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Genera| Informat|on:

1hls speclflc Lbook bundle wlll be a loL funner Lo wrlLe as l don'L have Lo Lype a bunch of beglnner
sLuff llke how Lo seL up emalls. l presume LhaL slnce you guys boughL Lhls speclflc package LhaL
you know how Lo seLup Lmall AccounLs and ayal accounLs so now we'll work on our meLhods
and execuLlon.

ln Lhls Lbook l hope Lo cover Lhe followlng Loplcs: CralgsllsL lndepLh,
Cmegle 8oL or noL, uaLlng SlLe MeLhods, lCS LWhorlng, AuLolloL MeLhod, LWhorlng on lacebook,
uomlnaLrlx & leLlshes, Pow Lo roperly Mllk ?our CusLomer.
WlLh Lhls speclflc bundle Lhere wlll be a neaL ayal nlche whlch ls unLhoughL of and can Lruly
reduce your chances of geLLlng LlmlLed whlch ls always a paln ln Lhe ass.

CralgsllsL MeLhod - ln uepLh:
AlLhough Lhls ls a very known meLhod, mosL people don'L lnclude how Lo geL around flagged
posLs, ghosLed ads, and how Lo sell plcLures vla cralgsllsL.

What to ost?
WhaL you say ln your ad wlll be whaL geLs you Lrafflc, whaL geLs your posL(s) flagged, and whaL
geLs your ads(s) ghosLed. lollow Lhe gulde below Lo avold Lhese problems.

le. 1lLle: CoL Lhe day off, looklng for fun!"

ConLenL of osL:
l goL Lhe day off Loday and my frlends wenL ouL wlLhouL me so l am sLuck lnslde all day. l was
looklng for some fun, maybe a meeL up buL l've been plagued wlLh assholes ln Lhe pasL so l am
noL golng Lo meeL anyone on a llmb. lf you Lhlnk you can conLrol yourself and have a nSlW
conversaLlon l would appreclaLe lL lf you were Lo emall me.
l am (agehere), (welghLhere), (halrcolorhere) and a llLLle horny ? )"

le. 1lLle: (nameofclLyhere) glrl looklng for more."

ConLenL of osL:
Pello, my name ls (namehere).
l am (agehere), (bodyLypehere) and always ready for acLlon!
l'm looklng for a genLlemen, LhaL would Lake me Lo dlnner so we can
explore each oLher and perhaps creaLe love laLer on LhaL nlghL. ?)
l llke resLo, clnema and mens ln general, so l hope Lhe prlnce
l'm looklng for wlll see Lhls ad!
lf you are lnLeresLed ln meeLlng up wlLh me, Lhen add me on S k 1 p 3:
See you soon. :)

Where Lo osL?
1here are some sLaLes l have found LhaL geL lmmedlaLely flagged whlch ls welrd buL l wlll llsL Lhe
good, Lhe bad, and Lhe ugly.

Cood SLaLes / ClLles:

1. new ?ork ManhaLLan,
8rooklyn, Cueens
2. Callfornla San
ulego, Sl 8ay, Los Angeles
3. unlLed klngdom London,
Cambrldge, ManchesLer
4. AusLralla 8rlsbane,
3. AmsLerdam

8ad SLaLes / ClLles:
1. llorlda Crlando,
2. llllnols Chlcago
3. Arlzona hoenlx

1hose are Lhe only places l've Lrled buL experlmenLs can be done Lo flnd a good clLy/Lown. l see
some people go afLer large clLles buL some also go afLer small Lowns/clLles whlch are boLh very
self explanaLory. l personally go afLer blgger clLles as l reach a larger demographlcs.

***l always have a Lab (ln a dlfferenL browser) wlLh my emall address open and Lhe ads ln fronL
of Lhe emall and perlodlcally refresh Lhe posL Lo see lf lL's been flagged.***

***lL's besL lf you use a dlfferenL emall address and l afLer every 24
posLs [usL so your posLs don'L geL auLomaLlcally flagged and/or ghosLed.***
WhaL Lo do Cnce 8esponded?
Cnce Lhey respond wheLher lL's Lhrough Lmall or Skype, you're golng Lo use your baslc Soclal
Lnglneerlng skllls buL you're golng Lo need Lo use Lwo dlfferenL LacLlcs.
le. Pow 1o 8eply Lo Lmall:
Pey hun, nlce plcLures!!! (lfanywerelncluded) l was acLually wonderlng lf you wanLed some
naughLy plcLures & vldeos of me! l know Lhls ls absurd buL l am desperaLe
(lnserLbullshlLsympaLhysLoryhere) and l really need some money. l am noL keen on meeL ups as
lasL Llme l meL up wlLh some (lnserLbullshlLsympaLhysLoryhere). l have
(lnserLamounLofplcLures/vldeoshere) for (lnserLprlcehere). lease geL back Lo me! :)"
Lmall 8esponses:
1. CuL Lo Lhe chase. lL's noL as easy as skype Lo small Lalk Lhem Lhen go for Lhe klll? pounce!
2. lf Lhey Lry Lo say Well l'll pay you for a meeL up." Lell Lhem someLhlng llke l meL up on a
llmb lasL Llme and l almosL goL raped" ecL.
3. ?ou're golng Lo run lnLo Lhe same problems as on Skype buL usually emalls are easler.
Skype 8esponses:
1. Small Lalk Lhem Pl", Pow are you?" ecL. | Co ln for Lhe klll rlghL away.
(WhaLever your sLyle ls!)
2. Cnce Lhey ask for verlflcaLlon, send Lhem a plcLure before showlng your cam!
(lor a few, Lhls may sufflce lnsLead of seelng you on cam).
3. lf Lhe plcLure wasn'L enough, Lell Lhem you'll glve Lhem a small prevlew whlch ls when
you'd geL your vCW Lo do a small dance or whaLever.
4. lf Lhey need more verlflcaLlon, Lhls ls your [ob Lo [udge [usL leL lL be known LhaL Lhey'll scam
for nudlLy and may ask you someLhlng your vCW can'L do.
**LL1 AuS 8ulLu u SCML 18AlllC / LMAlLS 8LlC8L ?Cu 8LL? AS ?Cu'LL CL1
lLACCLu lAS1 Anu nC1 CL1 1PA1 MAn? LMAlLS / AuS!**

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