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A Greek Myth

Persephone = Hannah
Zeus = Violet
Hades = Sarah
Demeter = Alex
Narrator = Everyody
!ris = Sarah
Hermes= Alex
" !n Mount# $lympus %

Narrator "Alex% = & 'hen nothin( )as alive or nothin( )as e(innin( and
the (ods de*eated the (iants there )as Zeus )ho )as the ruler o* the
sky and Hades )ho )as the ruler o* the under)orld# Hades )as a lonely
(od and pleaded Zeus to *ind a )i*e *or him# &
" Zeus and Hades )alk in %

" Hades is on his knees e((in( to Zeus %

Hades = & ! need a )i*e so +an ! please have one su+h as Persephone, &

Zeus = & ! kno) that you love Persephone ut Demeter )ill never let you
marry her#&

Hades = & Please- ! e( o* you to +apture Persephone and rin( her to
me so ! )on.t e lonely in the under)orld#&

Zeus = & Alri(ht Hades# & " /nsure Voi+e %

" Zeus and Hades exit# %

" Persephone and Demeter enter# %

" Zeus )at+hes her and Demeter *or a )hile# %

Persephone = &$h look a )onder*ul )hite *lo)er#&

" Persephone pi+ks up the *lo)er# %

Narrator "Violet%= &As Persephone pi+ks up the *lo)er the mountain
splits open and out +omes Hades *rom the under)orld#&
Hades = " 'raps her in vines and traps her then takes her to the under
)orld %
Persephone = "S+reams% & Ahhhhhh &

Demeter = " Hears a e+ho o* Persephone.s s+ream then (oes o** to *ind
her % " Puts hand around ear %

Narrator " Violet % = &0a+k at Mount# $lympus Demeter is talkin( to

Demeter = &!ris- have you seen Persephone,&

!ris = & ! sa) Hades +apture her and took her that )ay#& " Points to
the dire+tion )here Persephone )ent# %

Demeter= & 1hanks !ris# &
Narrator "Hannah% = &A*ter Demeter le*t Mount $lympus everyody
starved e+ause she )as (one *or su+h a lon( time lookin( *or
Persephone )hi+h ment that nothin( (re)# &

Narrator "Hannah% = &0a+k in $lympus Zeus is talkin( to Hermes- Zeus.s
Zeus = &Hermes- +ould you please (o to the under)orld and plead Hades
to let Persephone (o so that Demeter )ill +ome a+k# &

" Hades hands Persephone a pome(ranate to eat# %

Hermes = & $kay# & " Hermes sets o** to (et Persephone %

Hermes= " 0e((in( to Hades# % & $h please Hades let Persephone (o
so that the people in the kin(dom may live a(ain# &

Hades = " Gives Persephone to Hermes % & Go- ut Persephone never
*or(et me 2ust kno) that ! have een kind to you# &

Hermes = " Goes a+k to earth )ith Persephone# %

Narrator "Sarah% = &'hen Persephone (ets a+k everyody is very

Demeter = " Hu(s Persephone# 1hen looks a her )ith a (asp# %

Demeter = & !s that a stain o* *ruit on your mouth- Persephone, &

Persephone = & 'ell it )as only a *e) seeds *rom a pome(ranate that
Hades (ave me# &

Zeus = & 1hat means that Persephone +an.t e on earth *or three
months out o* the year#&
" Demeter e(ins to *ake +ry %
Demeter = & No) that you have eaten *rom the under)orld- you must
stay in the under)orld *or three months#&

Narrator " Sarah % = .&!n the hard three months nothin( (re) and
many people died )hile Persephone stayed in the under)orld# 'hen the
three months are over Demeter is mu+h happier and in the sprin( there
are many lossoms and the sprin( is a (ood time o* year ut on+e a(ain
Hades +laimed his 3ueen and many more people died#&

