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From the Section of Dermatology, Medical College of Georgia,

and the Departments of Dermatology, Microbiology/
Immunology and Internal Medicine, University of Texas Medical
Reprint requests: Stephen K. Tyring, MD, PhD, Department of
Dermatology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
Copyright 1999 by the American Academy of Dermatology,Inc.
0190-9622/99/$8.00 + 0 16/2/98761
aricella zoster virus (VZV) is a unique herpes
virus in that it is capable of producing tw o dif-
ferent syndrom es, varicella (chickenpox) and
herpes zoster (shingles). It belongs to the subfam ily
(along w ith herpes sim plex
virus [H SV] types 1 and 2) and, like these, is a dou-
ble-stranded D N A virus. Containing the sm allest
genom e of the herpesviruses, it is an enveloped
icosahedral virus approxim ately 200 nm in diam eter.
In 1767, H eberden w as able to clearly distinguish
chickenpox from sm allpox.
It is believed that the
w ord chickenpoxeither com es from the O ld
English w ord gicanm eaning to itch
or alternate-
ly, from the old French w ord chiche-poisfor chick-
pea, thought to describe the size of the vesicle.
association betw een chickenpox and shingles w as
first noticed by von Bokay in 1888. H e noted that
chickenpox som etim es developed in susceptible
children after exposure to persons w ith acute shin-
The next developm ent w as m ade w hen
Kundratiz w as able to produce varicella-like lesions
and generalized varicella in children by inoculation
w ith vesicle fluid from patients w ith zoster.
relationship w as finally confirm ed in 1952 by W eller
and Stoddard,
w ho w ere able to show that identical
viruses w ere recovered from patients w ith chicken-
pox and shingles using in vitro studies.
Prim arily a disease of childhood (90% of cases
occur in children younger than 10 years of age), vari-
cella is a disease that has historically touched a large
m ajority of the population, w ith 95% of parturient
w om en in N ew York City
and 95% of H IV-positive
m en
show ing serologic evidence of infection.
Another study show ed a nearly 99% rate of im m uni-
ty to varicella.
Finally, am ong m ilitary recruits
(m ostly from ages 17 to 19 years) the seronegativity
rate w as found to be 8.2% .
In fact, a study of preg-
nant patients w ith negative or indeterm inant history
of varicella-like illness dem onstrated that 81% w ill
show serologic evidence of subclinical infection.
the study of m ilitary recruits, how ever, although the
positive predictive value of a history of varicella w as
high (> 95% ), alm ost all recruits gave a positive his-
tory of varicella, even those (< 20% ) lacking the anti-
Rarely reported recurrences of varicella are
probably a result of m isdiagnosis (eg, coxsackievirus
Although chickenpox is a disease of children,
shingles occurs prim arily in adults older than 50
years, although it can occur at any age. By decades,
the incidence is 2.5/1000 persons affected per
annum betw een the ages of 20 and 50 years,
5.09/1000 persons per annum for the ages of 51 to 79
Varicella zoster virus
Monica L. McCrary, MD,
Jessica Severson, MD,
and Stephen K. Tyring, MD, PhD
Augusta, Georgia, and Galveston, Texas
Because of its ability to produce tw o clinically distinct disease entities (chickenpox and shingles), varicella
zoster virus (VZV) is an unusual etiologic agent. Although in the past viral exanthem s w ere m ostly only of
academ ic interest to the practitioner, the developm ent of antiviral agents and the new ly approved varicella
(O KA) vaccine have increased the clinical significance. Also, w ith the increasing seroprevalence of H IV
infection, m ore patients w ill be stricken w ith zoster (at a younger age) and dissem inated varicella. In this
review, the history, incidence, pathogenesis, clinical m anifestations, and treatm ent options (of VZV infection
and postherpetic neuralgia) w ill be discussed. (J Am Acad D erm atol 1999;41:1-14.)
Learning objective: At the com pletion of this learning activity, participants should be able to discuss the
history, incidence, pathogenesis, clinical m anifestations, and treatm ent options for both VZV infection and
PH N .
(7 m onths).
Sim ilarly, 20% to 40% of bone m arrow
transplant recipients w ill develop herpes zoster in
the first year after their transplants.
Am ong
patients w ith H IV infection, herpes zoster can be the
first sign of infection,
and the lesions m ay have
an unusual appearance and m ay recur several
tim es.
Contrary to w hat w as previously believed,
shingles is not a reliable initial indication of an
underlying subclinical m alignancy because a study of
590 patients w ith zoster had no higher incidence of
cancer than that of the general population.
reactivation, VZV undergoes an initial phase of repli-
cation w ithin the affected sensory ganglion and
produces active ganglionitis. The inflam m atory
response and neuronal necrosis that result cause
severe neuralgia. This pain intensifies as the virus
travels dow n the sensory nerve, producing radicu-
Primary varicella
Although occasionally preceded by a prodrom e of
sym ptom s such as headache, m yalgia, nausea,
anorexia, and vom iting in older children and
in young children the illness usually begins
abruptly w ith the sim ultaneous onset of rash, low -
grade fever, and m alaise. Sm all red m acules appear
on the face and trunk and progress rapidly over 12 to
14 hours to papules, vesicles, pustules, and finally
crusts. These lesions are usually m ost abundant cen-
trally and on the proxim al upper extrem ities, w ith
relative sparing of the distal or low er extrem ities.
Alm ost universal is the sym ptom of pruritus associ-
ated w ith the skin lesions. Perhaps m ost characteris-
tic is the sim ultaneous presence of lesions in all
stages of developm ent. The characteristic vesicle has
been likened to a dew drop on a rose petal.
Although usually a m ild self-lim ited illness in
im m unocom petent children, varicella can occasion-
ally result in significant m orbidity, w ith 4500 other-
w ise healthy children per year hospitalized w ith pri-
m ary varicella. H ow ever, varicella infection in adults
is usually m ore severe, w ith m ore skin lesions pre-
sent and m ore prom inent and prolonged fever and
constitutional sym ptom s.
