer planetar7 or 8gra-itic8 shells of a
7oung star4 it can create relati-el7 Arief - Aut -isiAle - 8sunspots8. As a star gro?s older4 it Aurns up its
h7drogen fuel-la7er in the process of nuclear fusion. This means the h7drogen la7er gro?s thinner and
thinner as the star ages. As a result4 it ta@es less and less in e>ternal forces to create -isiAle signs of the
magnetic turAulence.
In the case of those stars ?hich ha-e planets occup7ing t?o or more of their 8gra-itic8 shells Cor
possiAle orAitsD4 the periodic motion of the planets themsel-es can effect 8sunspot8 Cor 8starspot8D acti-it7
after aAout half of the original h7drogen shell has Aeen consumed. The Sun is one of those stars ?hose
h7drogen suppl7 is o-er half of its original amount and ?hose orAital shells contain planets. As the nine
charted planets of the Sun all orAit the Sun at different speeds4 it is onl7 infreHuentl7 - A7 Earth time -
that all nine of the planets are some?here on the same side of the Sun at the same time. It is e-en more
infreHuent that all nine form a straight line from the centre of the Sun to the outermost of the nine
planets... Cit is4 in fact hundreds of thousands of 7ears Aet?een such e-entsD. 3et4 as partial alignments
do occur4 certain imAalances in the spin of the entire solar s7stem manifest.
Consider a man standing on a small platform ?hich4 in turn4 rests on the floor - mounted in such a ?a7
that it spins around Huite readil7 ?hen someone spins it. "et the man Ae gi-en t?o eHuall7 hea-7 Aalls
?ith rigid caAles attached4 so that the man can s?ing the Aalls out at his side. "et the man Ae spun Huite
rapidl7. The Aalls ?ill 8orAit8 a?a7 from the man8s spinning Aod7. His Aod7 ?ill Ae erect and staAle4 as
the Aalls ?ill Aoth Ae tra-elling at the same speed and at the same distance from his Aod7. If the man
then pulls in one of the Aalls so that it is closer to his Aod7 than the other4 the resulting imAalance of
forces ?ill cause the man8s erect posture to s?a7 to the side of the Aall ?ith the longest tether...G and4
suAseHuentl74 to -iArate in a a?@?ard fashion until he stops spinning.
If one ?ere to replace the man and the platform ?ith a pole that ?as anchored to the floor4 one could
create a -er7 good analog7 to the processes ?hich cause planets to periodicall7 8sha@e-up8 their star Cor
the Sun4 in this caseD. )ne could affi> nine rigid Aars each of a different length to the upright pole so
that the7 could Ae easil7 spun around the pole A7 the oAser-er. To the ends of these nine Aars4 nine Aalls
of -ar7ing ?eights could Ae attached. If the oAser-er ?ere to4 then4 spin all nine Aalls around tile pole
A7 thrusting each in turn ?ith his hand4 he ?ould see a peculiar sight. As the Aalls orAited the pole it
?ould g7rate -iolentl7 for a timeG then it ?ould 8settle do?n8 and s?a7 Ariefl7 in an arcG then it ?ould
8straighten-up8 and momentaril7 appear as erect and as staAle as the man did ?hen his Aalls ?ere
8Aalanced8G and then it ?ould g7rate madl74 again.
Such is the case ?ith the Sun. The nine planets are connected A7 in-isiAle 8rods8 of gra-it7 to Aoth the
centre and the surface of the Sun. As the planets line-up in -ar7ine numAers4 attitudes4 and times4 the
Sun is sha@en to -arious degrees - the more so4 the older it Aecomes.
In %arch4 1:51 issue of B8? Be$iew4 <ohn H. #elson commented on planetar7 orAital patterns and
sunspots and the correlation of Aoth to the hea-7 radio freHuenc7 storms that e-en no? plague Earth
communications s7stems ?ith a gro?ing regularit79
"'t can be readi%y seen )ro( these gra"hs that dist!rbed conditions Ce>cessi-e radio interferenceD show
good corre%ation with "%anetary con)ig!ration... 't is de)inite%y shown that each o) the si@ "%anets
st!died is e))ecti$e in so(e con)ig!rations."
#elson ?ent on to sa7 that short-?a-e freHuencies are disturAed ?hen <upiter4 Saturn and %ars line-up
in either a straight line or at right angles to each other. He also emphasiFed that the phenomenon... "is
not d!e to gra$itationa% e))ect or tida% "!%%s between "%anets and the 0!n". His last statement is4
technicall74 correctG ho?e-er4 =gra-itational effect= does not mean the same as 8gra-itic tensors8.
!ememAer4 8gra-it78 is that illusion produced A7 the interaction of t?o forces hitting each other and
forming a Fone or shell of eHuiliArium. The actual connectors of either force to its respecti-e source are
8tensors8 li@e muscles Aet?een parts of the Aod7. As it is the Aalance Aet?een these 8connectors8 ?hich
generates the illusion of gra-it74 great and po?erful changes in the magnitude of Aoth 8tensors8 can
result in onl7 small change4 to the apparent 8gra-itational effect8.
$r. Immanuel /eli@o-s@7 felt that these 8tensors8 could Ae Aetter e>plained as functions of electric
chargesG thus gi-ing the solar s7stem the appearance of a Aalanced 8atom8 on a large scale. His ?ords
are slightl7 different - Aut the7 impl7 the same as this author8s. (or those ?ho ?ere una?are of it4 $r
/eli@o-s@7 ?as a regular correspondent ?ith and -isitor to the late $r. AlAert Einstein - ?ho e-entuall7
died ?ith one of $r. /eli@o-s@78s earl7 manuscripts open on his des@. It ?as also $r. /eli@o-s@7 ?ho
Huoted a most enlightening statement from an article in the April 154 1:51 edition of the #e? 3or@
Times in his o?n Aoo@4 -arth 'n 5"hea$a%. The article reported that9
"...e$idence o) a strange and !ne@"%ained corre%ation between the "ositions o) D!"iter, 0at!rn and
Mars, in their orbits aro!nd the 0!n and the "resence o) $io%ent e%ectrica% dist!rbances in the -arth's
!""er at(os"here.... see(s to indicate CthatD the "%anets and the 0!n share in a cos(ic e%ectrica%-
ba%ance (echanis( that e@tends a bi%%ion (i%es )ro( the centre o) o!r so%ar syste(. 0!ch an e%ectrica%
ba%ance is not acco!nted )or in c!rrent astro"hysica% theories."
In the same Aoo@4 Cp.&5:D $r. /eli@o-s@7 ?ent on to sa74 "4y 19A3 the strange )act was estab%ished
that the so%ar tides in the -arth's !""er at(os"here are si@teen ti(es (ore "ower)!% than the %!nar
tides in the at(os"here, a )act in co("%ete con)%ict with the tida% theory, according to which the action
o) the Moon on oceanic tides is se$era% ti(es (ore "ower)!% than that o) the 0!n. <he )i)ty )o%d
discre"ancy is sti%% witho!t an acce"tab%e e@"%anation."
An undeniaAle set of circumstances no? presents itself to the people of Earth9 The Sun is entering into
a transitional stage - ?hich is allo?ing the increasingl7 eccentric alignment of its nine planets to effect
aAnormal magnetic and electromagnetic 8Storms8 on its surface. These 8storms8 - e-idenced A7 the
e>tremel7 high numAer of sunspots - are sending increasingl7 more -iolent 8spra7s8 of charged
8particles8 and short ?a-elength radiations out?ard to collide ?ith all the planets in a form called the
8solar ?ind8 A7 the #.A.S.A. technicians. This 8solar ?ind8 of great energ7 densit7 can increase or
decrease the spin rate of the Earth in its orAitG hence4 it can change the length of an Earth 8da78. This
8solar ?ind8 has alread7 Aeen responsiAle for creating ionospheric 8tornadoes8 ?hich ha-e caused the
S@7laA space station to prematurel7 drop from its correct orAit to one ?hich ?ill e-entuall7 result in its
crashing do?n to Earth. The increased solar ?ind is Alamed on "abnor(a%%y high s!ns"ot acti$ity
acco("anying the 198> arri$a% o) the "ea3 o) the c!rrent, 11 year s!ns"ot cyc%e."
The Aiggest solar flare since 1:+1 occurred in %a7 of 1:71. Its siFe ?as o-er fift7 times the surface
area of the EarthI The resulting radio freHuenc7 and high-speed particle AomAardments of Earth caused
?idespread short-?a-e4 radio communications disruptions. The #ational )ceanic and Atmospheric
Administration in .oulder4 Colorado reported that the .S. Coastguard had lost all radio
communication ?ith its ships in the Atlantic ?hile the initial flare effects continued.
)nl7 t?o and a half months later4 a huge sunspot formed on the Sun. The pre-ious flare had receded
lea-ing a 8thin8 area on the Sun8s surface. Then4 the relati-el7 high 8planetar7 alignment effect8 in the
<ul7-Sept. period of 1:71 triggered such an intense magnetic storm on the Sun that a sunspot of o-er
'4:2242224222 sHuare @ilometers formed... Aecoming the Aiggest since 1:*7... A7 fi-e times the siFe of
the one in 1:*7I
This sunspot is steadil7 gro?ing in siFeG and could douAle its present siFe in onl7 a fe? short months.
Alread74 it has reduced the -isiAle light and heat effects on the Sun A7 t?o percent on the -isiAle dis@I
)-er &242224222 highl7-charged particles are AomAarding Earth each second as a result of this hugh
sunspot. It is surel7 the maEor factor in causing the recent Indian floods and the last4 aAsolutel7
disasterous summer in Europe.
A ne?s report A7 .ruce Sandham in the .risAane 0!nday Mai% 8o%or of 5 #o-emAer 1:71 had these
things to sa7 aAout the sunspot9
" '<hese enor(o!s e(issions )ro( the 0!n can ha$e a "ro)o!nd e))ect on the way h!(ans react', says
Dr. Miche% +a!F!e%in, $irector of cosmic research at (rance8s StrasAur7 ni-ersit7.=
" '<his s!ns"ot acti$ity is ca!sing (assi$e ioni&ation which can ha$e dra(atic in)%!ence on o!r
beha$io!r,' he e@"%ains. '0o(e areas o) the h!(an body contain a "ositi$e charge o) e%ectricity and
others a negati$e one. 0o the arri$a% o) e%ectro(agnetic wa$es )ro( the 0!n can serio!s%y !"set the
de%icate ba%ance between the two.' "
$r. ,auHuelin continued on the suAEect of possiAle sunspot effects on ?orld diseases4... "<he in$asion
o) a h!(an ce%% by a $ir!s is $irt!a%%y an e%ectrica% reaction. :or(a%%y the $ir!s and the %i$ing ce%%
carry a charge o) negati$e ions, th!s the $ir!s is re"e%%ed and can't enter the ce%%. hen so(ething
ha""ens to the body and the ce%%'s charge beco(es "ositi$e, then the $ir!s is )ree to enter. <his
'so(ething' co!%d be the dist!rbance ca!sed by so%ar acti$ity."
The article also noted the high correlation of suicides4 industrial mishaps4 di-orce4 and insanit7 during
hea-7 sunspot pea@s li@e this one. $r. ,auHuelin also told %r. Sandham Cthe EournalistD that these
effects could last for up to four more 7earsG ho?e-er4 this ?as a gross understatement4 as the reader ?ill
soon disco-er.
The reader in in-ited to stud7 the computer generated graph in Chart #o. 1. The graph is a correlation
of relati-e-planetar7-positions against time. If all nine planets ?ere to Ae aligned in a straight line from
the Sun out?ard4 the graph ?ould sho? a dot on the line laAelled 8:8. If the planets ?ere to Ae unaligned
as much as possiAle4 the graph ?ould sho? a dot on the -alue 8*.558. The dotted reference lines help the
reader to Huic@l7 assess ?hat months and 7ears ha-e had and ?ill ha-e -er7 high relati-e-planetar7-
position Huotients. If... Cplease note the conditional tenseD... if this method of appro>imating the timing
of sunspot acti-it7 is -alid4 then the ne>t se-en 7ears ma7 hold eighteen periods of solar acti-it7 that
?ill Ae far more disasterous for man@ind than an7 of those in the past '45+' 7earsI
This graph is onl7 one of some si> hundred and thirt7 produced A7 the author on a He?lettPac@ard
computer. The computer4 an 8HP S7stem *58 8crunched8 through &422242224222 calculations and dre?
these graphs in a little under t?o and a half da7s. The calculations ?ere simpl7 those of running a
mathematical model of the solar s7stem in re-erse motion for si> thousand 7ears4 and then in for?ard
motion for one thousand 7ears. These figures are onl7 monthl7 position chec@sG so slight -ariations in
some of the figures ?ill occur on a dail7 position chec@.
