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The BeeBox Hive System for Profitable Beekeeping

The BeeBox Hive system is the latest EPS-polystyrene hive system from Paradise Honey
Ltd. The product is the result of 30 years of ee!eepin" experience in the i""est
ee!eepin" operation of Scandinavia.
The BeeBox Hive system has een developed and tested in the demandin" #eather
conditions $innish ee!eepin" is facin". %rctic #inters colder than & 3'() and summer
heat of more than 30() provided us the experience to !no# ees and ee!eepers a#ait
from a "ood ee hive.
%ll parts of the BeeBox Hive are made of food "rade* extra hardened* expanded
polystyrene +EPS, #ith a density over -00 !".m
. The components are manufactured in an
automatic mouldin" machine. /n proper use* the hive parts #ill last for several decades.
The BeeBox hive system is manufactured for #orld#ide distriution. The standard
measurements are Lan"stroth and 0adant ox si1es used throu"hout Europe* %merica
and 2ussia.
The BeeBox Brood Chambers and Supers
/n order to save space durin" transport the oxes are supplied unassemled in four parts.
To %ssemle the Hive3
-. Place the extra hard plastic profiles* #hich form the frame rests and ed"e
protection* into their "rooves in the top and ottom the front and the ac! pieces.
4. The parts are connected to each other y an internal ton"ue and "roove system.
Place one side on the floor and stic! it to"ether #ith the front and the ac! piece.
Then insert the other side piece into the correspondin" ends. The 5oints can e
secured y applyin" a small amount of hi"h-6uality #ater-resistant "lue to the
ton"ues efore 5oinin" the pieces. %lthou"h the 5oints connect perfectly #ithout any
"lue* it helps to maximise the structural ri"idity of the ox.
The Unique Frame Rests and End-Profiles of the BeeBox Hive
The special frame rests increase the stren"th of the ox and protect it from dama"e
caused y the hive tool and minimi1e prolems #ith the oxes durin" the tens of years in
use. The notches are essential for loc!in" the hive compartments to each other thus
preventin" them from slidin" durin" transport. %s the notch is only 7 mm hi"h* the oxes
remain easy to open and tilt for inspection.
BeeBox Hives are normally !ept #ith -0 frames per ox. /f preferred* the oxes can e
used as #ell #ith only 8 to 9 frames per ox. :ptionally the frame rests can e e6uipped
#ith frame spacers for 8* 9 or -0 frames.
The Speial Handles of the BeeBox Hive
%ll oxes of the BeeBox system are fitted #ith er"onomically desi"ned handles located
oth at the sides and at the ends of the oxes. They enale the ee!eeper to lift the oxes
in a alanced #ay #hen placin" them on a hive or #hen removin" them durin" the
harvest. 0urin" transport the lon" handles allo# for a "ood "rip and an easy lift from a
comfortale hei"ht in difficult situations.
The Top of the BeeBox Hive
/n the normal position the top of the hive closes ti"htly. /t should e used in comination
#ith a plastic sheet placed on the top ars of the coms. The top can e secured a"ainst
stron" #inds #ith a stone or ric! #ei"hin" aout 4 !". 0urin" mi"ration it is secured #ith
a strap.
The top of the BeeBox hive is used in the normal position durin" sprin"* fall and #inter. %t
hi"h summer temperatures* or durin" mi"ration* the top can e turned upside do#n. /n this
position the top provides additional ventilation and prevents the hive from overheatin". /f
ees are allo#ed to exit throu"h the shallo# tunnel formed y the reversed hive top the
plastic sheet elo# it is simply dra#n ac! aout -0 cm. /f ees are not allo#ed to exit the
hive from the top the plastic sheet is replaced y a propolis screen or another ee ti"ht
;e recommend that the top is !ept in tunnel position #ith the plastic sheet pulled ac!
#hen the daytime temperature is aove < 48 (). /f temperatures reach hi"her than < 34
() the plastic sheet should e replaced y a screen. %t hi"h temperatures the ees should
e !ept in the shade. /n hot climates proper ventilation reduces the ees #or! for
collectin" #ater or ventilatin" the hive y fannin".
The bottom board of the BeeBox Hive
The 9' mm hi"h ottom oard of the BeeBox Hive has scalloped ed"es and an aluminum
screen ottom to maximi1e ventilation. ;hen fully open the fli"ht entrance is -8 mm hi"h.
/t is possile to slide a =arroa monitorin" oard under the screen and close the ottom
The hives are recommended to e !ept on pallets aove the "round to ensure ade6uate
air movement throu"h the screen ottom at all times.
>enerally the screen ottom is !ept open. The ventilation throu"h the mesh improves the
#interin" results. ?ot even dead ees and other deris can loc! the air movement durin"
#inter. The hives survive even in situations #here the entrance is loc!ed y ice. 0urin"
#interin" condensed #ater #ill run do#n throu"h the screen ottom.