Hades and Persephone
by x-Dusk-x, Mar 3, 2009, 2:20:48 PM
Literature Prose !i"tion Hu#or
Hades and Persephone
Persephone is so$t%y sin&in& to herse%$ as she dan"es throu&h the #eado'
pi"kin& $%o'ers( )%% is 'ar# and radiant* a beauti$u% day to be outside 'ith
nature and %i$e( +irds are sin&in& and e,erythin& is per$e"t( Persephone
"ou%dn-t be happier(
.r so she thou&ht( ( (
/he 0arth be&ins to "ra"k and break beneath her and the 0arth opens up
re,ea%in& a %ar&e "a,e %eadin& under&round(
Hades: 12a%ks out 'ith a s"ript in hand and is readin& it intent%y1
Persephone: 1ti%ts head "urious%y1 3h#( ( ( Hi4
Hades: 1%ooks up at Persephone and %ooks ba"k do'n at s"ript1
Persephone: 5s there anythin& 5 "an -- 1"ut o$$1
Hades: 5 D. 2H)/44646464664
Persephone: 1b%inks1
Hades: 1/hro's s"ript on the &round and be&ins to pa"e1 5 )M 7./
D.578 /H596 5 :0!39066 /H0:0 59 7. 2); 5 )M D.578 /H5966
1"ontinues to rant1
Persephone: 3#, ex"use #e( ( ( 1stares inno"ent%y1
Hades: 1takes a deep breath and &%an"es at her1 ;es( ( (4
Persephone: 5s there so#ethin& 'ron&4
Hades: 1si&hs1 7o( ( ( nothin&( ( (
Persephone: 1in"hes "%oser1 )re you sure4 5-d %ike to he%p( ( (
Hades: Ha6 7o, 5 don-t think that-s a &ood idea( ( ( Look, 'hy don-t 'e <ust
#ake this easier( Ho' about you "o#e 'ith #e and 5-%%( ( ( 8i,e you a "ookie
or so#ethin&( ( (
Persephone: .kay6 5 $ee% sa$e 'ith you( ;ou don-t see# %ike a rapist
Hades: 0he( Hehe( Heh, oh boy( ( (
( ( (
Persephone: 9o this is the 3nder'or%d4 5t-s kind o$ dark, but 5 &uess
that-s expe"ted( ( (
Hades: 5 ha,en-t turned on the %i&hts yet( ( (
Persephone: .h6
2hen Hades does turn the %i&hts on, 'hat is seen in $ront o$ her 'as not
) #ass horde o$ "o#puters sta"ked a #i%e hi&h and "ords sprayed out on
the &round as $ar as the eye "ou%d see 'as a%% that #ade up the roo#(
Persephone: 5s this the, uh( ( ( =ontro% roo#( ( ( .$ the 3nder'or%d4
Hades: 7o, this is #y >%air-, 5 suppose you "ou%d "a%% it( ( (
Persephone: 3h-huh( ( (
Hades &oes to the horde and turns a s'it"h, "ausin& a%% o$ the s"reens to
&%o'( He then &oes to the bi&&est s"reen and sits do'n in the "hair
p%a"ed there(
Hades: 9it do'n, #ake yourse%$ "o#$ortab%e( ( (
Persephone &rabs a "hair, p%a"es it beside Hades and sits do'n, %ookin& at
the "o#puter a'estru"k(
Persephone: 2hat do you use the "o#puter $or4
9udden%y, &a#e #usi" be&ins to b%are $ro# the speakers(
Hades: 3h( ( ( 7othin&66 1&%an"es around, shi$ty eyed1
Persephone: 1be&ins to %au&h1
Hades: =-#on, 5-# on %e,e% ??66666
Persephone: 1%au&hs harder1
Hades: 8ods "an &et bored too, you kno'66 1$u#es1
Persephone: 1"ou&h, "ou&h1 70:D6 1"ou&h, "ou&h1
Hades: 1&%are1
Persephone: @ust kiddin&6A