The reader ?ill note that the highest pea@ sho?n on the graph occurs in (eAruar74 1:1&. If $r. ,riAAin8s
h7pothesis is correct4 then the cumulati-e effects of sunspot acti-it7 triggered A7 certain planetar7
positions ma7 not return to an acceptaAle le-el until after 1:1+I...
The 8dropped lines8 ?ere generated A7 the computer ?hene-er the relati-e-planetar7-position Huotient
e>ceeded a statisticall7 critical -alue of 8+8.
The reader ?ill note that Aoth the solar flare of %a7 and the giant sunspot of <ul7-Sept. occurred or
?ere initiated on the onl7 t?o near-critical pea@s in 1:71. The author has also made a preliminar7
stud7 of ancient histor7 in correlation to the last +222 7ears of planetar7 motions as sho?n A7 the other
si> hundred charts. In fort7-nine out of the fift7 maEor re-olutions and ?ars of the last '522 7ears4 the
graphs8 high pea@s matched the e-ent to the 7ear. The graphs8 pea@s also agreed to the 7ear ?ith the
corrected .iAlical dates for the (lood of #oah and the E>odus of Israel from Eg7pt amidst great
geological distress and plagues of -ermin. It is this author8s intention to puAlish a seHuel to this Aoo@
?hich ?ill contain all the charts mentioned and his correlations to that dateG so that the reader ma7
anal7Fe the results for himself. (or the computer users in the readership a cop7 of the author8s program
listings ?ritten in the S7stem :1*58s Aasic language ?ill Ae in that Aoo@G so that cross-chec@s and 8fine-
tuning8 ma7 Ae effected A7 those ?ho ?ish to pursue the suAEect... if there is an7 time left...
Earl7 in 1:774 the President of the nited States4 %r. Carter4 announced a fe? details of a topsecret
Pentagon proEect code-named9 30oah%s "rk3. It is4 supposedl74 a s7stem of some :+ 8Aun@ers8 and 8Aolt
holes8 ?hich ha-e Aeen estaAlished at -arious places on or near the Earth to house appro>imatel7 +522
@e7 officials in case of a nuclear ?ar.
%an7 of these 8Aolt holes8 are underground cities complete ?ith streets4 side?al@s4 la@es4 small electric
cars4 apartments and office Auildings. )ne such 8cit78 is car-ed out of a mountain near 5ashington. It is
called %ount 5eather. )ne other such 8cit78 is most proAaAl7 located at each of the super /"(
Aroadcast stations around the planet.
)ne ?onders ?h7 the proEect ?as code-named =#oah8s Ar@=... An7 .iAlical student @no?s that 8#oah8s
Ar@8 has to do ?ith a ?eather calamit7 - not a nuclear ?ar. Carter ?ould ha-e Aeen Aetter ad-ised
calling it something li@e =ProEect ,omorrah=4 =ProEect .rimstone=4 or their il@G... 7et he chose a
?eather calamit7. Could it $e that he - li/e many other senior statesmen and /ey scientists - /no3s
the Earth is heading for a se(ere 3eather catastrophe7 If so4 one can understand ?h7 the masses
ha-e not Aeen informed... can8t one6... It appears that a ne? solution is needed... one ?hich reHuires a
Copernican re-olution in human philosoph7.. Pra7 that it comes soon...

Appendi: 1
!e3 1or/ Herald Tri$une Articles
!E6 1+R. HERA"-TRI'U!E= Sunda74 #o-emAer &24 1:554 pp. 1 M '+
=C)#;EST )( ,!A/IT3 AI% )( T)P SCIE#TISTS I# .S.=
=A#TI-,!A/IT3 !ESEA!CH - "r) Charles T) "oGier4 left4 senior research engineer and guided
missile e>pert of the Con(air "i(ision of -eneral "ynamics Corp)4 conducting a research
e>periment to?ards control of gra-it7 ?ith #artin .aplan4 Con-air senior electronics engineer.=
."hoto 'nset/
=I# CHA!,E - -eorge S) Trim$le &r)4 -ice-president in charge of ad-anced design planning of
#artin Aircraft Corp)4 is organiFing a ne? research institute for ad-anced stud7 to push a program of
theoretical research on gra-it7 effects.=
=CHA#,ES (A! .E3)#$ THE AT)% A!E THE P!IJE=
C!e-olution in Po?er4 Air4 Transit Is SeenD
This is the first of a series on ne? pure and applied research into the m7steries of gra-it7 and efforts
to de-ise ?a7s to counteract it. 5ritten A7 Ansel E) Tal$ert2 military and a(iation editor2 !)1)H)T)
The initial steps of an almost incrediAle program to sol-e the secret of gra-it7 and uni-ersal gra-itation
are Aeing ta@en toda7 in man7 of America8s top scientific laAoratories and research centres.
A num$er of ma&or2 long-esta$lished companies in the United States aircrafts and electronics
industries are also in(ol(ed in gra(ity research) Scientists4 in general4 Arac@et gra-it7 ?ith life itself
as the greatest unsol-ed m7ster7 in the ni-erse. .ut there are increasing numAers ?ho feel that there
must Ae a ph7sical mechanism for its propagation ?hich can Ae disco-ered and controlled.
Should this m7ster7 Ae sol-ed it ?ould Aring aAout a greater re-olution in po?er4 transportation and
man7 other fields than e-en the disco-er7 of atomic po?er. The influence of such a disco-er7 ?ould Ae
of tremendous import in the field of aircraft design - ?here the proAlem of fighting gra-it78s effects
ha-e al?a7s Aeen Aasic.
)ne almost fantastic possiAilit7 is that if gra-it7 can Ae understood scientificall7 and negated or
neutraliFed in some relati-el7 ine>pensi-e manner4 it ?ill Ae possiAle to Auild aircraft4 earth satellites4
and e-en space ships that ?ill mo-e s?iftl7 into outer space4 ?ithout strain4 Ae7ond the pull of earth8s
gra-it7 field. The7 ?ould not ha-e to ?rench themsel-es a?a7 through the Arute force of po?erful
roc@ets and through e>penditure of e>pensi-e chemical fuels.
Centres ?here pure research on gra-it7 no? is in progress in some form include the Institute for
Ad(anced Study at Princeton2 !)D)2 and also at Princeton Uni(ersity= the Uni(ersity of Indiana4s
School of Ad(anced #athematical Studies and the Purdue Uni(ersity Research *oundation.
A scientific group from the #assachusetts Institute of Technology4 ?hich encourages origional
research in pure and applied science4 recentl7 attended a seminar at the Roger 'a$son -ra(ity
Research of !e3 'oston2 !)H)4 at ?hich Clarence 'irdseye2 in(entor and industrialist4 also ?as
present. %r. .irdse7e ga-e the ?orld its first pac@aged Huic@-froFen foods and laid the foundation for
toda78s froFen food industr7G more recentl7 he has Aecome interested in gra-itational studies.
A proposal to esta$lish at the Uni(ersity of !orth Carolina at Chapel Hill2 !)C)2 an 4Institute of
Pure Physics4 primaril7 to carr7 on theoretical research on gra-it7 ?as appro-ed earlier this month A7
the ni-ersit78s Aoard of trustees. This had the appro-al of "r) -ordon -ray ?ho has since retired as
president of the ni-ersit7. "r) -ray has $een Secretary of the Army2 Assistant Secretary of
"efence2 and special assistant to the President of the United States)
(#$S C)""ECTE$
(unds to ma@e the institute possiAle ?ere collected A7 Agne3 H) 'ahnson &r)2 an industrialist of
6inston Salem2 !)C) The ne? ni-ersit7 of #orth Carolina administration is no? deciding on the
institute8s scope and personnel. The directorship has Aeen offered to "r) 'ryce S) "e6itt of the
Radiation a$roratry at the Uni(ersity of California at 'er/eley4 ?ho is the author of a Roger
'a$son priGe-3inning scientific study entitled 4!e3 "irections for Research in the Theory of
The same t7pe of scientific disagreement ?hich occured in connection ?ith the first proposals to Auild
the h7drogen AomA and an artifical earth satellite - no? under construction - is in progress o-er anti-
gra-it7 research. %an7 scientists of repute are sure that gra-it7 can Ae o-ercome in compariti-el7 fe?
7ears if sufficient resources are put Aehind the proEect. )ther Aelie-e it ma7 ta@e a Huarter centur7 or
Some pure ph7sicists4 ?hie Aac@ing the general program to tr7 to disco-er ho? gra-it7 is propagated4
refused to ma@e predictions of an7 @ind.
Aircraft industr7 firms no? participating or acti-el7 interested in gra-it7 include the -lenn ) #artin
Co) of 'altimore4 Auilders of the nation8s first Eet-po?ered fl7ing AoatG Con(air of San "iego4
designers and Auilders of the giant .-'+ intercontinental AomAer and the ?orld8s first successful
-ertical ta@e-off fighterG 'ell Aircraft of 'uffalo4 Auilders of the first piloted airplane to fl7 faster than
sound and a current Eet 8-ertical ta@eoff and landing8 airplane4 and Si/ors/y di(ision of United
Aircraft4 pioneer helicopter Auilders.
ear Inc)2 of Santa #onica4 one of the ?orld8s largest Auilders of automatic pilots for airplanesG
Clar/e Electronics2 of Palm Springs2 California4 a pioneer in its field4 and the Sperry -yroscope
"i(ision of Sperry-Rand Corp)2 of -reat !ec/2 )I)4 ?hich is doing important ?or@ on guided
missiles and earth satellites4 also ha-e scientists in-estigating the gra-it7 proAlem.
#artin Aircraft has Eust put under contract t?o of Europe8s leading theoretical authorities on gra-it7
and electromagnetic fields - "r) 'ur/hard Heim of -oettingen Uni(ersity ?here some of the
outstanding disco-eries of the centur7 in aerod7namics and ph7sics ha-e Aeen made4 and "r) Pascual
Dordan of Ham$urg Uni(ersity4 %a> Plan@ medal ?inner ?hose recent ?or@ called 8,ra-it7 and the
ni-erse8 has e>cited scientific circles throughout the ?orld.
"r) Heim2 no3 professor of theoretical physics at -oettingen2 3ho 3as a mem$er of -ermany4s
'ureau of Standards during 6orld 6ar II4 is certain that gra-it7 can Ae o-ercome. $r. Heim lost his
e7esight and hearing4 and had Aoth arms Alo?n off at the elAo? in a 5orld 5ar II roc@et e>polsion. He
dictates his theories and mathematical calculations to his ?ife.
#artin Aircraft4 at the suggestion of -eorge S) Trim$le2 its (ice-president in charge of ad(anced
design planning2 is $uilding $et3een 6ashington and 'altimore a ne3 la$oratory for the
Research Institute for Ad(anced Study))) A Theoretical in(estigation of the implications for future
gra(ity research in the 4Unified field theory4 of the late "r) Al$ert Einstein is no3 under3ay
Although financed A7 %artin4 the Institute ?ill ha-e no connection ?ith the da7-to-da7 Ausiness of
Auilding airplanes. Its general manager is 6elcome 'ender.
p to no? no scientist or engineer - so far as is @no? in the scientific circles - has produced the
slightest alteration in the magnitude or direction of gra-itational 8force8 although man7 cran@s and
crac@pots ha-e claimed to Ae aAle to do this ?ith 8perpetual motion machines8.
There is no scientific @no?ledge or generall7 accepted theor7 aAout the speed ?ith ?hich it tra-els
across interplanetar7 space4 ma@ing an7 t?o material particles or Aodies - if free to mo-e - accelerate
to?ards each other.
.ut the current efforts to understand gra-it7 and uni-ersal gra-itation Aoth at suA-atomic le-el and at
the le-el of the ni-erse ha-e the positi-e Aac@ing toda7 of man7 of America8s outstanding ph7sicists.
These include $r. Ed3ard Teller of the Uni(ersity of California4 ?ho recei-ed prime credit for
de-eloping the h7drogen AomAG "r) D) Ro$ert +ppenheimer2 director of the Institute of Ad(anced
Study at PrincetonG "r) *reeman D) "yson2 theoretical physicist at the Institute4 and "r) Dohn A)
6heeler2 professor of physics at Princeton Uni(ersity4 ?ho made important contriAutions to
America8s first nuclear fission proEect.