M ultiple com plications can result from prim ary
varicella infection; the m ost com m on is bacterial
superinfection, w ith subsequent scarring. This can
m anifest as im petigo, furuncles, cellulitis, erysipelas,
or bullous skin lesions from the elaboration of
staphylococcal exfoliative toxin.
The m ost com -
m on extracutaneous com plication of VZV infection is
central nervous system (CN S) involvem ent. This
includes Reyes syndrom e, acute cerebral ataxia,
encephalitis, m eningoencephalitis, polyradiculitis,
years, and 10.1/1000 in those older than 80 years of
O verall, each person w ho has a history of vari-
cella experiences an approxim ately 20% chance of
acquiring shingles in his/her lifetim e. The incidence
of both of these m anifestations of VZV infection
is likely to change since the Food and D rug
Adm inistrations (FD A) approval of live attenuated
(O KA) varicella vaccine. There is no evidence that
herpes zoster can be directly acquired through con-
tact w ith patients w ith either varicella or zoster.
Primary varicella
Acquired by inhalation of respiratory secretions
or contact w ith skin lesions, prim ary varicella initial-
ly infects the conjunctiva or the m ucosa in the upper
respiratory tract. This is follow ed by the first cycle of
viral replication, w hich takes place in the regional
lym ph nodes on days 2 through 4, and a prim ary
virem ia, w hich occurs betw een days 4 and 6. N ext, a
second replication cycle follow s, w hich occurs in the
liver, spleen, and other organs. Finally, a secondary
virem ia occurs, w hich seeds the body w ith viral par-
ticles that invade first the capillary endothelial cells,
then the capillaries, and ultim ately the epiderm is on
approxim ately days 14 to 16.
Herpes zoster
Although not fully understood, it is believed that
during the course of prim ary varicella VZV spreads
from the skin and m ucosal lesions into the sensory
nerve endings. From there, it travels centripetally
along these nerve fibers until it reaches the dorsal
ganglion cells w here it enters a latent state. Then, by
m echanism s not com pletely understood, it is reacti-
vated, probably as a result of a decline in VZV-specif-
ic cell-m ediated im m unity (CM I), specifically a
decreased T-cell proliferation in response to VZV
O ne particularly interesting study show ed
the incidence of zoster to be less in pediatricians
w ith presum ably greater contact to varicella (and
thus increased CM I to VZV) than in psychiatrists or
derm atologists.
This decline in CM I is seen am ong
persons w ith increased incidence of herpes zoster,
including the elderly and persons w ith H IV infection
or other im m unocom prom ising conditions such as
organ transplants (w ith im m unosuppression), m alig-
nancy necessitating chem otherapy or radiotherapy,
or long-term corticosteroid use.
Am ong cancer
patients, the highest risk of acquiring herpes zoster
is associated w ith patients w ith leukem ia or lym -
phom a; in fact, approxim ately 20% to 50% of
patients w ith H odgkins disease develop herpes
and it is usually shortly after the initiation
of either chem otherapy (1 m onth) or radiotherapy
2 McCrary, Severson, and Tyring
JULY 1999
and m yelitis (eg, G uillain-Barre syndrom e).
adult varicella (Fig 1), varicella pneum onia is a fre-
quent com plication, occurring in 1/400 cases.
m ortality rate of adult varicella pneum onia is high,
w ith death occurring in 10% of im m unocom petent
and 30% of im m unocom prom ised patients.
m yocarditis, glom erulonephritis, appendicitis, pan-
creatitis, hepatitis, H enoch-Schnlein vasculitis,
orchitis, arthritis, optic neuritis, keratitis, or iritis can
In pregnancy, m aternal varicella infection can
cause a w ide spectrum of congenital disease from
asym ptom atic latency to severe congenital defects or
even fetal w astage.
Fetal developm ental com plica-
tions are m ost com m on w hen m aternal infection
occurs in the first trim ester and include hypoplastic
lim bs, cicatricial skin lesions, cortical atrophy, ocular
abnorm alities, psychom otor retardation, and low
birth w eight. After the first 20 w eeks of pregnancy,
the risk of congenital m alform ation changes to
approxim ately 2% .
In im m unocom prom ised children or adults, vari-
cella can be associated w ith significant m orbidity and
m ortality. They can experience a persistent virem ia, a
prolonged febrile period, a m ore extensive rash
(often w ith hem orrhagic and/or purpuric lesions)
and are m ore likely to have involvem ent of the lungs,
liver, or CN S.
Herpes zoster
Intense pain in the involved derm atom e precedes
the rash of herpes zoster in m ore than 90% of cases.
This pain typically occurs approxim ately 1 to 3 days
before the onset of the rash, but m ay precede it by a
w eek or m ore. This pain is subject to a w ide array
of m isdiagnoses, including m yocardial infarction,
pleurisy, cholecystitis, appendicitis, duodenal ulcer,
ovarian cyst, herniated intervertebral disc, throm -
bophlebitis, or even biliary or renal colic. In approx-
im ately 5% of patients (usually children), this pain is
com pounded by other prodrom al sym ptom s of
fever, m alaise, and headache. O ccasionally, a patient
w ith this derm atom al pain and serologic or virologic
evidence of zoster has failed to develop the rash
associated w ith zoster, a condition know n as zoster
sine herpete (zoster w ithout rash).
O nce the characteristic unilateral derm atom al
rash appears, the diagnosis is alm ost certain. This
rash begins as erythem atous m acules and papules,
w hich progress first to vesicles (w ithin 12-24 hours),
then the pustules (in 3-4 days), and finally to crusts
(in 7-10 days). Scarring can result, particularly in
dark-skinned persons (Fig 2). In addition, regional
lym phadenopathy is usually present. G enerally, the
rash is located at the site w hich w as m ost severely
affected by prim ary varicella.
Therefore the m ost
com m on places of involvem ent are the facial (V-1)
and m idthoracic to upper lum bar derm atom es (T3-
L2) (Fig 3), although any derm atom e can be affected
(Fig 4).
Sim ilar to chickenpox, the pain and rash of zoster
are usually m ore severe in im m unocom prom ised and
elderly patients.
