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Skill Scale and Speed

Soul on Fire , India Ignited !

A Total Quality Model For Indias Vision Governance
For Leaders,Businesses,Professionals,Students and All Citizens
Brief History of the Work
Inasmuch as development is all about developing capabilities of a nation
from a Total perspective,this work is meant to introduce the structures
for nations capability building from an intuitive base.
----------------o, sometime in !ugust "##$,encouraged by these
concepts, myself and another colleague at the institute met ri
%.&.'ayanar ,the then (hief )inister of &erala at *otel +ark heraton,
!dyar, when he was ,isiting (hennai, and presented a )odel which - had
termed as T./,ie,Total .uality /overnance.ri 'ayanar was very much
impressed by the model and he was fully willing to support the idea
.!greeing in principle to get in touch with him later , we returned office
happily, thanking 'ayanar uncle.
-n about a week or so after meeting ri. 'ayanar, - had another
opportunity to discuss T./ with 0ate ri.1ama &rishna *egde,the
genial spirit of 'ational +olitics at his 2angalore home at adashiv
'agar.-nterestingly ,he immediately involved another very senior
functionary of his party for detailed discussion,and, after a whole
hearted assurance for further consideration, - left.
-n 344",upon the suggestion of a )anagement 5aculty of an -nstitute in
(hennai,- called up 6r.!.+.7.!bdul &alam,sometime in the end of
344",and sought an appointment at !nna 8niversity 9!8:,where he had
moved to with ; level security,and was propagating his famous ,ision
3434, concepts, after his 616< mission.'eedless to say,&alam=i was
down to earth.+urpose of my visit was to invite him as (hief /uest for a
eminar on ,ision /overnance - was contemplating.!nd, for my
>uestion on which model we will follow (for the Vision Based
Development of India),&orean,ingaporean or 7apanese, he said,!e
9-ndia: "ill have our own model 9regarding ,ision /overnance : and
it stood stuck in my mind.
!A"T#$ I
T%e &ation'"erson , (es% (evata
)y 'ation-+erson , or the 6esh-6evata ,our 2harath )atha ,we take it
to mean, the whole nation norming and teaming ,into a Single
personified Entity working in unison.This helps us to simplify our
conceptual focus on the 'ation,so as to set the norms by which we can
collectivise our capabilities and for actuating it at all levels .!lso ,as we
personify 2harath )ata as our 6esh- 6evata, we are meatphorically the
/od-+articles making up her 2ody,)ind and oul,with an infinite power
individually and much more collectively ?
It is relevant to re#all that fe" $So#io Ph%si#ists, in#ludin& Professor
Ser&ei 'alam, are "or(in& on theories of $So#ial )r&anisation, to
visualise a so#iet% or a so#ial &roup or as a hu&e $#ompound of human
*ein&s,usin& e&+ $Isin& ,odel used in Ph%si#s and Chemistr%+(See
lin( ,http-.."""+i#mp+lviv+ua.isin&.&alam+html)+
*%at (oes our (es%'(evata ,)%arat% Mat%a (o +
-n our intuitive model,physically she converts the natural resources into
various products and services for herself, meaning, for all of us -ndians,
and for the world,when we e@port.2ut spiritually,she is the sum of all our
disparate spiritual beliefs and energies and that part is well entrenched in
the +) products and services she provides.

Ae can also look at the process in 5ig " a little more technically, using
our +) concepts.
First we see that all products and services are carriers of PMSS values and can
be classified into four types,depending on the predominant value each product
carry or deliver,.eg we have food and medicines which give Physical
Values,education and arts giving Mental Values (ie intellectual and emotional),
Money,Wealth,ocial !etwor", #lubs,tatus $ositions and such $roducts giving
us Social Values and rituals and meditation in worship places give the believers
the subtle Spiritula values.
A Si,pli-ied .ook at a &ation as an /#cono,y0
5igB3 hows the economy of a nation built up of
*ouseholds,%nterprises and 'ation.*ouse holds,which is the most
fundamental,send people to /overnments , political parties or businesses
as /overnance,+olitical,'/<,or 2usiness 0eaders, and professtionals
and working personnel in these places.*ouseholds inturn get
wages,products,services, and rules 9from government: and receive
products by paying for the goods and services provided by /overnment
or the 2usinesses .(itiCens from *ouse holds again give votes for political
parties for governance,and $mone% votes for products through their
purchasing behaviour.The +) nature of these products and services
e@changed between households ,businesses and government must also be
clear from these transactions.
*%y t%e popular concept o- (es%'(evata as / Godly / is
1usti-ied +
0et us 0ook at it this wayB
!n -ndividual cannot fly but ocietyD'ationD*umanity can make him fly
!n -ndividual cannot talk to a person in a distant
country,butocietyD'ationD*umanity can enable him to talk.
!n -ndividual can rarely cure all his illnesses , but
ocietyD'ationD*umanity (an cure Dhelp cure his illness and so on.
-nfact,in todays societies,individual man can hardly do anything, unless
he is in a position where society can empower or support him.
There is thus a lot of sense in our worshipping this /oddess called
2harath )ata and taking all our /oals and Tasks as work for *er

