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Sound Level Meters

Application and Principle of Operation:
The sound level meter (SLM) is the basic instrument for investigating noise levels. t can
be used to evaluate area noise levels! to identif" noise sources! estimate emplo"ee
e#posures and aid in determining solutions for noise control. The SLM consists of a
microphone! a preamplifier! an amplifier $ith an ad%ustable and calibrated gain!
fre&uenc" $eighting filters! meter response circuits! and an analog meter or digital
readout. A'S has classified levels of precision for sound level meters as T"pe (
(laborator" standard)! T"pe (precision measurements in the field)! and T"pe (general
purpose measurements). The T"pe meter is most fre&uentl" used in the field for
emplo"ee e#posure and noise evaluation purposes.
Most SLMs allo$ options for linear! A! and ) fre&uenc" $eighting. n addition! either
*slo$* or *fast* meter response can be selected. +ith fast response! the meter closel"
follo$s the sound level as it changes. A slo$ response is more sluggish but allo$s the
user to obtain a better average of the changing sound level. The OS,A noise standards
re&uire e#posure measurements to be made $ith a slo$ meter response on the A scale.
Some SLMs have an *impulse* or *pea-* response for monitoring impulsive sounds. The
pea- value is the ma#imum value of the $aveform! $hile the impulse response is an
integrated measurement. Onl" the pea- value should be used $hen measuring pea- levels
for compliance $ith the OS,A ./( decibel (d0) pea- sound pressure level.
0. 'oise 1osimeters
Application and Principle of Operation:
A noise dosimeter is essentiall" an SLM that integrates noise levels over the sampling
period and calculates the noise dose. t is the primar" instrument used for compliance
measurements. The noise dosimeter is $orn b" an individual during sampling to calculate
personal noise dose! or it can be placed in a specific location to measure the sound level
in that area.
Specific instrument settings can be selected on a noise dosimeter! including e#change
rate! fre&uenc" $eighting! fast or slo$ response! criterion level! and threshold. 2efer to
Section ! )hapter 3 for additional information.
). Octave 0and Anal"4ers
Application and Principle of Operation:
An octave band anal"4er is a t"pe of SLM $hich can separate the monitored noise into
specific fre&uenc" bands! $hich is necessar" $hen anal"4ing noise sources to develop
noise control solutions. This information is also useful in selecting hearing protectors b"
calculating the amount of attenuation for specific fre&uenc" bands. Most octave band
anal"4ers filter the sampled noise spectrum into 5 or .( octave bands! $hile some
anal"4ers can measure noise in one6third octave bands for an even more detailed anal"sis.
7suall"! a T"pe (precision) SLM is used for octave band anal"sis.
1. Sound ntensit" Anal"4ers
Application and Principle of Operation:
Ordinar" SLMs measure sound pressure level! $hich indicates the level of the sound! but
not the direction from $hich the sound is coming. A sound intensit" anal"4er can
measure intensit"! $hich is a measure of both the magnitude and direction of the sound
energ". +ith an intensit" anal"4er! noise sources can be specificall" identified and ran-ed
according to sound po$er. This anal"sis can often be performed in environments $here
the noise is reverberant! since the intensit" anal"4er indicates the direction of the noise. A
sound intensit" anal"4er is particularl" useful for pinpointing noise sources and
determining appropriate engineering controls.
'oise instruments are usuall" calibrated at the field site before and after each use!
according to the manufacturer8s instructions. )alibration is accomplished b" using an
acoustic calibrator $hich applies a -no$n sound pressure level to the microphone! and
the instrument is ad%usted to read the proper level. n addition to user calibration! some
instruments ma" re&uire routine factor" calibration and maintenance! such as ever" .69
Special )onsiderations:
Some general considerations for using noise monitoring e&uipment are listed belo$. :ach
t"pe of e&uipment should be used according to the manufacturer;s instructions.
Additional factors to consider are included in Section ! )hapter 3.
a. 0atteries should al$a"s be chec-ed prior to use.
b. 0e careful $ith microphone cables. 'ever -in-! stretch! pinch or other$ise damage the
c. 7se a microphone $indscreen $hen e&uipment is used outdoors or in dust" or dirt"
d. 'ever use an" t"pe of covering on the microphone (e.g.! plastic bag or plastic $rap) to
protect it from moisture. These materials $ill distort the noise entering the microphone!
and the readings $ill be invalid.
e. 'ever tr" to clean a microphone! particularl" $ith compressed air! since damage is
li-el" to result.
f. 2emove the batteries from an" meter that $ill be stored for more than a fe$ da"s.
Protect meters from e#treme heat and humidit".
