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Sample Interview Questions CSE (IT)

1. What is the difference between procedural and object-oriented programs?

In procedural program, programming logic follows certain procedures and the instructions are
executed one after another. In OOP program, unit of program is object, which is nothing but
combination of data and code. b In procedural program, data is exposed to the whole
program whereas in OOPs program, it is accessible within the object and which in turn
assures the securit! of the code.
". What are #ncapsulation, Inheritance and Pol!morphism?
#ncapsulation is the mechanism that binds together code and data it manipulates and $eeps
both safe from outside interference and misuse. Inheritance is the process b! which one
object ac%uires the properties of another object. Pol!morphism is the feature that allows one
interface to be used for general class actions.
&. What is the difference between 'ssignment and Initiali(ation?
'ssignment can be done as man! times as desired whereas initiali(ation can be done onl!
). What is OOPs?
Object oriented programming organi(es a program around its data, i.e. objects and a set of
well defined interfaces to that data. 'n object-oriented program can be characteri(ed as data
controlling access to code.
*. What are +lass, +onstructor and Primiti,e data t!pes?
+lass is a template for multiple objects with similar features and it is a blue print for objects. It
defines a t!pe of object according to the data the object can hold and the operations the
object can perform. +onstructor is a special $ind of method that determines how an object is
initiali(ed when created. Primiti,e data t!pes are - t!pes and the! are. b!te, short, int, long,
float, double, boolean, char.
/. What is an Object and how do !ou allocate memor! to it?
Object is an instance of a class and it is a software unit that combines a structured set of data
with a set of operations for inspecting and manipulating that data. When an object is created
using new operator, memor! is allocated to it.
0. What is the difference between constructor and method?
+onstructor will be automaticall! in,o$ed when an object is created whereas method has to
be called explicitl!.
-. What are methods and how are the! defined?
1ethods are functions that operate on instances of classes in which the! are defined. Objects
can communicate with each other using methods and can call methods in other classes.
1ethod definition has four parts. 2he! are name of the method, t!pe of object or primiti,e t!pe
the method returns, a list of parameters and the bod! of the method. ' method3s signature is
a combination of the first three parts mentioned abo,e.
4. What is the use of bin and lib in 567?
8in contains all tools such as ja,ac, applet,iewer, awt tool, etc., whereas lib contains 'PI and
all pac$ages.
19. What is casting?
+asting is used to con,ert the ,alue of one t!pe to another.
11. :ow man! wa!s can an argument be passed to a subroutine and explain them?
'n argument can be passed in two wa!s. 2he! are passing b! ,alue and passing b!
reference. Passing b! ,alue. 2his method copies the ,alue of an argument into the formal
parameter of the subroutine. Passing b! reference. In this method, a reference to an
argument ;not the ,alue of the argument is passed to the parameter.
1". What is the difference between an argument and a parameter?
While defining method, ,ariables passed in the method are called parameters. While using
those methods, ,alues passed to those ,ariables are called arguments.
1&. What are different t!pes of access modifiers?
Public. 'n!thing declared as public can be accessed from an!where. Pri,ate. 'n!thing
declared as pri,ate can3t be seen outside of its class. Protected. 'n!thing declared as
protected can be accessed b! classes in the same pac$age and subclasses in the other
pac$ages. 6efault 1odifier. +an be accessed onl! to classes in the same pac$age.
1). What is final, finali(e ; and finall!?
<inal. final $e!word can be used for class, method and ,ariables. ' final class cannot be
subclassed and it pre,ents other programmers from subclassing a secure class to in,o$e
insecure methods. ' final method can3t be o,erridden. ' final ,ariable can3t change from its
initiali(ed ,alue. <inali(e ;. finali(e; method is used just before an object is destro!ed and
can be called just prior to garbage collection. <inall!. finall!, a $e! word used in exception
handling, creates a bloc$ of code that will be executed after a tr!=catch bloc$ has completed
and before the code following the tr!=catch bloc$. 2he finall! bloc$ will execute whether or not
an exception is thrown. <or example, if a method opens a file upon exit, then !ou will not want
the code that closes the file to be b!passed b! the exception-handling mechanism. 2his finall!
