Sie sind auf Seite 1von 14

; grass descriptions for the different climates

; spacing is the density of the grass

; present_in_winter is true for warmer climates that dont cover the terrain in s
; the height of each grass type is an average and varies by 25%
; the different grass types are drawn as strips on the texture page
; so only a vertical start and end texture coord is required for each grass type
; density is between 0-100
; falloff is how early the grass fades out, higher the falloff the earlier the f
; colour is added to the ground colour to make the grass colour
; correction is not used currently
; valid climates types are
; sandy_desert
; rocky_desert
; temperate_grassland_fertile
; temperate_grassland_infertile
; temperate_forest_open
; temperate_forest_deep
; swamp
; highland
; alpine
; sub_arctic
; semi_arid
; valid ground types are
; -grass_short,
; -grass_long,
; -sand,
; -rock,
; -forest_dense,
; -scrub_dense,
; -swamp,
; -mud,
; -mud_road,
; -stone_road,
; -water,
; -ice,
; -snow,
; -wood,
; -dirt,

climate semi_arid
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/se
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter true
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.8
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.18
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 1.0
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.38
falloff 1.0
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 0.8
width 2.0
density 60
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.58
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 1.2
width 1.8
density 40
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.78
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 0.2
width 1.0
density 70
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate swamp
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/sw
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter true
ground_type swamp
avg_height 1.0
width 2.0
density 60
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.18
falloff 1.0
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 1.1
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.38
falloff 1.0
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 0.6
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.58
falloff 1.0
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type sand
avg_height 0.8
width 2.0
density 60
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.78
falloff 1.0
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 1.3
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 1.0
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate rocky_desert
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/ro
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter true
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.6
width 2.2
density 15
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.23
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 0.6
width 2.2
density 15
tex_v1 0.25
tex_v2 0.6
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 0.6
width 1.8
density 15
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate sandy_desert
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/sa
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter false
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.1
width 2.2
density 40
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.23
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 0.1
width 2.2
density 60
tex_v1 0.25
tex_v2 0.6
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 0.1
width 1.8
density 40
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate test_climate
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/me
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter true
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.6
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.18
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 1.0
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.38
falloff 1.0
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 1.3
width 2.0
density 60
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.58
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 1.3
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.78
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 1.1
width 1.8
density 40
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate temperate_grassland_fertile
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/gr
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter false
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 0.9
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.18
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 0.9
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.38
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 1.0
width 2.0
density 60
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.58
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 1.0
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.78
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.7
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate temperate_grassland_infertile
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/in
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter false
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.7
width 1.8
density 40
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.19
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 0.9
width 1.2
density 40
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.39
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 1.0
width 1.8
density 50
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.59
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 1.2
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.79
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 1.2
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.99
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate temperate_forest_open
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/fo
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter false
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 1.0
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.18
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 1.0
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.38
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 1.2
width 2.0
density 60
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.58
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 1.2
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.78
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 0.7
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate temperate_forest_deep
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/de
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter false
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.8
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.18
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 0.9
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.38
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 1.1
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.58
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 0.9
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.78
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 1.1
width 2.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate highland
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/hi
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter false
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 1.1
width 1.3
density 40
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.25
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.7
width 0.9
density 40
tex_v1 0.26
tex_v2 0.5
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 1.3
width 1.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.26
tex_v2 0.5
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 1.2
width 1.2
density 40
tex_v1 0.51
tex_v2 0.75
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 0.8
width 1.5
density 40
tex_v1 0.76
tex_v2 0.99
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate alpine
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/al
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter false
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.7
width 1.2
density 30
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.18
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 0.6
width 1.0
density 40
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.38
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 1.0
width 1.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.58
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 1.0
width 1.4
density 30
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.78
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 1.0
width 1.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.3 ;;was 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
climate sub_arctic
texture RomeMedievalMod/data/textures/su
spacing 0.5
present_in_winter true
ground_type grass_short
avg_height 0.7
width 1.5
density 35
tex_v1 0.0
tex_v2 0.18
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type mud
avg_height 0.6
width 2.0
density 15
tex_v1 0.2
tex_v2 0.38
falloff 1.0
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type grass_long
avg_height 0.8
width 2.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.4
tex_v2 0.58
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type scrub_dense
avg_height 0.8
width 1.7
density 40
tex_v1 0.6
tex_v2 0.78
falloff 0.4
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1
ground_type forest_dense
avg_height 0.7
width 1.0
density 50
tex_v1 0.8
tex_v2 0.98
falloff 0.5
colour 0,0,0
correction 0.1

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