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Tugas Minggu I

Managing workplace hazards in the workplace

This unit of work aims to provide students with an understanding of:
o how to identify a workplace hazard
o how to assess the risk of the hazard occurring
o how to implement measures for controlling hazards
On completion of this unit of work, students will be able to:
o define what a hazard is and be able to identify a workplace hazard
o explain what risk management is and conduct a risk assessment activity
o understand the measures that can be implemented to control the risks in a
Unit kerja bertujuan untuk menyediakan siswa dengan pemahaman tentang:
o bagaimana mengidentifikasi bahaya di tempat kerja
o bagaimana menilai resiko bahaya yang terjadi
o bagaimana menerapkan langkahlangkah untuk mengendalikan bahaya
!etelah menyelesaikan unit ini bekerja, siswa akan dapat:
o mendefinisikan apa bahaya adalah dan mampu mengidentifikasi bahaya di tempat kerja
o menjelaskan apa manajemen risiko dan melakukan kegiatan penilaian risiko
o memahami langkahlangkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengendalikan risiko di tempat
Unit outline
Topic Content Related Activities
"orkplace hazards and risk
o "hat is a hazard#
o $azard identification and
risk assessment
o %ctivity &: 'dentifying
hazards and risk
o (isk management
o $azard control in the
o The working environment
o %ctivity ): *ase studies
o !afety +irst or ,xpect
the "orst: %ctivities &-
and &&
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age ) of &0
What is a hazard?
$azard is anything 1including work
practices or procedures2 that has the
potential to harm the health or safety of a
$azards can be grouped into five broad
o physical eg4 noise, radiation,
light, vibration
o chemical eg4 poisons, dusts
o biological eg4 viruses, plants,
o mechanical5electrical eg4 slips,
trips and falls, tools, electrical
o psychological eg4 fatigue,
violence, bullying4
$azards can arise from:
o the work environment
o the use of machinery and
o poor work design
o inappropriate systems and
,xamples of workplace hazards include:
o manual handling e4g pushing,
pulling, carrying, lifting
o work environment e4g4 floor
surfaces, noise, temperature
o machinery
o heat e4g4 burns and scalds
o electricity e4g4 electrocution
o harassment e4g4 bullying and5or
o hazardous substances e4g4
chemicals, fumes
o biological waste
o skin penetrating injuries e4g4
knife or syringe injuries
o noise
o confined space
(ecognising the hazards in a workplace
and taking steps to eliminate or control
the hazard ensures the safety and well
being of all employees4 't is easier and
more effective to eliminate or control the
hazard before serious injuries result4
%n employer must eliminate any
reasonably foreseeable risk to the health
and safety of employees and others in the
workplace and if this is not practicable
must control the risk4
$azards can be dealt with by:
o eliminating the hazard
o changing the e6uipment or
o changing work methods
o using personal protection
e6uipment 1//,2 1as a last
$azard adalah segala sesuatu 1termasuk
praktek kerja atau prosedur2 yang
memiliki potensi untuk membahayakan
kesehatan atau keselamatan seseorang4
7ahaya dapat dikelompokkan menjadi
lima bidang yang luas:
o misalnya fisik4 kebisingan, radiasi,
cahaya, getaran
o kimia misalnya4 racun, debu
o misalnya biologis4 virus, tanaman,
o mekanik 5 listrik misalnya4
slip, perjalanan dan jatuh,
peralatan, peralatan listrik
o misalnya psikologis4
kelelahan, kekerasan,
7ahaya dapat muncul dari:
o lingkungan kerja
o penggunaan mesin dan zat
o desain kerja yang buruk
o sistem dan prosedur yang tidak pantas
*ontoh bahaya di tempat kerja meliputi:
o penanganan manual misalnya
mendorong, menarik, membawa,
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age 8 of &0
o lingkungan kerja mis permukaan lantai,
kebisingan, suhu
o mesin
o panas mis luka bakar dan luka bakar
o mis listrik listrik
o pelecehan mis bullying dan 5 atau
o zat berbahaya mis bahan kimia, asap
limbah biologis o
o kulit menembus luka mis pisau atau
jarum suntik cedera
o kebisingan
o ruang tertutup
.enyadari bahaya di tempat kerja dan
mengambil langkahlangkah untuk
menghilangkan atau mengendalikan