It must Ae stressed that scientists in this group approach the proAlem onl7 from the standpoint of pure
research. The7 refuse to predict e>actl7 in ?hat directions the search ?ill lead or ?hether it ?ill Ae
successful Ae7ond Aroardening human @no?ledge generall7.
)ther top-ran@ing scientific minds Aeing Arought to Aear toda7 on the gra-it7 proAlem are those of "r)
%acla( Hla(aty2 of the Uni(ersity of Indiana2 3ho ser(ed 3ith "r) Einstein on the faculty of
Charles Uni(ersity in Prague and later taught ad-anced mathematics at the SorAonne in ParisG and of
"r) Stanley "eser and $r. Richard Arno3itt of the Princeton Institute for Ad(anced Study.
"r) Hla(aty Aelie-es that gra-it7 simpl7 is one aspect of electro-magnetism - the Aasis of all cosmic
forces - and e-entuall7 ma7 Ae controlled li@e light and radio ?a-es.
H)PE T) (I#$ 0E3
"r) "eser and "r) Arno3itt are of the opinion that -er7 recentl7 disco-ered nuclear and suA-nuclear
particles of high energ74 ?hich are difficult to e>plain A7 an7 present-da7 theor74 ma7 pro-e to Ae the
@e7 that e-entuall7 unloc@s the m7ster7. It is their suggestion that the ne? perticles ma7 pro-e to Ae
Aasic gra-itational energ7 ?hich is Aeing con-erted continuall7 and automaticall7 in an e>panding
ni-erse 8directl7 into the most useful nuclear and electromagnetic forms8. In a recent scientific paper
the7 point out9
8)ne of the most hopeful aspects of the proAlem is that until recentl7 gra-itation could Ae oAser-ed Aut
not e>perimented on in an7 controlled fashion4 ?hile no? ?ith the ad-ent in the past t?o 7ears of the
ne? high-energ7 accelerators Cthe Cosmotron and the e-en more recent .er@ele7 .e-atronD the ne?
particles ?hich ha-e Aeen lin@ed ?ith the gra-itational field can Ae e>amined and ?or@ed ?ith at ?ill.8
An important EoA of encouraging Aoth pure and applied gra-it7 research in the nited States through
annual priFes and seminars4 as ?ell as4 the summariFing of ne? research for engineers and scientists in
industr7 loo@ing for?ard to a real 8hard?are solution8 to the gra-it7 proAlem is Aeing performed A7 the
-ra(ity Research *oundation of !e3 'oston2 !)H)
This 3as founded and endo3ed $y "r) Roger 'a$son2 economist4 ?ho is an alumnus of %.I.T. and a
lifelong student of the ?or@s of Sir Isaac #e?ton4 disco-erer of gra-it7. Its president is "r) -eorge
Rideout of 'oston.
Ca second article ?ill appear tomorro?D
.Other ,hoto 'nsets/
=."AC0.)A!$ %ATH - "r) %acla( Hla(aty4 of the Uni(ersity of Indiana4s graduate Institute of
Ad(anced #athematics4 ?ho has stimulated research on gra-it7 control4 ?or@ing on a proAlem.=
=A#TI-,!A/IT3 A#$ A/IATI)# - -eorge S) Trom$le &r)4 -ice-president in charge of ad-anced
design planning of #artin Aircraft Corp)4 left4 discussing the application of anti-gra(itational
research to a(iation ?ith t?o %artin scientists4 D)") Pierson4 center4 and 6illiam ') 1ates.=
!E6 1+R. HERA"-TRI'U!E= %onda74 #o-emAer &14 1:514 pp. 1 M +
."hoto 'nset/
=("3I#, SACE! )( THE (T!E6 - A reproduction of an oil pointing A7 Eugene #) -luhareff2
president of -luhareff Helicopter I Airplane Corp) of #anhattan 'each2 Calif)2 sho3ing a
4saucer-shaped4 aircraft or space ship for e:ploring far $eyond the earth4s atmosphere and
gra(ity field. #r -luhareff portra7s it operating at 8moderate speed8 o-er the #e? 3or@ - #e?
England area and notes that in the painting 4a propulsi(e $last of the electron $eams from the rear of
the saucer is (isi$le2 gi(ing the saucer a translational force4=.
=SPEE$S )( TH)SA#$S )( %I"ES A# H)! 5ITH)T A <)"T HE"$ "I0E"3=
This is the second or a series on ne? ne? pure and applied research into the m7steries of gra-it7 and
efforts to de-ise ?a7s to counteract it. 5ritten A7 Ansel E) Tal$ert2 #ilitary and A(iation Editor2
Scientists toda7 regard the earn as a giant magnet. %an7 In America8s aircraft and electronics industries
are e>cited o-er the possiAilit7 of using its magnetic and gra-itational fields as a medium of support for
amaGing 4flying (ehicles4 3hich 3ill not depend on the air for lift.
Space ships capa$le of accelerating in a fe3 seconds to speeds many thousands of miles per hour
and ma/ing sudden changes of course at these speeds 3ithout su$&ecting their passengers to the
so-called 4--forces4 caused $y gra(ity4s pull also are en(isioned) These concepts are part of a ne3
program to sol(e the secret of gra(ity and uni(ersal gra(itation already in progress in many top
scientific la$oratories and long-esta$lished industrial firms of the nation)
Although scientists still /no3 little a$out gra(ity and its e:act relationship to electromagnitism4
recent nuclear research and e>periments ?ith 8high energ7 machines8 such as the 'roo/ha(en
Cosmotron are pro-iding a flood of ne? e-idence Aelie-ed to ha-e a Aearing on this.
6illiam P) ear4 in-entor and chairman of the Aoard of ear2 Inc)4 one of the nation8s largest
electronics firms specialiFing in a-iation4 for months has Aeen going o-er ne? de-elopments and
theories relating to gra-it7 ?ith his chief scientists and engineers.
%r. "ear in 1:52 recei-ed the Collier Troph7 from the President of the nited States 8for the greatest
achie-ement in a-iation in America8 through de-eloping a light-?eight automatic pilot and approach
control s7stem for Eet fighter planes. He is con(inced that it 3ill $e possi$le to create artifical
4electro-gra(itational fields 3hose polarity can $e controlled to cancel out gra(ity)4
He told this correspondent9 8All the CmassD materials and human Aeings ?ithin these fields ?ill Ae part
of them. The7 ?ill Ae adEustaAle so as to increase or decrease the ?eight of an7 oAEect in its
surroundings. The7 ?on8t Ae affected A7 the earth8s gra-it7 or that of an7 celestial Aod7.
4This means that if any person 3as in an anti-gra(itational airplane or space ship that carried
along its o3n gra(itational field))) - no matter ho3 fast you accelerated or changed course - your
$ody 3ouldn4t any more feel it than it no3 feels the speed of the earth)4
Scientists and la7men for centuries ha-e Aeen familiar ?ith the phenomena that 8li@e8 poles of t?o
magnets - the north and the north pole for e>ample - repel each other ?hile 8unli@e8 poles e>ert an
attraction. In ancient times 8lodestones8 possessing natural magnetism ?ere thought to possess magical
.ut the nineteenth centur7 disco-eries of England8s great scientist4 %ichael (arada74 pa-ed the ?a7 for
construction of artificial 8electro-magnets8 - in ?hich magnitism is produced A7 means of electric
currents. The7 retain it onl7 so long as the current is flo?ing. An electromagnet can Ae made A7
?inding around a soft iron 8core8 a coil of insulated ?ire carr7ing electric current. Its strength depends
primaril7 on the numAer of turns in the coil rather than the strength of the current.
E-en toda74 America8s rapidl7 e>panding electronics industr7 is constantl7 finding ne? uses of
electromagnets. (or e>ample4 Dac/ *letcher4 a 7oung electronics and aeronautical engineer of Co-ina4
Calif.4 has Eust Auilt a 8T?ent7-(irst Centur7 Home8 containing an electronic sto-e functioning A7
magnetic repulsion.
PA# (")ATS I# AI!
In it se-en coils of ?ire on laminated iron cores are contained inside a pl7?ood caAinet of Alond
mahogan7. The magnetic field from these coils induces 8edd7 currents8 in an aluminium coo@ing pan
nineteen inches in diameter4 ?hich interact and lift the pan into space li@e a miniature 8fl7ing saucer.8
The coo@ing pan floats aAout t?o inches in tha air aAo-e the sto-e in a staAaliFed conditionG 8edd7
currents8 generate the heat that ?arms it ?hile the sto-e top remains cold. The aluminium pan ?ill hold
additional pots and it can Ae used as a griddle. It is4 of course4 a -ariation of se-eral other more familiar
magnetic repulsion gadgets including the 8m7sterious floating metal Aall8 of science hall e>hiAits.
#o t7pe of electromagnet @no?n to science or industr7 ?ould ha-e an7 application to the Auilding of a
real aircraft or 8fl7ing -ehicle8. .ut one of America8s most Arilliant 7oung e>perimental designers4
Eugene #) -luhareff2 president of -luhareff Helicopter and Airplane Corp) of #anhattan
'each2 Calif)2 has made se(eral theoretical design studies of round or saucer-shaped 4(ehicles4 for
tra(el into outer space4 ha-ing atomic generators as their Aasic 8engines8.
S)# )( C)PTE! $ESI,#E!
#r) -luhareff is the son of #ichael E) -luhareff2 chief designer for "r) Igor I) Si/ors/y4
helicopter and multi-engined aicraft pioneer. $r. Si@ors@7 and the elder %r. ,luhareff4 ?ho has ?on
the Ale>ander 0lemin a?ard4 one of a-iation8s highest honours4 are themsel-es deepl7 concerned in the
proAlem of o-ercomming gra-itation.
The 7ounger %r. ,luhareff alread7 has Aeen responsiAle for se-eral successful ad-anced designs of less
amaFing 8terrestrial8 aircraft. He en-isions the po?er oAtained from the atomic generators operating
electronic reactors - 8that is4 oAtaining propulsion A7 the acceleration of electrons to a -er7 high
-elocit7 and e>pelling them into space in the same manner that hot gases are e>pelled from Eet engines.8
Such an arrangement ?ould not polute the atmosphere ?ith radioacti-e -apors.
C)"$ C)#T!)" ACCE"E!ATI)#
.ecause of its 8long-lasting fuel84 an atomic-electronic fl7ing dis@ ?ould Ae aAle to control its
acceleration to an7 speed desired and there ?ould Ae no need for Aeing 8shot into space8 according to
%r. ,luhareff. Radial electronic $eams around the saucer4s rim 3ould $e aperating constantly
and 3ould sustain flight $y 4acting against gra(ity4)
%r. ,luhareff thin@s that control can Ae achie-ed A7 a slight differentiation of the deflection of
electronic Aeams in either directionG the Aeams ?ould act in the same ?a7 as an orthodo> plane8s
ailerons and ele-ator.
#r) -luhareff agrees 3ith "r) Pascual Dordan of Ham$urg Uni(ersity4 one of Europe8s outstanding
authorities on gra-itation ?ho pro-ed man7 parts of the 8;uantum Theor78 of $r. %a> Planc@4 that it
3ill $e possi$le to induce su$stantial changes in the gra(itational fields of rotating masses
through electromagnetic research. $r. <ordan has Eust signed a contract to do research for %artin
Aircraft Corp. of .altimore.
!orman %) Peterson guided missile engineer of the Sperry--yroscope "i(ision of Sperry-Rand
Corp) of -reat !ec/2 )I)4 ?ho as president of the Americian Astronautical Societ7 attended the
recent 8earth satellite8 meeting in Copenhagen corroAorates the theor7 that 8nuclear po?ered - or solar
po?ered - ion electron Aeam reactors - ?ill gi-e impetus to the conHuest of space8.
Ca third article ?ill appear tommorro?D
=(")ATI#, C))0I#, PA# - The 8electronic sto-e8 functioning A7 magnetic repulsion Auilt A7 Dac/
*letcher4 a 7oung engineer of 5est Co-ina4 Calif. The aluminium coo@ing pan4 nineteen inches in
diameter4 floats t?o inches aAo-e the caAinet li@e a miniature 8fl7ing saucer8. It is completel7 staAle
?hile 8ho-ering8 and can Ae used as a griddle or as a holder for additional pots and pans. 8Edd7 currents8
from a magnetic field created A7 an electromagnet inside the caAinet ha-e ?armed the pan - although
the sto-e top remains completel7 cold.=
!E6 1+R. HERA" TRI'U!E= Tuesda74 #o-emAer &74 1:554 pp. + M 12
=#E5 AI! $!EA%-P"A#ES ("3I#, )TSI$E ,!A/IT3=
.,9O<O ':0-</
=a3rence ") 'ell4 founder and president of 'ell Aircraft Corp)4 of .uffalo4 using a <apanese i-or7
Aall to illustrate his -ie? that humans Aefore long ?ill operate planes outside earth8s atmosphere4 then
outside the gra-it7 field of the earth. The pilots ?ith him4 three top test piolots of the Air (orce4 are4
left4 "t. Col) *ran/ D) E(erestG centre4 in light suit4 #a&) Charles 1eager4 and4 in uniform ne>t to %r.
