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CONCURSO DE ADMISSO 2007 ao CFO/QC - 2008 PG - 1

9,000 pontos distribudos em 50 itens
Ma&'() *o +a&,-o .) &)/0o/,a/1 a*)2o1 a 3*4+a a5,)&*a,46a '() &)/0o*.) .) 7a*)4&a
+o&&),a ao 0).4.o .) +a.a 4,)78
18 Teaching methods encompass three different areas. Which of the following
alternatives best defines the term approach?
9A: set of procedural principles.
9;: set of techni!ues.
9C: set of theoretical principles.
9D: set of tas"s.
9E: set of prescritive rules.
28 Which of the methods listed below recommends that students be e#posed to a
lot of oral input before the$ produce language?
9A: %irect.
9;: Total &h$sical 'esponse.
9C: (ognitive.
9D: (ommunicative.
9E: udiolingual.
<8 Which of the following statements is a definition of discourse competence?
9A: The abilit$ to state language rules.
9;: The abilit$ to recogni)e the le#ical, morphological, s$ntactic, phonological
features of a language.
9C: The abilit$ to recogni)e coherent and cohesive features of a language.
9D: The abilit$ to understand the social conte#t in which language is used.
9E: The abilit$ to use coping strategies in unfamiliar conte#ts.
=8 The diagram below describes the elements of language competence. (hoose
the alternative which contains the components to complete it.
9A: *. +rammatical. ,. %iscourse. -. .trategic. /. .ociolinguistic.
9;: *. +rammatical. ,. Te#tual. -. 0llocutionar$. /. .ociolinguistic.
9C: *. .trategic. ,. .ociolinguistic. -. +rammatical. /. 0llocutionar$.
9D: *. .ociolinguistic. ,. %iscourse. -. 0llocutionar$. /. +rammatical.
9E: *. Te#tual. ,. .ociolinguistic. -. .trategic. /. +rammatical.
>8 The best definition for interlanguage is1
9A: the influence of the native language in the target language.
9;: the successive appro#imation to the target language.
9C: the s$stem with a structurall$ intermediate status between the native and the
target language.
9D: the idios$ncratic s$stem that is uni!ue to a particular individual.
9E: the s$stem of rules that is peculiar to a group of individuals.
?8 Which alternative best describes 2rashen3s interrelated h$potheses?
9A: The ac!uisition-learning, the monitor, the natural order, the output, the affective
9;: The ac!uisition-learning, the cognitive, the natural order, the output, the affective
9C: The ac!uisition-learning, the input, the cognitive, the language universal, the
affective filter.
9D: The affective filter, the ac!uisition-learning, the input, the natural order, the
9E: The affective filter, the output, the cognitive, the language universal, the
4anguage competence
*. 555555 ,. 555555
&ragmatic competence 6rgani)ational competence
-. 555555 /.555555
CONCURSO DE ADMISSO 2007 ao CFO/QC - 2008 PG - 2
78 The concept of social distance consists of the following parameters1
9A: dominance, integration, cohesiveness, congruence, permanence.
9;: dominance, acculturation, integration, congruence, permanence.
9C: attitude, dominance, acculturation, congruence, permanence.
9D: attitude, dominance, integration, cohesiveness, congruence.
9E: subordination, integration, attitude, cohesiveness, congruence.
88 constructivist view of motivation places special emphasis on1
9A: personal choices and anticipation of reward.
9;: social conte#t and the need for activit$.
9C: the need for activit$ and the need for manipulation.
9D: social conte#t and personal choices.
9E: anticipation of reward and the need for manipulation.
A8 The term 7B&a77a&4*B8 coined b$ %iane 4arsen-9reeman, means that
grammar should be viewed as1
9A: forms to be transmitted.
9;: rules to be memori)ed.
9C: a s"ill to be developed.
9D: rules to be learned.
9E: forms to be memori)ed.
108 Which of the following statements best describes the abilit$ to produce and
interpret grammatical utterances?
9A: 4earners learn structures one at a time.
9;: 4earners don3t rel$ on the "nowledge and e#perience the$ have.
9C: The introduction of new structures causes learners to bac"slide.
9D: single learning process is responsible for different aspects of language.
9E: 4earners accumulate structural entities.
118 The teaching of vocabular$ was often neglected in the past because it was
thought that vocabular$1
9A: was difficult to teach.
9;: could not be taught e#plicitl$.
9C: was impossible to organi)e in a s$llabus.
9D: could simpl$ be left to ta"e care of itself.
9E: was viewed as part of teaching grammar.