)$ter a $u%% hour o$ 'at"hin& Hades &ain B0 %e,e%s, so#ethin& ex"itin&
be&ins to happen(
Persephone: 1sto#a"h &ro'%s1
Hades: 3h( ( ( )re you hun&ry4
Persephone: 1nods1
Hades: 5-%% &o see 'hat 5 ha,e(
( ( (
Hades soon returns 'ith a po#e&ranate in hand(
Hades: 5-,e &ot this( ( (
Persephone: 5 don-t rea%%y %ike po#e&ranate( ( (
Hades: /his isn-t the ti#e to be pi"ky* you-re in the 3nder'or%d(
Persephone: 5 kno', but( ( ( Do you ha,e anythin& e%se at a%%4
Hades: 18oes to a $rid&e and opens it up1 7ope( ( (
/he $rid&e "onsisted o$ abso%ute%y nothin&, but po#e&ranates(
Persephone: 9o#ebody #ust %ike po#e&ranates( ( (
Hades: 1shru&s1 ;ou ha,e to eat so#ethin&( ( ( ;ou-%% star,e( ( ( )nd
be"o#e #oody soC
Persephone: 2e%%( ( ( !ine( ( (
Persephone ate on%y D po#e&ranate seeds be$ore she be"a#e too
dis&usted to eat #ore(
Persephone: 1%ooks at Hades1
Hades: 1readin& $ro# a ne' s"ript1 2ait a #inute6 2)5/ ) M573/066
Persephone: H##4
Hades: 5 <ust-- you-re #y-- you ha,e to-- ( ( ( ( ( ( =:)P M; L5!06
Persephone: 1b%inks1 2hat-s 'ron& no'4
Hades: 2e%% no', apparent%y $ro# that po#e&ranate, you ha,e to stay
here $or about 4 #aybe $i,e #onths e,ery year( ;ou are a%so no' the
Eueen o$ the 3nder'or%d and you ha,e to &o ba"k to 0arth be"ause
e,erythin& is dyin&( ( (
Persephone: 5s that so( ( (4
Hades: )""ordin& to the s"ript, yes(
Persephone: .k( ( ( 5-%% #iss you4
Hades: ;ou too( ( ( 1starts %eadin& Persephone to 0arth1
( ( (
Persephone: 1sad1
Hades: @ust to say, 5 raped you okay4
Persephone: 2hat4
Hades: Don-t ask, <ust &o 'ith it(
Persephone: )%ri&ht then( ( ( 1turns to $a"e Hades1 Here-s a $%o'er $or
you6A ) &ood-bye present4
Hades: /hank-you( ( ( 1takes the $%o'er1
5##ediate%y, the $%o'er starts to disinte&rate at Hades tou"h(
Persephone: )'e( ( (
Hades: 2hoops( ( (
Hades and Persephoneby x-Dusk-x
Literature Prose !i"tion Hu#orF2009-20B3 x-Dusk-x
/his is the other part o$ the s"ript to 8ods and 8oddesses* My $riends( ( (
5G# doin& ea"h person peop%e in di$$erent parts to #ake it easier to
think up ideas and su"h( ( (
5t 'ou%d be Euite "haoti" i$ 5 'ere to 'rite about e,erybody a%% at on"e
'ou%dnGt it4
9o 5 di,ided it up(
5 a# p%annin& a bi& bash o$ the 8ods and 8oddesses in the end thou&h HD
/hat 'i%% de$inate%y be $un6
9o, this is Hades and PersephoneGs s"ript IIMoiJJ
0n<oyAAA K3
9"ene .ne
I) sin&%e "hair p%a"ed in the #idd%e o$ the sta&e next to a tab%e 'ith a
po#e&ranate on it( !%o'erin& p%ants are on the %e$t o$ the sta&e and dead
ones on the ri&ht( /he ri&ht ha%$ o$ the sta&e is di#%y %it(J
Hades: IPa"in& up and do'nJ 2here is she4 5t-s $our* she shou%d ha,e
been here by no'( 5 shou%d ha,e seen her a%ready, heard her %au&h, $e%t