.ell4 #a&) Arthur #urray.=
=A."E T) ,) 5HE!E 5E 5A#T=
This is the third is a series of articles on ne? pure and applied research into the m7steries of gra-it7
and the efforts to de-ise ?a7s to o-ercome it.
5ritten A7 Ansel E) Tal$ert2 #ilitary and A(iation Editor2 !)1)H)T)
The current interest in America8s aircraft and electronics industries in finding ?hether gra-it7 can Ae
controlled or 8cancelled-out8 is not confined to imaginati-e 7oung graduates of engineering and
scientific schools.
Some of the t?o industries8 most e>perienced and highl7 regarded leaders toda7 are engaged directl7 or
deepl7 interested in theoretical research relating to gra-it7 and uni-ersal gra-itation. Their Aasic aim is
e-entuall7 to Auild 8hard?are8 in the shape of planes4 earth satellites4 and space ships 8?hich can go
?here ?e ?ant and do ?hat ?e ?ant ?ithout interference from gra-it78s m7sterious trans-spatial pull.8
a3rence ") 'ell2 3hose company in 'uffalo Auilt the first piloted aircraft in histor7 to fl7 faster
than sound4 is certain that practical results ?ill come out of current gra-it7 research. He told this
8A-iation as ?e @no? it is on the threshold of amaFing ne? concepts. The United States aircraft
industry already is 3or/ing 3ith nuclear fuels and eFuipment to cancel out gra(ity instead of
fighting it)
8The 5right .rothers pro-ed that man does not ha-e to Ae earth-Aound. )ur ne>t step ?ill Ae to pro-e
that ?e can operate outside the earth8s atmosphere and the third ?ill Ae to operate outside the gra-it7 of
the earth.8
%r. .ell8s compan7 during the last fe? da7s made the first po?ered flights ?ith its ne? .ell B-& roc@et
plane designed to penetrate deep into the thermal or heat Aarrier encounted due to atmosphereic friction
at a speed aAo-e &4222 miles per hour. It also is testing a re-olutionar7 ne? Eet -ertical-rising-and-
landing 8magic carpet8 airplane.
-ro(er oening4 ?ho ?as the first graduate in aeronautics in an American ni-ersit7 and the first
engineer hired A7 the 5right .rothers4 holds similar -ie?s.
)-er a period of fort7 7ears4 #r) oening has had a distinguished career as an aircraft designer
and $uilder recentl7 ?as decorated A7 the nited States Air (orce for his ?or@ as a special scientific
4I firmly $elie(e that $efore long man 3ill acFuire the a$ility to $uild an electromagnetic contra-
gra(ity mechanism that 3or/s)4 he sa7s. 8%uch the same line of reasoning that enaAled scientists to
split up atomic structures also ?ill enaAle them to learn the nature of gra-itational attraction and ?a7s
to counter it.8
!ight no? there is consideraAle differences of opinion among those ?or@ing to disco-er the secret of
gra-it7 and uni-ersal gra-itation as to e>actl7 ho? long the proEect ?ill ta@e. -eorge S) Trim$le4 a
Arilliant 7oung scientist ?ho is head of the ne? ad-anced design di-ision of #artin Aircraft in
'altimore and a memAer of the suA-committee on high-speed aerod7namics of the !ational Ad(isory
Committee for Aeronautics2 $elie(es that it could $e done relati(ely Fuic/ly if sufficient resources
and momentum 3ere put $ehind the program.
8I thin@ ?e could do the EoA in aAout the time that it actuall7 reHuired to Auild the first atom AomA if
enough trained scientific Arain-po?er simultaneousl7 Aegan thin@ing aAout and ?or@ing to?ards a
solution48 he said. 8Actuall74 the Aiggest deterrent to scientific progress is a refusal of some people4
including scientists4 to Aelie-e that things ?hich seem amaFing can reall7 happen.
8I @no? that if 5ashington decides that it is -ital to our national sur-i-al to go ?here ?e ?ant and do
?hat ?e ?ant ?ithout ha-ing to ?orr7 aAout gra-it74 ?e8d find the ans?er rapidl7.8
"r) Igor I) Si/ors/y4 one of the ?orld8s outstanding airplane and helicopter designers4 is some?hat
more conser-ati-e Aut eHuall7 interested. He Aelie-es that ?ithin t?ent7-fi-e 7ears man ?ill Ae fl7ing
Ae7ond the earth8s atmosphere4 Aut he calls gra-it74 8real4 tangiAle4 and formidaAle.8 It is his considered
scientific oAser-ation that there must Ae some ph7sical carrier for this immense trans-spatial force.
"r) Si/ors/y notes that light and electricit74 once eHuall7 m7sterious4 no? ha-e Aecome 8lo7al4
oAedient ser-ants of man4 appearing or disappearing at his command and performing at his ?ill a
countless -ariet7 of ser-ices.8 .ut in the case of gra-itation he sa7s the more scientists attempted to
-isualiFe the un@no?n agent ?hich transmits it4 8the more ?e recogniFe ?e are facing a deep and real
The situation calls for intensi-e scientific research4 $r. Si@ors@7 Aelie-es. Up to no3 all gra(ity
research in the United States has $een financed out of the pri(ate funds of indi(iduals or
corporations) eaders of the nation4s armed forces ha(e $een $riefed $y (arious scientists a$out
the theoretical chances of conFuering gra(itation $ut so far their attitude is 4call us 3hen you get
some hard3are that 3or/s)4
"udley Clar/e2 president of Clar/e Electronics a$oratories of Palm Springs2 Calif)4 one of the
nation8s oldest firms dedicated to electronic research and e>perimentation4 is one of scientist in the
hard?are stage of Auilding something that he Aelie-es ?ill pro-e gra-it7 can Ae put to useful purposes.
%r. Clar@e8s compan7 has Eust caused a stir in the electronics industr7 A7 de-eloping pressure sensiti-e
resistors ha-ing unusual characteristics for parachute and other a-iation use4 according to 8Teletech and
Electronic Industries8 magaFine of *12 "e>ington A-e.
#r) Clar/e ?ho 7ears ago ?or@ed under "r) Charles SteinmetG2 -eneral Electric Company4s
electrical and mathematical 43iGard4 of the 1?8As2 is sure that this successful harnessing of
gra(itation 3ill ta/e place sooner than some of these 4i(y to3er4 scientists $elie(e.
"i@e Sir (ran@ 5hittle4 .ritian8s Eet pioneer4 ?ho ?as informed in 1:'5 A7 the .ritish Air %inistr7 that
it could see no practical use for his Eet aircraft engine. %r. Clar@e has a particularl7 cherished letter. It
?as ?ritten aAout the same time A7 the commanding general at 5right (ield gi-ing a similar anal7sis
of a Eet design proposal A7 %r. Clar@e.
%r. Clar@e notes that the force of gra-it7 is po?erful enough to generate man7 thousands times more
electricit7 than no? is generated at #iagra (alls and e-er7 other ?ater-po?ered centre in the ?orld - if
it can Ae harnessed. This impending e(ent2 he maintains2 3ill ma/e possi$le the manufacture of
anti-gra(ity 4po3er pac/ages4 3hich can $e $ought for a fe3 hundred dollars) These 3ould
pro(ide all the heat and po3er needed $y one family for an idefinite period)
"r) 6)R)-) 'a/er2 (ice-president and general manager of -eneral Electric Co)4s electronics
di(ision4 points out that scientists ?or@ing in man7 fields actuall7 are Aeginning to e>plore the
uni-erse4 learning ne? things aAout the ma@eup of 8outer space8 and formulating ne? concepts. He
8Toda7 ?e in electronics are deepl7 interested in ?hat lies Ae7ond the earth8s atmosphere and its gra-it7
field. (or there ?e ma7 find the electronics ?orld of ?hat no?. Such Huestions usuall7 ha-e Aeen
reser-ed for the realm of ph7sics and astromon7. .ut through entirel7 ne? applications in radar for
e>ample science alread7 is aAle to measure some of the properties of the ?orld Ae7ond.
85arm Aodies radiate micro?a-es4 and A7 recording noise signals4 ?e are learning aAout in-isiAle
celestial forces ?e did not e-en @no? e>isted.8
"r) Arthur ) .lein2 professor of aeronautics at the California Institute of Technology4 is certain
that 8if e>tra-terrestial flight is to achie-ed4 something ?ill Ae reHuired to replace chemical fuels.
"r) Hermann +$erth2 -ermany4s greatest roc/et pioneer4 ?ho is no? ?or@ing on guided missiles
for the nited States Arm74 calculates that *24222 tons of liHuid propellents ?ill Ae reHuired to lift a
pa7load of onl7 t?o tons Ae7ond the earth8s gra-itation. !egarding the chemical fuel proAlem $r. 0lein
sa7s4 8there are no other serious oAstacles.8
%an7 thoughtful theoretical scientists and practical engineers see a space -ehicle de-gra-itiFed to a
neutral ?eight and follo?ing an electronicall7-controlled route charted A7 radar as the utimate ans?er.

Appendi: ,
Intera(ia Electro--ra(itics Article
To3ards *light 3ithout Stress or Strain))) or
.3 I#TE"4 5ASHI#,T)#4 $.C.
<he )o%%owing artic%e is by an ?(erican ;o!rna%ists who has %ong ta3en a 3een
interest in F!estions o) theoretica% "hysics and has been reco((ended to the
-ditors as ha$ing c%ose connections with scienti)ic circ%es in the 5nited 0tates.
<he s!b;ect is one o) i((ediate interest, and Intera-ia wo!%d we%co(e )!rther
co((ent )ro( initiated so!rces. ---ditors.
ashington D.8. - March 23, 19AG= Electro-gra-itics research4 see@ing the source of gra-it7 and its
control4 has reached a stage ?here profound implications for the entire human race Aegin to emerge.
Perhaps the most startling and immediate implications of all in-ol-e aircraft4 guided missiles --
atmospheric and free space flight of all @inds.
If onl7 one of se-eral lines of research achie-e their goal -- and it no? seems certain that this must
occur -- gra-itational acceleration as a structural4 aerod7namic and medical proAlem ?ill simpl7 cease
to e>ist. So ?ill the tas@ of pro-iding comAustiAle fuels in massi-e -olume in order to escape the earth8s
gra-itic pull -- no? proAaAl7 the Aiggest headache facing toda78s ?ould-Ae =space men=.
And to?ards the long term progress of man@ind and man8s ci-iliFation. a ?hole ne? concept of electro-
ph7sics is Aeing le-ered out into the light of human @no?ledge.
There arc gra-it7 research proEects in e-er7 maEor countr7 of the ?orld. A fe? are o-er '2 7ears old.
Nfoot9 ltimatel7 the7 go Aac@ to Einstein8s general theor7 of relati-it7 C1:1+D4 in ?hich the la? of
gra-itation ?as first mathematicall7 formulated as a field theor7 Cin contrast to #e?ton8s =action-at-a-
distance= conceptD.O %ost are much ne?er. Some are purel7 theoretical and see@ the ans?er in
;uantum4 !elati-it7 and nified (ield Theor7 mathematics -- Institute for Ad-anced Stud7 at
Princeton4 #e? <erse7G ni-ersit7 of Indiana8s School of Ad-anced %athematical StudiesG Purdue
ni-ersit7 !esearch (oundationG ,oettingen and HamAurg ni-ersities in ,erman7G as ?ell as firms
and uni-ersities in (rance4 Ital74 <apan and else?here. The list4 in fact4 runs into the hundreds.
Some proEects are mostl7 empirical4 stud7ing gra-itic isotopes4 electrical phenomena and the statistics
of mass. )thers comAine Aoth approaches in the stud7 of matter in its super-cooled4 super-conducti-e
state4 of Eet electron streams4 peculiar magnetic effects or the electrical mechanics of the atom8s shell.
Some of the companies in-ol-ed in this phase include "ear Inc.4 ,luhareff Helicopter and Airplane
Corp.4 The ,lenn ". %artin Co.4 Sperr7-!and Corp.4 .ell Aircraft4 Clar@e Electronics "aAoratories4
The .S. ,eneral Electric Compan7.
