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How to create an online survey?

Registering with create survey Tool

1) Go to:

Note: An alternative tool can be found under

2) Sign up for an account and log in. Fees:
1 month$99
3 months $269
6 months $499
12 months $949

Creating a survey

3) You will now reach your main screen

4) To start creating a survey use the botton Add new Survey

5) On the next screen, choose to create a survey from scratch

6) Define a name for your survey

7) You now reach your survey design screen

8) There are different types of questions in the survey. For the most relevant type of questions
you can find examples below:

It is recommendable to prepare the questions
beforehand, so that a this stage you only need to choose
the right format and can simply plug in the questions

9) Lets start with the easiest. Creating a single or single/multiple choice question.
Just click on the single choice button.

10) In the menu that will follow just proceed with the following steps:

11) Once saved your survey question will appear on the survey design page

12) Now you can add further questions: At this point we want to add a single select question (->
drop down menu.
Just click on the Single-select button and proceed as under point 10

13) After you have created all of your questions, you can now change the order of the questions
and define on which page which question should be:
Insert the question

Multiple or single chocie? (e.g. one or many answers possible)
You can use predefined answers (e.g Mon-Sun). Just click add to use them.
Insert the response possibilities. Each line represents one response option. For example:

Choose the layout of the answers: Horizontal or vertical
Define if the question is required or not
When creating a single select question make sure the
first answer field is blank. If for instance you are asking
for the month of birth, make sure the answer January
is not predefined, otherwise your survey results risk to
be falsified

14) Branching rules: Branching rules allow to create if then questions. According to an answer
to a particular question you can answer additional or different question.

Move question up or down
Insert a new page
15) Insert a main page in to your survey. Click on the comment button, insert your comment on
the next page and then move up the comment until page 1. Likewise you can create a final
page thanking respondents for their participation in the survey

16) Testing your survey. At anytime during the design of your survey you can test it by clicking
the preview survey button

Sending your survey
17) Once you have created your survey, go back to your main screen.

18) On your main screen, make sure the right survey is selected

19) To send out your survey click on Send E-mail Invitation

20) Input a sender name (this corresponds to the name that the recipient will see in his mailbox
later on) and a subject line. Additionally you may want to input an email address to which
responses are delivered.

21) Input the message that will appear in the email that the participants will receive.

22) Now input your recipients in the following format: Name, email@address

23) Agree to the anti-spam policy and start mailing
It is recommendable to save your message as template
to be able to use it later on
It is recommendable to send a few test surveys to your
colleagues first before sending out to your customers

24) All recipients will now receive an email including a link to the survey

25) You can track the progress of your survey anytime by logging on to
and clicking the button My e-mail invitations

Participants to the survey cannot respond to this email.
If you want to give the participants the chance to
contact you directly, make sure you state an email
address in the invitation or in the survey itself

By clicking on the number of sent invitations, you will see who precisely has answered to your survey.

26) Sending reminders: In the menu my email invitations click on send reminder. The tool
will automatically select all the email addresses that have not yet replied to the survey

Evaluation of survey results

27) Evaluation of results: Using the view results menu you have numerous possibilities to
evaluate and consolidate the responses to the survey. For reasons of workability it is
recommendable to download the results in Excel format

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