In contrast, w hen zoster occurs in
im m unocom petent children (Fig 5) or young adults,
the rash tends to evolve m ore rapidly and the neural-
gia usually resolves as the crusts fall off.
Probably the m ost feared and debilitating com pli-
cation of zoster is postherpetic neuralgia (PH N ).
Although various definitions have been used, this
clinical entity exists w hen pain persists either after a
certain tim e period or after all crusts have fallen off.
U nfortunately, PH N is extrem ely com m on, affecting
McCrary, Severson, and Tyring 3
Fig 1. Prim ary varicella (chickenpox) in an 80-year-old
m an.
Fig 2. H ypertrophic scar from herpes zoster in an H IV-
seropositive m an.
A particularly high com plication rate is seen w ith
ophthalm ic zoster. Affecting 7% of all cases of
ophthalm ic zoster is com plicated by ocular
disease in 20% to 70% of patients.
Associated cica-
tricial lid retraction, paralytic ptosis, (acute epithe-
lial) keratitis, scleritis, uveitis, secondary glaucom a,
oculom otor palsies, chorioretinitis, optic neuritis, or
panophthalm itis are seen, all w ith potential for visu-
al im pairm ent or even blindness. O f particular con-
cern is involvem ent of the nasociliary division of the
ophthalm ic nerve. This can be recognized by vesicles
present on the side and the top of the nose, also
know n as H utchinsons sign (Fig 6).
O ther nervous system com plications are seen
occasionally w ith zoster. The Ram say H unt syn-
drom e is caused by involvem ent of the facial or audi-
tory nerves and consists of ipsilateral facial palsy in
com bination w ith lesions of the external ear, tym -
panic m em brane, or anterior tw o thirds of the
tongue. It can result in tinnitus, vertigo, deafness,
otalgia, or loss of taste. In addition, m eningoen-
cephalitis and m yelitis have been reported in 0.2% to
0.5% of patients and are associated w ith headache,
fever, photophobia, m eningeal irritation, vom iting,
nerve palsies, or altered m entation.
zoster involvem ent of the vagus nerve or its ganglia
can result in dysphagia, nausea, vom iting, gastric
upset, or cardiac irregularities. M otor paralysis from
direct extension from the sensory ganglion to anteri-
or horn cells occurs in 1% to 5% of patients w ith
This paralysis usually occurs in the first 2
to 3 w eeks after rash onset and can persist for sever-
al w eeks. Localized m otor deficiencies are found in
up to 20% of patients w ith zoster involving the facial
nerve or the nerves of the extrem ities.
A delayed
CN S com plication of ophthalm ic zoster is granulo-
m atous cerebral angiitis w ith sym ptom s often occur-
10% to 15% of all patents w ith zoster
and at least
50% of patients older than 60 years of age. U sually,
patients experience a significant reduction of pain
w ithin 6 m onths, although this is variable.
O ther
abnorm al sensations can persist after healing of skin
lesions has occurred and include pruritus, paresthe-
sia, dysesthesia, or anesthesia.
4 McCrary, Severson, and Tyring
JULY 1999
Fig 3. H erpes zoster in the L-1 derm atom e. Fig 5. H erpes zoster in a 2-year-old girl.
Fig 4. H erpes zoster in distribution of sacral nerves 1 and
ring w eeks to m onths after the attack. This has been
associated w ith a rather high m ortality rate (15% )
and m ay present as transient ischem ic attacks,
stroke-in-evolution, or isolated or m ultiple cerebral
infarctions. H ow ever, the m ost frequent CN S finding
is asym ptom atic cerebrospinal fluid abnorm alities
such as a lym phocytotic pleocytosis and elevated
Although uncom m on in im m unocom petent
patients, zoster has a high risk of dissem ination (up
to 40% )
in im m unocom prom ised persons (Figs 7
and 8). D efined as m ore than 20 vesicles outside the
prim ary and im m ediately adjacent derm atom es,
cutaneous dissem ination is follow ed by visceral
(lungs, liver, brain) involvem ent in 10% of these
high-risk patients. O ccasionally, a few vesicles can be
found rem ote from the prim arily affected der-
m atom e in im m unocom petent patients (17% -
35% ),
w hich probably results from hem atogenous
spread of the virus. In addition, H IV patients w ith
zoster show ed increased neurologic (eg, aseptic
m eningitis, radiculitis, and m yelitis)
and ophthal-
m ologic com plications, particularly peripheral outer
retinal necrosis.
The initial test of choice is usually a Tzanck sm ear
perform ed by scraping the base of an early lesion
and then staining w ith hem atoxylin-and-eosin,
G iem sa, W rights, toluidine blue, or Papanicolaou.
W ith herpes sim plex or herpes zoster infections,
m ultinucleated giant cells and epithelial cells con-
taining acidophilic intranuclear inclusions can be
seen. H ow ever, VZV cannot be differentiated from
H SV infection using a Tzanck sm ear.
M ultiple tests can be used to differentiate VZV
from H SV including culture, serology, direct
im m unofluorescence, and m olecular techniques.
Culture, although specific, is not alw ays easily
McCrary, Severson, and Tyring 5
Fig 6. H erpes zoster in first branch of trigem inal nerve
(ie, ophthalm ic zoster) w ith lesions on bridge of the nose
(ie, H utchinsons sign) as w ell as contralateral eyelid
edem a.
Fig 7. Prim ary derm atom e (ie, thoracic) affected by her-
pes zoster in a patient receiving radiation therapy for car-
cinom a of the larynx.
Fig 8. D issem inated vesicles of herpes zoster in patient
seen in Fig 7.
bodies, or Tzanck sm ears m ay be perform ed to con-
firm the clinical im pression.
In the past, otherw ise healthy children w ith prim a-
ry varicella have been treated only sym ptom atically
w ith calam ine lotion, tepid baths, cool com presses,
and antipyretics (excluding aspirin secondary to its
association w ith Reyes syndrom e).