bahaya menjamin keselamatan dan
kesejahteraan seluruh karyawan4 9ebih
mudah dan lebih efektif untuk
menghilangkan atau mengontrol bahaya
sebelum cedera serius terjadi4
!eorang majikan harus menghilangkan
risiko layak dapat diduga untuk
kesehatan dan keselamatan karyawan
dan lainlain di tempat kerja dan jika hal
ini tidak praktis harus mengontrol risiko4
7ahaya dapat ditangani oleh:
o menghilangkan bahaya
o mengubah peralatan atau bahan
o mengubah metode kerja
o menggunakan peralatan perlindungan
pribadi 1//,2 1sebagai pilihan terakhir2
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age : of &0
Hazard identiication and
risk assessment
There are a number of ways hazards can
be identified in the workplace4 These
o workplace inspections
o consultation between
employees and employers
o monitoring injury and illness
o health and environment
o recording complaints
o observation
Once a hazard has been identified, you
can then assess how dangerous it is by
o $ow likely is it that the hazard
may cause an injury or illness
to someone#
o $ow severe will the injury or
illness be#
The answers to these 6uestions will help
in assessing, controlling or eliminating the
hazard4 The level of risk will determine
the priority assigned to its elimination or
(isk is the probability that harm might
come to a person4 't is a measure of how
likely an injury or illness is when a hazard
(isk assessment is the process used to
determine the likelihood that people may
be exposed to injury, illness or disease in
the workplace arising from any situation
identified during the hazard identification
How likel! is it to happen?
o 't could happen any time very
o 't could happen sometime
o 't could happen but very rarely
; unlikely
o 't could happen but probably
never happen ; very unlikely
How "ad is it likel! to "e?
o <ill or cause permanent injury
o *ause long term illness or
serious injury
o *ause someone to need
medical attention
o *ause someone to need first
$azards can be rated on a scale of & to =
using the risk assessment matrix4
o & is high risk
o = is low risk
Once a hazard has been identified and
the risk assessed, suitable control
measures should be put in place to
eliminate the risk to employees3 health
and safety4
'dentifikasi bahaya dan penilaian risiko
%da sejumlah cara bahaya dapat
diidentifikasi di tempat kerja4 'ni termasuk:
o inspeksi tempat kerja
o konsultasi antara karyawan dan
o pemantauan cedera dan penyakit
o pemantauan kesehatan dan lingkungan
keluhan o rekaman
pengamatan o
!etelah bahaya telah diidentifikasi, %nda
kemudian dapat menilai betapa
berbahayanya dengan bertanya:
o 7erapa besar kemungkinan bahwa
bahaya dapat menyebabkan cedera atau
sakit kepada seseorang#
o !eberapa parah akan cedera atau sakit
>awaban atas pertanyaan ini akan
membantu dalam menilai, mengendalikan
atau menghilangkan bahaya4 Tingkat
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age ? of &0
risiko akan menentukan prioritas yang
ditugaskan untuk penghapusan atau
(isiko adalah probabilitas yang
merugikan mungkin datang ke
seseorang4 'ni adalah ukuran dari
seberapa besar kemungkinan cedera
atau sakit adalah ketika bahaya ada4
/enilaian risiko adalah proses yang
digunakan untuk menentukan
kemungkinan bahwa orang mungkin
terkena cedera, sakit atau penyakit di
tempat kerja yang timbul dari situasi yang
diidentifikasi selama proses identifikasi
7erapa besar kemungkinan itu terjadi#
o 'tu bisa terjadi setiap saat sangat
o 'tu bisa terjadi kapan mungkin
o 'tu bisa terjadi tapi sangat jarang tidak
o 'tu bisa terjadi tapi mungkin tidak
pernah terjadi sangat tidak mungkin
!eberapa buruk itu mungkin#
o .embunuh atau menyebabkan cedera
o /enyebab penyakit jangka panjang
atau cedera serius
o /enyebab seseorang membutuhkan
perhatian medis
o /enyebab seseorang membutuhkan
pertolongan pertama
7ahaya dapat dinilai pada skala & sampai
= dengan menggunakan matriks penilaian
o & adalah berisiko tinggi
o = adalah risiko rendah
!etelah bahaya telah diidentifikasi dan
risiko dinilai, tindakan kontrol yang sesuai
harus diletakkan di tempat untuk
menghilangkan risiko terhadap kesehatan
dan keselamatan karyawan4
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age = of &0
The risk assessment matri#
$% How severel!
