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... through Bertha Dudde

Divine guidance and direction ....
Spiritualism ....
ruth ....
!n"one #ho consciousl" turns to the $ord is in direct contact #ith
the spiritual %orces and #ill not need to %ear inter%erence &"
unauthorised po#ers. '% "ou remain true in "our heart to the
divine Saviour( "ou #ill soon spirituall" rise a&ove "our
surroundings and &e a&le to accept spiritual )no#ledge #ithout
!nd so "ou are re*uested to care%ull" listen to the voice o% "our
heart( #hich #ants to proclaim #hat the Father intends to give
+ver" event happens #ith permission %rom a&ove( "et "ou do not
al#a"s understand it. ,evertheless( people are o%%ered so man"
opportunities to em&ar) on the onl" path that leads to the goal.
Where the right )ind o% trust accompanies all events( their
purpose #ill soon &ecome o&vious to them ....
Behold( the path is not as clear to ever"one that the" #ould
enter it #ithout reservations( it must &e pointed out to them( and
this can onl" happen though #ise guidance and direction o% all
steps #hich( in turn( in the e"es o% a person( happen again &"
-o#ever( i% all o% "ou remain in contact #ith the $ord( -e -imsel%
#ill sho# "ou ho# important and &ene%icial it is to utterl" entrust
"ourselves to -is guidance .... ho# "ou onl" ever %ul%il the
.reator/s #ise plan i% "ou don/t resist -is instructions.
One lin) o% the chain glides into another( and "ou are merel" the
.reator/s visi&le implementers( -e constantl" #or)s through "ou
on earth .... -e attempts to a#a)en the human hearts and
introduce them to -is actions o% love. .onse*uentl"( "ou #ill ta)e
no step #ithout consideration( and onl" someone #ho entirel"
avoids God #ithdra#s himsel% %rom the divine Father/s loving
guidance. 0et all o% "ou #ho strive to %ul%il -is #ill are used &"
the $ord in order to save other souls again and lead them
to#ards the eternal light.
here%ore ta)e note that "ou should al#a"s entrust "ourselves to
the divine guidance #ithout resistance .... that "ou should let
"ourselves &e impelled &" the voice o% "our heart .... 1a"
attention to ever" stirring #hich #ants to direct "ou( al#a"s
accept the urging o% "our heart as a spiritual admonition and
compl" #ith this urge( then "ou #ill at all times &e #illing helpers
%or the $ord/s tireless act o% love %or -is children ....
!nd no# tr" to accept spiritual )no#ledge #ithout resistance( %or
a clarification needs to be given for a teaching
interspersed with errors, which can never have originated
from the eternal Deity.
1eople have o%ten attempted to enter the spiritual &ridge &"
spiritualistic means( and this has al#a"s evo)ed o&2ections &" all
&elievers and those #ho #ant to &elieve #ithout( ho#ever(
having complete )no#ledge o% an area #hich hitherto #as
concealed %rom them.
1resent da" spiritual adversit" considera&l" contri&utes to#ards
the %act that people nevertheless digress into this area in the
hope o% %inding some )ind o% help %rom there. Whatever the
human &eing underta)es in order to %ind the truth( purel" #ith
the desire %or this ver" truth( can never &e sin%ul &e%ore God.
his has to &e said %or clari%ication to those people( #ho onl"
#ant to loo) upon all spiritualistic e3periments as misconduct
and transgression against the divine #ill.
1eople on earth are o%ten driven &" the inner urge to ascertain
the truth( and the doctrines o% the church do not o%%er them
enough certaint" .... or( the" love and hunger %or the truth %ar
too much as to unhesitatingl" accept something the" do not
consider su%%icientl" relia&le.
he" #ant to ta)e the direct path( in a manner o% spea)ing( the"
#ant to dra# %rom the source .... the" also want to &elieve i% the
truth seems accepta&le to them and this thirst %or )no#ledge is
not al#a"s onl" the desire %or something e3traordinar" .... 't is
not in connection #ith a #orldl" purpose &ut merel" intended %or
clari%ication( and there%ore the activit" o% such people thirsting %or
truth #ill never &e #rong &e%ore God( i.e.( it #ill never &e a sin.
Whereas each similar attempt relating to #orldl" desires ....
#hich also includes contact #ith the dear departed( since this
li)e#ise contri&utes to#ards a person/s ever"da" happiness ....
or #hich intends to satis%" a sensational hunger( can never %ind
God/s approval &ecause then .... please ta)e note .... a purel"
spiritual e3change( #hich intends to guide the earthl" child into
truth( cannot ta)e place
and &ecause the connection %rom the &e"ond to earth is onl"
permitted to reveal the pure truth to the earthl" child i% it proves
itsel% #orth" o% the privilege.
hat the latter is the %irst prere*uisite %or spiritual contact %rom
the &e"ond to earth is alread" o&vious &" the %act that not each
and ever"one can esta&lish contact #ith the #orld o% the &e"ond(
and so( on account o% the e3traordinar" danger this poses to &oth
the earthl" child as #ell as the still immature spiritual &eing(
such connections must ver" seriousl" &e #arned against ....
-ence the partl" correct point o% vie#( that spiritualism ver"
o%ten opens the door to lo#er %orces. here%ore( all such
connections must &e re%rained %rom i% the necessar" spiritual
maturit" %or it is non4e3istent and the #ill to %irst and %oremost
serve God and attain the truth is not e3clusivel" the reason %or
such a &eginning.
But ho# #rong people/s point o% vie# is to re2ect all contact #ith
the #orld o% the &e"ond can &e seen %rom the %act that all
spiritual &eings have the po#er to e3press themselves( &ut that
all these e3pressions( #hether good or evil( #ill onl" &e perceived
i% the human &eing wants to perceive .... that in each and ever"
case the human &eing/s consent is a prere*uisite .... in a manner
o% spea)ing( a certain #illingness %or reception .... then ever"
&eing #ill also &e a&le to clearl" e3press itsel%. !dmittedl"( this
does not happen in a #a" that a person receives tangi&le or
visi&le in%ormation %rom the spiritual &eing( instead( it #ill al#a"s
ta)e e%%ect in the %orm o% thoughts ....
and so are the proclamations &" &eings in the &e"ond #ithin
spiritual circles more or less thought transmissions %rom these
spiritual &eings to people/s minds. he person( as it #ere(
#illingl" accepts #hat is conve"ed to him as his mental
)no#ledge( and can shape these proclamations according to his
state o% maturit" .... With pro%ound desire %or truth he #ill onl"
&e in%ormed o% a&solute truth( &ecause through his desire he #ill
onl" attract the spirits o% truth or( as it #ere( call upon them %or
their tuition.
!nd thus no o%%ence should ever &e ta)en concerning the reason
%or this #or) .... 1eople must not claim the right to criticise #hat
God the $ord in -is #isdom has permitted( &ecause a human
&eing #ith pro%ound love %or truth appealed to the Father in
-eaven %or enlightenment #hich( in turn( could onl" e3haustivel"
&e given to him in this #a" ....
1u&lished &" %riends o% ne# revelations o% God 5 'n%ormation(
do#nload o% all translated revelations( theme4&oo)lets at6

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