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Living Essentially Anointeds

School Supplies: Essential Oils Edition

Virtual Class Guide
By Ashley Boyd
Graphics by Bryan and Cassie Schmidt

How to use this Guide:

This is meant to be an outline for doing a Virtual Facebook class through an event. Please personalize
this to make it your own and save it for future reference. Anything in italics can be copied and pasted
along with the graphic. Testimonials have been provided for you, but you may want to replace them with
your own as you have them.

This is very personalized to my personality. Change out the graphics, make it your own! This is just a
guide and an outline to get you started and make it easier for you. Anything after ** is something I share
in the comments section

Set up Facebook Event:

1. Create Event (make the location something fun like, your couch)

2. Add description to the event:

Come learn with us ways to use Young Living Essential Oils to keep yourself and/or your students physically,
mentally and emotionally healthy while the kiddos are back in school!

If youre interested in checking out some great information beforehand, go to

3. Add the School Supplies graphic to the event:

Okay, so the way a virtual class works is VERY simple. I will be making informative posts here in the event,
and you simply refresh, read, scroll, and interact! All the posts will be numbered so you dont miss anything!
It's going to be a great time, and I can't wait to get started sharing with you all!

Pre Event:
Be a good friend and be sure to invite others to join us for this awesome educational class! Great for parents,
teachers, students, and a lot of general information that will be helpful for everyone!


1. If youre here early, awesome! Be a good friend and make sure you invite everyone you know who might
need this information. In the comments below tag the person who invited you, and a friend that you think
would be interested in learning more about how to use oils! This will earn you and the people you tag each
entries in or giveaway!

2. Who loves a giveaway!?? Many of us have a major concern about keeping our kiddos healthy at school!
Ill be doing a giveaway of a Thieves bundle that includes 5ml bottle of Thieves, Thieves Hand Sanitizer,
Thieves Spray, AND Thieves hand soap!

You gain entries by liking posts, commenting, asking questions, and sharing your own testimonials
throughout the class!

3. I do have to say that Im not a medical professional. I am simply here to share my experiences and those
of my friends!

4. So heres a bit about my family and our story.... and why Im so passionate about sharing this information
with others! My family has been using essential oils for almost 3 years. We began a major health journey
about 5 years ago when our son was unofficially diagnosed with ADHD. We didnt feel like it was in Gods
plan for us to medicate our son, and began reviewing alternatives to help him with his energy and
impulsivity. This journey led me to learn a lot about how our bodies process toxins, and I became a woman
on a mission to rid our home of as many toxins as possible... including prescription and over the counter
medications. This is about the time that I began seeking out information on natural remedies for illnesses (I
didnt want to give my kids meds... but I didnt want them to suffer, either!) Essential oils came into our lives
and we have never looked back! We not only use them for illnesses but also for mood, hormones, first aid,
household cleaning, etc.
My son has just started his 3rd grade year, and has been doing SO well. We have never had to resort to
medication. He is the energetic and creative young man that God created him to be!
So share your story (and even a pic) with us!

5. Are we ready to get started! Get ready to get Educated! Share with me one thing you are excited about

6. Get ready to take notes, and start a wish list! We're going to cover a TON of different YL oils and
supplements to keep us and our kiddos healthy!!
What is one YL product already on your wish list?

7. Lets talk for just a second about ways you can use oils. You can apply them topically (some oils can be
hot and will need to be diluted with a carrier oil on more sensitive skin,) ingest the oils (in tea, capsules, glass
water bottles,) or diffuse the oils.

My family loves to use the oils topically, it is easy and effective! Anything applied to the skin goes directly
into the blood stream!

When I was a teacher, I LOVED to diffuse in my classroom. Diffusing is the quickest way to get the oils
directly to the pituitary gland, which helps regulate the feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin.

8. Keeping our kiddos and our own immune systems strong is usually the number one concern when our
kiddos are going back to school! NingXia Red is a regular part of my familys regimen. It is high in
antioxidants which help our bodies process toxins, and supports gut health which is the foundation of a good
immune system!

ImmuPro is a supplement that I take during times of extra stress, or at the first sign of illness. It is a
chewable tablet that contains melatonin (so its a great addition to the bedtime routine!)