The concept of ?eightlessness in con-entional materials ?hich are normall7 hea-74 li@e steel4
aluminium4 Aarium4 etc.4 is difficult enough4 Aut some theories4 so far Aorne out empiricall7 in the
laAorator74 postulate that not onl7 can the7 Ae made ?eightless4 Aut the7 can in fact Ae gi-en a negati-e
?eight. That is9 the force of gra-it7 ?ill Ae repulsi-e to them and the7 ?ill -- ne? science Areed ne?
?ords and ne? meanings for old ones -- loft a?a7 contra-gra-itationall7.
In this particular line of research4 the ?eights of some materials ha-e alread7 Aeen cut as much as '2P
A7 =energiFing= them. Securit7 pre-ents disclosure of ?hat precisel7 is meant A7 =energiFing= or in
?hich countr7 this ?or@ is under ?a7.
A localiFed gra-itic field used as a ponderamoti-e force has Aeen created in the laAorator7. $isc airfoils
t?o feet in diameter and incorporating a -ariation of the simple t?o-plate electrical condenser charged
?ith fift7 @ilo-olts and a total continuous energ7 input of fift7 ?atts ha-e achie-ed a speed of
se-enteen feet per second in a circular air course to t?ent7 feet in diameter. %ore latel7 these discs
ha-e Aeen increased in diameter to three feet and run in a fift7 foot diameter air course under a charge
of a hundred and fift7 @ilo?atts ?ith results so impressi-e as to Ae highl7 classified. /ariations of this
?or@ done under a -acuum ha-e produced much greater efficiencies that can onl7 Ae descriAed as
startling. 5or@ is no? under ?a7 de-eloping a flame Eet generator to suppl7 po?er up to fifteen million
Such a force raised e>ponentiall7 to le-els capaAle of pushing man-carr7ing -ehicles through the air --
or outer space -- at ultrahigh speeds is no? the oAEect of concerted effort in se-eral countries. )nce
achie-ed it ?ill eliminate most of the structural difficulties no? encountered in the constuction of high-
speed aircraft. Importantl74 the gra-itic field that pro-ides the Aasic propulsion force simultaneousl7
reacts on all matter ?ithin that field8s influence. The force is not a ph7sical one acting initiall7 at a
specific point in the -ehicle that needs then to Ae translated to all the other parts. It is an electro-gra-itic
field acting on all parts simultaneousl7.
SuAEect onl7 to the so-far immutaAle la?s of momentum4 the -ehicle ?ould Ae aAle to change direction4
accelerate to thousands of miles per hour or stop. Changes in direction and speed of flight ?ould Ae
effected A7 merel7 altering the intensit74 polarit7 and direction of the charge.
%an no? uses the sledge-hammer approach to high-altitude4 high-speed flight. In the still-short life
span of the turAo-Eet airplane4 he has had to increase po?er in the form of Arute thrust some t?ent7
times in order to achie-e Eust a little more than t?ice the speed of the original Eet plane. The cost in
mone7 in reaching this point has Aeen prodigious. The cost in highl7-specialiFed man-hours is e-en
greater. .7 his present methods man actuall7 fights in direct comAat the forces that resist his efforts. In
conHuering gra-it7 he ?ould Ae putting one of his most competent ad-ersaries to ?or@ for him. Anti-
gra-itics is the method of the pic@loc@ rather than the sledge-hammer.
The communications possiAilites of electro-gra-itics4 as the ne? science is called4 confound the
imagination. There are apparentl7 in the ether an entirel7 ne? unsuspected famil7 of electrical ?a-es
similar to electro-magnetic radio ?a-es in Aasic concept. Electro-gra-itic ?a-es ha-e Aeen created and
transmitted through concentric la7ers of the most efficient @inds of electro-magnetic and electro-static
shielding ?ithout apparent loss of po?er in an7 ?a7. There is e-idence4 Aut not 7et proof4 that these
?a-es are not limited A7 the speed of light. Thus the ne? science seems to stri@e at the -er7
foundations of Einstienian !elati-it7 Theor7.
.ut rather than in-alidating current Aasic concepts such as !elati-it74 the ne? @no?ledge of gra-it7
?ill proAaAl7 e>pand their scope4 ramifications and general usefulness. It is this e>pansion of
@no?ledge into the un@no?n that more and more emphasiFes ho? little ?e @no?G ho? -ast is the area
still a?aiting research and disco-er7.
The most successful line of the Electro-gra-itics research so far reported is that carried on A7 To?nsend
T. .ro?n4 an American ?ho has Aeen researching gra-it7 for o-er thirt7 7ears. He is no? conducting
research proEects in the .S. and on the Continent. He postulates that there is Aet?een electricit7 and
gra-it7 a relationship parallel andKor similar to that ?hich e>ists Aet?een electricit7 and magnetism.
And as the coil is the usaAle lin@ in the case of electro-magnetics4 so is the condenser that lin@ in the
case of electro-gra-itics. 3ears of successful emperical ?or@ ha-e lent a great deal of credence to this
The detailed implications of man8s conHuest of gra-it7 are innumeraAle. In road cars4 trains and Aoats
the headaches of transmission of po?er from the engine to ?heels or propellers ?ould simpl7 cease to
e>ist. Construction of Aridges and Aig Auildings ?ould Ae greatl7 simplified A7 temporar7 induced
?eightlessness etc. )ther facets of ?or@ no? under ?a7 indicate the possiAilit7 of close controls o-er
the gro?th of plant lifeG ne? therapeutic techniHuesG permanent fuel-less heating units for homes and
industrial estaAlishmentsG ne? sources of industrial po?erG ne? manufacturing techniHuesG a ?hole
ne? field of chemistr7. The list is endless... and gro?ing.
In the field of international affairs4 other than electro-gra-itics8 militar7 significance4 ?hat de-elopment
of the science ma7 do to ra? materials -alues is perhaps most interesting to contemplate. Some
materials are more prone to induced ?eightlessness than others. These are Aecoming @no?n as gra$itic
isoto"es. Some are alread7 Huite hard to find4 Aut others are common and4 for the moment4 cheap. Since
these ultimatel7 ma7 Ae the -ital lofting materials reHuired in the creation of contra-gra-itational fields4
their -alue might Aecome e>tremel7 high ?ith eHui-alent rearrangement of the ?ealth of national
natural resources4 Aalance of economic po?er and ?orld geo-strategic concepts.
Ho? soon all this comes aAout is directl7 proportional to the amount of effort that is put into it.
Surprisingl74 those countries normall7 e>pected to Ae leaders in such an ad-anced field are so far onl7
fooling around. ,reat .ritain4 ?ith her %inistr7 of Suppl7 and the #ational Ph7sical "aArorator74
apparentl7 has ne-er seriousl7 considerd that the attempt to o-ercome and control gra-it7 ?as ?orth
practical effort and is no? scurr7ing around tr7ing to find out ?hat it8s all aAout. The .S. $epartment
of $efense has consistentl7 considered gra-it7 in the realm of Aasic theor7 and has so far onl7 put
to@en amounts of mone7 into research on it. The (rench4 apparentl7 a little more open-minded aAout
such things4 ha-e initiated a numAer of proEects4 Aut e-en these are still on prett7 much of a small scale.
The same is true throughout most of the ?orld. %ost of the ?or@ is of a pri-ate -enture @ind4 and much
is Aeing done in the studies of uni-ersit7 professors and in the traditional lofts and Aasements of Aadl7
undercapitaliFed scientists.
.ut the ?ord8s afoot no?. And Aoth ,o-ernment and pri-ate interest is gro?ing and gathering
momentum ?ith logarithmic acceleration. The da7 ma7 not Ae far off ?hen man again confounds
himself ?ith his geniusG then ?onders ?h7 it too@ him so long to recogniFe the oA-ious.
)f course4 there is al?a7s a possiAilit7 that the une>plained 'P of ()8s4 =nidentified (l7ing
)AEects=4 as the .S. Air (orce calls =fl7ing saurcers=4 are in fact -ehicles so propelled4 de-eloped
alread7 and undergoing pro-ing flights -- A7 ?hom... .S.4 .ritain... or !ussia6 Ho?e-er4 if this is so
it8s the Aest @ept secret since the %anhattan proEect4 for this reporter has spent o-er t?o 7ears tr7ing to
chase do?n ?or@ on gra-itics and has dra?n from ,o-ernment scientists and militar7 e>perts the
?orld o-er onl7 the most Alan@ of stares.
<his is a%ways the way o) e@"%oration into the !n3nown.
Appendi: @
Einstien4s Relati(ity Error
The ph7sical sciences in 117' seemed to once again ta@e on an air of staAilit7 as <ames Cler@ %a>?ell
puAlished his4 8Treatise on Electricit7 and %agnetism8.
In this paper he discussed electricit74 magnetism4 and electro-magnetism as functions of ?a-es in a
fluid space CetherD. His theor7 held popular support until the 7ear 1117 ?hen the t?o .S. ph7sicists4
A.A. %ichelson and Ed?ard 5. %orle7 performed their historic e>periment ?ith light. Their
e>periment Cthe 8%ichelson-%orle7 E>periment8D ?as designed to use light as a means to determine if
space ?ere a 8fluid8 as %a>?ell8s eHuations had assumed.
The 8%-%8 test results4 ho?e-er4 appeared to den7 the e>istence of fluid Cor etherD space. To e>plain the
8apparent8 failure of the %-% test to detect the ether4 Hendri@ "orentF and ,eorge (itFgerald de-eloped
their no? famous 8transforms8 Cthe "orentF-(itFgerald transforms - 1:2&D in ?hich length contractions4
mass increase4 and time lag ?ere offered as e>planation for the negati-e test result. #ote that the
"orentF-(itFgerald transforms still treated space as an inertial fluid... one undetectaAle A7 @no?n
Einstein4 ?ho first began the formulation of his special Theor7 of !elati-it7 in 11:54 puAlished it in
1:25. He seiFed upon the "orentF-(itFgerald transforms and the %-% test results as e-idence of a
uni-ersal a>iom9 the -elocit7 of light is Cto the oAser-erD the limit (eas!rab%e -elocit7 in the uni-erse -
Cthis does not mean it is the limit -elocit7 in the uni-erse4 ho?e-er.D
Einstein ?as faced ?ith an apparent parado> as to the nature of space. It Aeha-ed li@e a fluid in man7
?a7s - 7et in others it Aeha-ed li@e an aAstract4 ten-component !icci Tensor from the !eimannian
model of the ni-erse. The failure of the %-% test to detect an ether ?as the final stra?. 3et4 hard as he
tried4 Einstein failed to remo-e the =ether= from E J mc
The follo?ing discussion should illustrate this
$iagram 1 is a schematic of the %-% test. It ?as conducted on the Aasis that if an ether e>isted4 the
earth ?ould A7 mo-ing through it. Hence4 there ?ould Ae a relati-e -elocit7 Aet?een earth and the
fluid of space.
It ?as reasoned that A7 splitting a Aeam of light C*D into t?o partsG sending one out and Aac@ in-line
?ith the direction of earth8s orAital path4 Cto mirror CAD from half-sil-ered mirror C-DDG sending the
other at right angles to the direction of earth8s orAital path Cto mirror C'D through half-sil-ered mirror
C-D and glass plate C"DDG and recomAining the t?o Aeams in the interferometer CED one should Ae aAle
to detect a shift in the phases of the t?o Aeams relati-e to one another.
This shift could Ae accuratel7 predicted A7 @no?ing the -elocit7 of light CcD and the -elocit7 C(
D of
earth through orAital space. Their reasoning ?as as follo?s Crefer diag.14 diag.&a4 diag.&AD9
Q -elocit7 of ether ?ind or drift
c Q -elocit7 of light
Q -elocit7 from - to ' A7 fi>ed e>tra-terrestrial oAser-er
s Q distance -A J -'
Q go-return time in-line C-A-A-D
Q go-return time at right angles C-'-'-D
Q )@t
Q apparent -elocit7 from - to ' A7 earth oAser-er
Then the time Ct
D is determined A79 KsL9c-(
;M J t
?hich reduces to9
CEH.1D ,scL9c
; J t1
Also4 the time Ct
D is determined A7 first sol-ing for C(
D in terms of CcD and C(
D using the P7thagorean
Theorum Cc
D... or4 in this instance9 9- to ';
J9- to #;
N9# to ';
A7 suAstitution4 c
J (

CEH.&D (
J 9c
#o?4 sol-ing for the time CtD - ?hich is the same o-er -#4 -'4 #' - of the -' trip A7 suAstituting sLt
J (
in CEH.&D 4 one oAtains9
CEH.'D sLt J 9c
CEH.'D t J sL9c
suAstituting9 tJ)@t

gi-es9 t
L, J sL9c

CEH.*D t
J ,sL9c
A7 comparing the ratio of the in-line go-return time Ct
D to the right angle go-return time Ct
D one
CEH.5D t
J K,scL9c
?hich reduces to9
CEH.5D t
J 91-(
#o? then4 if the light source is at rest 3ith respect to the ether4 one sees9
CEH.7D t
J 1L91-A;
J 1L1 J 1
Such a ratio as CEH.7D sho?s is e>actl7 ?hat e-er7 successi-e tr7 of the linear %-% test has oAtained...