$e!word is designed to address this contingenc!.
1*. What is >?I+O6#?
>nicode is used for internal representation of characters and strings and it uses 1/ bits to
represent each other.
1/. What is @arbage +ollection and how to call it explicitl!?
When an object is no longer referred to b! an! ,ariable, ja,a automaticall! reclaims memor!
used b! that object. 2his is $nown as garbage collection. A!stem. gc; method ma! be used
to call it explicitl!.

10. What is finali(e; method?
finali(e ; method is used just before an object is destro!ed and can be called just prior to
garbage collection.
1-. What are 2ransient and Bolatile 1odifiers?
2ransient. 2he transient modifier applies to ,ariables onl! and it is not stored as part of its
object3s Persistent state. 2ransient ,ariables are not seriali(ed. Bolatile. Bolatile modifier
applies to ,ariables onl! and it tells the compiler that the ,ariable modified b! ,olatile can be
changed unexpectedl! b! other parts of the program.
14. What is method o,erloading and method o,erriding?
1ethod o,erloading. When a method in a class ha,ing the same method name with different
arguments is said to be method o,erloading. 1ethod o,erriding. When a method in a class
ha,ing the same method name with same arguments is said to be method o,erriding.
"9. What is difference between o,erloading and o,erriding?
In o,erloading, there is a relationship between methods a,ailable in the same class whereas
in o,erriding, there is relationship between a superclass method and subclass method. b
O,erloading does not bloc$ inheritance from the superclass whereas o,erriding bloc$s
inheritance from the superclass. c In o,erloading, separate methods share the same name
whereas in o,erriding, subclass method replaces the superclass. d O,erloading must ha,e
different method signatures whereas o,erriding must ha,e same signature.
"1. What is meant b! Inheritance and what are its ad,antages?
Inheritance is the process of inheriting all the features from a class. 2he ad,antages of
inheritance are reusabilit! of code and accessibilit! of ,ariables and methods of the super
class b! subclasses.
"". What is the difference between this ; and super;?
this; can be used to in,o$e a constructor of the same class whereas super; can be used to
in,o$e a super class constructor.

"&. What is the difference between superclass and subclass?
' super class is a class that is inherited whereas sub class is a class that does the inheriting.
"). What modifiers ma! be used with top-le,el class?
public, abstract and final can be used for top-le,el class.
"*. What are inner class and anon!mous class?
Inner class. classes defined in other classes, including those defined in methods are called
inner classes. 'n inner class can ha,e an! accessibilit! including pri,ate. 'non!mous class.
'non!mous class is a class defined inside a method without a name and is instantiated and
declared in the same place and cannot ha,e explicit constructors.
"/. What is a pac$age?
' pac$age is a collection of classes and interfaces that pro,ides a high-le,el la!er of access
protection and name space management.
"0. What is a reflection pac$age?
ja,a. lang. reflect pac$age has the abilit! to anal!(e itself in runtime.

"-. What is interface and its use?
Interface is similar to a class which ma! contain method3s signature onl! but not bodies and it
is a formal set of method and constant declarations that must be defined b! the class that
implements it. Interfaces are useful for. a 6eclaring methods that one or more classes are
expected to implement b +apturing similarities between unrelated classes without forcing a
class relationship. c 6etermining an object3s programming interface without re,ealing the
actual bod! of the class.
"4. What is an abstract class?
'n abstract class is a class designed with implementation gaps for subclasses to fill in and is
deliberatel! incomplete.

&9. What is the difference between Integer and int?
Integer is a class defined in the ja,a. lang pac$age, whereas int is a primiti,e data t!pe
defined in the 5a,a language itself. 5a,a does not automaticall! con,ert from one to the other.
b Integer can be used as an argument for a method that re%uires an object, whereas int can
be used for calculation.
&1. What is the difference between process and thread?