9. Thieves essential oils and household products are a MUST in our home during cold/flu season! Diffusing
Thieves kills 99.96% of airborne bacteria... so I diffuse it all winter long! The Thieves cleaner is awesome not
only for floors, counters, and toilets... but also works great for glass and windows!

Not to mention it's completely non-toxic! My friend Shanna"s young son was sucking some from the squirt
bottle just the other day... and the only side effect he had was smelling really awesome!

**If youre curious about the name, heres a bit more info:

10. There are a lot of other oils that are great for supporting the immune system. I have learned that the
oils work best when you catch an illness before it completely sets in. Last year, my whole family got the flu,
but the moment I started feeling icky, I loaded up on the oils! Thieves and lemon on my throat and glands...
raindrop of immune boosting oils. It NEVER settled in to my body!

My latest favorite has been Exodus II. It is awesome for those with epilepsy who want to avoid the Rosemary
in Thieves. I love that it contains several potent Oils of Ancient Scripture.

11. We all know how frustrating it can be when our kids get sick and then have that cough that lasts
forever! RC has been a family favorite of mine, but it is currently out of stock! You can get it in the Golden
Touch Kit... which I just stocked up on!

Breathe Again and Raven are also great for respiratory support.

12. Another major symptom of illness we deal with is upset tummies.

Peppermint is great for nausea, gassiness, and motion sickness.

DiGize can be awesome for ANY tummy issue... from constipation to diarrhea, and bloating to nausea.

Peace & Calming is an oil that I recently discovered can be very helpful for upset tummies. The Patchouli in
it can be calming to the tummy... plus it has the added benefit of calming the mind! My son tends to deal
with anxiety which gives him an upset stomach... this oil can pull double duty during those times!

13. Allergies are a huge issue for anyone living in Texas. The worst thing about allergies is that the make us
FEEL awful... but we usually arent sick enough to stay home and rest! Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint
are called the LLP allergy combo! Lemon helps promote drainage, lavender is a natural anti-histamine, and
peppermint helps open up the sinuses! This combination has replaced OTC and prescription allergy meds for

14. There are several oils and supplements that can help with mental focus.

NingXia Nitro is an awesome supplement that helps increase mental energy. I have actually given this to my
hyperactive son to help increase his focus!

Clarity is an awesome blend of oils that several of my homeschooling friends swear by! They diffuse it during
school constantly!

Frankincense is high in sesquiterpines, which oxygenate and repair the brain!

Brain Power is a favorite in our house. This oil helped my son sit for 2 hour tutoring sessions this past

15. That brings me to the oils that are good for ADD/ADHD. This is an area where I have done the bulk of
my research for the sake of my precious boy! I do have to say that the oils have been extremely helpful, but
diet has been foundational (my ADHD/Autism class video is posted in the comments.)

Valor Helpful for balancing the body systems, hormones, nervous system, and giving an overall feeling of
balance and focus. My son loves to use this for anxiety!

Lavender Can be extremely calming for active minds. Helps my son sleep at night (I add Valerian on nights
he needs a little extra boost!)

Cedarwood Also very high in Sesquiterpines, Cedarwood is oxygenating to the brain and helps with mental

Vetiver Great for focus and calming minds!

The blend I created for my son: Equal parts, Cedarwood, Vetiver, Copaiba (for chelating heavy metals) and a
tad bit of coconut oil in a roller bottle. Goes on his brain stem every morning after applying Valor! Brain
Power is added when he needs an extra focus boost!


16. Memory boosting is huge during test time!

Peppermint is energizing to the brain and can help with mental clarity.

Lemon is EXTREMELY helpful with memory recall! Studies have shown that lemon can boost memory recall
anywhere from 38-98%! Thats an average increase of 58% in memory recall, just using lemon! This is one
that I wish ALL teachers would diffuse during test time!

17. Text anxiety is REAL! Were dealing with this for the first time in our own home. My son has been taking
benchmark testing all week, and hes exhausted and last night was complaining of a tummy ache and said he
didnt want to go to school. We applied Valor last night and this morning, and he was ready to go!

Peace & Calming & Stress Away are two blends that I know several people live by for anxiety!

