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Construction Works

The construction works to be carried out using the methodologies stated shall be based on the detailed
drawings prepared by the Contractor, prior to carrying out construction works; the Contractor shall obtain
approval from the Engineer accordingto the detailed drawings. The various elements of work to be done
are given in the Bills of Quantities. The major work components to be done are summarized below.

1. Supply and delivery of PVC, DI, Steel, HDPE Pipes, fittings, specials and valves " --
' -shallinitially be -dene based on the Bills of Quantities (BOQ) in consultation with the
Engineer. Contractor shall then prepare the list of materials to be imported following
completion of detailed designs and approved by the Engineer.The quantities given in the BOQ are
tentative. The Contractor should verify the actual requirements of the material as per the design
review and as mentioned in the preamble note.
ii. Laying of pipes to the lines and grades by open trench method as per LSS designs and
drawings prepared by the Contractor including installation of valves for isolation of DMAs,
Air Valves, washout valves etc.
iii. Apply no-dig methods according to the findings of the investigations carried out in the pre-
construction stage in consultation with the Engineer.
Replacing Pipes: Relining I Rescaling I Bursting
iv. Providing temporary water supply where ever necessary.
v. . Associated civil construction works consisting of bridge crossings, culvert crossings, railway
crossings, construction of valve chambers, washout chambers, end caps, anchor
&thrust blocks, temporary supports, temporary joints in the distribution system for alternate
water supply to affected consumers etc.
vi. Connecting newly laid pipelines to link the network at junctions or at appropriate points. vu.
Connecting to existing pipelines.
viii. Disconnect abandoned pipe lines from network.
ix. Disconnect existing service connections and transfer to newly laid pipe with HDPE pipes.

x. Disconnect crisscrossing (interconnecting) lines, valves, flow meter
installations within the DMA system.
xr. Temporary and Permanent road re-
instatement works
xu. Installation of bulk Meters and valves at identified District Metering Areas
(DMA)for measurement of inflows and out flows. The flow meters,
loggers etc. shall be strategically placed in locations as shown in GIS
based Network Model and as directed by the Engineer.
xm. Pressure Test and leakage testing in laid sections and
service connections.
XIV. Disinfection and
commissioning ofthe system
xv. Replacing bundled pipes in
tenement gardens. xvr.
Updating the GIS model

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