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Astral Journey and the Astral Body

You frst separate yourself from the body; then you identify yourself with
the mind, and then you function on the mental plane, with this fne body
just as you do on this physical plane. Through concentration, you rise
above the body-consciousness; through meditation, you rise above mind;
and fnally through Samadhi, you realie your spiritual nature. These are
three important e!ercises of "ntaranga sadhana in the achievements of
#aivalya, the fnal beautitude.
You can, by mere willing alone, travel to any place you li$e with the astral
body and there materialie by drawing the necessary elements either from
"han$ara or the universal storehouse, the ocean of Tanmatras. The
process is very, very simple to occultists and Yogis who $now the
rationale, the detailed techni%ue of the various operations. Thought
reading and thought-transference too can be %uite easily performed by
those who can function with the astral body. &oncentrated mental rays can
penetrate opa%ue walls, just as '-rays pass through the opa%ue body. This
is one of the Siddhis (mystical perfections). Siddhis are not the goal of
life. *o not entangle yourself in these Siddhis which mar your further
spiritual progress. Shun them entirely. Continue your Sadhana and stop not till you
reach the goal.
Movement of the Mind
After a short practice of meditation you will feel that the body gets lighter in a short
time, say ffteen or thirty minutes after you have taken your seat on Padma, Siddha
or Sukha Asana according to your taste and temperament. You may be
semiconscious of the body and surroundings or you may become uite unconscious
of the body. !here is a great deal of happiness owing to concentration. !his is
happiness resulting from concentration which is uite distinct from sensual
pleasure. You must be able to di"erentiate these two pleasures through the
intellect, rendered subtle by constant meditation. #harana $concentration% and
#hyana $meditation% have a power to sharpen the intellect. A trained intellect can
comprehend subtle, philosophical and abstruse problems beautifully well. A
disciplined intellect that can carefully di"erentiate the happiness derived from
concentration and that of sensual ob&ects will naturally run daily to en&oy this kind of
new happiness derived from concentration. Such a mind will loathe at sensual
pleasures. !here will be e'treme detesting abhorrence and positive aversion to
ob&ects. (t is but natural. )ecause this kind of happiness is more lasting, sustained,
self*contained and real as it emanates from the Atma $spirit soul%. You can distinctly
feel that the mind is moving, that it is leaving its seat in the heart, and that it is
trying to go to its Yatha Sthana $original seat%. You know that it has left its old
groove and is now passing on a new avenue. As a result of meditation, new
channels are formed in the brain, new thought*currents are generated, new brain
cells are formed. !here is a transformed psychology altogether. You have got a new
brain, a new heart, new feelings, new sentiments, new emotions and new
Anahata Sounds: The Mystical Internal Sounds Heard During Meditation
Anahata sounds are the mystic sounds heard by the Yogi at the beginning stage of
his meditation. !his sub&ect is termed +ada*Anusadhana, an enuiry into the mystic
sounds. !his is a sign of purifcation of the +adis due to the practice of Pranayama.
!he sounds can also be heard after the uttering of the A&apa ,ayatri mantra,
-.amsah Soham/, one hundred thousand times. !he sounds are heard through the
right ear with or without closing the ears.!he sounds are distinct when heard
through closed ears. !he ears can be closed by introducing the thumbs in the ear
through the process of Yoni*0udra. Sit in Padma or Siddha Asana. Close the ears
with right and left thumb and hear the sounds very attentively. 1ccasionally you can
hear the sounds through the left ear also. Practice to hear through the right ear only.
2hy you hear through the right ear only or hear distinctly through the right ear is
because of the in3uence of the solar +adi, Pingla. !he anahata sound is also called
omkara #hvani. (t is due to the vibration of prana in the heart.
consider the mind as a bo'4space where the thoughts arise as a balloon. the normal
human tendency is when one thought arises, we analyse associated action with it.
say * what breakfast should i make5 $if this is the primary thought% the ne't
attachments are all of conscious mind, i/ll make upma. but upma is not liked by my
son. so how do i convince him, lets give him sugar..... so on and so forth. the sub
conscious mind makes primary thought, secondary thoughts are in our control. one
needs practice to deny the mind the secondary thoughts. there is a good e'ample in
swami vivekanandas collective works on how to do this. when the primary thought
comes &ust observe the thought, the detachment of mind from the creator of
thought to the observer of thought is crucial pls try.

another method is set a trigger say a gods portrait which shall remind you to ask
yourself what am i thinking now. its like uestioning your child$mind here% what are
you doing now. when you continue to uestion this freuently you shall reduce the
primary thoughts and also not attach the secondary thoughts to the primary

after practicing this for some time, you shall realise that your mind has started
achieving calmness that you desire. thought less mind leads to you listening to your
inner voice. pls be careful here* some might confuse between the minds voice and
inner voice and get into lots of trouble. hopefully by this time you shall reach a
stage when you shall receive a better guidance than somebody on the net.


consider the mind as space

thoughts are ballons 3ying around

&ust watch and observe

over a period of time they reduce

thought less mind is the precursor to all spiritual seeking

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