Process is a program in execution whereas thread is a separate path of execution in a
&". What is s!nchroni(ation?
A!nchroni(ation is the mechanism that ensures that onl! one thread is accessed the
resources at a time.
&&. What is deadloc$?
When two threads are waiting each other and can3t precede the program is said to be
&). What are wrapper classes?
Wrapper classes are classes that allow primiti,e t!pes to be accessed as objects.
&*. What is stored procedure?
Atored procedure is a group of ACD statements that forms a logical unit and performs a
particular tas$. Atored Procedures are used to encapsulate a set of operations or %ueries to
execute on database. Atored procedures can be compiled and executed with different
parameters and results and ma! ha,e an! combination of input=output parameters.
&/. What are coo$ies and how will !ou use them?
+oo$ies are a mechanism that a ser,let uses to ha,e a client hold a small amount of state-
information associated with the user. a +reate a coo$ie with the +oo$ie constructor. public
+oo$ie;Atring name, Atring ,alue b ' ser,let can send a coo$ie to the client b! passing a
+oo$ie object to the add+oo$ie; method of :ttpAer,letEesponse. public ,oid
:ttpAer,letEesponse. add+oo$ie;+oo$ie coo$ie c ' ser,let retrie,es coo$ies b! calling the
get+oo$ies; method of :ttpAer,letEe%uest. public +oo$ieF G :ttpAer,letEe%uest.
&0. Is it possible to communicate from an applet to ser,let and how man! wa!s and how?
Hes, there are three wa!s to communicate from an applet to ser,let and the! are. a :22P
+ommunication ;2ext-based and object-based b Aoc$et +ommunication c E1I
&-. What is the difference between 2+P=IP and >6P?
2+P=IP is a two-wa! communication between the client and the ser,er and it is a reliable and
there is a confirmation regarding reaching the message to the destination. It is li$e a phone
call. >6P is a one-wa! communication onl! between the client and the ser,er and it is not a
reliable and there is no confirmation regarding reaching the message to the destination. It is
li$e a postal mail.
&4. What is 6omain ?aming Aer,ice ;6?A?
It is ,er! difficult to remember a set of numbers ;IP address to connect to the Internet. 2he
6omain ?aming Aer,ice;6?A is used to o,ercome this problem. It maps one particular IP
address to a string of characters. <or example, implies com is the domain
name reser,ed for >A commercial sites, moscom is the name of the compan! and www is the
name of the specific computer, which is mascom3s ser,er.
)9. What is >ED?
>ED stands for >niform Eesource Docator and it points to resource files on the Internet. >ED
has four components., where http - protocol name,
address - IP address or host name, -9 - port number and index.html - file path.

)1. What is a 5a,a 8ean?
' 5a,a 8ean is a software component that has been designed to be reusable in a ,ariet! of
different en,ironments.
)". What is a 5ar file?
5ar file allows to efficientl! deplo!ing a set of classes and their associated resources. 2he
elements in a jar file are compressed, which ma$es downloading a 5ar file much faster than
separatel! downloading se,eral uncompressed files. 2he pac$age ja,a. util. (ip contains
classes that read and write jar files.
)&. What is 5AP?
5AP is a d!namic scripting capabilit! for web pages that allows 5a,a as well as a few special
tags to be embedded into a web file ;:21D=I1D, etc. 2he suffix traditionall! ends with .jsp to
indicate to the web ser,er that the file is a 5AP files. 5AP is a ser,er side technolog! - !ou
can3t do an! client side ,alidation with it. 2he ad,antages are. a 2he 5AP assists in ma$ing
the :21D more functional. Aer,lets on the other hand allow outputting of :21D but it is a
tedious process. b It is eas! to ma$e a change and then let the 5AP capabilit! of the web
ser,er !ou are using deal with compiling it into a ser,let and running it.