Although acy-
clovir (20 m g/kg 4 tim es a day for 5 days) w as show n
to decrease both the duration and severity of chicken-
this has not received w idespread acceptance
because of the high cost of treatm ent, difficulty in
rapid institution of therapy, and concern of develop-
m ent of acyclovir-resistant strains of VZV. In addition,
the usually benign course of the disease and low rate
of com plications in this population w eakens the m oti-
vation to start antiviral therapy. By allow ing the child to
return to school 1 to 2 days earlier, how ever, antiviral
therapy m ay be considered cost-effective if it allow s
the parent(s) or guardian(s) to return to w ork earlier.
In contrast, acyclovir is m uch m ore com m only
used to treat prim ary varicella in im m unocom pro-
m ised patients.
Although vidarabine and par-
enteral hum an interferon alfa have also been proven
to be efficacious in the treatm ent of varicella in this
the presence of significant toxicities
(neurotoxicity w ith vidarabine and fever and m yal-
gias w ith interferon alfa) have lim ited their use.
Therefore acyclovir (intravenous dosing of 500
m g/m
every 8 hours for 7-10 days)
continues to be
the drug of choice for treatm ent of varicella in
im m unocom prom ised patients.
N aturally, the prevention of varicella w ould be
preferable to treatm ent of an existing infection.
Varicella-zoster im m une globulin (VZIG ) has been
obtained because VZV is a labile virus that is cultured
m uch less readily than H SV.
Although lim ited by
cross-reactivity w ith H SV, serologic tests such as
com plem ent fixation can be used to retrospectively
diagnose VZV infection.
Currently, the m ost useful
test to diagnose VZV infection is direct im m unofluo-
rescence of cellular m aterial from skin lesions.
H ow ever, m olecular techniques w ith high sensitivity
such as dot-blot hybridization and polym erase chain
reaction have been used recently to detect VZV in
the skin lesions, peripheral blood m ononuclear
cells, and other tissues of patients w ith VZV infec-
tion, and m ay be the diagnostic tests of choice in the
The varicella rash associated w ith chickenpox can
som etim es be confused w ith other viral exanthem s,
insect bites, scabies, erythem a m ultiform e, papular
urticaria, drug eruptions, or other vesicular der-
m atoses such as derm atitis herpetiform is. In con-
trast, zoster is prim arily confused w ith derm atom al
H SV infections, particularly anogenital herpes (Figs 9
and 10). H ow ever, shinglesthat recurs in the sacral
area is alm ost alw ays herpes sim plex virus 2. O ther
conditions occasionally confused w ith zoster include
contact derm atitis, burns, arthropod reactions, local-
ized bacterial or viral skin infections, or even vaccinia
U sually diagnosed clinically, varicella is often diag-
nosed easily w hen there is the characteristic rash in
com bination w ith a history of exposure w ithin the
preceding 2 to 3 w eeks.
As m entioned previ-
ously, w hile the diagnosis of zoster is also usually
m ade clinically, viral cultures, direct fluorescent anti-
6 McCrary, Severson, and Tyring
JULY 1999
Fig 9. Perianal herpes zoster in an H IV-seropositive m an. Fig 10. Zosteriform herpes sim plex virus type 2.
used in the past to treat im m unocom prom ised
patients w ho have received significant exposure to
varicella (recom m ended dose is 125 U /10 kg).
U nfortunately, one third to one half of these patients
still develop clinical infection.
Therefore the
recently approved live attenuated VZV vaccine (O KA
strain) has been received w ith m uch interest. This
vaccine appears to be both highly efficacious (96%
seroconversion in healthy children in one study)
and very safe, w ith only such m ild side effects as
slight varicelliform rash, fever, and infection-site
reactions reported.
In addition, the incidence of
zoster occurring after vaccination seem s to be
decreased com pared w ith that after natural infec-
A recent study
found that varicella occurred
in 14% of vaccinated children in a child care center
versus 88% of unvaccinated children. In addition, the
vaccinated children had less severe disease and
few er days of absence from school than the unvacci-
nated children. Finally, the large societal savings in
tim e off from w ork to care for sick children and the
high cost of caring for varicella-related com plications
m ake the vaccine appear to be cost-effective. In fact,
one study estim ated that an effective varicella vacci-
nation program w ould be expected to have a net sav-
ings of $384 m illion per year in the U nited States in
discounted costs from the social perspective.
Although no antiviral treatm ent has been show n
to totally prevent PH N , early therapy has been found
to reduce its duration. Currently, acyclovir, idoxuri-
dine, fam ciclovir, vidarabine, foscarnet, valacyclovir,
and interferon alfa have all been show n to be effica-
cious in treating VZV infections. Idoxuridine w as the
first antiviral agent to be evaluated for the treatm ent
of zoster.
It is an antim etabolite of thym idine and
acts to inhibit D N A synthesis after being intracellu-
larly phosphorylated to idoxuridine triphosphate.
H ow ever, because viral and host cell D N A are equal-
ly affected, it is too toxic for system ic use but instead
w as used topically in a dim ethylsulfoxide base. A 40%
solution applied every 4 to 6 hours had beneficial
effects on rash healing, acute pain, and the preven-
tion of PH N .
H ow ever, other studies
show ed
no effect on PH N . Therefore, because of the lack of
effect on PH N in com bination w ith a high potential
for toxicity, idoxuridine is no longer used routinely in
the treatm ent of acute zoster.
Vidarabine w as the first system ic antiviral agent
to be approved by the FD A. It acts as an analogue of
the nucleoside adenosine and interferes w ith D N A
synthesis. W hen vidarabine w as given intravenously
to im m unocom prom ised patients (10 m g/kg every
12 hours for 5 days), viral shedding, tim e to cessa-
tion of pain and new vesicle form ation, total heal-
ing tim e, cutaneous dissem ination, visceral com pli-
cations, and the duration of PH N w ere all
H ow ever, later studies com paring
vidarabine w ith acyclovir found that the rates of
cutaneous healing, resolution of acute pain, and
incidence of PH N did not differ betw een the tw o
agents in the treatm ent of patients w ith dissem inat-
ed zoster.
