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Laura Colombo

Technology Integration Plan

It’s becoming increasingly important to incorporate technology into the

classroom. The use of technology can enhance learning and be used in a variety

of settings. I believe it can be used to create a community between myself as a

teacher, my students, and their parents by creating a website that provides a

means of communication and display of the students’ learning. This website will

include school, classroom, and lunch calendars, weekly spelling lists, homework

assignments, personal information about the teacher, ways parents can

volunteer, classroom rules, students’ birthdays, pictures taken throughout the

school year, a teacher blog, a student blog, and links to student created digital

stories/podcasts throughout the year as well as links to teacher created works

that students can use to review concepts discussed in class.

This website can be used to have a continuous web-based project for the

students. The student blog will be updated weekly by rotating groups of students

to highlight the learning and activities that take place. The teacher blog will be

used to communicate with parents and students. The “Student Works” page will

house the web-based projects students complete throughout the year which

could include digital storytelling projects, podcasts, and oral book reports.

Applicable GLCEs include:

• W.GN.03.03 write an informational piece including a report that

demonstrates the understanding of central ideas and supporting details
using an effective organizational pattern (e.g., compare/contrast,
cause/effect, problem/solution) with a title, heading, subheading, and a
table of contents.
• W.GN.03.04 use the writing process to produce and present a research
project; initiate research questions from content area text from a teacher
selected topic; and use a variety of resources to gather and organize
• W.PR.03.01 set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles
and patterns when writing a narrative or informational piece.
• W.PS.03.01 exhibit personal style and voice to enhance the written
message in both narrative (e.g., varied word choice and sentence
structure, character description) and informational writing (e.g., examples,
transitions, grammar and usage).
• S.CN.03.01 use common grammatical structures correctly when speaking
including time relationships, verb tenses, and causal and temporal
• S.CN.03.02 adjust their use of language to communicate effectively with a
variety of audiences and for different purposes including gathering
information, making requests, discussing, classroom presentations, and
playground interactions.
• S.CN.03.03 speak effectively emphasizing key words and varied pace for
effect in narrative and informational presentations.
• S.DS.03.04 plan and deliver presentations using an effective informational
organizational pattern (e.g., descriptive, problem/solution, cause/effect);
supportive facts and details reflecting a variety of resources; and varying
the pace for effect.


• use a variety of technology tools and applications to promote creativity

• collaborate with classmates using a variety of technology tools to plan,
organize, and create a group project
• use basic telecommunication tools (e.g., e-mail, WebQuests, IM, blogs, chat
rooms, web conferencing) for collaborative projects with other students
• use a variety of media and formats to create and edit products (e.g.,
presentations, newsletters, brochures, web pages) to communicate
information and ideas to various audiences
• identify how different forms of media and formats may be used to share
similar information, depending on the intended audience (e.g.,
presentations for classmates, newsletters for parents)

I believe that creating this website and allowing students to participate in

determining its content will enable students to develop a variety of technology
skills that they most likely will not develop if left to discover them on their own.

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