)). :ow can I set a coo$ie in 5AP?
response. set:eader;JAet-+oo$ieJ, Kcoo$ie stringJL 2o gi,e the response-object to a bean,
write a method setEesponse ;:ttpAer,letEesponse response - to the bean, and in jsp-file.M
N bean. setEesponse ;responseL NO
)*. 're there an! global ,ariables in 5a,a, which can be accessed b! other part of !our
?o, it is not the main method in which !ou define ,ariables. @lobal ,ariables is not possible
because concept of encapsulation is eliminated here.
)/. Wh! threads bloc$ or enter to waiting state on I=O?
2hreads enters to waiting state or bloc$ on I=O because other threads can execute while the
I=O operations are performed.
)0. :ow Obser,er and Obser,able are used?
Aubclass of Obser,able class maintain a list of obser,ers. Whene,er an Obser,able object is
updated, it in,o$es the update; method of each of its obser,ers to notif! the obser,ers that it
has a changed state. 'n obser,er is an! object that implements the interface Obser,er.
)-. What is the use of the finall! bloc$?
<inall! is the bloc$ of code that executes alwa!s. 2he code in finall! bloc$ will execute e,en if
an exception is occurred. finall! will not execute when the user calls A!stem.exit;.
)4. :ow can !ou force garbage collection in ja,a?
Hou cannot force @arbage +ollection, but !ou can re%uest for it b! calling the method
A!stem.gc;. 8ut it doesnPt mean that @arbage +ollection will start immediatel!. 2he garbage
collection is a low priorit! thread of 5B1.
*9. :ow can !ou create !our own exception?
Our class must extend either #xception or its sub class.
*1. What is a ,iew? :ow it is related to data independence?
' ,iew ma! be thought of as a ,irtual table, that is, a table that does not reall! exist in its own
right but is instead deri,ed from one or more underl!ing base table. In other words, there is no
stored file that direct represents the ,iew instead a definition of ,iew is stored in data
dictionar!. @rowth and restructuring of base tables is not reflected in ,iews. 2hus the ,iew can
insulate users from the effects of restructuring and growth in the database. :ence accounts
for logical data independence.
*". What is Dossless join propert!?
It guarantees that the spurious tuple generation does not occur with respect to relation
schemas after decomposition.
*&. What is <ull! <unctional dependenc!?
It is based on concept of full functional dependenc!. ' functional dependenc! I H is full!
functional dependenc! if remo,al of an! attribute ' from I means that the dependenc! does
not hold an! more.
*). What is indexing and what are the different $inds of indexing?
Indexing is a techni%ue for determining how %uic$l! specific data can be found.
8inar! search st!le indexing
8-2ree indexing
In,erted list indexing
1emor! resident table
2able indexing
**. What is s!stem catalog or catalog relation? :ow is better $nown as?
' E681A maintains a description of all the data that it contains, information about e,er!
relation and index that it contains. 2his information is stored in a collection of relations
maintained b! the s!stem called metadata. It is also called data dictionar!.
*/. What is meant b! %uer! optimi(ation?
2he phase that identifies an efficient execution plan for e,aluating a %uer! that has the least
estimated cost is referred to as %uer! optimi(ation.
*0. What is a Eelation Achema and a Eelation?
' relation Achema denoted b! E;'1, '", Q, 'n is made up of the relation name E and the
list of attributes 'i that it contains. ' relation is defined as a set of tuples. Det r be the relation
which contains set tuples ;t1, t", t&, ..., tn. #ach tuple is an ordered list of n-,alues
tR;,1,,", ..., ,n.
*-. What is a Phantom 6eadloc$?
In distributed deadloc$ detection, the dela! in propagating local information might cause the
deadloc$ detection algorithms to identif! deadloc$s that do not reall! exist. Auch situations
are called phantom deadloc$s and the! lead to unnecessar! aborts.
*4. What is database 2rigger?
' database trigger is a PD=ACD bloc$ that can defined to automaticall! execute for insert,
update, and delete statements against a table. 2he trigger can e defined to execute once for
the entire statement or once for e,er! row that is inserted, updated, or deleted. <or an! one
table, there are twel,e e,ents for which !ou can define database triggers. ' database trigger
can call database procedures that are also written in PD=ACD.