In addition, the difficulty of adm inistra-
tion and significant side effects of vidarabine (neu-
rotoxicity, m yelosuppression) have m ade acyclovir
m uch m ore com m only used.
Acyclovir has (until recently) been the drug of
choice in the treatm ent of herpes zoster. An ana-
logue of the nucleoside guanosine, it is phosphory-
lated (first by viral thym idine kinase, then by cellu-
lar kinases) into acyclovir triphosphate. It then
inhibits viral D N A polym erase by acting as a com -
petitive inhibitor of guanosine triphosphate.
Available in topical, intravenous, and oral form ula-
tions, only the intravenous and oral form s have any
role in the treatm ent of VZV. W hen given to
im m unocom petent and im m unocom prom ised
patients, intravenous acyclovir (500 m g/m
/day for
5-7 days) w as found to reduce acute pain and speed
cutaneous healing.
The oral form is lim ited by
a poor availability (15% -20% ). H ow ever, w hen it w as
given at a dose of 800 m g 5 tim es daily (currently
recom m ended regim en: 7 days) accelerated rash
healing w as seen and pain w as reduced.
H ow ever, several trials have show n no benefit in the
use of acyclovir in reducing the duration of
PH N .
Adverse effects seen w ith acyclovir are
rare but include headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and
renal toxicity (in renal patients w ho thus should
have their doses reduced). Rarely, CN S toxicity can
occur w ith sym ptom s of disorientation, delirium ,
seizures, trem or, or slurred speech.
Valacyclovir is a prodrug of acyclovir (the L-valyl
ester of acyclovir) w ith the advantage of greatly
increased oral bioavailability (65% ).
It w as
approved by the FD A for the treatm ent of shingles in
June 1995. In one trial com paring valacyclovir 1 g 3
tim es daily (currently recom m ended course: 7 days)
to acyclovir 800 m g 5 tim es daily, valacyclovir w as
found to be as effective in decreasing the appearance
of new lesions, tim e to crusting, and tim e to 50%
In addition, valacyclovir reduced the
m edian duration of pain from 60 days after healing
(w ith acyclovir) to 40 days. Six m onths after healing,
only 19% of patients taking valacyclovir had pain
com pared w ith 26% of patients taking acyclovir.
Finally, valacyclovir appears to have a sim ilar safety
profile to acyclovir, w ith som e nausea, vom iting,
McCrary, Severson, and Tyring 7
w as found to have excellent in vitro activity against
H ow ever, in a m ulticenter, double-blind
study of im m unocom petent patients older than 50
years of age, acyclovir led to faster cessation of all
pain, w ith sim ilar rash outcom es and adverse event
profiles to netivudine.
Interferon alfa, although
som ew hat efficacious,
is associated w ith such
side effects as fever, m yalgias, lethargy, and
Corticosteroids have long been used
in the treatm ent of herpes zoster by m any practi-
tioners. H oping to decrease inflam m ation, and
thereby decrease further nerve dam age and the
chronic pain associated w ith it, they have been used
both alone and in com bination w ith antiviral drugs.
Although som e studies dem onstrated a reduction
in persistent pain
or accelerated healing
patients treated w ith corticosteroids, a study by
W ood et al
show ed no long-term benefit w hen
corticosteroids w ere added to the acyclovir regi-
m en. W hile a decrease of acute pain and a quicker
rash resolution w as seen, there w as no effect on
PH N , and the incidence of adverse effects w ere
higher in the groups treated w ith corticosteroids. In
addition, a recent study by W hitley et al
found no
difference in pain at 6 m onths w hen acyclovir and
prednisone w ere used together com pared w ith acy-
clovir alone, prednisone alone, or double placebo
(acyclovir and prednisone). The new antivirals, val-
ocyclovir and fam ciclovir, are possibly m ore effec-
tive and certainly m ore convenient than the com -
plicated dosing regim en required by acyclovir plus
prednisone. In contrast, foscarnet is effective
against acyclovir-resistant herpes strains in patients
w ith AID S.
It is an organic analogue of inorganic
pyrophosphate that prevents viral replication by
reversibly inhibiting viral D N A polym erase.
U nlike m ost of the nucleoside analogues, it is not
dependent on the presence of thym idine kinase
and is active w ithout any activation or phosphoryla-
tion. Therefore it is active against thym idine
kinasenegative strains, an increasing problem in
H IV-positive persons.
Finally, new drugs w ith VZV activity are currently
under investigation. ABT-606 is an acyclic guanosine
analogue that acts by inhibiting viral D N A poly-
m erase and has dem onstrated potent activity against
VZV in vitro. In addition, lobucavir is another guano-
sine nucleoside analogue w ith in vitro activity against
VZV. Clinical studies are pending.
N o single treatm ent of PH N is consistently effec-
tive, but the duration and severity of PH N can be
effectively reduced by treating acute herpes zoster
w ith the appropriate dosage of acyclovir, valacy-
diarrhea, abdom inal pain and headache reported,
w hich m ay have been due to VZV and/or to pain
m edications. H ow ever, no nephropathy or neuro-
toxicity has been seen.
Fam ciclovir w as approved by the FD A for the
treatm ent of herpes zoster in June 1994 (500 m g 3
tim es/day for 7 days). The active m etabolite of fam -
ciclovir is penciclovir, w hich is a guanosine analogue.
Like acyclovir, penciclovir undergoes 3 phosphoryla-
tions (first by viral thym idine kinase, then by cellular
enzym es) to penciclovir triphosphate, w hich acts by
inhibiting viral D N A polym erase and thus blocks viral
D N A synthesis and replication.
Like valacyclovir, it
offers the advantage of increased bioavailability
(77% ) over acyclovir.
In a trial com paring fam ci-
clovir w ith acyclovir, fam ciclovir w as found to be
equal to acyclovir in prom oting cutaneous healing
and reducing the duration of acute pain.
In addi-
tion, it w as found to decrease the duration of PH N
am ong elderly patients
w hen com pared w ith
placebo. Finally, a recent large m ulticenter study
found fam ciclovir and acyclovir to have equivalent
clinical efficacies in the treatm ent of ophthalm ic her-
pes zoster.
