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How to use the Litho-Logic software

Main window:
The first thing you will see when you open up the program will be the default window (as below).

User interface layout:

Sequence counter/menu: this box will let you know what step in the description process you are on.
Options box: this box will have a list of the appropriate variables you will chose from.
Window extension arrow: the small arrow will extend the window to allow you to see the photos and dictionary.
Lithology text box: this is the box where the lithology items you have chosen will be written.
Sequence counter/Menu: scrolling over this box and right clicking will allow you to view the menu options.
Extending the window:
Click on the small arrow and the window will expand it to show you the word finder, dictionary, photo window and the
logger notes.

Sizing the window:

User Interface components:

Word finder: this box will allow you to search through the dictionary.
Dictionary: this box will show the dictionary definition of the option you have in the photo window.
Photo window: this is a high resolution photo of an example of a drill cutting with the chosen variable.
Logger notes: the logger notes are helpful hints and explanations in layman terms of the option you have chosen.
Photo window:
The photo window allows you to see examples of rock cuttings both dry and wet. The photo will always be dry when it first
comes up. To view the cuttings wet you need to click on the wet/dry button in the upper right corner of the photo.
**note** When looking at the dry photo the button will say wet. To see the wet version click the wet button and visa-versa.

Photo data:
The photo data is information about how and when the photo was taken.
Dry vs. wet:

Zoom feature:
The zoom feature allows you to get a closer look at the example photo. All you have to do to zoom in is click on a spot on the
photo. By using your scroll button on your mouse you can zoom in on the image to get a closer look. To get out of zoom all
you need to do is click on any option in the options box

Navigating the software:
When writing your lithology the navigation keys will allow you to quickly choose the options and variables.
Navigation keys:

Clear Phrase: this button erases the option that you have chosen from the lithology text box.
Previous: this button will return you to the previous step.
Enter: this button allows you to choose more options within a step i.e. grey and dark gray.
Copy: this button copies the text in the text box and places it to the clipboard so you can paste it on your log.
Next Step: this button moves you to the next step. **note** some steps force you to choose at least on option.
The prefix buttons in the upper right side of the window allow you to add different terms that help express something about
the option you have chosen. The prefixes will change depending on the step you are on. This helps to make sure that people
are using the correct terminology and using approved verbage.
Menu options
Scrolling over this box and right clicking will allow you to view the menu options.

Preferences: this button lets you change the way the text is written.
Save Work Log: this button will create a file of all work that has been done on this computer.
Select New Library: this button lets you use a different library.
Acquire Subscription: this button allows you to enter a new subscription key.
Check for Library Updates: this button allows you to manually check for updates.
About: this button has contact and program information.
this window will allow you to change the way the description is written in the text box.

Abbreviation options: this allows you to choose between abbreviated, full English or muncell codes.
Munsell codes: displays the munsell code instead of the color wheel.
All Caps: displays the text in all caps when checked.
Abbreviation options:

How the program works
The following will be a demonstration of how the software is used while writing a description.
For this demonstration we will use the following description and show you how Litho-Logic is used to make it.

Abbreviated Full English
SH: modBn - scat drkGy, pred subblky Shale: moderate Brown - scattered dark grey, predominately subblocky
to tr subsplt, med to occ smth txt, hd, to Trace subsplintery, medium to occasional smooth texture, hard,
tr imbd microxln PYR & scat PYRC nod, trace imbedded Pyrite (microcrystalline) & scattered Pyritic (nodules),
tr free CHT, tr Gast sprl. trace free Chert, trace Gastropod spiral.

**note** observe how the description is written in the text box as the options are chosen.
Step one:
Select the major rock type you wish to describe from the options box.

1. Select Shale.
2. Press enter.

Step two:
Select your colors. **note** for this demonstration we will choose 3 colors.
1. Select the first color. **note** for this demonstration we will not choose a prefix for the first color.
2. Press enter. **note** this allows you to choose a second color.

3. Select the second color.
4. Select your prefix.
5. Press enter.

6. Select the third color.
7. Select your prefix.
8. Press Next step. **note** after you choose your third color the program will not let you choose a fourth. This is to help
people stay focused and prevent the description from becoming too wordy. See below.

Step three:
Select your shapes. **note** for this demonstration we will choose 2 shapes.

1. Select the first shape. **note** the image will stay on the previous step until you chose an option.
2. Select a prefix. **note** the only prefix available is predominately when choosing your first option.
3. Press enter.

4. Select the second shape.
5. Select a prefix.
6. Press Next Step. **note** you can choose another shape but for this demonstration we are only choosing two.

Step four:
Select your textures.

1. Select the first texture. **note** for this demonstration we will not choose a prefix for the first texture.
2. Press enter. **note** this allows you to choose a second texture.

4. Select the second texture.
5. Select a prefix.
6. Press Next Step. **note** you can choose another texture but for this demonstration we are only choosing two.

Step five:
Select your firmness.

1. Select the firmness. **note** for this demonstration we will not choose a prefix.
2. Press enter. **note** you can choose another firmness but for this demonstration we are only choosing one.

Step six:
Select your constituents. **note** for this demonstration we will choose two constituents.

1. Select the first constituent.
2. Select a prefix. **note** multiple prefixes are available when choosing your first option.
3. Press enter.

4. Select your second constituent.
5. Select a prefix.
6. Press Next Step. **note** you can choose another constituent but for this demonstration we are only choosing two.

Step seven:
Select your constituents. **note** for this demonstration we will choose only one free constituent.

1. Select the free constituent.
2. Select a prefix. **note** multiple prefixes are available when choosing your first option.
3. Press Next Step.

Step eight:
Select your fossils. **note** for this demonstration we will choose only one fossil.

1. Select the fossil.
2. Select a prefix. **note** multiple prefixes are available when choosing your first option.

Step nine:
Copy and paste. **note** now that you are done with your description all you have to do is hit the copy button and paste
the description onto your log.

If your next sample is close to the description you just wrote you do not have to start over from the beginning. If you move
your mouse over the text in the lithology text box you can select a step you want to edit and make a few changes and then
hit copy.

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