Cnotice9 %inear not ang!%arD. "orentF and (itFgerald @ne? there had to Ae an etherG so the7 de-eloped
their ?ell-@no?n transforms - an act ?hich ?as in essence a ?a7 of sa7ing4 there has to be an ether...
we'%% ad;!st o!r observed res!%ts by a )actor which wi%% bring o!r hy"othetica% e@"ectations and o!r test
res!%ts into accord... Their 3hole transform 3as $ased on the e:istence of ether space5 Their
transform4 in essence4 said that length shortened4 mass flattened4 and time dilated as a Aod7 mo-ed
through the etherG hence it ?as possiAle to detect the ether.
Einstein came along in 1:25 sa7ing the %ichelson-%orle7 test sho?ed the -elocit7 of light to Ae a
!ni$ersa% constant to the oAser-er. SeiFing upon this and the "orentF-(itFgerald transforms4 Einstein
?as aAle to formulate his Special !elati-it7 ?hich resulted in the no? famous EJ#c
... the deri-ation
of ?hich follo?s9
Starting ?ith CEH.5D9 t

The "orentF-(itFgerald transform factor for CEH.5D Aecomes 91-(
Cto Aring t
D gi-ing t
oAser-ed -alue of C1D.
Assuming "orentF and (itFgerald8s supposition to Ae correct4 one should loo@ at mass-in-motion as the
oAser-er on the mass sees it -ersus mass-in-motion as the uni-ersal oAser-er sees it....
let m
Q mass as it appears to riding oAser-er
let (
Q -elocit7 as detected A7 rider
let m
Q mass as uni-ersal oAser-er sees it
let (
Q -elocit7 as uni-ersal oAser-er sees it
then it follo?s Cfrom "orentF and (itFgeraldD that9
notJ m
Cto either oAser-erD
So4 to eHuate the t?o products4 "orentF and (itFgerald de-ised their transform factor 91-(
?ould Aring m
to either oAser-er4... 7ielding the follo?ing e>tension9
since4... (
J s
and (
J s
Cassuming time is referenceD
not Jm
notJ m
then4 A7 suAstitution of the transform factor s
Cassuming time is referenceD into CEH. 12D
one oAtains9 m
J m
?hich reduces to9
CEH.11D m
To re-e-aluate this relati-e change in mass4 one should in-estigate the e>panded form of the transform
factor9 91 - (
C?hich transforms t
D .It is of the general Ainomial t7pe9
Hence4 it can Ae e>pressed as the sum of an infinite series9
L85N))) etc
?here9 $
is less than 1
So4 setting... aJ)@ and $J(

one oAtains9
CEH.1*D 1N9(
;N))) etc
(or lo? -elocities in the order of .&5c and less the e-aluation of 91-(
is closel7 appro:imated
A74 the first t?o elements of CEH. 1*D9
CEH.15D 91-(
so4 CEH.llD Aecomes9
CEH.1+D m
; C?here (
less than .&5cD
de-eloping further4... m

CEH.17D m
!ememAering energ7 CED is represented A79
CEH.11D EJ)@m(
C?here (
less than .&5cD
)ne can suAstitute CEH.11D into CEH.17D gi-ing...
CEH.1:D m
Cassuming (
J (D
!epresenting the change in mass Cm
DA7 # gi-es9
or4 in the more familiar form using the general CmD for C#D9
C#ote4 ho?e-er4 that eHuation C1*D should Ae used for the greatest accurac7 - especiall7 ?here (
greater than .&5cD
"oo@ing at the assumption in CEH. 1:D...C(
D ?as the term used in the Aeginning to represent the ether
wind -elocit7... This means Einstein used fluid space as a Aasis for Special !elati-it7. His failing ?as
in declaring the -elocit7 of light an oAser-aAle limit to the -elocit7 of an7 mass ?hen it should onl7
ha-e Aeen the limit to an7 oAser-aAle electromagnetic ?a-e -elocit7 in the ether. The $e%ocity o) %ight
is on%y a %i(it $e%ocity in the )%!id o) s"ace where it is being obser$ed. If the energ7-densit7 of space is
greater or less in another part of space4 then the relati-istic -elocit7 of light ?ill pass up and do?n
through the re)erence %ight wa$e $e%ocity %i(it - if such e>ists.
$o not fall into the trap of assuming that this )%!id s"ace cannot ha-e -ar7ing energy-density. Perhaps4
the reader is this -er7 moment sa7ing4 an inco("ressib%e )%!id s"ace does not a%%ow concentrations o)
energy - Aut he is ?rong - dead ?rongI
5hen a fi>ed-densit7 fluid is set in harmonic motion aAout a point or centre4 the num$er of masses
passing a fi:ed reference point per unit time can Ae oAser-ed as increased mass Cor concentrated
energ7D. Although the densit7 Cmass per -olumeD is constant4 the mass--elocit7 product 7ields the
illusion of more mass per -olume per time. Space is an incompressiAle fluid of -ar7ing energ7 this author4s opinion.
The apparent aAsurdit7 of in)inite%y-increasing-(ass and in)inite%y-decresing-%ength as a mass
approaches the light-?a-e -elocit7 is rationaliFed A7 realiFing that space has inertia and as such offers
inertial resistance to the mo-ing mass. The energ7 of the mo-ing mass is transmitted in front of it into
the medium of space. The resulting c!r% of inertial resistance increases as negati-e momentum to the
e>tent the mass is con-erted to radiant energ7 as it meets its o?n reflected mass in resistance. Ho?e-er4
to the 0tar <re3 fans4 ta@e heart... Eust as man Aro@e the sound--elocit7 limit Csound AarrierD he can also
Area@ the light--elocit7 limit Clight AarrierD. .7 proEecting a high-densit74 polariFed field of resonating
e%ectrons to spoil or war" the pressure ?a-e of the inertial curl4 the h7perlight-craft can slip through the
?arp opening Aefore it closes - emitting the characteristic shoc@ ?a-e. Such a s"oi%er ?ould Ae formed
A7 using the electro-d7namic4 high-energ7-densit7 electron ?a-es ?hich ?ould normall7 proceed
Aefore the h7perlight craft4 as a primar7 function of propulsion. 5hen a similar function is e>ecuted A7
h7personic aircraft4 a sonic boo( is formed as the inertial curl collapses on itself. In space4 the light-
-elocit7 eHui-alent to this sonic boo( ?ould Ae in the form of 8heren3o$ radiation ?hich is emitted as
a mass crosses the light--elocit7 threshold sending tangential light to the direction of tra-el.
In 1:1'4 the rotationa% -ersion of the %inear %-% e>periment ?as successfull7 performed A7 ,. Sagnac
Csee p. +5 - +7 of <he ,hysica% 6o!ndations o) +enera% Be%ati$ity A7 $.5. Sciama4 Heinemann
Educational .oo@s "td.4 *1 Charles St.4 "ondon 51B1AH.D In 1:&54 %ichelson and ,ale used the
spinning Earth as their rotational analog to the linear %-% e>periment. It also sho?ed successfull7 that
the -elocit7 of light sent in the direction of spin around the perimeter of a spinning disc Cor of the
surface of earthD -aried from the -elocit7 of the light sent against the spin. Crefer diag. 'D.
A!A+-1 +* "IE##A
The error of the %-% e>periment is the test res!%ts are a%so $a%id )or the case where there as an ether
and it, too, as (o$ing a%ong with the sa(e re%ati$e $e%ocity and orbit as -arth (aintains aro!nd the
0!n. The tea c!" analog7 can Ae used to e>plain the error. If one stirs a cup of tea CpreferaAl7 ?hiteD
?hich has some small tea lea-es floating on its surface4 one notices some of these tea lea-es orAiting
the -orte> in the centre of the cup. The lea-es closer to the centre tra-el faster than those farther from
the centre CAoth in linear and angular -elocit7D.
#o?4 one must imagine himself greatl7 reduced in siFe and sitting upon one of these orAiting lea-es. If
one ?ere to put his hands o-er the edge of his tea leaf on an7 side4 ?ould he feel an7 tea mo-ing
past6... #o. The reason is that the motion of the tea is the force that has caused the -elocit7 of the leaf.
)ne could not detect an7 motion if Aoth himself and the tea ?ere tra-elling in the same direction and at
the same -elocit7. Ho?e-er4 if one had arms long enough to stic@ a hand in the tea closer to either the
centre or the rim of the cup ?here the -elocities ?ere different to his o?n4 then he ?ould feel tea
mo-ing faster or slo?er than himself Crespecti-el7D.
Also4 if one ?ere to spin his tea leaf at the same time as it orAits aAout the centre4 placing his hands into
the tea immediatel7 surrounding his leaf ?ould sho? inertial resistance against the spin moment of his
In the preceding analog74 the centre of the spinning tea Cor -orte> centreD represented the Sun4 the leaf9
the EarthG the tea9 the etherG and the rider8s hands9 the light bea(s of the %-% test. In essence4 ?hat
%ichelson4 %orle74 Einstein4 and man7 other scientists ha-e said is that the %-% test sho?ed the
-elocit7 of light ?as not a))ected A7 the Earth8s orAital motion. "<here)ore" the7 ha-e said4 "we ha$e
one o) two conc%!sions to draw"9
1/ <he -arth is orbiting the 0!n and there is no ether, or,
2/ <he -arth is not orbiting the 0!n and there is an ether b!t since the earth is not (o$ing thro!gh the
ether, the ether "wind" cannot be detected. )A-iousl74 this conclusion is negated A7 Earth8s oAser-ed
helio-centric orAit.
Ho?e-er4 their reasoning should also ha-e incorporated a third option9
8; The Earth is or$iting Ihe Sun and so is the etherE therefore4 no ether ?ind could Ae detected in
the orAital -ector immediatel7 in the -icinit7 of Earth.
In other ?ords4 the test results cannot pro-e or dispro-e the e>istence of an ether... onl7 ?hether or not
the Earth is mo-ing relati-e to such an ether.
0C0 !+T C+!STA!T
!ememAer4 in 1:1'4 ,. Sagnac performed his -ersion of the %-% e>periment and corrected the
inconclusi-e results ?hich %ichelson and %orle78s test had oAtained. In Sagnac8s rotationa% ana%og of
the %-% test the $e%ocity o) %ight was shown to $ary. Also4 in 1:&5 %ichelson and ,ale -erified
Sagnac8s results ?ith their o?n rotational analog. E-en more recentl74 similar -erification has Aeen
made using a ring-laser s7stem to detect the rotational -elocit7 of the Earth relati-e to the ether.
.7 the time the ether wind 3as pro(en to e:ist4 Einstein8s theories ?ere alread7 ?inning strong
support on the merits of celestial oAser-ations ?hich closel7 agreed ?ith Einstein8s predicted -alues. As
a result4 the scienti)ic communit7 decided to e>plain the ether wind phenomenon as a result of Earth8s
spinning in its o?n ether b%an3et ?hich Earth ?as apparentl7 dragging through space. #o e>planation
?as e-er agreed upon as to the origin or e>tent of this ether b%an3et. It ?as simpl7 a ?a7 to s?eep a
discrepanc7 under the carpet.
In a Aiograph7 ?ritten Eust Aefore his death4 Professor Einstein is Huoted as admitting he had a
fundamental error in Relati(ity. It ?as4 he said4 one ?hich-?hen corrected-?ill e>plain ho? light -
an oA-ious ?a-e form - can Ae propagated across an apparentl7 non-inertial space. Einstein also stated
that the disco-er7 of the solution to this error ?ould proAaAl7 Ae the result of some serendi"ito!s
disco-er7 in the si>ties. Ho?e-er4 Aefore he died4 Einstein did manage to partiall7 correct his error.