could it hurt
How ill could
it make
&% How likel! is it to "e that "ad?
(er! likel!
*ould happen
any time
*ould happen
some time
Could happen,
but very rarely
* *
(er! unlikel!
Could happen,
but probably
never will
++++ ,ill or cause
disa"ilit! or
ill health
& &
+++ )ong term
illness or
in-ur! &
8 :
++ Medical
and several
da!s o
8 : ?
+ .irst aid
8 : ?
(Source: Hazpak: Making Your Workplace Safer, "ork*over @!" )

.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age A of &0
What is risk management?
(isk management is introduced to control
workplace hazards and so reduce the risk
of an injury or illness occurring4
,mployers need to develop a risk
management policy so risks in the
workplace can be controlled or
(isk management involves:
o Identifying the hazard
<now what the dangers
are in the workplace4
<eep records of
accidents and injuries,
conduct safety
inspections of the
workplace and list all
plant and hazardous
o Assessing the risk
Betermine what the risk
is that someone may be
injured4 %ssess how
likely it is that a
hazardous event will
occur and what the
conse6uences are likely
to be4
o Controlling the risk
'mplement measures to
prevent injury or illness4
+irst try to eliminate the
risk4 'f this is not
possible, the risk should
be minimised using
modifications, isolation
or engineering controls4
7ackup controls such
as personal protective
e6uipment should only
be used as a last resort4
o Monitoring and improving
the workplace
*ontrol measures
should be reviewed to
maintain their
effectiveness and further
refine the process4
'f elimination of the hazard is not
possible, then the risk still exists and
should be minimised by using the most
effective method, using the following, in
o substituting the
system of work or
machinery with
something safer
o isolating the hazard
o minimising the risk
by introducing
engineering controls
eg4 guard rail, scaffolding
o minimising the risk by adopting
administrative controls eg4
warning signs, safe work
practices, job rotation, training
o using personal protective
e6uipment eg4 safety glasses,
ear muffs4
'f no single control is sufficient, a
combination of the above controls needs
to be put in place to minimise the risk to
the lowest level that is reasonably
The measures at the fourth and fifth
levels are less effective, and re6uire more
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age C of &0
fre6uent reviews of the hazards and
systems of work4
%pakah manajemen risiko#
.anajemen risiko diperkenalkan untuk
mengendalikan bahaya di tempat kerja
dan mengurangi risiko cedera atau sakit
yang terjadi4 /engusaha perlu
mengembangkan kebijakan manajemen
risiko sehingga risiko di tempat kerja
dapat dikendalikan atau dihilangkan4
.anajemen risiko meliputi:
o .engidentifikasi bahaya
Tahu apa bahaya di tempat kerja4
.enyimpan catatan dari kecelakaan dan
cedera, melakukan inspeksi keselamatan
di tempat kerja dan daftar semua
tanaman dan zat berbahaya4
o .enilai risiko
Tentukan apa risikonya adalah bahwa
seseorang mungkin terluka4 .enilai
seberapa besar kemungkinan itu adalah
bahwa peristiwa berbahaya akan terjadi
dan apa konsekuensinya mungkin4
o .engontrol risiko
.elaksanakan langkahlangkah untuk
mencegah cedera atau sakit4 /ertama
mencoba untuk menghilangkan risiko4
>ika hal ini tidak mungkin, risiko harus
diminimalkan dengan menggunakan
substitusi, modifikasi, isolasi atau
rekayasa kontrol4 7ackup kontrol seperti
alat pelindung diri seharusnya hanya
digunakan sebagai pilihan terakhir4
o /emantauan dan meningkatkan tempat
Tindakan pengendalian harus ditinjau
untuk menjaga efektivitas dan lebih
menyempurnakan proses4
>ika penghapusan bahaya tidak mungkin,
maka risiko masih ada dan harus
diminimalkan dengan menggunakan
metode yang paling efektif, menggunakan
berikut, dalam rangka:
o menggantikan sistem bekerja atau
mesin dengan sesuatu yang lebih aman
o mengisolasi bahaya
o meminimalkan risiko dengan
memperkenalkan kontrol rekayasa
misalnya4 penjaga rel, scaffolding
o meminimalkan risiko dengan
mengadopsi kontrol administratif
misalnya4 tandatanda peringatan, praktik
kerja yang aman, rotasi kerja, pelatihan
o menggunakan alat pelindung diri
misalnya4 kacamata keselamatan, sarung
>ika tidak ada kendali tunggal cukup,
kombinasi dari kontrol atas perlu
diletakkan di tempat untuk meminimalkan
risiko ke level terendah yang cukup
9angkahlangkah di tingkat keempat dan
kelima kurang efektif, dan memerlukan
ulasan lebih sering dari bahaya dan
sistem kerja4
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age 0 of &0