!A"T#$ II
India Ignited2 T%e Soul on Fire !
T%e "MSS Values,apa3ilities , #ndo4,ents and 53stacles
The +) values and capabilities are inherent in human nature,and by
e@tension,for the social groups of individuals,be it a household,
classroom,society or a whole nation ,they are the basis of our skill and
social 9status E: differentiation as well as our mobility in society.
Ahen we create institutions for nurturing and facilitating the upward
mobilities of these capability groups,the newly created talents as well as
the institutions themselves become national assets, or national
endowments,to be transmitted to the ne@t generation for further
improvement till such a talent is no longer needed or, discarded later.
!nd this aspect makes us sharply focussed on how we do what we do,for
, it can influence the yet to be born deniCens of a future world we know
nothing about .
!gain,that brings us to the >uestion of F2alanced 6evelopment.-t is true
that !sian nations have long given up the sheer /6+ based growth,for
they are concerned,having thousands of years of traditions behind them
and generations of living together,about the people in their societies and
the world at large. ! total balanced growth betters all capabilities and all
communities and creates harmonious growth.
5ew of the potential obstacles to our harmonious growth can be captured
from the news headlinesB
".2reakdown of family values and the resultant womens issues.
3.(ommercialisation of %ducation on money-making skills and
ignoring moral skills.
G.-nterstate disputes on resource sharing
!A"T#$ III
ooperative "olitics and Governance
A )aseline Standard
! upremely important task such as 'ational ,ision attainment in a
democratic,pluralistic nation such as -ndia cannot be managed if pan-
national or local political parties have conflicting visions motivated by
inconsistent ideologies and are not willing to work together constrained
by the current system of 1uling vs opposition parties.This is a
baseline standard that mandates a cooperative
ooperative "olitics (e-inition
2y (ooperative +olitics 9(+: we mean, people of a nation or a community
working in unison agreeing for a documented collective vision and
working for attaining the vision and contesting elections based on logical
alternatives to the means of attaining the ,ision.
imilarly (ooperative /overnance 9(/: is the process by which all
elected representatives,without any Floyalty to their Fparty commits to
work for attaining the 'ations ,ision
ooperative "olitics %as t%ree ,ain aspects 2
78It is total,including all adults and eligible children willing to contribute
3: -t is 6igital,being cloud and also, crowd ,enabled
G: There are no opposition and the ruling legislators as opposed to
ruling vs auditing legislators with balanced power where the
annual Finternal election among elected members changes the roles.
The following are the principles and systems for the (ooperative
/overnance ,in comparison with the (ombative /overnance ystems
e@isting today.9The term ! /overnment following (ooperative
/overnance ystem is repeated in every clause,following a similar
practice used when its first draft was launched in facebook through day
to day postings, around in 34"3:.<fcourse, some of the clauses below can
be implemented even without a full fledged (ooperative +olitics or
/overnance. -f re>uired, inputs of this section can be used to prepare a
legislative bill on /overnance improvement in the parliament.
The ma=or tasks in (ooperative +olitics as well as /overnance are ":
,alues and +rinciples 3: )embership and !ims G: Tools and 1esources
H: !ssigning 1esponsibilities I:<rganisation $: 5unctions and Tasks
J:)onitor and (ontrol !nd K: 1ewarding +erformers99
!A"T#$ IV
A Fra,e4ork -or Vision Governance
To really give a picture of past and contemporary governance
systems,,atleast in its manifest functions,one can visualise each ministry
to be surrounded ,unwittingly,by a field of repulsion for the other , as
well as for the citiCens or organisations it is meant to 5ig. H
Thus we read cases daily,for e@ample, when a pro=ect is approved by the
industries ministry,it is stopped by the environment ministry,and if
,these two clears it,the finance ministry ob=ects ,and if these are
cleared,the commerce ministry ob=ects and if everything works well,the
people are there to agitate for valid reasons,due to improper vision,plan
or fall outs such as displacement or other negative e@ternalities.!lso in
some situations it is the personal greed and not development, that
causes sti#(in& to the rule of la" to negotiate cuts,bribes and
This is also natural in our setting because,that is the way most industry-
government interactions grew in the past.2ut we then need to create
publicised incentives collectively given by the industry,for impartial
facilitation,because,if the administration is improved,efficiency of the
investor gets approval and everybody improves,rather than through
