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KOLLAM 691009


Submitted by
Manju. R. S
Candidate Code : 13973017



Sl. No. Content Page No
1. Introduction
2. Data of the Study
3. Conclusion
4. References


Democracy is a from of government in which all eligible citizens are meant to
participate equally-either directly or, through elected representatives, indirectly-in-the
proposal development and establishment of the law by which their society is run. The
term originates form the Greek (demokratia) rule of the people, which was found from
demos people and kratos. power or rule in the 5
century BCE do denote the
political systems then existing in Greek City States notably Athens; the term is an
antonym so aristokratia rule of an elite
President Abraham Lincoln, democray is government of the people, by the
people, and for the people
Our country independent on 15 August 1947 and constitution was inforced an 26
January 1950.

Freedom and democracy are often used interchangeably but the two are not
Synonymous Democracy is indeed a set of ideas and principles about freedom, but it also
consists of practices and procedures that have been molded through along often tortuous
history, social and Economic Factors have intensely attached Indian democracy they are
as follows.
a) Impact of social inequality on Indian democracy
Social ineuqlity is indispensable for the success of democracy. Social inequality
means that there should be no discrimination against citizens in the basis of caste, colour
sex and language. casteusm is the reason a social inequality society is decided in to two
higher and lower castes each hating the other.
The Economic conditions of the people should be improved to brinhten the future
of democracy in India. The attitude of the people has become narrow because of social
inequalities every class think of its own interest and not of national interest.

2) Impact of Illiteracy on Democracy
Education is the every basis of good life and it is all dark in the absence of
temporary democracy services on the basis of the support from rational minded citizens
and rational minded intelligent citizens and persons lacks confidence and possesses no
capacity to understand and solve the problems facing the country.

a) Impact of violence
Violence is becoming a n aspect of political life of our country. In extreme from
violence may cause death of individuals distribution to poverty through looking bombing
of buildings and installation etc. There are several forms at violence in evidence in India.
Inter communal violence
Political violence
Electoral violence

Violence by terrorist organization
On the whole the role of violence is causing the following effects on the
democracy. The violent atmosphere stifles the voice of truth. Because of fear of violence
a great majority of political leaders do not even express the voice of the re conciseness
political parties do not work independently rather sometimes they are constrained to take
decisions to appease the preparation of violence.

Factors affecting democracy

Regions:- India is very densely populated some advocate splitting some few at
nine states and seven union territories. It is the 2
-most populated country in the world.
Other factors:- Factors such as education corruption, womens issues student
politics, leadership strategies and the design of political institutions affect national and
local politics. Some other factors such as the caste issues, environment policy and local

Wrong political education
Democracy provides political education but the types of education it provides is
wring on certain occasion.

Characteristics of Democracy
Democracy is government in which power and clinic responsibility are
exercised by all adult citizens, directly, or through their freely elected
Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule and individual rights.
Democracies understand that one of their prime functions is to protect such
basic human rights as freedom of speech and religions the right to equal
protection under law; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in
the political economic, and cultural life of society.
Democracies conduct regular free and elections open to citizens of voting age.
Citizen in a democracy have not only rights but also the responsibility to
participate in the political system that, in turn, protects their rights and

To conclude, the future of Indian democracy hangs in the balance it is standing on
cross road, leading to peoples democracy. Democracy us indeed a set of ideas and
principles about freedom, but in also consists of practices and procedures that have been
molded through a long often tortuous history. Democracy is the institutionalization of
freedom and must forget their own path towards the ideals set forth in the preamble to the
united nation universal declaration of human rights. Recognition of the inherent dignity
and of the equal and in a alienable rights of all members of the human family is the
foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.

Political Science Theory: S.L. Kadley P
Political Suen: Prof Kuttikrishnan. J.R

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