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LOVE 0.7.

0 [Game Slave]
* Added love.thread.
* Added love.font.
* Added
* Added Source:play, Source:pause, etc.
* Added Source:isStatic().
* Added get/setPosition, get/setVelocity, and get/setDirection to Source.
* Added get/setGroupIndex to CircleShape and PolygonShape.
* Added Font:getWrap.
* Added identity field to love.conf.
* Added love.quit callback.
* Added love.focus callback.
* Added extra meter parameter to love.physics.newWorld.
* Added
* Added way to make the window desktop resolution.
* Added subtractive and multiplicative blend modes.
* Added body:getAllowSleeping.
* Added shape:getBody.
* Added love.filesystem.FileData for public usage.
* Added base64 support for love.filesystem.FileData.
* Added table support for and
* Added
* Added ?/init.lua to the loader.
* Fixed the debug module not being an upvalue of the error handlers. (you can
now override debug)
* Fixed some cases when and friends, were acting on everythin
g, not just the passed Source.
* Fixed setFixedRotation enabling other flags.
* Fixed a bug in the loader (for require).
* Fixed ParticleSystem::setSprite not retaining the new image.
* Fixed setMode removing images settings (wrapping, filters).
* Fixed shape:getBody, it's now exposed for LVE usage.
* Fixed DistanceJoint:getType() returning "circle" - it now returns "distance"
* Fixed SpriteBatches being unaffected by setColor
* Fixed the audio bug.
* Fixed invalid FSAA values crashing LVE.
* Fixed a bunch of compiler warnings.
* Fixed OS X not properly using UTIs for .love files.
* Fixed the modplug decoder not properly handeling files that fail to load.
* Fixed a memory leak in setFont.
* Fixed bug where errors in threads wouldn't get picked up by demand.
* Fixed part of the bug with newlines when scaling text (rotating still messes
up the lines).
* Fixed the bug where newImageFont would try to created ImageData out of Image
* Fixed error handler not resetting the blend mode.
* Changed fonts, they're now po2 safe.
* Changed the traceback in the error screen.
* Changed font origin to top-left.
* Changed linux save dir location to obey to's XDG specs. (~/.
local/share/love by default.)
* Removed font functions from
* Removed love.physics.newWorld(w, h). Use love.physics.newWorld(x1, y1, x2, y
2) instead.
LOVE 0.6.2 [Jiggly Juice]
* Fixed a bug causing ImageFonts to cut off some pixels.
* Fixed a bug where filled rectangles were too small.
* Fixed a bug in Image:setFilter where it would switch the parameters.
* Fixed a bug in ImageRasterizer where it wasn't using the data.
* Image filter and wrap modes now use string constants as well.
* Fixed double-transform bug in SpriteBatch.
* Errors are reported on stdout again.
* Another fix for the icons on ubuntu.
LOVE 0.6.1 [Jiggly Juice]
* Added Shape:setGroupIndex and getGroupIndex.
* Added Body:setFixedRotation and Body:getFixedRotation.
* Added Body:setInertia.
* Added CircleShape:getLocalCenter and CircleShape:getWorldCenter.
* Added icons and file associations for the debs.
* Added the demos folder to the Mac OS X DMG.
* It's now possible to run a .love from Resources in Mac OS X, thanks to Steve
* Fixed a bug with multiple Sources on the same Music.
* Fixed a bug so the mouse doesn't get crippled when the keyboard is disabled.
* Fixed a bug where drew a too large rectangle.
* Fixed a bug where memory wouldn't be released correctly.
* Fixed epic physics typo (getRestituion->getRestitution).
* Fixed crash on opening non-existent image.
* The error screen redraws when an event occurs.
* The default now gracefully handles disabled modules.
* The debian packages should now successfully include icons, file associations
, etc, and should give the correct architecture.
* Added support for drawing polylines to - the syntax is th
e same as
* Removed Music and Sound. There are now only sources.
* Improved the stability of
LOVE 0.6.0 [Jiggly Juice]
* Lost track of 0.6.0 changes a long while ago. Don't trust the list below.
* Added
* Added unicode-translated parameter to love.keypressed().
* Added love.event.
* Added love.filesystem.setIdentity().
* Added OpenAL dependency.
* Fixed love.fileystem problems with internal \0 in strings.
* Fixed love.filesystem.mkdir/remove not working when write directory not set.
* Fixed position of Window.
* Changed parameter order of draws().
* Changed origin for images to top-left.
* Changed to accept mode (removed from
* Changed which now returns two parameters (data, lengt
* Changed love.filesystem.write() which now takes up to four parameters (file,
data, length, mode).
* Changed default color mode to "modulate".
* Changed name of love.color_normal to "replace".
* Changed name of love.blend_normal to "alpha".
* Changed the conf file format.
* Removed Color object.
* Removed Animation.