,2T Availabilit":
The ,2T maintains the follo$ing speciali4ed noise anal"sis e&uipment $hich can be
used for noise e#posure and engineering control evaluations:
a. 0ruel < =%aer 99>( Anal"4er
The 0<= 99>( is a multipurpose T"pe sound level meter and octave band anal"4er. t
can also be operated as a sound intensit" anal"4er for identif"ing noise sources and
determining engineering controls. n addition! the 99>( includes a building acoustics
s"stem for measuring noise deca" and determining the reverberation characteristics for a
given room. 0ased on the noise deca" data! calculations can be performed to estimate
potential noise reduction if absorptive materials are applied to room surfaces! such as the
$alls and ceiling.
b. Larson 1avis Spar-? @(3 1osimeters
The Larson 1avis Spar- @(3 1osimeter is a super6dut" dosimeter contained in a sealed!
$aterproof! intrinsicall" safe metal housing. The dosimeters have no controls or displa"s!
$hich eliminates the possibilit" of tampering or damage b" the individual $earing the
monitor. The dosimeters are programmed and controlled b" use of a remote control unit
or personal computer. The remote control unit (model @(>2)) can also be operated as an
additional dosimeter. 1ata is transferred from the @(3 via an infrared port on the
dosimeter housing.
Aibration Monitors
The follo$ing sections contain a brief discussion of various t"pes of measurements that
are of concern $hen measuring vibration. ,uman response to vibration is dependant on
several factors! including the fre&uenc"! amplitude! direction! point of application! time of
e#posure! clothing and e&uipment! bod" si4e! bod" posture! bod" tension! and
composition. A complete assessment of e#posure to vibration re&uires the measurement
of acceleration in $ell6defined directions! fre&uencies and duration of e#posure. The
vibration $ill generall" be measured along B (#! " and 4) a#es.
A t"pical vibration measurement s"stem includes a device (accelerometer) to sense the
vibration! a recorder! a fre&uenc" anal"4er! a fre&uenc"6$eighting net$or-! and a displa"
such as a meter! printer or recorder. The accelerometer produces an electrical signal in
response to the vibration. The si4e of this signal is proportional to the acceleration applied
to it. The fre&uenc" anal"4er determines the distribution of acceleration in different
fre&uenc" bands. The fre&uenc"6$eighting net$or- mimics the human sensitivit" to
vibration at different fre&uencies. The use of $eighting net$or-s gives a single number
as a measure of vibration e#posure (i.e.! units of vibration) and is e#pressed in meters per
second s&uared (mCs
A. ,and6arm Aibration
Application and Principle of Operation:
,and6arm vibration $ill generall" be measured $hen using a hand6held po$er tool. Dirst!
one must determine the t"pe of vibration that $ill be encountered since a different
accelerometer $ill be used depending on $hether an impact (e.g.! %ac- hammer or
chipper) or non6impact (e.g.! chain sa$s or grinders) tool is being used. The
accelerometer $ill be attached to the tool so the a#es are measured $hile the emplo"ee
grasps the tool handle. The 4 a#is is generall" from the $rist to the middle -nuc-le! the #
a#is is from the top of the hand do$n through the bottom of the hand and $rapped
fingers! and the " a#is runs from right to left across the -nuc-les of the hand. The
measurement should be made as close as possible to the point $here the vibration enters
the hand.
The fre&uenc"6$eighting net$or- for hand6arm vibration is given in the nternational
Organi4ation for Standardi4ation (SO) standard SO 3B/5. The human hand does not
appear to be e&uall" sensitive to vibration energ" at all fre&uencies. The sensitivit"
appears to be the highest around E6.> ,4 (,ert4 or c"cles per second)! so the $eighting
net$or-s $ill generall" emphasi4e this range. Aibration amplitudes! $hether measured as
fre&uenc"6$eighted or fre&uenc"6independent acceleration levels (mCsec
)! are generall"
used to describe vibration stress (American 'ational Standards nstitute! American
)onference of Fovernmental ndustrial ,"gienist! SO! 0S). These numbers can
generall" be read directl" from the human vibration meter used.
The recommendations of most advisor" bodies are based on an e#posure level li-el" to
cause the first signs of Stage ,and6Arm Aibration S"ndrome ($hite finger) in
0. +hole6bod" Aibration
Application and Principle of Operation:
The measurement of $hole6bod" vibration is important $hen measuring vibration from
large pieces of machiner" $hich are operated in a seated! standing! or reclined posture.
Aibration is measured across three (#! " and 4) a#es. The orientation of each a#is is as
follo$s: 4 is from head to toe! # is from front to bac- and " is from shoulder to shoulder.
The accelerometer must be placed at the point $here the bod" comes in contact $ith the
vibrating surface! generall" on the seat or against the bac- of the operator.