Hazard control in the workplace
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age &- of &0
Hierarch! o hazard controls
To ensure a safe workplace, hazards must be controlled using a range
of methods4
The hierarchy of hazard controls is a list, in order of preference, which
can be considered in hazard control4 't emphasises controlling
a hazard at the source4 This is done by giving preference to the
use of the Dengineering controlsD as listed below4
"here possible, the ideas listed below should be used because they
are less likely to be affected by human failure and because they are less disruptive
and uncomfortable for people working in the area4 "hichever method is used, the
effectiveness of the control measure used should be monitored regularly4
/ngineering Controls
o Design4 Try to ensure that hazards are Ddesigned outD when new materials, e6uipment
and work systems are being planned for the workplace4
o Remove the hazard or u!stitute less hazardous materials, e6uipment or substances4
o Adopt a safer process4 %lterations to tools, e6uipment or work systems can often
make them much safer4
o "nclose or isolate the hazard through the use of guards or remote handling
o #rovide effective ventilation through local or general exhaust ventilation systems4
Administrative Controls
o "sta!lish appropriate Administrative #rocedures such as:
job rotation to reduce exposure or boredom, or timing the
job so that fewer workers are exposed
routine maintenance and housekeeping procedures
training on hazards and correct work procedures4
0ersonal 0rotective /1uipment
o #rovide suitable and properly maintained #ersonal #rotective "$uipment 1//,2 and
training in its use4
/#amples o common hazards
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age && of &0
The table below shows examples of typical problems created by workplace hazards and
some injuries and illnesses that can result4 'ndividual workplaces may have hazards other
than those listed below4
HA2AR3 T405CA) 0RO6)/M7
T405CA) 589UR4:5))8/77
R/;U5R58< .5R7T A53
Manual handling Overexertion5(epetitive
!prains, strains, fractures
.alls +alls from heights, slips and
trips on uneven surfaces
+ractures, bruises, cuts,
dislocations, concussion
/lectricit! *ontact with electrical
!hock, burns, loss of
consciousness, cardiac
0lant 7eing hit by projectiles,
striking objects, being
caught in machinery,
overturning vehicles
*uts, bruises, dislocations,
fractures, amputation, eye
Hazardous su"stances ,xposure to chemicals, e4g4
solvents, acids,
Bizziness, vomiting,
dermatitis, respiratory
problems, burns to skin or
Temperature= U( radiation ,ffects of heat or cold from
weather or work
!unburn, frostbite, heat
stress, heat stroke,
6iological %llergens, needle stick,
exposure to infectious
!evere allergic reaction,
injuries, skin rash, infection
Occupational violence 'ntimidation, conflict,
physical assault
@ausea, shock, collapse,
physical injuries
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age &) of &0
The working environment
,mployers also have obligations in relation to the working environment4 The re6uirements
relate to:
o Working space
provide sufficient working space to allow people to work safely
ensure that floors and surfaces are constructed and maintained to minimise the
possibility of slips, trips and falls
ensure that people are able to move about a place of work safely and
o )ighting
provide ade6uate lighting to allow workers to work safely, move safely, and enter
and exit the workplace safely 1including from emergency exits2
ensure that there is not excessive glare or reflection
ensure that lighting allows persons who are not workers to move safely within
the place of work4
o Hot and cold working environments
provide ade6uate ventilation and air movement in indoor environments that may
become hot
provide ade6uate access to heated or sheltered areas and warm clothing or
other personal protective e6uipment if employees are exposed to cold
provide appropriate work and rest regimes relative to physical fitness, general
health, medication taken and body weight appropriate for both hot and cold
working environments4
o 8oise management
not allow exposure to noise levels that exceed an eighthour noise e6uivalent of
C? d71%2 or peak at more than &:- d71*24
o Other o"ligations
fire prevention, electricity, confined spaces, manual handling, atmosphere
ventilation, working at heights4
(Source: WorkCover, NSW)
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age &8 of &0
Consultation with workers in workplace health and saet!