Like valacyclovir, it offers the m ore
convenient dosing of 3 tim es daily. Studies com par-
ing fam ciclovir w ith valacyclovir for the treatm ent of
herpes zoster are currently under w ay.
Sorivudine is another nucleoside analogue that
w as investigated for the treatm ent of VZV infections.
In vitro, it exhibits 1000-fold m ore activity against
VZV than acyclovir.
U nlike the other nucleoside
analogues m entioned previously, it requires viral
thym idine kinase for both its first and second phos-
phorylations. O ne trial com paring sorivudine (40
m g/day for 7 days) w ith acyclovir in H IV-positive
patients w ith shingles show ed sorivudine to be m ore
effective in prom oting the cessation of new vesicle
form ation.
H ow ever, another study in H IV-infect-
ed patients show ed no difference betw een sorivu-
dine (40 m g/day for 10 days) and acyclovir (800 m g
five tim es daily) in tim e to resolution of zoster-asso-
ciated pain, the frequency of dissem ination, or the
frequency of zoster recurrence. H ow ever, there w as
a trend favoring sorivudine for cessation of new vesi-
cle form ation, and the tim e to total lesion crusting
w as dim inished.
M ajor toxicity (m yelosuppres-
sion) occurs if sorivudine is adm inistered concur-
rently w ith 5-fluorouracil. A m etabolite of sorivudine
inhibits an enzym e (dihydropyrim idine dehydroge-
nase) that is required in the m etabolization of 5-flu-
orouracil, causing toxic levels to accum ulate.
O ther drugs that have been used w ith varying
efficacies against VZV infection include netivudine,
interferon alfa, foscarnet, and corticosteroids.
N etivudine w as another nucleoside analogue that
8 McCrary, Severson, and Tyring
JULY 1999
clovir, or fam ciclovir. Alm ost all published studies
have defined im m ediate treatm ent as that w hich
begins w ithin 72 hours of the first vesicle. Because
patients frequently present after 72 hours of vesicles,
the question often arises as to the effectiveness of
initiating therapy after this tim e. Although the
answ er to this question is unclear, it appears reason-
able to use antiviral therapy in the patient presenting
after 72 hours of the appearance of vesicles if the
lesions are not com pletely crusted and she/he is
older than 50 years of age, im m unocom prom ised,
and/or has trigem inal zoster. Although no antiviral
agent has dem onstrated any efficacy in the treatm ent
of PH N , a variety of m odalities including analgesics,
narcotics, cutaneous stim ulation, tricyclic antide-
pressants, capsaicin, biofeedback, and nerve blocks
have been reported to be effective in relieving pain
in som e patients. N arcotics and analgesics are not
generally effective in the treatm ent of PH N , and the
potential for dependency w ith long-term use dis-
courages the use of narcotics. Anticonvulsants such
as carbam azepine have been found to have efficacy
in painful conditions such as trigem inal neuralgia in
w hich lancinating pain is a prom inent part of their
H ow ever, since this type of pain is
not a com m on feature of PH N , little benefit has been
show n w ith their use.
In addition, one half of
the patients treated by Killian and From m
enced significant side effects w ith their use. In con-
trast, gabapentin, a structural analogue of gam m a-
am inobutyric acid w hich is m arketed as an anticon-
vulsant, w as recently dem onstrated to be effective in
the treatm ent of PH N .
G abapentin w as statistical-
ly significantly better than placebo in reducing the
average daily pain score and dem onstrated benefits
in restoring norm al sleep patterns. Although adverse
events w ere m ore com m on in the gabapentin recip-
ients, w ithdraw als from the study w ere com parable
w ith the placebo group.
Antipsychotics such as chlorprothixene, flu-
phenazine, and haloperidol have also been tried
(often in com bination w ith antidepressants) but
w hen used alone in a placebo-controlled trial, chlor-
prothixene w as found to be of m arginal efficacy.
Local treatm ents such as the local injection of bupi-
vacaine, cryoanalgesia, and sym pathetic blockade
have been reported to provide relief in som e
In addition, such topical treatm ents
as topical lidocaine, eutectic m ixture of local anes-
thetics (EM LA) cream , or transcutaneous electrical
stim ulation have been used w ith som e success.
O ne topical treatm ent that has had significant suc-
cess is capsaicin, w hich acts by enhancing the release
or inhibiting the reaccum ulation of substance P from
cell bodies and nerve term inals. In one study by
Bernstein et al,
alm ost 80% of the patients treated
experienced som e pain relief. Som e patients are
unable to tolerate the burning associated w ith cap-
saicin, but som e authors have advocated applying
EM LA or topical lignocaine before its use.
should be cautioned not to apply capsaicin to the
unhealed skin lesions of acute zoster. Surgical
m easures have been m ostly disappointing,
although som e success w as initially found by
Friedm an and H ashold
w ith the use of the dorsal
root entry zone lesion procedure. This neurode-
structive technique involves m aking radiofrequency
lesions at m ultiple levels of the sensory nerve root
entry zones that are involved in the pain, but it is no
longer recom m ended for the treatm ent of PH N . O f
greatest efficacy, perhaps, is the use of tricyclic anti-
depressants. They are thought to act in a m anner
independent of their antidepressant actions (since
relief of PH N occurs at less than antidepressant
dosages). In fact, som e authors
recom m end start-
ing am itriptyline at low doses (10-25 m g) and gradu-
ally increasing this to doses of 50 to 75 m g over 2 to
3 w eeks in all patients older than 60 years of age as
soon as shingles is diagnosed. They report this regi-
m en to decrease the incidence of PH N by 50% .
Am itriptyline, m aprotiline, and desipram ine have all
been show n to be effective,
but desipram ine
m ight be preferable because of its low anticholiner-
gic and sedative effects. These drugs probably act by
blockade of norepinephrine reuptake. In contrast,
serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as zim elidine
have not been show n to be effective.
A live attenuated vaccine (O KA varicella vaccine)
against VZV received FD A approval in M arch 1995.