128 The spread of :nglish as the world3s lingua franca is often seen as1
9A: harmless to other languages and cultures.
9;: displacing other languages and cultures.
9C: challenging to other languages and cultures.
9D: beneficial to other languages and cultures.
9E: replacing other languages and cultures.
1<8 Which of the following statements is a definition of s$llabus?
9A: plan of what is to be achieved through teaching and learning.
9;: plan of what is to be taught during the lesson.
9C: plan of how to teach activities during the course.
9D: plan of how to assess teaching and learning.
9E: plan of action to be followed during the course.
1=8 What is the assumption underl$ing a grammatical s$llabus?
9A: 4anguages consist of a finite set of word.
9;: 4anguages consist of a finite set of notions.
9C: 4anguages consist of a finite set of functions.
9D: 4anguages consist of a finite set of rules.
9E: 4anguages consist of a finite set of sounds.
CONCURSO DE ADMISSO 2007 ao CFO/QC - 2008 PG - <
1>8 Which of the following statements about testing is true?
9A: ;alidit$ refers to whether the test actuall$ measures what it purports to
9;: 9ace validit$ refers to the ade!uac$ of sampling of content or ob<ectives in a
9C: (onstruct validit$ refers to whether respondents3 performance on a test
parallels their performance on a similar test ta"en later.
9D: (riterion-related validit$ refers to the degree which scores on a measure
permit inferences about underl$ing traits.
9E: (onvergent validit$ refers to the ade!uac$ of sampling of content or
ob<ectives in a test.
1?8 When writing a test, teachers should consider three main testing concepts1
9A: reliabilit$, validit$, item correlation.
9;: validit$, tested response behavior, s"ill tested.
9C: practicalit$, s"ill tested, reliabilit$.
9D: reliabilit$, validit$, practicalit$.
9E: practicalit$, tested response behavior, reliabilit$.
178 Which of the following alternatives describes a fundamental classroom
management concern regarding the teacher as a person?
9A: The e!uipment available.
9;: The use of the board.
9C: The seating arrangement.
9D: The !ualit$ of the class material.
9E: The fre!uenc$ of e$e contact.
188 Which of the alternatives is an e#ample of an e#ternall$ imposed stage in
process writing?
9A: &lanning.
9;: 'esponding.
9C: 'evising.
9D: %rafting.
9E: :diting.
1A8 (hoose the alternative that presents the best possible planning solution for the
following classroom problem.
&'6=4:>1 ?oung teenagers are wor"ing in pairs, doing role-pla$s of <ob
interviews. The$ are having problems with thin"ing of what to as" and answer.
9A: @se routines to set up activities.
9;: >a"e sure students understand instructions.
9C: 6rgani)e groups so that learners who wor" well together are in the same
9D: &lan an activit$ which is more suitable for learners3 needs.
9E: &lan how to ma"e feedbac" interesting.
208 (hoose the option which correctl$ describes an overt response that indicates
reading comprehension.
9A: %oing A reader put together a to$, for e#ample, after reading directions for
9;: Transferring A the reader answers !uestions about a te#t.
9C: :#tending A the reader summari)es orall$ what is read.
9D: >odeling A the reader responds ph$sicall$ at a command.
9E: (ondensing A the reader outlines a passage.
218 Which pair of words are homophones?
9A: saw BverbC A saw BnounC.
9;: minute BnounC A minute Bad<ectiveC.
9C: man BnounC A men BnounC.
9D: reed BnounC A rid BverbC.
9E: owl BnounC A all BadverbC.
228 The ad<ective in which the ). ending is pronounced /,/ is1
9A: na"ed.
9;: blessed.
9C: aged.
9D: hunchbac"ed.
9E: learned.
CONCURSO DE ADMISSO 2007 ao CFO/QC - 2008 PG - =
2<8 (hoose the noun formed b$ the compounding process of the verb-and-ob<ect
9A: 9rostbite.
9;: %iving board.
9C: (able car.
9D: .tin"weed.
9E: .carecrow.
2=8 Which sentence can be appropriatel$ completed with the word another?
9A: Donathan, would $ou li"e 555555555555 mil"?
9;: 4isten, gu$s, 0 need 5555555555 E*5 for the tic"ets.
9C: 0 have two cats1 one is >uff$ and 55555555 is Dim.
9D: (ould 0 have 5555555555555 , >rs. >iller?
9E: 0 thin" that woman wants 555555555555 peas.
2>8 0n which sentence does the article or the absence of an article e#press
nongeneric meaning of the noun in bold?
9A: P)o05) can be so cold.