*onsultation is defined as the sharing of relevant information on occupational health and
safety where employees are given the opportunity to express their views and contribute in
a timely fashion to resolution of occupational health and safety issues4
*onsultation means that employees3 views are valued and taken into account by the
business4 *onsultation needs to be a twoway communication that allows for employees to
contribute to the decisionmaking which affects their health, safety and welfare4
*onsultation is not the same as negotiation4
,mployers must consult with their employees in the following situations:
o when determining how the consultation process will take place
o in the assessment of risks and the review of risk assessments previously conducted
o when making decisions on the control of O$! risks in the workplace
o during the introduction or change of procedures used for monitoring risks, for
example health surveillance
o when making decisions about the
ade6uacy of welfare facilities
o when proposed changes are made to
premises, work methods, plant or
substances which may affect the
health, safety or welfare of employees
at work
o when making decisions about consultation procedures
o as prescribed by the (egulations from time to time4
Under the O$! (egulation, employers are re6uired to provide specified induction training
to each new employee as well as ensure that any person who may be exposed to a risk to
health and safety at the workplace is informed of the risk, and
is provided with any information, instruction and training
necessary to ensure their health and safety4
"ork experience and work placement students should receive
information and any training necessary from the host employer
to ensure their safety4
The employer must also provide persons in its organisation
who have training and information responsibilities with all available information necessary
to enable them to fulfil those responsibilities4
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age &: of &0
Managing workplace hazards
7tudent Activit! $> 5denti!ing hazards and risk management
%nswer the following 6uestions4
&2 9ist 8 hazards that you may find in each of the following workplaces:
a2 Office
b2 $otel
c2 +actory
d2 +arm
e2 7uilding site
)2 9ist injuries that may result from each of the following hazards:
a2 .anual handling
b2 @oise
c2 $azardous substances
82 *omplete the attached worksheet on hazards in your school4
.anaging workplace hazards in the workplace /age &? of &0
Hazards= Risks and Controls Worksheet
*omplete the following worksheet using your school as an example4
9ist hazards you have observed in different areas of the school4
Bescribe the risks associated with each hazard4
!uggest ways that the risks associated with the hazard may be controlled4
/laces to observe may include computer rooms, the library, the front office, classrooms, the playground, the canteen, etc
Hazard ?pro"lem@
Eanything that can lead to someone
developing an illness or being injuredF
Risk ?harm@
Ethe potential to cause harm to people or
Controls ?solution@
E,liminate, change the e6uipment or
materials, change work methods, use
personal protectionF
,xample: .anual $andling .uscle strain
7ack injuries
*hange work practice to ensure correct
procedures are followed4
Case 7tudies A workplace hazards
7tudent Activit! &
(ead the case studies provided and answer the 6uestions that follow each case study4
Case 7tud! > 3emolition compan! ined BCD=EEE ollowing accident
The lack of clear instructions and proper supervision in the dangerous business of demolition
lay at the core of a breach of the Occupational $ealth and !afety %ct that resulted in a
GA?,--- fine being imposed on Belta /ty 9td in the 'ndustrial (elations *ommission4