her 'ar#th( IPersephone enters and tends to the $%o'ersJ /here she is(
5t-s %ike the 'or%d %i&hts up around her "a%%in& the birds to sin& and the
$%o'ers to b%oo#( 9he-s the sun( 5-%% ta%k to her today* 5 ha,e to( 5t-s no'
or ne,er Hades, ti#e to "o#e out o$ the shado's( IHe s%o'%y approa"hes
Persephone 'hi%e her ba"k is turned and taps her on the shou%der,
"at"hin& her by surprise(J
Persephone: I/urnin& around to $a"e HadesJ .h, hi6 5 didn-t kno' anyone
%i,ed here* 5 <ust "o#e up to 'ater the $%o'ers e,ery 'eek( /hat is okay,
isn-t it4 5 "an-t bear to see dead p%ants, espe"ia%%y 'hen 5 kno' they ha,e
to potentia% to be so beauti$u% and these 'ere in su"h a sorry state* 5 had
to breathe so#e %i$e into the#( ;ou kno', you rea%%y did s"are #e6 Ho'
%on& ha,e you been there4 /hou&h 5 rea%%y "an-t see ho' you "ou%d
to%erate a%% the darkness inside( 5 #u"h pre$er bein& outside(
Hades: 5 #ade this $or you( IHe ho%ds out a $%o'er ne"k%a"e and she takes
it $ro# hi#J
Persephone: 5t-s beauti$u%6 ;ou #ade this4 Ho' did you kno' that 5 %o,e
roses4 5 "an-t be%ie,e it* you don-t e,en kno' #y na#e and you-re &i,in& #e
Hades: Persephone( LPauseM /hat-s your na#e( 5 kno' a %ot about you( 5
think you-re rea%%y pretty and you-,e &ot a &reat s#i%e( LPauseM 5 'rote a
poe# $or you( IHe takes a pie"e o$ paper out o$ his po"ketJ
Persephone: /hat-s rea%%y s'eet, but #aybe another ti#e( 5 think 5-#
$inished here, so 5 shou%d probab%y &et ho#e( /hank you $or the ne"k%a"e
thou&h, it rea%%y is beauti$u%( I9he turns to %ea,e but Hades &rabs her
Hades: Don-t &o6 /here are so#e p%ants inside that "ou%d rea%%y use your
Persephone: ;our hand(
Hades: IHe %ets &o o$ herJ 5-# sorry( 5 <ust don-t 'ant you to &o yet( 5
don-t &et to ta%k to #any peop%e and 5 'as rea%%y en<oyin& your "o#pany(
5-# sorry( IHe turns to %ea,eJ
Persephone: L=a%%in& a$ter hi#M ;ou said there 'ere p%ants inside4
Hades: =o#e in( I9he $o%%o's hi# into the di#%y %it side o$ the sta&eJ /ake
a seat( 0at so#ethin&* ha,e so#e po#e&ranate seeds(
Persephone: I9he sits on the "hairJ /hank you( Do you %i,e here a%one4
I9he eats six o$ the seedsJ
Hades: ;es, 'hen #y $ather 'as ki%%ed, #y brother sent #e to %i,e here(
5t-s pretty dark and %one%y, but you &et used to it( IHe %ea,es( His spee"h
is heard $ro# o$$ sta&eJ 5t-s sti%% Euite hard to be a%one a%% the ti#e(
/hat-s 'hy 5 %o,e to see you "o#e o,er and 'ork in the &arden( 5t #akes
you so happy and 5 'at"h you s#i%in& and $%oatin& around %ike an an&e% and
5 $ina%%y &ot up the "oura&e to speak to you* you-re e,en #ore beauti$u% up
Persephone: ;our $%o'ers are beyond #y he%p( /hanks a&ain $or