9;: 54o* escaped from the )oo last night.
9C: Do50C4*/ have e#traordinar$ intelligence.
9D: Fave $ou ever seen a 5o,(/ D5oE)&?
9E: The ,4B)& is a ferocious animal.
2?8 (hoose the noun phrase that appropriatel$ completes the sentence below.
9red has 555555555555555555555555555
9A: the hernia.
9;: the gout.
9C: the bac"ache.
9D: the earache.
9E: the influen)a.
278 (hoose the correct sentence.
9A: 6ur all man$ hopes were "ept alive.
9;: These two ne#t wee"s will be hectic.
9C: Falf ever$ pa$chec" goes to pa$ off the mortgage.
9D: Gone of those e#pensive items will be necessar$.
9E: 4ast two e#ams were e#tremel$ difficult.
288 Which ad<ective is used in an attributive position?
9A: sleep.
9;: 9aint.
9C: fraid.
9D: =ound.
9E: .heer.
2A8 (hoose the correct sentence.
9A: Gothing can travel faster than the light.
9;: The most birds can fl$.
9C: ;iolin is more difficult than piano.
9D: %o $ou li"e an elephant?
9E: The tiger is an endangered species.
<08 Which ad<ective is used in a predicative position?
9A: drift.
9;: @tter.
9C: >ere.
9D: &revious.
9E: 6nl$.
<18 The article a can be appropriatel$ used in1
9A: 55555 h$potheses.
9;: 55555 billiards.
9C: 55555 means.
9D: 55555 draughts.
CONCURSO DE ADMISSO 2007 ao CFO/QC - 2008 PG - >
9E: 55555 news.
<28 Which sentence is grammaticall$ correct?
9A: Dohn deceived.
9;: The boat is read$.
9C: Tim is li"el$.
9D: The sales are sub<ect.
9E: .ue allowed me.
<<8 (hoose the correct statement.
9A: >odal au#iliaries cannot occur as the first element of the verb phrase.
9;: >odal au#iliaries have the full range of non-finite forms.
9C: >odal au#iliaries which do not have a distinct past form cannot be used to
refer to the past in indirect speech.
9D: >odal au#iliaries are inflected in the third person singular of the present
9E: The past form of modal au#iliaries can be used to refer to present and future
<=8 0n which sentence does the conditional e#press a habitual fact?
9A: 0f Ganc$ said, 7DumpH8, =ob <umped.
9;: 0f it rains, 03ll not go to the beach.
9C: 0f someone3s at the door, it must be &eter.
9D: Fad 0 seen %oroth$, 0 would have given her the message.
9E: 0 wouldn3t marr$ $ou if $ou were the last person on earthH
<>8 (hoose the correct sentence.
9A: &eter gave to lice.
9;: >organ paid to Farr$.
9C: We handed the letters.
9D: +o find a pencil.
9E: 0 e#plained >ar$ the problem.
<?8 (hoose the correct statement.
9A: :nglish prepositions are bound inflectional affi#es.
9;: &repositional phrases follow copular verbs and ad<ectives.
9C: &repositions do not ma"e nouns adverbials.
9D: :nglish prepositions alwa$s come before nouns.
9E: &repositional phrases do not follow intransitive verbs.
<78 0n which sentence does the conditional e#press implicit inference?
9A: 0f 0 weren3t so sh$, 0 would have gotten that <ob.
9;: 0f Doe had the time, he would go to >e#ico.
9C: Fad 0 "nown that, 0 wouldn3t have said an$thing.
9D: .hould the guests arrive earl$, no one will be here to greet them.
9E: 0f smog can be lic"ed in 4.., it can be lic"ed an$where.
<88 The verb tense which portra$s an event in a wa$ that allows for it to be
incomplete is1
9A: the past simple.
9;: the present simple.
9C: the present progressive.
9D: the future.
9E: the conditional.
<A8 0n which sentence does an ellipsis occur?
9A: We went to a wine and cheese part$.
9;: The$ went to the opera and saw Carmen.
9C: nnie pla$s softball, and she pla$s soccer too.
9D: (ecilia is both energetic and ambitious.
9E: 0 <ust had some fish and chips.
=08 (hoose the sentence in which but is e#pressing denial of e#pectation.
9A: Winter is warm in >aui but cold in >ontreal.
9;: &aul li"es s"iing, but his sister prefers tennis.
9C: @ncle 9red is friendl$ but introverted.
9D: Gimbus clouds threaten rain, but cirrus clouds do not.
CONCURSO DE ADMISSO 2007 ao CFO/QC - 2008 PG - ?