This conclusion by >ustice 7oland in the case that led to two workers sustaining serious
injuries after a building collapsed sent a clear safety message to all demolition operators, the
%cting Heneral .anager of "ork*over @!" said today4
'n &00A the defendant was contracted to demolish a number of buildings on the +ox !tudio
premises in !ydney4
On 8- .ay one of the buildings was being demolished in a method known as controlled
Two employees of the defendant were on a scissor lift cutting timber purlins inside the building
when the structure collapsed, toppling the lift4
One worker sustained a compound fracture to one arm, injuries to the liver, fractured ribs and
a fractured pelvis4
The other employee suffered a fractured pelvis, loss of several teeth, and injuries to his
tendon, cheek and mouth4
The court heard that hinge cuts and rust in several of the building3s steel supports had
weakened the structure and contributed to its collapse4
>ustice 7oland said that the absence of the demolition supervisor as approved by the
defendant3s state manager, and his replacement with someone who was not experienced
enough for such a dangerous operation, was a serious error of judgement in respect of the
defendant3s responsibilities under the Occupational $ealth and !afety %ct4
(Source: WorkCover Autority of NSW)
7aca studi kasus yang tersedia dan menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan yang mengikuti setiap
studi kasus4
!tudi <asus: /erusahaan Bemolition didenda G A?4--- setelah kecelakaan
<urangnya instruksi yang jelas dan pengawasan yang tepat dalam bisnis berbahaya
pembongkaran berbaring inti dari pelanggaran <esehatan dan <eselamatan <erja Undang
Undang yang menghasilkan G A?4--- denda yang dikenakan pada Belta /ty 9td di <omisi
$ubungan 'ndustrial4
<esimpulan ini oleh $akim 7oland dalam kasus yang menyebabkan dua pekerja
mempertahankan cedera serius setelah sebuah bangunan runtuh mengirim pesan
keselamatan yang jelas ke semua operator pembongkaran, /lt Heneral .anager "ork*over
@!" mengatakan hari ini4
/ada tahun &00A terdakwa dikontrak untuk menghancurkan sejumlah bangunan di tempat
+ox !tudio di !ydney4
/ada tanggal 8- .ei salah satu bangunan sedang dihancurkan pada metode yang dikenal
sebagai runtuhnya dikendalikan4
Bua karyawan terdakwa berada di lift gunting memotong purlins kayu di dalam gedung ketika
struktur runtuh, menjatuhkan lift4
!eorang pekerja menderita patah tulang senyawa untuk satu tangan, luka pada hati, patah
tulang rusuk dan panggul patah4
<aryawan lainnya mengalami retak panggul, kehilangan beberapa gigi, dan lukaluka tendon
nya, pipi dan mulut4
/engadilan mendengar bahwa pemotongan engsel dan karat di beberapa dukungan baja
bangunan telah melemahkan struktur dan memberikan kontribusi terhadap keruntuhannya4
<eadilan 7oland mengatakan bahwa tidak adanya pengawas pembongkaran yang disetujui
oleh manajer negara terdakwa, dan penggantinya dengan seseorang yang tidak cukup
berpengalaman untuk operasi berbahaya seperti, adalah kesalahan serius penghakiman
sehubungan tanggung jawab terdakwa di bawah <esehatan <erja dan <eselamatan %ct4
Case 7tud! ;uestions
&4 $ow many employees were injured in the accident#
7erapa banyak karyawan yang terluka dalam kecelakaan itu#
)4 'dentify the hazard in the article above4
84 9ist the factors that contributed to the accident4
Baftar faktorfaktor yang berkontribusi terhadap kecelakaan4
:4 9ist some control measures that could have been used to prevent the accident4
Baftar beberapa tindakan pengendalian yang bisa digunakan untuk mencegah
?4 "hy was the employer held responsible for the accident#
.engapa majikan bertanggung jawab atas kecelakaan itu#

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