%fter the cleansin" fli"ht the ees start to rear more rood. %t this time it is advanta"eous
to slide the Varroa-monitorin" oard in place. This prevents any draft in the hive throu"h
the screen ottom. ;ithout a coolin" draft* ees #ill expand their rood nest consideraly
faster. 0urin" sprin" the entrance can e !ept reduced to a hei"ht of 8 mm. ;hen
temperatures reach <40 () and the ee population has "ro#n i" enou"h to protect their
rood from lo# ni"ht temperatures* the Varroa monitorin" oard can e removed and the
entrance enlar"ed to -8 mm.
0urin" sprin" the entrance feeders #ith a volume of - or -*8 liters can e used to feed the
colonies. This #ay the colonies do not have to e opened and individual frames do not
have to e handled. )olonies short of feed are 5ust fed #ith the entrance feeder.
Simultaneously they "et fresh #ater* #hich is vital to them at this time of the year.
Usin! the BeeBox Hive in Hot Climates at more than "#$C
/n hot climates* the hives should not e exposed to continuous sunli"ht. The hives should
e set up in some distance to houses and other o5ects* #hich radiate heat and loc!
coolin" #inds. ;hen the temperature stays permanently over 34() in the shade* the
plastic sheet should e removed from the top of the hive and replaced #ith a propolis
sheet or another ee ti"ht "rid. To"ether #ith the reversed top* this #ill cool the hive in the
entire top area.
Transportin! the BeeBox Hive
;e recommend that the hives are prepared for mi"ration on the day efore. ?ote that the
numer of supers per hive must e in proportion to the stren"th of the colony. :verheatin"
of the hives is the i""est threat durin" transport. The plastic sheet should e removed
from the top of the hive. /t should e replaced #ith a ee ti"ht screen. The hive top should
e reversed into the tunnel position allo#in" additional ventilation. )lose the entrance #ith
a mesh* !eep the screen ottom oard open and pay attention to ade6uate air circulation
around the hives #hen they are loaded on the truc!. /n hot climates the ees may e
cooled durin" transport y sprayin" #ater on them. Place the hives the #ay that the
frames are ali"ned #ith the cars drivin" direction.
The Hive Top Feeder for the BeeBox Hive
The hive top feeder can ta!e up to -0 litres of syrup. The ees clim to the feeder from the
end. % removale* transparent acrylic cover prevents them from dro#nin" in the syrup. %s
the ees have access to the #hole #idth of the feeder they can rapidly remove the feed.
The ottom is sli"htly tilted to#ard the front allo#in" them to clear every drop of syrup. The
plastic lid can e removed if solid feed is "iven to the ees. 0ra# ac! the plastic sheet on
the coms aout -0 cm #hen placin" the feeder on the hive that the ees can access the
:n the inside the feeder has a volume indicatin" mar! at ' litres for precise feedin". The
underside is raised y 7 mm. Therefore little urr coms on top of the frames remain
unprolematic and no ees are crushed #hen the feeder is placed on the hive. /t leaves as
#ell some space for the ees to move freely under the feeder. This extra space et#een
the feeder and the top ars allo#s treatin" the ees #ith formic acid or thymol from the top
of the hive #ithout the need for a special raiser.
%aintenane and are of the BeeBox Hive
The outside surface of the BeeBox Hives should e painted #ith oil or #ater ased paint to
protect them from @= radiation and to ease cleanin". %ll surfaces of the hive tops* the
ottom oards and the feeders should e painted. Paintin" may e done y rushin"*
rollin" or sprayin". Li"ht colours are recommended to e used in hot climates and dar!er
tones in cold climates.
Polystyrene does not rot* #rap or asor moisture. Therefore the maintenance of the hive
is minimal and the first paintin" #ill last for tens of years. Parts soiled y ees can e
#ashed "ently y hand* or #ith a steam #asher. )areful steam #ashin" #ill remove
almost all patho"ens. /f the ee colonies have had ma5or prolems #ith ee diseases the
oxes can e disinfected y #ashin" them #ith a A B solution of sodium hydroxide
+?a:H,. The same can e achieved y #ashin" the hive parts #ith a solution of
dish#asher deter"ent po#der. % solution of one talet in ' litres of #ater is of appropriate
stren"th. =ir!on S is a disinfectant #idely used in Europe. % 4 B solution of this
disinfectant #ill !ill all acteria and spores of ee diseases #hen sprayed on pre-cleaned
hive surfaces. =ir!on S is iolo"ically de"radale and is not harmful to ees. The active
in"redients are amon" others potassium monopersulfate '0B and or"anic acids.
&ueen Trap S'stem for the BeeBox Hive
The Cueen Trap System is desi"ned for the BeeBox Hive series* ut fits also other hive
Dain advanta"es3
- easy to assemle and use
- reduces ee!eepin" #or!