9E: .he li"es an occasional visit to the desert, but he wants to relocate there.
=18 s far as semantic restrictions are concerned, choose the correct sentence.
9A: Dohn replaced indecision.
9;: There hoped to be a school on the island.
9C: Fe wal"ed prett$ too !uic"l$.
9D: The weather is a bit lovel$ toda$.
9E: The bab$3s having a bath.
=28 (hoose the correct sentence.
9A: 03ll get a stal" of celer$.
9;: %oug bought a trouser toda$.
9C: There3s a head of grapes here.
9D: 4oo"H floc" of fish near the boat.
9E: Two thousand of bric"s will be necessar$.
=<8 Which statement about fossili)ation is false?
9A: 9ossili)ation is most salientl$ manifested in s$ntactic errors.
9;: 9ossili)ation is a normal and natural stage for man$ learners.
9C: 9ossili)ed items can alwa$s change under the right circumstances.
9D: 9ossili)ation ma$ be accounted for as a result of inappropriate feedbac".
9E: 9ossili)ed items are !uite common even when learners have a fluent
command of the language.
==8 'esearch findings on .4 have come to the conclusions below. Which one is
9A: dults and adolescents can ac!uire a second language.
9;: Gative li"e Bnear native li"eC command of a second language cannot be
achieved in one hour a da$.
9C: &ractice ma"e perfect.
9D: (ertain structures that have to be ac!uired before others can be integrated.
9E: 0solated e#plicit error correction is usuall$ ineffective in changing language
=>8 ll issues below are e#amples of new directions in teaching culture, e#cept1
9A: the teaching of :nglish ma$ change the balance of the haves and have nots in
local cultures.
9;: the teaching of :nglish ma$ enhance world peace and harmon$.
9C: the teaching of :nglish should foster intercultural rights and responsibilities.
9D: the teaching of :nglish will probabl$ create and promote new identities.
9E: the teaching of :nglish will empower people.
=?8 The options below describe micros"ills of oral communication, e#cept1
9A: produce fluent speech at different rates of deliver$.
9;: produce reduced forms of words and phrases.
9C: use bod$ language to conve$ meaning.
9D: infer situations, participants, goals using real world "nowledge.
9E: produce chun"s of language at different lengths.
=78 ll of the characteristics of spo"en language listed below ma"e listening
difficult, e#cept1
9A: redundanc$.
9;: clustering.
9C: accent.
9D: reduced forms.
9E: rate of deliver$.
=88 The pattern %:T:'>0G:' I &':->6%090:' I F:% I &6.T>6%090:'
is found in all the sentences below, e#cept1
9A: 0 remember lice3s best boo" about feminism.
9;: 0 remember a good trip that 0 once had.
9C: 0 remember all those da$s in the countr$ last $ear.
CONCURSO DE ADMISSO 2007 ao CFO/QC - 2008 PG - 7
9D: 0 remember that beautiful girl with red hair.
9E: 0 remember an old sa$ing about friendship.
=A8 The !uestion tags in the sentences below are correct, e#cept in1
9A: 0t3s no good, isn3t it?
9;: +ive me a hand, will $ou?
9C: 4et3s have a part$, shall we?
9D: 6pen a window, would $ou?
9E: .hut up, can3t $ou?
>08 Which statement is false?
9A: The passive allows spea"ers to ma"e a "ind of figureJground reversal.
9;: =e is not the onl$ verb that fulfills the function of au#iliar$ verb of the
9C: :ver$ passive sentence with a transitive verb is acceptable.
9D: >ost passive sentences are agentless.
9E: The passive topicali)es the patient or receiver of the action.
language institute is carr$ing out a research pro<ect about the implications
of phonolog$ to the :94 classroom and has sent the letter below to man$ schools. ?our
school has received this letter. @se a pseudon$m and write a repl$ to the letter, using
between ,50 and -00 words.
=abel 0nstitute
*-*, &in" .treet
=er"ele$, ( 90L-*--5
%ear >s. >iller1
We are a language institute in the @nited .tates and some of our teachers
are carr$ing out a research pro<ect about the role phonolog$ pla$s in the :94
classroom. &art of the research is getting to "now the opinion of :94 teachers.
Therefore, we are writing to $ou in order to as" $ou to voice $our opinion about this
theme. &lease support $our opinion.
Than" $our ver$ much for $our attention.
We are loo"ing forward to hearing from $ou.
?ours sincerel$,
Ann Gardner
nn +ardner
cademic %irector
*,000 ponto distribudo em 0* item

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