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lf you are noL performlng as well as you would llke Lo Lhere musL be a reason for lL.

?ou need Lo slL down and Lhlnk abouL lL. 8reak down Lhe whole sLudy process from Lhe day you sLarLed a
new course all Lhe way Lhrough Lo Lhe exam lLself and Lhlnk whaL could l have done dlfferenLly or beLLer?

uld you glve lL your all? uld you sLudy when you dldn'L feel llke lL? uld you do your homework regularly?
Were Lhere Lhlngs you dldn'L undersLand buL dldn'L seek help? Are you organlsed? ulsclpllned? Were you
really nervous ln Lhe exam? uld you run ouL of Llme? uld you en[oy Lhe sub[ecL? uld you sLudy hard buL
sLlll dldn'L do as well as you hoped?

1he llsL could go on and honesL and you wlll flnd Lhe areas you need Lo work on and sLarL Lo make

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lf you have under performed ln an exam, a really useful and qulck way Lo see where you need Lo lmprove
ls Lo geL your exam papers back. ?ou can Lhen go Lhrough Lhem and look for several Lhlngs:

are Lhere any 12/+3* LhaL you conslsLenLly losL marks on?

are Lhere any 1)/"* 2$ 45"*1+2' LhaL you conslsLenLly goL wrong?

are Lhere many glarlng .+*1(6"* LhaL you can see now?

are Lhere any LhaL were sLralghL ouL your noLes and books LhaL you dldn'L geL rlghL?

are Lhere any where you had Lhe knowledge Lo geL for example, 4 ouL of 4 buL you only goL 1 or 2?

8y dolng Lhls, you are Lrylng Lo ldenLlfy lf lL ls your sub[ecL knowledge LhaL ls Lhe problem or your exam
Lechnlque or boLh.

1he problem maybe obvlously one Lhlng or lL mlghL be a blL of everyLhlng. Cnce you know, Lhen you can
sLarL Lo work on lL. lor example, lf you losL a loL of marks on one or Lwo quesLlons, Lhen you dldn'L know
LhaL Loplc well enough.

lf you conslsLenLly do worse ln say calculaLlons versus wrlLLen answers ln sclence, Lhen Lhere ls someLhlng
wrong wlLh your approach Lo Lhose quesLlons and Lhe way you sLudled for Lhem.

lf you do worse on long quesLlons versus shorL mark answers, Lhen you need help wlLh sLrucLure and how
Lo break Lhe marks down Lo sLop you becomlng overwhelmed.

lf you keep maklng sllly mlsLakes, Lhen your exam Lechnlque needs work, whlch really goes back Lo how
you sLudy or even how you manage your Llme ln an exam.

lf Lhere are facLual quesLlons sLralghL from your books and noLes LhaL you geL wrong, Lhen you aren'L
sLudylng hard enough or paylng enough aLLenLlon Lo deLall or you need Lo add some varleLy Lo your sLudy

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