/9. What are stored-procedures? 'nd what are the ad,antages of using them?
Atored procedures are database objects that perform a user defined operation. ' stored
procedure can ha,e a set of compound ACD statements. ' stored procedure executes the
ACD commands and returns the result to the client. Atored procedures are used to reduce
networ$ traffic.
/1. #xplain linear and non linear datastructure?
If the elements=nodes ha,e a single successor and predecessor then the list is said to be
linear. Atac$s and %ueues are Dinear. Din$ed lists are linear in terms of accessing and non-
linear in terms of storage. 2rees and graphs are pure non-linear.
/". What is the data structure which is used to perform recursion?
Atac$ is the data structure that is used to perform recursion. Its DI<O propert! is used to store
return addresses of the caller or in,o$er of the recursi,e function and its successions in
recursion to $now where the execution control needs to return on completion of execution of
the current function call.
/&. +an a stac$ be described as a pointer? #xplain.
' stac$ is represented as a pointer. 2he reason is that, it has a head pointer which points to
the top of the stac$. 2he stac$ operations are performed using the head pointer. :ence, the
stac$ can be described as a pointer.
/). Is it possible to insert different t!pe of elements in a stac$? :ow?
6ifferent elements can be inserted into a stac$. 2his is possible b! implementing union =
structure data t!pe. It is efficient to use union rather than structure, as onl! one item3s memor!
is used at a time.
/*. :ow is an! 6ata Atructure application is classified among files?
' lin$ed list application can be organi(ed into a header file, source file and main application
file. 2he first file is the header file that contains the definition of the ?O6# structure and the
Din$edDist class definition. 2he second file is a source code file containing the implementation
of member functions of the Din$edDist class. 2he last file is the application file that contains
code that creates and uses the Din$edDist class.
//. What is the buc$et si(e, when the o,erlapping and collision occur at same time?
One. If there is onl! one entr! possible in the buc$et, when the collision occurs, there is no
wa! to accommodate the colliding ,alue. 2his results in the o,erlapping of ,alues.
/0. When can !ou tell that a memor! lea$ will occur?
' memor! lea$ occurs when a program loses the abilit! to free a bloc$ of d!namicall!
allocated memor!.
/-. What is windowing?
Windowing is a form of flow control, it allow the sender and recei,er to dictate how much
information that can be recei,ed prior to an ac$nowledgement.
/4. What is the use of trace command?
2he trace command is used to determine the path a pac$et has ta$en through the networ$.
09. Which is better out of static and d!namic IP address?
6!namic IP address s!stem allows !our machine to mo,e to a different subnet and gets ist IP
for that subnet from the 6:+P ser,er. :owe,er the problem is if !our machine name to IP
address mapping in the 6?A ser,er then when a new IP comes the 6?A ser,er entr!, it
needs to be manuall! updated which is not re%uired for static IP.
01. What is the maximum hop count for IP EIP?
1* is the maximum hop cont, underscoring the si(e limitation of EIP.
0". Ping is used in which Internet la!er protocol?
Ping uses the I+1P- Internet +ontrol 1essage Protocol, which is a management protocol and
messaging ser,ice pro,ided for IP.I+1P is used in following e,ents
8uffer full, :ops 6estinatio unreachable, and ping.
0&. When would !ou prefer using static routing instead of d!namic?
Atatic routes are t!picall! used when there are ,er! few routes and !ou want to conser,e
bandwidth. Aince routing protocols are constantl! sending their updates across the wire, it
can cause a great deal of congestion.
0). Which la!er is responsible for determining if sufficient resources for the intended
commuication exist?
2he 'pplication la!er is responsible for determining if sufficient resources for the intended
commucation exist.
0*. Which la!er is responsible for pro,iding mechanisms for multiplexing upper-la!er
application, session establishment, and tear down of ,irtual circuit?
2he transport la!er is responsible for it, it pro,ides end to end integrit! of data transmission.
