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... through Bertha Dudde

Earths state of peace
depends on spiritual attitude ....
The peace hich one da! shall "a#e the people on earth $er!
happ! is still far out of sight. Too "an! de"ons are still
interfering in orld e$ents and find too "uch co$er %ehind
peoples spiritual attitude& conse'uentl!( a turning point in
earthl! life ill onl! %eco"e apparent hen hu"anit!s "entalit!
turns "ore toards spiritual e)perience ....
The pro"ises of the *ord ill therefore onl! appl! on earth hen
the earthl! childrens faith in +i" co"es ali$e in their hearts.
E$er!thing of a spiritual nature does not( in a "anner of
spea#ing( al# ith the orld %ut ne)t to the orld .... Onl! one
or the other can do"inate a person entirel!( and the orld ill
lose to the sa"e e)tent as faith ins. When the spirit tilts the
%alance in its fa$our then peace ill %ring ,o! to the orld and all
earthl! hardship ill co"e to an end.
-et hu"anit!s !earning is still far re"o$ed fro" this. Worldl!
desire #eeps a fir" hold on the"( sacrifices ill ala!s onl! %e
"ade for this( and al"ost all interests "erel! appl! to te"poral
The %road( passa%le path( hich leads to the souls donfall and
into disaster( is preferred to the narro path( hich is indeed full
of thorns %ut it ill lead to the goal ith certaint! .... to eternal
life in all splendour and glor!.
.nd as long as peoples intentions and thoughts dont change( as
long as their thin#ing does not %eco"e deeper and "ore
internalised( orld e$ents cannot change either( %ecause the!
shape the" the"sel$es through their ill. For as long as their
lo$e purel! concerns their %odil! satisfaction( the! ill dra their
strength for their endea$our fro" the "aterialistic spirit orld(
and this can onl! result in an increase of all secular cra$ings and
ne$er a decrease of the sa"e.
On the other hand( the strength for good ill gro tre"endousl!
if people do not appl! their lo$e to the"sel$es %ut to their fello
hu"an %eings and therefore to the all/retaining 0reator again ....
.n! support hich no flos to people is %eneficial spiritual
strength( hich ill ala!s result in the desire for the spirit and
an assured spiritualisation of hu"an thin#ing.
+ence people the"sel$es ill reshape orld e$ents and are
therefore the %earers of the spirit of peace if the! under"ine
their inclination toards the orld and see# fulfil"ent in spiritual
e)perience and perfection. Then a peaceful state ill %ring ,o! to
the orld .... there ill neither %e discord nor en$! a"ong the
nations .... 1o/one ill tr! to curtail the others ealth %ut
ala!s share ith hi"( and a life of lo$e a"ong each other ill
help people to attain highest spiritual "aturit!.
For the orld is part of the dar# poer .... .n!one ho desires it
also hands hi"self o$er to this poer( !et he ho detests it ill
%e sei2ed %! the %lessed spiritual orld and( continuall! recei$ing
strength( can entrust hi"self to it.
.nd so a state of peace ill "a#e those earthl! children
e)ceedingl! happ! ho ha$e utterl! discarded their longing for
the orld and co"pletel! turned toards the spirit. -et onl! the
one ho has recognised this can participate in the co/operation
of %ringing eternal peace to earth.
3u%lished %! friends of ne re$elations of God 4 5nfor"ation(
donload of all translated re$elations( the"e/%oo#lets at6

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