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0nilevei Philippines

1SS1 0niteu Nations Ave.,

Nanila, Philippines

Beai SiiNauam,

I am cuiiently wiiting you with iegaius to a possible position within youi company foi

I am cuiiently taking my Nasteis in Libeial Aits (ALN) in Sustainability anu Enviionmental
Nanagement with a ceitificate in Coipoiate Sustainability anu Innovation at Baivaiu 0niveisity -
Extension School. This piogiam is especially uesigneu foi piofessionals who uo not have the time
to stuuy on campus. Cuiiently, I am a Canauian citizen iesiuing in Nanila, Philippines woiking as a
Sustainability 0ffice foi SN Piime Boluings, Inc. SN Piime is the laigest company listeu in the
Philippine Stock Exchange with ovei 49 shopping malls, 22 conuominium piojects, 4 convention
centeis, S hotels anu 2 iesoits.

As the Sustainability 0fficei of the company, I uiiectly manage a team of 4 anu inuiiectly 1u
sustainability champions in each of the S business units of the company. 0ui team is iesponsible
foi the eneigy efficiency, watei conseivation, aii quality anu waste management of all SN
piopeities. I am iesponsible foi ciafting stiategic plans foi compiehensive stakeholuei
engagements incluuing value chain within the scope of mateiiality. I am also iesponsible foi
heauing the cieation of the company's Annual Sustainability Repoit. Foi 2u1S, we ieceiveu a B+
iating fiom the ulobal Repoiting Initiative unuei the uS.1 guiuelines. This is a big upgiaue fiom
the C+ iating the yeai piioi.

Also, oui company is close paitneis with the 0niteu Nations 0ffice foi Bisastei Risk Reuuction
(0NISBR). I am the liaison of Ni. Bans T. Sy, Piesiuent of SN Piime anu the only Filipino Piivate
Sectoi membei of the 0NISBR - Piivate Sectoi Auvisoiy uioup heaueu by Ns. Naigaieta
Whalstion, Special Repiesentative of the 0N Secietaiy ueneial foi Bisastei Risk Reuuction. Ny
iesponsibilities with the 0NISBR incluue iisk management plans within the Philippine Piivate
Sectoi, infoimation, communication anu awaieness initiatives foi the acaueme anu cieation of
uisastei iisk ieuuction management publications foi the iest of the stakeholueis. I have been with
the company foi ovei a yeai. Piioi, I was in Czech Republic ueveloping sustainable livelihoou

What I like about my cuiient job is that it pioviues me the oppoitunity to leain, be cieative anu
extenu my assistance to the netwoik of business paitneis. I believe that I can be a valuable asset to
youi company given my expeiience anu accomplishments with the laigest Philippine company.

I look foiwaiu to uiscussing my qualifications fuithei anu can be ieacheu at jllanesg.haivaiu.euu
oi by phone at +6S-917-81S-981u. Thank you foi youi time.


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