:andles multiplexing upper-la!er application, session establishment and tear down of ,irtual
circuits. :ides details of networ$ dependent info from the higher la!ers b! pro,iding
transparent data transfer. 2he windows word at this le,el to control how much information is
0/. +ompare 1'+ addresses with IP addresses?
1'+ addressing wor$s at the data lin$ la!er, IP addressing functions at the networ$ la!er.
2he 1' address generall! remains fixed and follows the networ$ de,ice, but the IP address
changes as the de,ice mo,es form one networ$ to another.
00. What is the 2elnet?
2elnet is a terminal emulation protocol that allows !ou to ma$e a terminal connection to other
computers on the internet. 2his re%uires that !ou run a telnet client on !our computer and
connect to a telnet ser,er on the other machine.
0-. What is the AAD?
Aecute Aoc$ets Da!er, is a technolog! de,eloped b! ?etscape +ommunications for
encr!pting data sent between clients and ser,ers.
04. What is the tunneling?
2unneling results in the original pac$et=data frame being hidden inside a new pac$et frame.
2unneling happens in the same la!er whereas encapsulation happens between la!ers.
-9. What is flow control?
<low control is a techni%ue to properl! match the segment transmission rate of sender to that
of the recei,er and the networ$. It is important for the transmission to be at a high enough
rates to ensueSre good performance, but also to protect against o,erwhelming the networ$ or
recei,ing host.
-1. :ow to find real IP address of the client that is connecting with a ser,er
startOrunOTcmdT then ipconfig =all
-". What is the difference between switch and hub?
Awitch wor$s on la!er" while hub wor$s at la!er1.Awitch does on 1ac address while hub
broadcast the pac$et to each node on n=w Awitch is full duplex ;" wa! communication while
hub is half duplex ;1 wa! communication.
-&. What is an IP+ and what are the different IP+s mechanisms?
IP+ refers to Inter Process +ommunications which pro,ides flexible, efficient message
passing and communication mechanisms between processes.
2he ,arious IP+ mechanisms a,ailable are.
Ahared memor!
1essage %ueues
-). What is thrashing?
2hrashing in a ,irtual memor! s!stems a high page fault situation, where the s!stem spends
most of the time in swapping pages than executing processes. ' s!stem that is thrashing can
be percei,ed as either a ,er! slow s!stem or one that has come to a halt. It results in se,ere
performance problems. 2hrashing is caused b! under-allocation of the minimum number of
pages re%uired b! a process, forcing it to continuousl! page fault.
-*. What are the differences between user-le,el threads and $ernel-support threads?
' program using the POAII pthread 'PIs creates and manipulates what are called user
threads. '$ernel thread is a $ernel-schedulabel entit!, which ma! support one or more user
threads. >ser- le,els threads ha,e no $ernel supporter, so the! are ,er! inexpensi,e in terms
of resources demand. 7ernel threads are more expensi,e because s!stem calls are needed
to create and destro! them.
-/. Windows is programmed b! which programming language?
Windows was originall! programmed in +=+UU and probabl! still is - apart from bits of low
le,el bootstrap code ;including bits of assembler and some in B8.
-0. What are de,ice dri,ers?
2he purpose of de,ice dri,ers is to handle re%uests made b! the dernel with regard to a
particular t!pe of de,ice. ' de,ice dri,er is a software module that resides within the $ernel
and is then software interface to a hardware de,ice or de,ices. 2he! can be classified into.
8loc$ de,ice dri,ers
+haracter de,ice dri,ers
Pseudo de,ice dri,ers.
--. What do !ou mean b! &"bit or /)bit +P>?
2he bit si(e of a +P> denotes how man! b!tes of information it can access from E'1 at the
same time.
-4. What are the similarities between threads and processes?
2hreads and processes both ha,e an id, set of registers, state, priorit! and scheduling polic!.
2hreads and child processes share resources with the parent process.
8oth can change their attributes or can create new resources.
' thread information bloc$ similar to the process information bloc$ exists in the s!stem.