distorted approaches of approvals.
Though unintentional often,this type of system framework in most of the
state and central ministries makes,the citiCens or corporates who are
sincere ,get ve@ed and even give up.
!A"T#$ V
Mission Manage,ent
)ission )anagement is all about +lanning <rganising and (ontrol of )issions
through ade>uate guidance-evidence systems.)ission deployment across the
nation involves fanning it out to the ne@t levels and so on till the council or
villageDhouseholdDindividual levels are involved and served The +) )other
)issions at the national level gets divided across other ministries as child +)
missions,developing the ade>uate "%ysical 9eg infrastructure:,Mental or
:no4 %o4 ,9eg emotionalDsoft skilling, L intellectual ,eg Technical Training:
Social ,9uch as 0eadership 6evelopment:,Spirituo'ultural 9such as
)editation, (ommon +rayers, -ftars,and related festivities: skills for the Target
groups involved, where applicable
To further e@emplify it,let us assume the case of improvement of the
manufacturing industry Bthis will re>uire us to study their current
"%ysical (e& ra" material and #apital e/uipment pro*lems 0ma% *e
related to minin& and #ommer#e ministr%),Intellectual (their
te#hnolo&% development e&+*% the 12 ministr%) Social (e&+ fa#ilitation
of finan#e,or la*our0e& *% the Finan#e and the La*our ,inistr%),
Spiritual 9"here appli#a*le,promotin& matters of ethi#al value
s%stems,will power improvement pro&rams for mana&ement 3
staff ,improvin& the po"er of dis#rimination throu&h 4o&a,et#,ma% *e
*% private asso#iates) re;uire,ents,and facilitate design of the
programs that meet specific ob=ectives,to be implemented,with the
support of for e@ample,indudtry asociations,or as the case may be ,
through +++. ome of these may be missions,others programs or
pro=ects,implemented by the concerned department or facilitated by it for
implementaion by lower level departments or functionaries.
-mplementation frame work at other levels till village is shown in 5igB"4.
2ut the good news is that most of the efficient missions in our
governments are almost run that way especially where these are
supported by the '-(s e-governance tools.
Missions, Strategy,Structure and Syste,s
Pu*li# Poli#ies are the 6'!,we said , of 'ational growth,but strate&%
precedes it.*owever, strategy itself is subservient to the &oals which in
turn are derived from the values milieu of the society&..
!A"T#$ VI
)issions <r 4a5nas
*%at is a <a=na +
A##ordin& to "i(ipedia,the su*lime meanin& of the "ord %a5na is derived
from the Sans(rit ver* %a5, "hi#h has a three0fold meanin& of "orship of
deities (devapu5ana), unit% (san&ati(arana) and #harit% (d6na)
-t is essentially a great selfless routine done for a divine cause.!ll religions
speak of daily,seasonal,annual and once a lifetime ya=nas.Thus in
(hristianity there is baptism,communion in the church ,fasting ,0ent ,The
traditional purpose of 0ent is the preparation of the believer through prayer,
penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, atonement and self-denial
imlarly in -slam, there are The 5ive +illars such as daily confession of faith
9shahada: 6aily ritual prayer 9salat:,+aying the alms ta@ 9Cakat:,5asting
during the month of 1amadan 9sawm:,+ilgrimmage to )ecca 9ha==:.
-n the ,edic or *indu approach, there are at least 9 five :+ancha )aha
Ma=nas, for the !bsolute /od ,other gods or 9angels: ,departed, fellow
human beings and the elements and life around.<f the many ya=nas,there
can be purpose driven Ma=nas such as putra &ameshti which was done by
&ing 6asarath who begat riram ,ri 0akshman ,ri 2harath and ri
atrughna as his sons,according to 1amayan..
o ya=na is a purpose driven ,selfless,effort to realise full or part of the
subtle ,divine energy in the 8niverse .
T%e "%ysical apa3ility Mission
What exactly do we mean by Physical Capability of a Nation ?
This need to be answered from our definition of 'ation-+erson,and,so,
we ask, what are the +hysical (apabilities of the 'ation-+erson ,our
2harath )ata E
5rom one point of view all the physical capabilities of the individuals
together make up part of the such capabilities of the nation.
Then what else E
To answer this let us look at the individual.<n reflection we will find that
the e@tensions of the physical capabilities of an individual and the
re>uirements placed on the five elements of nature due to the
individuals physical re>uirements constitute the physical capability
re>uirement of the nation.
5ig."3.Ahen an economy has various forms of barriers and errors its
benefits generally go to few those who can afford a ladder,such as
influence,or bribes.!nd others have to pick up whatever =ust falls on the
5ig."G. Ahen the economy has reduced barriers, errors, and
vulnerabilities, there will be more who will be benefitted by it, created
by a multiplier effect.

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