e,erythin&, 5 shou%d %ea,e(
Hades: 7o6 P%ease( 9tay $or a $e' #ore #inutes(
Persephone: .n%y a %itt%e bit %on&er(
IHades returns ho%din& a %en&th o$ rope behind Persephone( He &rabs her
and be&ins to tie her %i#bs to the "hairJ
Persephone: I9he s"rea#s and "riesJ 9top6 2hat are you doin&4 ;ou-re
hurtin& #e6 P%ease6
Hades: IHe "o,ers her #outhJ Persephone, you kno' 'hy 5 ha,e to do
this, don-t you4 ;ou 'ere &oin& to %ea,e and 5 "an-t <ust %et you %ea,e( ;ou
kno' 5 "ou%dn-t %et you 'a%k out a$ter a%% the ti#e 5 spent 'at"hin& you
and 'i%%in& you to noti"e #e( 7o' that you-re a"tua%%y here 'ith #e,
there-s no 'ay that 5 "an a%%o' you to 'a%k a'ay( 2e-re $ina%%y to&ether,
it-s you and #e( Do you ha,e any idea ho' %on& 5-,e been in %o,e 'ith you4
;ou don-t, do you4 +ut that-s okay* 5 <ust need you to stay 'ith #e( Do you
understand 'hy 5 need to keep you here, Persephone4
IHades un"o,ers her #outh and stands behind herJ
Persephone: P%ease %et #e &o ho#e, 5 'on-t te%% anyone( 5 "an-t te%% anyone,
5 don-t e,en kno' your na#e-
Hades: 7o, o$ "ourse you 'ou%dn-t kno' #y na#e( 7o-one does( /e%% #e,
Persephone, do you think anyone "ares 'ho 5 a#4 Do you4 LPauseM 7o( 7ot
'hi%e 5-# hidden a%one in the dark( ;ou don-t share that pain, Persephone(
5 see you %i,in& outside in the 'or%d- rea%%y %i,in&( ;ou-,e &ot $%o'ers and
beauty and %o,e andC and 5 <ust 'anted to ha,e you here and share so#e
o$ that* to be part o$ that(
Persephone: 5-%% &i,e you ba"k the ne"k%a"e( 5-%% &i,e you 'hate,er you
'ant( P%ease(
Hades: 7o6 5 #ade that $or you( Don-t you %ike it4 ;ou said that you %iked
it, you said it 'as beauti$u%(
Persephone: 5t is( 5 do %ike it( P%ease, <ust don-t hurt #e(
Hades: ;ou ha,en-t %istened to anythin& 5-,e said( IHe knee%s do'n beside
herJ 5 don-t 'ant to hurt you, Persephone, 5 %o,e you and a%% 5 'ant is $or
you to %o,e #e ba"k( Do you4
Persephone: Do 5 'hat4
Hades: Do you %o,e #e4
Persephone: 5-
Hades: P%ease4
Persephone: ;es(
Hades: 9ay it(
Persephone: 5 %o,e you(
Hades: ;ou-re %yin&( +ut it doesn-t #atter( ;ou don-t ha,e to %o,e #e ri&ht
no', but you 'i%% %ater( IHe %ays his head on her %apJ ;ou-%% %o,e #e as #u"h
as 5 %o,e you and 5 'on-t ha,e to keep you tied up be"ause you-%% 'ant to
be 'ith #e( 5t-%% <ust be us to&ether and that-%% be enou&h $or you, %ike it-s
enou&h $or #e( ;ou-re a%% 5 need* Persephone, and soon you-%% $ee% the sa#e
I/hey stay %ike that $or a 'hi%eJ
Persephone: ;ouC ;ou saidC ;ou said you had 'ritten a poe# $or #e( May
5 hear it4
Hades: 5 kno' 'hat you-re tryin& to do( ;ou "an-t "on,in"e #e that you
%o,e #e, IHe standsJ 5 ha,e to see it in your eyes( 2hen you $ee% it on
