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22 Lesson 2

Figure 2-3. Many people would not call what this person is doing a form of
behavior. Biofeedback amplifies tiny responses by using electronic equipment.
It measures internal behavior.
<^The principle of direct observation^in-
volves the use of trained observers to personally
see and immediately record behavior.)Behavior
analysts require the observers to immediately
record what they see. In this way, they avoid the
factor of memory. They carefully formulate and
test behavioral definitions for these observers to
use. They then train the observers to use the defi-
nitions correctly. Further, they spot-check the ob-
servers to ensure correct use of the definitions.
These steps ensure accurate behavioral observa-
tionsCQbservations)based on the principle of di-.
rect observation are called direct observations.
They provide an improved approach to observing
behavior that reduces the problem with self-reports.
7. The principle of direct observation involves
the use of trained observers to personally
_________________ and immediately tfcer d
Notice the differences between the approach
used to make self-report observations and that
used for direct observations. Self-report observa-
tion^ are made from memory by observers un-
trained in the use of a consistent definition. Di-
rect observations are made by observers who per-
sonally see (or hear) the behavior and immedi-
ately record it. The observers are trained to use
an explicit behavioral definition.
There are two exceptions to the requirement
that the observer see the behavior. One exception
is that the observer may listen for a sound such
as talking or shouting. In that case, the require-
ment is that the observer personally hear the be-
havior and immediately record it.
The other exception to seeing the behavior is
that sometimes the observer looks for a physical
result to determine whether the behavior oc-
curred. For example, he or she might look for a
clean floor to decide whether someone swept the
floor. I will describe this method, called outcome
recording, in a future lesson. Notice that even here,
the observer must be personally present to see or
hear the result of the behavior.
Behavior analysts sometimes ask people to
observe their own behavior if they have taken
steps to ensure that the data are accurate. Be-
havior analysts can increase accuracy by insist-
ing that people use a behavioral definition and
write their observations immediately. This elimi-
nates the failings of memory. If Mrs. Patel kept a
diary of meals and snacks, writing as she was eat-
ing them, her accuracy would be greater. Behav-

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