49. When does page fault occur?
' page fault occurs when an access to a page ta$es place that has not !et been brought into
main memor!. 2he operating s!stem ,erifies the memor! access, aborting the program if it is
in,alid. If the memor! access is ,alid, a free frame is allocated and I=O re%uested to read the
re%uired page in the frame. >pon completion of I=O the process table and page tables are
updated and the instruction is restated.
41. Wh! paging is used?
Paging is solution to external fragmentation problem which is to permit the logical address
space of a process to be noncontiguous, thus allowing a process to be allocating ph!sical
memor! where,er the latter is a,ailable.
4". What is difference between ?2<A V <'2&"?
?2<A stands for new technolog! file s!stem or networ$ technolog! file s!stem. In ?2A<
partition si(e can be of " 28 or more. and file si(e can be 1/ 28. file=folder encr!ption is done.
and it supports file name character upto "**. <'2&" stands for <ile allocation table. in <'2&"
partition si(e can be >pto " 28. and file si(e can be ) @8. file=folder encr!ption is not possible
in <'2&".
4&. What is hashing?
:ashing is a wa! retrie,ing records from memor! in faster wa!. Eecord is inserted into
memor! b! using hash function di,ision, mid s%uare, folding, digit anal!sisand also records
are retrie,ed using same hash function.
4). What are factors that determine a page si(e?
Aome factors are. 2o minimi(e internal fragmentation-page si(e should be small. 2o minimi(e
I=O times-page should be large. 2he %uantit! of I=O is reduced for smaller pages as localit! is
impro,ed. 2o minimi(e the number of page faults-need.
4*. What is a Wombie process?
Wombies are processes that are dead but ha,e not been remo,ed from the process table.
Wombies are created when a parent process terminates without waiting for the child process
to complete its execution. 2he child process after termination exists as a (ombie in the
4/. What is a daemon?
6aemons are long running processes. 2he! are bac$ground processes, often started
immediatel! after booting and terminate onl! when the s!stem is shutdown.
40. What are 8atch Operating A!stem and a 2ime-Aharing Operating A!stem?
8atch operating s!stem are those where we collect similar $ind of process ma$e a batch and
then submitted to processor to process. 2ime sharing where processor jumps between
process when a process in its input session or output session processor jumps.
4-. When can !ou tell that a memor! lea$ will occur?
' memor! lea$ occurs when a program loses the abilit! to free a bloc$ of d!namicall!
allocated memor!.
44. 6ata Atructures declared as Bolatile and +onst
If we declare a data structure const means after declaration that data structure is read onl!.
6eclaring a data structure Bolatile is a order to compiler not to perform optimi(ation on that
data structure.
199. What is a file s!stem?
+ollection of related files stored in a particular location is called file s!stem. there three t!pes
of file s!stem i dis$ based file s!stem and " is networ$ based file s!stem and the other one is
,irtual based file s!stem. for example in dis$ based file C.
191. What is the buc$et si(e, when the o,erlapping and collision occur at same time?
One. If there is onl! one entr! possible in the buc$et, when the collision occurs, there is no
wa! to accommodate the colliding ,alue. 2his results in the o,erlapping of ,alues.
19". When can !ou tell that a memor! lea$ will occur?
' memor! lea$ occurs when a program loses the abilit! to free a bloc$ of d!namicall!
allocated memor!.
19&. 6ata Atructures declared as Bolatile and +onst
If we declare a data structure const means after declaration that data structure is read onl!.
6eclaring a data structure Bolatile is a order to compiler not to perform optimi(ation on that
data structure.
19). What is a file s!stem?
+ollection of related files stored in a particular location is called file s!stem. 2here three t!pes
of file s!stem i dis$ based file s!stem and " is networ$ based file s!stem and the other one is
,irtual based file s!stem. <or example in dis$ based file C.
19*. What is the buc$et si(e, when the o,erlapping and collision occur at same time?
One. If there is onl! one entr! possible in the buc$et, when the collision occurs, there is no
wa! to accommodate the colliding ,alue. 2his results in the o,erlapping of ,alues.

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