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Contents Page - Issue 51 - New Sites - South of Alva

1. Schedule 4

2. Representations

Andrew McCafferty for Strawsons Property Ltd. (CLDP042)

3. Supporting Documents

CD049a Clackmannanshire Local Plan Site Appraisal, Draft Report,
Appendices (December 2008)
CD076 SEPA Flood Map Extract - New Sites - South of Alva

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Issue 51 New Sites - South of Alva
Development Plan
Proposed new housing site Reporter:
Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue
(including reference number):

Andrew McCafferty for Strawsons Property Ltd. (CLDP042)

Provision of the development
plan to which the issue relates:
Alva Housing Proposals
Planning Authoritys summary of the representation(s):

Suggest that Alva is in need of regeneration and that this could be achieved
through housing growth.

Alva has existing infrastructure capacity to accommodate this growth and they
propose a new site allocation to the south of Alva.

They highlight that the site is not entirely subject to flood risk, however, due to
the flood risk constraints, only the land which is outside of the area of potential
flood risk is being promoted. This amounts to approximately 14.2 ha, (35
acres), shown edged in red on the map below.

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In support of the allocation, they state that development of the site:
would not impact on an area of high landscape value
would not lead to coalescence with any neighbouring settlement
would not affect the setting of an historic settlement
would not affect the landscape setting of Alva
is situated on the edge of existing housing
has easy access to local facilities
could feasibly be accessed from the B908

Modifications sought by those submitting representations:

Propose a new site allocation to the south of Alva considered suitable for
residential development amounting to circa 300 units.

Developing the wetlands next to the river as a recreational opportunity with
the potential for green links as part of the proposals.

Removal of the green belt designation from the proposed development site
because this part of the overall area designated as green belt no longer meets
the requirements of this policy restriction.

Summary of responses (including reasons) by Planning Authority:

There are concerns over the proximity of the site to the functional flood plain
(CD076), and it has not been demonstrated that an access to the site could be
achieved from the B908 which would definitely not be at risk of flooding. In
addition it appears that this is proposed as the only access. For a
development of 300+ units it would be expected that 2 accesses would be
provided. No evidence has been provided that this could be achieved, and this
would be even more important if a primary access from the B908 could
potentially be restricted by flooding events.

There are a number of brownfield sites in Alva and a proposed settlement
expansion to the west, which does not lie adjacent to the functional flood
plain, which are considered to be sites which should be developed in advance
of looking at any sites between Alva and the flood plain.

The Land Use Consultants Site Appraisal Report of December 2008 (pages
56-61) (CD049a) recognises these constraints in its consideration of a larger
site to the south of Alva and notes that part of the larger site may be
potentially suitable for consideration for future housing as part of any review of
the LDP.

Should further housing land in Alva be required in the future therefore, it may
be necessary to look at land immediately to the south of the settlement,
however it is not considered necessary at the moment and could be
considered through a future review once the more suitable allocated and
proposed sites have been developed. No changes are therefore sought to
the LDP.
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Reporters conclusions:

Reporters recommendations:

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