* Removed several constants.
* Removed for strings.
* Removed love.system.
* Removed SWIG.
* Removed boost.
* Removed SDL_mixer.
LOVE 0.5.0 [Salted Nuts]
* Added love.joystick.
* Added network support via LuaSocket.
* Added support for loading of appended .love-file.
* Added love.filesystem.lines().
* Added a loader function to enable use of normal require().
* Added love.filesystem.load().
* Added love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory()
* Added love.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory()
* Added optional explicit destruction of Box2D objects.
* Added shape:testSegment().
* Added (.bmp only).
* Added default size (12) to font-related functions.
* Added filename, size )
* Added and related functions.
* Added and related functions.
* Changed to accept file name.
* Changed love.filesystem.write() to accept file name.
* Changed to accept CCW and CW ordering.
* Fixed adding bogus characters at the end of string.
* Fixed epic swigfusion bug.
* Fixed so it returns nil if no font is present.
* Fixed bug where always returns blend_normal.
* Fixed bug which caused error screen to be scissored (when enabled).
* Fixed Body:setAngle to accept degrees like everything else.
* Cleaned up love::File and love_physfs.
* Cleaned up love::Reference so it stores its reference in _G.
LOVE 0.4.0 [Taco Beam]
* Added love.physics. (YES!)
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added and to handle sc
issoring the graphical area.
* Fixed missing constants related to image optimization.
* Fixed memory leak related to love::File (thanks amnesiasoft!).
LOVE 0.3.2 [Lemony Fresh]
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added love.mouse.getPosition()
* Added love.audio_loop
* Added love.timer.getTime()
* Changed to accept CCW and CW ordering.
* Fixed default color mode bug.
* Fixed line width being applied unnecessarily.
* Fixed line width bug related to fullscreen toggle.
* Fixed music not looping.
LOVE 0.3.1 [Space Meat]
* Fixed segfault related to graphics.
* Fixed wait-forever bug related to audio.
* Fixed error reporting not working across modules.
* Fixed bug where games with a trailing "/" would not start.
* Fixed bug which caused love.timer.sleep to delay for (way) too long.
LOVE 0.3.0 [Mutant Vermin]
* Added ParticleSystem.
* Added visual error reporting.
* Added love.system for game control needs.
* Added input grabbing.
* Added functions in for display management.
* Added
* Added functions in for getting current color, font, etc.
* Added love.filesystem.enumerate() for getting folder contents.
* Added functions for setting the window caption.
* Added version checking. An error occurs if the game is incompatible.
* Fixed print() :)
* Removed all keyboard shortcuts.
* Save folders are now created only if required.
* On Windows, the new save location is %APPDATA%\LOVE\game
LOVE 0.2.1 [Impending Doom]
* Added many functions in love.filesystem.
* Added a dedicated save-folder for each game.
* Added timer.sleep.
* Added line heights to font objects.
* Added
* Added scaling and rotation for text.
* Added variable spacing to ImageFont.
* Added support for variable line quality when drawing primitives.
* Added several functions for drawing sections of images. (
* Added image optimization function and padding function.
* Added
* Split devices up into actual SWIG-modules. This means that:
- Functions are used like this:, not
- love.objects is no more. Objects are created by an appropriate device.
* How you draw primitives has been altered.
* draw(string, x, y, wrap, align) has become drawf(string, x, y, wrap, align)
* Changed getFps to getFPS.
* Escape is no more ... enter: Alt+F4.
* love.filesystem.include has been renamed to love.filesystem.require.
* ImageFonts now consider the spacing as well as the glyph size.
* Fixed a massive ImageFont bug which resulted in float-positioning failure.
* Fixed a bug when loading fonts where the specified size doesn't represent th
e true size of the font.
* Updated DevIL to version 1.6.8-rc2 (Windows)
* Updated FreeType to freetype-2.3.5-1 (Windows)
* Updated Lua to 5.1.3 (Windows)
* Updated SDL to 1.2.13 (Windows)
* Removed boost::filesystem.
LOVE 0.2.0 [Mini-Moose]
* Added ImageFont
* Added Animation
* Added text formatting functions
* Added setCenter for Image and Animation.
* Added methods for rendering of scaled/rotated sprites.
* Added the drawing of basic shapes.
* Added default font and embedded resources.
* Added Ctrl+R for reload.
* Added blending and color modes.
* Fixed memory usage of Graphics.
* Fixed a bug where the set text color would change the color of any images re
* Fixed CWD bug.
* Fixed titlebar. Game title is now displayed.
LOVE 0.1.1 [Santa-Power]
Initial release!
* Image loading and rendering.
* Sound loading and playing.
* Font loading and rendering.
* Lua-scriptable games.
* Config files.
* Stuff is loadable from archive files.
* Keyboard, mouse, display, timer, etc. (Basic devices).

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