The measurement device is generall" an accelerometer mounted in a hard rubber disc.
This disc is placed in the seat bet$een the operator and the machiner". )are should be
ta-en to ensure that the $eight of the disc does not e#ceed more than about .(G of the
$eight of the person being measured.
Aibration e&uipment $ill not generall" be calibrated b" the user. These devices $ill
generall" be sent bac- to the manufacturer for calibration on an annual basis.
Special )onsiderations:
OS,A does not have standards concerning vibration e#posure. The American )onference
of Fovernmental ndustrial ,"gienists (A)F,) has developed Threshold Limit Aalues
(TLAs) for vibration e#posure to hand6held tools. The e#posure limits are given as
fre&uenc"6$eighted acceleration. The fre&uenc" $eighting is based on a scheme
recommended in SO 3B/5. Aibration6measuring instruments have a fre&uenc"6$eighting
net$or- as an option. The net$or-s list acceleration levels and e#posure durations to
$hich! A)F, has determined! most emplo"ees can be e#posed repeatedl" $ithout
severe damage to fingers. A)F, advises that these values be applied in con%unction
$ith other protective measures! including vibration control.
The most $idel" used document on $hole6bod" vibration is the *Fuide for the
:valuation of ,uman :#posure to +hole 0od" Aibration (SO 9>B.).* These e#posure
guidelines have been adopted as A)F, TLAs.
The SO standard suggests three different t"pes of e#posure limits for $hole bod"
vibration! of $hich onl" the third is generall" used occupationall" and is the basis for the
A)F, standard:
.. The reduced6comfort boundar" is for the comfort of passengers in airplanes! boats! and
trains. :#ceeding these e#posure limits ma-es it difficult for passengers to eat! read or
$rite $hen traveling.
9. The fatigue6decreased proficienc" boundar" is a limit for time6dependent effects that
impair performance. Dor e#ample! fatigue impairs performance in fl"ing! driving and
operating heav" vehicles.
B. The e#posure limit is used to assess the ma#imum possible e#posure allo$ed for
$hole6bod" vibration. There are t$o separate tables for e#posures. One table is for
longitudinal (head to toeH 4 a#is) e#posures! $ith the lo$est e#posure limit at / 6 E ,4
based on human bod" sensitivit". The second table is for transverse (bac- to chest and
side to sideH # and " a#es) e#posures! $ith the lo$est e#posure limit at .I 9 ,4 based on
human bod" sensitivit". A separate set of *severe discomfort boundaries* is given for E6
hour! 96hour and B(6minute e#posures to $hole6bod" vibration in the (..I(.>B ,4 range.
A)F, recommendations are based on e#posure levels that should be safe for repeated
e#posure! $ith minimal ris- of adverse effects (including pain) to the bac- and the abilit"
to operate a land6based vehicle.
Some general considerations for using vibration e&uipment include:
a. 0atteries should al$a"s be chec-ed prior to use.
b. 0e careful $ith electrode cables. 'ever -in-! stretch! pinch or other$ise damage the
c. 2emove the batteries from an" meter that $ill be stored for more than a fe$ da"s.
d. Protect meters from e#treme heat and humidit".
,2T Availabilit":
The ,2T maintains the follo$ing vibration anal"sis e&uipment:
a. Larson 1avis ,uman Aibration Meter 6 ,AM.((
The ,AM is a portable multipurpose meter $hich can be used for measurement of
$hole6bod" vibration! hand6arm vibration! hand6tool vibration! vibration severit" and
product compliance testing. t $ill collect and anal"4e data in accordance $ith the most
current SO re&uirements for hand6arm vibration and $hole6bod" vibration e#posures. t
measures three input channels simultaneousl"! and a fourth channel calculates and stores
vector sum information. Single and tria#ial accelerometers attach to speciali4ed
mechanical mounting adaptors to allo$ measurement on a $ide variet" of tools and
). Mechanical Dorce Fauge for :rgonomic :valuations
Application and Principle of Operation:
Mechanical force gauges are fre&uentl" used for a $ide range of force testing
applications including testing of compressive andCor tensile forces. The gauges ma" be
mounted to a test stand for even greater control and consistent results in repetitive testing
applications. An eas" to read concentric dial measures cloc-$ise direction onl". The dial
rotates B>(6degrees for tarring. A pea- hold button captures pea- readings. 7suall" the
gauges are available in lbf! -gf or ' units of measure.
Fauge accurac" should be chec-ed periodicall" to ensure the gauge is $ithin its
calibration limits. The calibration can be verified b" appl"ing -no$n $eight (ad%usted for
local gravit") to the e#tension hoo-. f ad%ustment is re&uired! the gauge should be
returned to the manufacturer for calibration.

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