5ith the help of the ?ell-@no?n $r. Er?in SchrRdinger4 $r. Einstein ?as aAle to construct a 8total
theor78 for e>istence. It ?as called the =nified (ield Theor7=. Although $r. Einstein ?as aAle to la7
the Aasic frame?or@ Aefore his death4 it is reasonaAl7 certain that a more readil7-usaAle -ersion of the
=nified (ield Theor7= ?as onl7 completed A7 other ph7sicists after Einstein had died.
)ne of the more promising contriAutions to?ard a usaAle unified field theor7 ?as offered A7 $r.
Stanle7 $eser and $r. !ichard Arno?itt Csee Appendi> * of <he +ra$ities 0it!ation in Appendi> C'D of
this Aoo@D. The7 too@ the ,eneral Theor7 of !elati-it7 ?hich Einstein had de-ised and constructed a
=Aridge= or =creation tensor= to lin@ the energ7 of nuclear fields ?ith that of gra-itational fields A7 co-
-ariant matrices. The Aasic relationship of ,eneral !elati-it7 ?hich the7 used as a Aasis for their
s7stem is9
- )@g
R J B9Pi;/T

Q !icci8s ten-component suA-!iemannian space4 cur-ature tensor
Q the metric tensor
R Q the selected !icci scalar components
/ Q a uni-ersal constant9 proportional to #e?ton8s gra-itational constant
Pi Q the usual constant9 '.1*...
Q the components CpotentialsD of the energ7-stress tensor
Although $eser and Arno?itt8s proposed eHuations ?ere Huite difficult to ?or@ ?ith4 it is assumed that
suAseHuent linear -ariations - allo?ing maEor leaps in human science to de-elop.
5hen the nified (ield Theor7 is finall7 released to the puAlic4 it ?ill Ae recogniFed Huite easil7G for it
?ill ha-e e>plained ?h7 the proton is e>actl7 11'+ times the gra-itational mass of an electron4... ?h7
there is no neutral mu-meson of mass &224... ?h7 ChD is a constant... and ?h7 hcLe
is al?a7s eHual to
The true =nified (ield Theor7= ?ill no longer Ae called a =theor7=G it ?ill Ae @no?n as the ="a? of
nit7=. )ne inescapaAle conclusion ?ill suddenl7 spring into the collecti-e consciousness of those ?ho
grasp its meaning9 =In the Aeginning ?as the 5)!$ Ca comple> ?a-e formD ... and the 5)!$ ?as
?ith ,)$4 and the 5)!$ ?as ,)$. The same ?as in the Aeginning ?ith ,)$... = C <ohn 191D.

Appendi: >
Electro-"ynamic Propulsion
The translation of an inertial mass from one position to another is a process usuall7 accomplished A7
one of the follo?ing9
1. Pulling the mass from point CaD to point CAD
&. Pushing the mass from point CaD to point CAD4 or4
'. A comAination of pushing and pulling the mass from point CaD to point CAD.
!oc@ets4 automoAiles4 and other Arute force motion de-ices emplo7 process C&D aAo-e.
!amEets4 turAines4 helicopters4 and other push-pull motion de-ices utiliFe process C'D aAo-e.
As 7et4 the pure attraction-onl7 motion s7stems C1D find -er7 limited use. These usuall7 emplo7
magnetic4 electrostatic4 or gra-itational acceleration as a motion source.
Electro-d7namic propulsion CE$PD falls into categor7 C'D. It can Ae accomplished A7 optimiFing the
ramEet process o-er the entire leading surface of the mass to Ae mo-ed -if there is a medium through
?hich to mo-e. In the traditional ramEet4 air is suc@ed into the front of the craftG and4 ?ith added fuel4 is
ignited inside the craft and e>pelled out the Aac@ of the craft.
The maEor proAlem in this s7stem is the same as ?ith push-onl7 propulsion s7stems... namel74 that all
the leading surfaces of the rest of the craft encounter direct inertial resistance from the air that is not
passing thro!gh the craft - Aut aro!nd it.
The philosophical concept of ma@ing little ramEet Areathing openings all o-er the leading surface is
approaching higher efficiencies to a pointG ho?e-er4 as the ramEet needs a confining space to comAust
the fuel and air4 all those little Areathing openings ?ould reHuire dead Cor closedD space in Aet?een
them to form the confining chamAer.
The optimum lead surface efficienc7 in a categor7 C'D s7stem is one ?here the entire %eading s!r)ace is
the ra(;et o"ening. Such a shape is difficult to imagineG... thin@ aAout it... A straight tuAe ?ould a%(ost
gi-e a frictionless mo-e along the length a>isG Aut ?here ?ould the fuel and cre? Ae placed6... ?hat
aAout the guidance surfaces6... If the front-end of the tuAe is opened out enough to shield the rest of the
craft from frictional e>posure4 then the inside of the tuAe itself ?ill offer massi-e frictional resistance to
the incoming air.
Inertial resistance cannot Ae remo-ed ?hen one mass passes through anotherG ho?e-er4 the distriAution
of the resistance can Ae so designed as to use the air4 itself4 as a frictional dissipater. Thus4 the optimum
ma7 Ae approached and attained A7 incorporating the air Cor fluid mediumD into the defined field of the
The most oA-ious Huestion4 no?4 is ho? does one construct such a craft6... To ans?er that Huer74 let us
Auild such a craft one stage at a time.
The craft ?ill Ae designed to mo-e in )%!id mediums Ci.e. it ?ill Ae a hydrodyna(ic craftD
The craft and its field definition Csee fig. 1D ?ill first Ae -isualised as a regular sphere ?ithin a
sphere. The main craft is CaDG the incorporated field is CADG and the amAient medium is CcD.
The craft and its field Csee fig. &D ?ill no? Ae -isualised as mo-ing from left to right on the page ?ithin the amAient
medium CcD. ') no co("ression o) .b/ is ass!(ed4 then the passage of the CaD S CAD field through CcD ?ill produce
frictional losses on the interface of CAD to CcD... Ci.e. heat ?ill Ae generated as ?ell as other A7-product radiations
depending on relati-e -elocit7D. E-entuall7 the heat or radiated energ7 of such an e>change ?ould Ae passed on to the
craft CaD. To minimiFe such an e>change4 a method of dissipating the un?anted heat must Ae added. E-en i) .b/ is
ass!(ed as co("ressib%e4 then at certain -elocities the distance Aet?een CaD and CAD in the direction of motion ?ould Ae
so small as to negate the effect of the shielding that CAD ?as designed to gi-e.
Therefore4 let us assume that CAD is a sacrificial shield... )ne ?hich is Aeing replaced as a
function of motion... Csee fig. 'D. In this manner the heat or radiated energ7 of the field CAD8s
encounter ?ith CcD is left Aehind the craft CaD... and is dissipated into the old sector of CcD.
(rom assumption C'D motion ?as assumed from left to right. (rom assumption C*D the field CAD ?as assumed to Ae
sacrificial. "et us no? proAe the mechanisms to produce these t?o assumptions. !eferring to figure C*D the craft CaD is
no? fitted ?ith a point CdD from ?hich is emitted a dense4 high--oltage4 direct-electric current ?hich ma@es its circuit
through the field CAD... Cactuall7 forming the limits of CAD. In con-entional terms4 the point CdD is negati-e ?ith respect
to point CeD. The shell of the craft CaD is non-conducti-e so that the electric moment tra-els from CdD to CeD -ia the
amAient medium CcD - ?hich A7 -irtue of the passing electric moment is captured as CAD. T?o factors ?ill no? produce
motion to the right. The first is that the thrust from the accelerated fluid particles from CdD to CeD ?ill produce a
resultant to the rightG and the second is that due to the .ernoulli Effect4 the fluid pressure at right angles to the fluid
flo? from CdD to CeD is reducedG... in other ?ords4 a partial pressure reduction is formed to the right of line >7 at right
angles to the cur-ed path of CdeD. Also4 as a function of the fluid flo? to?ard CeD4 from CdD4 there is a partial pressure
increase at CeD. This is caused A7 the collision of all the fluid particles from -ectors in Cd>eD ?ith all the particles from
-ectors in Cd7eD.
In figure C5D ?e see another side effect of this method of acceleration... At time CtQnD4 the craft and its field ha-e pulsed
a -ector as sho?n A7 the dotted arro?s. At time CtQnS1D4 the craft has mo-ed to the right of its position at time CtQnD4
and the region CfD is rapidl7 normalising to a stagnant Fone due to the -ectors Csee dotted arro?sD colliding to generate
heat and a little turAulence. In essence the craft has displaced an amount of fluid in front of itself and has mo-ed into
the space left A7 the displaced fluid4 and has then replaced the same fluid in its original space after the craft4 itself4 has
pulsed into the ne>t Fone. This phenomenon can Ae oAser-ed A7 ?atching a pneumatic tuAe in the older office
Auildings that still use them for shooting inter-office correspondence Aac@ and forth. The7 are suc@ed and pushed at the
same time. A craft operating on such a principle ?ould lea-e little Cif an7D turAulenceG it ?ould not Ae hampered A7
hightemperatures due to friction... Cthere ?ould Ae none Aet?een it and CcD DG and it ?ould not produce high-densit7
shoc@ ?a-es as it passed through the ?a-e -elocit7 threshold of the medium... Cthe latter effect is caused Aecause there
are no for?ard -ector components in the motion transfer to the right of line >7 ?hich eliminates the return inertial
?a-e front that is normall7 encountered in the Aruteforce4 push-onl7 methods of propulsionD.
If the craft is to tra-el in an7 other direction than to the right4 then a method of na-igational control has to Ae included
in the mechanism. To determine a plane of orientation4 a minimum of three points is reHuired. (or the ease of
illustration4 this discussion ?ill use onl7 three points... CAear in mind4 ho?e-er4 that the more points on the na-igational
compass... the more accurate can Ae the na-igational manoeu-reD.
(igure C+D sho?s four -ie?s of the craft ?ith the three 8na--points8 attached to the left Cor AottomD of the craft. #ote that
the left side of the craft has no? Aeen made conca-e. This has Aeen done to optimiFe the partial pressure increase from
the colliding fluid particles. Points CpD4 CHD4 CrD are -ariaAle resistors ?hich are electricall7 connected to point CeD. As the
three points are all closer to point CdD in terms of the electric circuit4 the electric circuit from CdD to CeD can Ae -aried so
that an7 one or all of the three points on the Aottom can Ae made to dra? more or less current than the other t?o points.
Since the electric current transferring Cand hence the fluid transferringD from CdD to CpD4 CHD4 CrD determines the partial
pressure reduction on the leading surface4 then the pressure gradient across the entire leading surface can Ae -aried at
?ill A7 simpl7 -ar7ing the resistance at CpD andKor CHD4 andKor CrD.
(or e>ample4 if the flo? rate from CdD to CpD is 1222 fpsG the flo? rate from CdD to CHD is 1222 fpsG and the flo? rate
from CdD to CrD is 1222 fps4 then the partial pressure gradients o-er each of the portions of the surface controlled A7 one
of the points arc eHual to one another. Therefore4 if4 sa74 the resistance of circuit CdD to CpD is made higher than the
resistance in the other t?o circuits4 then the fluid flo? rate from CdD to CpD ?ould Ae less than the fluid flo? rates of CdD
to CHD or CrDG and hence4 the partial pressure red!ction o-er CdD to CpD ?ould Ae less than o-er the other t?o sectors. This
?ould cause the craft to turn aAout a moment ?ithin the CdD - CpD sector... Csee fig. 7D.
The effecti-e lift or suction o-er the other t?o sectors ?ould Ae greater than o-er CdD - CpD4 so the CdD - CpD sector ?ould
in effect loo@ li@e a control surface Cin -ectorial functionD... some?hat li@e a sail Ara@e... ?hen compared to the others.
ntil the flo? rates are eHualiFed again4 the craft ?ill continue to rotate as descriAed. As soon as the desired attitude to
the reference horiFon is attained4 then all flo? rates are eHualiFed and the craft ?his@s a?a7... to" )irst.
#otice that figure C1D sho?s the leading surface Cthe topD as a some?hat paraAolic cur-e as opposed to the original
hemispherical cur-e. The reason for the change is to direct more of the acceleration on the fluid at such an angle ?ith
the intended direction of motion as to oAtain ma>imum lift for po?er consumed. If the shape of the surface ?ere to Ae
elongated more in the direction of intended motion4 then the lift -ectors on opposite sides of the leading surface ?ould
Aecome more and more in opposition to each other gi-ing less and less motion in an7 direction... Cfig. :D. If4 on the
other hand4 the shape of the surface ?ere to Ae flattened in the intended direction of tra-el4 then the angle for the tra-el
of the electric moment Aecomes so acute that the charges Aleed off into the medium... thus reducing the amount of
partial pressure increase at CeD and also increasing po?er reHuirements drasticall7 Cfig. 12D. An optimum cur-e has to Ae
chosen depending upon a -ariet7 of intended or desired performance factors.