This vaccine w as show n to be 100% efficacious in
preventing varicella in one clinical trial.
In addi-
tion, am ong children w ith leukem ia w ho received
the vaccine, the incidence of zoster w as decreased
com pared w ith children w ith leukem ia w ho had
experienced natural varicella infections.
H ow ever,
w hile it w as initially hoped zoster w ould not occur in
vaccinated patients at all, som e patients have had
herpes zoster caused by vaccine-type virus.
Finally, it is believed that the vaccine w ill be cost-
effective in term s of m edical and w ork-loss costs.
Studies are now under w ay to see w hether the
im m unization of healthy adults w ith O KA vaccine
w ill prevent shingles. In one study of adults older
than 50 years of age w ith a history of prim ary zoster,
an increase of VZV-specific T lym phocytes and VZV
im m unity w as seen.
H ow ever, in another study of
adults older than 55 years of age, anti-VZV antibody
levels w ere enhanced for only 1 year after im m u-
McCrary, Severson, and Tyring 9
11. Strueiving JP,Hyams KC,Tuellar JE,Gray GC.The risk of measles,
mumps,and varicella among young adults:a serosurvey of US
Navy and Marine Corps recruits. Am J Public Health
12. McGregor JA, Mark S, Crawford GP, Levin MJ. Varicella zoster
antibody testing in the care of pregnant women exposed to
varicella.Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987;157:281-4.
13. Junker AK, Angus E, Thomas EE. Recurrent varicella-zoster
infections in apparently immunocompetent children. Pediatr
Infect Dis J 1991;10:569-75.
14. Hope-Simpson RE. The nature of herpes zoster: a long-term
study and a new hypothesis.Proc R Soc Lond B 1965;58:9-20.
15. Seiler HE. A study of herpes zoster particularly in its relation-
ship to chickenpox.J Hyg (Camb) 1949;47:253.
16. Straus SE. Shingles: sorrows, salves, and solutions. JAMA
17. Grose C.Variation on a theme by Fenner: the pathogenesis of
chickenpox.Pediatrics 1981;68:735-7.
18. Arvin AM. Cell-mediated immunity to varicella-zoster virus. J
Infect Dis 1992;166(suppl 1):S35-S41.
19. Solomon BA, Kaporis AG, Glass AT, Simon SI, Baldwin HE.
Lasting immunity to varicella in doctors study (
J Am Acad Dermatol 1998;38:763-5.
20. Ruckdeschel JC, Schimpff SC, Smyth AC, Mardiney MR Jr.
Herpes zoster and impaired cell-associated immunity to the
varicella zoster virus in patients with Hodgkins disease. Am J
Med 1977;62:77-85.
21. Arvin AM. Immune responses to varicella-zoster virus. Infect
Dis Clin North Am 1996;10:529-70.
22. Dolin R, Reichman RC, Mazur MH, Whitley RJ. Herpes zoster-
varicella infection in immunosuppressed patients. Ann Intern
Med 1978;89:375-88.
23. Juel-Hensen BE, MacCallum FO. Herpes simplex, varicella and
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24. Sokal JE,Firat D.Varicella-zoster infection in Hodgkins disease.
Am J Med 1965;39:452-63.
25. Schimpff S, Serpick A, Stoler B, Rumack B, Mellin H, Joseph JM,
et al. Varicella-zoster infection in patients with cancer. Ann
Intern Med 1972;76:241-54.
26. Feldman S,Hughes WT,Kim HY.Herpes zoster in children with
cancer.Am J Dis Child 1973;126:178-84.
27. Goffinet DR, Glatstein EJ, Merigan TC. Herpes zoster-varicella
and lymphoma.Ann Intern Med 1972;76:235-40.
28. Goodman R, Jaffe N, Filler R. Herpes zoster in children with
stage I-III Hodgkins disease.Radiology 1976;118:429-31.
29. Reboul F, Donaldson SS, Kaplan HS. Herpes zoster and varicel-
la infections in children with Hodgkins disease: an analysis of
contributing factors.Cancer 1978;41:95-9.
30. Rusthoven JJ, Ahlgren P, Elhakim T, Pinfold P, Reid J, Stewart L,
et al.Varicella-zoster infection in adult cancer patients:a pop-
ulation study.Arch Intern Med 1988;148:1561-6.
31. Arvin AM. Cell-mediated immunity to varicella zoster virus. J
Infect Dis 1992;166:S35-S41.
32. Ljungman P,Lonnqvist B,Gahrton G,Ringden O,Sundqvist VA,
Wahren B. Clinical and subclinical reactivations of varicella-
zoster in immunocompromised patients. J Infect Dis 1986;
33. Meyers JD,Flournoy N,Thomas ED.Cell-mediated immunity to
varicella-zoster virus after allogenic marrow transplant. J
Infect Dis 1980;141:479-87.
34. Locksley RM,Flournoy N,Sullivan KM,Meyers JD.Infection with
varicella-zoster virus after bone marrow transplantation. J
Infect Dis 1985;152:1172-81.
35. Colebunders R,Mann JM,Francis H,Bila K,Izaley L,Ilwaya M,et
al. Herpes zoster in African patients: a clinical predictor of
nization, although VZV-responding T cells rem ained
elevated. In addition, im m unity failed to increase in
10% to 15% of vaccinees regardless of dose.
contrast, another study show ed cell-m ediated im m u-
nity w as still detected at 5 years after im m unization
in 87% of children and 94% of adults.
Acyclovir has
been tried in suppressive doses to try and prevent
zoster in groups at high risk because of im m uno-
com prom ise. Although som e benefit has been found
w hen used in the peritransplant period of bone m ar-
row transplant recipients,
long-term use in H IV-
positive patients has been associated w ith the
developm ent of acyclovir-resistant strains of
Infection w ith VZV is unique because of its tw o
clinical m anifestations. Although the increasing use of
O KA vaccine m ay decrease the incidences of both pri-
m ary varicella and zoster for the next several decades,
w e w ill continue to see zoster as a consequence of
previous varicella infection. Therefore the need for
the developm ent and evaluation of new antivirals, as
w ell as m ore effective treatm ent of PH N w ill continue.
