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( oS'J UNE 2000 (:1.m.) )
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ir: addition to the 1 hou '")c3ndidates ftR C a~i\Yl''e{1 :1
!t~)~Hlirllgthne of 10 minutes. Candidates ~m;;;tNOT
write intheir answ '1' booklets during this thm:.
/\ U, WOI{KINn Ml 1STBE SHOV.lN i!~your apswr;>'- hO(lldp,L s;ner~J l""lrks "'iin he <1'.M;udec' for
correct steps incalculations.
C\)pyri ght \5:~) I9
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Describe how you would r1.tetminc the latenl heat of fusion of ice. Your account should
include the rnethod and Ol;tline the calculations which you would make. ( 8 marks)
(b) A glass contains 0.25 kg of water at Oe. 0.15 ,g of ice. also at 0 C, is added to the
water and it ;snoticed that after 11minutes all the ice has melted and all the water isnoW
at 15C. Assuming that he thermal capacity of the glass may be ignored, calculate he
(i) 'thermal energy absorbed by the ice for it to melt
(ii) total thermal energy :lhsorbed ,y it econtents of the glass
average rate of energy absorption by the contents of the glass.
(The :--pecific latent heat of ice is3.4 x 10
J kg-
and tt e specific heat capacity of water
is 4200 J kg-
(c) Anelectrical heater, rated at 750 W, isused to raise the temperature of the water to boiling
point. Calculate how long this would take if no heat is lost to the surroundings.
( 3marks)
Total 20marks
The terms electric field. electric charge and potential difference are frequently i;"
encountered inthe study of electrostatics. Define the unit inwhich EACH of these: ..
C!uantities is usually expressed.
(in Distinguish between electric field and ciec:ric field strer:gth.
{"ii! . Draw a diagram to represent the electric field betwoen two oppositel charged
para'lel pates.
(iv) Write down anequation relating. the electric fieid, thepotential differe ce between
the two plates, and the distance between them. ( 8 mark:
(b) In a televi, io tube ahean of electrons is ace-de ,,~tcdthrough apotential difference of
5000 V.
(i) Find the energy gained by a single e!ectroll as it moves through this potential
di fference.
(ii) Calculate its final ,;peed.
(i:i) If the ClllTe t in the electron beam is 2.0 mA, calculate the number of electrons
\J assii1g <i pe,int in tile tuhe in ODE'second.
(iV) Electrons tr;wel down the tube and stn1<eascreen at the far end causing th screen
to give out jiuht. Find the er,ergy convcrceo pe;-second sthe ~Iectro sstrii(e tl-j
C::h, Q,. eon electrcw = j ,(l .;( 10-;:; C, mass of elecl;-o'l 0::: 9. 1 x W-
(ii) State the characteristics of the image fonned and compare the properties of this
image with that formed by a diverging lens. ( 8 marks)
F'gure 1shows a thck-bottomed. glass aquarium containing later. A beam of light f!Ol,
a submerged source, S. is incident on the base at point X. The angle of incidence at X is
58 If the refractive index for light going from water t gIa..s is t.13, calculate the
(c) U~e the ;wgles :vou have calculated to drav\,' ;'1 diagr;,w1 sl1C'wing the path of the-refracted
beam after it leaves X. Partial reflection alsc ( cc 'isat X. Dr;'1\v Ihe rcflec(f~d rayon your
diagram. ( (, m?:r~;s)
(ii) Describe how you would find the centre of gravity of a piece of cardboard of
irregular shape. (8marks)
(b) Figure 2 represents atra I held hor'zontally bv await r. The tray has aweight of6 Nand
supports adrink of 'vveight3N The waiter provides aforce at P. The tray may pivot about
point T.
0) Use the information inFigure 2 to find the force provided by the waiter at P and
the upward force the h<!.ndexerts at T.
(ii) The drink ismoved along the tray closer to the hand. Istheforce needed atP tokeep
the tray horizontal now less, greater or the same? Explain your answer.
(iii, How much \VO_1 :5 Gone r-y :'\e VI. it~r in liftil g the fray a d drik through
a height of 0.60 m? (12 marks)
'----_._---\ ~._--- - -j
C Figur(' 3 s!10'N"twocircuits. A. and R. When the switch. S. isclosed the lamn. L,
lights, ExnI<in Ito. ',' t~i:n{;,;urs.
if the hmtery In CI'Tl. l!r I"', WPIT In i'H,"rt"pL~cf:utv,; ,lit ,. i,,-,. Sdr!O,). vYv',i!Q lC\.. a" 1.1,:,~;I:
Hpht? ~_ ':':. '\t)ini' . . !(. \~,-.;Plf" / f" ~ :~ rp9lr ,,~...
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. - .
A copper rod, connected to abattery, issuspended inthece treof themagnetic fieldof a
solenoid in:f'gure4. Thecopper rodexpcrie cesaforce.

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