5ith such a uniHue method of motion comes another proAlem. Since the -elocities attainaAle
under such a relati-el7 frictionless transfer process are e>cessi-e A7 modern concepts of safe
structural -elocities4 a method of turning corners at speeds in e>cess of &24222 mph has to Ae
added to the mechanism of the craft. The same method must Ae added to the cre? of such a
craft to pre-ent structural fatigue.
The method is almost too simple. The same electric field that tra-erses the surface of the craft
can Ae used to polarise all masses ?ithin the limit of the field effect.
In a conductor as the -oltage and current freHuenc7 are raised o-er a certain -alue the current is
oAser-ed to tra-el mostl7 in the surface of the conductor. This is commonl7 referred to as 8the
s@in effect8. #o? in the craft the -oltage le-els ?ill Ae in e>cess of 1542224222 -olts at
freHuencies up to 152@hF... Cmore than ample to generate the s@in effectD. If the shell is a high-
-oltage semiconductor then the current ?ill tra-el along the outside of the surface and e-en in
the fluid medium in pro>imit7 to the surface. )nce a current at such a high -oltage is started in
a particular direction the current tends to Ae -er7 reluctant to turn sharp corners... Aecause it is
starting to ha-e high inertial -alues. Since the cre? and the entire craft are part of the circuit4
?hene-er a direction change is made e-er7 molecule of the entire "o%ari&ed .!ni)ied/ )ie%d is
accelerated at such a high rate of change into the ne? -ector that the change appear4 uniform4
thus A7passing the proAlem of structural fatigue due to non-uniform inertial shifts. This means
that the cre? could Ae ha-ing morning tea Area@ and the pilot could turn a corner at &54222
mph ?ithout spilling a drop of tea.
Partiall7 due to hot spots in the shell circuit4 and 8laminar fluid loc@8 at the Aoundar7 la7er on
the surface-to-fluid interface4 a pulse rate has to Ae induced into the transfer circuit.
(or e>ample4 if the fluid flo? rate ?ere 1222 fps and the radius of the craft ?ere such that the
arc of the radius ?as &2 feet4 then a pulse rate of 52 hF ?ould gi-e a circuit po?er ?a-elength
of &2 feet or the e>act length of the area CdD to the rim arc length. .7 pea@ing the po?er ?a-e
at the three points on the unders@irting8s peripher74 the turn Cor curlD in the ?a-e can Ae Huite
readil7 conducted to area CeD A7 the three -ariaAle resistors. As the fluid flo? rate increases4 the
field pulse freHuenc7 must increase to maintain the same ?a-elength.
An effect that is the electrical eHui-alent of the =correolis effect= that ma@e4 ?ater s?irl one
?a7 going do?n a drain ?ill cause the electrical field transfers of the craft to form a -orte> as it
mo-es from top to rim to area CeD. Also4 due to ioniFation potentials of the particular fluid in
?hich the craft is tra-elling4 there ma7 Ae -isiAle e-idence of the s?irling -orte>. It ?ill ma@e
the craft spin unless contra-torHue is applied to hold the craft staAle... This contra-torHue is
supplied A7 the returning ions on the underside of the craft. CThere is4 ho?e-er4 a great deal of
contra-torHue a-ailaAle in the secondar74 energ7 storage mechanism of the air turAine in the
practical craftD.
"et us no? loo@ at the practical craft. In figure C11D is a cuta?a7 of the craft sho?ing9 the airflo?4
electric ion flo?4 field focus Aall and rod4 turAine tan4 plasmoid ion source4 field coils4 cathode ring4
directional anode4 na-igational ion collectors4 landing rods4 and cre? Huarters4 etc.
There ha-e Aeen man7 attempts to fathom the ?or@ings of so-called =fl7ing saucers=. Some ha-e
actuall7 discussed air flo? mechanisms using ion accelerators. There has ne-er Aeen4 ho?e-er4 a puAlic
report ?hich sho?ed the 8forAidden8 Cor un@no?nD secret... of ho? to maintain a high energ7 state
de-ice ?ithout a continuousl7 eHual high energ7 output per time.
!ecall the case of the hot air Aalloon. It ta@es a certain amount of energ7 to heat the air inside the
Aalloon. 5ith 8proper8 heat insulation4 the Aalloonist can sta7 aloft for se-eral hours on one heating.
$oes that sound li@e it ta@es a continuous high-densit7 energ7 e>penditure6 )f course not.
5hat aAout the h7drogen-filled Aalloon... If released at ground le-el4 it ?ill rise to its 8specific
gra-itational8 le-el. If ta@en from that le-el and dra?n farther into space A7 a fe? miles and then let it
go4 ?hat happens to it6 It 8falls8 Aac@ to its 8specific gra-itational8 le-el.
E-en "eonardo da /inci @ne? that. He once stated "+ra$ity co(es into being when an e%e(ent is
"%aced abo$e another (ore rare)ied e%e(ent. +ra$ity is ca!sed by one e%e(ent ha$ing been drawn into
another e%e(ent... ? %ight thing is a%ways abo$e a hea$y thing when both are at %iberty. <he hea$ier
"art o) bodies is the g!ide o) the %ighter "art."
If the craft and its field effect are -ie?ed as a unit4 then one ?ill see that it has a more dense lo?er
portion ?here the ions collide than it has in its upper portion... ?here ions are mo-ing a?a7 from each
As long as the ion transfers follo? that path4 there ?ill Ae a state of imAalance. To retain as much of the
energ7 as possiAle ?hen fl7ing or ho-ering4 it is necessar7 to @eep part of the motion of the air ?ith the
This is done A7 using a centrifugal turAine fan ?hich rec7cles part of the amAient medium... a manner
of 8insulating8 or containing the high-densit7 energ7 source li@e the insulation in the hot air AalloonD.
This fan also cools the containing area for the high-energ7-densit7 plasmoid - ?hich some people ha-e
seen as a dull red glo? in the centre underside of their 8()8s... and others ha-e reported =...caused
scorch mar@s upon landing.= The three Aalls are landing pads in this -ersion as it is necessar7 to ha-e a
certain distance Aet?een the ground and the underside of the craft to allo? lift-off ?ithout ta@ing great
hun@s of soil ?ith the craft. The outer hull of the craft has positi-e and negati-e cur-e to compensate
for the laminar turAulence Cdrag curlsD that occur at higher -elocities. The upper dome is mo-aAle
-erticall7 and e-en on a tilt to allo? manual control of the rec7cled air. If the craft is to Ae sealed4 the
dome is simpl7 dropped to form a sealed poc@et. This of course means the energ7 e>penditure from the
field ?ould ha-e to increase to maintain altitude as the rec7cled air had Aeen stopped.
The Aall is -erticall7 adEustaAle to change the effecti-e -oltage Ccharge distriAution ratioD o-er the
upper craft airspace and hence to change the field shape parameters.
The Aall support shaft is hea-il7 insulated to ensure proper charge distriAution on the upper dome and
also to effect the parameters of the field definition.
There are heat e>change -anes attached to the plasmoid8s containing inductor to dissipate the e>cessi-e
A7-product heat.
nderneath the plasmoid are sho?n three coils aimed at the centre of the spinning plasmoid. There
?ould Ae more of these in practice Aut for the simplicit7 of the theor74 three are used to sho? ho?
flight direction ma7 Ae controlled A7 Aalancing the current Aet?een these three coils. If the plasmoid is
tilted ?hile spinning4 the field throughout the entire craft and cre? tilts ?ith it. Also4 the accelerated air
ions assume a correspondingl7 ne? orientation.
This gi-es an electro-d7namic control function to the pilot ?hich is infinitel7 Aetter than those old-
fashioned h7draulic s7stems. These field coils change relati-e strengths so fast that ultra high speed
manoeu-res are e>ceedingl7 eas7.
<ust another short ?ord on the charge path... The electric moment e>its the craft at the AallG and since
the -oltage is so high the 8electrons8 are reluctant to 8turn around and head Aac@ to the Aottom of the
craft.8 There are some that enter through the upper portions of the craft8s mass4 Aut there are more that
tra-erse the air to the lo?er third of the craft8s mass Aefore re-entr7. This of course generates the air ion
flo? to the underside ?hich in turn cools the plasmoid and rec7cles through the fan to e>it from the
upper dome to enhance the lift and thrust factors simultaneousl7.
If the craft is allo?ed to spin relati-e to the air and also to the fan4 then high speed turns of thirt7 to
fort7 =g8s= can Ae 8amortiFed8 o-er longer periods of time in the form of centrifugal spin... ?hich
counteracts some of the effect of Aeing 8pushed8 in?ards to?ard the plasmoid in the momentar7
increases of field strength.
Communication to e>ternal sources can Ae effected in a numAer of ?a7sG ho?e-er4 the most impressi-e
is that one ?hich modulates the field strength of the plasmoid ?ith -oice patterns. The Aroadcast co-ers
a great numAer of radio freHuencies simultaneousl7. In such cases 8recei-ers8 can Ae the human mind all
A7 itself. In figure C1&D is a t?o-dimensional -ie? of a three dimensional process. The spinning
plasmoid induces an anti--ector current in the metallic Cheat shieldedD shell CaD ?hich is a part of the
metallic shell CAD CconcentricD. .ecause the current -ector in CaD is against that of the plasmoid8s4 it does
not 8short-out8 into the plasmoid.
The re-erse -ector current flo?s up and into CdD ?here it is passed to the air4 then to its collectors CeD
and to the normal induction shell CAD... ?hich is also connected to the Ca-AD shell as sho?n.
!ememAer that4 the entire craft and cre? are a part of the circuit. These -oltages and relati-el7 high
freHuencies de-elop a 8s@in effect8 all o-er the outside of the craft. E-en though the cre? are in the
field4 the current flo? is in the outer surface Aecause the internal charge cro?ding acts as an 8insulator8.
#o dielectric is necessar7 in the craft4 as the current -ectors act li@e 8phase-loc@ing8 loops.
Tr7 to -isualiFe the follo?ing9
1. In figure C1'-aD the top -ie? of the plasmoid sho?s the old current -ector Cdotted arro?D and the
ne? current -ector in shell CaD Csolid arro?D
&. In each successi-e4 step the current -ector is sho?n in its ne? stage -ersus its last.
'. At stage C1'-cD the current is anti--ectored e>actl7 to the original current in the upper
plasmoidal hemisphere Cfig. 1'-a4 Shell aD4
*. In figure C1'-dD the current has curled under the ?ing surface4
5. In figure C1'-eD the current has Eoined the induced anti--ector current from the lo?er half of the
plasmoid Csee fig. 1'-fD to complete the circuit.
Throughout this e>ercise in Auilding a h7drod7namic craft the fluid has not Aeen called 8air8 for the
simple reason that this craft can sail in air4 ?ater4 or e-en the fluid of space Coften referred to as 8the
ether or the fine structure or the Huanta sea8D. .7 -ar7ing the freHuenc74 po?er4 and -oltage le-els on an
electro-d7namic craft4 so-called 8anti-gra-it784 in-isiAilit74 and light-speed translation from point to
point are no? concei-aAle. ,ra-it7 has freHuenc7... Aut that is another discussion all unto itself.
Another discussion ?ill detail the process for generating and storing e>tremel7 high -oltage po?er in
the form of plasmoids... Cor self-containing plasmasD4 -oltage transforming capacitors4 and the
rudiments of ?ireless Aroadcast of electricit7 to users around the entire planet... through the use of
o-erlapping /"( standing ?a-e po?er Aroadcast net?or@.
Time permitting4 this author ?ill later release his papers on the order and origin of electron 8shells8 and
planetar7 orAits as functions of con-ergent and di-ergent -orte>ial ?a-e forms in 8fluid space8. As a
clue to those ?ho ?ould Ae interested in such a discussion4 the reason that electron shell orAital radii do
not apparentl7 follo? a progressi-el7 greater dimension out?ard from the nucleus is that the7 are the
sum of t?o opposed progressions...G one to?ard the nucleus Cas a space-reflected4 inertial ?a-e formD
and one a?a7 from the nucleus Cas an energ7-centre reflected inertial ?a-e formD. These papers ?ill
discuss the application of resonating magnetic fields to use the magnetic fields of the Earth and an7
other rotating magnetic Aod7 as not onl7 sources of energ74 Aut also ne? means of propulsion.

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