- increases honey crop
- prevents s#armin"
;hen the main honey flo# and s#armin" season starts* the 6ueen is transferred to the
lo#er rood chamer and the Cueen Trap System is placed on top of it. /t provides an
entrance #ith a landin" oard for the ees et#een the t#o lo#ermost oxes. % closin"
oard is used to permanently close the entrance in the ottom oard.
The 6ueen is trapped in the lo#est rood chamer* ut the ees can move freely throu"h
the trapEs 6ueen excluder to feed her and ta!e care of the rood. The ees #ill carry nectar
and pollen throu"h the ne# entrance et#een the oxes and store the honey in the supers
located aove. S#armin" is prevented ecause the 6ueen cannot leave the hive throu"h
the excluder.
/f the colony tries to s#arm the ees #ill reali1e that the 6ueen is not #ith them and #ill
return to their hive and continue collectin" nectar and pollen. ;hen the s#armin" fever is
over and the 6ueen is layin" e""s the normal entrance in the ottom oard can e opened
a"ain. /f there is a vir"in 6ueen in the rood chamer the openin" of the normal entrance
in the ottom oard enales her to start her matin" fli"hts. T#o #ee!s after openin" the
entrance the youn" 6ueen #ill e layin" e""s. Sometimes oth the old and youn" 6ueen
are livin" side y side in the hive. The 6ueens that tried to s#arm and their dau"hters
should e replaced efore the next season to minimi1e s#armin" prolems in the future.
The entrance created y the Cueen Trap System can e easily closed #ith the closin"
oard* #hich is normally functionin" as landin" oard. Therefore the hives can easily e
mi"rated #ith the Cueen Trap System in place.
The Cueen Trap System is made from food "rade plastic. The Cueen Trap System
consists of four special profiles* t#o landin".closin" oards and a full si1e 6ueen excluder.
$irst assemle the three profiles to form a @-shape. Then slide the excluder into the
profileEs "roove from the open side of the @-shaped form. $inally attach the remainin"
profile to the others formin" a rim around the excluder.
The (u ) %ate Hive
The ?uc F Date Hive is desi"ned to ease ee!eepin" and ma!e it more efficient. This
nucleus hive can e used to expand your ee!eepin" operation* to sell ees or as an
economical matin" hive.
The ?uc F Date Hive is made of food "rade* extra hardened* expanded polystyrene +EPS,
#ith a density over -00 !".m
. /n proper use* the ?uc F Date Hive #ill last for several
The ottom oard* hive ody and top are provided #ith 7 mm hi"h notch system #hich
loc!s the parts #ell into each other. 0urin" the desi"n of the ?uc F Date Hive special
attention has een paid to "ood ventilation* transport and stac!in" properties.
The ?uc F Date Hive has a screen ottom oard #ith t#o -8 mm hi"h entrances on
opposite sides. /n the middle of the ottom oard there is a G mm #ide "roove for the
divider oard if the hive is used for t#o separate matin" units. The mesh coverin" the
ventilation hole in the ottom oard should e secured #ith t#o scre#s. The "roove
holdin" the dividin" oard continues in the end #alls as #ell as in the inside of the hive
top. $or frame si1es #ith short top ars +for example 0?D, the divider "roove can also e
provided parallel to the entrance. The ottom oard has scalloped ed"es that allo# a "ood
ventilation and "rip.
;ith the ?uc F Date Hive t#o 6ueens can e mated #ithin the same ox y dividin" this
six frame hive into t#o three frame matin" units. To e used as a matin" hive each three
frame compartment should e e6uipped #ith a frame #ith emer"in" rood* one frame
containin" food +or a frame feeder, and one foundation frame to"ether #ith a ripe 6ueen
cell or hatched 6ueen. ;hen the 6ueen is layin"* the unit can e reused for matin"
another 6ueen. /n fall the divider is removed and the six frame colony is over#intered #ith
a youn" 6ueen. @ntil the next season these nuclei #ill evolve into valuale honey
producin" hives.
0urin" transport the hive top is secured #ith a strap. /n the apiary the hive tops are !ept in
place #ith a stone or ric! #ei"hin" aout 4 !". /n hot climates or durin" transport the top
can e turned upside do#n to form a tunnel aove the frames ensurin" additional
ventilation #hile a screen placed on top of the hive prevents the ees from escapin".
The ?uc F Date Hive is produced to suit the follo#in" frame si1es3 0adant Blatt* H
0adant* 0adant @S%* Lan"stroth @S%* Lan"stroth 2ussia* I Lan"stroth* Jander* 0?D*
Portu"uese $rame * Bel"ian $rame* En"lish Standard* 0utch $rame* ?or#e"ian $rame
and S#edish $rame.

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