your heart, 5-%% $ind it in your eyes( LPauseM ;ou-re shi,erin&( )re you "o%d4
5-%% &et you a b%anket, 5 'ant you to be "o#$ortab%e here* it-s your ho#e
IHades %ea,es the sta&e, "o#e ba"k 'ith a b%anket and p%a"es it on
Persephone-s %apJ
Persephone: 2hy are you doin& this4
Hades: ;ou kno' exa"t%y 'hy, Persephone(
Persephone: +ut 'hy #e4 Ho' "an you %o,e #e 'hen 'e-,e on%y #et today4
/hat-s not 'hat %o,e is( 5t takes ti#e( ;ou need to &et to kno' the other
Hades: 5-,e 'at"hed you $or so %on&, Persephone( 5 do kno' you(
Persephone: /hat-s not 'hat 5 #eant( 2e don-t kno' ea"h other, 'e "an-t*
at %east not yet( 5n any "ase, this 'ou%dn-t be the ri&ht 'ay to &et #e to
%o,e you( ;ou kidnapped #e-
Hades: Persephone, p%ease-
Persephone: 7o6 ;ou kidnapped #e6 ;ou tied #e to a "hair and you 'on-t
e,en te%% #e you na#e a%% be"ause you 'ant #e to stay here 'ith you, the
%east you "ou%d do is %et #e speak6 LPauseM Maybe 5 'ou%d ha,e "hosen to
stay* #aybe 5 "ou%d ha,e %o,ed you on #y o'n, but 'e-%% ne,er kno' that
no' be"ause you didn-t &i,e #e that option(
Hades: Persephone, this isn-t #y $au%t(
Persephone: /hen 'hose is it4 5 didn-t tie #yse%$ to this "hair( 5-# not
keepin& #yse%$ here a&ainst #y 'i%%6
Hades: Persephone, stop(
Persephone: ;ou don-t s"are #e( 5$ you %o,e #e as #u"h as you say you do,
you 'on-t hurt #e(
Hades: !or the %ast ti#e, Persephone, 5-# not tryin& to "ause you any pain(
5-# si#p%y tryin& to #ake you %o,e #e(
Persephone: 5-d sooner ha,e you ki%% #e than %et you $or"e #e into $a%%in&
in %o,e(
Hades: My dear Persephone, I9tands behind her and strokes her hairJ 5
kne' you 'ou%dn-t %isten to reason, 5 kne' you 'ou%dn-t 'ant to stay( ;ou
had to #ake #e do this to you( /his is your $au%t, Persephone6 ;ou "ou%dn-t
<ust %o,e #e* you had to be so di$$i"u%t( I+e&ins to untie herJ 5t "ou%d
ha,e been di$$erent( 5t didn-t ha,e to be this 'ay( I/hro's the rope
a"ross the sta&eJ /here( ;ou see, 5-,e untied you, you-re $ree to &o(
Persephone: I/ries to stand upJ 2hyC 2hy "an-t 5 #o,e4
Hades: +e"ause you 'ou%dn-t %o,e #e6 Don-t %ook at #e %ike that,
Persephone( ;ou ate the po#e&ranate seeds( 7o one $or"ed you to do it(
Persephone: 2hat did you do to #e4
Hades: 5-# sorry( 5 kne' you 'ou%dn-t stay 'ith #e( 9o 5 had to #ake you
stay( +ut 5 didn-t hurt you, Persephone, you kno' 5 didn-t 5 "ou%d ne,er do
that to you(
Persephone: 2hat did you do4
Hades: ;ou "an-t #o,e be"ause 5-,e para%ysed you 'ith the po#e&ranate
seeds( 5 needed you to stay here 'ith #e so bad%y that 5-d do anythin&(
Persephone, 5 'as desperate( 5 did this out o$ %o,e $or you(
Persephone: 5-# sorry( 5 "an-t %o,e you(

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