In addition, the rise in incidence of H IV infection w ill
also continue to m ake safe and effective treatm ents of
im m unocom prom ised hosts w ith chickenpox and
zoster infections necessary, particularly as rates of acy-
clovir-resistant VZV strains increase.
W e extend special thanks to M rs M ichelle H arden and
M iss Am y Shaabani for their help in preparing this m anu-
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14 McCrary, Severson, and Tyring
JULY 1999
31.a, c, e
Answers to CME examination
Identification N o. 899-106
June 1999 issue of the Journal of the Am erican Academ y of D erm atology
Q uestions 1-31, Landau M , Krafchik BR. J Am Acad D erm atol 1999;40:877-90.
Directions for questions 1-20: Give single best response.
1. The incidence of shingles in a person w ith a history of
varicella infection is
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%
e. 50%
2. At w hat point in tim e does the secondary virem ia of
varicella infection infect the epiderm is?
a. 2 to 4 days
b. 4 to 6 days
c. 6 to 8 days
d. 10 to 14 days
e. 14 to 16 days
3. The highest incidence of herpes zoster is seen am ong
cancer patients w ith
a. lung cancer
b. breast cancer
c. colon cancer
d. H odgkins disease
e. prostate cancer
4. The m ost com m on extracutaneous com plication of
varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection is
a. central nervous system
b. cardiovascular
c. genitourinary
d. m usculoskeletal
e. lym phoreticular
5. The pain preceding the onset of shingles typically
occurs how m any days before the onset of the rash?
a. 1 to 3
b. 3 to 5
c. 5 to 7
d. 7 to 10
e. 10 to 14
6. Each of the follow ing is com m only seen w ith m aternal
infection w ith VZV in the first trim ester except
a. cicatricial skin lesions
b. hypoplastic lim bs
c. hypertelorism
d. cortical atrophy
e. low birth w eight
7. The percentage of patients w ith herpes zoster w ho
experience pain in the involved derm atom e before
the developm ent of the rash is
a. 50%
b. 60%
c. 70%
d. 80%
e. 90%
8. Postherpetic neuralgia affects w hat percentage of
patients w ith herpes zoster w ho are older than 60
years of age?
a. 10% to 15%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%
e. 50%
9. Ram say H unt syndrom e can be associated w ith her-
pes zoster and each of the follow ing except
a. ipsilateral facial palsy
b. vesicles on the external ear
c. chorioretinitis
d. tinnitus
e. deafness
10. O phthalm ic zoster is com plicated by ocular disease in
w hat percentage of patients?
a. 1%
b. 10% to 20%
c. 20% to 70%
d. 30% to 50%
e. M ore than 90%
11. O cular m anifestations of herpes zoster com m only
include each of the follow ing except
a. keratitis
b. cataracts
c. uveitis
d. scleritis
e. secondary glaucom a
12. M otor paralysis occurs in w hat percentage of patients
w ith herpes zoster?
a. 1% to 5%
b. 5% to 10%
c. 10% to 15%
d. 15% to 20%
e. 20% to 30%
CME examination
Identification N o. 899-107
Instructions for Category I CM E credit appear in the front advertising section. See last page of Contents for page num ber.
Q uestions 1-30: M cCrary M L, Severson J, Tyring SK. J Am Acad D erm atol 1999;41:1-14.
20. The m odality that is probably of greatest benefit in
the treatm ent of postherpetic neuralgia is
a. EM LA cream
b. anticonvulsants
c. narcotics
d. tricyclic antidepressants
e. serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Directions for questions 21-30: For each numbered item,
choose the appropriate lettered item.
a. True
b. False
21. H erpes is an RN A virus.
22. Shingles can be acquired by direct contact w ith vari-
cella lesions.
23. Im m unocom prom ised patients w ith VZV infection are
m ost likely to have lung, liver, and central nervous sys-
tem involvem ent.
24. H erpes zoster can be diagnosed in the absence of a
25. The rash of herpes zoster is m ost likely to be in the
area that w as m ost severely affected by varicella.
26. VZV can be distinguished from herpes sim plex virus
by a Tzanck sm ear.
27. Acyclovir has been show n to decrease the duration
and severity of varicella.
28. Both valacyclovir and fam ciclovir have been show n to
reduce the duration of acute pain associated w ith
29. Acyclovir m ust first be phosphorylated by cellular
thym idine kinase.
30. Acyclovir is useful in the prevention of postherpetic
13. The m ost com m on central nervous system finding
w ith herpes zoster is
a. facial paralysis
b. m otor paralysis
c. granulom atous cerebral angiitis
d. cerebrospinal fluid abnorm alities
e. m eningitis
14. A few vesicles can be found rem ote from the prim ari-
ly affected derm atom e in approxim ately w hat per-
centage of im m unocom petent patients?
a. 5% to 10%
b. 10% to 20%
c. 20% to 40%
d. 40% to 60%
e. 60% to 70%
15. The risk of dissem ination in im m unocom prom ised
patients w ith herpes zoster can be estim ated at w hat
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 40%
d. 60%
e. 80%
16. Each of the follow ing can be used as a stain for a
Tzanck sm ear except
a. hem atoxylin-and-eosin
b. G iem sa
c. W right
d. periodic acidSchiff
e. Papanicolaou
17. The efficacy of the VZV vaccine (in term s of serocon-
version) is estim ated to be m ore than w hat percent-
a. 50%
b. 60%
c. 70%
d. 80%
e. 90%
18. M yelosuppression occurs if sorivudine is given in con-
junction w ith
a. cytoxan
b. 5-fluorouracil
c. cyclosporine
d. im uran
e. m ethotrexate
19. For strains of herpes sim plex or herpes zoster found
to be resistant to acyclovir, the m ost appropriate ther-
apy is
a. foscarnet
b. valaciclovir
c. fam ciclovir
d. vidarabine
e. idoxuridine
16 CME examination
JULY 1999

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