Believe is one of my personal favorite oils! It puts me in a place of mental and emotional balanced... feeling
confident to take on whatever challenges I may face during the day!

18. Okay... lets talk homework time! We all know what its like to get an exhausted kid at home in the late
afternoon to actually accomplish anything! Theyre exhausted, were exhausted... its a recipe for disaster!

Joy- I love to diffuse joy in my home so that my kids come home in the evening to an atmosphere that is
permeated by the frequency of joyful emotion! I want them to look forward to coming home... for it to be a
refuge from the stress and struggles of the day!

Peace & Calming - When you have those moments of emotional breakdown, taking a break with Peace &
Calming can be very helpful!

Grounding This oil is a staple in our home! My 5 year old dealt with frequent melt downs... and this oil
came up in a scan for her! It keeps her more emotionally balanced!

19. Lets move to outside the classroom. Many of us have kiddos involved in extra curricular activities that
require them to be physically healthy. Here are a few oils that are awesome for performance and recovery!

If you have an older athlete who is looking to build muscle, you might also look into Protein Complete
powder. Teenage boys, especially, like to start reaching for the junk-filled protein drinks and energy drinks.
NingXia Nitro is touted by professional athletes and doesnt contain the junk that a ton of the energy drinks
on the market do!

With Deep Relief being out of stock, my husband has begun using Ortho Sport Massage Oil after his
workouts. He tested this the other day when he did lunges for the first time. He applied the massage oil all
over his legs that evening... and the next day they werent sore, but his rear end was! He said that next time,
hell apply EVERYWHERE!

Sulfurzyme is an awesome supplement for muscle building and recovery. It also supports the gut and a
healthy immune system!

When dealing with injuries, you might look into BLM which is similar to sulfurzyme but supports the repair
of bone, ligaments, and muscle.

20. Lice, ick! We dealt with lice for the first time this past January! I put 4 drops of RC (because I didnt
have Eucalyptus R. in a single,) 2 drops of Joy (because I didnt have geranium in a single,) and 2 drops of
Lavender in with a bit of olive oil.

You can check out the entire protocol I followed here:

Using Lavender or Purification in your kids shampoo can help deter lice!

21. Okay... now I'm going to ask this question again... what is on your wish list!??

22. If you arent already a member of Young Living, you can get your hands on these oils by contacting the
person who invited you to this class! I highly recommend the Premium Starter Kit which includes the 10
Everyday oils, Stress Away, a diffuser, and your wholesale membership! This kit is $150, and you can even
upgrade to a larger Aroma Diffuser for an extra $10.

23. The wholesale membership comes with the Premium Starter Kit option! A membership is perfect for
giving you complete control over the health of your family. You order on your own whenever you need
something without a distributor hassling you! You also have the opportunity be a part of the Essential
Rewards Program which can help you earn free product!

24. Another AWESOME benefit of the Wholesale membership is the opportunity to join the Essential
Rewards program and earn points for FREE products!! This is an optional program, and you can try it out
and cancel anytime and still keep your 24% discount!

**Check out this quick video for a bit more info on Essential Rewards

25. Are you ready to get started? You can easily enroll at

Type in the ID number of the person who invited you to this class.

If you are a YL member who invited a friend, list your ID number below.

26. Starting the school year planning for the best can be intimidating! The best thing about Young Living is
you arent in it alone! We have a lot of resources available to help you along the way! If you have questions
or concerns, dont hesitate to contact me and if I dont know the answer, I can find someone who does! Here
are a few resources to help you learn more! - The Essential Oils Desk Reference - Multiple resources and oily accessories!

27. As we wrap up, are there any specific health issues youre looking for testimonies for, or any final
questions we can answer for you all?

28. Throughout this class you may have thought of a few people who need this information! Feel free to
keep inviting friends and family and tag them in posts that they would find interesting. Ill extend it for a
few days, so its easy to find... and keep the questions coming!

29. Thank you all for your time! Thats all the scheduled posts I have for you. Ill get back to you tomorrow
with the winner of our drawing!

Giveaway Winner Post:
The winner of the Thieves Kit giveaway is (winner name)! Thanks for participating! Message me with your
address for shipping.

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